Re: [asterisk-users] How to run a remote PHP script and still have access to audio stream?

2010-02-19 Thread David Backeberg
On Wed, Feb 10, 2010 at 2:13 PM, Leo Burd wrote:
 Hello David,

 Thanks so much for your message!

 Please check my comments inline below...
 David Backeberg wrote:
 On Sun, Feb 7, 2010 at 9:54 PM, Leo Burd wrote:

 Hello there,

 I'm trying to figure out how to run a PHP script on a remote machine and
 still have access to the audio stream associated with the call.

 Ideally, I'd love to play/record audio files directly from/to the remote
 server without having to copy them back and forth to the Asterisk
 server.  What is the best way to do this?

 1) recordings, with a side order of distributing those to another machine
 2) remote shell scripting

 What would be the asterisk way of recording part of the call from a
 remote server?  I'm not sure I can do that (the remote connection) with
 EAGI, can I?

The 'asterisk way' of recording part of a call needs to be done on the
asterisk system where the call is taking place. Or, if the call is
actually between two asterisk systems, the call can be recorded
directly on one or the other or both asterisk systems. The asterisk
dialplan feature is called Monitor() or MixMonitor(), and you can
refer to the documentation for the differences.

The AGI and remote connection comes in when the recording (call)
completes, and in the h (hangup) context for this dialplan context,
you would do the remote file copy so your call would now be copied off
somewhere else.

 Do you know of any examples that use ssh from inside Asterisk calls?

Sure, here's an example from one of my dialplans.

exten = s,1,Answer
exten = s,n,Set(CDR(userfield)=faxsample)
exten = s,n,Set(LOCALSTATIONID=FaxSample)
exten = s,n,Set(LOCALPATH=/var/spool/fax/recvq/${LOCALSTATIONID}/)
exten = s,n,Set(MYDATE=${STRFTIME(${EPOCH},,%C%y-%m-%d-%H%M)})
exten = s,n,Set(MYFILENAME=${LOCALSTATIONID}-${MYDATE}-${CDR(uniqueid)})
exten = s,n,Set(KEYFULLPATH=/var/spool/fax/ssh_key_for_remote_copy)
exten = s,n,Set(SCPUSER=filecopyuser)
exten = s,n,Set(
exten = s,n,Set(REMOTEPATH=/path/to/where/it/should/go/${LOCALSTATIONID})
exten = s,n,Set(RECORDING=${LOCALPATH}recording/${MYFILENAME}.gsm)
exten = s,n,MixMonitor(${RECORDING})
exten = s,n,Playback(silence/1)
exten = s,n,ReceiveFax(${MYFULLPATH}.tif)

; log what happened with the fax transmission
exten = h,1,System(/bin/echo ${MYFULLPATH},${CALLERID(num)},${CALLERID(name)},$
; if fax is salvageable, a tif will exist.
exten = h,n,System(test -e ${MYFULLPATH}.tif)
;exten = h,n,Verbose(System call result was ${SYSTEMSTATUS})
; try to turn any file that exists into a pdf
exten = h,n,ExecIf($[${SYSTEMSTATUS} =
SUCCESS]?System(/usr/bin/tiff2pdf -pletter ${MYFULLPATH}.tif -o
; check if pdf exists. If the fax was too incomplete to process, no
file will exist.
; If yes, send it off to H drive
exten = h,n,System(test -e ${MYFULLPATH}.pdf)
;exten = h,n,Verbose(System call result was ${SYSTEMSTATUS})
exten = h,n,ExecIf($[${SYSTEMSTATUS} = SUCCESS]?System(/usr/bin/scp
; if tiff file exists from good fax, name it one thing
exten = h,n,ExecIf($[${FAXSTATUS} = SUCCESS]?System(/bin/mv
${MYFULLPATH}.tif /var/spool/fax/recvq/processed))
; if fax was bad, check if we still have tif. If so, move it out
exten = h,n,System(test -e ${MYFULLPATH}.tif)
;exten = h,n,Verbose(System call result was ${SYSTEMSTATUS})
exten = h,n,ExecIf($[${SYSTEMSTATUS} = SUCCESS]?System(/bin/mv
exten = h,n,Hangup

 How much control do the ssh processes have over the call, if any?

As you can see in that particular example, I was using scp to do a
remote file copy of the received fax. I also setup MixMonitor()
against the channel with a filename that would match the cdr of the
call in case I ever needed to go back and troubleshoot a particular

  Is that comparable to Fast_AGI?  Or EAGI?

Ummm, kindof. My example shows doing everything directly in asterisk
dialplan. AGI let's you use the language you prefer to do arbitrary
things with calls, using the AGI library for that language. Some
people prefer AGI, some people prefer dialplan. They both have their
strengths, and drawbacks.

Strength of dialplan is it's extremely debuggable. Strength of AGI is
that you get to leverage the syntax and libraries in a language you
already use, but when you want to debug, you have (in my opinion) less
introspection into what's going on unless you use the innate debugging
native to your language of choice. ('agi set debug on' helps).

My personal experience has been that I really prefer AGI when I need
to make lots of database calls, as that's where I much prefer Perl,
and much dislike the asterisk syntax. So I have a set of AGIs that use

Re: [asterisk-users] How to run a remote PHP script and still have access to audio stream?

2010-02-19 Thread David Backeberg
On Wed, Feb 10, 2010 at 2:13 PM, Leo Burd wrote:
 How much control do the ssh processes have over the call, if any?

It occurred to me that I might be answering this backwards.

So from the perspective of server A, trying to talk to a remote system
B running asterisk, server A can invoke:

asterisk -rx do something on the asterisk cli

and it will be done to asterisk on that system. So for example,
I have built a nifty web gui that displays current call status in the
system, along with a bunch of buttons.

Among those buttons, is one that will hangup a call, on an appropriate
channel, as corresponds to the database state I've been maintaining.
And this does happen to have been done in PHP.

And to do this hangup, I actually do NOT run ssh with keys, but rather
I use asterisk manager. And send I use a nice PHP Asterisk manager
library that somebody else wrote to manage the connection, then I send
the Hangup() command on the appropriate channel, and the PHP Asterisk
manager takes care of the dirty work of closing and cleaning up the

I chose to use PHP and asterisk manager, but I could have done the
same thing with ssh keys and asterisk -rx '' approach.

Hopefully that helps.

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Re: [asterisk-users] How to run a remote PHP script and still have access to audio stream?

2010-02-10 Thread Leo Burd
Hello Ben, thanks for your message!

I'm implementing a framework to integrate Asterisk and Drupal (a 
powerful tool for the creation of social- and media-rich websites).  
Since the voip and the web components of the system are likely to run on 
separate servers owned by different organizations, I don't think I could 
rely on a shared filesystem solution.

Currently, I save Asterisk audio files on the Asterisk server, convert 
them to MP3, upload them to the Drupal server, and display them on the 
website.  This process takes time and ends up duplicating a lot of 
content.  That's why I was exploring ways of doing all the audio 
processing on the Drupal server with FastAGI and EAGI.  Is there any 
easy way for Asterisk to  play  audio files located in remote servers?

Another alternative would be to get Drupal to play  audio files directly 
from the Asterisk server.  Would you have any suggestions for that?

Thanks once again for all your support!



Ben Dinnerville wrote:

 There is the EAGI protocol that will allow this but the easiest way I 
 find to do this sort of thing is to have a shared file system between 
 the app / web server and the asterisk server(s). We run a clustered 
 setup with 12 asterisk systems and a clustered jboss environment with a 
 NFS mount shared between all the systems. For applications such as call 
 recording asterisk does the monitor into the NSF mounted share / 
 directory which is also visible on the jboss servers (mainly for 
 permission checks / security etc) and the web server (for download etc). 
 As long as you have a scheme that ensures you do not have duplicate file 
 names (which can be controlled by a central database and via your php 
 script) then you will not have any issues. There are a number of other 
 file system alternatives out there that will achieve the same thing but 
 NFS seems to be proven and stable and we have not any issues with it to 
 date. Your php script can then be a simple AGI / FastAGI that simply 
 executes a Playback(path/to/nfs/directory/file) - you can also 
 incorporate things like checking if the file exists in your PHP script 
 and implementing access restrictions etc.

 We also share our sounds directory between systems this way so that all 
 our sounds only have to reside in one place but are visible across all 
 the systems.



 Leo Burd wrote:
 Hello there,

 I'm trying to figure out how to run a PHP script on a remote machine and 
 still have access to the audio stream associated with the call. 

 Ideally, I'd love to play/record audio files directly from/to the remote 
 server without having to copy them back and forth to the Asterisk 
 server.  What is the best way to do this?

 Is it possible to combine EAGI with FastAGI in PHP?

 Thanks in advance,




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Re: [asterisk-users] How to run a remote PHP script and still have access to audio stream?

2010-02-10 Thread Brian
On Wed, 2010-02-10 at 13:47 -0500, Leo Burd wrote:

 Is there any 
 easy way for Asterisk to  play  audio files located in remote servers?
If you can mount it, Asterisk will happily read from it. Perhaps you can
run a an ssh/ftp/smb/nfs server deamon on the webserver and mount it on
the filesystem on the Asterisk box? I'd probably want to store them
locally and have a script check the remote storage is online and then
move them. A simple FTP script may be the easiest way to achieve this.
 Another alternative would be to get Drupal to play  audio files directly 
 from the Asterisk server.  Would you have any suggestions for that?
Host them both on the same machine :-) Der dum chishh. I'll
get my coat.

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Re: [asterisk-users] How to run a remote PHP script and still have access to audio stream?

2010-02-10 Thread Leo Burd
Hello David,

Thanks so much for your message!

Please check my comments inline below...

David Backeberg wrote:
 On Sun, Feb 7, 2010 at 9:54 PM, Leo Burd wrote:
 Hello there,

 I'm trying to figure out how to run a PHP script on a remote machine and
 still have access to the audio stream associated with the call.

 Ideally, I'd love to play/record audio files directly from/to the remote
 server without having to copy them back and forth to the Asterisk
 server.  What is the best way to do this?

 Is it possible to combine EAGI with FastAGI in PHP?

 You don't specify how often / what proportion of the recordings need
 to be on a remote machine versus on the asterisk server. So you have
 two main things going on:

 1) recordings, with a side order of distributing those to another machine
 2) remote shell scripting

 First, the recordings can be done directly on a channel where the call
 is taking place. If this is one call, that's not so bad, but there get
 to be I/O contention issues when you try to record 'a lot' of calls
 simultaneously. Some people endorse working around that by writing
 recordings to a ramdisk, and then occasionally flushing those off to a
 real hard disk.
What would be the asterisk way of recording part of the call from a 
remote server?  I'm not sure I can do that (the remote connection) with 
EAGI, can I? 
 You may prefer an alternate approach, which is that taken by
 commercial recording solutions. Oreka (which can be grabbed from
 sourceforge), and pretty much every commercial voip recording solution
 I've investigated, works by having you use libpcap (used in
 Ethereal/Wireshark) to watch ethernet device(s) where voip calls are
 taking place, grab the SIP headers that set up the RTP stream, and
 then write those recordings to disk on a dedicated recordings server.
 This requires explicit ethernet support by doing things like port
 mirroring, or using an old-school hub, etc. This has an advantage for
 you of providing a way to do recording directly on a machine that is
 NOT the asterisk server. No copying required as the recording is
 already where you want it.

 Second, the remote shell isn't so hard. ssh with keys, problem solved.
 You can do that directly from the asterisk dialplan using the System()
 command. This let's you tie the remote shell directly to a given call,
 where you can tune arguments accordingly.
Do you know of any examples that use ssh from inside Asterisk calls?  
How much control do the ssh processes have over the call, if any?  Is 
that comparable to Fast_AGI?  Or EAGI?
 Of course, you can also do #1 with scripting and remote shell, or
 rsync with keys. If you don't need 'a lot' of simultaneous channels
 recorded, this may be more straightforward. You only have to learn
 asterisk, rather than asterisk and Oreka.

I'm intrigued about the remote shell idea...  please let me know if you 
have additional information about it, ok?

Thanks once again,


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Re: [asterisk-users] How to run a remote PHP script and still have access to audio stream?

2010-02-07 Thread Ben Dinnerville
Leo Burd wrote:
 Hello there,
 I'm trying to figure out how to run a PHP script on a remote machine and 
 still have access to the audio stream associated with the call. 
 Ideally, I'd love to play/record audio files directly from/to the remote 
 server without having to copy them back and forth to the Asterisk 
 server.  What is the best way to do this?
 Is it possible to combine EAGI with FastAGI in PHP?
 Thanks in advance,

There is the EAGI protocol that will allow this but the easiest way I 
find to do this sort of thing is to have a shared file system between 
the app / web server and the asterisk server(s). We run a clustered 
setup with 12 asterisk systems and a clustered jboss environment with a 
NFS mount shared between all the systems. For applications such as call 
recording asterisk does the monitor into the NSF mounted share / 
directory which is also visible on the jboss servers (mainly for 
permission checks / security etc) and the web server (for download etc). 
As long as you have a scheme that ensures you do not have duplicate file 
names (which can be controlled by a central database and via your php 
script) then you will not have any issues. There are a number of other 
file system alternatives out there that will achieve the same thing but 
NFS seems to be proven and stable and we have not any issues with it to 
date. Your php script can then be a simple AGI / FastAGI that simply 
executes a Playback(path/to/nfs/directory/file) - you can also 
incorporate things like checking if the file exists in your PHP script 
and implementing access restrictions etc.

We also share our sounds directory between systems this way so that all 
our sounds only have to reside in one place but are visible across all 
the systems.



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Re: [asterisk-users] How to run a remote PHP script and still have access to audio stream?

2010-02-07 Thread David Backeberg
On Sun, Feb 7, 2010 at 9:54 PM, Leo Burd wrote:
 Hello there,

 I'm trying to figure out how to run a PHP script on a remote machine and
 still have access to the audio stream associated with the call.

 Ideally, I'd love to play/record audio files directly from/to the remote
 server without having to copy them back and forth to the Asterisk
 server.  What is the best way to do this?

 Is it possible to combine EAGI with FastAGI in PHP?

You don't specify how often / what proportion of the recordings need
to be on a remote machine versus on the asterisk server. So you have
two main things going on:

1) recordings, with a side order of distributing those to another machine
2) remote shell scripting

First, the recordings can be done directly on a channel where the call
is taking place. If this is one call, that's not so bad, but there get
to be I/O contention issues when you try to record 'a lot' of calls
simultaneously. Some people endorse working around that by writing
recordings to a ramdisk, and then occasionally flushing those off to a
real hard disk.

You may prefer an alternate approach, which is that taken by
commercial recording solutions. Oreka (which can be grabbed from
sourceforge), and pretty much every commercial voip recording solution
I've investigated, works by having you use libpcap (used in
Ethereal/Wireshark) to watch ethernet device(s) where voip calls are
taking place, grab the SIP headers that set up the RTP stream, and
then write those recordings to disk on a dedicated recordings server.
This requires explicit ethernet support by doing things like port
mirroring, or using an old-school hub, etc. This has an advantage for
you of providing a way to do recording directly on a machine that is
NOT the asterisk server. No copying required as the recording is
already where you want it.

Second, the remote shell isn't so hard. ssh with keys, problem solved.
You can do that directly from the asterisk dialplan using the System()
command. This let's you tie the remote shell directly to a given call,
where you can tune arguments accordingly.

Of course, you can also do #1 with scripting and remote shell, or
rsync with keys. If you don't need 'a lot' of simultaneous channels
recorded, this may be more straightforward. You only have to learn
asterisk, rather than asterisk and Oreka.

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