[AstroDigi] [en.ASTRODIGI.com] Indian Yogi Lives Without Any Food and Water for Over 70 Y...

2010-09-02 Terurut Topik NINO
Pravda.ru | 13 May 2010 | Prahlad Jani, an 82 year Indian yogi is used
to living with empty stomach. He claims that he receives his energy
from space.
At first medics thought him to be a swindler, but when they examined
him they were of a different opinion. The unique yogi was placed in a
hospital for observation. The first results shocked scientists and now
they are trying to find out if other people can be taught to live
without food and water.

Prahlad Jani says he has been living without food and water for over 70
years. He said that when he was eight he was homeless and lived in a
cave near a Hindu temple where he was allegedly visited by an Indian
goddess. She felt sorry for the child and bestowed these wonderful
capabilities on him. Since then all he needs to survive is a drop or
two of magic nectar sent to him by a goddess every day. The nectar
penetrates his body through a special channel on the roof of his mouth.
Scientists have no comments about it.

The unique yogi has been in complete isolation in the hospital for a
week already and he is observed 24/7 with specially installed cameras.
He has not been eating or drinking for the entire week. Every day
doctors examine him trying to find signs of weakness or dehydration,
but to no avail. They found that his brain cells are at the level of a
25-year old person, and his body is strong and young.

The doctors say they are dealing with a biological miracle because
within 108 hours in the hospital he has not eaten or drunk and has not
used a restroom even once. This raises complex questions . A human
being can live without water and food up to 12 days. There were cases
when people lived without food for 16 and even 30 days, but they drank
water on the 8th day.

Jani is studied by 35 doctors. They say that yoga practice caused
biological changes in his body. He explains it with the “life energy”
given to him by the Indian goddess. This “energy” is especially
interesting for military doctors.

The doctors are hoping this case will help them to research the ways of
survival in extreme conditions without food or water. They believe it
could be a real breakthrough in their attempts to send piloted
spacecrafts to Mars. The unique patient will be examined for two more
weeks. It will take the scientists another two months to meticulously
study the results. Only then it will be obvious whether this is a coax
or sensation.

www.AstroDigi.com (Nino Guevara Ruwano)

Posted By NINO to en.ASTRODIGI.com at 9/02/2010 02:00:00 AM

[AstroDigi] [BISNIS ONLINE] Kim Dapat Perlakuan Istimewa, Paris Hilton Iri

2010-09-02 Terurut Topik NINO
KOMPAS.com | Selasa, 24 Agustus 2010 | Paris Hilton tak terima ketika
mengetahui bahwa bekas sohibnya, Kim Kardashian, mendapatkan
perlakuan istimewa saat diundang dalam sebuah pesta kelas atas di Lavo,
Las Vegas, 13 Agustus lalu.

US Weekly memberitakan, Kim mendapat fasilitas jet pribadi untuk
menghadiri sebuah acara spesial tersebut. Namun tidak demikian bagi
Paris. Inilah yang membuatnya iri. Paris sangat marah, ungkap salah
satu sumber terdekat Paris.

Ia tidak percaya Kim mendapat jet pribadi, sedangkan dirinya tidak.
Padahal dia terbiasa mendapat perlakuan istimewa. Paris sangat kecewa
dengan Kim. Namun, 100 persen itu murni rasa iri Paris kepada Kim,
katanya lagi, sebagaimana dikutip dari situs showbizspy.com.

Kim tidak hanya melakukan apa yang dilakukan Paris terdahulu. Kim
melakukannya lebih baik, dan semua orang relatif menyukainya.

Parislah yang memperkenalkan Kim kepada dunia Hollywood hingga menjadi
tenar seperti sekarang. Kim seharusnya berterima kasih kepada Paris.
Parislah yang memberinya karier seperti sekarang, ujar sumber tersebut.

www.AstroDigi.com (Nino Guevara Ruwano)

Posted By NINO to BISNIS ONLINE at 9/02/2010 02:00:00 AM