Re: Help your developer make cooler games by donating

2014-08-18 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : ianr via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Help your developer make cooler games by donating

Just thought Id give some exacts on conversions to compare 800 pounds with 700 dollars.800 British Pound Sterling equals 1337.81 US Dollar.700 US Dollar equals 418.65 British Pound Sterling.


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Re: Help your developer make cooler games by donating

2014-08-18 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : ianr via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Help your developer make cooler games by donating

Just thought Id give some exacts on conversions to compare 800 pounds with 700 dollars.800 British Pound Sterling equals 1337.81 US Dollar.700 US Dollar equals 418.65 British Pound Sterling.So 800 pounds is getting quite close to twice as much as 700 dollars.


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Re: Tactical battle: Questions on making your own map pack

2014-07-06 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : ianr via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Tactical battle: Questions on making your own map pack

Hi SLJ,In the dev version, choose download map campaigns, then items and equipment example by Ian Reed.This has a single map that demonstrates items and equipment.You can copy the equipment and take, give, use, and drop item skills to get working examples.In the example map you can only take items if you are standing on top of them.You can press F4 when your cursor is on a tile with items and it will tell you which items are on the tile.When in the take, give, use, or drop item menus you can press F4 on an item to hear its description.The coin sound is built in and indicates that there are items on the tile.You could try beating the example map for a bit of fun and better understanding of how items work in play.Good luck!


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2014-07-06 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : ianr via Audiogames-reflector



Ah, too bad if thats changed.When I played earlier this year I tested the trick with huts and it worked.I believe I was in the loot screen, chose the loot to take and then there was an option to cancel, leave, go back, or something like that.Or maybe it was the next screen that let you choose between continue and leave.I also like your intentional deaths to pick up perks tricks.


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Re: abandonware archive. Now finally in one place!

2014-07-06 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : ianr via Audiogames-reflector


Re: abandonware archive. Now finally in one place!

@Sebby,I was able to get over a gig of data, but when I look at the BTSync icon in my system tray it says its uploading 0 KB/sec.Im on windows using the BTSync client, is there something else I need to do to get my client to upload?I have other folders, like some I share with my brother and they upload and download without me doing anything special.@jack, to echo keyIsFulls point, if this is an abandonware archive it shouldnt contain movies.They are huge, and illegal as well.


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Re: abandonware archive. Now finally in one place!

2014-07-06 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : ianr via Audiogames-reflector


Re: abandonware archive. Now finally in one place!

@Jack, thanks for cleaning that up.I wonder if youll have to restrict write access at some point.@Sebby, my client is again uploading, not sure what changed.I expect if you leave your client connected long enough you will get synced.


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2014-07-05 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : ianr via Audiogames-reflector



Hi Dark, this is a great walk through.I was especially interested to learn about the better perks from unarmed combat and also that stoking the fire serves no purpose.I noticed that you consider leather one of the most difficult resources to come by.Im not sure if the game has changed much since I played earlier this year, but if not then youll enjoy this tip as it will turn the insane mode youve been playing back into just hard mode.When you visit a hut or cave you end up fighting vagrants or monsters that often drop leather.The trick is to fight the monster, retrieve the loot from combat, then choose to leave the location rather than venturing deeper.If you do this then a hut will remain a hut instead of turning into an outpost.I used to visit cities and go several combat levels deep in them, as long as you never venture into the final exploration portion of the city it will not turn into an outpost.So, huts can b
 e treated as leather mines that you have to fight a weak monster for each time.And if you leave one hut near your base as a hut then the leather mine is very easy to travel to since its so close.Hope this helps and Id be interested to know if it still works.Ian Reed


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Re: Experiences with Infocom

2014-07-02 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : ianr via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Experiences with Infocom

I havent played much IF, but it does seem like every IF game should give a list of valid verbs for a single object and another list for use with multiple objects so that we can avoid the guess the verb problem.So for instance:pull object.push object.take object.smell object.examine object.smash object.step on object.jump on object.wear object.look through object.Just to list a few, but I could easily imagine coming up with 20 or 30.Even if some of them are rarely used it makes sense to list them so the player is aware of valid actions.Then have some for 2 objects:put object1 in object 2smash object1 with object2take object1 from object2combine object1 with object2eat object1 with object2push object1 with object2pull object1 with object2And the parser could add variants to the syntax such as take object1 out of object 2 instead 
 of take object1 from object 2 so both are valid.And add extra verbs that are synonyms to make things feel more natural, such as crush object1 working the same as smash object1.But one form of every possible action should be listed.And in fact it should only be one form of every action because you dont want a player to have to guess between put object1 in object2, and place object1 in object2, when either one should do the same thing.This doesnt stop the issue where puzzles are bizarre and counter-intuitive, but at least we have a reasonable set of actions to try on every object in the game.It also wouldnt solve the case where you want to put a cup on the table but that action wasnt programmed in.Though if it wasnt programmed in then obviously its not the correct action to progress in the game.You only truly get that type of free form experience in RP with a human GM.I remember some point and click 
 adventure games would use the mouth symbol only for if you wanted to talk to something.And others would sometimes use it to talk and other times use it to eat.Having a larger list of verbs than point and click games would allow for more exactness in the players intent while still listing them so we dont hit the problem with the fireplace that Dark mentioned in post 17.As another random thought.I used to play a series of point and click adventures called Quest for Glory.These included RPG elements as your player could learn spells and increase his combat stats.Spells were learned through interactions in the environment rather than when you gain a level.And the first game let you choose to be a fighter, theif, or magic user, so spells werent even required to solve the puzzles of the game, but they did provide alternative solutions to the puzzles.As an example of 1 of the puzzles:You came across a waterfall
  with a cliff ledge above it and something that looked like a stone door that was only accessible if you could get onto the ledge.Possible ways to solve it were:1. If you had the climbing skill you could try to climb it, depending on how experienced you were at climbing you might slip off or you might succeed.Either way youd lose stamina.2. If you were a magic user you could use the reveal magic spell to make a ladder appear.The magically hidden ladder was placed there by the hermit that lives behind the stone door.If you got in by some other means then the hermit would tell you about the ladder so that was always an option for future visits.3. You could throw rocks at the stone door until the hermit got angry about the noise and came out to see who was throwing rocks.Then through conversation you could convince him to make the ladder appear so you could climb it and visit with him.Climbing a ladder required no climbing ski
 ll.The game also let you specify whether you wanted to be walking, sneaking, or running as you moved.This way stealth could play a role in certain parts of the game.Interactive Fiction could also list verbs like those that change your general behavior but are not performed on a specific object.Sneaking being an obvious one.Hiding being another that could be used in combination with other actions to get passed a troll or some such.But again, I think its important to give the player a list of possible actions because leaving them with the entire english language as a list of options doesnt work well since the game designer can support only a small subset of it in code anyway.


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Re: Experiences with Infocom

2014-06-29 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : ianr via Audiogames-reflector

Re: Experiences with Infocom

Dark said RPG mechanics, not rig mechanics.And hes saying that the Interactive Fiction (IF) community does not like RPG mechanics in their IF games.URL:

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Re: A Chrono Trigger project

2014-06-29 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : ianr via Audiogames-reflector

Re: A Chrono Trigger project

Hi Devin,Its a slightly modified emulator + a secondary program that outputs the accessibility information.No rom is distributed or modified.So off hand it is windows only.It is possible that it could be ported to Mac, but not likely since I dont own a Mac, sorry.URL:

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Re: Tips for grouping with other players in alter aeon using Mush-Z?

2014-06-27 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : ianr via Audiogames-reflector

Re: Tips for grouping with other players in alter aeon using Mush-Z?

And a really basic command that took me a while to learn about is brief.Type brief to filter out the long room descriptions.URL:

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Re: Tactical battle: Questions on making your own map pack

2014-06-22 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : ianr via Audiogames-reflector

Re: Tactical battle: Questions on making your own map pack

In Default Unit Flags.txt you can see:health_max=20This is the default for all units unless overriden.In Warrior.txt you can see:health_max=30This is because warrior gets more health than the other units.In fire mage.txt you can see:mana_max=20Because the default mana max is 0 and a fire mage needs mana.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Tactical battle: Questions on making your own map pack

2014-06-21 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : ianr via Audiogames-reflector

Re: Tactical battle: Questions on making your own map pack

The parser versions were something I used while the way that I parsed files evolved.It allowed me to provide backwards compatibility.Most files are on parser version 10 now.Also note that if youre using the dev version the game will upgrade your map to parser version 10 when you save.And if youre not using the dev version then I recommend switching to it.Also there are a lot of experienced map creators who can give guidance on the mailing list.Unfortunately the map creators guide is out of date for the changes in the dev version.Most notably for the format of files, but looking at existing map packs can help you figure out the new format.I think the flags are still pretty well documented.Good luck!URL:

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Re: A Chrono Trigger project

2014-06-16 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : ianr via Audiogames-reflector

Re: A Chrono Trigger project

Hi threeblacknoises,You said: I have no wish to grake the law, I just want to help the blind people have a little taste of something they otherwise wouldnt get, as I doubt the zelda games; and others; will ever be made accessible.If for some reason nintendo finds out about remnant and wants to shut it down; for some reason; I will gladly comply.I say: I love these statements and feel completely the same about my project.Let me apologize for accusing you of illegal activity.I found your comments toward me and this project generally accusatory and negative, and in turn I didnt respond as well as I could have.Perhaps they were not meant that way.I find that text conversations are terrible between strangers because they lack tone.And so a message that may have been written with a pondering tone about legalities comes across as accusing.I did see you did a very good job of giving credit where credit was due on your pr
 oject.I dont think that changes the legality, but as you said above youre just trying to share something with the blind that they would otherwise not get to enjoy and stay within the law as much as is reasonable to accomplish it.I feel the same about this project.Id rather not continue this discussion in text form.If youre interested in continueing it please email me at and we can setup a skype call.Thanks,Ian ReedURL:

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Re: A Chrono Trigger project

2014-06-05 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : ianr via Audiogames-reflector

Re: A Chrono Trigger project

Hi 3blacknoises,I agree it would be nice to only add such accessibility features to copies of the game that are purchased through normal channels.The problem is that this is not realistic.The method of using an emulator to add accessibility features is already quite challenging.You said yourself that you were not even aware it could be done.If I were to try the same thing on an actual Super Nintendo or Nintendo DS I would have to introduce hardware that sits between the cartridge and the gaming console.Not only would it make things very expensive for me and for anyone who wanted to play with accessibility features, but it also makes the programming much more difficult for various reasons.If I went down that route I have no doubt the project would never reach completion.So Im left with 2 choices:1. Continue with the project as planned and rely on individuals to obtain a rom in a fashion that is legal in their country and leaves them with a good conscience. Perhaps by purchasing a valid copy of the game on another device even though it will never be accessible on that device.2. Cancel the project.Which do you think I should choose?As an aside, you said: The parts of snes9x and the crono trigger rom could be packed in a dat file and shipped with an executable to run this thing.That way, nobody is committing piracy.I say: Sorry but that doesnt make any sense. By doing that both the Snes9X creators and I would be illegally distributing copies of Chrono Trigger.That seems worse than leaving rom acquisition up to individuals.Perhaps you meant Id have to work with Nintendo so that they could then charge for the game with accessibility features.That would be nice, but again, not realistic.Nintendo has no interest in working with me to make their games accessible to a handful of blind players.As another aside it would seem that you are illegally distributing Nintendo and Capcom copyrighted sounds and perhaps music in this thread: it looks like you are distributing content from these Nintendo and Capcom copyrighted games:Super Mario Brothers,The Legend of Zelda,Metroid,Kirby,Mega Man,and Pokémon.Im not an attorney so perhaps this falls under some sort of fan remake allowance law.If so, Id love to talk to someone who is knowledgable about that because my project may fall under similar laws, especially since I am not distributing any Nintendo roms.You also expressed an interest in knowing how adding accessibility features to a Super Nintendo game can even be accomplished.Id be happy to explain this over the phone.Feel free to email me at and we can setup a call.URL:

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A Chrono Trigger project

2014-05-30 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : ianr via Audiogames-reflector

A Chrono Trigger project

Hi all,Im looking for fans of Chrono Trigger who would like to be early adopters of a project Im working on.The project adds accessibility features to Chrono Trigger when played in the Snes9X emulator.Currently it is able to detect and read NPC dialog.It can also read the text displayed on the party menu such as character stats.It is still very much in prototype form and needs a lot of polish.As I get further I hope to add these features:1 Announcing the currently selected menu item.2 Audio cues that tell you when you are moving and in what direction.3 A menu that announces visible NPCs or containers and their positions on the screen.4 A grid examination tool, like the camera in BK3 or the grid view in Tactical Battle.5 And a few others.If youve played Chrono Trigger before and are interested in this project please send an email to to let me know.Dependin
 g on peoples level of vision and interest in the project I will share early versions of the project.For instance, if youre able to play most of the game using your vision, but cant read the NPC dialog then I could polish up the existing features and get you a copy that would be of benefit to you now.As more features get added it will become useable for more people.Thanks,Ian ReedURL:

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