Re: Does xml:base apply to type="html" content?

2006-04-04 Thread Sjoerd Visscher

Anne van Kesteren wrote:

Quoting James Holderness <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
I think the issue of neutral link bookmarking is unlikely to be a 
problem for Atom aggregators though. Server bugs are another thing, 
but I think most feeds will be broken without an explicit xml:base 
anyway, so maybe that's not worth worrying about. I'm not sure though. 
Should the WG recommend ignoring Content-Location as a base URI, or 
should aggregators follow the RFC exactly as specified?

If `Content-Location` is not usable or can't be used consistent on a 

(for example, using it for both Atom and HTML content) I suggest we specify
something that is consistent with what browsers do. And perhaps try to 

the relevant header if possible...

The problem is not with Content-Location, but with RFC 3986. It says 
that same-document references must be resolved with respect to the base 
URI. It adds that when those references are resolved, they should not 
result in a new retrieval action, but that does not help with things 
like bookmarking (as James pointed out), and is almost impossible to 

Sjoerd Visscher

Re: Does xml:base apply to type="html" content?

2006-04-01 Thread Sjoerd Visscher

I also understand there is some debate whether supporting 
Content-Location is a good idea at all (at least in web browsers). 
Firefox at one point started adding support, but they determined that it 
caused problems with broken servers (mostly IIS I believe). 

As far as I, support for Content-Location was reverted because in 
Firefox same-document references are broken when used with some sort of 
base URI. I.e. if you have a document with  with 
Content-Location: http://y/z, Firefox will go to the anchor named x in 
the document at http://y/z, instead of to the anchor named x in the 
current document.

Sjoerd Visscher

Re: How to specify multiple alternative encodings of the same content?

2005-11-12 Thread Sjoerd Visscher

J.B. Nicholson-Owens wrote:

I maintain, a website which points to an archive of 
recordings of a weekly political talk show called "News from Neptune".  
I'm considering using ATOM so listeners can be notified about new 
episodes entering the archive.

I'd like to be able to tell the user's software that there are multiple 
encodings of the same show, one in Ogg Vorbis, another in FLAC, and a 
third in Speex.  Given a URI to each encoding, the client could pick 
which one is appropriate for downloading.

How do I specify this in ATOM?

Ideally, just like in XHTML 2.0[1], I think the type attribute should 
have the option of providing multiple content-types.

So the link would become:

href="show" />

Or with preferences:

Or even with multiple languages:

href="show" hreflang="en-CA, fr-CA" />

But this would require HTTP content negotiation, which I think is not 
practical for most users.

Sjoerd Visscher

Re: xml:base abuse

2005-08-21 Thread Sjoerd Visscher

Sam Ruby wrote:

URI(doc) =
xml:base =

Ah, ok, I missed that. (Just to be sure, you added www yourself, or is
there a link to the feed somewhere with www in it?)

Your feed is available from both of the URI's mentioned above.  The
tinyurl quoted above is based on passing the first one to the feed

Oh, this is actually interesting. I send a 301 when you use It looks like this is handled transparently by your 
http library, giving you the file at In that case it 
should be possible to request the actual uri that is used to get the file.

And then there's also the Content-Location header, which sets the base 
URI. This is used with content negotiation. F.e. (I haven't actually 
implemented this) if you would send a request to
with the header
  Accept: application/atom+xml
I could send you the atom file with this header:

Afaik this is how the HTTP spec suggest to implement content 
negotiation. Then the value of Content-Location should be considered to 
be the uri of the document.

Regarding the solution, my first suggestion would be to change the
xml:base to reference the atom document, e.g.:"; />

... which would resolve to  Is that what we
want here?

The original in your example is"; />.

Not being quite ready to drop the existing suggestion, I simply added

That's what I meant by saying "first suggestion".

Sjoerd Visscher

Re: xml:base abuse

2005-08-21 Thread Sjoerd Visscher

A. Pagaltzis wrote:

What do you think about what I said? Is @rel='self' being a
same-document reference a problem?

No. As long as xml:base is the same as the document URI.

One thing to note is that when retrieving the document from the
location @rel='self' refers to, as the external base URI for
atom:feed is the one which @rel='self' also references. So when
retrieving the feed from its preferred location, @rel='self' will
always implicitly be a same-document reference.

Yes, good point!

Sjoerd Visscher

Re: xml:base abuse

2005-08-21 Thread Sjoerd Visscher

A. Pagaltzis wrote:

* Sjoerd Visscher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2005-08-21 13:40]:

Regarding the solution, my first suggestion would be to change
the xml:base to reference the atom document, e.g.:"; />

This is also more consistent with the explanation.

Except it’s a @rel='self' link, so you really do want it to
resolve to <>.

This was about the link in the solution in
which is not a self link.

In fact, I’ve been wondering whether atom:feed/@xml:base doesn’t
obsolete the purpose of atom:[EMAIL PROTECTED]'self'], so that the
former should have been the SHOULD that the latter is, and the
latter not invented at all. It would seem that this notion would
also be less controversial when backported to RSS2, as opposed to
the item of including an atom:link in an RSS2 feed.

Not only does is port well to RSS2, it ports well to every single xml 
document. I think it is good practice, as it makes the infoset of the 
document context independent.

Sjoerd Visscher

Re: xml:base abuse

2005-08-21 Thread Sjoerd Visscher

Sam Ruby wrote:

Sjoerd Visscher wrote:

Sam Ruby wrote:

Sjoerd, I'd be interested in your comments on this:

The explanation in the documentation[1] is perfect. And it says "As the
current xml:base in effect does not match the URI of the document", but
this is not the case in my feed, so I'm not sure why you report a warning?

URI(doc) =
xml:base =

Ah, ok, I missed that. (Just to be sure, you added www yourself, or is 
there a link to the feed somewhere with www in it?)

Regarding the solution, my first suggestion would be to change the
xml:base to reference the atom document, e.g.:"; />

... which would resolve to  Is that what we
want here?

The original in your example is"; />.

Sjoerd Visscher

Re: xml:base abuse

2005-08-21 Thread Sjoerd Visscher

Sam Ruby wrote:

Sjoerd, I'd be interested in your comments on this:

The explanation in the documentation[1] is perfect. And it says "As the 
current xml:base in effect does not match the URI of the document", but 
this is not the case in my feed, so I'm not sure why you report a warning?

Regarding the solution, my first suggestion would be to change the 
xml:base to reference the atom document, e.g.:"; />

This is also more consistent with the explanation.



Sjoerd Visscher

Re: xml:base abuse

2005-08-16 Thread Sjoerd Visscher

Sam Ruby wrote:

Apparently, consuming tools are welcome to aggressively substitute
references to the enclosing parent document of any element for any
references that, when resolved according to xml:base, differ from that
xml:base only in ways that deal with normalization and fragment
identifiers.  This can only cause confusion if the xml:base in effect
differs from original xml:base of the document (i.e., the URI used to
retrieve the document in the first place) in ways other than the
fragment identifier.

You've nailed it.

Note that I'm sidestepping all questions about who is right or wrong. 

I totally agree, there is no right or wrong here. The established usage 
of a base URI is so different from what Roy is saying that he shouldn't 
have changed the RFC in such a way. (The RFC is even an Internet 
Standard, defined as "a specification that is stable and well-understood.")

The recommendations produced by the feed validator will focus on the
areas where the user is most likely to stumble into this problem.  It
seems to me that the largest problem area is at the feed level, and the
recommendation will be to either make xml:base at the feed level match
the URI from which the feed was loaded, or (paradoxically enough) to
reference a resource that you are unlikely to directly reference later
in the document.  Referencing a parent directory of any given document
is OK, what's important is that it isn't the document itself.

Yes, although I wonder how you would test for "unlikely to directly 
reference later".

Fair enough?

Totally, thanks!

Sjoerd Visscher

Re: xml:base abuse

2005-08-15 Thread Sjoerd Visscher

Bjoern Hoehrmann wrote:

* Sjoerd Visscher wrote:

It would be really cool if you would move the xml:base of the entry to 
the div, but as you have 2 divs per entry I can imagine you don't want 
to do that. Or you could change the base URI to f.e. 
When/200x/2005/08/14/Java-Net-Terms.atom (even if that doesn't 
dereference to anything)

xml:base is not allowed on xhtml1:div elements.

Doh. The imperfections of the real world make it sometimes 
overwhelmingly disappointing.

Sjoerd Visscher

Re: xml:base abuse

2005-08-15 Thread Sjoerd Visscher

Tim Bray wrote:

On Aug 15, 2005, at 7:28 AM, Tim Bray wrote:

The way Tim Bray's feed and the examples from James Snell on  
developerWorks use xml:base is what Roy T. Fielding calls an abuse.

I disagree with Roy, 

Shouldn't he be the one who knows? He actually he made it into an abuse 
by changing the definition of same-document references in the new rfc, 
so some documents that used the base URI in a way it was (apparently) 
never intended break. Read his whole argument if you want:

It would be nice to know how bad he actually thinks the abuse is.

> but agree that the way my links were set up was  a

little surprising to the eye, so I tweaked.  Check out 

It would be really cool if you would move the xml:base of the entry to 
the div, but as you have 2 divs per entry I can imagine you don't want 
to do that. Or you could change the base URI to f.e. 
When/200x/2005/08/14/Java-Net-Terms.atom (even if that doesn't 
dereference to anything)

Sjoerd Visscher

Re: xml:base abuse

2005-08-15 Thread Sjoerd Visscher

Robert Sayre wrote:

On 8/15/05, A. Pagaltzis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

* Robert Sayre <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2005-08-15 19:05]:

The implementors of Internet Explorer and Mozilla agree with

That uses html:base, which sets the base URI for the entire
document, not @xml:base, which sets the base URI for the element
and its children. Your example is irrelevant.

Oh no, not irrelevance! :)

Both seem to do the job described in section 5.1.1 of RFC 3986,  "Base
URI embedded in content". <>

Just for fun, I made a version that uses xml:base instead. You can try
it with Firefox, which happens to support xml:base:

Yes, it's a known bug.

As a result of that bug, same-document references in documents with 
xml:base or html:base (like documents from the Google cache) don't work. 
Also content-location support is removed in Firefox because it broke 
same-document references (which hadn't be the case if same-document 
references would have been correctly implemented in the first place.)

Sjoerd Visscher

Re: xml:base abuse

2005-08-15 Thread Sjoerd Visscher

Sam Ruby wrote:

Sjoerd Visscher wrote:

Not quite, it is a nitpick, but I think the source of our disagreement.
Resolution is the procedure of making absolute paths from relative
paths. So the link resolves to <>.
But this is equal (string-equal) to the base URI, so this is a
same-document reference.

In the sentence above, you refer to "the base URI".  I would interpret
that as "the base URI of the document", not "the base URI of the element".

It has to the base URI of the element, otherwise links can change 
meaning when you XInclude them in another document.

The problematic values are the ones that when resolved are the same as
the base URI (ignoring the fragment). In this case even"/> would be problematic.

My reading of this statement is that your feed also contains a
problematic link.  Issuing warnings on what is unambiguously a fully
qualified URI and on your usage are things I would rather avoid.


Sjoerd Visscher

Re: xml:base abuse

2005-08-15 Thread Sjoerd Visscher

Sam Ruby wrote:

Sjoerd Visscher wrote:

Let me show you some pseudo-code that implements how to dereference an
atom link according to rfc3986:

dereference(linkElement) =
 baseURI = linkElement.baseURI
 linkURI = makeAbsolute(linkElement.href, baseURI)
 if stripFragmentID(linkURI) == stripFragmentID(baseURI)
   then return linkElement.ownerDocument
   else return loadDocument(linkURI)

You'll see the problem when you pass the link element of Tim Brays feed.

Focusing on the  in Tim's existing feed, it seems to me
that Tim intended to express <>.  How you
interpret the spec is that this will actually resolve to

Am I correct so far?

Not quite, it is a nitpick, but I think the source of our disagreement.
Resolution is the procedure of making absolute paths from relative 
paths. So the link resolves to <>.
But this is equal (string-equal) to the base URI, so this is a 
same-document reference.

If so, what would happen if he replaced this with ?
linkURI would still resolve to the same value as baseURI.  Do you
interpret the spec is that this will also resolve to

/ resolves to <>, not the same value as the base 
URI, and not a same-document reference.

How about ?  I guess that would depend on what the
meaning of "==" is.

"==" is string equality in my pseudo-code.
I think <./> resolves to <>, so that would 
be a same-document reference as well.

I am quite willing to add feed validator warnings for edge cases where
reasonable professionals might have differing opinions of how to read
the specification, particularly if there is no compelling use case for
use of the feature.

Can we agree that empty //atom:link/@href values, or //atom:link/@href
values that consist entirely of a fragment are problematic?

The problematic values are the ones that when resolved are the same as 
the base URI (ignoring the fragment). In this case even href=""/> would be problematic.

Sjoerd Visscher

Re: xml:base abuse

2005-08-15 Thread Sjoerd Visscher

Bjoern Hoehrmann wrote:

* Sjoerd Visscher wrote:

Now I think that no matter what we decide, we should not do
something that the writer of the URI spec thinks is an abuse.

"We" as in there is specific text in one of the atompub drafts
that make misleading suggestions that are inconsistent with
the xml:base Recommendation or RFC 3986/7 other than some con-
fusion about how to handle IRIs in non-Unicode encoded Atom
documents that are not in NFC?

I have no problem with the spec, only with some high profile Atom feed 

Sjoerd Visscher

Re: xml:base abuse

2005-08-15 Thread Sjoerd Visscher

Sam Ruby wrote:

I would prefer to deal with what the spec actually says.  As you point
out, it is "really odd" that nothing was added to the new RFC 3986 to
support your position.

The authors of DOM3 looked at both the xml:base and InfoSet
specifications.  I've taken a look at how two respected XML parsers have
implemented DOM3:

- Sam Ruby

Yes, that code is perfectly fine, and not the actual problem.

Let me show you some pseudo-code that implements how to dereference an 
atom link according to rfc3986:

dereference(linkElement) =
  baseURI = linkElement.baseURI
  linkURI = makeAbsolute(linkElement.href, baseURI)
  if stripFragmentID(linkURI) == stripFragmentID(baseURI)
then return linkElement.ownerDocument
else return loadDocument(linkURI)

You'll see the problem when you pass the link element of Tim Brays feed.

Also, Roy T. Fielding says "[...] a person is deliberately abusing the 
base URI by assigning it an unrelated URI for the purpose of creating an 
artificial shorthand notation for external references."

There is nothing in rfc3986 that contradicts this, it only indirectly 
hints to it. The real purpose of a base URI isn't explained in rfc3986.

Sjoerd Visscher

xml:base abuse

2005-08-15 Thread Sjoerd Visscher


A while ago we had a discussion about how xml:base should be used.
We didn't reach a conclusion, but I think we need to act.

The way Tim Bray's feed and the examples from James Snell on 
developerWorks use xml:base is what Roy T. Fielding calls an abuse.

Now I think that no matter what we decide, we should not do something 
that the writer of the URI spec thinks is an abuse.

More here:

Sjoerd Visscher

Re: Notes on the latest draft - xml:base

2005-07-20 Thread Sjoerd Visscher

James Cerra wrote:
xml:base is a broken specification.  At the simplest, it's just a lame attempt 
at abbreviating strings.  However, it solves that problem in the worst 
possible manner.  As the RDF serializations show, what is needed is a 
name/value pair simular to entities or xml namespaces.

That's because it is not an attempt at abbreviating strings, but to 
preserve the meaning of relative URIs, when content is used outside of 
its original context.

Sjoerd Visscher

Re: Atom 1.0 xml:base/URI funnies

2005-07-20 Thread Sjoerd Visscher

A. Pagaltzis wrote:

But the language in RFC3986 does not consider this use case, and
the language in the xml:base TR does not address same-document
references at all. So there are things possible in the scope of
the xml:base TR, for whose behaviour it defers to the RFC, which
only considers a small subset of the possible use cases. So we
have a mismatched layering of specs, for a certain class of use
cases… ugh.

I think Roy T. Fielding did consider all this, given the example in

Also interesting is this quote from

"That is, the correct behavior is to parse the reference into a URI
before deciding whether or not it is a same-document reference.
The effect of this change, when implemented, has no impact on the
protocol *except* when a person is deliberately abusing the base URI
by assigning it an unrelated URI for the purpose of creating an
artificial shorthand notation for external references.  It should be
no surprise that such usage will not be supported by the standard,
since it never worked with the majority of deployed implementations."

Sjoerd Visscher

Re: Atom 1.0 xml:base/URI funnies

2005-07-19 Thread Sjoerd Visscher

A. Pagaltzis wrote:
It makes me wonder whether the person who wrote the example was 
unaware of the consequences of the same-document reference 
specifications in the URI RFC. Surely, the xml:base WG must have 
noticed this issue and discussed it?

I wonder how many people are aware of it. I wonder if we managed to
convince any readers on the atom list at all. Tim Bray hasn't responded
yet, so I guess he is still in doubt.

I found out about it through Mozilla Bug 241981.
Mozilla had implemented that the http content-location header sets the
base href. But as Mozilla has no same-document reference support, it
would navigate to the content-location document when you clicked on an
internal link. The solution was to revert content-location support, and
noting that it was broken-by-design. I found this hard to believe, and
tried figuring out what was really supposed to happen.

Notice that xml:base describes **a base URI**. The xml:base TR does
not define what a base URI is. It’s RFC3986 (and originally, RFC2396)
which does, while describing just what an URI is, to begin with. The
same-document reference stanza in the URI RFCs is clear evidence that
in the spirit of the spec, “base URI” means “the source URI of the
content,” not “the prefix I wish to apply to relative references.”

RFC2396 is not the original spec, HTML 2 is. Later versions of HTML 
screwed up. I wrote up the history of fragment identifiers here:

At first, I thought the RFC-specified same-document reference stanza
made no sense. But then I realized it is perfectly fine and
absolutely desirable for the case where the “base URI embedded in
content” applies to the entire document.

It is the xml:base TR which is at odds with this; applying 
same-document reference behaviour to fragments of an aggregate 
document is non-sensical. The more I think about it, the more it 
seems like this interaction is Broken As Designed. xml:base should

not have adopted the “base URI” term – basically, it appears that the
very attribute name itself is a misnomer.

I don't find applying same-document reference behaviour to fragments of
an aggregate document non-sensical. If I XInclude a piece of XHTML that
has same-document references in it, I still want them to be
same-document references, and they should not link back to the original

Sjoerd Visscher

Re: Atom 1.0 xml:base/URI funnies

2005-07-18 Thread Sjoerd Visscher

A. Pagaltzis wrote:

* Sjoerd Visscher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2005-07-19 01:25]:

A. Pagaltzis wrote:

He is correct, Tim. The base URI means “the URL where this
document was found,” not “the prefix for any enclosed relative
links.” I don’t see how RFC3986 can be read any other way.

I am correct ;), but your explanation is wrong. 5.1 says
clearly that the "Base URI embedded in content" precedes any
other way of establishing a base URI.

You misunderstood what I said. The point is that regardless of
how the base URI is determined (whether it is embedded in content
or otherwise), it *means* that the content it applies to was
actually found at the base URI. It’s not simply any arbitrary old
prefix defined for convenience.

Ah, yes, you are absolutely right. I missed that you said "means" 
instead of "is". That is my interpretation too, but only through the way 
the base URI is used. I can't find any hint in that direction otherwise. 
It would be nice if T. Berners-Lee, R. Fielding or L. Masinter could 
confirm that. If it would have been worded specifically that way, then 
xml:base could have been seen as the self link for all xml documents.

Sjoerd Visscher

Re: Atom 1.0 xml:base/URI funnies

2005-07-18 Thread Sjoerd Visscher

A. Pagaltzis wrote:

* Sjoerd Visscher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2005-07-18 11:50]:

Yes, your  resolves to But if you say "follow that link"
in a program with same-document references support, it will
say: "Ok, the link points to, and
the base URI is as well, so I
have to return the current document instead of doing a new

He is correct, Tim. The base URI means “the URL where this
document was found,” not “the prefix for any enclosed relative
links.” I don’t see how RFC3986 can be read any other way.

I am correct ;), but your explanation is wrong. 5.1 says clearly that 
the "Base URI embedded in content" precedes any other way of 
establishing a base URI. So the base URI is 
<>, and the empty relative URI therefore 
refers to <>.

But now the "URI reference refers to a URI that is, aside from its 
fragment component (if any), identical to the base URI", so it is a 
same-document link, and when "a same-document reference is dereferenced 
for a retrieval action, the target of that reference is defined to be 
within the same entity (representation, document, or message) as the 
reference; therefore, a dereference should not result in a new retrieval 

It is a very complicated way of calculating that an empty relative URI 
is always the current document, no matter what the base URI is.

So it would be



If you want it to be perfect xml:base on the entry would be the URI of 
the Atom Entry Document. And the html base URI should go on the xhtml 
div element. Just like you get when the entries and the div elements are 

If we wanted to avoid this, we should have added language to the
spec that atom:[EMAIL PROTECTED]'alternate'] should never be considered
a same-document reference, maybe.

If your XML package has support for data-typing, xml:base and 
same-document references, then you could no longer do

  Node n = link.getAttribute("href").dereference();

because Atom would no longer follow standard behaviour.

Sjoerd Visscher

Re: Atom 1.0 xml:base/URI funnies

2005-07-18 Thread Sjoerd Visscher

Tim Bray wrote:

On Jul 17, 2005, at 8:16 AM, Sam Ruby wrote:

Upon further reading of 3986, I'm convinced that Tim's current feed  
is correct.

I think so too, but I'm worried how XML-reader implementations will  do 
supporting all this base-URI stacking.  If this kind of thing is  going 
to cause breakage, maybe it's not good practice.  Consider this  in the 
context of

However, Base URI Embedded in Content.  In XML documents, this  takes 
the form of xml:base attribute values.  This is the case in  Tim's feed.

And further note that our section 2. of the Atom spec specifically  
calls out 5.1.1 of 3986; so I think the rules are on my side. -Tim

Section 5.1.1 has nothing to do with the problem.

Yes, your  resolves to
But if you say "follow that link" in a program with same-document 
references support, it will say: "Ok, the link points to, and the base URI is as well, so I have to return the current 
document instead of doing a new request."

The changes of that happening are quite slim, I know, but your feed will 
be used as an example, and should avoid anything that could lead to 
problems, however slim the chances.

Sjoerd Visscher

Re: Atom 1.0 xml:base/URI funnies

2005-07-17 Thread Sjoerd Visscher

Graham wrote:

On 17 Jul 2005, at 7:18 pm, Bjoern Hoehrmann wrote:

Read e.g. <>.

So the assertion is that if a link happens to be the same as  xml:base, 
then the current document should be considered to *be* the  document at 
xml:base? That's ludicrous and arbitrary.

No. It requires the correct point of view of what a base URI actually 
means. It's not just a handy tool to shorten URI references. It is meant 
to indicate the original URI of the content, for when the context is 
used somewhere else. It has always been that way, see f.e. a quote from 
a really old HTML spec (1992):

Base Address
Anchors specify addresses of other documents, in a from relative to the 
address of the current document. Normally, the address of a document is 
known to the browser because it was used to access the document. 
However, is a document is mailed, or is somehow visible with more than 
one address (for example, via its filename and also via its library name 
server catalogue number), then the browser needs to know the base 
address in order to correctly deduce external document addresses.

Nowadays good examples are Google cache, the wayback machine and XInclude.

Sjoerd Visscher

Re: Atom 1.0 xml:base/URI funnies

2005-07-17 Thread Sjoerd Visscher

Graham wrote:

On 17 Jul 2005, at 4:20 pm, Sjoerd Visscher wrote:

Where did you read that same-document references only apply when  
there is no embedded base URI?

Scroll down to the algorithm in 5.2.2, and it backs up Tim and Sam,  in 
particular this:

if (R.path == "") then
   T.path = Base.path;

Yes, so if the URI reference is empty, then the target path is the base 
path, and so with embedded base URIs it is the embedded base URI.

To again quote the spec: "When a URI reference refers to a URI that is, 
aside from its fragment component (if any), identical to the base URI 
(Section 5.1), that reference is called a "same-document" reference."

This is all done after the algorithm has run, which specifically says 
that the uri is identical to the base URI, so it is a same-document 

It seems pretty clear to me that whoever wrote the same-document  
references section simply wasn't thinking about embedded base URIs,  and 
thus it can be safely ignored. Your interpretation would  contradict not 
just the algorithm but practically the whole of the  rest of the document.

Not at all. You have to remember that beging a same-document reference 
sais nothing about what the URI actually is, but only that:

   When a same-document reference is dereferenced for a retrieval
   action, the target of that reference is defined to be within the same
   entity (representation, document, or message) as the reference;
   therefore, a dereference should not result in a new retrieval action.

Sjoerd Visscher

Re: Atom 1.0 xml:base/URI funnies

2005-07-17 Thread Sjoerd Visscher

Bjoern Hoehrmann wrote:

* Sjoerd Visscher wrote:

And that's why you can't use it as a reference to your site.

That depends a bit on same-document reference processing of Atom
processors. If the Atom processor assumes the link refers to some
web site and passes the absolute reference to some other user agent
there would not be a problem. If however e.g. FireFox implements
some Atom rendering and makes the link available to the user, it
might indeed consider the link to point to the same document and
not navigate to the web site. If that's a concern, Tim cannot use as Base URI. That would of course
make using xml:base a bit difficult in practise...

Actually, it makes using xml:base possible, when there are same-document 
references involved. There is a bug in Firefox [1] about this. This 
means that same-document links don't work in f.e. Google cache files.


Sjoerd Visscher

Re: Atom 1.0 xml:base/URI funnies

2005-07-17 Thread Sjoerd Visscher

Sam Ruby wrote:
Upon further reading of 3986, I'm convinced that Tim's current feed is 

Base URI defaults to the Retrieval URI.  This gives rise to the common 
use case of "same-document" references.

However, Base URI Embedded in Content.  In XML documents, this takes the 
form of xml:base attribute values.  This is the case in Tim's feed.

Where did you read that same-document references only apply when there 
is no embedded base URI?

Sjoerd Visscher

Re: Atom 1.0 xml:base/URI funnies

2005-07-17 Thread Sjoerd Visscher

Sjoerd Visscher wrote:

Tim Bray wrote:

On Jul 16, 2005, at 1:28 PM, Sam Ruby wrote:

I didn't realize that "path-empty" was a valid URI-reference.

Yeah, it means "here".

And that's why you can't use it as a reference to your site.

To quote from RFC 3986:

   When a URI reference refers to a URI that is, aside from its fragment
   component (if any), identical to the base URI (Section 5.1), that
   reference is called a "same-document" reference.  The most frequent
   examples of same-document references are relative references that are
   empty or include only the number sign ("#") separator followed by a
   fragment identifier.

   When a same-document reference is dereferenced for a retrieval
   action, the target of that reference is defined to be within the same
   entity (representation, document, or message) as the reference;
   therefore, a dereference should not result in a new retrieval action.

So,  links to the atom file (as currently in memory), 
not your site.

Actually, after thinking about it some more, even
 would *not* really be a 
link to your site, because it is still identical to the base URI.

So you can't use as your base URI.
And actually it makes much more sense to user the uri of your atom file 
as base URI. (IMHO it is good practice to always set the URI of the file 
as xml:base on the root element.)

So I'd suggest:


Sjoerd Visscher

Re: Atom 1.0 xml:base/URI funnies

2005-07-17 Thread Sjoerd Visscher

Tim Bray wrote:

On Jul 16, 2005, at 1:28 PM, Sam Ruby wrote:

I didn't realize that "path-empty" was a valid URI-reference.

Yeah, it means "here".

And that's why you can't use it as a reference to your site.

To quote from RFC 3986:

   When a URI reference refers to a URI that is, aside from its fragment
   component (if any), identical to the base URI (Section 5.1), that
   reference is called a "same-document" reference.  The most frequent
   examples of same-document references are relative references that are
   empty or include only the number sign ("#") separator followed by a
   fragment identifier.

   When a same-document reference is dereferenced for a retrieval
   action, the target of that reference is defined to be within the same
   entity (representation, document, or message) as the reference;
   therefore, a dereference should not result in a new retrieval action.

So,  links to the atom file (as currently in memory), 
not your site.

Sjoerd Visscher

Re: The Atomic age

2005-07-15 Thread Sjoerd Visscher

Dan Brickley wrote:

Let me emphasise that I'm not claiming these Atom docs "are" reasonably
interpreted as RDF. Just that they seem to, by happy coincidence as it 
were, at least
share a syntax with RDF. The intepretation of this syntactic state of 
affairs is

up for discussion.

I've never understood what makes hybrid RDF/other xml formats appealing. 
A simple xslt conversion turnes the xml format (the whole format, not a 
subset) in much better RDF, with no compromises.

Sjoerd Visscher

Re: Autodiscovery

2005-05-06 Thread Sjoerd Visscher
Nikolas 'Atrus' Coukouma wrote:
Using @rel with any linking element is perfectly valid and has been for
@rel not being supported for anything other than the link element itself
has also been an outstanding bug for just as long. There's lot of debate
attached to at least one Mozilla bug (#57399 [1] - filed on 2000-10-20).
Can we agree that this should be supported, but currently isn't? Unless
there's a compelling reason not to, I think we might as well allow
autodiscovery via either element. Any implementation guide should
recommend duplicating the information in the interest of autodiscovery
actually working.
Yes, absolutely, that was my point. As David Baron says in Bugzilla: 
"The spec was designed with the idea that any application that looked at 
rel/rev on LINK elements should do the same for A elements."

Sjoerd Visscher

Re: Autodiscovery

2005-05-06 Thread Sjoerd Visscher
fantasai wrote:
The difference between  and  is that
  -  applies to the document as a whole: it indicates a relationship
between this document and the href destination.
  -  is a contextual link: it indicates a relationship between the
linking context and the href destination.
They have different purposes. It is imho perfectly reasonable to limit
autodiscovery to s only. It is also perfectly reasonable to link
to feeds with , and expect that the UA will recognize it as a feed
rather than a generic XML document.
Like I wrote before, this is not how HTML 4.01 (or XHTML 2.0 for that 
matter) defines the rel attribute on a hyperlink:

This attribute describes the relationship from the current document to 
the anchor specified by the href attribute. The value of this attribute 
is a space-separated list of link types.

Sjoerd Visscher

Re: Autodiscovery

2005-05-05 Thread Sjoerd Visscher

Supporting general hyperlinks starts making more sense if we have cases
other than alternate (I've written elsewhere about this) because the
amount of duplicated information is much greater. If you're only
supporting feeds that serve as an alternate form of the content, then it
makes sense to repeat one link once just to make the programmer stuck
writing the user agent. I'd hope that whatever library/toolkit they're
using supports XPath queries. Using them makes it easy to pluck out
anything with type="application/atom+xml" and an href property.
Maybe atom needs only one link with a rel attribute, but there are 
others. I have a lot of hyperlinks with rel attributes on my weblog 
homepage, and I refuse to repeat them all as link elements.

Sjoerd Visscher

Re: Autodiscovery

2005-05-05 Thread Sjoerd Visscher
Nikolas 'Atrus' Coukouma wrote:
Sjoerd Visscher wrote:

Why not support hyperlinks too?
So besides:

Main Atom feed
Most webpages already have a hyperlink to the feed, so they'd only
need to add two attributes. It would be a waste to have to duplicate
the information in the document head.
The intent of the head element is to indicate a feed that serves as a
substitute for the page you're currently viewing.
This other case is locating all feeds linked to from a page. For that,
the type attribute should be sufficient to indicate that you're linking
to a feed.
No, a hyperlink with a rel attribute means the same as a link element. 
The HTML spec describes the rel attribute on the a element thus:

This attribute describes the relationship from the current document to 
the anchor specified by the href attribute. The value of this attribute 
is a space-separated list of link types.

Sjoerd Visscher

Re: Autodiscovery

2005-05-05 Thread Sjoerd Visscher
Why not support hyperlinks too?
So besides:

Main Atom feed

Most webpages already have a hyperlink to the feed, so they'd only need 
to add two attributes. It would be a waste to have to duplicate the 
information in the document head.

Sjoerd Visscher

Re: xml:base and html rendering

2005-04-24 Thread Sjoerd Visscher
Thomas Broyer wrote:
Sjoerd Visscher wrote:
The only thing that changes with xml:base support in Atom is that 
aggregators who *do* resolve relative URIs, now have more chance to 
get the originally intended base URI.
*All* aggregators MUST resolve any relative URI reference.
All aggregators must resolve relative URI references in RSS too to work 

So with Atom the aggregators are broken according to spec, with RSS the 
aggregators are broken according to practice. Who cares about that 

Sjoerd Visscher

Re: xml:base and html rendering

2005-04-23 Thread Sjoerd Visscher
Roger B. wrote:
Requiring URIs in the content to be absolute to begin with is
too expensive, and probably completely unenforceable.

Graham: I suppose that, if nothing else, it's a self-correcting
problem. When all those hybrid RSS/Atom parsers out there display
broken images or links, most publishers will get a clue and make sure
they're putting absolute URIs in their feeds.
And if they don't mind broken images and links, well, I guess it
wasn't much of a problem in the first place.
You are right. RSS has this problem already, and it isn't really that 
much of a problem, just a slight annoyance. As aggregators I've only 
ever used Radio Userland and Bloglines, and they both don't resolve 
relative URIs correctly.

But there still are plenty of RSS feeds with relative URIs in them. The 
workaround as user is to simply follow the link to the item first, and 
then click the link there on the original page.

The only thing that changes with xml:base support in Atom is that 
aggregators who *do* resolve relative URIs, now have more chance to get 
the originally intended base URI.

And a side effect is apparently that aggregator writers are alerted to 
the relative URI problem, instead of just staying ignorant about it.

Sjoerd Visscher

Re: PaceFeedLink

2005-01-26 Thread Sjoerd Visscher
Eric Scheid wrote:
On 26/1/05 2:16 AM, "Anne van Kesteren" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I like the proposal in general though I wonder why an absolute URI is

One of the intended uses is for when a browser downloads a feed resource to
disk, and then hands that file to an atom handler application. Once that
happens, the original location context is lost.
The whole point of xml:base is that an application that stores a page 
outside of its original context can add an xml:base to prevent losing 
the original location context.

Sjoerd Visscher