I was searching through the prelude looking for a way to find a 
formatted string within another string in ATS, but there doesn't seem to be 
a built-in way to do this.  Before I make something myself, I just wanted 
to see what opinions there are on the best way to perform this operation in 
    Do you think I should use the C standard library through ATS' ability 
to call inline C code?  Should I just loop through a strnptr and manually 
check the chars?  Personally, I want to try using linear streams here to 
take advantage of their low-memory overhead (and because I've fallen 
straight into the "once you have a hammer everything looks like a nail" 
trap with linear streams.)  But, I want to hear what others think, so 
please let me know which solution you think is best.
    As a side note, should we add more string manipulation capabilities to 
the prelude?  I don't know what Hongwei's stance on this is, but if he 
thinks it would be a good idea I'd be willing to contribute these functions 
to the prelude.

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