Re: Of Reason and Faith

2014-11-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : nin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Of Reason and Faith

@bladestorm I am talking about how Christians are building novadays too many churches, they spend millions of dollars building huge and beautifull churches in stead of helping the people that really need help. I dont know how its in your country but here there are more churches than hospitals and schools and thats not good. and I also dont like how Christians try to force anyone to believe in god, they think that whomever doesnt believe should be punished and is watched with disgust. everyone is fighting to have the biggest church, to have as many Christians as possible and thats not good. this is why Ive chosen my own path and I guide myself by my own interpretation of gods word not as priests say. also people are taught many prayers but they are not taught how to pray. they only mutter the words and think thats enough, that they are good Christians when they are not praying with their souls.


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Re: jaws 16 beta: death of screen reader innovation illustrated

2014-11-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Trenton Goldshark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: jaws 16 beta: death of screen reader innovation illustrated

On To a mixture of Freedom and GW Micro/AI things now...Yes, Jaws For Windows has taken over the payment plan that GW/AI had earlier, and hopefully the 90 day monthly pricing isnt terrible. I agree that besides the Math ML thing, Freedom got some catching up to do honestly with adding real features. Back to the Window-Eyes happenings, you can now read the read me for beta one and future betas at: you check out my Guess What Thread , a fairly nice discussion is going on bout the beta too. Will Narrator one day replace Jaws, Window-eyes, and even NVDA? It truly is a big possibility that it can. The key is for more people to use it, spread your tips and tricks for what works and what doesnt at the time, and once scripting and Braille Display support comes to Narrator in Windows 10, teach folks how it works, and
  how it can be used your daily life.Unless Jo Stinecamp does the podcast series first, the name he gave it, was called: Nothing But Narrator. It would be cool for a podcaster to start a series on Windows for the blind, featuring Windows Phone, Windows PC, news on Windows from a blindness perspective, even getting people from Microsoft to interview on the show. If Narrator is indeed coming to the XBox, I would like to hear how that would work!As for me, getting a Chromebook for Christmas, but thats all Ill say here about that, and create a separate thread.Keep well folks, keep well!


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Re: Angelgift Teaser

2014-11-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : SLJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Angelgift Teaser

Im glad this game is still being worked on. Its ready when it has been released, not before then. 


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Re: Anyone Using the Latest Skype Scripts?

2014-11-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Trenton Goldshark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Anyone Using the Latest Skype Scripts?

Unless someone would like to chime in for correction, and although Im not a jaws user, it seems that the last version of Skype thats compatible with most screen readers completely, is v6.21. 6.22 and later with most screen readers on Windows at least, are seeming to have problems thanks to the new Skype interface that Microsoft has made. I would say, Narrator is your best bet, with Skype 6.22 and later for now. Thats Windows 8 and later Narrator. Before I switched to Linux, I did take a look at 6.22 under Windows 7, and although the interface was usable with NVDA, and it may not be a problem with some, its seems to not act right some of the time.


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An Update on Leasy

2014-11-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Trenton Goldshark via Audiogames-reflector


An Update on Leasy

For those who havent seen this yet, here is a Blog Entry from Brian Hartgen from, explainning what is happening with LEASY, and the other ASTec products that he has made over the years, and why there is a delay.In short, he is going to go the Self-Employed root.


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Re: Clok Mud

2014-11-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : blindndangerous via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Clok Mud

Probably so. I saw some of it, but not a lot of it as I had to go, and forgot to log back in later.


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Re: Of Reason and Faith

2014-11-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : brad via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Of Reason and Faith

Hello.Another article you may want to read is this one. … zar_81.htmI cant copy it, it has to many links inbeded.I only show you this to make those of you who are christian or thinking about it to think on what you are doing and weather you still want to tell others of your message. Please read this article and the above and think. If you still wish to stay as you are thats great and i wont hate you or anything, if you want to change and research more into this thats also great and I wont hate you. All Im saying is research a religion or way of life fully, the good and the bad, before committing to it.


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Re: death match project alpha

2014-11-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : aaron via Audiogames-reflector


Re: death match project alpha

Story mode completed. A nice game.spoilerspaceI dont think the ending was as good as the previous game, it just blew up, a very brief congratulations and then the credits. Dont get me wrong, I am quite satisfied with the game, its free, so Im not complaining really, but I think I had slightly higher expectations, I thought thered be a little more of a conclusion in terms of, perhaps, what happened next. Did the oeprator stay with the crew and tell everyone about what the government were doing? Or, is that all going to be a story for another time?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: death match project alpha

2014-11-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : danny via Audiogames-reflector


Re: death match project alpha

Hi, the answer to what happened to the crew will be revealed in the timeline of dm 2. Dm nb is basicly what you would call a flight game with the cool abilities of a moo. Ive just got to implement missions. The roleplay will be used to help with the missions. However, their is a chat channel to be out of character and relax on.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Of Reason and Faith

2014-11-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : brad via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Of Reason and Faith

Hi.I see what your post about uneducated means now.The reason I get so annoyed about western holidays is because we are a mixture of people and yet we celebrate western traditions. If you walk round my street youll see Muslims and others celebrating Ied when its Ied, but yet theres no way as big a hype as there is when its Christmas. Think of the way the media glamorizes Christmas. Its wrong in my opinion.As for atheists celebrating Christmas, I still dont see the reason. They dont celebrate Ied, Ramadan davali, or any other holiday so why Christmas. Ill tel you why. Its cause they can get presents and get really big tummies from eating all the food.  Now I like a girl with a chubby tummy, theyre nice and soft  but still dont understand this. Oh you can say, well the media puts on a show about Christmas and makes it bigger than it is, and they do, TV shows, shop windows, radio shows, radio music, its all there, and it honestly makes me sick. Oh I dont hate the idea of Christmas but I do hate what the westerners have done to it.Oh and easter too. Man thats a joke in todays world. Well over here in the UK it is anyway. Although saying all that, it could depend on what branch of Christianity you come from.


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Re: frustrating bgt error

2014-11-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: frustrating bgt error

Is the error pointing to the alert, by chance, an unclosed string literal, or an expected ) or ;? You might have an open string somewhere above it, or something like that.


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Re: Braillemon status update!

2014-11-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : sanslash332 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Braillemon status update!

@daigonite thanks for repair these bugs! Youre awesome!Well, about the Charmeleon bug... Maive, Im confused or I ear bad in the battle  Respecting of the infinite rooms in both situations, yes. I can go out of bounds, because in these rooms the walls are invicible xd. or the exit door, is not behind you ... hmmm.Respecting the invicible People, yes, I know about the steps to save Bill from hes computer, but after He was saved in the house you can ear two people, and in it only bill is on it.And... hmmm in the second floor of the underground path how many people is supposed that been on it?In some part, you can ear two people in your right side, but... ¡you can go to this plase, because this is theright border of the path! xddAnd ... these is all ^^thanks for this awesome and great job!


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