[AstroDigi] Makanan Yang Mengandung Magnesium Bisa Bikin Pintar
TEMPOInteraktif.com | Minggu, 31 Januari 2010 | Tim peneliti di Cina menemukan tikus yang diberi dosis esktra senyawa magnesium baru terbukti memiliki daya ingat jangka pendek, panjang maupun kemampuan belajar yang lebih baik. “Kami menemukan peningkatan kadar magnesium di otak membimbing kepada penguatan daya ingat spasial dan asosiatif baik pada tikus belia maupun tua,” kata Guosong Liu, Direktur Pusat untuk Daya Ingat dan Pembelajaran di Universitas Tsinghua, Beijing. Liu sadar kalau temuan baru berlaku pada tikus. Masih ada uji berikutnya pada manusia untuk memastikan apakah efek yang sama juga bisa terjadi. Uji klinis sangat penting karena meski tikus memiliki fungsi otak yang sama dengan manusia, hasil uji pada hewan tidak selalu memprediksi secara tepat apa yang terjadi jika dilakukan pada manusia. Magnesium sudah lebih dulu terbukti mampu menigkatkan kerja otak dalam studi menggunakan sel otak dalam laboratorium. Tapi senyawa yang baru, magnesium-L-threonate (MgT), diuji langsung pada tikus dan disimpulkan efektif. “Jika MgT nantinya terbukti aman dan efektif di manusia, hasil studi ini akan berdampak besar untuk kesehatan publik,” ujar Liu yang memuat hasil studinya itu dalam jurnal Neuron terbaru. Magnesium adalah unsur penting yang bisa ditemukan dalam beberapa jenis buah, buncis dan sayur berdaun gelap. Unsur ini berguna untuk sistem kekebalan tubuh. Coba saja mengkonsumsinya kurang dari 400 miligram per hari dan Anda akan berisiko terhadap penyakit alergi, asma dan serangan jantung. www.AstroDigi.com (Nino Guevara Ruwano) -- Posted By NINO to AstroDigi at 8/02/2010 02:00:00 AM
[AstroDigi] Ditemukan Fosil Tawon Purba Tertua
TEMPOInteraktif.com | Rabu, 16 Juni 2010 | Para ilmuwan telah menemukan fosil tawon tertua di dunia di Pulau Isle of Wight, Inggris. Jenis Tawon Ara ini diduga telah berusia 34 juta tahun dan tampak seperti tawon yang ada pada umumnya saat ini. Artinya, selama masa itu, wujud binatang penyengat itu tidak berubah. Ketika ditemukan pada 1920 di pulau itu, para peneliti sempat keliru mengidentifikasi tawon tersebut sebagai semut. "Tapi kami telah meneliti kembali dari bahan molekulernya bahwa tawon ini memiliki hubungan dengan pohon ara selama 60 juta tahun," kata ahli Tawon Ara di Universitas Leeds, Inggris, Steve Compton. Tawon Ara adalah serangga yang kecil. Panjang tubuhnya hanya berukuran 0,06 inci atau 1,5 milimeter. Binatang tak dapat hidup terpisah dari pohon ara karena ia berkembang biak di pohon tersebut. Lebah ini juga membantu penyerbukan di antara pohon ara. www.AstroDigi.com (Nino Guevara Ruwano) -- Posted By NINO to AstroDigi at 8/02/2010 02:00:00 AM
[AstroDigi] [en.ASTRODIGI.com] Two-headed Albino Rat Snake
MSN.com.com | August 17th 2006 | Officials of the World Aquarium at the City Museum subscribe wholeheartedly to the maxim that two heads are better than one. If they're on the same animal, that is. Aquarium officials hope an exhibit that opens next week and runs through Sept. 5 will prompt the creation of a Guinness World Record for the most two-headed animals on display. So far, the aquarium has lined up 10 two-headed snakes and turtles, including "We," the aquarium's rare albino two-headed rat snake. The other nine animals are owned by Fred Lally of West Fork, Ark. And if a local reptile dealer with a two-headed snake adds his to the exhibit, the head count would rise to 22. "It should be a huge two-headed party," aquarium president Leonard Sonnenschein said Tuesday. Sonnenschein hopes two of the guests will hit it off. He would like to mate one of Lally's snakes, a two-headed albino rat snake named "Golden Girls," with We. "There are no guarantees," he said, "but it's very likely these two could mate and have babies." The aquarium has been trying to breed We since failing to sell the snake online in January. Officials had hoped it would bring $150,000, but there were no bidders and two subsequent offers were under $50,000. Sonnenschein believes the snake could be hermaphroditic, with two snakes sharing one body. However, a surgical procedure earlier this year found that We could be female. Sonnenschein said Golden Girls is thicker, leading to speculation that it could be male. Even if the exhibit fails to produce another two-headed snake, Sonnenschein said Guinness is interested in the proposal and has created a category dubbed "Largest Exhibit of Two-headed Animals." Lally wouldn't mind being part of a record-breaking exhibit, either. That would boost the prestige of his own collection, which besides Golden Girls also includes a two-headed western diamondback rattlesnake named "Double Trouble" and seven two-headed red ear slider turtles: Wild Ones, Ms. Hazel, Zip & Pip, Lyndon, Crooked Shell, Short Neck and Baby Gill. Lally and his wife usually display the animals at fairs and festivals, but a world record could mean a chance to move out of the summer heat and into cooler surroundings. "I'd much rather make up (a display) that could go inside malls," he said. www.AstroDigi.com (Nino Guevara Ruwano) -- Posted By NINO to en.ASTRODIGI.com at 7/31/2010 05:31:00 AM
[AstroDigi] [en.ASTRODIGI.com] Tramontana, One Of the Most Expensive Cars In The World
AstroDigi.com | Here’s one of the most expensive cars in the world, worth about 2 million euros, or around 2,6 million dollar. And the brand was not very well known in the automotive world. The car is the Tramontana. The results of the European car manufacturers claim based on the Costa Brava, Spain. Tramontana become one of the world’s most expensive brands coupled with premium brands such as Bugatti, Rolls Royce or Mclaren. Worldcarfans quoted as saying on Wednesday (4/11/2009) sports car with two seats open on the hood of the car that created the top artists from Spain, Fernando Leal-Audirac. Tramontana itself is a combination of Formula 1 cars with jet engines!. This car has tremendous power because of the appearance of a twin engine turbo V12 with 760 hp of power that can be pulled from 0-100 km / h in just 3.6 seconds. That’s from the engine innards. >From any outside body endowed Tramontana exotic appearance, the soul of this art Tramontana sapuhan more obvious with colorful paint that has a chameleon effect, aka can change the color of Leal-Audirac claim. Tramontana paint color can change and move from purple to blue and from green to gold. Leal-Audirac goal is to create a “sculpture Silk” and no doubt the visual effect is the core purpose of the car creations -- Posted By NINO to en.ASTRODIGI.com at 7/30/2010 05:09:00 AM
[AstroDigi] [BISNIS ONLINE] Santapan Aneh Ala Jepang, Juice Kecoa
AstroDigi.com | Ada posting yang lucu dari blog tetangga browiez.blogspot.com nih. Buat para pembaca yang ingin mencoba atau sekedar tahu, ini dia santapan aneh ala Jepang,berikut urutan tatacara pembuatannya :) 1. Kumpulkan kecoa dan panaskan sekitar 5 menit. 2. Taruh di blender 3. Tutup blender dan nyalakan 4. Blender sebentar jangan sampai hancur sekali 5. Tambahkan air 6. Pastikan semua kecoa terendam di air 7. Tutup blender dan nyalakan lagi 8. Kali ini blender hingga halus 9. Tuang ke mangkuk atau gelas besar 10. santap! www.AstroDigi.com (Nino Guevara Ruwano) -- Posted By NINO to BISNIS ONLINE at 8/01/2010 01:06:00 AM