Re: Swamp

2014-10-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : connor142 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Swamp

hello, to download swamp.1: go to go through the headings, sooner or later you will find a heading about swamp.3: click on the link that says swamp, and youre good to go!4: just to tell you, you Need a kaldobsky gamer account to Play the online Version.


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Re: Swamp

2014-10-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : SLJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Swamp

5: Read the ReadMe. 


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Re: Need help playing paradise hotel

2014-10-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : SLJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Need help playing paradise hotel

Whats the point of playing a game if you just follow a walkthrough?Is it a text game? I dont remember hearing about it.


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Re: Audio Game Kit 1.0 released

2014-10-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Alan via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Audio Game Kit 1.0 released

Hi there!THanks, Ive just downloaded, seems interesting... But, where is the documentation? Could you post a simple example of a game window with some sounds moving around, or something?Thanks!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Need help playing paradise hotel

2014-10-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Socheat via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Need help playing paradise hotel

Hi,@SLJ yes, it is a text game.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Swamp

2014-10-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Aprone via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Swamp

SLJ, you are my hero. 


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: From choiceofgames, Thieve's gambit and Devided we fall

2014-10-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : dan_c via Audiogames-reflector


Re: From choiceofgames, Thieve's gambit and Devided we fall

yet another reason Im glad I havent upgraded IOS as of yet.Im not sure what to play next in the COG line. any ideas on how many paths Mecha has? Ive played once and while not everyone survived, the ending was fairly satisfactory. I did enjoy all the info on technology and factions, however I do agree it felt a bit rushed in places and could have benefited from a little more time. Ive got apex patrol and broadsides ready to go right now, might try sabres after that. What do we all think of zombie exidus? I appear to have hit a part where Im not sure how to get past. though this was a fair while ago so its possible next try might mean I can get further.


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Re: Welcome aboard Aaron!

2014-10-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — AG-News room : Socheat via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Welcome aboard Aaron!

[[wow]], a very warm welcome! 


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Re: Audio Game Kit 1.0 released

2014-10-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : visualstudio via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Audio Game Kit 1.0 released

if i have time, ill do itbut, the header files is simpleread every file in include directory


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kmplayer with jaws or nvda

2014-10-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : MSlion via Audiogames-reflector


kmplayer with jaws or nvda

hello everyone,I wouldl ike to use the kmplayer to dive into anime.I have never used both before and I just installed the kmplayer.I however can not navigate through it my questions boil down to this: how can I use the kmplayer with jaws or nvda for the tts subs, and if this is impossible what is a good way to get tts subs.secondly what is good anime for a beginner?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Skype crash problem

2014-10-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Socheat via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Skype crash problem

O-T:, is the revo uninstaller accessible? because I tried it a while ago, the accessibility seems to have issue.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Prompt for opening or saving a file in Internet Explorer 9

2014-10-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Socheat via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Prompt for opening or saving a file in Internet Explorer 9

Did you mean the notification bar?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Audio Game Kit 1.0 released

2014-10-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : keyIsFull via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Audio Game Kit 1.0 released

So I just checked this out. It looks really confusing to me because of the way the folders are structured. Can you use it just like it is packaged, with the folders in the same order, or do you have to move files around? Also, when you include a file from the includes directory, how does it know then to go into the src directory and look for something? I think some eamples might be good.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Problems with webvisum

2014-10-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Socheat via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Problems with webvisum

same happens to me.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

kmplayer with jaws or nvda and watching anime

2014-10-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : MSlion via Audiogames-reflector


kmplayer with jaws or nvda and watching anime

hello everyone,I would like to use the kmplayer to dive into anime.I have never used both before and I just installed the kmplayer.I however can not navigate through it my questions boil down to this: how can I use the kmplayer with jaws or nvda for the tts subs, and if this is impossible what is a good way to get tts subs.secondly what is good anime for a beginner?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: free action games for iOS?

2014-10-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: free action games for iOS?

In the Ap store (or at least the British one), it is called nebula game and from a developer listed as Bruno Moreira, it involves shooting space ships and should be free to download.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Toxic, survival horror fps [French]

2014-10-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Kristof via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Toxic, survival horror fps [French]

ThanksIll check it.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Toxic, survival horror fps [French]

2014-10-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Kristof via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Toxic, survival horror fps [French]

ThanksSeems your are in the last room. Final fight with doctor.Ill check your save game.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: From choiceofgames, Thieve's gambit and Devided we fall

2014-10-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: From choiceofgames, Thieve's gambit and Devided we fall

@Dan, agreed on Ios 8, if Choiceofgames doesnt work that is just another reason to hold off upgrading for now. Broadsides is fun though has a similar problem to dragon in that it doesnt matter how badly you cock up, you can still go through the hole game without dying, I particularly liked the relationship bit where you have a number of ladies and your told about their personalities and have to decide how best to woo them. On one play through I decided to play a complete and utter scumbag and ended up telling all the girls about my blood thirsty exploits of piracy on the high seas! take that Jane Austin . Beware! mecha ace spoilage ahoy! @Grryf, one of the things I found so depressing in mecha ace was that as my will was high enough, I survived the torture and didnt give up, but proceeded to just get utterly screwed over for it. I do believe if 
 you have will as the highest stat you can actually get use of your hand back and redo your piloting, or at least there was the opportunity to try but my will wasnt that quite up to it, so I just got shafted in the end. Generally with the choiceofgames titles the best stratogy seems to be to decide on what sort of character you want and what you want your stats to be and then attempt to play to those strengths as highly as possible. I dont know what Ill try next, but I still have tin star to have a go at, though i probably fancy a shorter game so might do one of the others, any suggestions? Im not sure about the super hero thing sinse Im less of a fan of the hole super hero genre, Ive seen good examples but its not something that I find inherently interesting as a setting the way I do sf or fantasy settings. Not with all the very vanilla and generic examples with very dull characters, (though that is another t
 opic). Perhaps Ill go and buy sabres of infinity sinse people are recommending it so highly and I did think the cavalry officer was an interesting idea.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Audio Game Kit 1.0 released

2014-10-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : visualstudio via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Audio Game Kit 1.0 released

you can create a static library from .CBP file from code::blocks (maybe ill implement a cMake build), or include src directory in your game and use it


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Of wearables and implants

2014-10-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Of wearables and  implants

@Frastlin, I think there is a tradition and culture around texting that has grown up with the generation who started sending text on mobile phones, look at text speak for example. Its sort of become a tradition and practice in and of itself, especially because texts are tied to sending pictures and images which have become a major part of social media culture, heck when I got my Iphone, the promotional material from the network said sending funny videos as a common use practice of the device. I suspect however with the improvements to Siri that we will see changes in the future. Dragon was always marketed as an aide to people with dislexia and similar rather than an ease of typing, particularly sinse very early versions of dragon required you to speak so slowly that there was nothing natural about it, however I suspect as the technology improves people will adapt to it, particularly if, as is suspected, the internet and social media focus changes in 
 the next few years and people actually start seeing the value of more contact, sinse there is something inherently impersonal about communicating via text, though that is of course a hope as social media has a basically impersonal bias, and it is good for corporatiosn to maintain this level of depersonalization, (sinse woe betide that people really! start communicating).I suspect were also technologically a long way from sending text mentally as well, and that voice command will occur before that, heck look at the adverts that show people talking to google in natural sentences. Unrealistic advertising but probably part of what will come before the thought based technology you predict.


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Re: Toxic, survival horror fps [French]

2014-10-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : seal via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Toxic, survival horror fps [French]

Yeah, I cant do anything or simply dont know what to do plus out of ammo lol


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Toxic, survival horror fps [French]

2014-10-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Kristof via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Toxic, survival horror fps [French]

I just tried your saved game. No problem for me.When you enter that (last) room, you hear Exit might be somewhere here, I have to search. Just make three step ahead and something should happend.As this is last room, your gun will be filled up for final fight.For this final fight, no need to understand exactly what the doctor say.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Any voice/TTS for android?

2014-10-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : afrim via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any voice/TTS for android?

Yo,Ivona is free and if you want to get any voice, you must first install Ivona text-to-speech HQ, then open the app and there will be shown the available voices that you can download. If this doesn’t work, uninstall and reinstall again the Ivona TTS HQ, and it must certainly work. I use it sometimes.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Information about the accessibility on android L/5.0?

2014-10-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : afrim via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Information about the accessibility on android L/5.0?

Yeah, he’s right. The most important thing is that it offers many opportunities to install lots of third-party apps. Something that doesn’t exist on iPhone for some programs. For example, you will be stuck at safari or built-in audio player of iPhone. I heard this from some other users but I know that there might be such other music players for iPhone a part from the one it has built in. And the most important thing, it’s that android with it’s devices is really really much cheaper than iPhone. I’m not willing to spend 850€ for a phone. Me and my parents would have to work hard for an iPhone 5, and even harder for iPhone 6.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: kmplayer with jaws or nvda and watching anime

2014-10-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : assault_freak via Audiogames-reflector


Re: kmplayer with jaws or nvda and watching anime

First, the only way to read tts subs is through sapi. You need to find any anime that has an external subtitle file eg srt, .sub, etc. Or if you can find anime in MKV format which is pretty easy these days, the internal subtitles will also be read out loud through sapi. Second, I dont quite understand what you mean by beginner... play to your interests. Shorter ones are usually better, imho. I can post descriptions for a few later.


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Re: free action games for iOS?

2014-10-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Diego via Audiogames-reflector


Re: free action games for iOS?

Hello everybody!yes, I played the nebula, and can say it is very good!my friend is a game tester


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Re: bokurano daiboukenn 3

2014-10-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : yukionozawa via Audiogames-reflector


Re: bokurano daiboukenn 3

Ill add the function when I have time. I really didnt expect that everyone levels up to more than LV2000 when I was coding the game. I cant believe the highest record of the level, 125000. lol


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

2014-10-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

Well Ive watched flatline now so here is my verdict. needless to say spoilers spoilers spoilers! I Can see what you mean Cx2 about Flatline being the Clara show, however funnily enough i didnt feel this as much, sinse while the Doctor was in a position of less prominance he was not made to look stupid and ineffective. Actually this reminded me in some ways of Torchwood, where youd have Jack Gwen and co out in the field and either ianto or Toshico back at the Hub providing information and tech support but also definitely part of the action. the dynamic here for the Doctor and Clara actually seemed right sinse though Clara was moderately abrupt, at least she didnt make the Doctor out to be a complete idiot, though I didnt like the fact we were once again back to invincible, never frightened, imposibly smug and self satisfied girl, it took quite a bit of tention out of the episode and made the hole clara plays the doctor thing feel pre
 tty,  well flat, sinse you knew she was going to succeed, it was a million miles from say the point in The Christmas invasion when Rose stands up to the Sickorax and tries to persuade them to leave but is also planely terrified. I did however really like the fact that this time we actually had time spent on the tention, and while I did wish we got some better secondary characters the monsters were certainly some of the most unique concepts Ive seen in the series for a while, and they were adequately explained and demonstrated in one episode, (in some ways a better realized monster than the Mummy last week). Ill give Jameson credit for actually conceiving an interesting monster, delivering enough information in one episode and actually having the monster kill people. Right from the first scene of the monster vanishing its victim, I was waiting for the and look we can get people back with my ultimate gismo and once again everybody lives That is
  certainly what the Moff or his usual crew wouldve done, and credit to Jamie Matheson for not taking the easy way out and actually having death, even if rather sanitized death. Ill also admit the resolution was good. Right from the first appearence of the graffiti, I knew that Rigsy would wind up defeating the monsters by painting, but the solution of the painting of the false door was genuinely clever. That being said, I dont like the idea that the Doctor is just the guy who appears and vanquishes the monsters with techno babble. Really this is something the new series gets wrong. The doctor is a being from an advanced civilization and has a vast technical knolidge, however sufficiently advanced technology is not a substitute for magic, and if we cannot understand at least the basics of what the Doctor is doing it just looks like he points his finger/sonic screw driver and says Demon begone! The idea that this is what the Doctor is which t
 his episode went into isnt a nice one,  a far cry from the First Doctor working out that the Daleks use static electricity for power and defeating one of them by insulating it with a rubber rain coat. of course Classic who had its techno solutions as well, and not all were successful, but new who seems to do it every day. Id have been far happier if the Doctor for example used a holographic projector to produce a 3D image of a landscape around the creatures, then had Rigsy paint the 3D image into 2D thus converting the creatures back into two dimentions. We dont have to know exactly how! it works, but the solution has to be logical enough for us to accept why it works, otherwise it just feels like a cheap deus ex. All that being said, this was one of the few occasions when one of the new series I am the doctor and I am awsome speaches from Capaldi works! sinse hay, just saying I am the doctor and I am the one who defe
 ats the monsters is a lot more effective than Moffats usual the doctor is the storm and the lightning and the begining and the end and the lord of all bad poetic metaphores that we have been subjected to fr! too often, (quite frequently in place of a propper plot solution). As to Danny Pink, well this stuff with Clara lying just seems confusing! If Danny doesnt know shes travelling in the Tardis, then he really is a pudding brain of the first order, though I actually would like to see Clara get shafted just once sinse Im getting a little sick of this clara can do no wrong attitude. I also didnt really get the clara is the Doctor thing either, sinse all she seemed to do was take charge of a group, and then come up with a genuinely clever solution to bring back the real doctor who defeated the monsters with usual techno babble ease, given what she did it sort of didnt make sense, neithe
 r did the the doctor is dark! Actually i do wish there was an episode which showed the Doctor doing something really nasty, or at least something which there would be a legitimate reason to object to or an alternative view just to 

Re: Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

2014-10-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : FM94 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

Hi, all.Does anyone have any good strategies for covering a place furrowly when searching for crates in a mition?I would really like to level faster so mitions is the way to go.Have a nice day.Francois


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: kmplayer with jaws or nvda and watching anime

2014-10-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : MSlion via Audiogames-reflector


Re: kmplayer with jaws or nvda and watching anime

hello,yeh I would like to listen to the subs through tts. I heard that kmplayer can do mkv files so that is why that.I thing is however that once I got the playe install and try to open menus it only works with jaws and than I do not see what is in the menus either.I tried this with the newest kmplayer.the installer it self was also quite tricky requiring nvda to install.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Problem with NVDA and Firefox

2014-10-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : bryant via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Problem with NVDA and Firefox

Hi.I may know what the problem is. Do you have use screen layout on? If so, you need to turn it off. Screen layout makes the screen look to nvda as it would to a sighted person, which means that focus has to be exactly on the link or button to click it.I dont use nvda much, but I believe the keystroke is caps lock v.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Need help playing paradise hotel

2014-10-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : aaron via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Need help playing paradise hotel

Hi,Seems to be an adult text game too, lol. Ill just stick to choice of games and wait for Audio Defence for now.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: I like the girl next door but I need advice

2014-10-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : afrim via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I like the girl next door but I need advice

I like the girl next desk, obviously not like a friend, but something more.  If both boy, and girl feel something for each other, they dont hesitate to say it to each other. This is true and is supposed always to be.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Paladin of the Sky, new full length audio game RPG

2014-10-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : cj89 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Paladin of the Sky, new full length audio game RPG

Hi guys. Im at the fight with Stella and Im seriously at a loss. Is there anything I can do to improve my chance of final shot? I think that its actually fucking ridiculous that you need reflexs akin to a cat in order to pull that thing off. Unless theres something Im missing? BTW, shift enter for previewing scrolls in battle doesnt seem to work either


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

2014-10-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

Well Ive watched flatline now so here is my verdict. needless to say spoilers spoilers spoilers! I Can see what you mean Cx2 about Flatline being the Clara show, however funnily enough i didnt feel this as much, sinse while the Doctor was in a position of less prominance he was not made to look stupid and ineffective. Actually this reminded me in some ways of Torchwood, where youd have Jack Gwen and co out in the field and either ianto or Toshico back at the Hub providing information and tech support but also definitely part of the action. the dynamic here for the Doctor and Clara actually seemed right sinse though Clara was moderately abrupt, at least she didnt make the Doctor out to be a complete idiot, though I didnt like the fact we were once again back to invincible, never frightened, imposibly smug and self satisfied girl, it took quite a bit of tention out of the episode and made the hole clara plays the doctor thing feel pre
 tty,  well flat, sinse you knew she was going to succeed, it was a million miles from say the point in The Christmas invasion when Rose stands up to the Sickorax and tries to persuade them to leave but is also planely terrified. I did however really like the fact that this time we actually had time spent on the tention, and while I did wish we got some better secondary characters the monsters were certainly some of the most unique concepts Ive seen in the series for a while, and they were adequately explained and demonstrated in one episode, (in some ways a better realized monster than the Mummy last week). Ill give Jameson credit for actually conceiving an interesting monster, delivering enough information in one episode and actually having the monster kill people. Right from the first scene of the monster vanishing its victim, I was waiting for the and look we can get people back with my ultimate gismo and once again everybody lives That is
  certainly what the Moff or his usual crew wouldve done, and credit to Jamie Matheson for not taking the easy way out and actually having death, even if rather sanitized death. Ill also admit the resolution was good. Right from the first appearence of the graffiti, I knew that Rigsy would wind up defeating the monsters by painting, but the solution of the painting of the false door was genuinely clever. That being said, I dont like the idea that the Doctor is just the guy who appears and vanquishes the monsters with techno babble. Really this is something the new series gets wrong. The doctor is a being from an advanced civilization and has a vast technical knolidge, however sufficiently advanced technology is not a substitute for magic, and if we cannot understand at least the basics of what the Doctor is doing it just looks like he points his finger/sonic screw driver and says Demon begone! The idea that this is what the Doctor is which t
 his episode went into isnt a nice one,  a far cry from the First Doctor working out that the Daleks use static electricity for power and defeating one of them by insulating it with a rubber rain coat. of course Classic who had its techno solutions as well, and not all were successful, but new who seems to do it every day. Id have been far happier if the Doctor for example used a holographic projector to produce a 3D image of a landscape around the creatures, then had Rigsy paint the 3D image into 2D thus converting the creatures back into two dimentions. We dont have to know exactly how! it works, but the solution has to be logical enough for us to accept why it works, otherwise it just feels like a cheap deus ex. All that being said, this was one of the few occasions when one of the new series I am the doctor and I am awsome speaches from Capaldi works! sinse hay, just saying I am the doctor and I am the one who defe
 ats the monsters is a lot more effective than Moffats usual the doctor is the storm and the lightning and the begining and the end and the lord of all bad poetic metaphores that we have been subjected to fr! too often, (quite frequently in place of a propper plot solution). As to Danny Pink, well this stuff with Clara lying just seems confusing! If Danny doesnt know shes travelling in the Tardis, then he really is a pudding brain of the first order, though I actually would like to see Clara get shafted just once sinse Im getting a little sick of this clara can do no wrong attitude. I also didnt really get the clara is the Doctor thing either, sinse all she seemed to do was take charge of a group, and then come up with a genuinely clever solution to bring back the real doctor who defeated the monsters with usual techno babble ease, given what she did it sort of didnt make sense, neithe
 r did the the doctor is dark! Actually i do wish there was an episode which showed the Doctor doing something really nasty, or at least something which there would be a legitimate reason to object to or an alternative view just to 

Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

2014-10-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

Well Ive watched flatline now so here is my verdict. needless to say spoilers spoilers spoilers! I Can see what you mean Cx2 about Flatline being the Clara show, however funnily enough i didnt feel this as much, sinse while the Doctor was in a position of less prominance he was not made to look stupid and ineffective. Actually this reminded me in some ways of Torchwood, where youd have Jack Gwen and co out in the field and either ianto or Toshico back at the Hub providing information and tech support but also definitely part of the action. the dynamic here for the Doctor and Clara actually seemed right sinse though Clara was moderately abrupt, at least she didnt make the Doctor out to be a complete idiot, though I didnt like the fact we were once again back to invincible, never frightened, imposibly smug and self satisfied girl, it took quite a bit of tention out of the episode and made the hole clara plays the doctor thing feel pre
 tty,  well flat, sinse you knew she was going to succeed, it was a million miles from say the point in The Christmas invasion when Rose stands up to the Sickorax and tries to persuade them to leave but is also planely terrified. I did however really like the fact that this time we actually had time spent on the tention, and while I did wish we got some better secondary characters the monsters were certainly some of the most unique concepts Ive seen in the series for a while, and they were adequately explained and demonstrated in one episode, (in some ways a better realized monster than the Mummy last week). Ill give Matheson credit for actually conceiving an interesting monster, delivering enough information in one episode and actually having the monster kill people. Right from the first scene of the monster vanishing its victim, I was waiting for the and look we can get people back with my ultimate gismo and once again everybody lives That i
 s certainly what the Moff or his usual crew wouldve done, and credit to Jamie Matheson for not taking the easy way out and actually having death, even if rather sanitized death. Ill also admit the resolution was good. Right from the first appearence of the graffiti, I knew that Rigsy would wind up defeating the monsters by painting, but the solution of the painting of the false door was genuinely clever. That being said, I dont like the idea that the Doctor is just the guy who appears and vanquishes the monsters with techno babble. Really this is something the new series gets wrong. The doctor is a being from an advanced civilization and has a vast technical knolidge, however sufficiently advanced technology is not a substitute for magic, and if we cannot understand at least the basics of what the Doctor is doing it just looks like he points his finger/sonic screw driver and says Demon begone! The idea that this is what the Doctor is which 
 this episode went into isnt a nice one,  a far cry from the First Doctor working out that the Daleks use static electricity for power and defeating one of them by insulating it with a rubber rain coat. of course Classic who had its techno solutions as well, and not all were successful, but new who seems to do it every day. Id have been far happier if the Doctor for example used a holographic projector to produce a 3D image of a landscape around the creatures, then had Rigsy paint the 3D image into 2D thus converting the creatures back into two dimentions. We dont have to know exactly how! it works, but the solution has to be logical enough for us to accept why it works, otherwise it just feels like a cheap deus ex. All that being said, this was one of the few occasions when one of the new series I am the doctor and I am awsome speaches from Capaldi works! sinse hay, just saying I am the doctor and I am the one who def
 eats the monsters is a lot more effective than Moffats usual the doctor is the storm and the lightning and the begining and the end and the lord of all bad poetic metaphores that we have been subjected to fr! too often, (quite frequently in place of a propper plot solution). As to Danny Pink, well this stuff with Clara lying just seems confusing! If Danny doesnt know shes travelling in the Tardis, then he really is a pudding brain of the first order, though I actually would like to see Clara get shafted just once sinse Im getting a little sick of this clara can do no wrong attitude. I also didnt really get the clara is the Doctor thing either, sinse all she seemed to do was take charge of a group, and then come up with a genuinely clever solution to bring back the real doctor who defeated the monsters with usual techno babble ease, given what she did it sort of didnt make sense, neith
 er did the the doctor is dark! Actually i do wish there was an episode which showed the Doctor doing something really nasty, or at least something which there would be a legitimate reason to object to or an alternative view just to 

Re: Toxic, survival horror fps [French]

2014-10-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : seal via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Toxic, survival horror fps [French]

I am just dying there and I cant move anywhere.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Toxic, survival horror fps [French]

2014-10-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : seal via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Toxic, survival horror fps [French]

I am just dying there and I cant move anywhere.Seems like theres a pain sound when Im loading the save, after that main character is breathing, doctor is saying something on the right and in the same time main character is thinking and sound of getting hit is played and thats it. No possibility of moving / interacting etc.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: bk1 stuck after killing ultra brat boy

2014-10-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Tikki via Audiogames-reflector


Re: bk1 stuck after killing ultra brat boy

Hi,well DD, the problem just is that the links to his walkthrough file and recordings dont work anymore. Just saying because Im looking for a walkthrough or audio recording of the game myself.TikkiBest regards


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

problem with siri.

2014-10-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : connor142 via Audiogames-reflector


problem with siri.

hello, how can I get siri to accept a name? when I say my name is connor, the program says, I dont know who you are, but you can tell me. then if I use voice over, it directs me to siri settings where I need to select myself from the contacts list, but Im not in there. so how can I get siri to accept names?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: problem with siri.

2014-10-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : burak via Audiogames-reflector


Re: problem with siri.

First add yourself to your contacts then choose yourself from siri settings


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: park boss help.

2014-10-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : morecoffee50 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: park boss help.

Ok, Im running avast on a windows 7 32 bit, and Im getting the same message. It wont let me download it, it says that a threat has been detected. I really would love to play this game, it sounds really neat. Any advice would be appreciated.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: park boss help.

2014-10-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : morecoffee50 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: park boss help.

Ok, Im running avast on a windows 7 32 bit, and Im getting the same message. It wont let me download it, it says that a threat has been detected Ive managed to save the file, but, when I install it, it tells me a threat has been detected. I disabled my shields, now it says pbMain.exe cant be located. Missing shortcut.. I really would love to play this game, it sounds really neat. Any advice would be appreciated.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: bokurano daiboukenn 3

2014-10-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Hayri Tulumcu via Audiogames-reflector


Re: bokurano daiboukenn 3

Where is the Javelin? and how can i get my weapons from the SkyRacer?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: park boss help.

2014-10-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : NickAdamson via Audiogames-reflector


Re: park boss help.

Hi. Avast seems to have a problem with park boss. Is there any way of marking it as ok and re running the installer. Thanks. Nick.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: is coding in python easy? just interested

2014-10-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : frastlin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: is coding in python easy? just interested

Hello,I have been dabbling with this queue problem and delta for the last month or so off and on. I finaly figured it out in several ways.One has 3 options when using a system like pygame or pyglet:1. give everything its own addition each loop, wont be pretty if you have many objects. But basically, you can add to the objects elapsed time every iteration of the game loop. Just make sure you are sending the sleeping time value to the objects.2. You can create a queue for all your object (either a set or a list, I dont think it matters), and run a loop each game loop to do: first, add the sleeping time to the time elapsed for each object. second, check if the object now should run and if so, run it. 3rd, if the object should run, it checks if the object should repeat (stay on the queue), or if it should remove the object from the queue. Other than that, it just goes on to the next iteration.3. You have a built-in queue system y
 ou use for keyboard input and system events in pygame already. pygame.event... I have not quite figured out how using this for custom events works, but it is totally possible!In other news, I found a fantastic tutorial on sighted game programming that I have been going through. I am commenting the code with comments about what each graphic and rendering thing does, Ive been using my small amount of sight to see the drawing and text events that happen as well as reading the awesome descriptions in the tutorial of what is supposed to happen. So I hope that I can manage to make incorporating basic graphics (like text and whatnot) second nature. It is really not hard once you figure out all the things you need to do. There is just a ton of initializing, creating objects, drawing to objects then putting those objects into the internal screen, then updating the hardwares screen for each graphic.I was
  amusing myself by drawing heads and lines and making stuff run around the screen.What I still need to know is:Can pygame render graphics in half a pixel or less? Because there is this huge complaint by sighted people when graphics are not smooth, which means that they are jumping too far each frame.good things I have found out:When creating the screen for any of my stuff, the normal screen is this really really small box up on the top right corner of the screen that no sane person can see. (well they probably can, it is just like an inch by 2 inches though)So I keep their values, but here is what I do to make the screen full screen:displaySurface = pygame.display.set_mode((400, 300), pygame.FULLSCREEN)This goes right under pygame.init() and replaces the other values they put in pygame.display.set_mode. There is often a 0, 32 after the size tuple and those two numbers are not important, they will default to w
 hat they need to be.second, in the game loop they write something about if event.quit:pygame.quit(). But this does not work with a keyboard. All that does is quit the screen if you can click on the little x at the top of the screen. Instead, make your keyboard loop look like this:  for event in pygame.event.get():if event.type == KEYDOWN and event.key == K_ESCAPE:  pygame.quit()  sys.exit()Press escape to exit. Otherwise, hit alt-tab to get to your command prompt and hit ctrl C to kill the games operation.Third, when working with graphics, you need to call the update to your screen each game loop. This line looks like: pygame.display.update(). The tutorial puts in sys.exit() under pygame.quit() and says it is there because the ide they say for you to use crashes without sys.exit(). But the real reason why they
  need that sys.exit() is because there is this pesky video error when you call pygame.display.update() after pygame.quit(). To get around this there are two options:1. do what they say to do in the tutorial and do:pygame.quit()sys.exit()2. right proper code and make a variable above the while loop that then becomes False when you hit escape and call pygame.quit() at the bottom of the script.3. just ignore the video error because it really is not going to change how your code runs!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: is coding in python easy? just interested

2014-10-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : frastlin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: is coding in python easy? just interested

Hello,I have been dabbling with this queue problem and delta for the last month or so off and on. I finally figured it out in several ways.One has 3 options when using a system like pygame or pyglet:1. give everything its own addition each loop, wont be pretty if you have many objects. But basically, you can add to the objects elapsed time every iteration of the game loop. Just make sure you are sending the sleeping time value to the objects.2. You can create a queue for all your object (either a set or a list, I dont think it matters), and run a loop each game loop to do: first, add the sleeping time to the time elapsed for each object. second, check if the object now should run and if so, run it. 3rd, if the object should run, it checks if the object should repeat (stay on the queue), or if it should remove the object from the queue. Other than that, it just goes on to the next iteration.3. You have a built-in queue system 
 you use for keyboard input and system events in pygame already. pygame.event... I have not quite figured out how using this for custom events works, but it is totally possible!In other news, I found a fantastic tutorial on sighted game programming that I have been going through. I am commenting the code with comments about what each graphic and rendering thing does, Ive been using my small amount of sight to see the drawing and text events that happen as well as reading the awesome descriptions in the tutorial of what is supposed to happen. So I hope that I can manage to make incorporating basic graphics (like text and whatnot) second nature. It is really not hard once you figure out all the things you need to do. There is just a ton of initializing, creating objects, drawing to objects then putting those objects into the internal screen, then updating the hardwares screen for each graphic.I was amusing myself by d
 rawing heads and lines and making stuff run around the screen.What I still need to know is:Can pygame render graphics in half a pixel or less? Because there is this huge complaint by sighted people when graphics are not smooth, which means that they are jumping too far each frame.good things I have found out:When creating the screen for any of my stuff, the normal screen is this really really small box up on the top right corner of the screen that no sane person can see. (well they probably can, it is just like an inch by 2 inches though)So I keep their values, but here is what I do to make the screen full screen:displaySurface = pygame.display.set_mode((400, 300), pygame.FULLSCREEN)This goes right under pygame.init() and replaces the other values they put in pygame.display.set_mode. There is often a 0, 32 after the size tuple and those two numbers are not important, they will default to what they need to be.
 second, in the game loop they write something about if event.quit:pygame.quit(). But this does not work with a keyboard. All that does is quit the screen if you can click on the little x at the top of the screen. Instead, make your keyboard loop look like this:  for event in pygame.event.get():if event.type == KEYDOWN and event.key == K_ESCAPE:  pygame.quit()  sys.exit()Press escape to exit. Otherwise, hit alt-tab to get to your command prompt and hit ctrl C to kill the games operation.Third, when working with graphics, you need to call the update to your screen each game loop. This line looks like: pygame.display.update(). The tutorial puts in sys.exit() under pygame.quit() and says it is there because the ide they say for you to use crashes without sys.exit(). But the real reason why they need that sys.exit(
 ) is because there is this pesky video error when you call pygame.display.update() after pygame.quit(). To get around this there are two options:1. do what they say to do in the tutorial and do:pygame.quit()sys.exit()2. right proper code and make a variable above the while loop that then becomes False when you hit escape and call pygame.quit() at the bottom of the script.3. just ignore the video error because it really is not going to change how your code runs!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Trying to create a text rpg for the blind

2014-10-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : blindncool via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Trying to create a text rpg for the blind

Hi. Inform 7 and python are relatively easy. I will join your team. Beware however, that I only know inform 7.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Developing For iOs on iOs?

2014-10-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : frastlin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Developing For iOs on iOs?

Hello,On the developers mailing list at USAGames, there is an IOS developer. She has created all kinds of IOS apps and that is her specialty.But you need to learn objective C to really do anything with IOS apps.python will run on your computer, but not on the phone without some major hacks.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

list of people who are open for collaboration/higher

2014-10-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : frastlin via Audiogames-reflector


list of people who are open for collaboration/higher

This is a thread for developers to easily find other people who are open for collaboration.Do not post that you are just a beta tester! You need some other skills as well.Please only post one post about yourself and do not post anything else. If you would like to get in contact with someone, please click on the email or pm link under each post.Posting TemplateOpen for new projects: Yes/Nofocus: developer/sound design/programmer/writer/graphic artist/business personlanguages I communicate best in: English/French/Italian/Chinese/Russian...Employment Status: working full-time/student part-time/looking for work...Technical Skills: program in python, C++, HTML/CSS, can use Sonar, can script VIPMud, have taken calculus, can do accounting...creative skills: can come up with ideas that are feasible and scalable, I know how to write for a game, can design pretty skills: know ho
 w to market, have done sales, know how to manage small teems, can get funding...projects Ive done: Was assistant programmer on shades of doom, did sound work for Swamp (those corpses were from a 7 month old pbj sandwich), have engineered 5 full albums... *post links if possible*other stuff that makes me special: I speak 6 languages, I can do large polynomial division in my head, I read all 7 Harry Potter books in 1 day.Best way to contact me if not through the PM button: Send me an email at plungersForAll at*You can put any fields you wish, but please stick pretty close to something like this so when people are looking for collaborators, they can know you are what they are looking for right off the bat.*


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Problem with NVDA and Firefox

2014-10-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : stewie via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Problem with NVDA and Firefox

NVDA is focusing weirdly on some controls, or not receiving their propper locations. For some reason certain applications seem to screw up nvdas focus, winamp being the primary example that does it for me. It is mind bogglingly irritating. I have to close winamp and minimise most windows if I want to access dropbox from the system tray for example.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: is coding in python easy? just interested

2014-10-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: is coding in python easy? just interested

You cannot draw in half a pixel. Nothing can draw in half a pixel. Drawing in half a pixel is literally the same as turning on half a light bulb. This isnt even an analogy. Its the literal truth.The structures you are defining are much too complicated. There is no reason why you need queues at this point, or really ever. Your game will literally never have enough objects that need to tick that they cant handle the counter themselves. Your main loop should literally be this:sleep_for = 1/20.0 #1/20 is good enough, up this if you want
while game_is_running:
 start_time = time.time()
 for i in ticking_objects:
 duration = time.time()-start_time
 sleep_needed = sleep_for - duration
 if sleep_needed  0:
  time.sleep(sleep_needed)Objects which need to act every 3 frames or every 5 frames or whatever can maintain internal counters. In terms of efficiency, its the same. If you actually get to the point of needing the extra efficiency of variable ticks, keeping in mind that this actually comes with a higher long-term complexity in some ways, we can talk about how you write the data structure for it. The way youre doing it, presuming I understand your explanation, is actually just as slow if not slower (floating point comparison vs. integer comparison).And thats it. Make tickers a list, put objects that need to tick there. Im pretty sure this is what SoundRTS does but could be wrong; SoundRTS is borderline on the needs advanced strategies front.As for Pygame-Im now kinda recommending Pyglet. It makes sound easier and does all the stuff audiogame_engine does with event layering, etc. 
 Its got a full set of tutorials. My recommendations are kinda a special case, though-I can churn out the parts of Pygame needed for audiogame-style input in a couple hours (and have) and personally have two different audio frameworks I wrote myself. In this case, a couple people I know also said [[wow]], great find, so take it for what its worth.And graphics? Not worth it. Youre not going to be able to approach anywhere near the quality that the sighted expect. It will be like audiogames: only those with an association to our community are going to want to do it. Against my better judgement, Im going to go here because it is at least interesting to learn. Just know that it is 99% likely not to matter long-term.So:Smooth graphics literally changes everything about how you write your game. Everything.To do it, you need to divorce the tick for graphics from the tick for gameplay.
  Id suggest looking at XNA tutorials, as they all do a good job of explaining this. Basically, your graphics ends up ticking at least 60 times a second. Your game doesnt, though. The smoothness doesnt come from half a pixel, it comes from moving an object 2 pixels per frame for 4 frames instead of 8 pixels in one frame every 4 frames. To use sequences, its like how (2, 2, 2, 2) is smoother than (0, 0, 0, 8).You do this by fundamentally changing how objects move about. Instead of moving an object in your game logic, you specify what its velocity should be. You can still move objects in the game logic, i.e. for teleportation. But for stuff like walking, you no longer do so. The graphics tick is responsible for updating position values. You do this by specifying velocity as 2-dimensional vectors of the form (magnitude*cos(theta), magnitude*sin(theta)), such that theta is radians counterclockwise f
 rom east. This will lead to some choppiness with collisions.To deal with it, you do what youre suggesting about scheduled ticks, you integrate with a physics engine, you learn about how to specify things in forces instead of velocities (basic physics knowledge and trigonometry are prerequisite requirements), you move about 50% of your code into callbacks that the physics engine calls when things collide, and then you fight with the fact that you personally cant see the difference. In truth, going to C/C++ at this point may be required; 2D games can most likely get away, but if you decide that now its time for 3D, youre screwed in Python. For smooth graphics, you probably also need a bunch of math I can be pretty sure you dont have for the simple reason that 90% to 99% of blind people never learn it.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: list of people who are open for collaboration/higher

2014-10-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : frastlin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: list of people who are open for collaboration/higher

Open for new projects: Nofocus: developer/programmer/writer/business person/performerlanguages I communicate best in: EnglishEmployment Status: full-time studentTechnical Skills: intermediate in python, can build basic websitescreative skills: can come up with ideas that are feasible and scalable, I know how to write for a game, sing Operabusiness skills: love doing sales, can get fundingprojects Ive done: developed [url="">other stuff that makes me special: I speak 6 languages, I can do large polynomial division in my head, I read all 7 Harry Potter books in 1 day.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: list of people who are open for collaboration/higher

2014-10-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : frastlin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: list of people who are open for collaboration/higher

Open for new projects: Nofocus: developer/programmer/writer/business person/performerlanguages I communicate best in: EnglishEmployment Status: full-time studentTechnical Skills: intermediate in python, can build basic websitescreative skills: can come up with ideas that are feasible and scalable, I know how to write for a game, sing Operabusiness skills: love doing sales, can get fundingprojects Ive done: developed Final1have started 2 small businessesworked as a head organizer for the first annual startup weekend at my school. It had about 200 attendees.have performed in about 20+ musicals and operas both professionally and non professionally in both lead and chorus.other stuff that makes me special: I speak conversational Italian, I have almost 250 college credits, I love to cook, my favorite question is why and I have read around 800 ful
 l-length books in the last 4 years.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

list of people who are open for collaboration/higher

2014-10-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : frastlin via Audiogames-reflector


list of people who are open for collaboration/higher

This is a thread for developers to easily find other people who are open for collaboration.Do not post that you are just a beta tester! You need some other skills as well.Please only post one post about yourself and do not post anything else. If you would like to get in contact with someone, please click on the email or pm link under each post.Posting TemplateOpen for new projects: Yes/Nofocus: languages I communicate best in: Employment Status: Technical Skills: creative skills:business skills: projects Ive done: other stuff that makes me special: Best way to contact me if not through the PM button: *You can put any fields you wish, but please stick pretty close to something like this so when people are looking for collaborators, they can know you are what they are looking for right off the bat.*Template Example PostOpen for new 
 projects: Yes/Nofocus: developer/sound design/programmer/writer/graphic artist/business personlanguages I communicate best in: English/French/Italian/Chinese/Russian...Employment Status: working full-time/student part-time/looking for work...Technical Skills: program in python, C++, HTML/CSS, can use Sonar, can script VIPMud, have taken calculus, can do accounting...creative skills: can come up with ideas that are feasible and scalable, I know how to write for a game, can design pretty skills: know how to market, have done sales, know how to manage small teems, can get funding...projects Ive done: Was assistant programmer on shades of doom, did sound work for Swamp (those corpses were from a 7 month old pbj sandwich), have engineered 5 full albums... *post links if possible*other stuff that makes me special: I speak 6 languages, I can do large polynomial division in my head, I read all 7 Harry Potter book
 s in 1 day.Best way to contact me if not through the PM button: Send me an email at plungersForAll at


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

list of people who are open for collaboration/higher

2014-10-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : frastlin via Audiogames-reflector


list of people who are open for collaboration/higher

This is a thread for developers to easily find other people who are open for collaboration.Do not post that you are just a beta tester! You need some other skills as well.Please only post one post about yourself and do not post anything else. If you would like to get in contact with someone, please click on the email or pm link under each post.Posting TemplateOpen for new projects: Yes/Nofocus: languages I communicate best in: Employment Status: Technical Skills: creative skills:business skills: projects Ive done: other stuff that makes me special: Best way to contact me if not through the PM button: *You can put any fields you wish, but please stick pretty close to something like this so when people are looking for collaborators, they can know you are what they are looking for right away.*Template Example PostOpen for new project
 s: Yes/Nofocus: developer/sound design/programmer/writer/graphic artist/business personlanguages I communicate best in: English/French/Italian/Chinese/Russian...Employment Status: working full-time/student part-time/looking for work...Technical Skills: program in python, C++, HTML/CSS, can use Sonar, can script VIPMud, have taken calculus, can do accounting...creative skills: can come up with ideas that are feasible and scalable, I know how to write for a game, can design pretty skills: know how to market, have done sales, know how to manage small teems, can get funding...projects Ive done: Was assistant programmer on shades of doom, did sound work for Swamp (those corpses were from a 7 month old pbj sandwich), have engineered 5 full albums... *post links if possible*other stuff that makes me special: I speak 6 languages, I can do large polynomial division in my head, I read all 7 Harry Potter books in 1 
 day.Best way to contact me if not through the PM button: Send me an email at plungersForAll at


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: is coding in python easy? just interested

2014-10-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : frastlin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: is coding in python easy? just interested

A queue is basically a list or set what you had in your audiogame engine, in the file. (BTW, there is 2 lines of code missing in line 18, you need to have an else:task.elapsed=0 after the self.tasks.remove(task) or the repeat flag does not work).The second item I posted above is your audio game engine structure.Graphics are good for a lot of things:1. if you ever wish to work with sighted developers, they are going to have graphics, so it will be something you will see often.2. In order to read most of the pygame tutorials, I need to either skip over all the graphics, or run the examples in a way I can so I can learn all possible from them.I was deliberating the other day about changing to pyglet or staying with pygame and I still may do stuff in pyglet, but I think staying with the mainstream and supported product is better. I also couldnt figure out pyglets audio. I could make a sound play, but didnt get 
 how to fiddle with all the values.I can also read pygames docs and there are tons of guides using pygame where as there is not much for pyglet. Pyglet is easier, but pygame has many other advantages.Also, when I wish to do more than basic audio, libaudioverse will be there!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Need help playing paradise hotel

2014-10-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : ghost rider via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Need help playing paradise hotel

If someone could provide a link to this thatd be great.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: looking for a team of developers

2014-10-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : frastlin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: looking for a team of developers

You can use html to do a gamebook, just use links for the options.If you wish to learn a database or _javascript_ and CSS, you can do a little more, but it will be novel-like.I could see this being something like the story game I madehereTo get started learning to do something like the above, go here:Learn Python the Hard WayYou will also learn how to do a much more advanced gamebook than pure HTML pages can do.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Does this exist for email yet?

2014-10-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : frastlin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Does this exist for email yet?

My problem is that I sink my email across many devices, so pop is kind of out of the question. I was looking at google drive and in 20 years, I may hit the cap for emails. If I wished to do anything else in google drive, it may be worth buying the $2 a month 100 gig limit.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: is coding in python easy? just interested

2014-10-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: is coding in python easy? just interested

No, I dont think it is. Audiogame_engine ticks regardless. Theres some stuff in there that lets you hook into timing, but the main loop doesnt. Ive abandoned Audiogame_engine to be honest; Im now going to use Pyglet. The thing with Pygame, for your use case: youre going to have to duplicate a lot of what Pyglet is doing for you. Im not sure that Pyame is more supported either, but its quite possible that Pyglet is aimed at a more advanced develope.Also, do be aware that Queue has a very, very specific definition. In the way youre using it you need to just say list. The long and the short of it is that queue implies a lot of things about what youre doing that you dont actually mean.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Resident Evil 6 help

2014-10-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Orin via Audiogames-reflector


Resident Evil 6 help

Hi all,So, in Leons Campaign, I got past the Sewers and made it to The Town, and to the residence/house you come across with the TV news broadcast. I came upon the door that was locked, and apparently the walkthrough I looked at said the key is located on a dead female that, once you get said key, the body will reanimate and you of course have to kill it.Unfortunately, after Leon says Damn, its Locked! the objective marker, AKA LB/L1 does not change to the location of this female body, so therefore I cant get past this part. Is this one of the things that we cant do like the sniper part later?I can try again, though if someone wants to gift me RE6 on the PS3 thatd be great. Dont most of you who play RE6 have it on PS3? Im only aware of Stirlock being able to play with me on this forum right now.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: park boss help.

2014-10-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : morecoffee50 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: park boss help.

Not that I can see. Half the program seems to be inaccessible. I took avast off my computer, installed Microsoft security essentials, and am now going to try to run a clean copy and see what happens.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Need help playing paradise hotel

2014-10-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Guitarman via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Need help playing paradise hotel

Hi.@Ghost Rider, I dont remember the exact link but go to and search for paradise hotel.@Socheat, sure you can ask me for help. I dont think a walkthrough for this game exists. I think you will have more fun playing through this game without a walkthrough.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: bk1 stuck after killing ultra brat boy

2014-10-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : dd via Audiogames-reflector


Re: bk1 stuck after killing ultra brat boy

you know Ive actually been tempted to do a lets play or just regular recording of something recently, would anyone be interested if I did one of bokurano 1? if I got enough interest in it Id maybe do 2 and 3 as well


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Swamp

2014-10-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : App con via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Swamp

Hi allThanks i will get a gamer account in chrismis.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: a sweet return

2014-10-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : nina0116 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: a sweet return

Hi everyone. The next update is here. I took the time to remove all the old files just to see if that was interfearing with the download. I have not been able to complete my key assignments like I wanted, but this version should work with the keys. At least I hope it does. If not I have an idea on how to fix it. Other than that not much is different in this update. I have not yet looked in to the problem with the mod files, but Ill do that before the next upload. Thanks every one, and I hope this game is fun for you.nina0116


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: bk1 stuck after killing ultra brat boy

2014-10-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Tikki via Audiogames-reflector


Re: bk1 stuck after killing ultra brat boy

Hi,maybe you could guess that, but I would most certainly be interested. It would be especially cool to hhave a finished one, since the only ones I can find are incomplete, and these are of BK2 only.Best regardsTikki


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Re: a sweet return

2014-10-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Tikki via Audiogames-reflector


Re: a sweet return

Hi,thanks for the update!Now the keys work for me as they should.The only real problem with the game now is that the speech settings still are not saved and sapi still speaks the menues, no matter what my settings are. But that doesnt keep me from playing, it would just be cool if it could be fixed.Thanks again, and I hope I can get past the second boss this time. Best regardsTikki


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Re: Need help playing paradise hotel

2014-10-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Socheat via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Need help playing paradise hotel

Hello,@guitarman, How do I give cindy a blow job? what command should I type?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Need help playing paradise hotel

2014-10-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Socheat via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Need help playing paradise hotel

Hi,@ghostRider, you can download from here:h


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Need help playing paradise hotel

2014-10-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Socheat via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Need help playing paradise hotel

Hi,@ghostRider, you can download from here: …


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A Question About Robin Hobb's Books

2014-10-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Guitarman via Audiogames-reflector


A Question About Robin Hobb's Books

Hi everyone.I just started reading robin hobbs farseer trilogy and so far Im loving it. Fitz seems like a pretty cool guy. What I wondered about was I know that most of hobbs trilogies are set in the same world and I was just wondering is it okay to just read the novels that have fitz as a main character? Is there anything I would miss by not reading the other books?


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Re: Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

2014-10-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : mehgcap via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

Basically, just get to know the warehouse really well. Once you know the layout, you get to know where a crate might hide if you cant easily see it. For the large (easier) warehouse, for instance, I go from the north dock to the north wall, hang a left and then another left, look in Quality Control, come back out and head down the warehouse to Repackaging, come out to the South Dock, and Ive usually found it. If not, Ill check the second floor, then pay close attention to the southern shelves, then to the package rollers on the North Dock, then look in the Break Room. Ive rarely fails to find a crate within a couple minutes. Of course this is just my way, but the point is: know the layout really, really well, and get to know the places where a crate can be that make it hard to hear.


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Re: Problem with NVDA and Firefox

2014-10-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : brad via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Problem with NVDA and Firefox

Hi.I turned screen layout off and find it to be a lot better than before.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Information about the accessibility on android L/5.0?

2014-10-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : brad via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Information about the accessibility on android L/5.0?

Hi.Ah I understand.Im going to stick to Iphone for now since I know that phone and that it works for me.Thanks for answering my questions.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Of wearables and implants

2014-10-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : neo_anderson via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Of wearables and  implants

OK lets see if all this will post. Last time I tried something of this size, it didnt go through. Dont remember if all of it did, or some of it did or what. But here we go. Its a long one boys and girls.And yes I may ramble a bit, but I did, word it this way to attempt to make a point.Its always more economically feasible to treat the disease, rather than curing it. To quote johnny mnemonic from the movie, and a few of William Gibsons books. At the end of the day people can be naturally greedy. The true problem becomes, how can this be exploited to make more money. Unless society learns to change its ways, four, or five of the top corporations will run everything, simply because they can buy others off.Computers can be rigged to make money, or throw money away. I know of a company that is purposely abusing there system, deliberately teaching there employees to wring certain items up a certain way, just to make fifty cents more 
 on a purchase. Add it up and its a decent amount. They dont think about saving anyone any money what so ever.Nearly the hole world, the corporation part of it anyway, are stuck in the present tense. They dont care about tomorrow, they dont care a week from now. All they care about is this quarter. Both on fiscal, monetary, and time terms.The true test will be, will these implants allow others to assist us, our armies, our compan9ies? Or is it better to string them along and keep this technology out of the system until we do not have a choice but allow our forgotten brothers in to the places the rest of them can go.Cellular phones were ready well over five years before they were produced to the public, however, they couldnt be released to the population until they found a way to limit their access. This way, we would be forced to pay for something that should have been free for all.As of this moment in time, we require compensatio
 n for the work we do. I am not arguing with that. In businesses its all about over head though. How much work can we squeeze out of this guy just so we dont half to hire another person to assist him. Or, why pay this guy just to keep our network safe, when we can hire another person that can also change the printer cartridges as well, and salter cables, and be our grunt as well as monitor our packets.Until society learns to change, we as a species cant change.Its why we are finally developing byo oil replacement fuel and hybrid cars, instead of attempting to make them run off of water. We no longer have a choice, or we are not given one. Either way you look at the situation. It will make sense.Its why we are scattered everywhere. The last ditch efforts before the hole system comes to a head and crashes.If we all focused on something, anything. Curing cansor, for instance. Just on that alone, we could get somewhere. But if we did,
  we would run the medical profession out of business. Lets not think of all the new technological advances we would have along the way. Or all the testing we would put animals and people through to get it done, and done correctly. Lets just think about the profit before hand. Instead, lets branch one company to do it, and under pay them what we call money, just to say were doing something. And over here well work on the affects of insert arbitrary research study here, just to spread ourselves thin.You see where Im going with this. I hope.Until everyone can get their ducks in a row, until we can all learn to get along with each other, until we can all really know what it means to do one to others as they would wish done to you. We can never really grow as a species.Sure some are doing that, but not all. Like I stated before, I, personally think there will always be that greedy one in the bunch, that selfish one.A true utopia like I would envi
 sion would never happen though, sadly. The inherent nature of humanity wouldnt allow it to happen. Both the good natured and the bad ones would have a voice for or against any idea give enough time and debate on the issue.So do I think bionics are possible. Yes, if they arent out there already.Do I think technology like that could happen. Yes, same answer as above.I, personally think it could, and should happen. For the betterment of all man kind.Society goes through fads, and media frenzies. Until all of us, as a society willingly chooses to allow it to happen, only then, it will happen. Until then, were running the proverbial rat race.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Audio Game Kit 1.0 released

2014-10-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Victorious via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Audio Game Kit 1.0 released

can you write some proper documentation on the library usage? i.e function parameters, etc


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: A Question About Robin Hobb's Books

2014-10-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : grryfindore via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A Question About Robin Hobb's Books

Hi,Certain farseer books or should I say books with fitz in them have appearances by characters from the liveships and other books, however you wont miss key points or anything like that if you dont read those other books. I have read a bit of liveship traders myself, and none of the dragon books if that is what they are called,but I was able to keep up just fine with all the farseer books.Heh, slightly ot but now that I have started reading A song of ice and fire series, I see that robin hobb has adopted the same style as grrm in her latest book the fools assassin. I.E different point of views and such. grryf


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Re: Japanese Games in the Database

2014-10-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : assault_freak via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Japanese Games in the Database

Bringing this topic from the dead! Morokuma now has a new site. delving back into these menu driven rpgs... and so far am having a blast! Should probably focus on one at a time... but not sure which one I should start with!


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Re: From choiceofgames, Thieve's gambit and Devided we fall

2014-10-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : grryfindore via Audiogames-reflector


Re: From choiceofgames, Thieve's gambit and Devided we fall

Hi,Sabres of infinity as I have previously said is definatly worth a buy and several playthroughs :d however its not on the short side if that is what you are looking for, but then again its not as long as Tin Star either.If you are looking for something short I think something like Reckless Space Pirates should do you fine. or to the city of the clouds. while interesting, both of them arent as great as some of the other cog and hosted games titles. although I havent played RSP fully as of yet,so cant say much about it.Theres also Yeties Parole Officer, which has an interesting setting and looks to be pretty short as wellI am not sure I could do all the games justice this way,however if I were to list some of my favourite titles which are really worth the time and money and some beyond even that they would be:1: sabres of infinity2: Zombie exodus3: TinStar4: mecha Aice5: The Way walkers series6: Th
 e Orpheus ruse(this while not written by paul is one of those titles that you can play again and again and not get bored of it.)Some of these I like better than others but for all that, they are certainly worth it if you like what you read in the summary or what ever those snipets of descriptions are known as, you are sure to like the game.Oh, I almost forgot to mention the life of the wizard and the life of the mobster games which are quite excellent as well.grryf


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Re: kmplayer with jaws or nvda and watching anime

2014-10-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : assault_freak via Audiogames-reflector


Re: kmplayer with jaws or nvda and watching anime

The program isnt accessible without a little fiddling... just press the applications key and itll work like anything else. Access the preferences by pressing f2.


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