Re: What do people believe when it comes to religion and or spirituality?

2015-07-12 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Spiraling Wyvern via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What do people believe when it comes to religion and or spirituality?

Uh, on the morality bit a few post back, this is why we don't let children be in charge of anything until they learn the basic concept of morality, whatever the environment tends to lead them towards.  Yes, children are selfish and self-centered at birth, but this is further worsen by the fact for the first few years of a child's life, the attention and center of the baby/chid's world is them, and thus they'll favor situations that benefit only them.  ON the same vain humans are born morally bankrupt, Christianity/Cahtolocism/whatever you feel like inserting here will not solve these problems to something that may think Jesus is a type of candy.  One can say one might use concepts from those places to teach morality, but in the long run morality is not completely defined as something from one group/God, and considering different groups religious or otherwise, all each a form of morality, we cannot assume one source is the defacto provider of mora
 l beliefs  (Though, considering like was put in front, we'll take that organization as an example).    Also, societies existed before most of the major groups like Christianity were organized enough to do something.  In order to form some sort of society, one needs a method of keeping everyone in line to prevent people from going Road Warrior on each other for lands and supplies.  Though this might not be the only motivation to band together into civilizations, having the security of not being attacked at night for my cows beats the issue of submitting to a higher authority in the early civilizations.  And in order to maintain a society that can agree to work together, certain unwritten (or written) rules are agreed upon that most people may call morality...or common sense to most of us in the 2000's.  Granted, most organized religons help with reinforcing these concepts very well as we all come to agree stuff like not steali
 ng and helping out others is a good thing.  (whatever that means to a person is usually different).     ...Also I don't think what a pair of twins that are just forming, and have no sense of intelligence counts as displaying selfishness in humans.  It sounds more like a biological reaction that can occur when more than one being inhabits the womb, though I'm not a biologist so I won't comment on this further.        Shrug, I'm going to keep mostly silent for the rest of this.  Most of my views come from attempting to interpret oncepts from political science and philosophy.  Even though religious figures do appear in those fields of study, I'm not exactly aware on how most religons or most scientific theories work.  However...    One weird thing I've noticed people do here is that they seem to be taking one line, and stretching it to the most ext
 reme interpretation to try to invalidate the statement, despite the previous poster explaining the definition of a word or concept in their post.  For anyone continuing a discussion, trying to pull this stuff off kind of makes it look a bit childish and petty.  (Though for all I know I probably just did it too with the beginning portion, sort of a hard thing to notice honestly unless it's extremely fragrent).


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Re: What do people believe when it comes to religion and or spirituality?

2015-07-17 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Spiraling Wyvern via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What do people believe when it comes to religion and or spirituality?

Honestly, the reason I tend to find the idea the world is only 1 years old come on a few things that probably would not exactly make sense within a small timeline:     First, despite what you may think on the carbon dating method in detemrinig how long ago something existed, apparently a large number of creatures existed, and died within a small timeframe.  Also if human origins existed within that set of 1 years, most likely none of us would be having this discussion as we'd probably would not be alive as a species.  Despite what one might think on evolution, how species interact with each other and invade tends to be a quite painfully observable thing.  As much as our use of tactics and tools would of kept us over medium to slightly large creatures, considering dinosaur bones tend to be a thing, I would think if anyone tried making any civilization of some sort, they would of encountered these beasts, and most likely get ho
 rribly wrecked.  Granted, we coul dof just formed societies more easily once the various other creatures died out but then one has to wonder what killed them all off so quickly to have an unusually large number of species be obliterated like that, and somehow not take us with it.  Some ideas were put forward on what exactly whipped out the various creatures of certain timelines, and probably would of taken us with the rest.  (Granted, the bible does put forward a lot of purging events where a few humans survived, maybe it's version of representing how this could of be handled, but then we would find the aftermath of these events more easily if that was the case.  I'm pretty sure a story about a volcano erupting with enough force to send flaming mounds of ash and magma across the entire world, and plunge the world into a deadly smog is something survivable for a human, or mentioned in the Bible.  (though as an opinion, having the skies lit up with f
 lames froma  volcano or some force that can inact that that purged the lands except for a few someone decided to keep safe in a sanctuary would probably have been an epic story over a flood:P)   though back to being serious    The other issue I have with that concept is something someone mentioned to me when I was supposed to regard God's text when reading.  If I decided to take the word of the lord in a literal sense, at various points I'm going to miss the entire point and most likely do a lot of harm if that was the case.  As much as we do not understand God's plan for everything, this most likely could spread to understanding his written words.  And to a point, many contradictions within the Bible, and other holy books actually stem from human error as if one were to gather the words of the lord and write it down, uh, the exact wording could get muddied.  God is the perfect being here, and we all have m
 istakes.  Who knew accidently miswriting a date or a word could result in people being so divided down the line, or misunderstanding one concept over what might be intended, yet the message still can be understood if one were to think about all the inaccuracies, and all the other text that (to those who are religious) is true.  Again, I'm not an expert on religious studies or the various forms of Judism/Christianity/etc, but for all we know, over the thousands of years a God may of existed, we probably fucked up the original message a long while back.  (the telephone affect which can be observed with a large crowd of people if you want to see how badly something can get mangled).  For all I could understand, the world might not be 1 years old, but referring to something else as the world that is 1 years old (like man's arrival outside of the garden).  Again, understanding the meaning of the text is something I believe is still an ongoing pr
 ocess for everyone.  For all we know, making Christianity say things that are way too out there maybe a failure of our part, and something for a person to overcome to see the true message God would give.  But then one doesn't quite fully grasp the true message and fumbles it up slightly and the process repeats for everyone.  For all we know, the way everything was created was a lot more stream lined and less spectacular than what is given (but why would a perfect being need to over do it )  and like various other things that persist through the ages, tend to mutate and distort slightly.       Or I can be completely off as I do not go into these things as deeply as I probably should and these various issues were settled long ago.  but again, these issues were settled by humans so I maybe just created an infinite l
 oop for myself that I'll never get out of.  Honestly my interpretation of God is that he was the random number god responsible for the Big Bang (if that is true or not is another discussion) as the probabilities of the explosion happening, forming materials, forming a certain set of 

Re: memories of a spammer.

2015-07-17 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Spiraling Wyvern via Audiogames-reflector


Re: memories of a spammer.

Agree that we were all tools in our youths, or that 7 blows hard as a game compared to it's other incarnations.   Cackle.       IN all honesty, Me thinks I'm still a tool at this point of life, though it's mostly limited to me acting as a mindless, psychotic fool that may stalk you to the end o time.   People are slightly surprised when I drop that personality and I'm actually just another person that can hold a conversation longer for 5 seconds.  Though one thing has to be mentioned, no matter what one person may think, they are never who they think they are when covered with the guise of being a random internet face. You may think your not acting any differently than in real life, but not notice your being 5x dickish or rude than you actually are.       So I probably do not think badly o most people on the internet, unless you are aware of your behavior and decide
  to worsen it on purpose, or try to be malicious on the very deep end of reaching into personal threats for laughs. Than I hope you get hit by a bus.  That is all 


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Re: memories of a spammer.

2015-07-18 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Spiraling Wyvern via Audiogames-reflector


Re: memories of a spammer.

*freezes Dagonite in place with an ice related attack*   Mm, it's too late.  There is no backing away from this.  You can never escape the grasp of screwing with people from time to time.  Embrace your spammy side and grace the internet with your equipment for making someone's day...or uh ruining it.     ON another note, I seem to aim moe to humiliate myself on-line for some unknown reason.  Instead of trying to target someone else for my amusement, I tend to target myself and get amused at reactions from other people.  Though again, this translates into some people actually believing I'm an incapable bumbling idiot, though I should take that as a complement.  It means my actions are believable to a few .


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Re: memories of a spammer.

2015-07-18 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Spiraling Wyvern via Audiogames-reflector


Re: memories of a spammer.

My response to the series of posts above me:   nitpickingnitpickingnitpickingnitpickingI"mnotsureIspelleditrightbutIdon'tcarenitpickingnitpickingnitpicking.     ...For uh, a more readable explaination, I'm noticing unneeded hostility, that originated from a topic in which everyone tried to help out with an issue, and everything was mostly ignored.  And then drama started.  And now we're picking at small strands of downbringing Dark...   ...Gasps...   Gene is spamming!  It's sort of one thing when someone believes a person is being unreasonable, but in this case, everyone probably disagrees with these claims, and the fact your consistently nagging on this is something a troll or spammer would do to try to get a negative reaction from the target.  This is creapily in topic.     Also I do not actually act differently on he
 re. Considering everything involves working with gams, help with games, and serious topics on the offtopics board, there is sort of no reason for me to activate durp mode.  However, on muds, or rp games, I usually take up the mantle of the idiot to people who meet me just to scout out reactions from people.  Though on here, unless I exactly know you, I tend not to push buttons on purpose, and with people I do know, well it's sort of an act just messing around with them.


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Re: memories of a spammer.

2015-07-19 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Spiraling Wyvern via Audiogames-reflector


Re: memories of a spammer.

Honestly I kind of double-edged myself on purpose there.  Though the attempt was more to mirror what was going on as an affect, I'm going to admit, there's probably no easy way to doing it without severely antagonizing someone, and just doing it to a non-existant person probably will not be very effective.  Though uh, this does bring up a point on what probably some cases of spamming and trolling are based off:    May we introduce:  Stubborness and just being slightly different from the group.  Normaly, and I think Dagonite gave a potential example of one, though taken to an extreme, someone wanting to voice an opinion of something.  however, this opinion contrasts with 99% of the other posters who have a different opinion.  Now normaly after noticing the crowd one is in, they would tend to back off since unlike real life (where this sort of thing malfunctions in regards to the majority vs the minority), the internet i
 s quite violent when in the majority.  So when the discussion escalates, you have the lone few who seem like trolls because they cannot back down from an internet argument and are not trying to troll, and then another in which the majority bulley the minority for not agreeing and no one really stopping it as this usually happens more often in really large forums *cough* GameFAQs *cough*    Though, the standard hurpdurp trolls are the ones we're more likely to find, but sometimes those groups get mixed in together and it's hard to tell, as sometimes everything is caused by a lack of common sense on when to fold in an argument or discussion that's heavily leaning towards one favored opinion.      As much amanimity gives on the internet, it sort of takes a lot away one might need to hold up in an argument or discussion, since they're not actually aware of the potential population and may find themselves in a si
 tuation where in real life, they'd probably shut up a lot sooner, or not bother saying anything since there'd be 0 support or a probable riot.  If you know 90% of the 15 peple around you love something you hate, better not to piss everyone off in punching distance.  However, on the internet, no one can exactly tell who's in the discussion, and who is reading through.     Then the flamewars begins, casualties of both sides on the grammar front, and then moderation hats are thrown as bladed projectiles to bring down the more vocal parts of the trouble makers who find this chaos to sneak into and cause more noise.  *ducks misaimed hat*


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Re: What do people believe when it comes to religion and or spirituality?

2015-07-19 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Spiraling Wyvern via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What do people believe when it comes to religion and or spirituality?

The irony of the last post is that you can change the words of the last part and related names, and get the same message if we used Islam.  Also the explaination kind of doesn't leave the texts in the possibility of human interference after the fact of being written.  As humans not the people who were writing, we cannot just say God breathed through all of them.  In fac,t it's slightly a bit more damaging if only a few writers were not fully written by God, or were just lying to get points across (There's a lot of political messages in the Bible as much as there is the word of the lord).  Sadly, this is probably the most impossible thing for anyone to prove with all the writters being long dead.  (For all I know, the Bible is probably God's way of determining if anyone can truly understand his word...or it could be just a book a bunch of people making the World' greatest controlling medium).


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: What do people believe when it comes to religion and or spirituality?

2015-07-19 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Spiraling Wyvern via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What do people believe when it comes to religion and or spirituality?

Erm, the only issue of that answer for me is that it does give an explaination to followers on the authors being true, but there's stillt he question if it was not interfered with and altered by others or by the author itself after the fact for some reason.  Considering some of the texts that could of been in the bible were left out for varios political, or contrary beliefs, there is human influence on the book that can muddy the text a bit.  However, still reading through it, I do get a message built together that is fairly consistently formed, but uh, the text does have oddities.  For all I know that is intentional and means something buteh.  Back to reading again.   Also, we cannot just say Musims are wrong just like that.  It is kind of diving into the same methods some people dismiss Christianity with due to lack of actual artifacts and accurate historical information.  Also Islam probably also has its share of historica
 l information and digs that support some of their claims just as much.  (Also better combat edicate apparently with captured lands on their crusades back in the past, that's a plus for them honestly for those who actually keep to their virtues instead of applying/disapplying it by will).


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Re: memories of a spammer.

2015-07-19 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Spiraling Wyvern via Audiogames-reflector


Re: memories of a spammer.

*reuses the bunkers for the eventual Aethist vs Religious People's Crusade into Picnic tables*   That's a better way of putting it together in that format than I was able to actually think up in a short timespan.  And dying of sleep.  And starving.  And did not exactly finish a complete course through ethics due to time restrictions that eventually popped up.


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Re: Boston Pokemon Tournament Near-Massacre - Seriously

2015-08-26 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Spiraling Wyvern via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Boston Pokemon Tournament Near-Massacre - Seriously

So, it's probably within the link but, why were these nitwits planning on shooting a bunh of young adults and teenagers, kids, and their families?   I can't tell from the posted Facebook posts on what their problem was.      And this is where reporting potential danger and dumbasses being dumbasses and posting their intent very clearly on a social media site.  I have to admit, its nice when people literally turn themselves in before they start shooting.   On a last note, anyone notice we've been getting  a lot of near or tragic mass shootings this year?  What's with 2015?


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Assistance Using Wade machine Subtitle Reader

2016-02-08 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Spiraling Wyvern via Audiogames-reflector


Assistance Using Wade machine Subtitle Reader

So I'm rying to use that Subtitle reader Approan made a while back for me and a friend to watch a few movies and some Anime files we have with the needed .srt file and the videos converted to mp3.  However, when running the program, after I get sent to a terminal when creating the subtitled video, and press any key, it closes the entire thing and I don't notice anything made. I just see the wade machine close.  Opening the program back up and looking for anything new doesn't yield any new file to play the video with the subtitles read.  I know I can always just read the subtitles while watching if I have the files through notepad, but that's extremely clunky.   So anyone know what might be going on, or of any other software that works with reading subtitles?  On another note, is there just a program to read the .srt file with the time frames if I were to say, download a .srt file only and watch the subbed version of a show o
 r movie on youtube?


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Re: Assistance Using Wade machine Subtitle Reader

2016-02-10 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Spiraling Wyvern via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Assistance Using Wade machine Subtitle Reader

Does anyone know what the Wade Machine actually does with the file and .srt file?  The way the program is displaying picking a file when wanting to load a video, it seems it should be storing the videos somewhere after you do the create video file command.


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Annoying NVDA Issue

2017-10-24 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Spiraling Wyvern via Audiogames-reflector


Annoying NVDA Issue

So recently my virus scanning program thought something in NVDA was a problem and informed me to delete it.  I was planning to tell it to ignore that, but had to leave for a while.  While I was gone, my scanner performed an auto scanned and somehow removed something from NVDA.      Now, whenever I open NVDA, or have it interact with anything, I get the following error message constantly be applied onto the log viewer.ERROR - RPC process 4288 (nvda.exe) (18:49:16.848):Thread 9160, build\x86\remote\COMProxyRegistration.cpp, registerCOMProxy, 63:LoadLibrary failed for ISimpleDOM.dll     Though so far, the only thing I get out of it is an annoying error system beep and NVDA acting odd, requiring me to alt tab back out and in before it just continues on.  Though there was one issue where I went on standby and NVDA refused to respond, requiring a computer reboot.      I tried to fully uninstall and reinstall, but that did not resolve the issue.  Any idea what I should do to make it stop doing this?  Currently it is just highly annoying and the reader is still usable, but I feel like there's something really broken that I just haven't discovered yet.


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Any Windows 10 Users Experiencing Severe Slow Downs After Update

2018-01-09 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Spiraling Wyvern via Audiogames-reflector


Any Windows 10 Users Experiencing Severe Slow Downs After Update

Hello,      I was just curious if anyone else has had their computer suddenly experiencing a huge lag spike in their computer's operating and use.  Today, once I started up my laptop, it took literal minutes to open up applications, or functions of said applications, with a loading symbol appearing for every action, at times crashing my laptop.  The only difference from today and yesterday was an Windows update that was installed today.    Looking up said update, apparently there was a security flaw with some intell chips that resulted in a patch that would slow down computers.  Though for Window 10 users with newer computers, the slow down would be unnoticeable, but I'm starting to doubt that claim.  This all started today, and the update is the only change on my computer, which was purchased new only a few months ago, and is running Windows 10.


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Re: Any Windows 10 Users Experiencing Severe Slow Downs After Update

2018-01-10 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Spiraling Wyvern via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any Windows 10 Users Experiencing Severe Slow Downs After Update

Yeah, I'm going to go get this thing looked at later today at a nearby store to see what's causing the slow downs exactly.  But everything was quite fine before this Jan 9 update.  I'm starting to think maybe this new update also doesn't play well with NVDA, as I've also been having a bit of an issue with it.  Perfect this all begins a week before Uni restarts again.  If worse comes to worse, I can always cash in on that replacement warranty thing and just see if a  brand new laptop can circumvent some issues.  I've noticed my copy of NVDA does not properly do the virtual cursor for a while.    But this feels far slower than a 40% decrease in performance.  And again, this laptop should of fallen into the group that would be least affected by the update.


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Suggestions for a New Laptop?

2018-02-15 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Spiraling Wyvern via Audiogames-reflector


Suggestions for a New Laptop?

So, a month ago I posted a sudden issue I had with my old laptop, which I believe was an Asus Series Q825 laptop.   While that was being sent in for repairs, I purchased a back-up laptop.      I tried an HP Envy laptop last week, and noticed some annoying sound issues where at times sound would just completely vanish until a reboot.  Though, after an update, my sound started flickering badly before completely vanishing.  This prompted a return.      So I then just bought another Asus q825 laptop (after mishaps that kept giving me the 824 model) and things were going fine.  But the moment I got on Microsoft Edge, everything began to slow down emensely.  As well, when I go into the start menu, I notice NVDA start stuttering midway down the list of aps at around the M mark.  Currently I'm just avoiding using edge (yay Google Chrome) and openning the start menu, while staring wearily at the new monthly patch to see if any crippling issues will be brought up.     I don't know, I feel like everything has been going badly for me computer wise ever since that issue with the new patches that have been slowing down computers to varying degrees.  Does anyone have any recommendations for laptops they are using that seem to be functioning fine at the moment?  That or if anyone knows what's going on with this Asus laptop to start acting odd with microsoft Edge and the start menu despite being new?


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Re: Suggestions for a New Laptop?

2018-02-15 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Spiraling Wyvern via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Suggestions for a New Laptop?

I know that it might be recommended to avoid the updates, but it seems newer computers update most of the post-December patches before I can tell it not to do so.  Considering my issues seem to be related with microsoft related products so far (though power point has no issues right now, thank god), it's probably there doing.  I'm probably going to hold off on this Feb 13 update for a few days before going in and trying it, trying to monitor any discussions on the patch beforehand.  Though, if the oddity with the start menu continues, I might have to go back to the store I bought this laptop from and ask about it.      As well, maybe when I get my old Asus laptop back from repairs, I can get some information on the hell happened to it.


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Re: Suggestions for a New Laptop?

2018-02-16 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Spiraling Wyvern via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Suggestions for a New Laptop?

Eh, I might do the update after I do a bit of reading i need to catch up on.  Though ugh, I'm in agreement with the crappy audio drivers for HP.  I had a friend have their laptop crap out on them sound wise.      Huh odd.  I just realized that this laptop is running Windos version 1607, while the last one i had was version 1703 when I first got it.  Wonder if that might explain my odd experience with the start menu.  I should look into that after updating, and see if I can go back to 1703, or see if 1709 is safe enough to poke about.


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