Re: VGStorm Presents Manamon, a new fully featured RPG!

2017-10-17 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : boomstick via Audiogames-reflector


Re: VGStorm Presents Manamon, a new fully featured RPG!

Yeah, that was one big reason for me asking. My result was with using the latest vipre though, so it very well might not kick off with other scanners. Thanks for letting me know. 


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Re: Humans vs robots, public beta released!

2017-08-13 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : boomstick via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Humans vs robots, public beta released!

@BigGun, I think the weapons themselves are neat and as I understand it, there might be reasons why you'd wish to use the rockets especially for killing, as they can hit multiple robots at the same time, but I don't know that for sure. I currently don't have even close to enough dough to try out the rockets, but either way, I'd personally not wish to worry with whether or not my shot would accidentally send someone back to the safe zone. haha Take care.


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Re: Humans vs robots, public beta released!

2017-08-13 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : boomstick via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Humans vs robots, public beta released!

Things really opened up for me when I was able to get a decent  automatic at 16, I believe it was. I definitely think melee has it's place in killing some of the real low level bots, I'd not want to waste the cash for ammo to kill the easier ones, but there are also some pre-level 30 things I'd not want to use melee on. The area north of the forest, the road I believe it is, is a good example of this. It was one of the first areas where a robot was shooting back at me with a gun and it was either hit it at range, which requires at least the MP5 or take unpleasant amounts of damage. Once your defense is high enough, you can basically just stand there and let them shoot at you, but at pre-level 30, not so much. Another thing that seems to be not so great is the amount of cash you make from kills, compared to that which you spend to replenish ammo you use for X
 Ping. it might be that there's better weapons to use that allow for less shots per NPC, the shotgun might be an example of this at level 40, but with no real documentation on how the weapons differ from one another, it's difficult to figure out. I honestly figured that this would improve, the higher I got, but even at level 80 now, making cash sucks the big one. Even a friend of mine who's 140 or so says roughly the same thing, which I find to be a little disappointing. Oh, yeah, and this silly bs where explosions from player's rockets and grenades killing you? Apparently this seems to be quite common in certain areas, where people will spamkill lower level players with the grenade launcher, which is a little silly. it does make for a nice quick trip back to the safe zone though. Only my opinion, but if explosions are going to effect players, shouldn't 
 bullets fired from players do the same thing? With the lag we often see on the server, the bullets taking seconds to hit a target, lets have a matrix-style sound so we can hear them coming so we can dodge them. lolNot sure if it's me, but I'd love to go Kung Fu spank ass on some robots too.Ah well, one can always dream.Take care.


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Re: Cyber assault mud

2017-08-13 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : boomstick via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Cyber assault mud

Yeah, I can certainly vouch for the mega chain gun, but at least when I had it, I had to get help in getting it. Even then though, it was either use charge as much as I possibly could in a fight to deal as much damage before I'd gotten killed, or I also found that you could sometimes soften some of the NPCs down a bit with explosives. Most things that required you soften them with giving a timed mine to them ended up still being to mean though and they'd just beat the crap out of me, even when I'd taken their hp down. You also have to be careful that an NPC you give a mine to doesn't come into your room after you've given it to him, else the explosion will definitely upset your day. All the same, the game does have some really neat areas, weapons, etc, I just think that it needs to be seriously re-balanced in making some of the areas work for pre-mort l
 eveling to make it more fun for starting out. I think that once you were to make it through two morts though, things would really open up in areas you could safely run and the game would be super fun then.Take care.


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Re: Humans vs robots, public beta released!

2017-08-09 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : boomstick via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Humans vs robots, public beta released!

Fun game and idea. Been playing it now for a few days and like it. I didn't particularly care for the slog it was to get from level 1 to 15 though, when I got my first gun. I found that it was pretty boring and really hard to make it through those levels. Not that it's worth anything, but might I suggest adding in either some lower level guns for those levels, instead of the knife or making it to where the progression from 1 to 15 isn't so drawn out?Pretty fun though. Take care.


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Re: Otherworld: The Land of Tirn Aill

2014-07-31 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : boomstick via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Otherworld: The Land of Tirn Aill

Hi,Noticed yesterday that the game was back up and had a few players logged on. Been slowly trying to figure out an accessible method to moving around outside the cities and havent had much luck. Heres what I know so far though, so hopefully someone can get a better idea of whats going on. Once youve toggled blind mode on, it replaces the symbols on the map with regular text, telling you whats located in that tile. This is all fine, and would actually be really accessible, if it werent for the map being in some strange configuration, or thats how it seems so far. I havent actually counted the number of tiles thats displayed on each line of the displayed map, but Ill assume that its around 20 or so lines, with about 15 tiles, from left to right. This, however, doesnt seem to be the case for every line of the map.As you move down on the map, line by line, you will reach an area that will tell you whe
 re youre located, shown by the word, you, obviously. So, lets say youre moving around the area that has the word you, a few lines above that, below that, etc, looking for the word area, which of course, designates an area, such as a city, or what ever. You find that two lines above where youre located, you hear the word area. Normally, if each line of the map had the same number of tiles per line, you could just count the tiles in relation from your location and figure out how to move there. However, you may have 15 or so tiles on the line that shows you, when the line youre interested in, only seems to have 10 tiles. This makes it quite difficult to get an idea of where your tile, is located in relation to the tile that leads to the area. Im guessing that from a visual perspective, the way the tiles on the map are spaced makes since, but unless you h
 ave your screenreader inform you of spacing on each line, its hard. It may also be possible that Im missing commands to make things show up in a more accessible format, but with brief mode on, the way I have the map displayed is to use the scan command. Anyways, perhaps someone whos more familiar with the game can shine some light on this. Super cool game though. Take care and blessings.Jeremy, or, Genghis on the game. 


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Re: Otherworld: The Land of Tirn Aill

2014-07-31 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : boomstick via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Otherworld: The Land of Tirn Aill

Howdy all, Rather than removing/editing my previous post, Ill add another with more notes on playing the game and using the accessible maps here. Im also going to share the link to the topic with the admin Ive been chatting with, so hopefully others can provide suggestions/ideas on stuff I may have missed or could be better implemented. Originally, Id said that the maps were not being correctly displayed, having different numbers of tiles shown on each line. While this is still the case, its more so an issue with the client and how large the window is and how much room youve got on your display. Currently, using words to show the terrain types, there isnt enough room in the window to show the same number of tiles per line, as would be shown if you were using the regular symbols. Ive not actually tested it, and the Admin has been ab
 solutely wonderful in coming up with ideas on making things work without client side changes, but either making the window much larger or changing the font to be considerably smaller would probably fix this. So, just waiting to see what happens, but, as I mentioned in my last post, once youve got things set up to show the map, and yes, it should be in a square, you can pretty easily figure out where youre located and find your way around, outside the areas. From what Ive seen so far, the game is truly wonderful, so come and check it out you guys, and lets get the number of players up a tad. Also, feel free to message me if I happen to be logged on and Ill help with what I can. thats for those who actually need a newbies help. haha Take care.Blessings.Jeremy


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Re: Otherworld: The Land of Tirn Aill

2014-07-15 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : boomstick via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Otherworld: The Land of Tirn Aill

Yep, as far as I can tell, its down, which is unfortunate.Just had long enough to get one or two levels and poof! hahaAh well, looked like a pretty neat game. Take care.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Otherworld: The Land of Tirn Aill

2014-07-14 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : boomstick via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Otherworld: The Land of Tirn Aill

Hello all,I know that Im adding a response to an old post, but I just found, and started playing this game about two weeks ago. Was kind of hoping that someone more familiar with the game knew what was going on with it? Having found the post for it here, I created a character and while it hasnt had any players, the game was up and working. Just a few days ago though, this hasnt been the case. As was pointed out back in the first post, it does have a lot of really neat features, so just wanted to see if someone else knew what was happening.Perhaps not the area for asking, but if its that the game is down, is something else like it around?thank you.


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