Re: Serania - Path of the Scion is out now

2021-02-04 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Skhye via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Serania - Path of the Scion is out now

No reason why this can't be played in your browser of choice on a PC. It works fine in Safari on my iPhone.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Perceptron

2021-01-22 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Skhye via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Perceptron

Thanks, and sorry for the duplicate post. I did look back  through new posts, but didn't go back far enough.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list


2021-01-22 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Skhye via Audiogames-reflector



This is a new idol clicker game I discovered over on Applevis. Here is the description from the iOS App Store:Perceptron is a new incremental game which is based around the idea of building and training a neural network. The concepts behind a neural network have been distilled to their essence in this idle simulation. Not to say the game is simple. Sure, it starts simple with only nodes, training, and data, but soon balloons into a complex idle game with prestige and upgrades. Not to mention offline support. Take on the role of a young undergraduate student as you become quite the idle tycoon. Soon you'll be rivaling even GPT-3. Perceptron is not just another idle clicker. It was designed around the idea of training a neural network and has taken inspiration from many neural network topics. Who knows, you might even end up learning something.The latest update improved the game for screen reader users. I've been playing for a couple weeks now and haven't found any issues with Accessibility. Those who like clicker games will probably enjoy this one quite a bit. Here is the App Store link: … 1537908817


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Magistream, a casual idle clicker pet game

2020-07-07 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Skhye via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Magistream, a casual idle clicker pet game

I think he was asking for the link where we can play the game. Here it is:


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: infini crawl, text dungeon crawling rpg similar to the wastes.

2020-07-01 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Skhye via Audiogames-reflector


Re: infini crawl, text dungeon crawling rpg similar to the wastes.

Out of curiosity, I refreshed the page a couple times. I had to restart back at level 12 since my phone died while I was playing. After that, about 10 minutes later, I found a blue speckled egg. Awesome!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: infini crawl, text dungeon crawling rpg similar to the wastes.

2020-07-01 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Skhye via Audiogames-reflector


Re: infini crawl, text dungeon crawling rpg similar to the wastes.

Thank you for the egg boost! I haven't found an egg yet, so I'm hoping it will help. My second Playthru was really fast, but I'm still working my way through the third. I think I just got lucky the second time. Sometimes it is really easy, but especially in environments that damage health while exploring and searching, it can be much more difficult. I think there's a good balance.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: infini crawl, text dungeon crawling rpg similar to the wastes.

2020-06-29 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Skhye via Audiogames-reflector


Re: infini crawl, text dungeon crawling rpg similar to the wastes.

Do I need to prestige after retiring before I can find eggs? I retired the first time, played all the way through, retired again, and just started my third play through. I never found an egg during the second Play through and wondered if I needed to do something to make that happen. Great job with the new update, you really pulled out all the stops with this one. Loving it!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: infini crawl, text dungeon crawling rpg similar to the wastes.

2020-02-12 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Skhye via Audiogames-reflector


Re: infini crawl, text dungeon crawling rpg similar to the wastes.

I'm sorry to report that the Start button still doesn't do anything in the three iOS browsers I tried. Safari, Hrome and Edge. I'll do whatever I can to help test in Ios.I would really like to start playing in CHrome, but my cookie string doesn't carry over from Edge to Chrome. When I start a game, after clicking the link at the bottom,  I clear the data in the edit box and paste the string. In Edge, I'm still at level 27, but in Chrome, I start over at level 1. I've tried clearing browsing data in Chrome, but it still won't take the data from the cookie. Iz there something else I can try? In case it's helpful, here's the string.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


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: infini crawl, text dungeon crawling rpg similar to the wastes.

2020-02-07 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Skhye via Audiogames-reflector


Re: infini crawl, text dungeon crawling rpg similar to the wastes.

I'm sorry, I'm running iOS. I absolutely should have mentioned that. Wow, that extra link solved the problem, or at least it let me start my game at the level I was at before. I tried loading the game into Edge, Safari, Chrome and Ecosia, and all four browsers showed the Start button but nothing happened when I tapped it. I have no idea why iOS browsers would block the game, but I'm really excited to check out the new stuff and that I don't have to start over! BTW, I'm not surprised Mobile MS Edge behaves better than Desktop Edge. The mobile version was given accessibility TLC and a lot of sreen reader users have good things to say about it. Still, if Chrome, or another browser, works better with InfiniCrawl, i'll be happy to switch. I've been looking for a stable alternative to Safari, since iOS doesn't offer a way to change the default browser.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: infini crawl, text dungeon crawling rpg similar to the wastes.

2020-02-07 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Skhye via Audiogames-reflector


Re: infini crawl, text dungeon crawling rpg similar to the wastes.

Do you know if there is something keeping the game from running in mobile browsers? I have been playing in Edge, but I'm fine with switching to another browser. I hope I can export and import the cookie, I start at level 27 right now. right now all I see is the start button. When I press it nothing happens. I tried starting a brand new game in Chrome, but got the same result. Is there a setting I need to change? Can't wait to check out the new sounds! And let me add my thanks to those who have already thanked you for the pack size info. It's amazing how much A little thing like that helps. Keep up the great work!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: infini crawl, text dungeon crawling rpg similar to the wastes.

2019-12-31 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Skhye via Audiogames-reflector


Re: infini crawl, text dungeon crawling rpg similar to the wastes.

@malachi1616 Thank you for this fantastic game! I've been addicted since I found it just before Christmas. Thanks as well for the yummy presents that showed up after pieing on the 25th.I do have a couple suggestions or questions.First, would it be possible to put a tag on the pack tab with a number that indicates how many items it's currently holding and a number indicating it's current capacity? It could say, for instance, pack, 5/7, or pack, 28/30.  This could be given after inspecting the pack, but it might help make playing more efficient if the screen reader spoke the info when the pack tab was in focus.Second, and sorry if this is already available and I haven't figured out where to look. Is therer a way to find out how much hp your current opponent has, and how far you have to go until the end of the fight?I know I'll be back with more questions or thoughts. I just got posting rights and wanted to get these two questions out there.Thanks again!


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