When I'm editing a org-mode file, the structure of mine is like this(you
may need configuration in init.el):

-------------------snippet starts-------------------------
    * A section
      This is the content of the section
      #+BEGIN_SRC lang
        code here
      ** A subsection
         This is the content of the subsection
    * Another section
      This is the content of another section
-------------------snippet ends-----------------------------

But when when I'm editing a tex file using auctex, the structure of the tex
file is this after I indented the whole buffer:

-------------------snippet starts----------------


    \section{A section}
    This is the content of the section.

    some verbatim text

    \subsection{A subsection}
    This is the content of the subsection

    \section{Another section}
    This is the content of another section

-------------------snippet ends-----------------
It is not easy to view the whole structure, I know I can use **C-c =** to
view the toc, but how can I make it like org-mode such as:

-------------------snippet starts----------------


      \section{A section}
         This is the content of the section.

          some verbatim text

        \subsection{A subsection}
          This is the content of the subsection

      \section{Another section}
        This is the content of another section

-------------------snippet ends--------------------

So, how can I indent the tex file (just using **TAB** and **ENTER** keys
when editing it or indent the whole buffer using **TAB** or indent command)?

I mean, every block (section, subsection, **EVERY** `\begin{}...\end{}`
pair no matter what is inside the {}) should be a part and should be in its
place related to its parent? And the indent-level should be configurable.

How can do I do that? I googled a lot and found nothing useful.
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