Re: Eloquence for NVDA

2015-01-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Eloquence for NVDA

Technically, that's neither condoned, nor supported by the NVDA developers, so having eloquence as an alternative in a legal manner would be preferable.


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Re: transitioning from Qwerty to Dvorac keyboard layout discussion

2015-01-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: transitioning from Qwerty to Dvorac keyboard layout discussion

I've not seen any modules for that sort of thing with PunBB, and as I said usually when I've seen those sorts of reply options they over complicate the layout, as well as having occasions where if say a person responds to 5 different posts there are five posts by the same person in the same topic which can get a trifle clutery. Usually if I am responding to several people I'll just do the at sign and a name eg: @Jack, glad to here about your new job and I hope things go better next time. @Jill, how could you spoil jack's first day on the job by not only falling down but leaving the bucket at the top of the hill? .I can see the advantage in maintaining a more personal conversation, though at the same tie it probably helps that Jill in my above example would also read my comments to Jack and thus maintain a more communi
 ty driven discussion.


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Re: starting out with a guidedog.

2015-01-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: starting out with a guidedog.

@Brad, being on the system is a good idea, and you can at least talk to Guide dogs and ask about dogs generally. With respect to taxies, a guide dog will still help, sinse you get out of the taxi, how do you find the door? And how about a seat? Plus, you won't necessarily be living with your nan forever, and believe me, it's far easier in a crowded shopping center with a dog. @Cx2, Reever actually loves crowds, it's one reason I got her. Before I had reever I always did my shopping at 8-30 in the morning so as to avoid crowdes, now I actually go at around mid day (even on weekends), just because Reever enjoys finding ways around people so much. Yes, you get some idiots who move in front of your dog, but that is the point that I'll usually tell someone they're a moron! . As to leaving the Dog, well there are schools of thought on th
 e subject, but to be honest I'd not advise it often, sinse it's ultimately your emotional attachment to the Dog that will make things work out. A very good dog trainer once told me there are only two reasons a dog will do something as unnatural as guide a person, either because they are petrified, or because they genuinely want to!  and ultimately, the less bothered your dog is about you, the less helpful they'll be, which is also why on a practical level you shouldn't just treat the dog as a mobility aide,  aside from the fact that is a pretty scummy way to behave towards a creature who is spending a considerable amount of their time and effort helping you, (dogs are not human, but some at least of the same moral considerations apply). The person I knew who treated his dog as basically nothing more than a utility used to leave it in the guarden for hours on end unsupervised.Reever actually does! share both my flat, and my parents house when I
 9;m there pretty freely. There are some restrictions eg, she's only allowed to get up on the settee if invited, but usually she's pretty free to wander around, although she's with me most of the time anyway out of choice. I do admit hoovering is my least favourite of all household cleaning jobs, it's something I could! do, I just dislike doing it, so when I got reever I did start employing my very nice downstairs neighbor as a cleaner to come in an hour a week,  she also does the stuff I can't see like a couple of marks on the walls or getting rid of cobwebs which is helpful. With respect to free runs, I don't know if Kirk is particularly bad for this, but with Reever I was able to get her to a point that she doesn't! go during a free run, (usually by the simple expedient of making dam sure she's gone previously. If you have a decent trainer though they can help with these sorts of things. Once you've sorted toile
 ting, you can give your dog a free run fairly easily by using bellls, (if the area is inclosed). or using an extendable leed (if the area is open). how much you need to play with your dog will vary between dogs, but it is something you should think about doing sinse again it's not particularly nice for the dog to just sckulk around all day and not get anything fun to do. I generally get the rag toy out for reever in the evening. this however becomes less of a burden when your really attached to your dog and actually want them! to be happy, which obviously helps with guiding, but is more a thing you get if your really attached to your dog anyway, though i confess it was a pest at first (sinse nothing is more depressing than trying to play with a dog who's not that bothered about you). Ditto with brushing, at the start it's a pest, later it becomes much more a pleasure. I found having a guide dog quite hard at the start, but more than worth it eventually. 
 On a purely practical level there really is no technology or mobility aide that can match what a dog can do, and the closer you are to your dog the better that gets and the more things work out. More than that, if you are so inclined, the dog will! be your best friend if you let them. I'm not sure I'd describe reever as "my child" as cinnamon did with her dog, but then again I do't like kids very much, either way it's quite surprising how close you end up, and as I said, the closer you are to your dog, the better things get.


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Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

2015-01-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

Very odd about the downloads and cd sales, sinse I have digital versions of all of galifrey and bernice summerfield that I bought later. I usually get my subscriptions on preorder so there isn't a problem with that, and usually the extra september release comes as a bonus. With respect to Susan, I do know  Russel T davies was consciously trying to make a new start with the series so didn't want to alienate new fans with elving too much into the original, which is why he kept returning classic series monsters and enemies like The MAster to one per series. In The Doctor's daughter the Doctor does mention eing a father before, which was like the hint alluding to Davros in the Episode Dalek, so maybe if Russel hadn't left we might have seen Susan at some point the same way we ran into Sarah Jane, As I said she would've been great for the 50th aniversary. With respect to the Valyard, well the audio "Trial of the valyard" actually hi
 nts at a slightly different origin story, that during the final encarnation Timelords would all go a little loopy and that the Doctor in one alternative future did so and wanted to extend his life, thus created a clone of himself who was sent back in time and bought up on galifrey in the Black nurseries, hidden houses of galifrey where the Timelords held their mistakes. Actually thinking about it the idea that the 13th encarnation of a timelord goes a bit wrong fits quite nicely with the eleventh doctor being such a schizo idiot . Moffat did mention the Valyard at one stage during all that incomprehensible business with the Doctor's tomb, but things were so nonsensical there really isn't a correct answer,  still the Valyard still fits with my ten official doctors theory . With respect To the Ice warriors, well Moffat has kept up the tradition of one classic series monster per series so it was only a matter of time before the ice warriors made a comeback, though I didn't particularly feel their return was that enspiring really. The question of the events of Key 2 time vs Lords of the red planet is actually one I've wondered about myself rather seriously. at the end of lords, the 2nd Doctor does hint that the ice warriors might have evolved naturally, which is perhaps what happened later, though how they went from warriors initially to the peaceful society seen in key 2 time and then back to being ice warriors I don't know, particularly sinse in key 2 time MArs has a full and rich atmosphere which the destruction of the black hole ripped away, while in Lords it's implied the atmosphere was bleeding off the planet hence why the ice warriors were created to survive afterwards.  It
 9;s a contradiction that really needs an answer and I hope bf address it at some point.


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Re: just got a Iphone6 plus, cases and questions

2015-01-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: just got a Iphone6 plus, cases and questions

Well do I expect a company to maintain backwards functionality? The honest answer is yes I do, either that or provide something that will continue performing the same functions at an increased level of efficiency. Xp might be a poor man's dosbox, but the fact is it works. In the same way, I don't expect Sony to maintain warrenty for a video recorder from 1995, however I do expect them to sell me a dvd player and a dvd/video converter. Imagine microsoft sold an xp upgrade for modern windows which restored compatibility with Vb6, direct x, and 16 bit programs, and gave you the xp interface. This could finance itself, be popular and keep people who wanted to run their old programs on modern systems, and maintain the xp interface happy, and also because it was supported through microsoft wouldn't have all the hassle of running a virtual machine.Look at the way virtual console emulation has taken off, indeed it's an extra source of income for people li
 ke Nintendo in providing access to older games on newer systems and a way for them to recoop the costs of maintaining the compatibility. Microsoft should do the same rather than just laying down the law without any alternative, and if this costs them extra money, well tough luck.As I said this just smacks far too much of corporate imperialism, "we decide what we provide for our customers and then force you to buy it because there is no alternative"


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Re: Braillemon status update!

2015-01-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : grryfindore via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Braillemon status update!

HiHow can you get water pokemon when it looks like fishing only gives magikarp, in a walkthrough I saw it states 2 kinds of tiles water and land. the land where you catch your usual pokemon and water where krabby etc can be caughtor is it something that hasn't been put in yet?I have been playing and having loads of fun, have about 7 8 pokemon although I never was the type to collect all 151 pokemon when I used to play with my brother, so lets see what I end up doing here.Jade, your guide was indeed useful because of which I was able to figure my way out of the dam cave and get to everyone's favourite water trainer. And thanks Imaginatrix for pointing me to that post  @daigonite, the daycare is still a little buggy. the daycare man takes the pokemon from your party but it looks like 2 copys of the same pokemon get created at th
 at point. 1 with you, and one with the daycare manI tried this with2 different pokemon, abrah being one of them. Here is what I didI caught abra, and it got sent to my box, as I had 6 pokemon with me. using the pc in the daycare centre, I got it out, gave it to the man to keep, and behold I notice a abra still in my party. I deposited it in my box, whent to the daycareman, got my abra from him, deposited it and in the box I had 2 abras.btw, I have a question on how daycare works. say you keep a Magikarp in the daycare center at level 6, and pick It up at level 23. could you still get it to evolve? and if yes,how.grryf


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Re: How many people play swamp and castaways?

2015-01-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: How many people play swamp and castaways?

Effectively, you can't really play Swamp without an account. You can bang on a practice map and run around and shoot stuff, but you don't get to level, pick up loot, do missions or quests or really play the game.So, when your saying "is an account worth it" your effectively saying "Is swamp worth it" and the answer to that is a resounding yes! Castaways is a little different sinse there the online mode is more an extra to the offline game and it's quite playable without. if however the gamer account were just for castaways it probably wouldn't be worth it, however sinse swamp is so awsome it's a nice bonus, plus don't forget Aprone is working on other games so it's likely the Gamer account generally will get you more in the future.


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Re: Aprone, here is something that may change your life

2015-01-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Aprone, here is something that may change your life

I'm also not sure how much you know about programming Rori, but "an online demo with no downloads" would be a completely different project to what Aprone has created thus far, and would probably be a matter of rewriting the hole game (or at least most of the interface), in something like Flash, Java or unity web player, ie, far more time consuming than it would be worth, not to mention creating massive lag having to stream all the data for the sound files etc rather than just pull them up and play them off your machine. If aprone provided "a mode where you had all the guns and could run around and shoot" well what would be the point in people buying the game? Personally, the system that you can play on the practice maps all you want offline, not to mention any campaigns you want to have a go at and get hold of, but need the account to play online seems more than fair enough to me, plus as Aaron said, although the gamer accounts do contribute to the 
 server costs, they are chiefly an anti hacker device anyway. If a person  was in a country without Paypal I'm pretty sure Aprone would be happy to discuss some sort of alternative method of payment if necessary, indeed I wouldn't be surprised if Aprone has already done this.


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