Dailymail.co.uk | May, 25th 2010 | Meet Amazing Grace, the cat that had
a nail driven through its head - and survived. This little cat had a
miracle escape after a thug drove a nail into her head.

The Moggy - dubbed Amazing Grace - was found in Sioux City, Iowa, with
the nail buried in its skull.

The cat was amazingly walking around in good condition when it was
found, before a surgeon could pull out the three-inch nail.

"I've never seen anything like this. And to still have the cat be
alive, It's just amazing," said Cindy Rarrat of Animal Control. An
X-ray shows how the nail was driven deep into Amazing Grace's head

www.AstroDigi.com (Nino Guevara Ruwano)

Posted By NINO to en.ASTRODIGI.com at 8/02/2010 07:02:00 AM

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