Re: UFC 3 demo available with blind acessible trial

2017-12-03 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : jeremydhartley1975 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: UFC 3 demo available with blind acessible trial

Ok, here are some more thoughts after playing around with the beta a little more. First, I had success! I managed to win my second fight! I am still trying to get the timing right with blocking. I still get tagged even if I react just as the rumble starts.I think the faster rumble is for high shots, and a slower rumble is for body. That being said, I still can't dodge to save my life.  Of course, it is important to dodge as well as block, because when you block, you take some limb damage. But, no matter what I do I still can't dodge using the left stick. It may be a timing thing (probably is a timing thing). I'll of course have more later. I am going to try and play a game of "don't get hit" without hitting my opponent, just to practice timing.Jeremy


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: UFC 3 demo available with blind acessible trial

2017-12-01 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : jeremydhartley1975 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: UFC 3 demo available with blind acessible trial

I did manage to create my fighter and actually start an ultimate team fight under solo championships with my newly created aiiy fighter.A couple of initial thoughts, keep in mind I have only played one fight that went into the second round. First off, I lost! Grin I did notice the rumbles before strikes. That's super cool! What I find confusing still is which motor is rumbling for which strike. For me, it feels like both strikes have the same motor vibrating. Also, I notice that the rumble for a take down feels the same as a strike rumble?My last thought for now. I noticed that Mike Goldberg is out of the game, since he is out of UFC. A rather disappointing thing though is that his replacement does not seem to announce names of fighters when they are on the attack. In the past, Goldberg would announce stuff like "another right by Adams" if a fighter was last named Adams and he threw a right hand. Now, this wasn't all the time, but it was enough to get a pretty good idea when you were in control of a fight. I did not hear the play-by-play commentator announce a fighter's name or nickname once during a fight! This will make things way harder than in UFC 2. Also, I have noticed that the ground game vibrations have changed somewhat? Need to spend some more time trying to figure that out.I'll have more to say later, after messing about with this beta a bit more.Jeremy


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Re: UFC 3 demo available with blind acessible trial

2017-12-01 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : jeremydhartley1975 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: UFC 3 demo available with blind acessible trial

[[wow]]. I am finally finally finally getting around to trying out this beta, after downloading it earlier in the week.  I'm glad Karen and the UFC team posted the instructions for creating a fighter in the beta. I attempted to do this by myself using OCR on the Xbox, and failed terribly!  But, I will try again after reading the thread. I got half-way through the ultimate team tutorial. Will write back more when I get it working. Jeremy


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: UFC 3 demo available with blind acessible trial

2017-11-08 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : jeremydhartley1975 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: UFC 3 demo available with blind acessible trial

Cool deal! Yeah, I like that idea. Madden has the option in the settings menu, and I know that Karen is meeting with the UFC team, so that could definitely take place. We'll have to stay tuned. This is all really exciting! Jeremy


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: UFC 3 demo available with blind acessible trial

2017-11-08 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : jeremydhartley1975 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: UFC 3 demo available with blind acessible trial

This is not going to be most likely the final way to get the mode switched on. Accesibility implementation is a process. Things usually start sort of small and maybe a little rough, and get better over time. Think of this as a way to "test" out some ideas. I do like the idea of a controller combo, but again, we are talking about having some folks test out some concepts quickly, without going in and revamping a lot of the UI and introducing things that may involve getting an OK from other teams and the like. I personally think that having a little rough way (in the form of a string in the name) is OK, as long as it gets folks the ability to try out some accessibility ideas and build over time.


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Re: UFC 3 demo available with blind acessible trial

2017-11-08 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : jeremydhartley1975 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: UFC 3 demo available with blind acessible trial

Hi folks.This UFC accessibility mode thing came out of a personal discussion I was having with one of the UFC development team, long before I knew anything about what Karen and her team were doing over on the Madden side.I have been messing about a lot with UFC 2, and decided to go out on a limb and contact one of the developers on Twitter, and see what kind of response I would get. The dev was extremely interested in learning more, so we began discussing a lot about accessibility and how there are lots of blind gamers out there.By the way, in case folks missed it, I'll post a link to my audio guide to UFC 2 (still a work in progress).For hints on how to play UFC 2 as a blind player, see my six part audio guide and comments in this forum post will try to give you a run-down of some of the things that will be in this beta, and why we chose what we did (or why the dev chose what he did to put into the beta). At the time, the dev didn't know if he could go all the way with accessibility support (IE, using more sound queues and the like). So, he asked if he it would be helpful if he put rumbles (controller vibrations) for certain fight events. Since I have a real familiarity with UFC 2, I gave him some ideas.  First, there will indeed be rumbles for a strike coming, I believe there will be different rumbles for high or low blocking. Also, there will be rumbles for when a take down is coming. Currently in UFC 2, there is really no good way to tell when a take down is coming and defending the take down isreally really hit and miss. As Karen said, turning it on is a bit (well strange sounding at first). Let me explain. The dev figured initially that the quickest way to get accessibility changes into this beta build would be to have the mode toggled on by a string in the fighter's name. That way, he could put some changes in without messing about with the UI, which would involve lots of other folks getting involved. So in other words, one could create a fighter and use a certain string to trigger the mode. I suggested the string of a11y, since that is being widely used to describe accessibility. Unfortunately, he discovered that numbers are not allowed!  So, we settled on the rather silly sounding aiiy. Get it? a I I y. The i's look like print 1's! Yeah, I know a stretch, and hopefully Karen can get them to just include it as an option, but heck, we have to start somewhere, right? Jeremy Hartley


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Re: UFC 2 Blind gamer's demo and guide.

2017-11-07 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : jeremydhartley1975 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: UFC 2 Blind gamer's demo and guide.

One more thing regarding the stand-up combat. I will sometimes trade punches with a fighter, especially if things are going pretty well. Just like in a real fight, there is always a danger of doing that. I think the folks at EA wanted to provide a bit of realistic punching mechanics. In other words, knock out blows appear to be more powerful if the fighter is moving toward the punch while you are throwing it. I have fefinitely knocked my opponent out from standing combat a few times, sometimes it was in the final round and I was actually getting beaten! Grin Also, if you here the wooshing sound that a punch makes when it is dodged, you can always try to go for some punches. If you dodge a big strike, your opponent will be off his guard a bit. But the short answer is that it is rather hit and miss (pardon the pun). Grin


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Re: UFC 2 Blind gamer's demo and guide.

2017-11-07 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : jeremydhartley1975 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: UFC 2 Blind gamer's demo and guide.

Ahhh. Yeah, I knew I was missing a few topics! Grin Fight now was definitely going to be in the guide, along with purchasing moves.Here's the thing about the questions you had about increasing stamina and punch speed and the like. As you train, your stamina gradually gets better. There isn't a basic stamina drill, but drills like punching bag and feet bag will increase stamina as you continue to train. Same is true with ground drills and clinch drills. Regarding punching speed and power, you will want to really work on heavy bag hands and feet. Regarding going up in training difficulty level, you could probably try medium on some of the ground and clinch drills now, since you have some fights in your pocket. Punching bag training can also be attempted at medium as well. You can always try medium and hard difficulty levels once you have some fights under your belt, which you do now.Yeah, I need to really look over the manual that was posted. Karen very awesomely transcribed the whole thing by hand. The manual uses icons for the controls, so she had to write them all out in text. Which was totally awesome! Grin It is really easy to mix up right stick and left stick. I remember doing that a few times while recording the guide. GrinWill try to get more parts up in the next few days. Things got really busy here over the last week or so. GrinJeremy


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Re: UFC 2 Blind gamer's demo and guide.

2017-11-06 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : jeremydhartley1975 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: UFC 2 Blind gamer's demo and guide.

Good question.Here is the bad news. A lot of the "big" attacks appear to require the fighter to be at a certain distance away from the opponent. Currently, there is no great way to determine this (stay tuned in UFC 3 however). So, I have found that sustained standing combat is a bit of a guessing game. To be honest, most of great standing attacks came when I was fighting as an actual UFC fighter in Fight Now. I can certainly do another part talking about purchasing moves and perks.Great record, by the way. My legend record was 34-4.


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Re: UFC 2 Blind gamer's demo and guide.

2017-10-26 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : jeremydhartley1975 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: UFC 2 Blind gamer's demo and guide.

Yeah, most definitely. Yesterday was very crazy.  I haven't done a lot with parties and online play, but my gamertag is wholenote1.And, for anyone who is interested or was wondering, part 7 of the audio guide will come out sometime this weekend.Jeremy


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Re: UFC 2 Blind gamer's demo and guide.

2017-10-23 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : jeremydhartley1975 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: UFC 2 Blind gamer's demo and guide.

Hi.I will post comments as I think of things, since I have been playing this game for several months now.First off, let's talk about a few major game play pain points.Training the fighter:There are a few training drills that are difficult if not impossible to complete. I am referring to the quick strike training drill and the heavy bag hands and feet drills. Quick strike relies on a combo being displayed on-screen for a second or two, and the fighter must then use the displayed combo before the next combo is displayed. For example, the drill might show on-screen the command for a left uppercut, and expect the user to then punch using that left uppercut command. I don't even attempt this drill. Heavy bag hands and heavy bag feet are difficult, but I still manage to get a decent score. Basically, the punching bag will light up, either top or bot
 tom. The fighter then must punch in the area that is lit. In these drills, if you are punching in the unlit area, the trainer will yell at you. Only problem is that if you punch too many times in the unlit areas, you take a hit in your point total.Now, let's talk about take downs. Currently, it is not very possible to know when the opponent is attempting a take down, unless one gets lucky and it is pointed out by the commentary (not always the case). It would be helpful if there was some kind of rumble or audio feedback when a take down is coming. I have been able to block take down attempts, but it isn't perfect, especially in a fight that is going down to the wire. Submissions are also a sticking point. Basically, the submission game is a series of quick timed events. There are several gates on-screen, and the fighter must attempt to fill one of the gates befor
 e the submission completes. I can usually escape a submission attempt flicking the right stick left right up down left down up (basically lots of positions in an unpredictable manner). That usually works to trick the AI. This does not work however when applying submissions. I have yet to successfully apply a submission.Now onto things that I don't want to see removed from the game:The ground game is only workable now because of the controller rumbles. I can grapple pretty well, by relying on the types of controller vibrations as I am transitioning. I cannot, however, block opponent transitions, since there is a feature in the game that is preventing fighters from blocking transitions too early. So, without knowing when a transition is being attempted, I cannot even guess and attempt a block since it is most likely too early. One thing that got me time and time a
 gain is that the stamina bar is totally visual. When you start out as a created fighter in career mode, your stamina is really really really low! As a result, it is very easy to blow out your fighter quickly if you don't keep track of your stamina. I have developed some methods of gaining stamina back, but it took me lots of trial and error.I have already discussed with the UFC developer about wishing to know when a strike is coming from my opponent. I can currently block OK, but dodging is more of a problem, since right now, we don't know when a strike is coming and must guess. Of course, when one blocks a punch, they take a bit of damage to their limbs. If one can dodge a punch, they are in a better position to perform a counter-strike. I'm sure I'll think of some more stuff, but I wanted to quickly get this to you.Jeremy


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: UFC 2 Blind gamer's demo and guide.

2017-10-23 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : jeremydhartley1975 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: UFC 2 Blind gamer's demo and guide.

Hi.Yeah, by all means, if it works better for you to just go into the takedown, then that will be fine. IT is kind of half and half for me. Jeremy


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: UFC 2 Blind gamer's demo and guide.

2017-10-22 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : jeremydhartley1975 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: UFC 2 Blind gamer's demo and guide.

We just keep rolling along here folks.Time for part 6. Can our created fighter make it and win the Ultimate fighter tournament? I won't give anything away, but I will say it is quite a battle. I also talk about submissions, and we train the way I normally like to train fighters in this game. … 6.mp3?dl=1Believe it or not, we have another part to go, I want to talk about purchasing perks and moves for your fighter.Jeremy


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: UFC 2 Blind gamer's demo and guide.

2017-10-22 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : jeremydhartley1975 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: UFC 2 Blind gamer's demo and guide.

We are rolling right along now folks. Time for part 5. In this part, we talk about the ground game and relying on controller vibrations to tell you what is going on. We train top and bottom drills. We conclude by fighting in the semi-finals for the ultimate fighter tournament. Will our fighter continue to the finals? … 5.mp3?dl=1Part 6 should be up later today.Jeremy


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: UFC 2 Blind gamer's demo and guide.

2017-10-22 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : jeremydhartley1975 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: UFC 2 Blind gamer's demo and guide.

Good question. I am on a pretty good Comcast connection, and for the most part, I don't experience lots of lag. I am sure it can depend greatly on how fast your broadband connection is. I'm pretty sure it attempts to customize quality based on how fast your connection is.JeremyJeremy


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: UFC 2 Blind gamer's demo and guide.

2017-10-22 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : jeremydhartley1975 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: UFC 2 Blind gamer's demo and guide.

Ok folks.Here comes part 4 of the demo / guide. This part will cover three more training drills (clinch control, take down offence and take down defence). And, of course, we'll fight the next round of the Ultimate Fighter tournament (quarter final round). … 4.mp3?dl=1Jeremy


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Madden Accessibility Update

2017-10-21 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : jeremydhartley1975 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Madden Accessibility Update

[[wow]]. I think I need to switch to another difficulty level other than rookie. Right now, with my Oakland Raiders franchise, I am 3 - 0 with scores of 77-7 in the first game, 55 - 3 in the second game, and 49 - 3 in the third. I mean, I love piling up the points, but I think I am going to try a different level to see how that goes. Jeremy


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: UFC Blind gamer's demo and guide.

2017-10-20 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : jeremydhartley1975 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: UFC Blind gamer's demo and guide.

Oh cool! Thanks for this. Now, looks like I get to try out some new moves! Jeremy


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Madden Accessibility Update

2017-10-18 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : jeremydhartley1975 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Madden Accessibility Update

I have a quick question about something that hasn't really been mentioned here, at least to my knowledge.When a game ends in Franchise Mode, we have the option to "upgrade" players. OCR doesn't do a great job on this screen, but I did see that on Xbox, pressing y will choose auto upgrade. From there, if I press y, there is another dialog that I think says a auto upgrade. So I press a to auto upgrade, and from using OCR again, it looks like I am put back on the upgrades screen? A bit confusing.All that said, I am now 3-0 with my Raiders franchise. Still in preseason, but it is a start.Jeremy


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Madden Accessibility Update

2017-10-18 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : jeremydhartley1975 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Madden Accessibility Update

Hmm. I have now played two games, and while I have noticed some of what you talk about, I can certainly say that I have ben sacked my share of times and have thrown my share of imcompletions. Keep in mind that most of us are playing on rookie level, so it does stand to reason that we would have more success with certain plays than if we were on a harder level. After all, if they made rookie too difficult, nobody would play.  Sometimes in football, defences can get confused depending on what play the defence and offence calls, so it is not out of the realm of possibility you throw some big plays.By the way, if you don't throw, you your quarterback will be taken down to the grass. Ouch! And, finally, the accessibility guide did say that if you don't move the stick wh
 ile running, the runningback would attempt to head for the end zone automatically.Jeremy


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Madden Accessibility Update

2017-10-17 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : jeremydhartley1975 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Madden Accessibility Update

Ok, so now that a full day has come and gone, I have figured out what I was doing wrong last night. Actually, it makes sense now that I think about it. I wasn't backing out all the way to the playbook screen. I used OCR to help me out, and managed to get back on-track.  Now I can actually call running plays when I want.  At the end of my first preseason game, score was Oakland Raiders 42 Cardinals 10. I am coaching a Raiders Franchise. This is lots of fun!  Now actually need to get some work done at my day job before going back to week 2! Jeremy


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Madden Accessibility Update

2017-10-16 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : jeremydhartley1975 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Madden Accessibility Update

[[wow]]. I have just played through the first half of my first preseason game with my newly created franchise, using the Oakland Raiders. Cool thing is, I am up by 3 touchdowns!One thing that is really really really confusing me. I attempted to go into advanced play calling. From Coaches suggestions, I hit b to go to playbook, then down on the left stick three times and press A to select play type. From there, I chose a running play by going right once and pressing A and then A again to select a play. So far so good. Here is the problem. I must have accidentally hit right or something again, so now I am not sure where the heck I am in the playbook. I know from watching the video on playing first game in Franchise mode that play type remembers your last play. So, my understanding is that unfortunately, once a play is over, it doesn't default back to coach suggestions. If I ended a play in play types then I would resume the next play in play types? I assume then that if 
 I mistakenly selected something else like formations, then I am pretty much screwed because menus appear to wrap. I have even tried OCR, but it isn't too helpful.The part in the Madden Accessibility guide about advanced play calling does not make mention of the fact that menus don't seem to default back to coach suggestions before each play, but instead remain on the spot in the playbook you were at. Is this correct? Anyone have any quick hints to get back to the beginning of the playbook or coaches suggestion? I have even tried to pick a play and then guess where I might be in the playbook. That is a lot of wasted downs. Jeremy


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: UFC Blind gamer's demo and guide.

2017-10-15 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : jeremydhartley1975 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: UFC Blind gamer's demo and guide.

Ok folks. Here is Part 3. This part covers the beginning of training camp. We talk about the training menu, and the different types of training categories. We take a look at training our stand-up attributes (defence, heavy hands and heavy feet training). We conclude with another fight in the ultimate fighter tournament. Subsequent parts will cover more training drills in each training category.Link to Part 3. … 3.mp3?dl=1


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: UFC Blind gamer's demo and guide.

2017-10-15 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : jeremydhartley1975 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: UFC Blind gamer's demo and guide.

Well, I have also been able to escape submissions, even if there are QTES. It is not 100 percent foolproof, but it has worked well enough for me. I do know that they are trying to implement some rumbles in UFC 3.Jeremy


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: UFC Blind gamer's demo and guide.

2017-10-14 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : jeremydhartley1975 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: UFC Blind gamer's demo and guide.

The training camp will be covered in the next part, sometime tomorrow, most likely. I will give some tips now though. First, even though it is tempting to train on the medium to hard difficulty levels, don't do it yet.  So much of this game is based on stamina, and your newly created character does not have the stamina to train at the higher levels. For stand up training, stay away from "quick strike" training. The reason for this is that each strike combo is listed on the screen for a second or two and then goes away. Sadly, I was never able to read that with OCR.For training things like heavy bag hands or feet, there is something that is not so good for us blind players. The bag will light up in the area where you have to punch. By the way, to throw body blows, use the left trigger along with the x and y buttons. Here is the trick to training heavy bag hand or 
 feet. The trick is not to throw so many punches you get tired. Throw like three or four punches then wait a second or two, and then throw some more. The reason for this is to keep your stamina up. Also, if you throw a punch and it is in the wrong area (throwing a head punch when a body blow is required), the trainer will say things like "what's he giving you, where's the target?" Throwing less punches will let you get back on target quicker.In the next part as well, I am going to discuss blocking and more defence. In short, you will block high with right bumper, and block low with right trigger. My advice, stick to blocking high! Protect that face. At this point, there isn't a real good way to tell when body shots are coming. This will most likely change in UFC 3, however.Jerey


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: UFC Blind gamer's demo and guide.

2017-10-14 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : jeremydhartley1975 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: UFC Blind gamer's demo and guide.

Another quick thing, Simba wondered if all those restarts would count against statistics. The answer is no. While you are in the Ultimate fighter tournament, you aren't technically in the UFC, so you don't have an official record yet. Your first UFC fight that counts is the finals of the ultimate fighter tournament. After that, any wins and losses count for good. Jeremy


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: UFC Blind gamer's demo and guide.

2017-10-14 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : jeremydhartley1975 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: UFC Blind gamer's demo and guide.

Ahhh! I wondered who would be the first one to say that.  To be honest, It took me lots and lots of times at first as well. I had to figure out the clinch and all that. I shouldn't say this, but well, it took me something like 2.5 months to win my first fight!  That's why I am putting this guide together, to hopefully lessen your frustrations. That being said, it does take practice and lots of restarts at first. Good job!Jeremy


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Part one of the UFC2 demo/guide.

2017-10-13 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : jeremydhartley1975 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Part one of the UFC2 demo/guide.

Ok, at long last, here is part two of the demo/guide.This part is longer than part one. We begin Career mode. We create our fighter and have our first fight. … 2.mp3?dl=1Part 3 will cover training the fighter and more fights, ultimately going to the finals of the ultimate fighter so that you can hear the commentary. Commentary is not included in the first four ultimate Fighter tournament fights. This makes fighting more difficult, but certainly not impossible, if you practice and take some tips that I include in this guide.Part 3 to come sometime this weekend, if all goes well.Jeremy


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Part one of the UFC2 demo/guide.

2017-10-13 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : jeremydhartley1975 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Part one of the UFC2 demo/guide.

Hi.I am actually not playing the game on the PC. I am using the Xbox App for Windows 10, which is connected to my Xbox 1. That's why it appears that I am using the PC, because of the Xbox app. Keep in mind, my method I am using only works with latest version of NVDA, Windows 10 and the Xbox app along with the xbox 1.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Part one of the UFC2 demo/guide.

2017-10-11 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : jeremydhartley1975 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Part one of the UFC2 demo/guide.

Hi Karen,I sent you a PM with the dev's name. He has been really really cool and responsive, and I don't know if he would want his name out there in a public forum. Better to be careful. Part two of the guide which will focus on creating a fighter in career mode and having our first prelim fight should be up sometime tomorrow. Things are sort of getting back to normal after the fire scare, and we are keeping our fingers crossed that we don't have to evacuate. Of course, stuff can change over night, but that's the plan. Thanks for all your patience, everyone!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Part one of the UFC2 demo/guide.

2017-10-11 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : jeremydhartley1975 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Part one of the UFC2 demo/guide.

Hi Karen,I will most certainly compose a text document at some point explaining what the audio files mention. Over the last few weeks, I have been in touch with one of the devs on the UFC title, (found him on twitter and took a chance), an we have been discussing possible modifications to UFC 3. Lots of great stuff. GrinMy wife and I are back in our home in Napa, at least for now, safe from all the crazy wildfires that spread over the weekend. My hope is to continue the guide sometime tonight, unless the winds shift and the fire blows back this way. Fingers crossed. And of course, need to check out all the cool stuff in Madden! 


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Part one of the UFC2 demo/guide.

2017-10-09 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : jeremydhartley1975 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Part one of the UFC2 demo/guide.

hi. Just like in my earlier post, we did end up having to leave our house because of the wildfires. We should be able to get back tomorrow, and if we can, then I may post something about how to use the Xbox app with the screen reader.Jeremy hopefully tomorrow, I can begin posting more of the guide as well.


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Part one of the UFC2 demo/guide.

2017-10-08 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : jeremydhartley1975 via Audiogames-reflector


Part one of the UFC2 demo/guide.

I have just uploaded part 1 of the UFC 2 guide. All parts will be links to mp3 files on dropbox, with the ability to save or open the files. I had considered making just a text guide, but I realized that I wanted to demo some of the NVDA OCR features, for those users who wish to tackle this game using OCR. It certainly isn't perfect, but can be done on most screens, as you will hear.A quick note about part 1. This part covers the home screen, along with a high level description of the order of menus, and each menu option on the home screen. I skipped over a few menu options like customize and play live events. For some reason, OCR is just not working on the play live events screen. So, I describe the order of the menus going from left to right (skipping over Customize which appears one down from continue), and then going down for the final few menu options. We may revisit customize and play live events later.Part 1 concludes with an OCR example.I recorded this so that you will be able to hear the Xbox sounds, NVDA, as well as my microphone. Unfortunately, I discovered that my mixer that I usually use to mix all the sounds has quit, so I had to get creative. As a result, you will hear a bit of an echo on my voice, because the processing on my microphone kicked in. Not much I could do about that, because if I turned all processing off, then NVDA would sound aweful! GrinI may rerecord all these when my new mixer arrives, but this will hopefully tide you over. GrinLink to part 1: … 1.mp3?dl=1Next, in part 2, we'll actually go into career mode, create our fighter, and have a first fight!Jeremy


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Re: Would there be interest for a blind gamer's guide to EA Sports UFC 2?

2017-10-08 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : jeremydhartley1975 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Would there be interest for a blind gamer's guide to EA Sports UFC 2?

Yes, I have figured out training, there is a bit of a trick to it. All that will be covered, along with menus, of course menus. Grin I am sitting down with some coffee, and will begin recording in a few minutes.


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