Re: Opening ports on a comcast modem?

2015-05-24 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : neo_anderson via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Opening ports on a comcast modem?

in the old days you had to actually unplug the darn thing from the network, but leave it plugged in to power,...then typehttp:// log in with the password default, or user or something like i remember this one time i ticked off my cable company off so bad, because i actually changed the password to mine, so they couldnt log back in and make changes.hey it is, big brother after all these days.probably doesnt help much. either way. good luck.


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Re: Which SSH client should I be using?

2015-05-24 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : neo_anderson via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Which SSH client should I be using?

winsftpgoogle winsftpits decent for windowsworks well with nvdaive been able to copy files back and forthedit on the flyeven compile makefiles using it.good luckworks with windows xpvista78and 8.1/2last time i witn nvda and jawsgood luck.later neo.


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Re: Of wearables and implants

2014-10-21 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : neo_anderson via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Of wearables and  implants

OK lets see if all this will post. Last time I tried something of this size, it didnt go through. Dont remember if all of it did, or some of it did or what. But here we go. Its a long one boys and girls.And yes I may ramble a bit, but I did, word it this way to attempt to make a point.Its always more economically feasible to treat the disease, rather than curing it. To quote johnny mnemonic from the movie, and a few of William Gibsons books. At the end of the day people can be naturally greedy. The true problem becomes, how can this be exploited to make more money. Unless society learns to change its ways, four, or five of the top corporations will run everything, simply because they can buy others off.Computers can be rigged to make money, or throw money away. I know of a company that is purposely abusing there system, deliberately teaching there employees to wring certain items up a certain way, just to make fifty cents more 
 on a purchase. Add it up and its a decent amount. They dont think about saving anyone any money what so ever.Nearly the hole world, the corporation part of it anyway, are stuck in the present tense. They dont care about tomorrow, they dont care a week from now. All they care about is this quarter. Both on fiscal, monetary, and time terms.The true test will be, will these implants allow others to assist us, our armies, our compan9ies? Or is it better to string them along and keep this technology out of the system until we do not have a choice but allow our forgotten brothers in to the places the rest of them can go.Cellular phones were ready well over five years before they were produced to the public, however, they couldnt be released to the population until they found a way to limit their access. This way, we would be forced to pay for something that should have been free for all.As of this moment in time, we require compensatio
 n for the work we do. I am not arguing with that. In businesses its all about over head though. How much work can we squeeze out of this guy just so we dont half to hire another person to assist him. Or, why pay this guy just to keep our network safe, when we can hire another person that can also change the printer cartridges as well, and salter cables, and be our grunt as well as monitor our packets.Until society learns to change, we as a species cant change.Its why we are finally developing byo oil replacement fuel and hybrid cars, instead of attempting to make them run off of water. We no longer have a choice, or we are not given one. Either way you look at the situation. It will make sense.Its why we are scattered everywhere. The last ditch efforts before the hole system comes to a head and crashes.If we all focused on something, anything. Curing cansor, for instance. Just on that alone, we could get somewhere. But if we did,
  we would run the medical profession out of business. Lets not think of all the new technological advances we would have along the way. Or all the testing we would put animals and people through to get it done, and done correctly. Lets just think about the profit before hand. Instead, lets branch one company to do it, and under pay them what we call money, just to say were doing something. And over here well work on the affects of insert arbitrary research study here, just to spread ourselves thin.You see where Im going with this. I hope.Until everyone can get their ducks in a row, until we can all learn to get along with each other, until we can all really know what it means to do one to others as they would wish done to you. We can never really grow as a species.Sure some are doing that, but not all. Like I stated before, I, personally think there will always be that greedy one in the bunch, that selfish one.A true utopia like I would envi
 sion would never happen though, sadly. The inherent nature of humanity wouldnt allow it to happen. Both the good natured and the bad ones would have a voice for or against any idea give enough time and debate on the issue.So do I think bionics are possible. Yes, if they arent out there already.Do I think technology like that could happen. Yes, same answer as above.I, personally think it could, and should happen. For the betterment of all man kind.Society goes through fads, and media frenzies. Until all of us, as a society willingly chooses to allow it to happen, only then, it will happen. Until then, were running the proverbial rat race.


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Re: question for you guys about downloading things such as fanfiction in t

2014-07-30 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : neo_anderson via Audiogames-reflector


Re: question for you guys about downloading things such as fanfiction in t

HUH?YOURE TRYING TO TELL ME THERES A MORE SIMPLIFIED WAY TO DO WHAT IVE ALREADY BEEN DOING?ON FANFICTION.NET AND FICTIONPRESS.NET COM?IVE DISABLED MY STYLE SHEETS. SELECTING ALL, THEN SAVING.HITTING THE NEXT BUTTEN.then starting over document...lather, rinse repeat.theres a program that will save me from doing this fifty times?per fiction or horror, scifi link on these sights?please share the link?arg, blasted caps lock key.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: a question about blind friendly linux distributions

2014-07-26 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : neo_anderson via Audiogames-reflector


Re: a question about blind friendly linux distributions

Goodness I thought I could just jump into this one before anyone else could even reply to it. Part of the reason why I even bothered to recover this account to begin with.It does look like Hunter grunt/tward stole my thunder though. You go dude, Guy knows his stuff.I personally use Ubuntu on a daily basis. I have a laptop thats got it installed as a main operating system now as it is. I run it on a virtual machine on my new windows eight laptop that I got for Christmas last year. This year? And I can even run it as a virtual machine on the apple mini I got a few years back.I Was even able to install it with no sighted assistance what so is just as he said though. Spread sheets, document editing, even playing muds. Running your own mud, moo, mux. Mush server is possible on all my boxes, towers. Whatever theyre calling them now.Ive been meaning to try v-Linux, but never got around to it. I really should run it through its
  pases over here. See what I can make it crank out.Well, theres my two sense worth in. Ill just creep over in this direction now and check out the other threads while Im here.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Role playing over Skype

2014-07-26 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : neo_anderson via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Role playing over Skype

I loved role playing on skype. When I could get a big enough party or adventure group to do so.Did everything from Shadow run like clones, to dragon lance. To a few military styled games a few of my friends tried to develop. Loved it. And miss it greatly. God help me Im such a geek. Ive even played a modified version of cricket.G.M.As dice roller game, program, thingy. It helped out a lot.Later.NEO


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: A strange dilemma

2014-07-26 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : neo_anderson via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A strange dilemma

oh no, this one will make you laugh.Brain association is an odd thing to endure some times.Some times its attraction, both in the physical sense, and other times, its just your brain reacting and learning from reflexive responses.And like a habit, some times its hard to brake your train of thought, reflex, or learned responce... , no matter what it might be.To this day, because of things that happened to me when I was younger. A lot younger. Every time I hear a Reda and Runt song. From an unmentioned cartoon show, I actually find myself reflexively, reactively? Honestly.Yawning while certain parts are playing. The same, exact parts of the song.Every, single, time. Each time I play it. Even from old audio tapes that I found in a box from when I was a kid.The brain can develop some strange reflexes, triggers, Kata? When enough, or the correct stimulation is given to just about any situation.Ponder that one
  for a while.Hey, does that Rhyme?No, ok then, moving on.SHRUGS


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Trouble with reading a pdf

2014-07-26 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : neo_anderson via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Trouble with reading a pdf

I personally could never stand pdf files.I usually convert them to text format so jaws, nvda, orca, whatever can read them quicker. But thats just me and my limited hardware on this system.If conversion is what youre interested in.Calibre a good job with its command line tools.It converts a lot of formats into text and back again.Extracts text from a veritable cornucopia of files. Hey, theres a quote for ya?Works in windows xp, Linux, even the windows eight power shell, thing.Havent tried it on An Apple Device though.ebook-convert filename.pdf filename.txtpython scripts detect extention of file. pdf, epub. rtf, htm, html. well, i could go on.enjoy.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Audio dramas - Any suggestions?

2014-07-26 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : neo_anderson via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Audio dramas - Any suggestions?

ok time to throw my hat into the ring.due to me assisting my grand mother lately, also, add the fact that...since im usually one for having a short attention span i enjoy short fiction. fantisy and the like. horror of corse, as well.heres a few of my favorite choices.pseudopod for horrorhttp://www.pseudopod.orggood horror fiction. everything from zombies, to warewolves, to vampires, to just about anything horror related in there, a lot of back logs to catch up on there for me.on the pseudopod page you can find links to...escape pod.a good scifi scyfy? sight.escape pod. which is by the same company.for fantisy, there is pod castlesame sight above will link you.also pseudopod will link you to...drabble cast.which is strange. its the only way i can describe their short fiction.oddly enough you guys have already listed a lot of the ot
 her sights i usually go to.darker projects,Has Anyone mentionedhttp://www.brokensea.comyet?for books and a few dramas thereshttp://podiobooks.commost of my other sites envolvestories that are either incomplete, or not finished yet.i can post oodles more though? if you guys are interested.later,neo.p.s. yes, i do enjoy big finish. when i can scrape up the money to buy them though. theyre expensive, but quite good.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: uploading server

2014-07-26 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : neo_anderson via Audiogames-reflector


Re: uploading server

Swamp machine beet me to it again.everything frome-mail servers pop, imapto file sharing services...ftp, http. even your own personal clowd is possable. on your own home network. if you have the band width, and the speed to support music streeming...even hosting your own version of a mud version of star wars, or 4 liberty.dns servers can change your i.p. which is a bunch of numbers with a bunch of dots in there, to something like orical, even irc.ive did all this, and then some.sigh, some days, i still wish i took the red pill and just left here though.the skys the limit really. specially when it comes to networking.later.neo.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Alternative To Dropbox

2014-07-26 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : neo_anderson via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Alternative To Dropbox

oh come on, you guys already found out about sparkle share as well? good idea though. apatchi server linked to my sparkle share server might be good enough. with an ftp. good idea. thanks guys.


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