
I am writing an emacs utility to convert mind maps (See for example Freemind on 
http://freemind.sourceforge.net/wiki/index.php/Main_Page) to beamer 
presentations.  There is a Perl utility that does an OK job, but needs 
tweaking.  Since I find programming in Perl much harder than in elisp (even 
though I only recently started in elisp), I decided to try to re-write it in 
elisp (That is how I get my thrills instead of bungee cord jumping and similar 

I can read the maps (which are in xml format) using the xml library, and parse 
the resulting nested list into a flattened list, This list has depth info 
attached to each node.  Using the depth info, I can now start generating the 
.tex file.  Here I am wondering whether I can re-use some of the auctex/beamer 
facilities.  Here is an example of what I have in mind:

Suppose I have a string that is supposed to be a frame title (and optionally 
subtitle).  Is there a function that will insert the \begin\end frame, together 
with the frame title, and optional subtitle, and position the cursor

The same question goes for document structure commands, blocks and columns 
(Here I am trying to do it in a way to be compatible with RefTex, if possible). 
 I realize that I could go digging through the existing code, but I am afraid 
that I will mis-understand some of the functions, etc (or you could label it as 
just plain lazy).



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