Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

2013-09-19 Thread Forum — New releases room: Nocturnus

Re: Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

It is time I post in here; to be honest I've been putting it off for far too long and much has happened.  While I expect very little to be done with what I am about to say I would certainly love to give it a shot for the sake of someone I feel deserves it.The blind community is a small one, one that has had things handed to them for what seems like ever.  Victory is no exception, and I believe this incident proves that statement.  The whining, the complaining, the never having enough and wanting it all on a silver platter over and over again is part of the monotony, and it shouldn't be.  There is a lack of appreciation for great things, and there shouldn't be.  The vicious cycle that has plagued hard working developers who have done their absolute best with different amounts of success exists and eventually takes its tole, continues to exist, and it shouldn't be.With swamp, we have a game that does completely t
 he opposite, because Swamp does not  ever assure you on any success or victory, nor does it hold your hand to get it done.  It does not hold any certainty of any kind, no real sure fire plan that will always ensure that you stay alive.  It took me a long time to understand this concept, because while I came from a mainstream sighted community of MK players I knew how to be the best and minimize losses, and there had never been a game in this community that I remembered that used such an idea as fuel.  I believe Aprone created something I could not beat, nor can he, nor can anyone else, and that is the point, and that lack of victory has been the greatest kind of fun for us all, because it is something we can all relate to in life.To those of us who have been tarred and feathered by the bad brush of other people's actions because we are a part of this community, be it by choice or otherwise, we move on from here because that's all we can do.
   We pick ourselves up, dust off, hold our heads high, and then we go on to face whatever we have to with the most we can muster.  We live in humility, accepting that there are times in our lives when we know we could use help and might not get it, and we keep going regardless.  We see the imbeciles who undo any and every bit of success that heads our way, scratch our heads, bow them in shame, raise them up in anger, and if we can, if we feel up to it, use that same anger to do even greater things.  We continue to show our appreciation as best we can, fearing that some day it may not be enough and understanding why, and at the end of it all there is no certainty save that of moving on and surviving, because that is what we've raised ourselves to do.And you on the otherside?  You who are content with the ability to weasel things out of other people?  Congratulations!  I am very happy for you, glad that you were able to obtain the heart t
 hat I didn't have, the heart that asks and expects and believes it deserves because you are who you are.  congratulations on having the audacity to play the helpless card and obtaining something I might have wanted and didn't have the nerve to ask for, like a small suppresser or a machete, or 159 cans of fuel to make sure I could stand around in the truck and have a good ol time while others went and collected crates so I could gain xp and reputation.  You know how hard those things are to come by?  Did you know I have a hearing impairment, that my left ear is practically gone and it seems my right is going the same way?  did you know my only hearing ade broke just last week and I am having some of the most socially awkward moments of my life as a result of hardly being able to hear what's being said to me and around me?No, you didn't.  Because I didn't tell you.  I didn't whine, didn't cry and point it ou
 t for you to feel sorry for me, and I didn't have the heart to ask Aprone to give me that small suppresser, or that efficient machete, or those 150 cans of fuel that would keep me running missions for other people greater than myself who would collect crates because they didn't want to die.  I didn't have the heart to leech off of other people's abilities, instead opting to solo most of the missions that got me that measely 22 levels I have now and managed to acquire over the past couple of weeks.  22?  Yeah, I know you scorn my 22 measely  levels, and rightfully so.  I mean, when did I ever manage to ask for my hand to be held to get there!  No, instead I was stupid and ran into hords of zombies because I thought I heard loot, and I wasn't sure what it was, and I risked my character's life for hundreds of clips of pointless amo for guns I didn't have!  Shame on me!  How dare I ever even think of such a thing
 , when I can shamelessly ask Aprone for every item I never had in the game by pretending I had it.  Shame on me for never considering such a move; yes, I am shamelessly stating that I want a small suppresser, 150 cans of fuel, every item in the game!  I want it all, and then, I still 

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

2013-09-19 Thread Forum — New releases room: SLJ

Re: Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

Hi.Remember if Aprone choose to put those names up on the forum, that might not make any difference. The accounts in Swamp are anonymous, and if people haven't told others who they really are, we then only have a list of anonymous account names. But I totally agree that it would be nice to know who have done that. there might be a chance that someone know one of those guys, and is able to gaine information about who the rest of them are. It seems as a group of trouble makers who're working together. Only one person can't make all that trouble. I think it's a group of friends who simply don't have other things to do. the weird thing is that I have never seen any other places in the blind community where so many trouble makers have tried to destroy the project for so many people. So because of that, it might be a group of people who first began to be
  active in the blind community after Swamp got pobular. Well, just a random guess. URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

2013-09-19 Thread Forum — New releases room: Nocturnus

Re: Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

It is time I post in here; to be honest I've been putting it off for far too long and much has happened.  While I expect very little to be done with what I am about to say I would certainly love to give it a shot for the sake of someone I feel deserves it.The blind community is a small one, one that has had things handed to them for what seems like ever.  Victory is no exception, and I believe this incident proves that statement.  The whining, the complaining, the never having enough and wanting it all on a silver platter over and over again is part of the monotony, and it shouldn't be.  There is a lack of appreciation for great things, and there shouldn't be.  The vicious cycle that has plagued hard working developers who have done their absolute best with different amounts of success exists and eventually takes its tole, continues to exist, and it shouldn't be.With swamp, we have a game that does completely t
 he opposite, because Swamp does not  ever assure you on any success or victory, nor does it hold your hand to get it done.  It does not hold any certainty of any kind, no real sure fire plan that will always ensure that you stay alive.  It took me a long time to understand this concept, because while I came from a mainstream sighted community of MK players I knew how to be the best and minimize losses, and there had never been a game in this community that I remembered that used such an idea as fuel.  I believe Aprone created something I could not beat, nor can he, nor can anyone else, and that is the point, and that lack of victory has been the greatest kind of fun for us all, because it is something we can all relate to in life.To those of us who have been tarred and feathered by the bad brush of other people's actions because we are a part of this community, be it by choice or otherwise, we move on from here because that's all we can do.
   We pick ourselves up, dust off, hold our heads high, and then we go on to face whatever we have to with the most we can muster.  We live in humility, accepting that there are times in our lives when we know we could use help and might not get it, and we keep going regardless.  We see the imbeciles who undo any and every bit of success that heads our way, scratch our heads, bow them in shame, raise them up in anger, and if we can, if we feel up to it, use that same anger to do even greater things.  We continue to show our appreciation as best we can, fearing that some day it may not be enough and understanding why, and at the end of it all there is no certainty save that of moving on and surviving, because that is what we've raised ourselves to do.And you on the otherside?  You who are content with the ability to weasel things out of other people?  Congratulations!  I am very happy for you, glad that you were able to obtain the heart t
 hat I didn't have, the heart that asks and expects and believes it deserves because you are who you are.  congratulations on having the audacity to play the helpless card and obtaining something I might have wanted and didn't have the nerve to ask for, like a small suppresser or a machete, or 159 cans of fuel to make sure I could stand around in the truck and have a good ol time while others went and collected crates so I could gain xp and reputation.  You know how hard those things are to come by?  Did you know I have a hearing impairment, that my left ear is practically gone and it seems my right is going the same way?  did you know my only hearing ade broke just last week and I am having some of the most socially awkward moments of my life as a result of hardly being able to hear what's being said to me and around me?No, you didn't.  Because I didn't tell you.  I didn't whine, didn't cry and point it ou
 t for you to feel sorry for me, and I didn't have the heart to ask Aprone to give me that small suppresser, or that efficient machete, or those 150 cans of fuel that would keep me running missions for other people greater than myself who would collect crates because they didn't want to die.  I didn't have the heart to leech off of other people's abilities, instead opting to solo most of the missions that got me that measely 22 levels I have now and managed to acquire over the past couple of weeks.  22?  Yeah, I know you scorn my 22 measely  levels, and rightfully so.  I mean, when did I ever manage to ask for my hand to be held to get there!  No, instead I was stupid and ran into hords of zombies because I thought I heard loot, and I wasn't sure what it was, and I risked my character's life for hundreds of clips of pointless amo for guns I didn't have!  Shame on me!  How dare I ever even think of such a thing
 , when I can shamelessly ask Aprone for every item I never had in the game by pretending I had it.  Shame on me for never considering such a move; yes, I am shamelessly stating that I want a small suppresser, 150 cans of fuel, every item in the game!  I want it all, and then, I still 

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] A couple of questions about the ful version of Bari Bari Futsall

2013-09-19 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: SLJ

Re: A couple of questions about the ful version of Bari Bari Futsall

I want to play iPhone! URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Infinity Blade Series, let's discuss, warning, may contain spoilers

2013-09-19 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: SLJ

Re: Infinity Blade Series, let's discuss, warning, may contain spoilers

AstralAudio wrote:The thing is, the engine doesn't support voice over hooks so isn't possible to just slap it on and bam accessible version achievement unlocked. Instead, they'd have to essentially rebuild the game from the ground up. This isn't an excuse but a reason.Thanks for letting us no.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Keyboard Learning Software for Non-Visual Users

2013-09-19 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: dom

Re: Keyboard Learning Software for Non-Visual Users

@Dark - So I wanted to give you an honest comparison, but I couldn't play either Galaxy Ranger or Fast2 Type.It seems the Galaxy Ranger FTP server is overloaded, and the link for Fast2 Type gives a French 404 page. I noticed that Galaxy Ranger was just a trial, so I went to their website to see how much the full version costs, but there was no way to purchase it. The language is a little unclear, but it seems to say that it will be available to purchase in October, although I'm not sure what year. I did, however, find a different download link on their website for the trial, and managed to install it.Unfortunately, I still wasn't able to actually play Galaxy Ranger. It told me that I had to run the configuration program, which ran fine (although it had no speech?), but even after that, the game wouldn't play. I selected "Game with Computer", and all of the difficulty modes tell me I need to put the program into "demo" mode. I f
 ound the option for that, but selecting it just says that demo mode was NOT activated, and the "Game with Computer" still won't play.I really wanted to make a case for TalkieType by comparing it to the programs you mentioned, but they've made it impossible for me. So all I can really say is that, compared to these two apps, TalkieType will actually be usable.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Keyboard Learning Software for Non-Visual Users

2013-09-19 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: prince animeshh

Re: Keyboard Learning Software for Non-Visual Users

hi i played with it inter face is nice but when i click on exit it plays exiting sound but not able to shutdoun by it self thanksURL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

2013-09-19 Thread Forum — New releases room: ross

Re: Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

Ciao, I totally 100% agree. Put their names up on this form so we can see. Then they will get a piece of our minds.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] IOS7: Your thoughts

2013-09-19 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: daniel

Re: IOS7: Your thoughts

okay thanks...URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

2013-09-19 Thread Forum — New releases room: flyby chow

Re: Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

Aprone, i, i red this, i stopped, i actually slowed down the screen reader, to make sure i hurd it rite, if, if my fur could go pail, it would have, every one here has made and said the things i wish to say to you. so all i wil add is, what ever you decide to do we are behind u all the way. i can express my views about those people. but right now all i wil say is, regardless of there fake identities put them all  up here, show us who they are. u deserve so much better treatment, and for vindictave people to treet u in such a fassion is not on at all. i no what u ment and how u felt. working on a project giving it your all. only to be disappointed in such a huge mannour. my thoughts is with you man. and what ever u do. we're here, say the word if we can help in any way. taking a brake was the best thing u could have done. we  are thinking of you.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

2013-09-19 Thread Forum — New releases room: Kyleman123

Re: Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

well aprone.  honestly i'm not suprised that this has happened.  not that i knew what was going on, nor did i participate in any of it, but people will be people.  and that is the bottom line.  beyond anything, whether we are sighted, blind, deaf, or plane old normal, people will be people.  and that tends to mean using other people to get what they want.  you were a prime example of this.  people used a real bug of items in your inventory disappearing as an excuse to prod you for new equipment.  so they just pushed and pushed until it has escalated to the point where people where just using that excuse to get new equipment.  i am sad to see this happening.  i haven't really played swamp a whole lot recently because i'm back in school, but you have done this community a great survice and we owe you for that.  while we can't tell you what to do, i do hope you are able to move passed this and continue the dev
 elopment of the testing client and swamp tide.  as i just said we owe you a debt we could never pay back, but i do hope we can start by not sending fake reports for equipment and stop trying to cheat. its just a game and at the end of the day it doesn't really matter whether or not that you leveled 5 times and increased your killing streak to 50,000.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Question about Sampsung Galaxy S2

2013-09-19 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: jack

Re: Question about Sampsung Galaxy S2

It's called enhanse web accessibility initially it'll say enhase web accessibility not allowed you need to double tap and click on allow or okay to allow it to download web scripts to make web more accessible. And yes, you may be on an older version of jellybean or icecream sandwitch. And that web scripts setting is under talkback settings. If it's using pico you know it's on an older versionURL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

2013-09-19 Thread Forum — New releases room: mehgcap

Re: Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

I second what has been said here. I was left shocked into silence when I read your post, Aprone, and I'm still not sure what to say. You already know that you are one of the best audio game developers anyone has ever seen, if not the very best, and you know how much all of us love and appreciate your hard work, dedication, patience, and sense of community spirit.That said, I agree that, if you decided to take everything offline tomorrow, none of us would blame you in the slightest. We would be saddened by the loss of such an extraordinary, revolutionary game, and we would be furious at the  who caused you to have to take that step, but we would not blame you at all. Indeed, I think most of us would have pulled the plug long ago, and your continued efforts despite everything are nothing short of incredible.Yes, a private testing team seems like the best option. The only difficulty in implementing such a policy is v
 olume testing, but I suppose you can work out the major bugs with a small team, then open things up to the public in a secondary round of beta testing.If you do decide to shut things down, I hope that Swamp would still be left available for download so people could play offline maps and scripts. It seems like the server-based part of gaming is where you run into trouble, so just drop that from the menu, compile, upload, and never answer another Swamp question again. Leave Swamp as-is, a monument to the time that audio games were single-handedly leveled up by an amazing man with a vision and the will to see it happen. Whatever you decide, you know we're behind you all the way.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Question about Sampsung Galaxy S2

2013-09-19 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: Kyleman123

Re: Question about Sampsung Galaxy S2

yeah. it isn't updated. but it at least should be on jellybean. so that will help you a lot.  but yes there is a setting to help you read web content. but i can't remember the name of it either.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] IOS7: Your thoughts

2013-09-19 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: assault_freak

Re: IOS7: Your thoughts

Agree about the compact siri voices. They're good, but I'm ready for the premium voices. lol And Daniel, you have to hold your finger at the top of the screen for a moment until you hear a sound which sounds like what you hear when you give the pass through command, aka double tapping then holding your finger in place.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] IOS7: Your thoughts

2013-09-19 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: daniel

Re: IOS7: Your thoughts

hi,I just updated(my ipod and iphone), think everything is pretty good!A quick question for you guys:how do you access the control center?It says to swipe up from the top of the screen but then all voiceover does is do a router action...Anyone know how to fix this?Thanks,danielURL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Infinity Blade Series, let's discuss, warning, may contain spoilers

2013-09-19 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: AstralAudio

Re: Infinity Blade Series, let's discuss, warning, may contain spoilers

The thing is, the engine doesn't support voice over hooks so isn't possible to just slap it on and bam accessible version achievement unlocked. Instead, they'd have to essentially rebuild the game from the ground up. This isn't an excuse but a reason.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

2013-09-19 Thread Forum — New releases room: keyIsFull

Re: Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

perhaps, Aprone, you could keep the tide server running? I would understand about the testing server, and not wanting to ever think about that again. Talk about 30+ hours of ruined work. But the tide server was in good condition. And I honestly think people like tide better. And I can't really feel sympathy for you as I have not had people be as cruel to me as they were to you, but I can feel empathy. And what's even dumber is that this was the testing server and whatever they got would just disappear. Yeah, people are stupid. Though now, you will no longer be so easily exploited, I shouldn't wonder. The time of innocence, of making generalizations, is past,and experience takes over. There are the good apples, and there are the bad apples, and it can be hard to tell the difference. Reading people is a skill that you nurture and cultivate over the years. Sadly, and this is to your disadvantage, the only way you can communicate with people is through text, and text is
  only a single communication medium.After these thoughts, I recommend you keep a closed testing server for future games. Only allow people you trust and don't tell the community that you are testing anything, or you will get barraged with requests of people who want to test your stuff. Keep it closed and close-mouthed. Not only is it more secure, it also helps you to remain focussed. Instead of seeing 73 bug reports about various things, you might only see 6, and you can deal with that. I kno this because I had a private testing team for damage extreme and it was very effective in keeping me focussed and moving forward.To end this, I want to tell you that I'll support you in your future edeavors, whatever they be. You have, by your actions, proved your ability to make good and wise decisions, something that I value very highly in people. The fact that you've put up with this foolishness for almost 2 years is daunting to comprehend and amazing to behold, an
 d it shows that you still have a great life ahead of you.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

2013-09-19 Thread Forum — New releases room: Haramir

Re: Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

Hey folks. I honestly don't know exactly what to say. Aprone, many of us don't want you to give up for sure. But don't let it force you to stay if you don't really want to. I bet that most folks here like myself will gladly help with what ever you need. That kind of useless hackers are around, and know what? Not only in the blind comunity. But since our gaming comunity is smaller, its easier to see the damaged stuff.Me and many others would be sad for real if you decide to leave. But we do understand your point as well. It is up to you to give they what they want, or to get up and fight once more! Never forget dude, you don't need to do all the stuff alone. You gave us the closest to a mainstream game I ever played and you did it all by yourself. You just need to give us instructions sir!Best regards, Haramir.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

2013-09-19 Thread Forum — New releases room: blindndangerous

Re: Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

[[wow]]. I came back to the AG forum and read that. Man Jeremy, I'm sorry to hear that and completely agree with  what has been said here.  I hope that you can look past this and continue, as we are all looking forward to your RPG.  I can not believe that people would be that petty.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] if your an audiogames fan, read this

2013-09-19 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: danny

Re: if your an audiogames fan, read this

Ahh, will also remember to take a look at that when I get time.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

2013-09-19 Thread Forum — New releases room: AlexN94

Re: Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

Indeed. I would love to know WHO to hate.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] IOS7: Your thoughts

2013-09-19 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: bryant

Re: IOS7: Your thoughts

Chris, I wasn't talking about the premium voices in reguards to voiceover. I was talking about the ones for siri, as I heard that you can get premium ones for Siri. If anyone knows, I'd really like to know how to get them. I'm getting tired of the compact ones.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

2013-09-19 Thread Forum — New releases room: jsymes

Re: Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

musicman, the sad thing is probably you've got to figure at least one of these drips is on this forum, and is probably slapping themselves on the back right now for causing Aprone so much trouble. I'm serious when I say these people's identities should be made publicly known, that way we can all gang up on them, and perhaps other game devs will black ball the creeps from their games too. And if I were Aprone, I'd start taking a 0 tolerance banning policy from here on out. The only way a person gets unbanned is if some creep manages to get others banned, as has happened before, otherwise if somebody breaches the agreement, there's no second chance. Do the crime, you do the time. There's probably going to be a few on here not happy with such a drastic reaction, but I'd rather see that, than see Aprone leave the community in disgust because of the misbehavior of a few creeps. And sadly, while I wish testing were left open to the public, I'm afr
 aid if this kind of thing is going to be a problem, then setting up a private team will probably have to be the solution. Just my humble opinion.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] graphic audio frankenstein

2013-09-19 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: julia

Re: graphic audio frankenstein

ooo god i want a boy friendURL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

2013-09-19 Thread Forum — New releases room: keyIsFull

Re: Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

I don't have anything much else to say beside what has already been said, but always remember that evil will never go away; it can only be kept at bay. Fight the good fight.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] A couple of questions about the ful version of Bari Bari Futsall

2013-09-19 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: julia

Re: A couple of questions about the ful version of Bari Bari Futsall

i want to play makURL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

2013-09-19 Thread Forum — New releases room: musicman

Re: Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

Ok, this has really made me angry. Man how dare people pull up this garbage? I'll be honest with you Aprone, if you had decided to just pull the plug and quit swamp development for good, I wouldn't have blamed you in the slightest. I woudl've been very upset and so would a ton of people, but I couldn't blame you. the things that really made me angry is that these people could've simply asked, like civilized human beings, hey Aprone, could you give me such an such item for testing purposes? I mean the stupid thing was a test server, and it will eventually get reset, so what good will the items do them anyway? even though I'm extremely angry and disgusted about this, I can't say I'm surprised. there are really bad people out there who just enjoy destroying everything someone has worked for. they probably did consider that you would break the code, but guess what? they're so stupid, they didn't even care. all they care about is that y
 ou gave them back their items, whatever it took. In some deep level I feel bad for these folks, I mean you really have to be a low life and a very pitiful excuse for a human being to pull something like this off. I think if you took swamp offline, some of them would consider suiciding, that's how stupid and desperate they are. their life is Swamp, and if they actually pull this off, then it must be pretty meaningless beyond that. because I just can't believe that rational human beings with an ounce of decency would pull this off. but you know, you can't be shocked. people do a lot worse in this world. I just don't know what else to say man. do whatever you feel is best, but always remember that there are many great people that love your game, and that we really appreciate what you do, even if these thugs don't. there are tons of us that would've helped with the item loss bug, tons of trustworthy people that post on this forum and that communicate with y
 ou regularly. next time, contact us first, and we'll help you as much as possible. don't ever trust these random fools, and don't give up man. I bet that's exactly what they want you to do, they'll throw a party most likely if you do so. if you think they care about your game, then you're wrong. these hackers, cheaters, and manipulaters only care about themselves, and the satisfaction they get from causing chaos, but there are thousands of us that truly care, and new players join every day and praise this awesome game. a few of us were getting a bit worried since you went silent all of a sudden and that's not like you, so don't do that again man! Well I realized this rant probably won't make you any happier, but hey, I had to get it off my chest. hahaha. Take care Jeremy, and whatever you decide to do now or in the future, we'll be there to support you.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

2013-09-19 Thread Forum — New releases room: ianr

Re: Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

Hey Aprone,That sounds really frustrating.  I'm glad to hear you're taking a break from things.Sometimes I find I need a break just because so many bug reports come in and it gets me down about the quality of my games.And I don't deal with even a 10th of the pressure you are under.I second SLJ's comment about getting a trusted test team.But I'm glad you don't want to leave the audio games scene and for now I think it's best that you're taking time to relax and re-think things.I hope you can find a way to still enjoy making audio games.But in the end you need to do what is going to make you the happiest.Ian ReedURL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

2013-09-19 Thread Forum — New releases room: AlexN94

Re: Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

Oh...My...F.God!That\s just... Horrible! I'm seriously impressed that you're still willing to make anything for this community, and I, and I guess most of the others in it (apparently not all) do really appreciate that.I feel so sorry for you, and kinda lack Words to descripe it. Hehe. If I was you, though, I'd take a break for some time like you're doing ATM. I'd probably also have closed the main Swamp server, but that's up to you. I totally get why you wanted to do that.*Sighs* I don't really know what to say, other than I hope you'll stay here, as others have said, you've been a great dev, and done Things others hadn't really tried. I guess the reason could be that you're fully sighted, but IDK, as far as I know we've got other sighted devs as well, so you must be different somehow. In a good way. But yeah... Guess I've got nothing more to say than take care then.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] IOS7: Your thoughts

2013-09-19 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: BryanP

Re: IOS7: Your thoughts

I definitely like the enhanced Karen a lot. Sadly I notice little difference between the enhanced US, Irish and British English voices and their compact counterparts. As for IOS 7 itself so far I really like it. I especially like the new ring and text tones they provided. But I haven't noticed any major slowdown on my 4S, and I only have a 16-gig model.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Super Airik the Cleric!

2013-09-19 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: BryanP

Re: Super Airik the Cleric!

As am I. Sounds like this update might be worth a new Let's Play on YouTube. ANd of course I'm looking forward to voicing and playing Airik 2.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] IOS7: Your thoughts

2013-09-19 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: Chris

Re: IOS7: Your thoughts

Hi.Bryant, to get the premium voices, go to VoiceOver settings and choose the language and dialects thing. Then, choose the default dialect and then voice and turn the use enhanced quality thing on. It will start downloading. Just wait until it's downloaded and it will switch to it.Well, I see that Karen has been improved, or at least I think so.Still, I'm angry that we don't get the siri voices which sound 1000 timkes better than vocalcrap. hahahahahaha!Edit: How do I listen to the Siri thing from the link in post 27? It just opens up a page and has a log in thing.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

2013-09-19 Thread Forum — New releases room: SLJ

Re: Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

I'm close to speechless! seriously, I'm really shocked! I never expected people to make that much trouble, to complain and make fake bug reports just because they want items. that's absolutely horrible! I wish those people would be banned, forever, and they should never get in other future games you'll hopefully make. Damn I'm shocked. I'm shocked because those people are so stupid that they never would understand how much trouble they have made, neither if they read this on the forum. they only think about their own situration, and don't think about actions which can totally brake something which lots of great people have enjoyed playing world wide for more than 100 hours. Swamp is not just a game, but it's also like a social network or chat system, which so many people enjoy. I feel so bad about the way some people are trying to brake all this in such a stupid way that they wouldn't understand the whole situration if we even tried to 
 explain that in all languages.Aprone I think it's time to make a closed testing team of people you really trust. I don't care if you choose me or not. The important thing is that you fully trust those people. It seems as some troublemakers are trying to do what they can to make trouble for everyone, simply because they aren't able to do better things than that. So I'll say for bug fixing and the testing server, you should consider a testing team of people you really trust.I hope you'll bann those people who made that trouble, and I really hope you'll continue your great work. I don't ly when I'm saying that you're the best game developer we ever have had in the blind community. there are many other great developers out there, there really are, but I have never seen any developer  working so hard on making great games and updates, been so great when it comes to listen to feedback and then draw your own conclution depending
  on what fits best in your games. And there are no other developers that I know of in the blind community who have tolerated that much crap from troublemakers, but still continue to see the good sides of people and continue the great work. So I really hope you'll continue your great work, and I understand you're feeling really bad about this situration at the moment...URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Question about Sampsung Galaxy S2

2013-09-19 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: leibylucwgamer

Re: Question about Sampsung Galaxy S2

I'm just using the browser called "Internet."I'm not at all an Android user, so bare in mind that I'm a totally new user.Best Regards,LukeURL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

2013-09-19 Thread Forum — New releases room: welshweyr

Re: Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

Oh my god!Aprone, I'm not going to tell you what you should do, how you should feel or what cool new feature you should implement to come to terms with this. I just want to express my sympathy and support. I just don't understand how people, a surprising number of them from the sound of it, can be just that malevolent! They have a free game, an imaginative, dedicated and inspirational developer and avibrant and enthusiastic community and yet they still have to be so evil!If you need to rationalise anything to decide where you go from here then I for one would be delighted to talk with you.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] IOS7: Your thoughts

2013-09-19 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: Chris

Re: IOS7: Your thoughts

Hi.Bryant, to get the premium voices, go to VoiceOver settings and choose the language and dialects thing. Then, choose the default dialect and then voice and turn the use enhanced quality thing on. It will start downloading. Just wait until it's downloaded and it will switch to it.Well, I see that Karen has been improved, or at least I think so.Still, I'm angry that we don't get the siri voices which sound 1000 timkes better than vocalcrap. hahahahahaha!URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] IOS7: Your thoughts

2013-09-19 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: assault_freak

Re: IOS7: Your thoughts

Just another thought which occurred to me. While doing something like listening to music, I find the time no longer shows in the loc screen unless I look at the status bar. Is there any way to shrink down the controls so I can still see the time when I press the lock button instead of hearing the track position or whatever control I had focus on last?URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] if your an audiogames fan, read this

2013-09-19 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: stewie

Re: if your an audiogames fan, read this

For some reason I found this tutorial helpful:'s clearly aimed towards the novice programmer, but still manages to cover most of the basics. Also it doesn't require prior programming knowledge, as it is bent towards game scripting for cilivisation IV. However it never uses any game specific methods.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] IOS7: Your thoughts

2013-09-19 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: assault_freak

Re: IOS7: Your thoughts

Still no help with the premium voices? lol I'm wanting those, though I'm betting that won't leave much room on my phone lol.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

2013-09-19 Thread Forum — New releases room: cansino

Re: Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

That is why many people stop developing things for the blind community, always trying to be the smarter cheater. And this can be applied to many other life situations. Of course these people is a minority, but they make enough noise so the rest of the people take all of us as the same crapy people.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] if your an audiogames fan, read this

2013-09-19 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: stewie

Re: if your an audiogames fan, read this

For some reason I found this tutorial helpful:'s clearly aimed towards the novice programmer, but still manages to cover most of the basics.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Keyboard Learning Software for Non-Visual Users

2013-09-19 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: dom

Re: Keyboard Learning Software for Non-Visual Users

@Dark - I will get back to you when I have more time to write!If anybody wants to try out the TalkieType software, I have made Windows and Linux demo apps which you can download from

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

2013-09-19 Thread Forum — New releases room: crashmaster

Re: Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

Hi aprone and all. yeah there those minority that like to spoil it for everyohne.look at the piracy situation.Sadly its not the people like the home or general users that cause all the heck with that but those that make cash off others gains.Ofcause its human nature I guess all this greed and stuff.But yeah.I have been places where people will hack for fun or damage for fun.I am in a folder where someone likes from time to time to delete or damage the folder to the point where people have to rebuild it again and again.Although I myself am a wrebel and would fight those that want to get rid of our rights I wouldn't stoop so low but to louse it up.Unlike the james north situation that happened back when, aprone has only been honest and open.I myself am planning on buying a seamonkey later this year as another adition to my gaming setup.I have not played swamp lately, and while I was able to play the t
 esting server on 7 it appears that for whatever reason now the new swamp tide reciever for the new sound etc is in my mouse when clicked will drop out of the did it to another mouse gaming program to so am not sure why that is.I do hope aprone you don't stop though.I really hope you go and continue.if you quit then the bastards that have done this to you are the winners.And if they do then they will be more trouble to the rest of us.Maybe a feature you could have is if you identify someone or a bunch of people that are being bad, instead of banning them, you can turn them into zombies.and anyone that kills em gets something for it.I'd sertainly be happy with that.or maybe get rid of all their stuff and transport them to a place full of zombies, kill them utterly then bann them.You don't need this really.URL: http://forum.aud

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Keyboard Learning Software for Non-Visual Users

2013-09-19 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: dom

Re: Keyboard Learning Software for Non-Visual Users

@Guitarman and prince animeshh - Yes, I am using SAPI. More specifically, I am using PyTTSx which is a cross-platform library utilizing SAPI. The TalkieType software does not require a screen reader.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] IOS7: Your thoughts

2013-09-19 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: cansino

Re: IOS7: Your thoughts

I wrote to and reported the focus issues, the screen sensitivity and the unlocking sound. I suggest doing the same, since they will not take seriously one single opinion, and sighted people will not give feedback on this, obviously.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] graphic audio frankenstein

2013-09-19 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: enes

Re: graphic audio frankenstein

hi,turns out they  abandoned  production of that titleit would be nice if they could do it some time thoughURL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

2013-09-19 Thread Forum — New releases room: jsymes

Re: Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

Aprone, that's absolutely terrible. They always say a bad apple spoils a bunch. I'm sorry you've had to deal with this crap, but please don't leave, you'd done stuff no other game dev has dared to try! I was afraid it was these jerks that had been the cause of your sudden silence and pulling down of the test server, it's just too bad it's too easy for these people to create new id's on different games and this forum, otherwise I'd say post thier names and let us shame the crap out of them wherever they go, so you don't have to. I think it's safe to say though that these jerks deserve at least a ban from the regular server for their bad behavior, and I'd say good ridence to bad rubbish! After all, I'd classify this as cheating or exploiting loopholes under the agreement for certain.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

2013-09-19 Thread Forum — New releases room: Aprone

Re: Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

I've been putting off posting anything, but I can't seem to fall back to sleep tonight so I might as well.I don't remember how many days the testing server was up, but most of you guys know I had been setting aside many hours each day to work on those few pesky bugs that have been plaguing Swamp for a long time now.  It has been a mixture of chatting with players as I made code changes, or watching incoming reports and adjusting things based on that.Whatever the day was that I took the testing server down, I think I had spent about 8 hours working on code.  The inventory loss bug has had me super confused, but it's really the biggest thing that needs fixing.  I don't recall the exact quotes, but I'm still going to put quotes around examples.  I'd get some report like "I just signed back in and I lost my Shield and Boots."  So I'd reimburse the people, run tests on their inventory, and adjust a
 nything in the code that could explain why those 2 specific items would be lost when signing in.  I'd get another report "Just changed maps from 2 to 3, and my Ceramic armor is gone!".  So I repeat the process and adjust code.  Usually I would check to see if the same person would get the same item loss bug when they repeated the action, and again, make code changes based on the results.  This had gone on for days, but I believe it was 8 hours on the last day.Most of you know that I'd been handing out free gear during the tests, especially since most of the time I would use the "Send to all" commands to give everyone a copy of whatever someone asked for.  Unrelated but also important, is that over the course of a few days, the inventory bugs seemed to be getting even more random and worse.  Stuff that had seemed fixed was starting to act up again as I continued to tweak code based on incoming reports.  It was ve
 ry frustrating.So at the end of that 8 hours I had just reimbursed a guy after receiving, what seemed like the, the millionth bug report.  Just before going through the routine of examining his inventory, comparing it to all past reports to look for patterns, and adjusting the code, something in chat happened to catch my eye completely by accident.  (Again I'm using quotes but don't remember the exact words to any of this).  The guys whispers to someone "You're right, it worked!"  I watched the whispered conversation continue and this person was excited that he had gotten Aprone to give him some items.  Turns out he had never had those items to begin with, and the other person he was talking to had shared with him the plan that if you fill out a convincing sounding bug report for lost items, Aprone would send them to you!  So the guy had been sharing that revelation with others, so they could give it a try too.I op
 ened up the chat history logs and started to skim through.  Sure enough, these 2 people were not the only ones that had actually had whispered conversations about this plan, so there had been at least a handful of people filling out completely fake bug reports just to see if I would send them free stuff.  I opened up the inventory history logs and did a quick check to look up the last, maybe 5 or 6, reports I'd been sent.  It didn't take long to see that one guy had never had the items he said he'd lost.  A little more looking and I found a second.  At that point I was done, and I closed the logs.  Not only did I have a handful of people from chat logs, but clearly others had been doing the same thing.  No wonder I spent days and days on this bug, only to find myself going in circles.  No wonder it seemed to actually be getting more random and worse!  Mixed in with the legitimate reports, I've had a small army (I exagg
 erate) sending in intentionally misleading bug reports just to see if they could trick me into sending them free equipment, on a server where I've been openly handing out free gear as people request it.  It wasn't about the gear, it was about seeing if they could trick me.I guess you could say I was angry.  I'm still angry actually.  I said "Screw this", closed down the logs, closed down the testing server, exited Skype, and walked away from my computer.  If people's donations hadn't been sent in to keep the main server running, I'd have shut that one down too.  There are tons of amazing people here in this community, but there are also just SOO many that want to essentially bite the hand that feeds them.  The testing client's code is so entangled with changes made due to fake reports, that I honestly have no earthly idea where to even begin fixing it.  Even if I assume that the fake reports only 
 ever happened during that last 8 hour day, I'd be lucky if I could undo that damage in 30 hours.  I've cooled down enough to acknowledge that those people probably had no idea what kind of damage they were actually doing, but getting "bit" that day was one bite too many.I don't really remember how many days it has been since I closed the server, but f

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] IOS7: Your thoughts

2013-09-19 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: Kyleman123

Re: IOS7: Your thoughts

yeah. i'm running an iphone 4 and it doesn't really slow down except for app launches.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] IOS7: Your thoughts

2013-09-19 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: bryant

Re: IOS7: Your thoughts

Hi.IOS 7 does not slow down your device. It didn't for me, at leastURL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] IOS7: Your thoughts

2013-09-19 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: bryant

Re: IOS7: Your thoughts

Hi.IOS 7 does not slow down your divice. It didn't for me, at leastURL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] IOS7: Your thoughts

2013-09-19 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: Sebby

Re: IOS7: Your thoughts

It does slow it down, but not by so much, really. A 4S running iOS7 now feels exactly like a 4 with iOS6. And app launch times are undoubtedly slower, because you get an app launch animation which you simply can't turn off (thanks Apple).URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] IOS7: Your thoughts

2013-09-19 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: brad

Re: IOS7: Your thoughts

hi.From what I undersand, you wouldn't be able to. once you've upgraded that's final.But I could be wrong.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] IOS7: Your thoughts

2013-09-19 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: arqmeister

Re: IOS7: Your thoughts

I'm really on the fence about upgrading at this point. I would rather not see my iPad crawl. On the other hand, i want to play with the new features, although, i'm not sure how to roll back if i don't like it for any reason.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] IOS7: Your thoughts

2013-09-19 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: bryant

Re: IOS7: Your thoughts

well, now that I found out that voice over can actually interact with the new siri, I actually like it better than the old one. The only thing i wish now is that i could figure out how to download those premium voices. The compact ones are ok, but I want the premium.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] IOS7: Your thoughts

2013-09-19 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: grryfindore

Re: IOS7: Your thoughts

Hi,Thanks sebby for the answer.  as far as updateing gos,I still haven't managed to install IOS. or download it,for that matter.I downloaded IOS7 from a direct link,and guess what?it wouldn't let me install the dam thing on to my phone,saying that the furmware wasn't compatible with my phone,although I am a 100% sure that I downloaded the right one.Started the usual IOS7 download from itunes later,but then realised I had to run off,and since I had to take my pc along I had to stop the download when it was about 600 700mb done. my net's quite slow,so its still downloading now. its almost done,though...Looking forward to the new voices,and siri now that I can have it switched to some language other than AU english.Grryf.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] IOS7: Your thoughts

2013-09-19 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: cansino

Re: IOS7: Your thoughts

Check settings > Music.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Infinity Blade Series, let's discuss, warning, may contain spoilers

2013-09-19 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: seal

Re: Infinity Blade Series, let's discuss, warning, may contain spoilers

Yeah, there's really nothing to day more. Totally not playable tittle. Checked it myself and there's no fun to randomly tapping on the screen. Really important is to get new eq or heal yourself. Battles itself are accessible enough to do it, but without above, you can't progress really. Epicgames will be not interested to making it accessible, i am sure definitely and there's no chance for it.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] IOS7: Your thoughts

2013-09-19 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: assault_freak

Re: IOS7: Your thoughts

Me too. Also one question... does anyone know how to stop the songs in icloud from displaying in the music view? I have songs that actually aren't in my itunes library that are in the cloud... yet I can't seem to delete them. Anyone notice too that the delete option for albums in the music app seems to be gone?URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] IOS7: Your thoughts

2013-09-19 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: cansino

Re: IOS7: Your thoughts

Am I the only one who does not have an unlocking sound? I mean, when I unlock the screen there is no sound, i type the code and it silently unlocks.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] A very interesting point my dad and I came upon

2013-09-19 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: brad

Re: A very interesting point my dad and I came upon

HiSLj. I don't know about podcast;s in I tunes, I don't use Itunes much apart from when I might download an audiobook or music or use my iPhone to update and all that kind of stuff.I recommend you change the names manualy. It will be a paon to do, but if Itunes isn't working correctly then this wil be your only option for now.once that's done, use another podcast down loader thing, sorry I don't know what they're called, I've not used them.Leave Itunes for now, hopefully one day it will get fixed URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] IOS7: Your thoughts

2013-09-19 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: brad

Re: IOS7: Your thoughts

Hi./edit/Ahh. sorry I miss read your question.I think you knead to download the premium voices to get them to work using fact I'm sure of it./end of edit/first message starts change the voice for siri.Go to genral then siri, you should find a thing called lanwich, sorry I spelt that wrong, click on that and you will be shown a list of langwiches, click on one of those, then click on the back button. and you're good to go.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] IOS7: Your thoughts

2013-09-19 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: brad

Re: IOS7: Your thoughts

Hi.To change the voice for siri.Go to genral then siri, you should find a thing called lanwich, sorry I spelt that wrong, click on that and you will be shown a list of langwiches, click on one of those, then click on the back button. and you're good to go.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

2013-09-19 Thread Forum — New releases room: wp85

Re: Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

SLJ I'm glad you liked my post. I was wondering if people were going to find that to harsh. lolURL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] IOS7: Your thoughts

2013-09-19 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: assault_freak

Re: IOS7: Your thoughts

My question still remains. Do we have to switch languages to get premium voices for that language? I'm not talking about VO... but about siri. The only options I have where voices are concerned are voice gender, language and voice feedback. Am I missing something?URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] IOS7: Your thoughts

2013-09-19 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: Sebby

Re: IOS7: Your thoughts

Holy tripe! The touchscreen sensitivity issue is very real. Just try putting your iPhone in a breast pocket, unlocked, for any length of time.Oh well, best get into the habit of locking. It's a shame though ...URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

2013-09-19 Thread Forum — New releases room: SLJ

Re: Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

My donation situration  has now been resolved. Just if someone was worried.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] IOS7: Your thoughts

2013-09-19 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: Sebby

Re: IOS7: Your thoughts

OK, so I was force-fed a chicken wrap with fries and fell asleep before I could strike up the nerve to systematically upgrade my devices. My iTunes has been closed (and my Xcode, too) since upgrade, and I haven't had much nerve to reopen those until the upgrade is done, either. My caching server has cached all the new software after the updates rolled out, and it also has been updated (both the client and server parts, which killed me since I couldn't use VNC). My devices will be shuffling around just as soon as the new nanoSIM arrives from O2, now on order.So now it's a fresh new day, and I'll take this problem full-on. By the end, I should be listening to podcasts again, just like before. @Grryf: Contacts are stored in iCloud, they're not part of your backup unless they are stored locally, or synced from a computer. Simply turn Contacts on agai
 n once you've set up iCloud (it should happen automagically if you follow the setup steps).@Chris: Honestly, although I disagree with Apple's business practices (Siri has been shown to work on iPhone 4), the simple truth is that each new version of iOS is less and less suitable for older devices. I'm afraid upgrading is in your future if you want Siri, animations, or any number of other touches.Does anybody know whether or not the Podcasts app is still optional to play podcasts synced over from iTunes? TIA.There are focus issues. You will discover them as you go along, I'm sure.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] IOS7: Your thoughts

2013-09-19 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: Chris

Re: IOS7: Your thoughts

Hi.Well, aside from the annoyance that they're still using the same old vocalizer voices and havn't given us a choice as usual, this isn't a bad update The control center is really cool and I like how they have moved some settings around in the settings, makes more sense I think. The only thing I can't try is siri. How does VO interact with that now? Do the new voices speak most things?URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] IOS7: Your thoughts

2013-09-19 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: brad

Re: IOS7: Your thoughts

hi.I've found out that siri seems to cut off sometimes,.The problem is, i can't explain it to apple since it only happens at sertain times.Like i might say thank you to siri, and it will start saying something then cut off.I'll write to apple next week telling them of what I found.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] IOS7: Your thoughts

2013-09-19 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: brad

Re: IOS7: Your thoughts

Hi.I can't say weather I like it or not yet.But I can say that I really really like siri now.It's up to date, has very nice voices, the us female and mmale are great. The spanish and others I think they just use the low quolity voices. unless you update them of corse.When typing I've found that serten letters are spoken faster than others, especially with the Australian voice.The premium voices are nice for the US and UK there slitely higher quolity than usual, the UK, Irish and african voices are of lodes higher quollity than usual.Hope this helps someone.Oh and I've not been experiencing any jumping around, well once I think i did, but that's it.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Anyone ever beat the borg in STFC?

2013-09-19 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: Dark

Re: Anyone ever beat the borg in STFC?

Well i don't know what you mean by background sfx. The borg ships had their own background noises, and the borg themselves made hydraulic  and servo motor type noises when they moved, but their speech didn't have any background beyond the voice itself with it's effects.Btw, this was one thing I slightly disliked about the borg queen, she felt far too human to be the suposed head of something as inhuman as the borg what with her taunts, her tempting of data and her evil villain speeches,  aprticularly since  she didn't have any of the same Borg voice affects as when you just heard the collective  speak.Myself, I'd have preferd the borg to just stay as a faceless, collective threat, more like the cells of a single body working in consort  than like a hive of bees with a queen,  particularly since of course, in bee hives queens actually don't "rule" anything, they just lay the in t
 he game you need to hunt  down and destroy traces of the borg and their technology, from small tracking stations and devices to  cubes and massive installations, since only destroying everything will insure the total destruction of the borg now that their consciousness is no longer centralised. You could even suggest some new borg creations,URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Keyboard Learning Software for Non-Visual Users

2013-09-19 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: prince animeshh

Re: Keyboard Learning Software for Non-Visual Users

hi first of all i think it should be besd on tux type it is not for blind gamers but if made it will be a grate start to your project and it should use sapi5 optionaly should  work with n v d a but only for those who need it thanksURL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] IOS7: Your thoughts

2013-09-19 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: SLJ

Re: IOS7: Your thoughts

I don't have any swiping issues at all.Oh by the way, the unlock switch on the lock screen is placed a bit higher up on the screen, so it might be difficult for some people to locate the switch. A great workaround which I use pretty often is to swipe right with 3 fingers to unlock the phone.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Anyone ever beat the borg in STFC?

2013-09-19 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: the doctor

Re: Anyone ever beat the borg in STFC?

Hi all,I have some great news!  i'with audacity and a little help from youtube, i've managed to create a pretty convincing borg!  it's by no means perfect, but it does work pretty well.  i'm still learning what different things do but it's ok once you get the hang of it.I might upload a demo to show this off later, although i don't have the appropriate  background sfx to go with it...The Doctor.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] IOS7: Your thoughts

2013-09-19 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: nin

Re: IOS7: Your thoughts

the Romanian voice has changed too. I hate it.. and the premium one is worse than the compact one.. lol.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] IOS7: Your thoughts

2013-09-19 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: bcs993

Re: IOS7: Your thoughts

Pity about iTunes Radio, I guess it will take some time before it becomes available in more countries. Okay, so I got iOS 7 at last and so far I love it as well. Only odd thing, does anyone else find swiping left strange, almost as if the curser jumps? I don't think it's the same as the bug mentioned on the Applevis blog, though.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Keyboard Learning Software for Non-Visual Users

2013-09-19 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: Dark

Re: Keyboard Learning Software for Non-Visual Users

Interesting idea, and I can certainly see the bennifit, heck it was playing web based  games such as Legend of the Green Dragon and interactive fiction that taught me most about my screen reader. I also fully agree that the present software (some of which I've tried for the sight's games database isn't exactly fascinating. My only question however is what specifically will be different about this program? There are after all already lots of games which will teach the keyboard in part or in hole just through playing, from hangman and other word games such as boggle or scrabble, (not to mention interactive fiction), where players need to press correct letters, to arcade action audio games with the keyboard as the main interface. These could be boppit style space invaders games of the simple " press key as fast as you can" type, for example Fast 2 type or even more compl
 ex games that simply need knolidge of the keyboard for fluid playing. In Galaxy ranger for instance, in which you need to use letter and number keys to decide which of your units you wish to control, eg t for tanks or s for soldiers and the numbers to switch to a number (and since it's necessary to switch to a unit and control it when it is attacked,  fast keyboard learning will help a lot if players want to win).I would therefore be interested to know what exactly is on offer in your  proposed software on kickstarter and how your educational games might differ from playing a standard game for purposes of education.In terms of learning what! is available, you might want to check the database on this or indeed on, who have a similar, if differently formatted list to us. I really hope the project goes well and I would very much app
 reciate more information.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Keyboard Learning Software for Non-Visual Users

2013-09-19 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: Dark

Re: Keyboard Learning Software for Non-Visual Users

Interesting idea, and I can certainly see the bennifit, heck it was playing web based  games such as Legend of the Green Dragon and interactive fiction that taught me most about my screen reader. I also fully agree that the present software (some of which I've tried for the sight's games database since we do also list educational games), My only question however is what exactly will be different about this program? There are after all already lots of games which will teach the keyboard in part or in hole just through playing, from hangman and other word games such as boggle or scrabble, (not to mention interactive fiction), where players need to press correct letters, to arcade action audio games with the keyboard as the main the interface. These could be boppit style space invaders games of the simple " press key as fast as you can" type, for example Fast 2 type or even more com
 plex games that simply need knolidge of the keyboard for fluid playing. For example, in Galaxy ranger in which you need to use letter and number keys to decide which of your units you wish to control, for example t for tanks or s for soldiers and the numbers to switch to a number (and since it's necessary to switch to a unit and control it when it is attacked,  fast keyboard learning will help a lot if players want to win).I would therefore be interested to know what exactly is on offer in your  software on kickstarter and how your educational games might differ from playing a standard game for purposes of education.In terms of learning what! is available, you might want to check the database on this or indeed on, who have a similar, if differently formatted list to us. I really hope the project goes well and I would very much ap
 preciate more information.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] A very interesting point my dad and I came upon

2013-09-19 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: SLJ

Re: A very interesting point my dad and I came upon

Hi.I'm sorry if I have argumented in so an extreme way on how Voiceover and things works on a Mac, so others have been afraid to share their thoughts. The discussion died right after I requested some help on podcasting in iTunes. I have never ment to argument in such an extreme way that it should keep people away from posting, and I'm sorry if people have felt like this.if we go back to the very first question which I totally forgot to give my thoughts about:leibylucwgamer wrote:My dad had pointed out that Macs seem to only be used in professional settings and work environments.  Many schools use Macs, for both students and teachers.  Video and audio editing are also done by Macs, particularly in higher-quality production studios.  If we take a look in the average person's household, you'll find a PC, which is noted by its user friendly interface.  But there's one
  more thing.PC's are prominent for being user friendly, and Macs are known for being used in professional environments. But if we think about it, both do exactly the same thing, like everything in technology, but the way they do is presented differently.  One can't really say that the functionality of one is better than the other, since it mirrors the other's functionality.  As I have said, it is just presented in a different platform.Now, we break it down to what people want and think is easy.  This is where PC holds the edge over Mac.  It's easier to understand, and it's also universal in that multiple devices can synchronize with each other, with versatility in that PC's can sync with Google and Android products.With Macs, well, I cannot say from experience, but I can say that people have a hard time understanding the layout of Apple's OS.Though it's more difficult, they both still do the exac
 t same thing.  It's just the way it's presented, which personally, shouldn't be a bashing factor for Apple.I just found this interesting after I elaborated it inside my mind.Well, to keep it simple, the thoughts about Macs are only used in professionel ways was only in the early days. Now, that has changed because of lots of things. Mainly, because the OSX has changed a lot, and have become more user friendly in many ways.I think the biggest change is that many students suddenly began to buy Macs for their studies, and that began a big revolution, or maybe it's opesit, I don't know. Lol. It might be Apple who changed things, and then students went crazy when it comes to buy Macs for their studies. So I'll say that has changed, and now many private persons also have Macs those days, and also in the blind community because of the build in accessibility tools which is not just Voiceover and Zoom, but also for oth
 er dissabilities.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] A very interesting point my dad and I came upon

2013-09-19 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: SLJ

Re: A very interesting point my dad and I came upon

Hi.I'm sorry if I have argumented in so an extreme way on how Voiceover and things works on a Mac, so others have been afraid to share their thoughts. The discussion died right after I requested some help on podcasting in iTunes. I have never ment to argument in such an extreme way that it should keep people away from posting, and I'm sorry if people have felt like this.if we go back to the very first question qwhich I totally forgot to give my thoughts about:leibylucwgamer wrote:My dad had pointed out that Macs seem to only be used in professional settings and work environments.  Many schools use Macs, for both students and teachers.  Video and audio editing are also done by Macs, particularly in higher-quality production studios.  If we take a look in the average person's household, you'll find a PC, which is noted by its user friendly interface.  But there's on
 e more thing.PC's are prominent for being user friendly, and Macs are known for being used in professional environments. But if we think about it, both do exactly the same thing, like everything in technology, but the way they do is presented differently.  One can't really say that the functionality of one is better than the other, since it mirrors the other's functionality.  As I have said, it is just presented in a different platform.Now, we break it down to what people want and think is easy.  This is where PC holds the edge over Mac.  It's easier to understand, and it's also universal in that multiple devices can synchronize with each other, with versatility in that PC's can sync with Google and Android products.With Macs, well, I cannot say from experience, but I can say that people have a hard time understanding the layout of Apple's OS.Though it's more difficult, they both still do the exa
 ct same thing.  It's just the way it's presented, which personally, shouldn't be a bashing factor for Apple.I just found this interesting after I elaborated it inside my mind.Well, to keep it simple, the thoughts about Macs are only used in professionel ways was only in the early days. Now, that has changed because of lots of things. Mainly, because the OSX has changed a lot, and have become more user friendly in many ways.I think the biggest change is that many students suddenly began to buy Macs for their studies, and that began a big revolution, or maybe it's opesit, I don't know. Lol. It might be Apple who changed things, and then students went crazy when it comes to buy Macs for their studies. So I'll say that has changed, and now many private persons also have Macs those days, and also in the blind community because of the build in accessibility tools which is not just Voiceover and Zoom, but also for ot
 her dissabilities.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] samsung galaxy s3 problem

2013-09-19 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: SLJ

Re: samsung galaxy s3 problem

Hi.Oh, well, here is what you have to do.Place a finger on the unlock switch where it says slide to unlock. Then, hold the finger on the slide, and swipe right to unlock the phone.When you have to enter the pin, you have to keep a finger on each digit for a half second, and then release the finger to enter the selected number. I assume your dad have set a pincode?Please let me know how that goes.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Question about Sampsung Galaxy S2

2013-09-19 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: SLJ

Re: Question about Sampsung Galaxy S2

Hi.If I remember correctly, the Samsung galaxy 2 is not updated with the latest version of Android, and for that reason you'll not get a good experience. In the Talkback settings somewhere, there should be a script you can enable for accessibility so it should be able to read webpages. Sorry, I don't remember what this setting is called.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] paypal transfer a little help?

2013-09-19 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: Dark

Re: paypal transfer a little help?

@Grryf, nope, entombed isn't hardware based, though you may have to get your friends entombed account name, password and E-mail for authorisation purposes, which would likely also spill the beans . @Sebby, while I agree antipiracy measures are draconian and serve more to inconvenience the innocent than cause trouble for the guilty, at the same time I disagree that it's a reason to lose trust in a developer or not buy games. "instant gratification" to me also reads as "greedy!" and since the developer has taken the trouble making the game, they do have the final say on distribution.To take one example, even though all their games are free Ian humphries of spoonbill still refuses to put his games for basic download and asks for mailed requirests. The reason hear isn't anti piracy, just that Ian himself likes to know people 
 are playing and enjoying his games, and wants more interaction with those who play them than just a download counter.Yes,it  means when Ian releases a new game you need to physically send him an E-mail, but I for one don't find that too onorous given the work he's done. To an extent indeed, I'd view most if not all audio game developers like this.After all, even people like Gma who charge for their games aren't exactly the prophiteers seen in the mainstream industry.As such while I don't personally like the hardware key system, and  would  agree that online  activation is a far more fare and user friendly system, I still don't think it's reasonable to say boycot a developers' games or castigate them because of this when it hasn't been earned.Up until  their closing down sale, and the fact that they've effectively made it so that nobody can legally play their games ever again
 , I'd have said that Bsc, while not perhaps the most user friendly authorisation system, isn't  unreasonable, since after all they had!  created some pretty good games, (I'd still regard pipe 2 as one of the better examples  of an audio game).I'm not arguing the ethics of the system, just stating that I do feel audio game developers deserve a little more slack than they are given in some quarters over this issue.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] IOS7: Your thoughts

2013-09-19 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: SLJ

Re: IOS7: Your thoughts

Hi.If you go into the Voiceover settings, you can choose what primiom voices you wanna instal which I find really amazing.If you configure the language rotor, you can change the voices on the fly. You can also now add a toggle if you wanna switch between the compact voices and the primioum voices.the vocolizer voices, well, that's a personal thing. I can live with that, and your english speaking people, you should thank Apple for having multiple choices when it comes to english voices. Now, the danish voice has changed, and I must say this is not good. The voice sounds pretty great, but it have so many issues in pronouncing words, so many people are forced to choose between the compact voices and primiom voices on the fly, to be able to just hear what the voice is reading! And, in danish, there is only one voice.I like all the new sounds, new messages tones and new ringtones. I like that apple have put all the old tones in a sepret folder. I like all the other new features. I like the appswitcher, control center, the new messages center and especially the new calender!I hope to get time to edit the first post today, or tomorrow. Keep up the awesome discussion going.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Announcing Codename Cygnus - an Interactive Radio Drama for iOS!

2013-09-19 Thread Forum — New releases room: SLJ

Re: Announcing Codename Cygnus - an Interactive Radio Drama for iOS!

Hi.I'm not trying to push you to work faster, but I'm looking so much forward to play the rest of mission 1, side quests and the later missions.  It's not very often that I'm playing games where I can't wait to play something which is being worked on, but I'm enjoying Codename Cyygnus so much... I agree that the sound quallity could have been better, and I think that could be a toggle, because it sounds like the 22 khz is an effect which is put on some high quality sounds, mainly because Voiceover and the other sounds is also being changed.I think the rest of mission one is comming, very soon. URL:

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