Re: [Asterisk-Users] Polycom IP600 - Worth the extra $$

2005-07-19 Thread dbruce
Actually, your logic is flawed...

It would be correct id the images contained in the composite file were
static, but they are not...

sip.ld v1.4.1 (approx. 7.7 meg) contains 5 images: IP300 , IP500, IP600,
IP4000 and one unknown image (probably for the short lived IP100/IP400
customized model).
sip.ld v1.5.2 (approx. 10.3 meg) contains 7 images: IP300, IP301, IP500,
IP501, IP600, IP4000 and one unknown image.

The IP300 and IP500 images for v1.5.2 are actually approximately 50K SMALLER
than the corresponding image from v1.4.1. (Image sizes are approximately
1.2meg for each unit)

The IP301 and IP501 images for v1.5.2 are approximaely 290K larger than the
images for the IP300 and IP500.

The fact that there are seperate images for the new IPX01 models may
indicate that there are other subtle differences than just the size of the
flash memory and internal memory.

It also indicated that there is a significant amount of space left in the
2meg flash of the IP300/IP500 (even after accounting for the space required
for the bootrom at approximately 380K) for future enhancements.

Also, looking at the IP600... it has an image size of almost exactly 2 megs
in both versions of the firmware... which means that the XML browser
functions will likely never be available for the IP500.


- Original Message -
From: "Kristian Kielhofner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Asterisk Users Mailing List - Non-Commercial Discussion"

Sent: Tuesday, July 19, 2005 1:27 AM
Subject: Re: [Asterisk-Users] Polycom IP600 - Worth the extra $$

> dbruce wrote:
> > The size of the sip.ld file is NOT an indication of the size of the
> > for a particular model.
> Yes, but it is an indication of the overall size of the firmware image,
> regardless of the model, and that is what I was talking about.
> > The sip.ld file is a coposite file that encapsulates individual firmware
> > the different models. IE: the sip v1.4.1 sip.ld image contains individua
> > firmware for the IP300, IP500, IP600 and IP4000 models.
> >
> > This also explains why the IP300 takes longer to upgrade than an
> > The IP300 has to download the entire file to get to the image it needs,
> > where the IP600 only needs to download the first segment of the file.
> Good to know.  Thanks!
> > regards,
> > Derek
> --
> Kristian Kielhofner
> ___
> Asterisk-Users mailing list
> To UNSUBSCRIBE or update options visit:

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Re: [Asterisk-Users] Polycom IP600 - Worth the extra $$

2005-07-19 Thread Kristian Kielhofner

dbruce wrote:

The size of the sip.ld file is NOT an indication of the size of the firmware
for a particular model.

	Yes, but it is an indication of the overall size of the firmware image, 
regardless of the model, and that is what I was talking about.

The sip.ld file is a coposite file that encapsulates individual firmware for
the different models. IE: the sip v1.4.1 sip.ld image contains individual
firmware for the IP300, IP500, IP600 and IP4000 models.

This also explains why the IP300 takes longer to upgrade than an IP600...
The IP300 has to download the entire file to get to the image it needs,
where the IP600 only needs to download the first segment of the file.

Good to know.  Thanks!


Kristian Kielhofner
Asterisk-Users mailing list
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Re: [Asterisk-Users] Polycom IP600 - Worth the extra $$

2005-07-19 Thread Kristian Kielhofner

dbruce wrote:

The IP300 will run SIP v1.5.2, as will the IP500 and IP600. I have tested
them with bootrom v1.6.2

The issue is not that the IP300 and IP500 phones do not have enough memory
to run SIP v1.5.2, it is that they do not have enough memory to run bootrom
v3.x.x AND sip v1.5.2. The added features of the new bootrom have caused it
to bloat, requiring the increase of memory in the IP301 and IP501.

But... as long as you do not need any of the enhanced features offered by
bootrom v3.x.x (HTTPS/FTPS), stick with bootrom v2.6.2, and you will be able
to use the new features of sip v1.5.2.



Thanks for clearing that up!

P.S. - I was adding/updating some pages on the Wiki, and I added that too.

Kristian Kielhofner
Asterisk-Users mailing list
To UNSUBSCRIBE or update options visit:

Re: [Asterisk-Users] Polycom IP600 - Worth the extra $$

2005-07-19 Thread dbruce
The size of the sip.ld file is NOT an indication of the size of the firmware
for a particular model.

The sip.ld file is a coposite file that encapsulates individual firmware for
the different models. IE: the sip v1.4.1 sip.ld image contains individual
firmware for the IP300, IP500, IP600 and IP4000 models.

This also explains why the IP300 takes longer to upgrade than an IP600...
The IP300 has to download the entire file to get to the image it needs,
where the IP600 only needs to download the first segment of the file.


- Original Message -
From: "Kristian Kielhofner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Asterisk Users Mailing List - Non-Commercial Discussion"

Sent: Monday, July 18, 2005 10:50 PM
Subject: Re: [Asterisk-Users] Polycom IP600 - Worth the extra $$

> Adam Goryachev wrote:
> > On Mon, 2005-07-18 at 23:04 -0500, Kristian Kielhofner wrote:
> >
> >> The new firmware and bootrom already require 4mb flash, which the 301,
> >>501, and 600 have.  You can't load firmware 1.5.2 on the 300 or 500!
> >
> >
> > Are you sure of that?? I don't recall seeing that noted anywhere... and
> > I'm sure I've put 1.5.2 onto IP300 phones
> >
> > Anybody know for sure if it works ??
> >
> > Regards,
> > Adam
> Adam,
> Unfortunately, I don't have any 300's or 500's to know for sure.  But
> that is what I was told and 1.5.2 is 2mb larger than 1.4.1.
> --
> Kristian Kielhofner
> ___
> Asterisk-Users mailing list
> To UNSUBSCRIBE or update options visit:

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Re: [Asterisk-Users] Polycom IP600 - Worth the extra $$

2005-07-19 Thread dbruce
The IP300 will run SIP v1.5.2, as will the IP500 and IP600. I have tested
them with bootrom v1.6.2

The issue is not that the IP300 and IP500 phones do not have enough memory
to run SIP v1.5.2, it is that they do not have enough memory to run bootrom
v3.x.x AND sip v1.5.2. The added features of the new bootrom have caused it
to bloat, requiring the increase of memory in the IP301 and IP501.

But... as long as you do not need any of the enhanced features offered by
bootrom v3.x.x (HTTPS/FTPS), stick with bootrom v2.6.2, and you will be able
to use the new features of sip v1.5.2.


- Original Message -
From: "Adam Goryachev" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Asterisk Users Mailing List - Non-Commercial Discussion"

Sent: Monday, July 18, 2005 10:18 PM
Subject: Re: [Asterisk-Users] Polycom IP600 - Worth the extra $$

> On Mon, 2005-07-18 at 23:04 -0500, Kristian Kielhofner wrote:
> > The new firmware and bootrom already require 4mb flash, which the 301,
> > 501, and 600 have.  You can't load firmware 1.5.2 on the 300 or 500!
> Are you sure of that?? I don't recall seeing that noted anywhere... and
> I'm sure I've put 1.5.2 onto IP300 phones
> Anybody know for sure if it works ??
> Regards,
> Adam
> ___
> Asterisk-Users mailing list
> To UNSUBSCRIBE or update options visit:

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RE: [Asterisk-Users] Polycom IP600 - Worth the extra $$

2005-07-18 Thread Michael Felder

Who did you buy them off?
Kind regards
Michael Felder
IT Medic Australia Pty. Ltd.
P: 03 9557 2213
F: 03 9557 2214
M: 0419 568 217 

Keeping your computer systems healthy.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Adam
Sent: Tuesday, 19 July 2005 3:10 PM
To: Asterisk Users Mailing List - Non-Commercial Discussion
Subject: RE: [Asterisk-Users] Polycom IP600 - Worth the extra $$

On Tue, 2005-07-19 at 14:20 +1000, Michael Felder wrote:
> Is the 301 and 501 available in Australia?

Yes, I ordered and received some already.


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Re: [Asterisk-Users] Polycom IP600 - Worth the extra $$

2005-07-18 Thread Kristian Kielhofner

Adam Goryachev wrote:

On Mon, 2005-07-18 at 23:04 -0500, Kristian Kielhofner wrote:

	The new firmware and bootrom already require 4mb flash, which the 301, 
501, and 600 have.  You can't load firmware 1.5.2 on the 300 or 500!

Are you sure of that?? I don't recall seeing that noted anywhere... and
I'm sure I've put 1.5.2 onto IP300 phones 

Anybody know for sure if it works ??



	Unfortunately, I don't have any 300's or 500's to know for sure.  But 
that is what I was told and 1.5.2 is 2mb larger than 1.4.1.

Kristian Kielhofner
Asterisk-Users mailing list
To UNSUBSCRIBE or update options visit:

RE: [Asterisk-Users] Polycom IP600 - Worth the extra $$

2005-07-18 Thread Adam Goryachev
On Tue, 2005-07-19 at 14:20 +1000, Michael Felder wrote:
> Is the 301 and 501 available in Australia?

Yes, I ordered and received some already.


Asterisk-Users mailing list
To UNSUBSCRIBE or update options visit:

Re: [Asterisk-Users] Polycom IP600 - Worth the extra $$

2005-07-18 Thread Adam Goryachev
On Mon, 2005-07-18 at 23:04 -0500, Kristian Kielhofner wrote:
>   The new firmware and bootrom already require 4mb flash, which the 301, 
> 501, and 600 have.  You can't load firmware 1.5.2 on the 300 or 500!

Are you sure of that?? I don't recall seeing that noted anywhere... and
I'm sure I've put 1.5.2 onto IP300 phones 

Anybody know for sure if it works ??


Asterisk-Users mailing list
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RE: [Asterisk-Users] Polycom IP600 - Worth the extra $$

2005-07-18 Thread Michael Felder
Is the 301 and 501 available in Australia?


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Kristian
Sent: Tuesday, 19 July 2005 2:05 PM
To: Asterisk Users Mailing List - Non-Commercial Discussion
Subject: Re: [Asterisk-Users] Polycom IP600 - Worth the extra $$

Michael Graves wrote:
> I have 600s. They have a few advantages;
> mini-browser
> more memory for internal contact lists
> 6 lines vs 3 for 500
> better screen
> Great full duplex speaker phone (no so on 300)
> I've read that the 600 having more memory will allow it to continue to

> take new software whereas the 500 and 300 have been replaced by new 
> models with greater memory. I guess that implies that there will soon 
> come a time when there will be software that cannot be loaded to the 
> 500 or 300.
> Michael


The new firmware and bootrom already require 4mb flash, which
the 301, 501, and 600 have.  You can't load firmware 1.5.2 on the 300 or

Kristian Kielhofner
Asterisk-Users mailing list
To UNSUBSCRIBE or update options visit:
Asterisk-Users mailing list
To UNSUBSCRIBE or update options visit:

Re: [Asterisk-Users] Polycom IP600 - Worth the extra $$

2005-07-18 Thread Kristian Kielhofner

Michael Graves wrote:

I have 600s. They have a few advantages;

more memory for internal contact lists
6 lines vs 3 for 500
better screen
Great full duplex speaker phone (no so on 300)

I've read that the 600 having more memory will allow it to continue to
take new software whereas the 500 and 300 have been replaced by new
models with greater memory. I guess that implies that there will soon
come a time when there will be software that cannot be loaded to the
500 or 300.



	The new firmware and bootrom already require 4mb flash, which the 301, 
501, and 600 have.  You can't load firmware 1.5.2 on the 300 or 500!

Kristian Kielhofner
Asterisk-Users mailing list
To UNSUBSCRIBE or update options visit:

Re: [Asterisk-Users] Polycom IP600 - Worth the extra $$

2005-07-18 Thread Michael Graves

I have 600s. They have a few advantages;


more memory for internal contact lists

6 lines vs 3 for 500

better screen

Great full duplex speaker phone (no so on 300)

I've read that the 600 having more memory will allow it to continue to take new software whereas the 500 and 300 have been replaced by new models with greater memory. I guess that implies that there will soon come a time when there will be software that cannot be loaded to the 500 or 300.


--Original Message Text---

From: Michael Felder

Date: Tue, 19 Jul 2005 13:36:55 +1000



I am looking at the Polycom phones. 

The ip600 has a very nice screen, is that the only real advantage over the ip500 and ip300.. 


Is it worth the extra dollars?  

Kind regards


Michael Felder

IT Medic Australia Pty. Ltd.

P: 03 9557 2213

F: 03 9557 2214

M: 0419 568 217 


Keeping your computer systems healthy.


Michael Graves   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sr. Product Specialist
Pixel Power Inc. [EMAIL PROTECTED]


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