Re: [Asterisk-Users] VOIP Spam

2004-04-18 Thread Duane
Tom Green wrote:

Some people have suggested maintaining black lists and
white lists to avoid spammers and allow legitimate
callers into the network. However, the problem with
this method is that the spammer's IP address might
change due to DHCP. Today a spammer might get
aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd and lets say that I put this address
in my blacklist. To my annoyance, tomorrow a
legitimate caller might get aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd and the
spammer might get a different IP address. In the end,
I end up blocking the legitimate caller also. Any
ideas or thoughts to on this problem is appreciated.
A couple of discussion about this have come up, and something occurred 
to me about the FCC decision about free world dialup not being 
classified as a phone service. This opens the flood gates to 
telemarketers to FWD users as they don't have to honour any form of do 
not call list the FCC issues, which then of course leads on to other 
systems like IAXTEL with all voice data over the internet rather then 
pstn network...

Also a possibly solution may have come out of the same discussions, 
technically if everyone enforces some kind of enum lookup before 
accepting calls, and the same enum lookup will return NAPTR records, so 
a slight modification to loop through all DNS records could then be 
checked against the current hostname/IP in a similar fashion to SPF 
records and mail servers...

End result is a nice neat little database of blacklisted phone numbers 
rather then IPs, you'd need some resolution service/time-out period to 
remove the black listing, but  lot harder to get new phone numbers 
then new IPs...

PS We've come up with a patch to the enum lookup to return a Caller Name 
from a TXT record, appreciate any feedback, our c skills are a little 
rusty so it's possibly not the most elegant solution...

Best regards,
 Duane - Free Security Certificates - Think globally, network locally - Telecommunications Freedom - Sell your photos over the net! - Using Enum.164 to interconnect asterisk servers
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Re: [Asterisk-Users] VOIP Spam

2004-04-18 Thread John Todd
At 8:32 AM -0700 on 4/15/04, Tom Green wrote:

Some people have suggested maintaining black lists and
white lists to avoid spammers and allow legitimate
callers into the network. However, the problem with
this method is that the spammer's IP address might
change due to DHCP. Today a spammer might get
aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd and lets say that I put this address
in my blacklist. To my annoyance, tomorrow a
legitimate caller might get aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd and the
spammer might get a different IP address. In the end,
I end up blocking the legitimate caller also. Any
ideas or thoughts to on this problem is appreciated.
I've read the rest of this thread about PKI, shared certs, etc. but I 
think that an important middle step is being missed by everyone.

I believe strongly in the concept of end-to-end connectivity as the 
optimal method to ensure authentication and authorization between 
two user agents (web, voip, email, whatever.)  However, it is often 
difficult to build such mechanisms that are easily used by the end 
user.  Most end users will happily hand over the responsibility for 
protection against spam in any form to a central administrator, and 
I think that as a first step it is appropriate to move the smart 
stuff to a central server instead of to every user's desktop (though 
eventually there should be smart stuff on the desktop.)

To this end: why is it _mandatory_ that all VOIP endpoints accept 
calls from other endpoints?  Of course, you could filter based on 
some type of kludge-y network filters, but that is ugly and does not 
scale.  SIP (and possibly IAX; I haven't looked at it much) have the 
ability to demand credentials from the remote host.  Why don't we use 
these features?

Here is my ideal world: When a SIP INVITE (or NOTIFY, or whatever) 
hits my desk SIP phone, it should refuse the message with a 401 
Unauthorized message.  Without correct credentials, messages simply 
aren't allowed past the threshhold of the SIP UA.  This should be a 
configurable option on my SIP UA - maybe I have some reasons to allow 
all messages from all hosts at some time.  However, most of the time 
I would want my SIP server (Asterisk, SER, whatever) to be in the 
path, and that smart gateway could do my blacklisting, 
authentication (PKI, etc.) and other tasks which would require more 
brains and more central administration.

No SIP device that I've ever seen has the option to deny SIP messages 
from all but authenticated hosts.  Why is that?  Seems pretty 
obvious.  It's always the other way around - SIP proxies allow or 
disallow messages according to authentication credentials (shared 
secret.)  Since I've never seen this in place, perhaps it is the case 
that I am mis-understanding how authentication can possibly work with 
SIP between a UA and a proxy?

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Re: [Asterisk-Users] VOIP Spam

2004-04-17 Thread Nicholas Bachmann
Duane wrote:

Tom Green wrote:


Encrypted SIP messages can be sent using TLS. However,
I don't think it is realistic to expect everyone
calling you to have a public/private key pair.

I don't quite agree.

SMTP servers that support SMTP-TLS and have valid certs + config do 
exactly that already...
But I think Tom's point is that SMTP-TLS is not very common.

However, a PKI for VoIP would be much easier, and much more manageable, 
than PKI for email.  Each provider would have to maintain a key server 
that stored keys for their users.  Then, a public, central registry of 
provider keys would be needed.  The main challenge would be getting 
private keys into phones.

Alice --- Alice's Provider (AP Co.) - 
Bob's Provider (BP Co.)  Bob
 [Signed by Alice]   [Alice's 
Verified Sig][Alice's Verified 

[Signed by AP Co.]  [AP Co.'s Verified Sig]

 [Signed by BP Co.]

In this system, Alice would sign and send her SIP messages to her 
provider's  SIP proxy.  Her provider, AP Co., proxy would verify the 
signature with its own key server, and, if valid, would sign it with the 
AP Co, key and pass it on to BP Co.'s proxy server.  The BP Co. proxy 
could then check AP Co.'s signature, sign the message, and pass it to 
Bob.  Bob, then, must only check that the message is signed by the 
user's provider.

There are, of course, weaknesses in this plan.  To name a few:
1. It's a chain of trust: it's hard for Bob to verify Alice's signature 
   -Not impossible to fix
2. A central registry must be created that's free and open for providers 
to use but secure enough to verify members.
   -Think about the global IP address distribution agencies
3. Phones must get private keys securely.


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Re: [Asterisk-Users] VOIP Spam

2004-04-17 Thread Duane
Nicholas Bachmann wrote:

1. It's a chain of trust: it's hard for Bob to verify Alice's signature 
   -Not impossible to fix's whole purpose is cheap, easily obtainable security... It 
employs a web of trust in the website frame work to build up and 
distribute face to face identification checks...

2. A central registry must be created that's free and open for providers 
to use but secure enough to verify members.
Again fulfils this criteria...

   -Think about the global IP address distribution agencies
3. Phones must get private keys securely.
Last one is as much a technical issue as a people issue, although PIX 
firewalls implement (forget the acronym) where they send a request to a 
CA and the CA sends back a certificate, I keep meaning to implement it 
for CAcert but I lack a PIX for dev  testing...

Best regards,
 Duane - Free Security Certificates - Think globally, network locally - Telecommunications Freedom - Sell your photos over the net! - Using Enum.164 to interconnect asterisk servers
Asterisk-Users mailing list
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Re: [Asterisk-Users] VOIP Spam

2004-04-17 Thread Nicholas Bachmann
Duane wrote:

Nicholas Bachmann wrote:

1. It's a chain of trust: it's hard for Bob to verify Alice's 
signature directly
   -Not impossible to fix's whole purpose is cheap, easily obtainable security... It 
employs a web of trust in the website frame work to build up and 
distribute face to face identification checks...
A web of trust is different from the chain of trust I'm talking about.  
In a web of trust, a key is signed by lots of different people; ideally, 
everybody can trust everybody.  In a chain of trust, each member only 
knows and trusts the adjacent members.

2. A central registry must be created that's free and open for 
providers to use but secure enough to verify members.

Again fulfils this criteria...
Sort of... is a Certificate Authority.  A CA just signs 
public keys, while a key server stores a copy of them.  What I'm talking 
about is more like

   -Think about the global IP address distribution agencies
3. Phones must get private keys securely.

Last one is as much a technical issue as a people issue, although PIX 
firewalls implement (forget the acronym) where they send a request to 
a CA and the CA sends back a certificate, I keep meaning to implement 
it for CAcert but I lack a PIX for dev  testing...
But we're not looking at certificates; we're looking at public/private 
keypairs.  Phones can generated the keypairs, but how does the phone 
prove to the key server that it is an authorized phone?  With just a 
simple password?


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Re: [Asterisk-Users] VOIP Spam

2004-04-17 Thread Duane
Nicholas Bachmann wrote:

A web of trust is different from the chain of trust I'm talking about.  
In a web of trust, a key is signed by lots of different people; ideally, 
everybody can trust everybody.  In a chain of trust, each member only 
knows and trusts the adjacent members.
CAcert doesn't operate a web of trust in the PGP sense, for someone to 
issue trust points to other people they must already have a certain 
amount of trust points themselves. Both PKI and PGP models will fail, 
not because of the technology but because of the people factor. The PKI 
model *can* be to a larger is a slightly more resilient, in general no 
CA would have reason to issue false certificates and *usually* you can 
be sure more are issued on a correct basis. PGP model if you lived in 
say Africa and wanted to communicate with someone in South America with 
little or no prior relationship and you wanted to be sure the 
communication wouldn't be intercepted you have 2 choices, fly to meet 
each other or gain trust you both are who you say you are from an 
impartial 3rd party that if it did it's job correct would be correct.

*BUT*, and it's a very big but, there is 2 or 3 flaws in the PKI model, 
firstly there is a crap load of money usually involved, where there is 
money there is usually corruption, at this stage of the game the PKI 
industry has had very little over all impact, something like 0.3% of web 
servers (not websites) are protected with a valid certificate issued 
by a valid CA, the number of invalid and self signed and non-valid 
signed certificates is closer to 1.3%. There are a lot of websites that 
should use some form of crypto to protect against passive listening. 
Another major flaw is PKI based on issued certificates from any CA would 
be worthless in protecting a person in the country where governments 
repress free speech by arresting and killing their citizens. In the UK I 
believe the government has laws in place so they can demand your private 
key, and the US could coerce by legal means to force CAs to issue false 
certificates and then stick a gag order of them.

PGP model would obviously be an advantage in this case, but most people 
don't have a clue about security practises and get so many pop-up 
warning messages they simply click ok to whatever comes up.

The other flaw is safe keeping of certificates, unless you have a 
hardware device, the more difficult you make it for someone to break 
digital security will only make them turn round and break physical 

Passwords are inherently bad and there are numerous articles on people 
giving their work/email passwords away for a cheap pen...

Sort of... is a Certificate Authority.  A CA just signs 
public keys, while a key server stores a copy of them.  What I'm talking 
about is more like
Working on it, we actually have a finger daemon setup/running to reply 
with certificates if you send it a exact request that matches an entry 
in the database, weather hostname or email address...

I've penned an internet-draft on what we've done which can be read here:

I keep meaning to post it to the IETF as a informational document...

But we're not looking at certificates; we're looking at public/private 
keypairs.  Phones can generated the keypairs, but how does the phone 
prove to the key server that it is an authorized phone?  With just a 
simple password?
The PIX sends a certificate signing request and holds onto the private 
key, the CA then replies with a signed certificate and the PIX stores 
that with the private key...

When grabbing a certificate it doesn't matter if it's authorised to or 
not, because it has the private key so only it can decode data sent to 
it using the public certificate...

Best regards,
 Duane - Free Security Certificates - Think globally, network locally - Telecommunications Freedom - Sell your photos over the net! - Using Enum.164 to interconnect asterisk servers
Asterisk-Users mailing list
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Re: [Asterisk-Users] VOIP Spam

2004-04-17 Thread Tracy R Reed
On Sun, Apr 18, 2004 at 09:31:48AM +1000, Duane spake thusly:
 be sure more are issued on a correct basis. PGP model if you lived in 
 say Africa and wanted to communicate with someone in South America with 
 little or no prior relationship and you wanted to be sure the 
 communication wouldn't be intercepted you have 2 choices, fly to meet 
 each other or gain trust you both are who you say you are from an 
 impartial 3rd party that if it did it's job correct would be correct.

I prefer the PGP model because it includes the CA model. That is to say
that you can still have a CA within the PGP model. Both myself and my
colleague from Africa could pay a central CA we both trust (Verisign,
Thawte, whoever) to sign our keys and connect us in the web of trust. 

 *BUT*, and it's a very big but, there is 2 or 3 flaws in the PKI model, 
 firstly there is a crap load of money usually involved, where there is 
 money there is usually corruption, at this stage of the game the PKI 
 industry has had very little over all impact, something like 0.3% of web 

Yep. We end up with collusion which prevents competition in the CA space.
It's a shame common browsers only support a few select CA's.

 PGP model would obviously be an advantage in this case, but most people 
 don't have a clue about security practises and get so many pop-up 
 warning messages they simply click ok to whatever comes up.

I think huge improvements are needed in software to handle this. We really
need to encourage everyone to use signatures etc. and make them so
prevalent that email programs etc. will simply refuse to accept or display
non-signed and authenticated messages/connections/whatever.

 The other flaw is safe keeping of certificates, unless you have a 
 hardware device, the more difficult you make it for someone to break 
 digital security will only make them turn round and break physical 

Indeed but that is a far better situation than we are in now. We know very
well how to deal with physical security due to thousands of years of doing

Tracy Reed The attachment is a digital signature.   More info:

Description: PGP signature

Re: [Asterisk-Users] VOIP Spam

2004-04-17 Thread Duane
Tracy R Reed wrote:

I prefer the PGP model because it includes the CA model. That is to say
that you can still have a CA within the PGP model. Both myself and my
colleague from Africa could pay a central CA we both trust (Verisign,
Thawte, whoever) to sign our keys and connect us in the web of trust. 
Just a little matter of key distribution, how do you know the CA key 
given to you is actually the CA? Especially since Thawte no longer does 
PGP key signing and verisign is making too much money from PKI...

The are a number of issues with the PGP model, it contains an email 
address, how do you match that against a hostname? As far as I know 
there is no hardware devices to store pgp keys, or accelerator cards 
(crypto does chew through a bit of CPU) both devices exist for PKI 

Yep. We end up with collusion which prevents competition in the CA space.
It's a shame common browsers only support a few select CA's.
Mozilla Foundation, it's developers and direct support staff 
(paid/unpaid) are currently reviewing about a dozen or so CAs for 
inclusion in their browser, CAcert is one of them, which will be good 
for the community if we can get in, as we provide all certificates for 

I think huge improvements are needed in software to handle this. We really
need to encourage everyone to use signatures etc. and make them so
prevalent that email programs etc. will simply refuse to accept or display
non-signed and authenticated messages/connections/whatever.
This would be good and bad, if you force the issue you will end up with 
2 things, less people being able to email you, and in the very long term 
encrypted spam so we end up with them beating scanners that way...

It's a balancing act, push things one way you have to even them up the 

There will be 3 consequences from mass encryption adoption, encrypted 
spam, and forcing governments to do due diligence as they will no longer 
be able to simply passively collect any traffic passing their monitoring 
devices, they'd have to go back to a situation of only targeting people 
they really had to, this is obviously a good thing, and even the 
encrypted spam, while being annoying would tick any gov surveillance off 
due to sheer number of spam messages that could be encrypted that would 
be the equivalent of noise to them... 3rd is a little more serious, 
since most people wouldn't care about due diligence with crypto they 
wouldn't care if they did it right or who they accepted, this is clearly 
visible from the latest virus trends where they exploit human ignorance, 
greed and stupidity not exploiting computer software. What else could it 
be called where a person opens a zip file, uses a password in the email, 
and runs the program in the zip file infecting themselves... So I 
foresee a lot of missuses from crypto as much as anything else if/when 
the general populace gets into it...

Indeed but that is a far better situation than we are in now. We know very
well how to deal with physical security due to thousands of years of doing
So that's why people still get broken into and all their contents stolen :)

Best regards,
 Duane - Free Security Certificates - Think globally, network locally - Telecommunications Freedom - Sell your photos over the net! - Using Enum.164 to interconnect asterisk servers
Asterisk-Users mailing list
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Re: [Asterisk-Users] VOIP Spam

2004-04-17 Thread Tracy R Reed
On Sun, Apr 18, 2004 at 10:22:08AM +1000, Duane spake thusly:
 Just a little matter of key distribution, how do you know the CA key 
 given to you is actually the CA? Especially since Thawte no longer does 
 PGP key signing and verisign is making too much money from PKI...

Same way I know someones key is theirs by the pgp fingerprint. It's well
publicized and they use it quite a bit. 

 The are a number of issues with the PGP model, it contains an email 
 address, how do you match that against a hostname? As far as I know 
 there is no hardware devices to store pgp keys, or accelerator cards 
 (crypto does chew through a bit of CPU) both devices exist for PKI 

Not sure what you mean by matching an email address against a hostname but
a lot of the crypto accelerator cards implement fundamentals that could be
used in either system and more specific hardware devices would certainly
come along if more people used it. But with the speed and SIMD capability
modern cpu's I'm not too concerned either way.

 Mozilla Foundation, it's developers and direct support staff 
 (paid/unpaid) are currently reviewing about a dozen or so CAs for 
 inclusion in their browser, CAcert is one of them, which will be good 
 for the community if we can get in, as we provide all certificates for 

Very cool.

 This would be good and bad, if you force the issue you will end up with 
 2 things, less people being able to email you, and in the very long term 
 encrypted spam so we end up with them beating scanners that way...

If the MUA authors forced the issue everyone would use crypto. Look at
what Outlook did for html mail. Encrypted spam would be difficult for the
spammers to do. It would consume huge resources, make spam a lot more
expensive, and if they signed the spam with a trusted key such that my MUA
trusted them you can be sure the signer would revoke his signature lest he
get the signatures on his own key revoked by someone.

 and runs the program in the zip file infecting themselves... So I 
 foresee a lot of missuses from crypto as much as anything else if/when 
 the general populace gets into it...

Some very interesting points. Especially about encrypted spam confounding
the government. Although I doubt they would encrypt spam it does add chaff
to the wheat to help hide us all. Just like the everyone sending their
letters in envelopes instead of on postcards analogy.

 So that's why people still get broken into and all their contents stolen :)

On a per capita basis it's not nearly as often as computers get broken
into. :) Whenever anyone bothers to try to physically secure their stuff
they usually do a pretty good job. Not so with computers.

Tracy Reed The attachment is a digital signature.   More info:

Description: PGP signature

Re: [Asterisk-Users] VOIP Spam

2004-04-17 Thread Duane
Tracy R Reed wrote:
Same way I know someones key is theirs by the pgp fingerprint. It's well
publicized and they use it quite a bit. 
But have you ever met face to face with an employee from a CA and 
verified they were an employee or just grabbed the info from their 
website and assumed there was no man in the middle attack sending you an 
alternate key/fingerprint (yes I know this is highly unlikely however 
high profile targets would be possible at some point, how lucky do you 
feel? :)

Not sure what you mean by matching an email address against a hostname but
a lot of the crypto accelerator cards implement fundamentals that could be
used in either system and more specific hardware devices would certainly
come along if more people used it. But with the speed and SIMD capability
modern cpu's I'm not too concerned either way.
If we make up some number, I have seen figures for websites can't seem 
to find them at present, anyways say a TLS/SSL operation uses 8x more 
CPU power then a non-TLS connection, this means if you are running a 
voip to pstn service or in an office environment with a large amount of 
handsets/calls you need 8x more servers or 8x less clients so there is 
definitely a cost involved there even if CPUs etc are cheaper...

As for hostname matching, you run an enum check on a phone number, it 
returns a URL... say you connect to it and it then says 
I'm able to provide encryption here is my public certificate, you grab 
the certificate and it has [EMAIL PROTECTED], which doesn't match, or even if it was [EMAIL PROTECTED] how do you know that 
email account should be able to say I validate this server is the one 
you should be talking to and that DNS hasn't been hijacked? PGP can't 
easily deal with this, and if you start connecting to foreign asterisk 
servers via enum services how can you validate them without prior 
relationships? While PKI may be flawed it is better then the current 
alternatives at present...

Umm just a side note, we have a working enum.164 website/dns ( ) service that now does pstn verification (due 
diligence) by calling you and reading out a pin number, currently a 
little rough and we need a few IVR records (which will within the next 
few days), and need to update the documentation on the website, however 
it does seem to work reasonably well...

If the MUA authors forced the issue everyone would use crypto. Look at
what Outlook did for html mail. Encrypted spam would be difficult for the
spammers to do. It would consume huge resources, make spam a lot more
expensive, and if they signed the spam with a trusted key such that my MUA
trusted them you can be sure the signer would revoke his signature lest he
get the signatures on his own key revoked by someone.
Most HTML emails have a non-html component as well, and the amount of 
people that dislike html emails I don't see this as a good comparison ;)

You can't enforce crypto from a MTA/MUA point of view, there is a whole 
bunch of complications if you force certificates on people like you'd 
have to get them a public/private key pair and then well it wouldn't be 
so private...

Some very interesting points. Especially about encrypted spam confounding
the government. Although I doubt they would encrypt spam it does add chaff
to the wheat to help hide us all. Just like the everyone sending their
letters in envelopes instead of on postcards analogy.
The reason they would is to beat the virus/spam filters currently in 
operation at a MTA level, they would be rendered useless, at present all 
you need is a valid email address to get a certificate issued from a CA 
with their root certificate in most/all current email clients...

On a per capita basis it's not nearly as often as computers get broken
into. :) Whenever anyone bothers to try to physically secure their stuff
they usually do a pretty good job. Not so with computers.
maybe cars being stolen was a better suggestion, break a window and 
you're in unless they have an alarm (computers can also have alarms in 
this sense)

Best regards,
 Duane - Free Security Certificates - Think globally, network locally - Telecommunications Freedom - Sell your photos over the net! - Using Enum.164 to interconnect asterisk servers
Asterisk-Users mailing list
To UNSUBSCRIBE or update options visit:

Re: [Asterisk-Users] VOIP Spam

2004-04-17 Thread Tracy R Reed
On Sun, Apr 18, 2004 at 11:13:27AM +1000, Duane spake thusly:
 But have you ever met face to face with an employee from a CA and 
 verified they were an employee or just grabbed the info from their 
 website and assumed there was no man in the middle attack sending you an 
 alternate key/fingerprint (yes I know this is highly unlikely however 
 high profile targets would be possible at some point, how lucky do you 
 feel? :)

No, I haven't. And you are right it is highly unlikely. Knowing that
someone was going to want to get a key signed, putting the bogus info
where they would find it, tricking someone into calling you and giving
them a bogus key, etc. is all very difficult. I think we are going to have
to give up the notion of 100% security and accept the very small chance
(orders of magnitude smaller than now) of someone being fooled if we ever
want to get this stuff deployed.

 If we make up some number, I have seen figures for websites can't seem 
 to find them at present, anyways say a TLS/SSL operation uses 8x more 
 CPU power then a non-TLS connection, this means if you are running a 
 voip to pstn service or in an office environment with a large amount of 
 handsets/calls you need 8x more servers or 8x less clients so there is 
 definitely a cost involved there even if CPUs etc are cheaper...

Since most cpu's out there in the world spend 80% of their time idle doing
nothing anyway I don't think it would be quite this bad. :)

 As for hostname matching, you run an enum check on a phone number, it 
 returns a URL... say you connect to it and it then says 

Ah. I haven't given too much thought about how it interacts with phone
systems yet. I'll ponder this one.

 Umm just a side note, we have a working enum.164 website/dns ( ) service that now does pstn verification (due 
 diligence) by calling you and reading out a pin number, currently a 
 little rough and we need a few IVR records (which will within the next 
 few days), and need to update the documentation on the website, however 
 it does seem to work reasonably well...

Very cool. I am reading up on this stuff.

 Most HTML emails have a non-html component as well, and the amount of 
 people that dislike html emails I don't see this as a good comparison ;)

Indeed. It was just an example of the mail vendors successfully forcing
something on everyong.

 You can't enforce crypto from a MTA/MUA point of view, there is a whole 
 bunch of complications if you force certificates on people like you'd 
 have to get them a public/private key pair and then well it wouldn't be 
 so private...

That is fine. The mail administrator can read everything they type into
the server anyhow. He can bug their keyboard if he wants. 

 The reason they would is to beat the virus/spam filters currently in 
 operation at a MTA level, they would be rendered useless, at present all 
 you need is a valid email address to get a certificate issued from a CA 
 with their root certificate in most/all current email clients...

I doubt they would because it would make spamming much more expensive.
Some might but it makes it much less likely and kills their profits which
removes the incentive.

Tracy Reed The attachment is a digital signature.   More info:

Description: PGP signature

Re: [Asterisk-Users] VOIP Spam

2004-04-17 Thread Duane
Tracy R Reed wrote:

No, I haven't. And you are right it is highly unlikely. Knowing that
someone was going to want to get a key signed, putting the bogus info
where they would find it, tricking someone into calling you and giving
them a bogus key, etc. is all very difficult. I think we are going to have
to give up the notion of 100% security and accept the very small chance
(orders of magnitude smaller than now) of someone being fooled if we ever
want to get this stuff deployed.
ongoing man in the middle attacks aren't impossible, the FBI's carnivore 
system is all over the place and in theory could not only sniff but 
inject... Then again there are other methods at the disposal of 

Since most cpu's out there in the world spend 80% of their time idle doing
nothing anyway I don't think it would be quite this bad. :)
What about asterisk servers that are already under load, this would 
multiply the effect, yes most servers would idle most of the time, but 
if you have periods of peak activity this would compound any existing 
problems you get from this...

Ah. I haven't given too much thought about how it interacts with phone
systems yet. I'll ponder this one.
I believe there is an RFC on PGP use in browsers, I don't know of anyone 
actually implementing it however...

Very cool. I am reading up on this stuff.
We wanted a method of dynamic routing so we didn't have an ever growing 
list of extensions and IAX/SIP items not to mention getting away from 
single points of failure that if a service is down you're out of luck, 
it seemed like enum.164 is the only solution to this problem. We wanted 
to do things in such away we could be relatively certain the person we 
were calling was who we were expecting and not a telemarketer etc etc 
that had hijacked a heap of numbers... As far as I'm aware no other enum 
system (even ITU's) currently implements anything that comes close to 
what we were after...

Indeed. It was just an example of the mail vendors successfully forcing
something on everyong.
The thing is it didn't stop normal text posts, so yes it tacked added 
functionality on top without denying the existing system, you're 
suggestion doesn't take that into account...

That is fine. The mail administrator can read everything they type into
the server anyhow. He can bug their keyboard if he wants. 
Not if you encrypt email at the mail client... He can't bug a remote 
keyboard... Some of the PKI hardware devices are implemented in a 
keyboard and when access the certificate the keyboard direct key strokes 
 directly to the hardware reader rather then via the PC...

I doubt they would because it would make spamming much more expensive.
Some might but it makes it much less likely and kills their profits which
removes the incentive.
What cost? It's trivial to generate both PGP and self signed PKI keys 
using openssl toolkit, spammers could easily pay someone to grab a new 
domain/email/certificate daily, $10 in wages? If they get $1000 in 
profit from $10 in expenses they'd do it...

Best regards,
 Duane - Free Security Certificates - Think globally, network locally - Telecommunications Freedom - Sell your photos over the net! - Using Enum.164 to interconnect asterisk servers
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[Asterisk-Users] VOIP Spam

2004-04-15 Thread Tom Green

Some people have suggested maintaining black lists and
white lists to avoid spammers and allow legitimate
callers into the network. However, the problem with
this method is that the spammer's IP address might
change due to DHCP. Today a spammer might get
aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd and lets say that I put this address
in my blacklist. To my annoyance, tomorrow a
legitimate caller might get aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd and the
spammer might get a different IP address. In the end,
I end up blocking the legitimate caller also. Any
ideas or thoughts to on this problem is appreciated.


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Re: [Asterisk-Users] VOIP Spam

2004-04-15 Thread Brian Cuthie
Tom Green wrote:


Some people have suggested maintaining black lists and
white lists to avoid spammers and allow legitimate
callers into the network. However, the problem with
this method is that the spammer's IP address might
change due to DHCP. Today a spammer might get
aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd and lets say that I put this address
in my blacklist. To my annoyance, tomorrow a
legitimate caller might get aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd and the
spammer might get a different IP address. In the end,
I end up blocking the legitimate caller also. Any
ideas or thoughts to on this problem is appreciated.
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Yeah, for a relatively modern protocol SIP has some surprisingly glaring 
omissions, such as:

-  certificate based authentication
-  encryption
-  NAT-awareness
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Re: [Asterisk-Users] VOIP Spam

2004-04-15 Thread Duane
Brian Cuthie wrote:

Yeah, for a relatively modern protocol SIP has some surprisingly glaring 
omissions, such as:

-  certificate based authentication
-  encryption
-  NAT-awareness
I'd love nothing more to see some decent crypto in the IAX2 protocol, it 
already covers the third item on your list... Especially with government 
agencies so eager to get their mits into voip tapping, why make it any 
easier on them...

Best regards,
 Duane - Free Security Certificates - Think globally, network locally - Telecommunications Freedom - Sell your photos over the net! - Using Enum.164 to interconnect asterisk servers
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Re: [Asterisk-Users] VOIP Spam

2004-04-15 Thread Tom Green

Encrypted SIP messages can be sent using TLS. However,
I don't think it is realistic to expect everyone
calling you to have a public/private key pair.
Cryptographic solutions have been suggested for email
spams also but they have been found to be ineffective
because of scalability problems.

I looking for a spam control solution that avoids
cryptography (I prefer non-cryptographic solutions but
I am open to new ideas). 

--- Brian Cuthie [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Tom Green wrote:
 Some people have suggested maintaining black lists
 white lists to avoid spammers and allow legitimate
 callers into the network. However, the problem with
 this method is that the spammer's IP address might
 change due to DHCP. Today a spammer might get
 aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd and lets say that I put this
 in my blacklist. To my annoyance, tomorrow a
 legitimate caller might get aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd and the
 spammer might get a different IP address. In the
 I end up blocking the legitimate caller also. Any
 ideas or thoughts to on this problem is
 Do you Yahoo!?
 Yahoo! Tax Center - File online by April 15th
 Asterisk-Users mailing list
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 Yeah, for a relatively modern protocol SIP has some
 surprisingly glaring 
 omissions, such as:
 -  certificate based authentication
 -  encryption
 -  NAT-awareness
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Re: [Asterisk-Users] VOIP Spam

2004-04-15 Thread Duane
Tom Green wrote:

Encrypted SIP messages can be sent using TLS. However,
I don't think it is realistic to expect everyone
calling you to have a public/private key pair.
SMTP servers that support SMTP-TLS and have valid certs + config do 
exactly that already...

Best regards,
 Duane - Free Security Certificates - Think globally, network locally - Telecommunications Freedom - Sell your photos over the net! - Using Enum.164 to interconnect asterisk servers
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Re: [Asterisk-Users] VoIP Spam (was VoYP.Net)

2004-03-14 Thread Greg Retkowski
Luckily VoIP telemarketing is much higher sender/recipient
(bandwidth/resource) expense ratio than email spam.. Until of course they
figure out how to make VoIP-spam worms to infect a bunch of windows boxes.

I bet that VoIP spammers will have the same immpecable ethical standards
as their email counterparts, making it difficult to implement do-not-call
for voip.

Databases aside, nothing prevents them from 'wardialing' sip or other providers to build telemarketing lists. I suppose
it's a looming issue that'll only be a matter of time before becoming

Press 1 for viagra, 2 for male enhancement, or 3 for girls-gone-wild.

-- Greg

Greg Retkowski / I.T. Infrastructure Consultant   /)/|//`
[EMAIL PROTECTED] C:408-455-3913 /|/ /_/

On Mon, 15 Mar 2004, Matt Riddell wrote:

 Only problem I can see if that currently, I can search for a or e etc...if
 this gives me a list of urls/numbers, what is to stop me feeding them into a
 database to telemarket to them?

 As far as I'm aware there is no internation Do Not Call registry for
 internet based calls...

 Anyone know anymore about this?

 Anyone keen to help with this?

 Would it be worthwhile?

 Is there another?

 Kind regards,


 P.S. I don't really want to do it but someone should and if noone else wants
 to, I will...
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Re: [Asterisk-Users] VoIP Spam (was VoYP.Net)

2004-03-14 Thread Matt Riddell
One of the telemarketing companies I work for uses VOIP for everything, so
bandwidth isn't an issue (they are terminating to PSTN in other countries).

Having sent the post I realised that DNC registries are controlled by
individual countries' law and so making a worldwide one would be next to
impossible to enforce.

If one country decided it would get more money by not prosecuting people
(who call without first scubbing against dnc), it would get more business.

So...I guess in the end, unless we have a worldwide police force etc, it's
not going to happen.

- Original Message - 
From: Greg Retkowski [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, March 15, 2004 4:02 PM
Subject: Re: [Asterisk-Users] VoIP Spam (was VoYP.Net)

 Luckily VoIP telemarketing is much higher sender/recipient
 (bandwidth/resource) expense ratio than email spam.. Until of course they
 figure out how to make VoIP-spam worms to infect a bunch of windows boxes.

 I bet that VoIP spammers will have the same immpecable ethical standards
 as their email counterparts, making it difficult to implement do-not-call
 for voip.

 Databases aside, nothing prevents them from 'wardialing' sip or other providers to build telemarketing lists. I suppose
 it's a looming issue that'll only be a matter of time before becoming

 Press 1 for viagra, 2 for male enhancement, or 3 for girls-gone-wild.

 -- Greg

 Greg Retkowski / I.T. Infrastructure Consultant   /)/|//`
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] C:408-455-3913 /|/ /_/

 On Mon, 15 Mar 2004, Matt Riddell wrote:

  Only problem I can see if that currently, I can search for a or e
  this gives me a list of urls/numbers, what is to stop me feeding them
into a
  database to telemarket to them?
  As far as I'm aware there is no internation Do Not Call registry for
  internet based calls...
  Anyone know anymore about this?
  Anyone keen to help with this?
  Would it be worthwhile?
  Is there another?
  Kind regards,
  P.S. I don't really want to do it but someone should and if noone else
  to, I will...
 Asterisk-Users mailing list
 To UNSUBSCRIBE or update options visit:

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