
Well, so much for mailing me off-list:  not a single person did!  In other
words, you've already seen the results of my request:

The options are:


Cost:  2.9 cents/min for both outgoing long distance and incoming 800
calls.  Service is pre-paid.

Advantages:  Extremely satisfied customers.  IAX support.

Disadvantages:  One of the worst websites I've ever seen for a company.
(Well, at least it doesn't use flash...)  However, customers say that the
customer side of the website is very good.


Cost:  between 2.55 and 1.9 cents/min for calls (according to a customer)

Advantages:  I don't know.  I could find out nothing about this company.
Their website didn't work for me at all in either Mozilla or IE:  All links
merely pointed to "#"...

Disadvantages:  A completely broken website, no US telephone numbers.

Seeing as only one person mentioned Global Gateway, and several raved about
Nufone, I guess that's the direction I'm going to look.

Nufone's service seems more geared to business use:  (800) number for
incoming, etc.  I was more looking for something for home:  a local
telephone number, a number of minutes for a small monthly cost, etc.  I'm
going to have to review my home usage to see if it makes sense.  However,
my use of VoIP at home is in preparation for using it at the office, so
maybe it's the best way to go...

Are there any other options that people are using?  IAX termination, while
nice, is not required:  SIP would work too.  I'd prefer to stay away from
H.323, but if you're using Asterisk to talk H.323 with a VoIP provider, I'd
love to hear about it...

Thank you very much for the responses.  I really appreciate your help.

Tim Massey

Asterisk-Users mailing list

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