

I can use now DISA settings like this one when I set E1 card connected directly to Asterisk. In this way every call dialed with pass 29 will be accepted. I have a billing which filters caller ID number and address calls to each account with same caller ID number previously set




exten => 1536,1,Answer

exten => 1536,2,DigitTimeout(5)

exten => 1536,3,ResponseTimeout(10)

exten => 1536,4,Authenticate(29)

exten => 1536,5,DISA(no-password|brasil)

exten => 1536,6,Hangup


Now I need to add a Grandstream 488 for DISA to remote landlines. So asterisk will receive phone number from the landline connected to this grandstream and also the sip account which is linked to Asterisk. But I cant decode caller phone number who dialed to the landline connected to asterisk. Is that possible with Asterisk to create a variable to collect a dialed password and then present that password which I can read it and then manipulate that pass ?


Regards from Brazil ....


Kind Regards,




Diretoria Comercial - Newton Medina

PABX        11.3085.1536



Rua Augusta 2.212 SL 26 Jardins 01412001

São Paulo - Brasil



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