Title: FW: [Asterisk-Users] Retrieving dtmf, passing to shell and getting the result

John thanks for the help. When I change my plan to this and then dial 2 it gives me a busy signal. When troubleshooting I added an exten => 2,1 Ringing (just as a check) it rang and went straight to busy. On the console I got:
--Executing Ringing(“SIP/-00816800”, “”) in new stack
==Spawn extension(default, 2, 2) exited non-zero on ‘SIP/-00816800’

Any ideas?


>try this
> exten => 2,2,read (firstnumber,enter-first,5)
> exten => 2,3,read (secondnumber,enter-second,2)
> exten => 2,4,system(/usr/local/Scripts/CheckNumbers.sh  ${firstnumber}
>I believe it is the syntax that is holding you back.
>John M

Original Post
>> I have my asterisk server up and running on OS X and now need to add the
>> capability to play a sound file asking for a 5 digit number, play another
>> message asking for a 2 digit number, pass these variables to a shell
>> script, and get the result. I have tried a number of different scenarios
>> but they are not working. I have read through the wiki, past posts, and
>> numerous websites.
>> The sound files are enter-first & enter-second
>> The shell script is CheckNumbers.sh
>> exten => 2,2,get_data ("enter-first","10000","5")
> exten => 2,3,get_data ("enter-second","10000","2")
> exten => 2,4,system(/usr/local/Scripts/CheckNumbers.sh ${firstnumber,
> secondnumber)
>> I really appreciate your help!
>> Jane
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