[Asterisk-Users] re: Asterisk CDR & UniqueID

2004-07-26 Thread Freddi Hansen
Hey All,
We are running a small SIP/IAX termination service at the moment
(planning on growing it) with 2 asterisk machines. One terminates the
SIP/IAX calls from our customers and one is our gateway to our upstream
provider. Both machines are logging CDR data to the same postgres table
using the cdr_psql module.
The problem I am having is I'm trying to work out how to link the CDR
records into a single 'call stream', rather than having separate records
per machine the call passes through.
Reading around on the Wiki and doing a bit of googling, I've worked out
that what I'm trying to do is the "normalization" step of "CDR
mediation", but I have not been able to find out any specifics about how
to go about it.
I would have thought that the originating asterisk machine would
generate the UniqueID for the call (Message-ID in SMTP terms) and pass
that along the call path, but each machine is using the epoch timestamp
of when it sees (or records, not sure which) of the call.
I know I can use the NoCDR app on the first machine in the chain, but
that does not scale if we need to add more machines to our network.
a) anyone have any idea of what I'm trying to explain, and
b) have any pointers of where I can find more information about doing 


I had the same problem. One solution is to include the ip-adr or uname 
of the gateway that serves the call, then you can have a true unique-id.
I did patch cdrcsv.c to include an exstra field which is the uname of my 
* server. Another possible way today is to use the 'SetCDRUserField'
to let the 'uname' into your  cdrstream.  For DB scaling issues I would 
recommend that you to use a 'global unique' table to convert your uname
to an integer so you dont get something like a char(32) in your DB key.

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[Asterisk-Users] Re: Asterisk CDR & UniqueID

2004-07-26 Thread Darryl Ross
Thanks for the reply Freddi,
The problem I am having is I'm trying to work out how to link the CDR
records into a single 'call stream', rather than having separate records
per machine the call passes through.
I had the same problem. One solution is to include the ip-adr or uname 
of the gateway that serves the call, then you can have a true unique-id.
I did patch cdrcsv.c to include an exstra field which is the uname of my 
* server. Another possible way today is to use the 'SetCDRUserField'
to let the 'uname' into your  cdrstream.  
I've done some testing in setting both the account code and the CDR user 
field, but neither of them are being transferred between the two 
machines over the IAX2 link.

Is there any way of setting a variable or some such thing and having it 
transfered over the IAX2 link? I've thought about playing with the 
CallerID field which we're not really using at the moment, but we 
probably will in the future.

Any ideas?
If you want to live up to the whole "There is more than one way to
do it" slogan, you have to give someone a swiss army chainsaw ...
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