Re: [Audiogames-reflector] papa sangre has returned!

2013-11-03 Thread Forum — New releases room: SLJ

Re: papa sangre has returned!

A friend of mine who have an iPhone 4S wrote to me about this issue yesterday. I haven't seen it yet though.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

2013-11-03 Thread Forum — New releases room: SLJ

Re: Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

Hi.Nice, really nice aprone that you've figured out how the hackers managed to get that many people banned. I could imagine something really tricky. [[wow]] Majoz. Weird bug as welll.I have an edit to my bug report above: I didn't lost my armour then I logged in again. After I had submitted my bug report, I noticed that the armour was still in my inventory, but was taken off.I should kill my character to see if this fixes the bugs, but I think I'll wait to see if something weird happen to me again.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Regarding the quentin C playroom

2013-11-03 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: SLJ

Re: Regarding the quentin C playroom

Well, I don't speak Frensh, I'm sorry. He said that he wanted some trusted admins to moderate rooms in a new language, which is of course understandable. I asked what that would require, since I had found two serious admins, me included. I pointed him to an unanswered topic on the forum on their website, where an other guy from my country wrote he is whilling to translate the game as well, and he contacted them long time before I wrote to request the same. I pointed out that no one has answered him yet, like people had ignored him. I asked how we could work together on this project etc, so I tried to establish a good communication. So what should I then have done?I then got a reply back that they needed a moderator for an other language which I don't remember, and that was what they needed, and that was wrote in a way like other languages are not important for this community. I didn't got any reply back on how to be trusted, how to be a moderator, h
 ow to translate or anything. I did my best to ask those questions, but they got ignored like if that was not in interest.I don't feel like posting private mails in here, but i still have those mails in my inbox. The only public thing I can send you to show I'm telling the truth is the message on the forum:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] any criminals out there?

2013-11-03 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: Nocturnus

Re: any criminals out there?

Certainly!  That's what the upcoming nerve bar guide is for!  You're gonna get all the goodies on how crime works and why you shouldn't necessarily do them all sequencially, and why you might find yourself skipping some of them and never going back to them for any reason.Using merits to increase your nerve bar is useful for the sake of doing more crimes, but does not increase crime success.  Natural nerve is the only nerve that can do that for you, and that comes with crime experience.Here's a simple list of things to follow without any explanation as to why if you want to get your natural nerve up to 40 in roughly 100 days.  this guide assumes you are an active player, that you make at least 3 succesfull jail busts a day, and that you're following instructions to the letter, of course.  It is important to keep in 
 mind that when I say three succesfull busts, I don't mean three succesfull, thre failed.  If you fail one, go do one more bust to have at least four.  To maximize your chances at success in jail busting, keep it at people who are at your level, who are in for an hour and 40 minutes, or 100 movie theater searches, then move up to 3 nerve crimes.Copy at least 50 rock CD'S, or any of the other available options in the 3 nerve crime, then move up to 4 nerve crimes.Steal at least 20 Chocolates.Steal at least 20 Bon Bons.Steal at least 20 Extra Strong Mints.Steal at least 20 Music CDs.Steal at least 20 CD Players.Steal at least 20 DVD Players.Steal at least 20 Blank CDs.Steal at least 20 Hard Drives.Steal at least 20 Tank tops.Steal at least 20 Trainers.Steal at least 20 Jackets.Skip the jewelry store and move up to 5 nerve crimes.Mug the bum 30 times.Mug the kid 50
  times.Mug the old lady 50 times.Mug the business man 150 times.Skip the lawyer; he defends you in cort.Mug the Loanshark at least 500 times.Get a gun, skip 6 nerve crimes and go on to 7.Do the first one at least 200 times.  This is a swift robbery at the sweet shop.After that, stick to the second one, which is a thorough robbery at the sweet shop until you get a 30 or a 35 nerve bar; the choice is yours.Never do the 8 nerve crime unless you have a 40 nerve bar and are going back for merits.By now you should have at least 2600 crimes under your belt.Buy a stealth virus and do the stealth virus crime.  If you're not getting at least 3 out of 4 successes, go back and do at least 250 more thorough sweet shopt robberies, then come back and do stealths at least 500 times.If you didn't have a 35 before, you should now.Go get a gas can and burn down some warehouses until you reach that nice 4o. 
 ; As previously stated, getting a windproof lighter is worth every dollar you spend on it, as this will boost your success rate.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] things to consider when perchaseing a laptop?

2013-11-03 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: grryfindore

Re: things to consider when perchaseing a laptop?

Hi,The lenovo Ideapad Y500 sounds cool,specially the ultra bay,but the price here is out of my range. its about 93000INR which if converted into USD is about $1497.3the max I can drop in would be about a thousand$To be honest though,besides the ultra bay, it has similar features to a laptop that one could get in the same price range I.E $1000 or so.but I was asking more about what to look for.I.E the chipsets processer varients,what's better? a third gen I5,a 4th gen I5 or a third gen I7?btw,the processer on the y500 was quite awesome if I am getting it right. not mistaken,that is.:pGrryf.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] any criminals out there?

2013-11-03 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: Dark

Re: any criminals out there?

Funny Brad, my nerve bar bumped up pretty quickly just through doing lots of crimes over and over again, though I also stuck some merrits into nerve. I am doing the intro to general studdies course with a view to the driving course next, provided I stick with the game.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

2013-11-03 Thread Forum — New releases room: Shermanator

Re: Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

HI Aprone,Noticed the following in my debug file:error in makesound: F:\games\kaldobsky\Swamp 2.9/sounds/Get/..\sounds\Zombies\Tyrant\Evade1.wav - 0 0error in makesound: F:\games\kaldobsky\Swamp 2.9/sounds/Get/..\sounds\Zombies\Tyrant\Evade3.wav - 0 0error in makesound: F:\games\kaldobsky\Swamp 2.9/sounds/Get/..\sounds\Zombies\Tyrant\Evade2.wav - 0 0error in makesound: F:\games\kaldobsky\Swamp 2.9/sounds/Get/..\sounds\Zombies\Stalker\Evade2.wav - 0 0error in makesound: F:\games\kaldobsky\Swamp 2.9\sounds\Zombies\Giant\Explode2.wav - 0 -1error in makesound: F:\games\kaldobsky\Swamp 2.9\sounds\Zombies\Normal\Explode2.wav - 0 -1Also there was some short bow sounds missing. Don't happen to know exactly which. Maybe some else can post them.Also noticed that I cannot put a marlin as a favorite. Winchester works just fine.Back in message #10114 you said what t
 o look for in the debug file. When should one look for this? Is it while you are in the game and notice an item gone? Or do you have to exit the game and then look. Thanks for listening and sticking with us.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] tips for writing a good essay

2013-11-03 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: Dark

Re: tips for writing a good   essay

Hi Enes. Nocturnus has given some good points but I'll add some of my own. First, how exactly is climate change "a research paper supporting a strong arguement?"A "strong arguement" is your opinion on a given issue supported by reasoned points, it therefore needs to be an issue you have an opinion on. Unless you are going to argue something like "the international community aren't doing enough about climate change" or "climate change will result in massive devastation" your not really going to get a strong arguement out of climate change, (particularly since any opinions supporting such arguements would be heavily scientific or mathematical and require a massive amount of specialist knolidge). So, pick a subject you actually have an opinion on, not one you are just interested in. I also personally disagree with nocturnus. An essay shouldn't say "both sides are write" unless that is 
 actually your opinion or what view you support, indeed it's generally easier to write an essay arguing one perspective over another since otherwise your essay will look pretty wishy washy and won't have any force to the arguements involved. Remember you are writing an essay to make a point or state your opinion. I'd personally start with an opinion: For example "The Iphone is a better platform for audio games than the pc"  (this isn't actually what I think, it's just an example which obviously we all know about).You begin by stating this opinion in detail, briefly summarising what advantages the Iphone has and what you will be showing (it's quite legitimate to say "In this paper I will attempt to show"), that is your introduction. You then go through various arguements for both sides, how many games have been released for each platform, what is currently developed, how many people use which system, what
  are the advantages of each etc, but all slanted to support your initial arguement. For instance: "While the pc dominated the audiogames market previously to the launche of the Iphone, since 2010 far fewer games have been released for the Pc where as the number of Iphone titles has steadily risen"  (you'd then quote some statistics on how many games per year for each platform were released).You then conclude by briefly saying what you've summarised (yes, you need to say this again), and pointing out your conclusion eg: "due to the high number of released games for the platform and inervative technology employed on the Iphone, it is therefore safe to say that while some people might still use a pc, the Iphone will be the platform of choice for the next decade of audio games" If you want to do a "both sides" type of essay, the process is a little different, but essentially similar, however you will be slan
 ting each section of your arguement to show a mutual bennifit to both sides and ultimately give your opinion that both sides are equally valid:"the pc and Iphone have equal potential as platforms for audio games" In your introduction you say why this is a bone of contention, but that you are going to argue that there isn't really a conflict since both have equal bennifit.You'd then follow each item of contention about one side with a similar backup item about the other, for example: "though people praise the Iphone for it's unique touch screen technology and it's uses of analogue control methods, it is also true that the mouse has recently become a major interest in pc gaming (see swamp). The Pc also has rather more potential for custom equipment and hardware development just for audio games where as the Iphone is limited to apple's hardware licensing" You'd then conclude with a similar double barre
 led ending, briefly summarising what you've said and noting that it is your opinion that both sides are equally correct, (remember even when your agreeing with both sides the point of your essay is to offer an opinion in a structured fashion). All that being said, i do agree with nocturnus about rythm in writing, check, and recheck, and recheck again! indeed discover how you personally prefer to write. Some people like to plan everything in absolute and crytical detail before hand. Myself, I simply sit down and think and have a general idea of where I'm going and then splurge! but then I check and recheck, and rewrite and keep adding and moving bits. It's something you get used to but you do need to decide how you want to work and have a vague idea at least of what your doing and what arguing. I also agree with nocturnus about sources, however use your sources correctly. Your sources should be the opininos of those are arguing against or in support of, o
 r points of obscure information such as legal principles or statistics that support your over all arguement or opinion. It's quite legitimate to use wikipedia to find! those opinions through thru links. You can also use wikipedia for over all peaces of information that are general knolidge in some circles, though be careful with this, (I mo

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] tips for writing a good essay

2013-11-03 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: Dark

Re: tips for writing a good   essay

Hi Enes. Nocturnus has given some good points but I'll add some of your own. First, how exactly is climate change "a research paper supporting a strong arguement?"A "strong arguement" is your opinion on a given issue supported by reasoned points, it therefore needs to be an issue you have an opinion on. Unless you are going to argue something like "the international community aren't doing enough about climate change" or "climate change will result in massive devastation" your not really going to get a strong arguement out of climate change, (particularly since any opinions supporting such arguements would be heavily scientific or mathematical and require a massive amount of specialist knolidge). So, pick a subject you actually have an opinion on, not one you are just interested in. I also personally disagree with nocturnus. An essay shouldn't say "both sides are write" unless that i
 s actually your opinion or what view you support, indeed it's generally easier to write an essay arguing one perspective over another since otherwise your essay will look pretty wishy washy and won't have any force to the arguements involved. Remember you are writing an essay to make a point or state your opinion. I'd personally start with an opinion: For example "The Iphone is a better platform for audio games than the pc"  (this isn't actually what I think, it's just an example which obviously we all know about).You begin by stating this opinion in detail, briefly summarising what advantages the Iphone has and what you will be showing (it's quite legitimate to say "In this paper I will attempt to show"), that is your introduction. You then go through various arguements for both sides, how many games have been released for each platform, what is currently developed, how many people use which system, wh
 at are the advantages of each etc, but all slanted to support your initial arguement. For instance: "While the pc dominated the audiogames market previously to the launche of the Iphone, since 2010 far fewer games have been released for the Pc where as the number of Iphone titles has steadily risen"  (you'd then quote some statistics on how many games per year for each platform were released).You then conclude by briefly saying what you've summarised (yes, you need to say this again), and pointing out your conclusion eg: "due to the high number of released games for the platform and inervative technology employed on the Iphone, it is therefore safe to say that while some people might still use a pc, the Iphone will be the platform of choice for the next decade of audio games" If you want to do a "both sides" type of essay, the process is a little different, but essentially similar, however you will be sl
 anting each section of your arguement to show a mutual bennifit to both sides and ultimately give your opinion that both sides are equally valid:"the pc and Iphone have equal potential as platforms for audio games" In your introduction you say why this is a bone of contention, but that you are going to argue that there isn't really a conflict since both have equal bennifit.You'd then follow each item of contention about one side with a similar backup item about the other, for example: "though people praise the Iphone for it's unique touch screen technology and it's uses of analogue control methods, it is also true that the mouse has recently become a major interest in pc gaming (see swamp). The Pc also has rather more potential for custom equipment and hardware development just for audio games where as the Iphone is limited to apple's hardware licensing" You'd then conclude with a similar double bar
 reled ending, briefly summarising what you've said and noting that it is your opinion that both sides are equally correct, (remember even when your agreeing with both sides the point of your essay is to offer an opinion in a structured fashion). All that being said, i do agree with nocturnus about rythm in writing, check, and recheck, and recheck again! indeed discover how you personally prefer to write. Some people like to plan everything in absolute and crytical detail before hand. Myself, I simply sit down and think and have a general idea of where I'm going and then splurge! but then I check and recheck, and rewrite and keep adding and moving bits. It's something you get used to but you do need to decide how you want to work and have a vague idea at least of what your doing and what arguing. I also agree with nocturnus about sources, however use your sources correctly. Your sources should be the opininos of those are arguing against or in support of,
  or points of obscure information such as legal principles or statistics that support your over all arguement or opinion. It's quite legitimate to use wikipedia to find! those opinions through thru links. You can also use wikipedia for over all peaces of information that are general knolidge in some circles, though be careful with this, (I 

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Bokurano Daiboukenn 3 trouble with platforming? or something else

2013-11-03 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: grryfindore

Re: Bokurano Daiboukenn 3 trouble with platforming? or something else

Ahoy all.Haven't gotten load of chances to play bk3 in a while,but aye. headphomes do help in hard platforming levels. my speakers are farely good though,and I manage just fine,tis just my neck that crys after a while.:pI agree with whoever said that the  most of the hard platforming bits were in the first few levels so far,upto 6.1 haven't had any trouble.I always ehh,crash in that level,though... I have bladestorms recording for that level,but without understanding jap,its a bit like takeing shots in the dark.Thanks.Grryf.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] bokurano daiboukenn 3

2013-11-03 Thread Forum — New releases room: assault_freak

Re: bokurano daiboukenn 3

Still confused about 7-1 and its secret room. lol Help please? This is bothering me. URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

2013-11-03 Thread Forum — New releases room: lvj

Re: Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

Hi, Aprone. this is record from debuglog.txt. I got zombie attack5 times in a second. I don't wear any armor so I died. I think these zombie stand at same coordinate. I only heard a scream, then I died. they attack me at the same time. I think it is not normal.I Last 20 events that lowered your health:6.1 damage from Zombie Normal at 13:35:2914.54 damage from Zombie Normal at 13:35:2914.53 damage from Zombie Lamprey at 13:35:2315.72 damage from Zombie Normal at 13:35:2315.72 damage from Zombie Giant at 13:35:2316.92 damage from Zombie Normal at 13:35:2316.91 damage from Zombie Normal at 13:35:2316.91 damage from Zombie Normal at 13:33:117.32 damage from Zombie Tyrant at 13:33:0615.73 damage from Zombie Matriarch at 13:32:599.72 damage from Zombie Matriarch at 13:32:5614.54 damage from Zombie Lamprey at 13:31:507.31 damage from Zombie Matriarch at 13:31:016.1 damage from Zombi
 e Lamprey at 13:27:2114.53 damage from Zombie Matriarch at 13:25:537.31 damage from Zombie Giant at 13:24:1915.73 damage from Zombie Normal at 13:24:109.72 damage from Zombie Stalker at 13:24:0513.35 damage from Zombie Tyrant at 13:24:0215.73 damage from Zombie Normal at 13:23:55URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] any criminals out there?

2013-11-03 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: bradp

Re: any criminals out there?

lucky me  my job allows me to get the gas can for 250 jp and im in the process of doing a driving course. my nerve bar is at 15. took me forever to increase it. any tips?URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] heeeeeee's! back!

2013-11-03 Thread Forum — AG-News room: Dark

Re: heee's! back!

I've heard of the accessible mouse thingy but never tried it, but I can recommend the Iphone touch screen access, (and likely android too though i know much less about that system). flicking left and right with one finger is pretty much like hitting tab on a website to go through links, you can also do a two finger swipe down to read from the top of the document. What however makes the screen reader really notable as Lucas said is the ability to become familiar with screen layout. For example in Solara you have many heroes to train and can just slide your finger along the left hand side of the screen to select different ones. Oh, and when typing in phone numbers, since voice over (and I suspect talks for Android as well), will announce what key your finger is on and you just need to tap to hit a number it's actually not that different to using keys.The other major advantage however, and the reason I myself bought an Iphoen in the first place is with 
 games, since you can do some very interesting things to control the game with the touch screen and in built gyroscope.In Papasangre for example, you touch the bottom corners of the screen to walk as your right and left feet, and thus have to walk rythmically or risk falling over, you also turn (in papa 1 and The nightjar), with a slide of the finger which makes it a much more fluid process than holding arrows in a windows game. In papa 2 you can turn by physically turning the phone around with the gyroscope, ie, turning your body, thus making the game a lot more interactive, indeed I find papa 2 to be a very accurate representation of walking. Another simpler example is sixth sense. Yes, it's one of those sterrio targit games, (albeit one with some nice sounding zombies), however instead of lining up sounds you slide your finger in different directions, making it more of a sport. a further  and slightly different example is Robo E (which has jus
 t got a db page), where you can do spacial chess style puzzles, but where your told what grid square is under your finger so that you can slide around the screen and form a complete picture of the area, just as you would if you were looking at a tactile grid.While I don't know as much about Android, I would recommend you try an Iphone, both for the rather unique phone access and if you enjoy games since the games on the Iphone are rather different.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Death Match

2013-11-03 Thread Forum — New releases room: danny

Re: Death Match

You should do a random cutseen and show it too me so I can get an idea of what to expect. As for the 3 survivers dex doesn't really talk, however the second and third characters do. If you have Skype you can add me, its dannystandley1URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] any criminals out there?

2013-11-03 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: Dark

Re: any criminals out there?

I just asked about the gas can because I saw it in the points shop and wasn't sure what it was for given how expensive it was.I suppose all the pvpand community stuff is interesting to some people, ditto with the higher financial stuff, it's just for myself I prefer something to explore and be challenged at, and while it's nice to log in press a couple of buttons to increase and log out, I always wanted something a bit more perminant.Well I'll see how long I remain interested in the game, I'd like to at least get to trying out missions since I never did that previously, and my nerve bar has just increased to 16 (I spent a merrit for some extra), so I'm obviously doing something right, .URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] bokurano daiboukenn 3

2013-11-03 Thread Forum — New releases room: dd

Re: bokurano daiboukenn 3

I'll get you started on 25-1ride the lift to height 330, and go inside that door and kill the jetthe lift sensor will make this stage a lot easierthen hit the switch on the left side at height 300the rest, I'l let you figure out on your ownURL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] heeeeeee's! back!

2013-11-03 Thread Forum — AG-News room: kamochek

Re: heee's! back!

i never used iphones, and never used a mouse for the computer. but maybe you know, that there is a mouse for blind, which roman gouzman made it. i know him, because he is my teacher. this mouse like brail display, but insted of that you touching the brail, the brail jumps under your fingers. kamochek.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] any criminals out there?

2013-11-03 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: Nocturnus

Re: any criminals out there?

lol Dark, you're getting ahead of me!  That info was going to go down on the guide to getting a 40 nerve bar as quickly and efficiently as possible.  But since you asked, you only need one gas can, and the windproof lighter, just as a little touch of luck, if you can afford it.  You can keep doing arsons provided you don't give up the gas can.  You'll also need a driver's license.As far as interesting stuff goes, that's a matter of opinion I suppose; I find myself playing it because it is such a casual game that doesn't require much of my attention under most circumstances.  Playing poker is possible if you're in to that sort of thing; not sure if chess is accessible or not.  Beyond that, looking for people to bust from jail or who are willing to pay you for revives, or simply to chat with if you have
  nothing better to do are all possibilities.  Beyond that, starting a faction is a challenge, starting your own company is a challenge; getting into real estate would be a massive challenge.  Weather any of these will hold your interest I've no idea.I currently make about 2million dollars a day doing everything I do, but it wasn't always that easy. How interesting things can get from here is something I'm going to have to wait to find out.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Death Match

2013-11-03 Thread Forum — New releases room: flyby chow

Re: Death Match

hi Danny, alright. tell you what. right me a small script. then what i wil do is to act it out. and, ad some editing to it. just for the sake of dooing it right? then we can audition my voice and see wich role it wil suit best. either an engenear. ships computer. or even, he grins. some of the infected. if i may. may i propose to create a cut seen. ware one of the crew memebers gets infected after helping and the game character along. and evensually he, gets killed. what i meen is. a cut seen shows ware the engeneer reeds out some instructions. and suddenly he is caught. and infected. just some randum thoughts here.  or would u be ok with it if i created my own cut seen then show it to you to give u a taste of what i was thinking of. it wil be something randum, but it wil give u a good idea of what u can expect.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] bokurano daiboukenn 3

2013-11-03 Thread Forum — New releases room: seal

Re: bokurano daiboukenn 3

Look to your collection items, there you have all digits. You must fall to the 0 and start to entering numbers from there.My problem is actually 25.1, totally lost between these blades, switches and lifts, no idea.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Scrolling Battles

2013-11-03 Thread Forum — New releases room: prince animeshh

Re: Scrolling Battles

and one more thing u should use alex or some other voice in cut seensURL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Scrolling Battles

2013-11-03 Thread Forum — New releases room: prince animeshh

Re: Scrolling Battles

hi i played s b u aand some things are there cut seens are slow and after the cut seens from the game play starts it takes time to swich from cut seens to game play and when i click on exit it says s bu.exe has stopd working i am using windows 8 pro 32bitURL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Scrolling Battles

2013-11-03 Thread Forum — New releases room: prince animeshh

Re: Scrolling Battles

masonarm1999 wrote:Hi,OK, I've just put up the sb repository! You can either go to my homepage,, and hit the scrolling battles repository link, or go to'll make a new topic so you guys can send your packs to be posted!nice workURL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] bokurano daiboukenn 3

2013-11-03 Thread Forum — New releases room: trolokXgames

Re: bokurano daiboukenn 3

Hy all!I on 24.3. I on height 0. I kill enemy and hear is a dial. On the dial are 9 numbers. What do on this level?THANKS!URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

2013-11-03 Thread Forum — New releases room: lvj

Re: Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

but several players have been banned when the server is running Kai day. hacker attacked the server to caused some players have been banned. one of my friends is so. Another Aprone, at least I invited my friend to play swamp. she create a new character and she is level 2. after she update to 3.0 she became a HC player. her character is 伊丽紫. you check it if you aren't busy.URL:
Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] any criminals out there?

2013-11-03 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: Dark

Re: any criminals out there?

Interesting guide, and I'm glad my current job provides extra intel each day, however I do also have some questions. Firstly, you mention doing arsen crimes. Well I notice that a gas can is listed in the point shop. Do you need one gas can per arsen? or does the gas can just let you do arsen. Second, Okay, I setup a job, and an education course and eventually invest in the bank. However, is there anything actually regular and interesting! I can do in the game or do I just log in and hit all those training buttons in the gym and the same crime over and over again, and maybe fight someone? This was why I stopped playing previously, that while the game had a lot of long term stuff that you could set going, the actual nitty gritty short term play as compared to something like KoL or puppet nightmares just wasn't that interesting in terms of areas to explore or what text you got, - though then again, I never tried missions, travel or motor racing.

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

2013-11-03 Thread Forum — New releases room: flyby chow

Re: Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

ausem work aprone! i am so happy u got those hackers figured out.   image of  a happily cheering chowy! jumping up and down. furry tail wagging furiously!URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] tips for writing a good essay

2013-11-03 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: enes

Re: tips for writing a good   essay

hi,it's supposed to be a  research paper supporting a strong argumentor a literary analysisso it isn't supposed to be about meURL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

2013-11-03 Thread Forum — New releases room: Aprone

Re: Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

To the people who are losing items.  If it happens to you again, check your debuglog.txt file to see if it says anything about "error in autosavepiece:".  If it does, please let me know.I finally figured out how the hackers were getting tons of people banned in the 3 big attacks.  I plan to release a patch (as soon as I can) that will prevent them from doing it again.  The big problem is time, and I don't have as much as I need to really work on these bugs and patches.  I probably have to go back to being signed out of Skype too.  Throughout the entire day I was send message after message from banned players throwing fits, threatening me, and demanding to be let back in.  I've noticed that things like this get worse every time I do a version update.  For some reason, banned players tend to believe they should be automatically unbanned now that the game says a new version.  I have explained that bans are perman
 ent to most of them in the past, and can't tell if they are just trying to waste my time, or if they are actually too stupid to understand me.  Oh well.  So yeah, if I sign out of skype again, it is just so I have more peace and quiet to work.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

2013-11-03 Thread Forum — New releases room: YoungMan

Re: Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

Hi, anyone encounter this? Everytime when I login, my health will go down to about 80 or 81%. Before I logout from swamp, I always make sure i am on 100% health, but the same thing happen again when I login. Am thinking of killing my character soon and see if the problem solve.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Death Match

2013-11-03 Thread Forum — New releases room: danny

Re: Death Match

Well, we would need to map the acid gun to 4 instead of 3 since 3 is the laser slasher. As for voice acting, I'm openly up for it since the sapi speech can get very annoying at times. I'm also open to new ideas for games after dm, so if you have an idea for a game just let me know on this thread. And about the save/load bug, its almost fixt. I did a test to make sure after collecting all 7 databoards on mission 1, whent back to use the checkpoint on the bridge and reloaded my game. It spawned me on the bridge at the checkpoint, and I could walk over to the system and hit r to repair it, same with the lever on mission 1 and the lovely quarinteen.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] bokurano daiboukenn 3

2013-11-03 Thread Forum — New releases room: seal

Re: bokurano daiboukenn 3

Okay, 24.4 is weird lolSomeone can explain how these buttons are working exactly to not press these randomly but more logically?URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

2013-11-03 Thread Forum — New releases room: flyby chow

Re: Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

hi aprone, i am in favour of tossing every thing we have here and start from scratch. this way we can truely see if they have any bugs pop up. the testing client sherm, described sounds like a nice plan. this way we wil indeed no for sure if its the old items messing us up.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

2013-11-03 Thread Forum — New releases room: Shermanator

Re: Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

Hello,Not a bad idea. Or, how about a private test server set up. Take about 30 people you can trust, set up a totally blank server with no characters at all. Make everyone create a new char and see if it differs from what you have now. Maybe take off the level restrictions between maps so they can go everywhere and check it all out. Maybe even have it so that when you create the char at the beginning you can select hc or normal.Leave the one up you have now so that those who cannot test can still play.Just a I would love to be a tester on that.Thanks. For all you do. This buds for you.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] bokurano daiboukenn 3

2013-11-03 Thread Forum — New releases room: assault_freak

Re: bokurano daiboukenn 3

Okay. Just found the password for 7-1... is there a point to that room? What do I get out of it... and what is the fastest way to destroy those abicuses? They seem to take damage very slowly. lolURL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

2013-11-03 Thread Forum — New releases room: lvj

Re: Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

I also agree with musicman. someone think it may be unfair, but Stability is the most important thing. IN 2.8 we only can come SZ back to save inventory. I think that is better than now.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] tips for writing a good essay

2013-11-03 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: camlorn

Re: tips for writing a good   essay

Okay, yeah.  Are you sure this is an essay on a subject?  Most colleges teach you how to write essays on subjects after you're enrolled, and don't want you to do it beforehand.  Some want an essay about you, which this is more likely to be.  What I have to say on the subject depends greatly on which it actually is, so I'll hold off until we're sure.  I could see this kind of thing being required for a literature program, but it's not a common college application requirement to go write something not about yourself-they want to know why you're awesome, not what your thoughts on the climate are.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Regarding the quentin C playroom

2013-11-03 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: Nocturnus

Re: Regarding the quentin C playroom

Not true; the developer has previously stated that he is more than willing to translate properly into any language, but before he does he wishes to establish proper communication between his translators and himself.  If you can communicate with him in proper French he will more than likely accept your advance in that direction.  TYhis sort of makes sense to me in that the games he develops are his turf, his home, as it were, and he would at least like to be able to converse properly with the people he works with for the sake of progress.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

2013-11-03 Thread Forum — New releases room: musicman

Re: Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

I still think the solution is for aprone to auto-kill every single character, thus resetting their stats. These bugs appear to happen to people with old inventory data from what I've seen. for instance when 3.0 came out, I lost a ton of stuff, but once I died, that no longer happened. so it's definitely something to do with the old data. Aprone don't even bother fixing this, just clear all inventories, and bam, problems solved. we can get all our stuf back in a short amount of time, whereas trying to synch inventories will just take a long time and won't matter much, as we'll all end up dead at some point anyway. not much point in doing all that work simply because some people are lazy and don't want to find their stuff again, which of course is silly as they're likely to lose it due to bug. hahahahaURL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] converting tabs-sheet music into ABC notation

2013-11-03 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: drg

Re: converting tabs-sheet music into ABC notation

Hi all, sorry to bring up an old topic. I'm starting to learn how to play the guitar andI've come across this software called lunartabs, it can be found here would be really simple to learn all the tablatures if this program worked. However when extracting the zip fileI get a .jar file and the readme, but the readme doesn't say anything about launching the program, i have java 7 installed but when trying to launchthe jar file nothing happens. did any of you manage to make this thing work?URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

2013-11-03 Thread Forum — New releases room: Shermanator

Re: Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

Hello,Here's how I see it.At first. we had this bright eyed great guy named aprone pumping out great small games. Then swamp comes along and turns out to be arguably the best first person shooter for the blind to date.He did it because it was a labor of love. Now it has turned into just labor. So sad. And the game seems to have "swamped" him.and due to the antics of a few misfortune souls who could not follow the rules got banned and decided to reek havoc with the game. so Aprone throws his arms up in the air in disgust. After time he decides to work on a last patch to fix most of the troublesome bugs, of which I and most others are gracious he did, and continue work on swamp. So far no news on the hackers, but the bugs keep coming along. so sad again.I am very appreciative of all Aprone has done for the community, both with his games and other work. I sure hope that this continues.Now for my bug report. Of course I am not a
 sking for anything back.Shermanator is a hc player. The food I picked up today seems to still be working as it should. I logged in and right back out after checking my inventory. When I logged back in all seemed there. I ran around on map 3 picking up:1 Ball cap. (actually found this item on sub 2).1 Chainsaw, loaded with 100 shots.1 M16, loaded with 30 shots.1 Paintball mask.Logged out, checked my inventory, and was missing:3 Football pads.1 Small Suppressor.2 Tattered vest.1 Benelli, loaded with 8 shots.60 Gas.628 5.56mm ammo.You are wearing 1 SWAT vest.3 Winter coat.2 Leather jacket.2 Med kit.1 M60, loaded with 100 shots.All those items were in a row in my inventory. On the top of the list was a winchester. On the bottom was a large suppressor. Everything in between disappeared. Sad especially since the M16 was the first new weapon I had found that could use 5.56 ammo a
 nd now it all is gone.One note. On the previous test version. I noticed that everything I was picking up after holding on to a fort specific item was disappearing. After time it eventually went away and I was able to hold on to items. I do not remember if any of these items are after the last fort item dropped off or when they were picked up. I haven't found a new fort item to see if that still happens or has anything to do with anything.Again, thank you Aprone for taking the time to fix these issues.As for what to do with swamp. I see no win situation for it unless you keep and maintain it. To release it is a good suggestion. but as stated there are many drawbacks to it. Won't really know the full repercussions until it happens.The only possible way around is for you keeping it is to make it a paid game. this would keep a few away. But your security for registration had better be bullet proof because you know they will try to crack it as soon a
 s they can. But this way you at least get something for your troubles. Haven't thought it quite thru all the way, but it's a thought.Thanks for a great game. Keep it up.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] bokurano daiboukenn 3

2013-11-03 Thread Forum — New releases room: Hayri Tulumcu

Re: bokurano daiboukenn 3

i have get my yoyo!URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Bokurano Daiboukenn Comprehensive Walkthrough/Playthrough

2013-11-03 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: garrett

Re: Bokurano Daiboukenn Comprehensive Walkthrough/Playthrough

I have an idea. Kill mega sauras, go back to the manhole, that you went into in part 3, do some grinding, then go to the ultra brat boy. Then end the part, in the walkthrough, just tell the user to do grinding, then find ultra brat boy.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Rate the Song Above You

2013-11-03 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: darkabomination

Re: Rate the Song Above You

Awesome as always. And yes, I died a  lot, so that theme's going to be stuck in your head regardless.Speaking of hard  bosses with catchy music: of the best examples of your gonna die, over and over again in music form.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] bokurano daiboukenn 3

2013-11-03 Thread Forum — New releases room: keyIsFull

Re: bokurano daiboukenn 3

btw, I am having the same problem as failnar.christopher in post 976. I can't pass the obstacle at 1289,4. It's a turbulance thing and you can't shoot itqURL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

[Audiogames-reflector] Upgrade Pricing For Three-D Velocity 2

2013-11-03 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: Munawar

Upgrade Pricing For Three-D Velocity 2

Hi Everyone,If you're already a TDV1 customer, there is upgrade pricing available so you no longer have to pay the full preorder price. Also, if you've already purchased TDV2 and were a TDV1 customer, the $38.99 transaction is refundable. More details and instructions are found at this page: were a lot of concerns raised about TDV V. 1 customers having to pay for the full game again; these were legitimate, and this is why the upgrade price now exists for you. By upgrading you will also get preorder status just like a new customer.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] bokurano daiboukenn 3

2013-11-03 Thread Forum — New releases room: seal

Re: bokurano daiboukenn 3

I have a question for bladestorm360 i think: How do you got clear medal? i want it to make cruiser. I have everything else but need only that one. I tried hunting it in UFO catcher, but after a lort of tries no luck. Also, where can i get solar panels?URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

2013-11-03 Thread Forum — New releases room: majoz

Re: Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

hi slj,yes, right. the same thing happened me yesterday, in supply run 35 misc. I was down the grating and healing my bloodies. then, I tried to move. but, lag. nothing happened. my friends healed me, but nothing. unhealable bloody clothes I had. then, I tried to use minigun to walk fastly, and I heard a broken leg sound... I dropped crates that I have, then I got one and bring it to truck. I dropped it, and, I had not to find 15 crates, only 13. that crate dubles it self. and when I tried to ekvip m79, that I had not in my inventory, it liked flamethrower, that newer takes off, when I pressed t, to swith it to off, it did sound that is descripting that the axe is switched to deffensive mode and it says: "You do not have a small suppressor" or silencer, in translated version it's the same word. I looked around for remaining crates, and believe or not, I returned. and in safezone they wanted to clean my bloodies, but uncleanable bloodies laggs and it only says:
  "c" as clothes cleaned lagged in a while. I restarted it, and all was at normal, and I looked at my metkits, 96, the same number as before that mission... pretty fucking bug aprone, it is. :dthanks for creating 3.0, but this must be fixed...URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] any criminals out there?

2013-11-03 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: Nocturnus

Re: any criminals out there?

My guide to making money: … 94#p154194Enjoy and profit.URL:
Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] I knew I asked before but, eloquence driver for nvda.

2013-11-03 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: scotf2012

Re: I knew I asked before but, eloquence driver for nvda.

Few things:First, it's worth noting that this is illegal.  The Eloquence owner hasn't given explicit permission for this synthesizer to be used in NVDA, and from my understanding license costs are ridiculously high to begin with.If you hate ESpeak that much, I'd suggest trying the NVDA Vocalizer voices.  They are responsive and work well.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

[Audiogames-reflector] Torn City: The Guide To Making Money

2013-11-03 Thread Forum — Articles Room: Nocturnus

Torn City: The Guide To Making Money

Note: because of the heavy spam filters on this forum, the word spam within this article refers to x a n a xIntroductionMoney is probably going to be something you're interested in making almost immediately when arriving in Torn.  Depending on who you are and how much you've explored, you'll have some ideas as to how you should go about it, or you have absolutely no idea and are getting frustrated.  Pay attention and let us put those frustrations at ease at long last, and if you do end up with money, spread the love!  Money's important to me too!Short Term Money"I'm not sure how long I'll be playing, not even sure if this game is for me, but I still want money."  NO problem.  Get a job.  The newspaper has some starter jobs for you to get acquainted with before you go out and try your hand at something more difficult.  Casino takes my choice as to where you should 
 start, but other players have suggested being a grocer isn't a bad idea either.  Take your pick; if you don't like it, change it!  Eventually you'll hit level 3 and these jobs won't matter to you, since you'll be able to apply to a company.  Look around on the forums; open the trade shoutbox and advertise yourself as someone willing to work for 10k a day.  Don't get greedy; sometimes these jobs can lead to longterm sound money making.Longterm Money"So, I like the game, I have some friends, maybe a girlfriend, and we have big ideas for the future.  We want big money, and we're willing to go wherever and do whatever it takes to get it!"  Awesome!  Get a job!  there's no simple road for you, oh great one, and the road you take is going to depend on yourself and how you think your character will do best.Working for InteligenceEvery job you get will help y
 ou increase your stats to some degree.  It pays immensely to switch between law, education, and medical.  The reason for this is that while they are only starter jobs, all of these jobs offer a vast amount of inteligence, which employers generally tend to like.  The higher your intel, the more you're likely to get paid in future.  There are people who are willing to pay millions if your intel reaches 50k or above.  It is of great importance that you try and get promoted to the top in any or all of these jobs as soon as possible to further maximise the benefits.  Education is fairly special in that one of its specialties is allowing you the ability to trade in job points for inteligence, manual, or endurance.BankingYou'll more than likely visit the bank in torn City at level 5 and find that your money can generate money of its own.  Allowing it to sit in a vault at the bank also has the added benefit of keeping it saf
 e.  From what, you ask?MuggingThis is very legal, and very possible.  There are many people who compulsively gamble and win tons of cash in the process.  Those people tend to get careless and never stash their money away for safe keeping.  More than likely you'll target one of these people for their cash and make it your own.  another option is to chekc out the auction house and see who is bidding the highest on items.  Be careful though; they might outdo you in the end and you will end up in the hospital.Providing ServicesIt is worth noting that there are things players are willing to pay for.  Remember the ones that are and keep in touch with them if they've paid you in the past for anything, as they will more than likely pay you again in future for the same or other services.  You will learn of most of these with the exception being signature design, which is a subject of its own that re
 quires much patience and dedication.SluttingThe act of slutting can depend on the player you provide this service for.  IN general, the term slutting refers to you purposefully doing anything during a battle for another player to obtain the experience of said battle.  Some players may require you to hit once then run away, or simply lose the battle all together and end up hospitalised for a small amount of time.  This is usually a good way to make money, since players who pay up will more than likely pay upwards of 100k per loss.  As previously stated, take note of those who do as this could lead to some serious cash.RevivingOnce you've managed to make your way up to brain surgeon you can provide revives, even if you leave the medical field.  Simply stated, revives allow other players to leave the hospital with full health.  Players will generally pay about a million dollars as of this writing for a reviv
 e, and being an active player will up the amount of money you make this way depending on how much of your character's energy you are willing to invest doing this.  It normally costs 75 energy unless you join a faction with the Salutary" special, which can bring it down to 25.  Stocking up on energy drinks or spam can send you a long way when you wish to make a career out of this.Be aware that some players might ask you to revive other players for the sole

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] tips for writing a good essay

2013-11-03 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: scotf2012

Re: tips for writing a good   essay

Honestly, this seems like a really crappy topic to write about for a college essay, unless you personally can relate to global warming somehow.  Usually college essays are supposed to be, at least in my experience, a description of how cool you are.  A friend of mine, for example, talked about diversity and blindness in a college essay and sort of weaved a bunch of stuff in there about accomplishments, challenges, career goals, etc.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

2013-11-03 Thread Forum — New releases room: SLJ

Re: Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

Hi.First I wanna say thank you very much Aprone for this new mission. I love, love to play Swamp normally again, and I really enjoy the new missions.I've just seen the weirdest bug ever. So weird that it's pretty difficult to describe. I wish I could record it, but my recording software messed up, which doesn't happen very often. It's damn sad, but here is the bug description as detailed as possible:I went to sub 3 from multi 1. I took a few steps, and got hit by a few zombies. Then, boom! I couldn't move, and I got attacked a lot. I killed them with my axe, and then I would heal myself. Then, I couldn't move at all. Not one single step. First I thought I had picked up a broken something, but that wasn't the case. I then noticed I had got a lot of armour which I didn't picked up, and I thought you had popped in and randomly gave us something, but no. I had mostly every kind of high armour on me, aprone armur.The weir
 dest thing which happened, and yeah, I know that sounds unbeleavable, and I really wish I could record that, is the following: I got a shield and a meshetty or how to spell it. Whenever I tried to use my shield, it sounded like the flaim thrower got loaded. then I tried to use the shield, it sounded really weird. That was a combined  messhety, shield, flaim thrower and a shooting gun, sounded like one shot from one of the machine guns. All those sounds played randomly then I tried to use my shield, and the same happened then I tried to use my axe as well. the only weapon I could use was my minigun. I could heal just fine to clear my clothes.I asked Sam to heal me because I hoped that would make me to move again, but that didn't helped. So, I was stuck until I logged out and in again, and then, my armour was gone.I have never seem anything as weird as this, and I was not sure on what to do to figure out as much as possible on what was going on. I was really puzz
 led. If you or others have any questions about this, please ask and I'll answer the best I can. And, I hope you'll trust me, but I understand if some of you just think I'm making fun or trying to spret out some weird rumors, but it's true. all that weirdness did really happen to me.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] bokurano daiboukenn 3

2013-11-03 Thread Forum — New releases room: keyIsFull

Re: bokurano daiboukenn 3

you weren't at max speed then eve if you thought you were. ANd fly at the highest height.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Death Match

2013-11-03 Thread Forum — New releases room: danny

Re: Death Match

Sounds like an awesome weapon. As for voice acting I have been considering that for a while.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] bokurano daiboukenn 3

2013-11-03 Thread Forum — New releases room: connor142

Re: bokurano daiboukenn 3

hi I am at 14 3 and I manage to kill all the jets with sheer will to survive  but when I pass them there's these laser things that try to zap you and you need to be at max speed to pass, well I was at max speed but I always get zapped. please help.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] microsoft surfface is it worth buying?

2013-11-03 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: CAE_Jones

Re: microsoft surfface is it worth buying?

I think the press release from FS regarding Jaws15 talks about it a little, but I'm not really sure beyond that.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

[Audiogames-reflector] SB enemies, menu themes, sound packs, and environments

2013-11-03 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: masonarm1999

SB enemies, menu themes, sound packs, and environments

Hi guys,here is where you can post your enemies and stuff for sb!URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Scrolling Battles

2013-11-03 Thread Forum — New releases room: masonarm1999

Re: Scrolling Battles

Hi,OK, I've just put up the sb repository! You can either go to my homepage,, and hit the scrolling battles repository link, or go to'll make a new topic so you guys can send your packs to be posted!URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

2013-11-03 Thread Forum — New releases room: kostae62

Re: Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

Hello everyone and aprone. I'm happy to be back in the game, found a solution to my problem and today I played up to that time. but that's a sad moment: 2 times on missions with blankets me not count the boxes. first 16 boxes and the second ten, and I gathered them and brought. it in simple mode. please deal with it. just a waste of ammo and time. Thank you for understanding, respect Kostya.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

2013-11-03 Thread Forum — New releases room: kostae62

Re: Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

Hello everyone and aprone. I'm happy to be back in the game, found a solution to my problem and today I played up to that time. but that's a sad moment: 2 times on missions with blankets me not count the boxes. first 16 boxes and the second ten, and I gathered them and brought. it in simple mode. please deal with it. just a waste of ammo and time. Thank you for understanding, respect Kostya.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Adventure At C:

2013-11-03 Thread Forum — New releases room: TheOnlyPKMNmaster

Re: Adventure At C:

The game is practically complete, such changes are not going to take place. Thanks for the idea though, I plan to make moreside scrolling fun and I may do this with another project.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] heeeeeee's! back!

2013-11-03 Thread Forum — AG-News room: lukas

Re: heee's! back!

Hi Kamochek,screen readers have become pretty advanced even on touch phones over the years. Even Nokia touch phones are very accessible and easily usable with Mobile Speak and probably also Talks, although I haven't tried that one myself. iPhones, iPads and all iOS devices have the VoiceOver screen reader built into the system itself right from the start, and so do the unbranded builds of Android devices, where the software is called Talkback. A suite of accessible apps has now been developed for the Windows Phone 8 platform, so even that can now become a viable option for visually impaired customers, although this particular software is not a real, complete screen reader and the functionality it provides is still rather limited in comparison to what the sighted majority can do with these phones.The mobile screen readers still announce everything under the cursor and other stuff pretty much the same way that you're used to from Windows screen readers, they ev
 en suport Bluetooth Braille displays and/or keyboards and other peripheries, you just have to get used to a different philosophy of the controls. Instead of entering keyboard shortcuts to perform certain actions or to get the screen reader to read a particular piece of information, you perform touch gestures which activate the various system actions on the phone and which make it possible to operate the phone entirely independently and efficiently even if you don't know where exactly to put your finger on the screen. In fact, the freedom of exploration that you are given on these devices is greater than any potential freedom a keyboard driven screen reader can provide. Basically, if you already know what is where from past experience, you can touch it directly. It's pretty much like locating a certain icon with the mouse on Windows and then clicking it, except in this case it does actually speak. If you are only exploring a certain app or screen for the first time, you can
  perform gestures such as a single finger swipe left or right, a two-finger flick up, a four-finger tap near the top of the screen, etc, to perform things like move to the next item on the screen linearly in a PC cursor like fashion, start reading fluently from the top of the screen all the way to the bottom unless you stop the speech, move to the first item on the screen, etc. Just like PC screen readers, the touch phone ones provide keyboard or rather gesture help where you can try all the different movements and get used to them, they have detailed and easily understandable documentation that explains every aspect of using them, and so on. Everything is in fact pretty similar to PC screen readers in principle, it's just slightly different controls, but it's not such a huge change that it couldn't be accomplished by anyone for a reason other than laziness, lack of information or fear of the new and unknown. :-)In fact, if you'd like to get an idea of what
  a touch phone screen reader might work like, you can try to get a hold of a Windows 8 powered touch screen device and try to use it with any recent build of the NVDA screen reader. The touch controls of NVDA are even based off those used in iOS, as far as I know, so it should be a very similar experience conceptually.Unfortunately, the way these touch phone games are controlled is something so revolutionary and unique that I can't think of any reasonable way that this could be simulated on a standard PC. Perhaps if you purchased a mainstream gaming console controller, but the feel wouldn't still be exactly the same no matter what.I hope this helps,LukasURL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] heeeeeee's! back!

2013-11-03 Thread Forum — AG-News room: Nocturnus

Re: heee's! back!

Dealing with a screen is not hard.  In the case of the iPhone, the screen reader is always giving you some sort of instruction and guiding you on what to do and how to do it.  If you find yourself stuck, there are many people in this community who are happy to pass along their knowledge.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] tips for writing a good essay

2013-11-03 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: Nocturnus

Re: tips for writing a good   essay

While you might look in a thesaurus to flower your writing with words that seem like they might fit with your concepts, do make sure that you are using them correctly.  There is a bit of rhythm involved with wording properly.  Thoroughly research your subject and be able to convince someone that both sides of the issue are right, even if you don't believe one over the other yourself; this is a good practice in general.  Site your sources for others to look at and to validate your points.  Never depend on any single source; no wickipedia for you unless you can follow the links to legit sources.  Reword everything as much as possible; do not simply rewrite what others have already written.  Good educators will google what you have written to make sure you're not copying someone else's work to take credit for it.  Reassess and reevaluate every bit of your writing; feel free to make as many drafts as possible until you have something s
 olid.  And finally, entrust to someone else the task of patiently combing through your writing to point out discrepancies or other matters of importance that simply won't hold within your writing.  This person is not going to rewrite your essay; this person is going to assist you in rewriting it if necessary and tell you constructively what it is that needs to be changed.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

2013-11-03 Thread Forum — New releases room: mehgcap

Re: Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

For what it's worth, I logged in, found two bayonets, a fuel, a letter, and an M240. I logged out, logged back in a while later, and still have all my items. I don't know if this will last, but my character, Sam, seems to retain his items for the moment.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] papa sangre has returned!

2013-11-03 Thread Forum — New releases room: stewie

Re: papa sangre has returned!

They could be but I have heard that people with iphone 5s have encountered similar problems.Has anyone encountered the issue where as you reach level 14, after a while the game will just freeze utterly? It's intresting to have the screen freeze when forgotten men are marching towards you.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

[Audiogames-reflector] tips for writing a good essay

2013-11-03 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: enes

tips for writing a good   essay

hi,so as part of my university application I need to write an essayi've chosen climate change as my subjectdoes any one have any tips  for  writing a good essayi'm not vary good at writing so really could use some tipsURL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] heeeeeee's! back!

2013-11-03 Thread Forum — AG-News room: kamochek

Re: heee's! back!

hi.i better not use iphone, because i think a phone with keys is better for  blind people. how blind people can use iphones or ipads? where from they can know where to touch with the finger?shalva.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] bokurano daiboukenn 3

2013-11-03 Thread Forum — New releases room: assault_freak

Re: bokurano daiboukenn 3

Not there yet, thank god... but I'm curious how you worked that out. lolURL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] bokurano daiboukenn 3

2013-11-03 Thread Forum — New releases room: bladestorm360

Re: bokurano daiboukenn 3

Basically what I do is just fly back and forth, slow down briefly and turn to launch a missile, since with the jets it's almost a garunteed hit, then speed back up. Usually by the time you pass them they've already launched a missile in the other direction. If it sounds like you won't get past them in time, just change altitude quickly and you should be fine. Missiles will only hit you if you're on the exact same altitude as they are, so they're easy to dodge by moving up or down. In 14-3 especially ,really try not to get swarmed by jets. Since they start coming out several at  a time by that point, it's a good idea to almost always change altitude after launching a missile to try and hit one, unless there's only 1 or 2 left on the stage.As for 7-2, using your camera is absolutely key. Use it in combination with the object locator to find out where you need to drop down. You can count squares with your camera and find out how far down
  it is to the next walkway. Also, one thing that's key is to never, ever go the same way twice. For example. When you first start out, after grabbing the crystal across the gap and dropping down, you want to drop down to the left to get to the next crystal. You can drop down to the right as well, but this drops you down too far and you can not go back up to retrieve the crystal at 67. Always check for other drops and count your squares down or you're almost garunteed to drop too far and either miss a crystal or get yourself killed.The answer to your problem, Trolok, is 210. What you have to do is find out how much difference there is between 15 and 55. The answer is 40. So what's the corilation there? Well, 15 plus 25 is 40. 15 plus 40 is 55. the next number is 120. So you add 25 to 40 to get 65. 65 plus 55 is 120. Add 25 to 65 and you get 90. 120 plus 90 is 210. It's a little complicated but there you go.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Rate the Song Above You

2013-11-03 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: FamilyMario

Re: Rate the Song Above You

10/10! I remember hearing that track in that game. Here is another one for you. It's Street Fighter IV's M. Bison [Dictator]'s Theme. A nice remix of the original arcade version: is the original: Here is the CPS2 Version: those dark moments where Bison would spam his Infinite Scosor Kick of doom? I do. I still have childhood nightmares of that to this day just listening to this theme. I always find myself playing it on piano and guitar when they ask me to play a song.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Adventure At C:

2013-11-03 Thread Forum — New releases room: masonarm1999

Re: Adventure At C:

I wouldn't say so, it makes it more challenging.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Scrolling Battles

2013-11-03 Thread Forum — New releases room: masonarm1999

Re: Scrolling Battles

OK, here it is. A temporary link. … _v0.30.exeURL:
Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Bokurano Daiboukenn Comprehensive Walkthrough/Playthrough

2013-11-03 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: bladestorm360

Re: Bokurano Daiboukenn Comprehensive Walkthrough/Playthrough

Hopefully soon. I've been trying to decide how I want to do the next part, since there are two boss fights literally right in a row, both of them quite long. I've also been lacking in motivation and trying to get my sleep schedule fixed. I'll try to get another part up some time this week though.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] bokurano daiboukenn 3

2013-11-03 Thread Forum — New releases room: assault_freak

Re: bokurano daiboukenn 3

I use the object locator all the time, and while it shows me where things are, doesn't really help my ability to deal with them. But I'll give it a go... after getting more gold to buy missiles. Thanks much.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] bokurano daiboukenn 3

2013-11-03 Thread Forum — New releases room: keyIsFull

Re: bokurano daiboukenn 3

basically, yeah. The security jetss follow your vertical position pretty quickly. The trick is to change your vertical position when you hear them launching missiles. And use, your, object, locator. Also, fly at top speed. I believe your speed also adjusts how fast your height changes. ANd also, don't bother using the machine gun. It doesn't deal eough damage to the jets. Use missiles instead. A pack of 10 costs like 30 gold so it's not really that much.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] any criminals out there?

2013-11-03 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: Dark

Re: any criminals out there?

Well yes I did sign up for a donator pack and got some points but I made a mistake there. I spent the points on a refill, since when the torn wiki entry said I could spend on a dayly refill I thought it meant a perminant! dayly refill which I admit was a mistake, though I'm not going to donate anymore to the game until I decide whether I'm playing for longer or not.I have had one peace of luck though  I found a leopard coin in the dump which is apparently worth several million (according to the market price), unfortunately though I can't raise the percentage to put it on the market so Have  posted offerin a trade in the tc forum, (though if anyone from here would like to buy it off me for two million feel free).I was a little put off when one guy who was blatantly a scammer turned up and offered me 50 mill if I sent him the coin telling me I couldn't use secure trade until level 5, really most games would kick players for tr
 ying that sort of thing, but I suppose that goes with the hole crime thing.Edit: okay, I've now got a job at meaty strip club as a bar tender. It's a player who wants to build up a company so anyone else looking for some handy bennifits like extra happiness at the gym plus 11 thousand dollars a day salary can try applying. One thing that is really getting on my whick is that while the dump is a great way to make money fast (some people seem to buy anything!), it equally is a pest that there is that three percent chage. I've now got two items worth over a million, the leopard coin and a small suit case, but can't sell them because I can't raise the fee, and to remove this would cost me 250 points, which would mean buying another five donator packs and using them and I don't know if I want to be subscribed to the game for six months, (particularly since it seems you only get the points when you use! the packs, you can't have the 
 points for the donations and sell the packs).URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] bokurano daiboukenn 3

2013-11-03 Thread Forum — New releases room: assault_freak

Re: bokurano daiboukenn 3

King gamer... I'll give you a hint. The point is to work your way down the platforms. Boosting yourself has nothing to do with it. At least, not at this point.Also... does anyone have tips for dogfighting in general? 14:3 is giving me a hard time... even playing the minigame in the stage 13 shop for money isn't helpful. lol Can't figure out it's whether my speed is being handled wrongly or if I just suck at strategizing. I find I can't move out of missiles and lasers fast enough. Seems like they almost follow me when I go up or down to try and dodge them... and the only way for me to dodge them seems like to just move out of the way right as I hear them being launched.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] game sweet

2013-11-03 Thread Forum — New releases room: kyle12

Re: game sweet

Hi, This is really quite nice. I'm genuinely impressed with what this has turned out to be. I don't know if you read my comment, but if you didn't, i said that if your looking for a coder, i'm always up for a challenge.Thanks.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] PS3, is it worth bying?

2013-11-03 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: assault_freak

Re: PS3, is it worth bying?

Oh you and me both. I love a good rpg whenever I can actually find one, the only issue is the need to play through them with someone else. The yakuza series would be my jump right away... there's so much crap to do in those games it's ridiculous. Coupled with an awesome story and brutal combat and there's a game that I wouldn't think of putting down. And second the dotview opinion...URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Alter Aeon Updates

2013-11-03 Thread Forum — New releases room: Dentin

Re: Alter Aeon Updates

Looks like there were some snags in the quests, and the opening was delayed by a day or so.  I just talked with the builders, and it should be open in the next 2-3 hours.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

2013-11-03 Thread Forum — New releases room: the blasting gd

Re: Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

lvj, Do what I did. I'm not sure if it works for everyone, but it did for me.Aprone, I posted yesterday that the sound boost isn't working correctly. Fortunately I have the SWR.exe-file from Tide and from the testing client, but you forgot adding it to your zip-file of the patch. That's the reason why many players might have issues. I wasn't at home and that's why I didn't have this file as well, because I normally play on my external hard drive - which I'm not carrying around.  So I used my laptop's drive and had only the files, which were implemented in 2.9b and in this patch.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

2013-11-03 Thread Forum — New releases room: the blasting gd

Re: Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

lvj, Do what I did. I'm not sure if it works for everyone, but it did for me.Aprone, I posted yesterday that the sound boost isn't working correctly. Fortunately I have the SWR.exe-file from Tide and from the testing client, but you forgot adding it to your zip-file of the patch. That's the reason why many players might have issues. I wasn't at home and that's why I didn't have this file as well, because I normally play on my external hard drive - which I'm not carrying around.  So I used my laptop's drive and had only the files, which were implented in 2.9b and in this patch.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

2013-11-03 Thread Forum — New releases room: the blasting gd

Re: Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

LVJ, Do what I did. I'm not sure if it works for everyone, but it did for me.Aprone, I posted yesterday that the sound boost isn't working correctly. Fortunately I have the SWR.exe-file from Tide and from the testing client, but you forgot adding it to your zip-file of the patch. That's the reason why many players might have issues. I wasn't at home and that's why I didn't have this file as well, because I normally play on my external hard drive - which I'm not carrying around.  So I used my laptops drive and had only the files, which were implented in 2.9b and in this patch.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] bokurano daiboukenn 3

2013-11-03 Thread Forum — New releases room: assault_freak

Re: bokurano daiboukenn 3

King gamer... I'll give you a hint. The point is to work your way down the platforms. Boosting yourself has nothing to do with it. At least, not at this point.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] bokurano daiboukenn 3

2013-11-03 Thread Forum — New releases room: king gamer222

Re: bokurano daiboukenn 3

Here is my 7-2 update. I can get at the crystals, except for the ones at thirny-nine and forty-nine, because I can't get back up and after I get the ones at thirty-two and thirty-four. And there's no easy way to get from height fifty-nine to forty-nine and thirty-nine, because I drop to far down. I need to somehow boost myself from thirrty-four to thirty-nine and then another ten units upwards to get the one at forty-nine. How can I get that boost?URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] any criminals out there?

2013-11-03 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: Dark

Re: any criminals out there?

Well yes I did sign up for a donator pack and got some points but I made a mistake there. I spent the points on a refill, since when the torn wiki entry said I could spend on a dayly refill I thought it meant a perminant! dayly refill which I admit was a mistake, though I'm not going to donate anymore to the game until I decide whether I'm playing for longer or not.I have had one peace of luck though  I found a leopard coin in the dump which is apparently worth several million (according to the market price), unfortunately though I can't raise the percentage to put it on the market so Have  posted offerin a trade in the tc forum, (though if anyone from here would like to buy it off me for two million feel free).I was a little put off when one guy who was blatantly a scammer turned up and offered me 50 mill if I sent him the coin telling me I couldn't use secure trade until level 5, really most games would kick players for tr
 ying that sort of thing, but I suppose that goes with the hole crime thing.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] heeeeeee's! back!

2013-11-03 Thread Forum — AG-News room: Dark

Re: heee's! back!

Unfortunately kamochek, that would pretty much involve rewriting the entire game from scratch. Indeed, since the controls heavily involve the iphone touch screen and gyroscope (which is pretty awsome as a control),  the game would need some really! major changes to be made for windows and played on a keyboard. So your going to have to get an Iphone to try this one. I can actually very much recommend the Iphone if you like games though, particularly with how accessible and easy to use it is.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] any criminals out there?

2013-11-03 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: bradp

Re: any criminals out there?

Do you like it so far? and have you gotten any points yet?URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Problem with apple ID

2013-11-03 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: Dark

Re: Problem with apple ID

@burak, with the middle name thing I didn't mean computerised forms, so much as birth certificates or in games, there was a particularly hilarious point in the old video board game atmosphere that did this. with respect to your credit card, well if I remember rightly that's under payment options not under creating an id originally, so I wonder if there is a "skip this step" button or similar.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Scrolling Battles

2013-11-03 Thread Forum — New releases room: SLJ

Re: Scrolling Battles

[[wow]]. It would be interesting to try the concept demo of SB ultimateURL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] game sweet

2013-11-03 Thread Forum — New releases room: the terminator

Re: game sweet

hay were a kid, right? aniways, i just added you to my skype if you want full good sound designing or ideas for your game.i, am, a real terminator!add me at skype! raton.miguelito.glpsURL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] papa sangre has returned!

2013-11-03 Thread Forum — New releases room: SLJ

Re: papa sangre has returned!

The foot steps doesn't lag at all on my iPhone 5. So if they lag on your iPhone 4, the developers are right. URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Regarding the quentin C playroom

2013-11-03 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: SLJ

Re: Regarding the quentin C playroom

Well, the sad thing is that the developers aren't interested to get the games translated to other languages than english, spanish and maybe one more language. There are some people who are whilling to translate the game into danish, but when the developers aren't interested after two serious requests, I'm not really that much motivated to play the games. It's difficult to find people in there who speaks english, and people are just popping you out, replacing you with their friends, and letting you just watch them playing. I have also been kicked out of games for no reason. I just played the game normally, the guy who hosted the games friend joined the room, and I just got kicked, after having played three rounds.It's nice to hear that people are enjoying playing in there, but I've just had so bad experiences so I don't know if I'll log in and play again.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

2013-11-03 Thread Forum — New releases room: lvj

Re: Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

Hi Aprone. I have to say the Items still will be lost though I use the hotkey with save inventory. I take an hour or so to testa lot times. I think this is because my skill points lost. each time if I have no skill points my items will  be lost all. have no skill meant my Speed Sneak or blade skill becomes 0 points. zombies will only stay somewhere and bark. but don't move. I talk about the question here before, maybe I can't say clearly. I haven't met it in 2.8 swamp. I wish Aprone solve it soon. all Chinese player lost their items, only an Axe. if it is so each time people will despair.thanks!!URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] bokurano daiboukenn 3

2013-11-03 Thread Forum — New releases room: trolokXgames

Re: bokurano daiboukenn 3

Hello everyone! I'm at the level of 23.1. I found the first key, I decided the first task where the numbers 2048, 4096 and 8192. Took the key and went in the following room. Here the box with the numbers 15, 55 and 120. Which algorithm here?THANKS!URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

[Audiogames-reflector] Mazes for Dummies

2013-11-03 Thread Forum — Articles Room: Phil

Mazes for Dummies

HINTS AND TIPS ON MAZE SOLVINGby Carl Mickla at PCS Gamesfrom the thirteenth issue of Audyssey Magazine.      Maze solving is a methodical approach to a map puzzle.  Therehas been many mazes designed throughout history.  One applicationfor a maze was used to confuse attacking armies when they breachedthrough the outer walled defenses.  Another use of mazes was tocause people from out side the area to become easily lost.  Thiswould make it more difficult for strangers to cause mischief andget easily away.  The Egyptians used mazes in many of theirpyramids and other great works.  Here again the maze was used toconfuse tomb robbers.      You might ask how would a maze make it very difficult forarmies to achieve the final stroke of the battle?  Well, it workslike this.  When the streets of a walled city had to be navigatedby a
  hoard of attackers, and the streets were laid out in a maze,the mighty army would branch off into many narrow streets.  Thehome defenders would be able to ambush, snipe, and trap largenumbers of soldiers.  Once an attacking army was scattered throughthe maze of streets and buildings, fires would be set and theattackers would be cooked.      The same city designed to confuse attacking armies, wouldserve to make strangers lost.  If a person is not sure of theirselves to navigate through a city, they would be less likely tosteal from a resident, because a quick clear getaway is in doubt.Street hooligans wood also take advantage of lost strangers, bygiving them wrong directions.  The strangers would be directed toan area where they would be set on by other members of the ganglaying in wait.      When the Egyptians employed mazes in the construction of 
 theirgreat works.  It was to confuse workers, making it hard to talk toothers about secret details.  It would also make it very difficultfor tomb breakers to find any treasures, and to find their way outagain.      Solving mazes is not impossible.  There are no unsolvedphysical mazes from the ancient world up to today.  However, thereis the computer.  With the aid of electronics defying nature, thereare some unsolvable mazes out there.There are a couple of ways to approach maze solving.  Here is howI approach the puzzle.  First I order a pizza from Domino's,because they have the best boxes.  then  I get a sheet of braillegraph paper from the American Printing House for the Blind.  I thenplace the graph paper on top of the pizza box.  I secure the paperwith a map tack on all for sides.  I place a box of different typesof map tacks in easy reach.  If I know my starting X, Y, positionI count blocks across for X, and then I count down blocks for Y.If I do not know where the starting position is I then place a tackin the middle of the one side on the edge.  then I work the maze bykeeping the wall always to my right, placing a tack where everywall is indicated.  If the maze breaks off, room, hallway, and soon I only check it out if it is to my right.  I never leave themaze for another level, when playing multi level games, until Iknow every thing in the maze.  The other thing I like to do is toturn the box or map when the maze changes direction.  This helps meto keep the perspective of the map the same way as I am facing,allowing for me to synchronize myself with the map.  Once I havecompleted the maze with the wall to my right I then work the mazeby keeping the wall to my left.  T
 hen I go back and hit all theareas that I have passed by.  This might seem a little slow, but itworks.  Every time I start getting tired, I just open the box andgrab a slice! and keep going.I once played a Dungeons and Dragons game called Wizardry.  Therewas an area in the dungeon where light would not work.  Using themethod described earlier I was able to navigate and solve the wholemapping puzzle.  I do very strongly suggest using graph paper.After all the first mazes used on computers were not graphical andyou had to use paper to solve them.  Now the game creators do notwant to make there games to tough and draw the mazes out for theplayers.  I think this is wrong, because many people playing mazegames are not getting the full challenge of solving mazes and theopportunity to sharpen map puzzle solving skills.  If the maze goesbeyond the sheet of graph paper
 , call Domino's and order anotherpie!  So do not shy away from tough maze puzzles.  Get some braillegraph paper, map tacks, and call Domino's.  Remember It is the boxyou want, not the snack inside!URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

2013-11-03 Thread Forum — New releases room: lvj

Re: Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

Hi Aprone. I have to say the Items still will be lost though I use the hotkey with save inventory. I take an hour or so to testa lot times. I think this is because my skill points lost. each time if I have no skill points my items will  be lost all. have no skill meant my Speed Sneak or blade skill becomes 0 points. zombies will only stay somewhere and bark. but don't move. I talk about the question here before, maybe I can't say clearly. I haven't met it in 2.8 swamp. I wish Aprone solve it soon. all Chinese player lost their items, only an Axe. if it is so each time people will despair.thanks!!URL:

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