Re: Retroarch is now accessible

2020-07-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Garr via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Retroarch is now accessible

I found this, there's an official installation guide but I don't remember where it is.Rubyel wrote:I haven't even played those yet, so I can't say if it's accessible or not. As for RetroArch, you have to go into the RetroArch folder, it's located in  your C User Name App Data Roaming. In there, open the RetroArch.cfg file, and find the line that begins by ai_service_url. Here is the line in my file, if you signed up on it should be the same:ai_service_url = " api key"To bind the service to a key, you've to go in setings input and find the AI service line. There, type enter and then the key you want for that service. Hope that helps.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Your choice? Would you restore your vision?

2020-07-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jeffb via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Your choice? Would you restore your vision?

@51 thumbs up. I understand the point that you're afraid of sensory over-load and the time it would take to adjust but rather die than see I can't understand.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Your choice? Would you restore your vision?

2020-07-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jeffb via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Your choice? Would you restore your vision?

@51 thums up. I understand the point that you're afraid of sensory over-load and the time it would take to adjust but rather die than see I can't understand.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Pokémon Crystal Access

2020-07-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : KenshiraTheTrinity via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Pokémon Crystal Access

The only help you will get is from talking to people and reading signs and books.I believe there is a key that gives your coordinates, but don't remember what it is.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: samurai shodown neogeo collection!

2020-07-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : KenshiraTheTrinity via Audiogames-reflector


Re: samurai shodown neogeo collection!

No because it is the ps2 classic version


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: shadow rine full voice version released

2020-07-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : derekedit via Audiogames-reflector


Re: shadow rine full voice version released

Best I can tell, once you get your stats past a certain point, really the only thing that can hurt you is falling in pits. Some of the fights, like the orb, are just a slog. I was going to try and level the sword to 50. Isn't that the highest level? I thought it was, but I think someone also said it could go much, much higher. I wonder if they meant by cheating the levels, which is dumb. I have no intention of doing it that way. Playing it normally has just gotten painfully slow. I'm at 44 or something. If there's a faster way to do this without cheating, I'd like to know what that might be.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Your choice? Would you restore your vision?

2020-07-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : thetechguy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Your choice? Would you restore your vision?

Agreed with 51.


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My Youtube channel

2020-07-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : AlirezaNosrati via Audiogames-reflector


My Youtube channel

I made a channel on Youtube recently, I upload gameplays of videogames and audiogames without commentary.Right now I'm playing Mortal Kombat 11 and For Honor … 7TTMNcJm7Q


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Re: Lords And Knights: Who's still playing?

2020-07-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : titan_of_war via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Lords And Knights: Who's still playing?

i used to, but i just keep forgetting about it, so i stopped.


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Re: Dreamland-official version

2020-07-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Diego via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Dreamland-official version

What makes me dislike this game is that it has many things on its own.For example: Going into navigation, monsters and selecting a monster, or in quests, he goes alone!Would there be any way not to do that and instead he would show us the path?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Retroarch is now accessible

2020-07-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Diego via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Retroarch is now accessible

I ended up asking the wrong way.  I would like to know how to get the key to paste in the retroarch, for example the obtained via google translate.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Pokémon Crystal Access

2020-07-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Draq via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Pokémon Crystal Access

A couple questions:First, is there a way to access the in-game help? Or is that just a Gameboy thing?Second, is there a list of tiles and their numbers, or is there a way to make the script read the tile's type instead of things like 26, 41, etc?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Your choice? Would you restore your vision?

2020-07-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : nidza07 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Your choice? Would you restore your vision?

It needs saying, this topic is a perfect demonstration of how blind people are isolated from the real world. Here I must clarify that I am not talking about guys like Jayde or Nocturnus who provided very valid points and reasoning, but seriously? You don't want your sight back because of voiceover, audio gaming or whatever else? First, if your life depends on something as insignificant as an audio game, that is a real problem. Second, theoretically, there is no reason why, if you so choose you can't continue playing audiogames. However, I can't ever see myself doing that with millions of mainstream games available in any genre. Would I rather play a real fighting game with actual combos or a space bar masher? As for Voiceover or any other screen reader, that really should not need any explanation. Would you  rather Tap WhatsApp, wait for VO to say it and double tap, or just look at where it is and tap to open it? Would you rather scan a screenshot using seeing AI and read it or just read it directly? Some of the posts in this topic really make me laugh hard. Maybe to  an extent I can even understand not being completely certain about it, but seriously, better express that than outright saying no and giving such reasoning. One last point before I go to sleep:Someone else said, god made you blind for a reason and it must be a good one. So let's illustrate that. You are born with a disease. A medicine is found, and you tell to a doctor no sir, god made me like this so I will continue being blind? Well, if you want to be that religious, god gave you an opportunity to massively improve your life.PS: I hope the "I would rather die than having sight" is a troll.


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Lords And Knights: Who's still playing?

2020-07-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : bcs993 via Audiogames-reflector


Lords And Knights: Who's still playing?

So decided to give this another shot after a 4 year absence. I'm glad to see that it's still accessible, although the new features like emblems, rubies and stationed lords are new to me. I'm just curious since I haven't seen any discussion on the game on here in a while, but is anyone still playing this and on what server? I started on USA 17.


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Re: samurai shodown neogeo collection!

2020-07-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : cyco via Audiogames-reflector


Re: samurai shodown neogeo collection!

Do you get it with the Xbox version?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: For those who care; I'm back.

2020-07-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : TheGreatCarver via Audiogames-reflector


Re: For those who care; I'm back.

Lucas1853 wrote:@50: Why? Why should it be your right to delete contributions that you did not make? I support your right to delete or edit any post that you make all you want, but when you delete a thread, you are deleting contributions from others.Obviously you're not like the other guy saying you're going to leave the forum, but if he's leaving I obviously can't get answers from him, so I just seek to understand your viewpoint.It's more of an idealistic thought. Frankly, if we could trust everyone to use a delete system appropriately, I would rather have the feature. Other platforms allow people to delete what amount to threads; Facebook immediately comes to mind as such a place where this is permitted. I'm sure that even deleted posts on platforms like Facebook are logged so that those tasked with enforcing the platforms rules and terms can still punish those who misbehave. But if users are abusing the delete button on to avoid repercussions for their nasty behavior here, and the administrators find that disabling it is the best course of action, I have no problem with losing the delete function.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: shadow rine full voice version released

2020-07-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Shiro via Audiogames-reflector


Re: shadow rine full voice version released

Hi. I have a question. How can I get the after story of this game? Do I unlock it by getting sertain ending? Thanks for the answer.


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Re: d20MUD Star Wars

2020-07-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : flameAlchemist via Audiogames-reflector


Re: d20MUD Star Wars

does the game have anything from the old republic error? I was wondering if I could buy the ebon hock. also I have some mods that are for knights of the old republic and knights of the old republic 2. They have sounds in them if your still making a soundpack, I'm just not sure how you would get the sounds from the mods. I could find the origenal knights of the old republic sounds.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: samurai shodown neogeo collection!

2020-07-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : assault_freak via Audiogames-reflector


Re: samurai shodown neogeo collection!

Yep, that was a cool surprise. I'm not a huge fan of 6 though, so I didn't download it. haha. Hoping someone will have at least some of the menus, though. I'm figuring a couple things out, but not as much as I'd like. haha.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: samurai shodown neogeo collection!

2020-07-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : KenshiraTheTrinity via Audiogames-reflector


Re: samurai shodown neogeo collection!

Hey, apparently you get samshow 6 for free if you buy the collection off of the psn.


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Re: Your choice? Would you restore your vision?

2020-07-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : titan_of_war via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Your choice? Would you restore your vision?

i have gla comma, probibly spelled rong, lol, but a few years ago  i herd about doctors taking the ise of dead people out and making them work again, and put them in us,  onestely... i find that a bit creapy and i havent herd of stuf like that sense.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Audio-only livestreaming platforms

2020-07-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Audio-only livestreaming platforms

@9It didn't used to be, and until maybe 3 or 4 years ago audio/video elements either weren't universally available, had accessibility issues, or both.  But now that Flash is dead, it's literally the only way that a browser can play either, and even the stuff that offers custom player controls is forced into customizing them (typically by hiding the browser-provided controls, sizing it, and providing your own).  I think there's ways to feed them from _javascript_ and I know they can also be fed from WebRTC, but the browser vendors just generally replaced the custom audio/video control market because they got tired of flash.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: the astral warrior versus the insectoids

2020-07-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : khomus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: the astral warrior versus the insectoids

OK, so here are my comments. In the very first post:  I'd say you need to tighten things up. There are two many characters, and it's like you're trying to set up three or four backstories. I feel like you're trying to add mythic depth without having something to begin with. Also, the whole powers thing. The Insectoids have like twelve ways to just up and destroy a planet. That feels like too many. There's also the problem of their prison. How are they imprisoned, if they have all of these powers? I'm not saying they can't be, I'm just saying you want to nail some of that down.In the next post, you've rewritten a lot of stuff. But I feel like, again, you're tossing in all of these allusions and speculations, do the rivers come from the land or does the land/mind make the rivers.  There's too much of that, and not enough actual stuff. I get what you're trying to do. But you need some kind of plot/outline first. You have to have some kind of plan for where you're going. That doesn't have to be for the whole thing. Maybe you go "OK, the betrayers, but they weren't really betrayers", how's that story work? You don't have to write the whole thing, for us or even for you. But you should at least have an idea in your head of what that is and how it fits into the larger story. Again, doesn't have to be concrete. Maybe you don't know the full story yet, but maybe you write a modern story, in the current world I mean, and something in it is inspired by this betrayers myth.Oh back to the first one, is the ruler alive or dead? Sometimes you talk about him like he's dead. As I understand it, he set up the thing where the betrayers' heroic deeds are remembered, and not they're betrayal. then he died. But he also seems to be the current ruler. Is that a reincarnation, somebody who took the old ruler's name, what? We don't know. We should, if the ruler's going to be dead but the current ruler has the exact same name or is in fact the exact same guy who knew the betrayers way back when.Characters:  Start out with a little dictionary of your characters. If their names are going to be spelled three different ways, there should be a reason for that. If not, figure out a spelling you like, and stick to it. Write up a thing with the spelling of the name you like, and then a little bit about them, Khnaerdaag, advisor to the current king, her name means biter of the day, i.e. somebody who is ambitious, grabs the day with their teeth. You don't need an explanation of the names like that, I just gave that as an example. You could just do the name and the role.All of this stuff can be changed later, as you keep it going. So if it turns out to be for a game, maybe you change things because of interactions in the game. Maybe you just rewrite something, maybe you find a better name. That's fine, you can change all of that stuff, until you put it out in some sort of permanent form outside your head, so for example, if you publish it on a website or something, as a series of stories. But you should start working this stuff out. I get that it's cool to come up with ideas and just get them out there. But I also feel like it's easy to just toss out ideas and then never get to them, never sit with them, even if just in your own head, and figure out where they go, or if they're worth hanging on to. There you go, that's my advice.Oh yeah, one last thing, and this sort of applies to the powers and stuff. Your stuff needs to mean something. I'm not saying bionicized electro-lasers or whatever need to have detailed plans or something, but right now, all of that stuff is just technobabble. It's meaningless. I don't know what makes a bionicized electro-laser different from a magneticized breaker beam. Sorry I'm just making up examples and not pulling from your post, but hopefully you get what I'm going for. Also, watch some of your adjectives. At one point you say something like, the insectoids have antennae that are a foot long and three meters in diameter. If you made that hollow and put it on the ground, it would mean I could easily step into it, and then have enough room to lie down in it, and then quite a bit more. You know those plastic pools you can get for children that you can fill with water and put in the back yard? It would be about as shallow as one of those, but like two or three of them stuck together in a line for how wide it is. I mean I guess if that's what you're going for, that's cool, it's your universe. But it seems like a pretty strange way for their antennae to be.


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Re: Teaching React Native

2020-07-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Phoenix009 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Teaching React Native

HiNo, since in the last class, only one student appeared.In this class, if we have good attendance, we will start with an overview of JS.


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Re: Audio-only livestreaming platforms

2020-07-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : nolan via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Audio-only livestreaming platforms

@8 I don't know why I didn't think it'd be that simple. Relatively, anyway. I remember always downloading an M3U and having to consume that in an external player. Since I'm looking at a chat interface where I can actually embed iframes, I obviously didn't want someone landing in Winamp or whatever and having to switch back and forth. But cool, I'll put together a simple page with some UI and an audio element, and serve it up so it can be embedded. Thanks for that pointer.


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Re: EYMERICH - THE DEMON: Now Available World Wide on iOS!

2020-07-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : tayo . bethel via Audiogames-reflector


Re: EYMERICH - THE DEMON: Now Available World Wide on iOS!

@SLJ Thanks. I did as you suggested and maged to make it as far as the road t the monastery but then got turned around ... right back onto the road to the church. Do the exits dump you into the center of the map or is it  possible to go right back through without getting lost? This is very much a maze game; I wish the wall sounds were continuous, but I'm getting used to them. The clicks are easy to miss in the ambience though.


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Re: what do you think is the easiest instriment?

2020-07-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : an idiot via Audiogames-reflector


Re: what do you think is the easiest instriment?

Rastislav Kiss It's a youtube thing, I've linked a video below


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: what do you think is the easiest instriment?

2020-07-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : an idiot via Audiogames-reflector


Re: what do you think is the easiest instriment?

Rastislav Kiss It's a youtube thing


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: what do you think is the easiest instriment?

2020-07-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : an idiot via Audiogames-reflector


Re: what do you think is the easiest instriment?

Rastislav Kiss It's a youtube thing, more below


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: For those who care; I'm back.

2020-07-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : TheGreatCarver via Audiogames-reflector


Re: For those who care; I'm back.

Lucas1853 wrote:@50: Why? Why should it be your right to delete contributions that you did not make? I support your right to delete or edit any post that you make all you want, but when you delete a thread, you are deleting contributions from others.Obviously you're not like the other guy saying you're going to leave the forum, but if he's leaving I obviously can't get answers from him, so I just seek to understand your viewpoint.It's more of an idealistic thought. Frankly, if we could trust everyone to use a delete system appropriately, I would rather have the feature. Other platforms allow people to delete what amount to threads; Facebook immediately comes to mind as such a place where this is permitted. I'm sure that even deleted posts on platforms like Facebook are logged so that those tasked with enforcing the platforms rules and terms can still punish those who misbehave. But if users are abusing the delete button on to avoid repercussions for their nasty behavior here, and the administrators find that disabling it is the best course of action given how much more difficult it would be to implement other systems without direct webmaster intervention, I have no problem with losing the delete function.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: what do you think is the easiest instriment?

2020-07-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : an idiot via Audiogames-reflector


Re: what do you think is the easiest instriment?

Rastislav Kiss It's a youtube thing.


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Re: Multiple State Menus?

2020-07-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : amerikranian via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Multiple State Menus?

I think I understand it now, it's just going to be a matter of me carrying this over into code. Thank you.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: what do you think is the easiest instriment?

2020-07-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : khomus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: what do you think is the easiest instriment?

I'm going to include another song with nyunga nyunga mbira, because I can't believe I forgot these guys. They're awesome. This is Stango and Nongoma, Stango plays guitar, and Nongoma plays mbira. album's called Thatha. I bought mine on Amazon, digitally, but I think you can find it other places. Accordion is pretty cool, but they're pretty expensive. I've got a three-row button accordion, not a piano one, but I'd love to get one, even a simple one, just for the different sound.


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Re: Question about reaper

2020-07-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : UltraLeetJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Question about reaper

mikerschs2 wrote:Hi,The things with midi controlers never really worked in my case. My midi keyboard, a M-audio Keystation 61, has buttons for play, stop and record, as well as a few buttons to adjust parameters. But no matter where, in Logic, in Pro Tools, these buttons send high midi notes with the maximum touch to the daw instead of executing the actions. I reset my device and went in contact with my music store, but no matter what we tried, it didn't work, so I can't profit by these transport and control possibilities.keep in mind that some of those will be  optimized for some  software and in the case of others like logic or reaper, you need to assign these buttons yourself to the actions they are supposed to trigger. Thankfully reaper makes this really easy and I imagine there are already some of those assignations ready as downloadable files created by other users online for it.


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Re: samurai shodown neogeo collection!

2020-07-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : cyco via Audiogames-reflector


Re: samurai shodown neogeo collection!

Can someone write up a menu guide for this game? My OCR through both JAWS and NVDA don't read the screen right when I use the Xbox app on the PC.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: FaceBook is really starting to piss me off

2020-07-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Ethin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: FaceBook is really starting to piss me off

@25, Oh, I see. Thanks for that clarification.


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Re: are their any good harry potter fanfics with these criterias?

2020-07-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : flameAlchemist via Audiogames-reflector


Re: are their any good harry potter fanfics with these criterias?

I'm not sure about the draco ones. I do like snape ones.


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Re: FaceBook is really starting to piss me off

2020-07-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Socheat via Audiogames-reflector


Re: FaceBook is really starting to piss me off

@Ethin, when you hide your friend list, people can still see mutual friends, but not the whole list.


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Re: Help me with more manamon 2 please!

2020-07-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Socheat via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Help me with more manamon 2 please!

Just keep attacking it with the moves that hits hard. Also make sure that your moves never misses.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: what do you think is the easiest instriment?

2020-07-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Rastislav Kiss via Audiogames-reflector


Re: what do you think is the easiest instriment?

Btw, how did the idea that bass requires more practice than violin even appear? Is there some kind of joke that I'm missing?Best regardsRastislav


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: In need of an audiogame

2020-07-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : JayJay via Audiogames-reflector


Re: In need of an audiogame

its eccentially a post you make to get it bumped up in the topic liist


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Audio-only livestreaming platforms

2020-07-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Audio-only livestreaming platforms

@7I *think* you can just point an audio element at icecast.  Nowadays your integration is just built into HTML as long as the far side isn't using custom protocols or somesuch and can just hand you an MP3 stream over HTTP, though I've never personally done it.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: what do you think is the easiest instriment?

2020-07-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Rastislav Kiss via Audiogames-reflector


Re: what do you think is the easiest instriment?

Btw, how did the idea that bass requires more practice than violin appear? Is there some kind of joke that I'm missing?Best regardsRastislav


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: I need help with my computers ram.

2020-07-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I need help with my computers ram.

@10Firefox is now multiprocess as well, I believe.  Also those processes don't necessarily matter as much as you'd think.  I'd have to look into it specifically, but it's often possible to read the wrong set of numbers there and come away counting tons of shared regions of memory.What I can say is that unless Firefox has done a ton of stuff I don't know about, V8 wins as a JS implementation for memory usage, so much so that it's even able to use 32-bit pointers on 64-bit systems now through horrible black magic.  Lots of processes isn't actually a problem in itself.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: shadow rine full voice version released

2020-07-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Muhammad Hajjar via Audiogames-reflector


Re: shadow rine full voice version released

Jayde wrote:2. The final fight seemed a little bit anticlimactic, honestly, but I thought it was decently telegraphed anyway. I had no problem at all crushing it, though I was a bit confused at the end with the echoing voice coming from one side or the other, and the final boss seeming randomly vulnerable or invulnerable with no real rhyme or reason.Jayde, those echoing sounds you hear from once the left side and once the other are related to the enemy's invulnerability as knocking him to the side where you hear the echo from would break it. This is Aria, to my understanding, casting a spell that paralyzes him and makes him vulnerable to your attacks, and this is where you strategize your steps.


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A few questions about pokemon vortex

2020-07-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : sightlessgamer via Audiogames-reflector


A few questions about pokemon vortex

Hello, I heard that some people have managed to play pokemon vortex and I would really like to know how they did it. I was able to make an account log in get my starter and then start running around.The problem comes when I try to battle. The continue button or any button in battle really doesn't seem to work at all unless I switch to jaws and virtually mouse click it. This is strange because NVDA can't click it with the mouse or otherwise. I was wondering if anyone has found a workaround or if I have to contact the devs. Thanks for reading.


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Re: I need help with my computers ram.

2020-07-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I need help with my computers ram.

I don't think firefox does the whole, "Let's just launch 16 random extra processes just because we can", thing. That said, I'm not a fan of the browser. It fell out of favor since about 45 or so. A shame really, because I used it from 3.6 on until then but after that, I couldn't deal with it anymore.There's no magical thing you can do man. Either try to manage your resources or upgrade the RAM. memory's fairly cheap.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: what do you think is the easiest instriment?

2020-07-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Rastislav Kiss via Audiogames-reflector


Re: what do you think is the easiest instriment?

Hi there,@1: I would say nerves. I am naturally very good at playing on them. But seriously, when it comes to easiest instruments, excluding the really simple like your thighs or your bottle, I would say guitar and flute.It's true, that guitar can be quite complex to play more sophisticated things, but for many modern songs, you'll be just fine with few chords in your hand and few days of practice. The only problem is, that holding the strings will be kind of painful from start, if you have soft fingers like me, I don't play guitar for this reason.Flute is quite easy instrument because it has no chords, and most well-known melodies for it are slow. I don't recall any song, which I wouldn't be able to play on it after 30 minutes of searching the right holes to block.And even that is for full-lenght song, simple themes, such as My heard will go on, Hymn to the sea, or Perinbaba theme can be self-taught in really just few minutes, real experience.Now, as for the easiest instruments, which are actually interesting, that's another story.I recommend accordion. The instrument has a very nice and full sound, and you can play simple things quite easily even without a teacher.You won't be probably able to play faster things like Despacito without practice, as vertical keyboards is kind of unusual even if you have experiences with piano, but because modern accordions have a wide variety of chords playable simply by pressing buttons with your left hand, you should be able to apply creativity and create interesting and good-sounding songs even without long practice.I had one some time ago and in an evening, i was able to play few of my favourite piano songs in a very interesting accordion arrangement, just by trying and playing with the thing.My instrument was rather simple, with only two columns of buttons, modern acordeons have three or four columns, plus switchable registers, so you have a wide variety of tones to play with.Also, @violin and bass time travellers: even if bass players practiced 29 hours per day more than violin players, don't forget, that they change direction of bow and position of fingers 4 or 8 times less than violinists. And because it is not hard to manage a tone, but to change it correctly and in time, this is like just 15 hours of practice per day. The rest is just holding a tone, even a trained monkey can do that. Best regardsRastislav


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: I need help with my computers ram.

2020-07-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I need help with my computers ram.

Firefox isn't really that much better, if at all.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: samurai shodown neogeo collection!

2020-07-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : assault_freak via Audiogames-reflector


Re: samurai shodown neogeo collection!

I mean... that's the name of the game, so that would make sense. 


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Accessible coding boot camps for the blind

2020-07-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Accessible coding boot camps for the blind

@15If you go out of your way to set up for it you can talk about forking zombie children.  Forking zombie children are not usually words you put together--especially not nowadays, when fork bombs and zombie children are both solved problems--but yeah.Can also talk about forking orphans along the same lines.  This is all kind of stilted but it's not actually gibberish.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Accessible coding boot camps for the blind

2020-07-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : devinprater via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Accessible coding boot camps for the blind

Oh my gosh, rubber duck debugging! ( I don't think any programming jargon has made me giggle so much!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Retroarch is now accessible

2020-07-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : devinprater via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Retroarch is now accessible

The "live action" thing is in FF1, and the pack is somewhere in this thread. Only for Mac and Linux until NVDA's speech refactor thing allows RA to control speech more unless you can use SAPI5 in RA still.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: your thoughts: endless v.s. goal orientated

2020-07-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : devinprater via Audiogames-reflector


Re: your thoughts: endless v.s. goal orientated

I love goal oriented games. Endless is just boring.


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Re: Latest Mortal Kombat Titles

2020-07-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : ksapergia via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Latest Mortal Kombat Titles

I bought Mortal Kombat 11 during Steam's summer sale. It's great, but now I'm considering getting MK XL. How easy is it to navigate the menus in that version?Thanks.Yours Sincerely,Kelly Sapergia


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: what do you think is the easiest instriment?

2020-07-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: what do you think is the easiest instriment?

Yeah, violinists are n00bs and slackers only practicing 40 hours a day. Come on, get real!


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Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

2020-07-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jeffb via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

Yeah I agree it's bats not chickens. Think about it bats eat mosquitoes and mosquitoes can give you Zika virus, West Nile virus, Chikungunya virus, Dengue, and Malaria. They even traced the Corona Virus: to bats.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: samurai shodown neogeo collection!

2020-07-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : cyco via Audiogames-reflector


Re: samurai shodown neogeo collection!

I found it. I had to type in Samurai Shodown Neogeo Collection to get it to come up.Thanks for the help.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Multiple State Menus?

2020-07-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Multiple State Menus?

@17Almost.  I would say it like this: there is a state machine that is currently active, and any state machine can change the currently active state machine to another one.  Every menu is a state machine.If you do "the currently active state machine" as the top of a stack, every state machine also has the ability to say "go to whatever state machine started me", i.e. menus get back buttons.  If you do it as a single variable, then state machines can only "return" to one hard-coded specific state machine.If you stop reading there, you'll probably be able to make progress.  However:Don't get hung up on state machines.  Think about them as event handlers.  Getting hung up on state machines is a good way to be frustrated for a long time.  What you're actually trying to solve isn't "how do i know which menu is open", it's "How do I send keyboard input to something random that wants the keyboard right now".  That might be a menu, or the main game input handler, or the fishing minigame or whatever, doesn't matter.  I learned this sort of thinking too long ago to know if this makes sense as something you can think about now, or if you're going to have to come back to it in 2 months and go "wow this other problem is like the menu thing, maybe I can solve them both by...".


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

2020-07-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

Kjsisco, that's fair enough, I suppose. Bear in mind, though, that in small villages, bat bites happen, and related coronaviruses are found far more in bats than anything else. Hell, people in certain parts of China where these horseshoe bats are common even have coronavirus antibodies in their blood, which suggests that periodic infection is not uncommon.By contrast, the investigation I'm seeing now doesn't give this chicken theory any airtime. Yes, Chinese folk sometimes sleep close to poultry, but said poultry does not appear to be a serious disease vector in this case. If there is a study linking these two things causally, I have yet to find it.At this point, after the research I did last night, I suspect the most likely genesis for this outbreak is that someone was bitten by an infected bat, and the disease mutated into one of the forms it has now. I can't take the chicken thing completely off the table, but I don't think it's likely. Someone would've grabbed onto it by now, because let's be real about it. There are literally thousands of experts across the globe studying this, and today is literally the first time I have heard the chicken theory. That suggests one of two things. Either it's not a serious theory and was never considered, or discarded, or it's a massive, worldwide cover-up because nobody wants to admit the truth. I...tend to stay away from such conspiratorial leanings without very good reason, so if you're dead set on chickens being the source, we're going to have to agree to disagree here.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

2020-07-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

Kjsisco, that's fair enough, I suppose. Bear in mind, though, that in small villages, bat bites happen, and related coronaviruses are found far more in bats than anything else. Hell, people in certain parts of China where these horseshoe bats are common even have coronavirus antibodies in their blood, which suggests that periodic infection is not uncommon.By contrast, the investigation I'm seeing now doesn't give this chicken theory any airtime. Yes, Chinese folk sometimes sleep close to poultry, but said poultry does not appear to be a serious disease vector in this case. If there is a study linking these two things causally, I have yet to find it.At this point, after the research I did last night, I suspect the most likely genesis for this outbreak is that someone was bitten by an infected bat, and the disease mutated into one of the forms it has now. I can't take the chicken thing completely off the table, but I don't think it's likely. Someone would've grabbed onto it by now, because let's be real about it. There are literally thousands of experts across the globs studying this, and today is literally the first time I have heard the chicken theory. That suggests one of two things. Either it's not a serious theory and was never considered, or discarded, or it's a massive, worldwide cover-up because nobody wants to admit the truth. I...tend to stay away from such conspiratorial leanings without very good reason, so if you're dead set on chickens being the source, we're going to have to agree to disagree here.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: samurai shodown neogeo collection!

2020-07-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : assault_freak via Audiogames-reflector


Re: samurai shodown neogeo collection!

@5, please check again. I just checked the microsoft store for xbox1 and it's right there smack in plain sight.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

2020-07-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

Kjsisco, that's fair enough, I suppose. Bear in mind, though, that in small villages, bat bites happen, and related coronaviruses are found far more in bats than anything else. Hell, people in certain parts of China where these horseshoe bats are common even have coronavirus antibodies in their blood, which suggests that periodic infection is not uncommon. At this point, after the research I did last night, I suspect the most likely genesis for this outbreak is that someone was bitten by an infected bat, and the disease mutated into one of the forms it has now.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: samurai shodown neogeo collection!

2020-07-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : cyco via Audiogames-reflector


Re: samurai shodown neogeo collection!

This collection is not for all platforms. I have search the Xbox store.I did not find it. The only thing that I found was the six ACA Neogeo Samurai Shodown games. They are separate games for eight dollars a piece.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

2020-07-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : kjsisco via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

This is fare enough.  A simple search in google or even Youtube will show you how in some villages in China they sleep with there chickens so they don't get cold.  I am not making this up.  It's funny how both leftists and righties do nothing but battle while us slightly left democrats try to cut through the mainstream chatter.  It's like talking to the wall.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: I need help with my computers ram.

2020-07-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Simter via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I need help with my computers ram.

chrome is generaly a resource eating program. You should use other browsers like firefox,, especially because chrome also has the habit to start nasty resource grabbing programs in the background and don't close them even when chrome gets closed. And let me guess you have 4gigs and 2 cores? My old laptop had the same stats and it worked pritty good for what it was. I have learned that in most cases looking in the ram or the cpu usage doesn't have much to say, for me i always look how the performance goes and if it sucks i sort processes after ram and look what eats ram. I use classic taskmgr btw, donno if that is possible in new one.


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Re: cyber assoult questions

2020-07-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : michaelhoffman1976 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: cyber assoult questions

I thought cyber assault was no longer being up?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

2020-07-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

Kjsisco, this is the first I've heard of it spreading from chickens, and I've read hundreds of Covid-19-related articles.It doesn't mean you're wrong, but if you want me to take you seriously, you're going to have to do better than just making statements.Accman, I don't even have to argue anymore. You're blundering and flailing so badly that you're winning my arguments for me. Any further efforts I make are just for the sake of making sure others don't swallow the tripe you're spewing.Also, I'm...pretty far left, actually. I'm not an extremist - I definitely don't advocate that we start killing right-wingers or anything - but if you'd read the things I've been saying, you'd realize that my stance represents a pretty far-left ideology. Democrats in America are centrists, by and large; Biden is, just as one example, and so is Hillary Clinton. They have left-leaning tendencies, but fiscally they're either right of center, or so close as to make no difference. I'm a leftist, not a democrat. I also never accused you of being an extremist, but that Kool-Aid you're trying to share has the sweet tang of alt-right to me, and probably to others. So go on deluding yourself, patting yourself on the back and generally just saying "if you don't know, I'm not gonna tell you", because as we all know, that's an excellent way to make points. The rest of us will continue quite happily without you. Frankly? I can't wait for you to be silent on this topic, because it'll mean that when I respond, I'm actually responding to sense instead of feeling like I have to protect other people from dangerous ideas that can straight-up get folks killed. So yeah, good on you. Be quiet, let the rest of us sane folks speak, and hopefully this discussion will once more get back to some semblance of rationality. Good fucking riddance, bro.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: your thoughts: endless v.s. goal orientated

2020-07-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : kjsisco via Audiogames-reflector


Re: your thoughts: endless v.s. goal orientated

I have played both and I sort of like both types.  A game, for me, is just something to relax with and have fun so I'm not that picky.


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Re: Warsim, text based randomly generated stratogy

2020-07-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Caccio72 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Warsim, text based randomly generated stratogy

Yeah, now I will still get a better grip of the game at impossible level, after earning an extra 65k at that last arena stand...this is the starting "aid" I needed, but was hoping to earn it without any cheating tricks, and now I finally managed that!(it took me more hours of gameplay merely to explore the whole blackmarket, lol!


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Re: using nt light

2020-07-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : serrebi via Audiogames-reflector


Re: using nt light

NTLite requires you to use object navigation and commands to interact with those things.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: using nt light

2020-07-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : serrebi via Audiogames-reflector


Re: using nt light

A lot of that program, you must use object navigation and commands to interact with those.


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Re: Audio-only livestreaming platforms

2020-07-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : nolan via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Audio-only livestreaming platforms

@6 Thanks, the integration is already figured out, and I already run my own servers. I just need to know what software to use for audio, which it sounds like should be Icecast. Was hoping something like Soundcloud offered live feeds and simple embeds, but it doesn't look like they do.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: what do you think is the easiest instriment?

2020-07-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Rastislav Kiss via Audiogames-reflector


Re: what do you think is the easiest instriment?

Hi there,@1: I would say nerves. I am naturally very good at playing on them. But seriously, when it comes to easiest instruments, excluding the really simple like your thighs or your bottle, I would say guitar and flute.It's true, that guitar can be quite complex to play more sophisticated things, but for many modern songs, you'll be just fine with few chords in your hand and few days of practice. The only problem is, that holding the strings will be kind of painful from start, if you have soft fingers like me, I don't play guitar for this reason.Flute is quite easy instrument because it has no chords, and most well-known melodies for it are slow. I don't recall any song, which I wouldn't be able to play on it after 30 minutes of searching the right holes to block.And even that is for full-lenght song, simple themes, such as My heard will go on, Hymn to the sea, or Perinbaba theme can be self-taught in really just few minutes, real experience.Now, as for the easiest instruments, which are actually interesting, that's another story.I recommend accordion. The instrument has a very nice and full sound, and you can play simple things quite easily even without a teacher.You won't be probably able to play faster things like Despacito without practice, as vertical keyboards is kind of unusual even if you have experiences with piano, but because modern accordions have a wide variety of chords playable simply by pressing buttons with your left hand, you should be able to apply creativity and create interesting and good-sounding songs even without long practice.I had one some time ago and in an evening, i was able to play few of my favourite piano songs in a very interesting accordion arrangement, just by trying and playing with the thing.My instrument was rather simple, with only two columns of buttons, modern acordeons have three or four columns, plus switchable registers, so you have a wide variety of tones to play with.Also, @violin time travellers: even if bass players practiced 29 hours per day more than violin players, don't forget, that they change direction of bow and position of fingers 4 or 8 times less than violinists. And because it is not hard to manage a tone, but to change it correctly and in time, this is like just 15 hours of practice per day. The rest is just holding a tone, even a trained monkey can do that. Best regardsRastislav


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

2020-07-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : kjsisco via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

This was not spread by bats but by chickens.  I have heard this bat argument and it simply isn't true.  I have family in the healthcare industry that follow this thing closely.  Poor farming practices are to blame.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Multiple State Menus?

2020-07-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : amerikranian via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Multiple State Menus?

So an update with a clarification:Menus hold other menus. States hold other states. Is that literally it?If so... yup I feel dumb.


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Re: d20MUD Star Wars

2020-07-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : sneak via Audiogames-reflector


Re: d20MUD Star Wars

Your damage is going to be purely based off of the diroll of the weapon and any additional damage or attacks provided by feats. If all you're doing is leveling, and upping your dex, you won't see much damage increase. You need to increase your base attack bonus for additional main hand attacks. They're capped at 4 off of base attack bonus, or BAB. If you get double attack or triple attack, you will get two extra attacks at a cost of tohit. If you can't hit anything, it doesn't really matter how may attacks you can do. You will want pin point accuracy, and precise shot, as well as the dual weapon feats, it goes dual weapons mastery I, II, III, and perfect. Perfect gives you an extra off hand attack, and the other three feats remove penalties from dual weapon fighting all together. tactical fighter will also improve your damage and tohit based on your base int score modifier.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

2020-07-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : an idiot via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

Well, I found what was once the article, and  stories debunking  it, both of which are below. It’s pretty obvious why NIH would want this removed. I want whatever the people who came to this conclusion were smoking at the time. … unked.html … oronavirus


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

2020-07-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : an idiot via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

Well, I found what was once the article, and some news stories about it, both of which are below. It’s pretty obvious why NIH would want this removed. I want whatever the people who came to this conclusion were smoking at the time. … unked.html … oronavirus


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

2020-07-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : an idiot via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

Well, I found what was once the article, and some news stories about it, both of which are below. It’s pretty obvious why NIH would want this removed. I want whatever the people who came to this conclusion were smoking at the time. … unked.html


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

2020-07-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : an idiot via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

Well, I found what was once the article, and some news stories about it, both of which are below. It’s pretty obvious why NIH would want this removed. I want whatever the people who to this conclusion was smoking at the time. … unked.html


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

2020-07-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : an idiot via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

Well, I found what was once the article, and some news stories about them, both of which are below. It’s pretty obvious why NIH would want this removed. I want whatever who came to this conclusion was smoking at the time. … unked.html


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

2020-07-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : an idiot via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

Well, I found what was once the article. It’s pretty obvious why nih website would want this removed. I want whatever who came to this conclusion was smoking at the time. … unked.html


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: d20MUD Star Wars

2020-07-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : JaceK via Audiogames-reflector


Re: d20MUD Star Wars

Sodilemma. No matter how high my DEX/skills and feats and such are, I don't do more than 20 damage with an attack at level 10, no matter what and the quests I got have insanely tough foes to get through when I only do 1-2 damage a shot and have to whittle down their defenses.Sofew questions:1. So I've gotn jedi battlemaster as a class. What are some good force powers to pair with it? I'm using the training saber2. Is there any point to getting different ships...and how would I repair one?3. Is there a better class than jedi battlemaster?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

2020-07-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : an idiot via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end? … unked.html


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

2020-07-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : an idiot via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

2020-07-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Accman via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

Jade, no insults were intended, and the fact that you viewed them as such just show me how little you are engaged in reality right now. Take that as an insult if you want, but it also wasn't meant as such. Believe you me, if I wanted to insult people, even passively speaking, you wouldn't have to make yourself think it. The reason I brough all that stuff up is it is the reality of it all. You can choose to deny it if you want, but it changes nothing. The way you go along with every little regulation makes me think you're a good little left-winger too, so that accusation is right back at you. Of course I am not extreme right, and only an extreme leftist could make that accusation of me and believe it. Now, before you go off and get all wound up again, understand that I really do not think you are an extreme leftist. It's just that your accusations are exactly what one of them would say, and that's why I make that observation. As for having a sound argument against the left, they are the ones telling rioters to go and burn things, and go and loot. They're not stopping it, and it is the leftist mayors who primarily want to president to do nothing about it. It is the leftists who are promoting this damn cancel culture where they seek to erase parts of history they don't like. Oh, we now can say for sure it has nothing to do with any of this racism garbage because they wouldn't have gone after a statue of Frederick Douglas if that was the case. It is the left who are primarily pushing all of these shutdowns, and diverting funding in these stimulus packages to all kinds of other special interests rather than to the American people. It is the leftists who primarily like to throw out the whole Americans With Disabilities Act whenever it suits a particular need of theirs. It is the leftists who, earlier today, went after our Attorney General since they can't get anything to stick against the president. they displayed behavior that even a preschooler would not better than to display, interrupting any chance they could, and always asking to reclaim their time to make a point. Funny thing is whenever someone that stands against them does that, they are shoved back and told their time is up, so that's true leftist democrats for you in a nutshell. Also, let's not forget that these rioters and protesters have gotten away several times without being masked or practicing so-called social distancing, and the leftists who support what they are doing have said nothing about it. And, it is the leftists who primarily support the communism practiced in places like China and who would love to put America under that same system. So, there you are. As for backup that you seek, why the hell should I bother to provide it when all you'll do is dismiss it? I've been down this road before, and guess what, it involved members of the blind community. Odds are that even if I did tell you wear I found out about the study, you'd dismiss it as some conspiracy theory again. So, I am afraid you're going to need to "use the search feature" meaning your search engine of choice and go fetch. Do the research for yourself, and look at sources that you might not normally accept just to get all sides of things. Either that, or just continue to take whatever governments hand down to you, and stop bitching about how miserable you are having to follow the regulations. As far as I am concerned, this conversation, or lack thereof, is finished. Go and be a pawn if you like. I don't care any more. I've tried to reason with you, I've tried to provide evidence of things, and it's never enough for you. So, you want it, then go get it yourself. Have fun. I'll see you on other forums where more common sense seems to prevail. At least in gaming, we aren't at each other's throats. As far as this COVID-19 bullshit is concerned, do what you need to do and I hope it works out for you. I see this topic is primarily here to fit one side of this narrative, so I will take the hint and have nothing further to do with it. Good riddence to a perfectly good waste of time because that's about all this thread is, a waste of time and a waste of space.


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Re: your thoughts: endless v.s. goal orientated

2020-07-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : The Dwarfer via Audiogames-reflector


Re: your thoughts: endless v.s. goal orientated

My thing is if you're gonna make your game endless, it should at least have some kind of end anyway (endless should be a theoretical term to suggest that there's not a true objective, but you'll "finish" in the end) which is why I made the endless games I did, the way I did. They gradually become more and more difficult and you basically try to improve your skill to see how far you can get into the insanity, but you are going to die in the end and even though the game has no end goal, you will be ending it.  I don't really like endless games that are not like this, unless they're online and competitive.


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Re: Pokémon Crystal Access

2020-07-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : pika-san via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Pokémon Crystal Access

You can even do windows + m, and going back to the game.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Im searching good pokemon games.

2020-07-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : pika-san via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Im searching good pokemon games.

Ok, here are some hacks i've tested with the scripts for crystal:1. Pokemon choral (good story, but unfinished) with not allowing to learn hm to your pokemons2. pokemon orange (the scripts go weird for this game, but it's playable)3. pokemon rose version (story unfinished)Seems i failed creating a numbered list lol


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: shadow rine full voice version released

2020-07-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: shadow rine full voice version released

Just dusted this game off for the first time in awhile. Finished the playthrough I was on (impossible mode, if you're curious) and did the after story, and finally got the real ending, which I quite liked.I do wish this game were better translated, since even with JGT it feels quite choppy.A few observationsslightspoilersbeyond:1. The dungeons in the after story...holy god, they're tricky, especially the one in the capital. There's a truly evil 90-degree collapsing scaffold that almost killed me. I definitely didn't want to go back through that area, as it just seems like more effort than it's worth.2. The final fight seemed a little bit anticlimactic, honestly, but I thought it was decently telegraphed anyway. I had no problem at all crushing it, though I was a bit confused at the end with the echoing voice coming from one side or the other, and the final boss seeming randomly vulnerable or invulnerable with no real rhyme or reason.3. I can never, ever seem to get 100% collection rate, no matter how hard I try.4. It is possible to trap the second orb (the one in Rudarufia or whatever), and make it impossible to win the fight. If you get it into the bottom left corner, it won't move, won't spawn enemies and thus can't be swatted into the nearby pit. Trust me. I tried every character from virtually every angle.Now, I have a question. I haven't updated the game in a couple of years, probably since last year or even the year before, but apparently there is a new update. What has changed? Is any of it vital? Because apart from that bug mentioned above, this game is actually pretty free of issues.Another question. Last Hope is level 30 currently, I have something like 1000HP and 50 attack and defense from rubies and diamonds. Stuff on Impossible, when all mobs are glowing, did basically no damage to me whatsoever, and I crushed damn near everything. Am I ready for Desperate mode yet? My understanding is that mobs get tons of HP, and that makes me worry for certain fights, like the stupid fencer, who hits ridiculously hard.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: what do you think is the easiest instriment?

2020-07-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : khomus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: what do you think is the easiest instriment?

Oh here's another easy instrument, and kind of an odd one you don't hear about much, the kalimba/thumb piano. Here's the one I play, there are other ones. It's called the karimba or nyunga nyunga mbira.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Audio-only livestreaming platforms

2020-07-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Chris via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Audio-only livestreaming platforms

Icecast is the best way to go. Anyone can listen as long as they have a relatively modern device that connects to the Internet. If you stream in MP3, even better! I quit using it because no one would listen to my streams, so I suggest either getting used to the fact you will have very few to no listeners, or setting up a system for people to contact you while you stream. You could use Facebook, Twitter, Discord, etc.If you want a server, you can always get a VPS from Linode for $5 a month which would allow you to host Icecast, and anything else you may want such as a Team Talk server for guests.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: How to make music with out midi keyboard?

2020-07-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Karlitos via Audiogames-reflector


Re: How to make music with out midi keyboard?

I think sibelius is not that accesible because I can't change the parts a lone


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Audio-only livestreaming platforms

2020-07-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Chris via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Audio-only livestreaming platforms

Icecast is the best way to go. Anyone can listen as long as they have a relatively modern device that connects to the Internet. If you stream in MP3, even better! I quit using it because no one would listen to my streams, so I suggest either getting used to the fact you will have very few to no listeners, or setting up a system for people to contact you while you stream. You could use Facebook, Twitter, Discord, etc.If you want a server, you can always get a VPS from Linode for $5 which would allow you to host Icecast, and anything else you may want such as a Team Talk server for guests.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

2020-07-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

Kjsisco, the coronavirus originated in China. As far as where exactly it came from (i.e., how it went viral in humans), there's debate on that. It's possible that someone native to the area was bitten by a bat, got infected with a harmless virus which mutated, became communicable after said virus mutated, and then infected someone else. It's also possible that a lab, which was doing harmless tests on viruses, was directly or indirectly responsible for a leak. Indirect responsibility would be if one of the lab workers was unknowingly infected with said harmless virus and then passed it outside the lab. Direct responsibility would be if the lab's security protocols weren't in fact up to snuff, and what should've been a secure containmentspace turned out to have problems. It is also technically possible, albeit extremely unlikely, that this disease was released in a lab, and then deliberately spread into the public with cooperation from or direct threat from the Chinese government. I've ranked the theories in rough order of likelihood.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Audio-only livestreaming platforms

2020-07-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : nolan via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Audio-only livestreaming platforms

Thanks, all. Glad to know Icecast is still actively developed, or at least maintained. I'll give that a shot.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: I need help with my computers ram.

2020-07-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Chris via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I need help with my computers ram.

Either install more RAM if possible, or stop using so many programs at once. Windows takes up 1.6 to 2 GB alone, so you don't have much to work with.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: In need of an audiogame

2020-07-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : ilyas booneehee via Audiogames-reflector


Re: In need of an audiogame

what does bump mean in terms of your subject


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Help me with more manamon 2 please!

2020-07-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Help me with more manamon 2 please!

I believe you have to use attacks from three separate types instead of just wailing it with one or two types. May be wrong on this. I don't think paralysis or confusion matter much because it can't hurt you.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

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