self and alternate links for entries

2007-01-30 Thread Bill de hOra


I'm building a tool (for Plone) at the moment that will publish any 
content as an Atom Entry by appending '/entry.xml' onto the URL. I had a 
question about declaring self and alternate links. Here are two options:


@rel=self,@type=application/xml+atom links to the Entry

@rel=alternate, @hreflang, @type, links to the Content


@rel=self @hreflang, @type, links to the Content

@rel=alternate, @type=application/xml+atom links to the Entry

I couldn't find enough information in the RFC about which way to go. 
Which would you choose, and why?


Re: Atom namespace really not ending with / or # ?

2006-12-12 Thread Bill de hOra

Jan Algermissen wrote:


is it really true that the Atom namespace is ?

Meaning that it is somewhat difficult to identify Atom elements with URIs:

Was that simply a mistake or a design feature when Atom was standardized?

Thinks I asked for a trailing '/' at some point;  certainly for 
fnalising APP, I want a trailing '/'.


Re: PaceEntryMediatype

2006-12-11 Thread Bill de hOra

Bob Wyman wrote:

The impact here is not just limited to APP implementations. If a new 
media type is defined, it will undoubtedly appear in other contexts as 
well. Given the current definition of the atom syntax, it is perfectly 
reasonable for an "aggregator" to treat a single entry as the semantic 
equivelant of a single-entry feed. 

I don't agree. atom:source is optional, and even then that does not 
cater for situations where entries have been annotated downstream.

If a new media type is defined, such 
an application would end up having to be modified. That's not right... 
APP is not the only context within which Atom is used.

What matters is whether atom:feed is the only context within which 
atom:entry is used, and/or whether atom:entry is an atom:feed in 
masquerade. After who knows how many posts and having gone back to the 
RFC, as I see it, neither of those is true or supported by the spec. 
There'll have to be another rationale presented for not spinning out a 
new media type.


Re: PaceEntryMediatype

2006-12-11 Thread Bill de hOra

Sylvain Hellegouarch wrote:

I still don't understand the meaning of equivalence between an entry
document and a single-entry-feed document. 

You don't need to; it doesn't exist. This is string theory for syndication.


feeds: what does atom:id denote?

2006-12-06 Thread Bill de hOra


I'm sending entries over XMPP packaged up as feeds. A question that has 
come up - should the feed's atom:id change each time a feed is sent, or 
should it remain the same for all feeds issued from a client?


Re: PaceEntryMediatype

2006-12-06 Thread Bill de hOra

Antone Roundy wrote:

On Dec 6, 2006, at 12:14 PM, Jan Algermissen wrote:
Following a link is not the same thing as subscribing to something. 
The act of subscribing is a local activity performed by the user 
agent. What you do when you follow the link to a feed is a GET. Your 
agent then decides if subscribing to that resource is a good idea. To 
make that decision, the agent has to look at the representation and 
the it is insignificant overhead to see if the thing returnes  
or .


Maybe I want to monitor a single media resource; an Atom media entry 
would be an ideal thing to do so (I'd rather look at the meta data 
than at the media resource upon each poll).

 I'd say: stick with the one media type that is currently there - 
there is no problem, just misconception about what it means to subscribe.

A few reasons why a user agent might want to be able to tell the 
difference between a link to a feed and a link to an entry beforehand is 
in order to:

1) be able to ignore the link to the entry (ie. not present it to the 
user) if the user agent doesn't handle entry documents (rather than 
presenting it as a "subscribe" link, only to have to say "sorry, it's 
not a feed" after the user tries to subscribe).

2) be able to say "subscribe" to links to feeds, and "monitor" links to 
entries (the user may not be interested in monitoring a single entry for 
changes--if they can't tell that that's what the link is for, they may 
end up needlessly doing so but think that they've added another feed to 
their subscription list).

3) to open an entry in an editing app.

Datapoint:  double clicking on an Atom Entry file in Ubuntu results  in 
the following:

The filename 
indicates that this file is of type "XML document". The contents of the 
file indicate that the file is of type "Draft journal entry". If you 
open this file, the file might present a security risk to your system.

Do not open the file unless you created the file yourself, or received 
the file from a trusted source. To open the file, rename the file to the 
correct extension for "Draft journal entry", then open the file 
normally. Alternatively, use the Open With menu to choose a specific 
application for the file.


I believe this is because I had drivel installed at one point. Double 
clicking on an Atom Feed document opens it in Firefox. I'm kind of 
surprised by this, but thinking about it, you don't really write feeds, 
but you do write entries.


Re: PaceEntryMediatype

2006-12-06 Thread Bill de hOra

Mark Baker wrote:

Isn't that just a case of people not implementing the whole spec

Not really. The RFC defines the structure, not so much the interaction 
model around feeds (which is driven by UIs more than anything else, so I 
can buy into it being somewhat arbitrary)

Or, are there applications which only process entry documents and not
feed documents?

Anything based on Atom Protocol will be making a distinction.


Re: PaceEntryMediatype

2006-12-05 Thread Bill de hOra

James M Snell wrote:

When I process this entry,

I had problems subscribing to that entry in bloglines. Will somebody 
file a bug?


Re: PaceEntryMediatype

2006-12-05 Thread Bill de hOra

Mark Baker wrote:

On 12/4/06, James M Snell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

All I can go on is evidence of how folks are actually using 'em... and
they ain't using 'em as aliases. :-)

Ok, I'll take empirical evidence too 8-)  Point the way ...


since you introduced it, what's an "alias", exactly?


Re: PaceEntryMediatype

2006-11-30 Thread Bill de hOra

Mark Baker wrote:

[..] it it's
better than the alternative of many more specific Atom-related media
types, which atomentry+xml might set a precedent for.

One question and one observation. The question: how will this set a 
precedent? The observation: if we really want to avoid this problem 
(assuming there is a problem), then RDF was the answer, not a pretence 
of uniformity.


Re: PaceEntryMediatype

2006-11-30 Thread Bill de hOra

"Well it's all octets so in one sense the processing is the same."

I have to agree with James.

The right questions in my mind is this - how is processing an entry 
different from processing a feed with that and 42 entries?

The idea that an entry is a degenerate feed is interesting, but 
unsubstantiated. Seriously, i'm not getting it. My experience is the 
opposite now, across 3 protocols; feeds are the odd men out (http needs 
them to deliver collections) and entries are not subsets of feeds. If 
there's real uniformity, I don't see it. To see it, I'd need to see that 
feeds and entries are closed under processing, and probably structurally 

We've enough field experience that suggests having entries and feeds 
sharing a media type is at best inconvenient.  I only have to start 
thinking about how an APP collection handles partial update failures on 
a feed to think I need a dedicated media type for dealing with feeds.


James M Snell wrote:

Well, it's all XML parsing so in one sense the processing is the same.
The key difference arises in how the various documents are used.  In my
experience, Atom Entry Documents are nearly the exclusive territory of
APP Clients and push notification services (e.g. Atom over XMPP) while
Feeds generally provide for the redistribution and indexing of entries.
 When I parse an entry document, there is no implied feed.

- James

Mark Baker wrote:

Interesting, thanks.  But serving different purposes doesn't
necessitate a new media type.  What's important is how the two types
of documents are interpreted.

How does your processing of an entry document differ from the
processing of a feed containing (only) that same entry?  If processing
the entry is a subset of processing the feed, then you probably don't
need a new media type.


On 11/30/06, James M Snell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Mark Baker wrote:

Yes, but more than that.  An entry document is, AFAICT, little more
than shorthand for a feed with one entry, minus the feed-specific
metadata.  It's processing is a subset of feed processing.  If the
processing or content model of entry is extended, it applies to both
feed documents and entry documents.

Hmm.. I understand what you're saying but I don't think I agree.  In the
APP implementations I've put together, Feed and Entry documents
generally serve two entirely different purposes and are usually intended
for two entirely different audiences.

- James

Re: PaceEntryMediatype

2006-11-30 Thread Bill de hOra

A. Pagaltzis wrote:

* Mark Baker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2006-11-29 20:10]:

An entry document is, AFAICT, little more than shorthand for
a feed with one entry, minus the feed-specific metadata. It's
processing is a subset of feed processing. If the processing or
content model of entry is extended, it applies to both feed
documents and entry documents.

I disagree. There’s not much of a point in subscribing to an
entry document, and APP servers will not accept POSTing feeds in
place of entries.

Well, it's kinda undefined - and this is circular - it's undefined 
because feeds and entries share a media-type.

It would be useful to allow collections to accept non-atoms (har har). 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] expressed a need for batching, and I could really do with 
this for website/cms publishing. But because error handling semantics 
can be different for batches, it's tricky; some uniformity is lost if 
it's not thought out.


Re: PaceEntryMediatype

2006-11-30 Thread Bill de hOra

James M Snell wrote:

Mark Baker wrote:

Yes, but more than that.  An entry document is, AFAICT, little more
than shorthand for a feed with one entry, minus the feed-specific
metadata.  It's processing is a subset of feed processing.  If the
processing or content model of entry is extended, it applies to both
feed documents and entry documents.

Hmm.. I understand what you're saying but I don't think I agree.  In the
APP implementations I've put together, Feed and Entry documents
generally serve two entirely different purposes and are usually intended
for two entirely different audiences.

Same here. Feeds are collections; saying that entries are implicit 
collections is something I don't grasp - it's too abstract.

[The only time I've been able to treat feeds and entries uniformly is 
feeding RSS1.0 into a RDF aware system.]


Re: PaceEntryMediatype

2006-11-29 Thread Bill de hOra

James M Snell wrote:

Create a new media type for Atom Entry Documents: application/atomentry+xml



Re: feed id's and paged/archive feeds

2006-11-28 Thread Bill de hOra

Mark Nottingham wrote:

Sorry, this got lost in my inbox...

I think they do, although the draft is silent on it. This is one of 
those areas where it would have been really nice if the WG had agreed to 
take on FH as part of the core, rather than extension; there are lots of 
little ambiguities like this as a result.

I doubt that would clear things up. This is a HTTP thing, not an Atom 
thing. My thinking on this matter is that Atom feeds aren't resources, 
they're representations. Specifically they're a hack/optimisation to 
deal model collections/iterators for HTTP. Anyone who really cares 
should try sending Atom over XMPP or email; it'll be clear enough that 
entrys matter, but feeds don't.

[An RDF modelling execise by the WG would have made it clear that feeds 
are problematic entities, but we'd probably be going into last call 
sometime the new year as a result.]


Re: Clarify foreign markup: [was Atom Syndication Format To Draft Standard?]

2006-10-03 Thread Bill de hOra

A. Pagaltzis wrote:

I think given the above background you'll agree that the intent
of the document is pretty coherent. 

I couldn't tell whether new Atom extensions are foreign markup, or 
something else to be dealt with under wrt being a "forward-compatible" 
friendly consumer. It's kind of circular. In short, I guessed and you 
told me I was wrong.


Clarify foreign markup: [was Atom Syndication Format To Draft Standard?]

2006-10-03 Thread Bill de hOra

Robert Sayre wrote:

I think we should move the format to Draft Standard by clearing up any 
errata and adding two attributes: 'dir' and 'unicode-bidi', as defined 


"Foreign markup" is ambiguous.

Markup  from other vocabularies ("foreign markup") can be used in an 
Atom Document.


For the purposes of this  discussion, unrecognized markup from the Atom 
vocabulary will be  considered "foreign markup".


Perhaps this is what's intended by those statements:

Markup not defined in this document is called "foreign markup"

I don't think the document can forward to proposed without 
clarification. Also, "forward-compatible" is mentioned, but not defined 
- it's not possible to make a safe assumption on what it means, since 
it's relative to whatever "foreign markup" is. I assume "unrecognized" 
and "unknown" are synonymous.


Re: Atom Export

2006-09-27 Thread Bill de hOra

Alastair Rankine wrote:

Hello Atom folks,

Here is a proposal for an Atom-derived format for exporting of content.

The problem I'm trying to solve is that of migration from one authoring 
system (eg blogging engine) to another. Atom is highly suited to this task.

The full problem statement, and the reasons for basing the solution on 
Atom, are all described in the proposal published here:

There is no implementation yet.

I look forward to your comments on this document.

Very quickly (I'm overloaded atm) - this is excellent.

I've been looking at using Atom Entries for roundtripping/backup and 
interchange, especially in CMSes, for some time. The ultimate dump 
format in terms of expressiveness is RDF/XML, but it can be complicated. 
Atom offers a lot of value with comparative simplicity largely because 
atom:id can survive across systems*, but also because the flat format of 
entries maps well onto relational data (it's particularly good for 
dumping metadata). One hard problem is in usefully storing and indexing 
received foreign markup.


* that said, for "consumer" data, the APP leans towards, or least 
allows, rewriting of atom:ids due to trust issues.