I can't speak for all of the IESG, how closely they reviewed the
document and how carefully they considered the appropriateness of the
namespace. We don't have rules against such namespace choices. We
could argue about whether or not we should have such rules, but the
results of that argument would most likely affect future specs.
To be clear about Sam's issue, Sam asked about change control for the
document, and did not suggest changing the namespace or some other
change. He said "I want to confirm that we hae sufficient control
over this specification that we have change control for the future."
We do, so a simple "Yes" answer was the resolution that addressed
Sam's concern.
It's too bad if Sam's review raised a point that you would have
preferred to consider in Last Call. At this point, it's very rare to
pull a document or change something like this that would affect
implementations. Often the remedy at this stage is to start working
on the next revision of the RFC and/or to make a note to fix in the
next revision. So the IETF change control over this document may
answer your concern, one way or another, as well.
On Jul 9, 2006, at 9:43 PM, Robert Sayre wrote:
On 7/4/06, Lisa Dusseault <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I wrote the synopsis, in which I was careful not to state that it was
a WG document. I believe it was accurate for what it said although
it's very brief. I discussed explicitly with the IESG during the
IESG tele-conference calls that there was some lengthy debate and
disagreement over certain mechanisms in the draft.
Hi Lisa,
Thanks for the clarification. You may have missed another question I
recently asked, so I'll repeat it here. I am concerned that purl.org
lists the document author as the owner of the namespace URI, and I
wonder how the IESG came to the conclusion that the namespace is not a
problem. I see Sam Hartman raised the issue. What was the resolution?
Could the draft advance to Draft- or Full-Standard in that namespace?
Robert Sayre
"I would have written a shorter letter, but I did not have the time."