Re: The Eye Conditions Topic

2017-06-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : TJT1234 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The Eye Conditions Topic

Reading this topic makes me realize how extremely lucky I am:I was born blind. (Yes, I do consider that as being lucky, though definitely not for the


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Re: English seems to lack some words, but I want them anyway

2017-06-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : TJT1234 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: English seems to lack some words, but I want them anyway

Yay for natural languages that give us headaches with all of these lexical choices ... Now let's all go learn Esperanto and these problems will disappear because we will all use very limited vocabularies.Disclosure: This post is of course sarcastic, though I do think learning Esperanto is beneficial for everyone.


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Re: Beta Tester Application for "A Hero's Call"

2017-06-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : wlomas via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Beta Tester Application for "A Hero's Call"

joseph, why don't you put the list of testers in this topic so that pwon't keep wondering if they've been selected? just a thought ...Will a


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Re: The Eye Conditions Topic

2017-06-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : burak via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The Eye Conditions Topic

Being born blind is definitely a lucky thing.


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Re: Dark Defender: Public Beta

2017-06-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : staindaddict via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Dark Defender: Public Beta

I can't reach the webpage. IT says it can not find the page.. Trying to download the game.


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Re: Виагра, Левитра, Сиалис купить дешевле

2017-06-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Mskaptek via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Виагра, Левитра, Сиалис купить дешевле

Здравствуйте, уважаемые пользователи форума. Я зарегистрировался на этом форуме как официальный представитель Аптеки Данная тема не спам, мы хотим предложить форумчанам очень интересные и главное полезные препараты по ОЧЕНЬ выгодным ценам, гораздо дешевле, чем в обычной аптеке. Администрации форума, модераторам в знак благодарности за данную тему на форуме, цены сделаем еще ниже. Обратитесь  к нам на почту mskaptekar(собака) - сделаем спец цену для вас! Препараты для улучшения потенции, эрекции, для мужчин и женщин вы можете приобрести  в нашей официальной аптеке . Наши цены в 5 раз дешевле, чем в обычной аптеке. Низкие цены обусловлены тем, что мы работаем напрямую с фармацевтическими фабриками. Многие препараты (не все), которые представлены на нашем сайте являются препаратами дженериками,  т.е. копиями брендовых препаратов. Кратко, что такое дженерик – это препараты копии известных брендов, у которых истек срок лицензии, таким образом любой фарм производитель может выпускать лекарства под известным брендом, не тратя при этом денег на рекламу, исследования и т.д , просто взяв готовую формулу лекарства. К слову сказать в Российских аптеках дженериков около 95%, в США – 10-15%, в Японии – 25-30%, в Германии – 35%, во Франции – 50%, в Англии – 55%, в Италии – 60%, в Канаде – 64%. Возьмем реальный пример, широко известный Парацетомол стоит 20 руб и возьмем «Солпадеин» или «Терафлю» стоят 200 руб. Зачем платить 200 руб., если можно взять за 20!!! Не путайте дженерики с подделками, это не так, это реальные копии с тем же действующим веществом, что и оригинал. Никакого мела, безвредно, есть лицензии и сертификаты. Наш ассотртимент, это: -лекарства для усиления потенции – Виагра, Сиалис, Левитра, Вимакс, Просольшен, Фужуньбао Супер, ВИГРХ плюс, Стендра; -лекарства для продления секса – Дапоксетин, Супер П форсе, Супер Вилитра, Спрей стад 5000, крем пенон, волум капсулы; -для женщин – Женская виагра, Шпанская мушка, Серебряная лиса, Ж фемеле, Палочка Доянь Чка, палочка нью найт; -препарат для лечения облысения Пропеция; -лекарство для лечения кожи от Угрей Роаккутан; Для тех кто хочет попробовать. Есть наборы пробников, разных препаратов, для него, для нее и для обоих. Возьмите на тест и вам понравится. Так же у нас есть манибэк, если не сработает, вернем деньги. Наши цены от 50 руб. Мы готовы ответить на любой ваш вопрос и помочь с выбором лекарств, индивидуально, в этой теме или на нашем сайте в службе поддержки клиентов. Качество гарантируем на 100%, мы уверены в том, что Вы останетесь довольны, попробуйте! Доставка в любой регион РФ почтой, в Москве и СПБ привезет курьер с оплатой по факту, принимаем к оплате онлайн, кредитные карты, webmoney, яндекс деньги, а так же другие валюты виагра, левитра, сиалис дженерики купить аптеке


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Re: Return Of The King multilanguage version released

2017-06-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : kratos via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Return Of The King multilanguage version released

I agree. game server is really, but really horrible. I have dyed many times, because stupid lag. it's not fare.


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Re: Humans vs robots, public beta released!

2017-06-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : sneak via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Humans vs robots, public beta released!

Currently, the download speed is considerably slow. Perhaps your bandwidth is set too low?


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Re: Dark Defender: Public Beta

2017-06-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : csm120 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Dark Defender: Public Beta

Crap I get a page not found when I hit the link for the home page.


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Screenreader vs Console

2017-06-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : nerdygentleman via Audiogames-reflector


Screenreader vs Console

Howdy -I've been rewriting my non-console (and completely inaccessibly) roguelike Atlas Warriors, and attempting to make multiple interfaces while I'm at it.I'm making an OpenGL graphical (but simulated text with weird and cool effects) and was going to make a Console one that was optimised for screen readers - so, by default, only showing the current room (for instance) and being more of a command line style application.Is it worth implementing the screen reader libraries in the console version? Or, should I just let people point their screenreader at the console and let it go? Alternatively, should I just make sure the GL version is screenreadable... but I think that may be a little bit tough.Sorry - I'm new at actually considering this.L


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Re: Return Of The King multilanguage version released

2017-06-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : 拓海 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Return Of The King multilanguage version released

The server is a rather troublesome problemhave no good wayCan only open another server and Erected in other countries


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Re: Is Kali Linux accessible?

2017-06-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Socheat via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Is Kali Linux accessible?

So, I've tried to boot into Kali on a VM and set it up, I pressed S. nothing happen. Am I missing something? I used Ubuntu as a guest operating system. IS this the correct option?


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Re: sharing thoughts and remixes/transcriptions of audio game music

2017-06-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : blindncool via Audiogames-reflector


Re: sharing thoughts and remixes/transcriptions of audio game music

I've thought about this many times.One of my more recent thoughts was for an "Audiogames Meet Metal" video, featuring heavy metal versions of various audiogame music. (If you don't know what I'm talking about, check out this channel on Youtube.)


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Re: Beta Tester Application for "A Hero's Call"

2017-06-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : ZK via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Beta Tester Application for "A Hero's Call"

Well put kai and Joseph, I know that if selected to be a beta tester I wouldn't want my name publishing on here because of what Kai said  in his above post, in fact it could possibly  put a lot of pressure on the beta test team if they are constantly messaged from  people wanitng to know about the game before it's release.


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Re: Time Adventures - Was that it?

2017-06-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : jack via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Time Adventures - Was that it?

For all intents and purposes, relive the Fun with Frederick bit right here what a great way to thank Bavisoft for including the raw samples with the game. Lol! 


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Re: death match project alpha update public beta

2017-06-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : DracoSelene89 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: death match project alpha update public beta

Been running into this weird one when I've been poking around Sol station and it only happens when using the turbocar to get back to the docking bayException in thread Thread-1:Traceback (most recent call last):  File "", line 801, in __bootstrap_inner  File "", line 754, in run  File "", line 531, in eventloop  File "src/sfml/audio.pyx", line 454, in (src/sfml/audio.cpp:7647)IOError: Failed to open sound file "maps/sol station/docking/room1.ogg" (couldn't open stream)Exception in thread Thread-9:Traceback (most recent call last):  File "", line 801, in __bootstrap_inner  File "", line 754, in run  File "", line 807, in gameloop  File "", line 1813, in room
 cycle  File "src/sfml/audio.pyx", line 454, in (src/sfml/audio.cpp:7647)IOError: Failed to open sound file "maps/sol station/docking/room1.ogg" (couldn't open stream)


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Re: Beta Tester Application for "A Hero's Call"

2017-06-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : BryanP via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Beta Tester Application for "A Hero's Call"

Yeah nor would I.


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Re: Swamp, zombie FPS by Aprone

2017-06-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : wlomas via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Swamp, zombie FPS by Aprone

hi all, as the touchpad on my laptop doesn't play that well with swamp having no left and right click buttons, can i use a game-pad? like a logitech? or is it only a mouse driven game?


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Re: English seems to lack some words, but I want them anyway

2017-06-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jaseoffire via Audiogames-reflector


Re: English seems to lack some words, but I want them anyway

@Dark, yeah, it isn't much better here across the pond, honestly. LOL!!! As for Esperanto, I think I remember hearing somewhere that it was meant to be a global language. Of course, I don't think it caught on. To this day, I think that English still remains the more global language. I'd say that it's because of its versatility, but I know very well that it's because English speaking countries at the moment serve as the current powerhouses of the world. LOL!!! Much in the way Latin used to be the chief language back when the Roman Empire was the major power in the world.


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Re: Asking help for an eurofly task

2017-06-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : shrike via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Asking help for an eurofly task

hi,it would be easier to help if you could post the specifics,  but what I can remember its just avoiding a few countries, so using the keys j and u and I obviously is important.honestly though I just pick a left or right side when approaching a country I am not allowed to fly over then keep my distance.


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Re: Any of you played around with FM transmitters?

2017-06-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : st . mc via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any of you played around with FM transmitters?

once I had a small transmitters that supported only 100 meters. I used to take it out with me and speak on radios of cars around me and It was fun


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Re: Creating Accessible Magic the Gathering

2017-06-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Hijacker via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Creating Accessible Magic the Gathering

Don't bother trying this. That's exactly the same global concerns like Apple try to do with systems like Siri, you know why their functions are limited right? Yeah, because they don't understand what you want from them, at least not in most of all cases. Just because the word


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Creating Accessible Magic the Gathering

2017-06-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Hijacker via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Creating Accessible Magic the Gathering

Don't bother trying this. That's exactly the same global concerns like Apple try to do with systems like Siri, you know why their functions are limited right? Yeah, because they don't understand what you want from them, at least not in most of all cases. Just because the word "flying" happens to appear in the text it doesn't mean that this creature is actually flying, it could mean around 100 other things besides that. There are people alive who try to investigate learning algorithms which really understand text or pictures and are doing this for 20 and more years now. You'd absolutely lose track of your main project when trying such attempt.Lua is by far the smallest and fastest scripting language available. It's standard library doesn't contain very much, but with around 100 kilobytes of size it fits nearly everywhere possible. It's strength llys in its embeddability. You can easily embed a lua stack into your game, expose 
 an api to it and the user can script as far as they want without interfering with your main program or damaging something on runtime. That's how e.g. World Of Warcraft realizes it's monster and spell scripts and such stuff. The main game runs and just loads those scripts which implement the features of the possible enemies.To see more of lua, just Try yourself out and go hereBest Regards.Hijacker


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Re: Screenreader vs Console

2017-06-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Ian Reed via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Screenreader vs Console

Agreed, if you make it in the console then screen readers can already access it.That said, if you are willing to put more thought and effort into it, then you can provide a better experience by creating a custom interface.For instance you can allow players to move around your grid of tiles using the arrow keys, which is a little nicer than the console since a screen reader is designed for reading text in the console, not navigating a grid of tiles.Tolk is a good library to use for outputting to screen readers, and it is not hard to setup.If you have any troubles with it feel free to contact me and we can setup a quick skype call.For an example of a game that represents terrain and units on a grid to players you can try Tactical Battle written by me.Or check out Castaways written by Aprone.Both are 
 free and have some limited graphics so you can easily compare what you are seeing visually with what is being output to the screen reader / TTS.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Screenreader vs Console

2017-06-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Ian Reed via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Screenreader vs Console

Agreed, if you make it in the console then screen readers can already access it.That said, if you are willing to put more thought and effort into it, then you can provide a better experience by creating a custom interface.For instance you can allow players to move around your grid of tiles using the arrow keys, which is a little nicer than the console since a screen reader is designed for reading text in the console, not navigating a grid of tiles.Tolk is a good library to use for outputting to screen readers, and it is not hard to setup.If you have any troubles with it feel free to contact me and we can setup a quick skype call.For an example of a game that represents terrain and units on a grid to players you can try Tactical Battle written by me.Or check out Castaways written by Aprone.Both are free and have some limited graphics so you can easily compare what you are seeing visually with what is being output to the screen reader / TTS.


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Re: Asking help for an eurofly task

2017-06-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : arnold18 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Asking help for an eurofly task

Eh, thanks the tip, forgot the u and i keystrokes. 


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Re: English seems to lack some words, but I want them anyway

2017-06-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jaseoffire via Audiogames-reflector


Re: English seems to lack some words, but I want them anyway

You know, I think this is the first time that I've ever heard English being called an easy language. As far as I was aware, English was considered one of the most difficult languages to learn. @Dark, that thesis sounds interesting. I'm sure it would be a good read.


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Re: Questions about C++

2017-06-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : visualstudio via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Questions about C++

hello,i will try to answer your questions, maybe i will forget to answer some of themabout keyboard input and audio management, there are libraries exist which are cross-platformi recommend you to look at sdl for your input and low-level audio needs, and SoLoud as your audio library which supports sdl so you can use soloud with sdlfor network programming, boost has a library called asio (which is available independently), and another library called eNet existsabout pointers:pointers are addresses of variables to memoryfor example:int x=1234; //x is 1234
int *y=&x; //y points to x which might be 0x2398 or anything else)
*y=0; //x will be 0 also because we change pointer and variable changes due to change in memory, but the address is the sameand for memory management i recommend to use smart pointers like shared_ptr, unique_ptr, etclook at, it has plenty of libraries to use which some of them are available in the C++ standardin C++, you can use assembly eaven!in msvc, i will give an example which works prety well!asm
mov eax, 100
add eax, 2 //eax is 102
mul eax, 10 //eax is 1020
}so you are not limitedabout knowing basics and studying other things and try to program them, yes for some of them you can do itand remember, C++ apps cant always be fast, due to coding things incorrectly or managing memory incorrectlyalso be aware of memory leeks (because of this i recommend you to use smart pointers)you might not get errors and your app might crashalso we have run-time errors beside compile-time errors so keep these in mindnow talking about math:as i've said in the previous topic, you won't calculate, you ask computer to calculate things for youmathamatics (calculation) is only required when you want to implement a 3d graphics engine or a database engine (which more expert people have implemented already for you so implementing them is reinventing the weal)but mathamatic thinking is requiredand keep in mind, we have different fields of programming so i cant say which of the
 m requires mathematics fully which of them dontthe thing is, you must be aible to solve problems


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Re: English seems to lack some words, but I want them anyway

2017-06-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : afrim via Audiogames-reflector


Re: English seems to lack some words, but I want them anyway

Hello, As a student of English, I can say English is one of the easiest languages I've had to do with. If you're taking up English as a second language, or as a third language, that is, English may be an essential requirement to begin a masters degree, or your employer wants you to have a basic level B1 of English, in this instance, English is fairly easy. But if you want to study English academically like me, that becomes a little tricky, though I can say the experience has been satisfying so far as I've learnt many things about this language and its culture. One thing I've never been able to understand; why on this planet the Opposition to the separation of the state from the Church of England should be called antidisestablishmentarianism. Couldn't they, for example, find a shorter term for such a simple decision? One work by Lewis Carroll I find particularly astounding; Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, an entertaining book for children, but amazingly elaborative in language.  A book whose phrases have been quoted by numerous linguists in many case studies of language, particularly in the field of Semantics. I've read it, not to enter the world of imagination, but to experience the work you can do with language, and this book really uses language wisely, in fact more creatively than some other complicated books. On one occasion I find English difficult; literature; I spend more hours looking up special terms than actually reading the book. There are some authors whom I cannot really understand because they use language in a quite weird manner, one of them being a metaphysical English poet, called John Donne, an author I think I'll never be able to understand.I may consider learning French, one of those languages I used to dislike due to its odd writing rules and pronunciation, but to be honest, it's really melodious and it has a rich vocabulary. One language I think I'll never come to understand in terms of its vocabulary and pronunciation, that is Dutch; a mixture of Romance, Latin, Germanic, Slavic, Arabic, African, and God knows what mixture of other language families.


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Re: death match project alpha update public beta

2017-06-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : cuddley via Audiogames-reflector


Re: death match project alpha update public beta

it wasn't doing that a few days ago, so maybe it got scrued up?


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Re: death match project alpha update public beta

2017-06-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : DracoSelene89 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: death match project alpha update public beta

@Cuddley: Inded but the shipyard wasn't in a few days ago was it? Or rather the stuff in the shipyard I mean. Either way I just find it really, really strange how the game doesn't check if the folder is there when you first log in and just deletes the docking folder regardless if it's already there, and even deletes it if the folder is there from before. I'm not sure why but yes, it does the exact same (for me anyhow) on Windows 10 here too, I can move the older out, error. I can then put the folder back and watch the game delete it on logging in.I tried with loading a char on Earth and it didn't delete that folder, same for creation or a ship so it's something unique to the Sol station honestly. and it happens across OSes. It's even got to the point where just landing on the station is enough to cause the error and completely break the character you're using and it's always the same thing, cannnot open stream, yet if I put the f
 ile in question back in the folder it just deletes the folder, then immediately throws an error before trying to download the map, when the folder was there before logging in.


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Re: sharing thoughts and remixes/transcriptions of audio game music

2017-06-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : DEKYO-Nec2608 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: sharing thoughts and remixes/transcriptions of audio game music

I have also made remixes of songs of audio games, but most are incomplete to share them here.To make remixes I use MidiText; I work well with it.I have started using Edirol SD-20 MIDI File Converter when making MIDIs. I'd like to work with DAWs, but making music with text is what I do best.


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Save files for grizzly gulch

2017-06-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : austingrace via Audiogames-reflector


Save files for grizzly gulch

Hello to all. I'm running windows 10 64 bit. I can't find where grizzly gulch saves the game data for your player.  I used to know. I checked user data directory and program files and program data on local drive. Thanks for any help you are able to give me.


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Re: Trying choiceofgames

2017-06-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : jasonstevanhill via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Trying choiceofgames

DracoSelene89 wrote:Just wish I could use PayPal to get the games honestly and I don't get the login system at all, it keeps saying I've registered every time I log in. So no idea there.Hey DracoSelene89, if you have questions about the login process, feel free to email me: jason at choiceofgames dot comI or someone else can answer your questions via email.


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Re: I'm bored, can you recommend an easy to play side scroller?

2017-06-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I'm bored, can you recommend an easy to play side scroller?

Well first just in case you didn't know, you can use the "search games" link to search the db by genre, one of those genres is side scrollers. One of the problems with side scrollers is that there is a spate for a lot of people trying out their first programming exercises to create side scrollers as practice projects. This means side scrollers tend to be either A, short practice games, B, very classic old windows games that might have problems running on a modern machine, or C, modern side scrollers by people like Vgstorm who are trying to buck the system and create something actually complex in a side scrolling environment.If you can get it to run properly on modern windows I'd suggest Superliam, it is a classic with some wonderfully amusing acting, and is now abandonware, and shouldn't be too hard to finish. Were it not currently owned by the leasy corporation I'd advise as a really humerous action game.  with pipe 2 by Bs
 c, which is not primarily a side scroller but does have some rather cool side scrolling levels.If you want something short and very synimatic, try Angel gift by erion soft. It's not a long or difficult game (accept the boss), but is worth playing for atmosphere alone.there is then adventure at C;by Vgstorm. it was their first game and has rough edges, but is imho far more forgiving than the gate, it's also free and has extra level packs created if you can find them.Lastly, I will strongly recommend crazy party. Again, not a side scroller entirely, but featuring a lot of side scrolling minigames which range from very easy to extremely tricky, in a lot of themed worlds with other challenges, indeed if you asked me what is imho the best action/arcade game we've seen thus far I'd say crazy party, and not just for the online mode or even for the battle card game, brilliant though both of those aspects are, the actual arcade and other 
 challenges in the different worlds vhugely fun to play on their own.


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Re: KODP, aka, King of dragon pass.

2017-06-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: KODP, aka, King of dragon pass.

Exploring your Tewla is easy. just go into the map, and unless you've double tapped on any of the hexes, you will default  pointing at your Tewla if you hit the expedition button. For most of the layout you can find a little map guide by me here in the articles room though I did also mention in my podcast. Any questions, feel free to ask.


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Re: Vocalizer Siri Voices For JAWS or NVDA

2017-06-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Rocketboy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Vocalizer Siri Voices For JAWS or NVDA

Stm, thanks for pmming me that driver, works beautifully!


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Re: Audeasy has moved!

2017-06-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — AudioGames - News room : Trenton Goldshark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Audeasy has moved!

You're very welcome. I'm surprised Kelly kept that archi archive up there.


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Re: Vocalizer Siri Voices For JAWS or NVDA

2017-06-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Sebby via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Vocalizer Siri Voices For JAWS or NVDA

Interesting. I'm surprised FS aren't on the ball here. Guess it's useful to be as large as Apple is to partner with Nuance.So you'll need a jailbroken iOS device or a Mac. Didn't see any of this while testing the new releases; perhaps it's only for Siri rather than general use.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Vocalizer Siri Voices For JAWS or NVDA

2017-06-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Rocketboy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Vocalizer Siri Voices For JAWS or NVDA

You know what's weird? Allison, Ava and Susan are very expressive on the computer, but on the iphone when you try to make them express emotion they don't work! I'm not sure about macs though, they might be expressive on macs but they sure as hell ain't expressive on the iphone.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Where is this music from?

2017-06-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Bradleydus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Where is this music from?

скачать игры speed racing: ultimate на андроид 2.3.6   Купить Диван Аккордеон Недорого Санкт-Петербург Мебель В Гостиную Из МассиваКартинки Стенки Для ГостинойШкаф Сервант Для Гостиной В МосквеКупить Кухонный ДиванСтенка В Гостиную Модерн МоскваМебель Для Гостиной Глейс В МосквеДиван Качалка В Санкт-Петербурге Стенки Для Гостиной Китай В МосквеДом Мебели ДиваныКупить Большой Угловой ДиванШкаф Купе Для Гостиной Цена МоскваИнтернет Магазин Диванов Дешевых Санкт-Петербург Диван Кровать Детский  Московская Область Диваны Декоративные Московская Область Диваны Из КожзаменителяДиван ЗебраРасположение Мебели В Гостиной Фото В МосквеДетские Диваны В Москве Купить Угловой Диван Ве Санкт-Петербург М Диван В Москве Диван Прованс МоскваСтенки В Гостиную Боровичи Мебель МоскваМебель Диваны Фото МоскваФабрика Диванов Официальный Сайт В Москвескачать игру crash the castle 2 на андроидпрограммы для увеличения оперативной памяти андроидскачать бесплатно книгу на андроид гарри поттерскачать бесплатно на андроид программу foto boothигры про зомби на на андроид скачатьКупить Зимние КурткиПольские Блузки Оптом На СадоводеБлузка Mango ДоставкаБорн Детская Одежда Интернет-МагазинОдежда Оптом От Российского ПроизводителяКупальник С Юбкой С ДоставкойЮбка Для ЛатиныБлузка Розового ЦветаБлузки Из КрепдешинаЮбка Длинная СзадиБлузкуОдежда Самая Дешевая Наложенным ПлатежомБлузка С ФонарикамиЮбку ОсеньюВидео Чулки ЮбкиЮбка С ОписаниемКупальник AmareaЭротика ЮбкиВойчик Детская Одежда КупитьБлузки С Длинным Рукавом 2014Джинсы Филип Плейн ДоставкаДетская Одежда РебенкаWomens Camouflage SwimwearШкольные Блузки 2014Задрал Юбкускачать бесплатно клипы бис на андроидночной клуб на андроиднавител навигатор android серийникнавител куда грузить карты на андроидеэротические игры андроид скачать бесплатно и без регистрацииBusiness School Career Goals EssayBuy A Dissertation Online CheapPhd Thesis Tim FeeneyMy Teacher Essay In UrduWriting An Introduction To A ThesisHunting Snake By Judith Wright EssayPhd Thesis PrincetonDissertation Books ConstructionDissertation Proofreading Services LondonRight To Own Guns EssayCharles Krauthammer EssaysComponents Phd DissertationCapulet EssayPhd Thesis MaintenanceSummarizing A Formal EssayThe Country You Would Like To Visit EssayEssay On The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Living In A Joint FamilyEssay On The Role Of GovernmentDissertation ByuDissertation Office ColumbiaAnalytical Essay Invisible ManApush Progressivism EssayPersuasive Essays On The HolocaustAbout Superstitions EssayFrom An Essay On Man Epistle 1 Analysisскачать на андроид hot rod racersскачать андроид 4.1 для телефона самсунг wave 525скачать impetus interval timer для андроидскачать на андроид сабвэй сёрфэрудит слова из слова 2 скачать на андроидГемко Одежда Для Беременных КаталогКостюм Скорая ПомощьКупить Купальник Виктория Сикрет В МосквеДетская Одежда От Производителя Оптом В СпбКостюм Лисы КукольныйДизайнерская Одежда КупитьЖенские Пиджаки ЖакетыОпт Одежда От ПроизводителяБрюки Адидас МужскиеПоварская Куртка Женская АписЗаподно Европейский КостюмОдежда Бундесвер КупитьГлория Джинс Распродажа Интернет-МагазинGivenchy Fashion ShowЮбка Черно Красная ДоставкаПроизводители ДжинсовКорсет Для МужчинДетская Одежда Боболи ОптКупить Юбку МаксиAustralia Plus Size Womens ClothingПлатья ЛакостаМодные Пальто ДраповоеВерхняя Женская Одежда Большого РазмераФутболки На Заказ В ПаланеКаталоги Детская Верхняя Одежда видиоэфeкты на андроид программыскачать сразу игры на андроид 4.2.2 без кеша бесплатноигры на планшет андроид 4.2 в формате apkabbyy lingvo скачать словари для андроид 2.1скачать ситигид с картами на андроид бесплатно  #facku25958# --- Купить Блузку Для Полных Женщин


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Where is this music from?

2017-06-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Bradleydus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Where is this music from?

скачать игры speed racing: ultimate на андроид 2.3.6   Купить Диван Аккордеон Недорого Санкт-Петербург Мебель В Гостиную Из МассиваКартинки Стенки Для ГостинойШкаф Сервант Для Гостиной В МосквеКупить Кухонный ДиванСтенка В Гостиную Модерн МоскваМебель Для Гостиной Глейс В МосквеДиван Качалка В Санкт-Петербурге Стенки Для Гостиной Китай В МосквеДом Мебели ДиваныКупить Большой Угловой ДиванШкаф Купе Для Гостиной Цена МоскваИнтернет Магазин Диванов Дешевых Санкт-Петербург Диван Кровать Детский  Московская Область Диваны Декоративные Московская Область Диваны Из КожзаменителяДиван ЗебраРасположение Мебели В Гостиной Фото В МосквеДетские Диваны В Москве Купить Угловой Диван Ве Санкт-Петербург М Диван В Москве Диван Прованс МоскваСтенки В Гостиную Боровичи Мебель МоскваМебель Диваны Фото МоскваФабрика Диванов Официальный Сайт В Москвескачать игру crash the castle 2 на андроидпрограммы для увеличения оперативной памяти андроидскачать бесплатно книгу на андроид гарри поттерскачать бесплатно на андроид программу foto boothигры про зомби на на андроид скачатьКупить Зимние КурткиПольские Блузки Оптом На СадоводеБлузка Mango ДоставкаБорн Детская Одежда Интернет-МагазинОдежда Оптом От Российского ПроизводителяКупальник С Юбкой С ДоставкойЮбка Для ЛатиныБлузка Розового ЦветаБлузки Из КрепдешинаЮбка Длинная СзадиБлузкуОдежда Самая Дешевая Наложенным ПлатежомБлузка С ФонарикамиЮбку ОсеньюВидео Чулки ЮбкиЮбка С ОписаниемКупальник AmareaЭротика ЮбкиВойчик Детская Одежда КупитьБлузки С Длинным Рукавом 2014Джинсы Филип Плейн Доставка[url="">


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Save files for grizzly gulch

2017-06-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Save files for grizzly gulch

I'm trying to get my hands on a working copy. I have an ISO as well as a patch, but the ISO won't open if mounted or extracted, the setup file won't open, even if I set it to compatibility with windows XP. Dunno about the legal status, but I'm saying the heck with it since they've obviously not said a word about it one way or another, simply vanished, I don't see it as copyright infringement or anything like that if they quit giving users a way to purchase it.At some point, you just kinda gotta say well, fuck it. The thing is, the game's what, 16 or 17 years old now? If they had a purchase option, I would buy it, but I don't feel guilty on trying to get my hands on a product where the company has just vanished, and there are no purchase optionsI support companies that make games by buying / donating to them, but if they up and vanish, and there are copies still out there, what's the harm in procuring one.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: I'm bored, can you recommend an easy to play side scroller?

2017-06-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I'm bored, can you recommend an easy to play side scroller?

You could also try Tarzan Junior, but getting it up and running can be a challenge sometimes.AAC isn't that easy, requires a fare bit of button mashing.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Virtual recorder

2017-06-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Kevan via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Virtual recorder

What's the website for this? Someone gave it to me a long time ago, I downloaded it, and now I want to share it with a friend but lost the website. The Dropbox link at the beginning doesn't work because the user hit their daily traffic limit.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Any of you played around with FM transmitters?

2017-06-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Kevan via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any of you played around with FM transmitters?

Nice. Mine supports around a couple blocks, perhaps more depending on where you are, how high you are and what's in your way.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: sharing thoughts and remixes/transcriptions of audio game music

2017-06-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: sharing thoughts and remixes/transcriptions of audio game music

At the risk of sounding like a broken record... I like how NoteWorthy Composer does it. If it could be made accessible, that'd be great. If you play a lot of mainstream games, though, I imagine it might be less difficult to deal with the accessibility issues. But it's still writing out music, just via sheet music editor rather than letters and numbers.Maybe I like NWC just because my rhythm is too awful to use QWS's onscreen keyboard.  I think playing the music would be much slower, because it'd take practicing each part and editing the recording for transcription errors. Meanwhile, writing it only requires doing it once and is not vulnerable to bad posture or missed notes. ... I miss band.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: desperately seeking help with Wordpress

2017-06-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : kithri via Audiogames-reflector


Re: desperately seeking help with Wordpress

Oh, just for info, I'm running windows 7 pro with jaws 18 pro and have 2 sites, but if someone can get me through the basic set up of one, I can do the other.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Return Of The King multilanguage version released

2017-06-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : bee_songkran via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Return Of The King multilanguage version released

Hi!Was it possible to open another server in another country?Because as I observe So many people start donate there own money to you guys already.It was not so good at all.Cause so many people die because of lag of the server in there.Yesterday I was die 3 times because you guys server was lag at the snake area.I think if you going to have another server in another country I think it's going to help a lot.I could say you guys game it was quite popular among the blind community now aswell.I think it's going to be the best if you could fix the lag problem.Best!Bee!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Virtual recorder

2017-06-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : turtlepower17 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Virtual recorder's the official site to download Virtual Recorder, as well as a few other projects. I've never understood why people choose to upload things that are freely available to their personal Dropbox, or any other file sharing site, accounts. That always sends up alarm bells in my head. Previous posts in this topic seem to point towards what I'm saying.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: I'm bored, can you recommend an easy to play side scroller?

2017-06-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : turtlepower17 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I'm bored, can you recommend an easy to play side scroller?

Oof, AAC is more forgiving than The Gate? I'm not sure I agree with that statement. Both are fairly punishing, and not what I'd recommend to a beginner.Super Liam, however, is one I'd certainly recommend. Also, if you want to try one of VG Storm's titles, I'd recommend Psycho Strike. I still rather enjoy that game, even if I wish it had been updated with new content.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Save files for grizzly gulch

2017-06-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : turtlepower17 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Save files for grizzly gulch

Two things.For making sure that the Grizzly Gulch setup runs under Windows 10, make sure that you install .net Framework 2.0. Also, I set it to run in compatibility mode for Windows 98. that second suggestion is only that, I have no clue whether it makes a difference. However, I am very sure that you need .net Framework 2.0 before you can run the setup.Secondly, on a 64 bit system, the saved game files should be under Program Files(X86)\Bavisoft\Grizzly Gulch. I'm not sure what's going on if they don't appear there.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: death match project alpha update public beta

2017-06-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : danny via Audiogames-reflector


Re: death match project alpha update public beta

Greetings all. Sol station is properly fixt now. Oh, and today's changes. Since I staybelized space combat, I thought it was time to at last focus on something ground baste. You will find in the shipyard level of sol a galactic network terminal where you can order weapons and clips for those weapons. Enjoy.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Another SpaceX launch June 23rd

2017-06-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : magurp244 via Audiogames-reflector


Another SpaceX launch June 23rd

For those with an interest in Rockets.On June 23rd 2:10-4:10pm EDT SpaceX will be launching the BulgariaSat 1 Communications Satelite into orbit from Kennedy Space Center to provide direct-to-home television broadcast data and communications services over southeast Europe. The live stream [here] starts in 15 hours as of this post.In addition to this SpaceX will also be launching the Iridium Next 10 Satelite package two days later on June 25th 4:25pm EDT-1:25pm PDT from Vandenberg Air force Base, and the Intelsat 35e Satelite on July 1st 7:35-8:35pm EDT from Kennedy Space Center. You can check out a list of the upcoming launch schedule of the rockets [here].


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: death match project alpha update public beta

2017-06-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : vlad25 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: death match project alpha update public beta

Exception in thread Thread-282:Traceback (most recent call last):  File "", line 801, in __bootstrap_inner  File "", line 754, in run  File "", line 1998, in playsound2  File "site-packages\libaudioverse-development-py2.7.egg\libaudioverse\", line 675, in load_from_file  File "site-packages\libaudioverse-development-py2.7.egg\libaudioverse\", line 453, in buffer_load_from_fileWindowsError: exception: access violation writing 0xException in thread Thread-277:Traceback (most recent call last):  File "", line 801, in __bootstrap_inner  File "", line 754, in run  File "", line 1998, in playsound2  File "site-packages\libaudioverse-development-py2.7.egg\libaudioverse\",
  line 675, in load_from_file  File "site-packages\libaudioverse-development-py2.7.egg\libaudioverse\", line 455, in buffer_load_from_fileMemoryError: Could not call speex_resampler_cpp::staticResampler. (C:\libaudioverse\src\libaudioverse\kernels\resamplers.cpp:20)Exception in thread Thread-275:Traceback (most recent call last):  File "", line 801, in __bootstrap_inner  File "", line 754, in run  File "", line 1998, in playsound2  File "site-packages\libaudioverse-development-py2.7.egg\libaudioverse\", line 675, in load_from_file  File "site-packages\libaudioverse-development-py2.7.egg\libaudioverse\", line 455, in buffer_load_from_fileMemoryError: Memory allocation error: bad allocation (C:\libaudioverse\src\libaudioverse\buffer.cpp:148)Exception in thread Thread-198:<
 br />Traceback (most recent call last):  File "", line 801, in __bootstrap_inner  File "", line 754, in run  File "", line 2002, in playsound2  File "site-packages\libaudioverse-development-py2.7.egg\libaudioverse\", line 738, in value  File "site-packages\libaudioverse-development-py2.7.egg\libaudioverse\", line 701, in node_get_int_propertyWindowsError: exception: access violation reading 0xUnhandled exception in thread started by >Traceback (most recent call last):Exception in thread Thread-211:Traceback (most recent call last):  File "", line 801, in __bootstrap_inner  File "", line 754, in run  File "", li
 ne 1998, in playsound2  File "site-packages\libaudioverse-development-py2.7.egg\libaudioverse\", line 675, in load_from_file  File "site-packages\libaudioverse-development-py2.7.egg\libaudioverse\", line 455, in buffer_load_from_fileMemoryError: Could not call speex_resampler_cpp::staticResampler. (C:\libaudioverse\src\libaudioverse\kernels\resamplers.cpp:20)Exception in thread Thread-217:Traceback (most recent call last):  File "", line 801, in __bootstrap_inner  File "", line 754, in run  File "", line 1998, in playsound2  File "site-packages\libaudioverse-development-py2.7.egg\libaudioverse\", line 675, in load_from_file  File "site-packages\libaudioverse-development-py2.7.egg\libaudioverse\", line 455, in buffer_load_from_fileMemoryError: C
 ould not call speex_resampler_cpp::staticResampler. (C:\libaudioverse\src\libaudioverse\kernels\resamplers.cpp:20)Exception in thread Thread-221:Traceback (most recent call last):  File "", line 801, in __bootstrap_inner  File "", line 754, in run  File "", line 1998, in playsound2  File "site-packages\libaudioverse-development-py2.7.egg\libaudioverse\", line 675, in load_from_file  File "site-packages\libaudioverse-development-py2.7.egg\libaudioverse\", line 453, in buffer_load_from_fileWindowsError: exception: access violation writing 0xException in thread Thread-214:Traceback (most recent call last):  File "", line 801, in __bootstrap_inner  File "", line 754, in run  File "", line 1998, i
 n playsound2  File "site-packages\libaudioverse-development-py2.7.egg\libaudioverse\", line 675, in load_from_file  File "site-packages\libaudioverse-development-py2.7.egg\libaudioverse\", line 455, in buffer_load_from_fileMemoryError: Could not call speex_resampler_cpp::staticResampler. (C:\libaudioverse\src\libaudioverse\kernels\resamplers.cpp:20)Exception in thread Thread-216:Traceback (most recent call last):  File "", line 801, in __bootstrap_inner  File "", line 754, in run  File "", line 1998, in playsound2  File "site-packages\libaudioverse-development-py2.7.egg\libaudioverse\", line 675, in load_from_file  File "site-packages\libaudioverse-development-py2.7.egg\libaudioverse\", line 453, in buffer_load_from_fileWindowsError: exception:
  access violation writing 0xException in thread Thread-212:Traceback (most recent call last):  File "", line 801, in __b

Re: Beta Tester Application for "A Hero's Call"

2017-06-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : jack via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Beta Tester Application for "A Hero's Call"

And a possible barrage of unnecessary emails and messages from anxiously curious folks, no less. Lol!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: sharing thoughts and remixes/transcriptions of audio game music

2017-06-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : assault_freak via Audiogames-reflector


Re: sharing thoughts and remixes/transcriptions of audio game music

As a musician, I would definitely say the opposite... but writing is all well and good, but the amount of times it takes to get right playing it is exactly what makes me feel so accomplished once I actually get it right. But this is coming to the guy who hasn't composed all that much. lol


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Questions about C++

2017-06-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : jonikster via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Questions about C++

About C ++, pointers and other complex topics I just need to understand. The question is whether C ++ is suitable my first post.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Humans vs robots, public beta released!

2017-06-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Sean-Terry01 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Humans vs robots, public beta released!

Hi all, I'm really enjoying the game, but, I think my character is messed up. every time I track something and go to pick it up, It doesn't show up in my backpack. I keep going for the garage and car keys on the forest map,  and even some 9mm ammo. But, they aren't in my backpack.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Humans vs robots, public beta released!

2017-06-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : SLJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Humans vs robots, public beta released!

I still can't connect, and I'm getting a message which I don't understand when trying to do so.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list