Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Addressing Some Concerns About USA Games

2014-04-14 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: scotf2012

Re: Addressing Some Concerns About USA Games

Well, Tom, I would say that although it is taking a long time, you've had a heap of trouble from the start.  Legal issues, language problems, etc.  I'm glad that you took the time to sort of waffle between a bunch of languages, since it's important to write in something that you feel comfortable in.There's a very well-known computer programmer, Steve Gibson, that also takes a long time to produce programs.  However, like you, he does research and, in his case, solves difficult engineering and security problems (you're obviously more game-oriented).  But either way, the end results will be rock-solid, and how anybody can say that's a bad thing mystifies me.Cheers.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] I want to make the online audio game

2014-04-14 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: scotf2012

Re: I want to make the online audio game

It's important to realize that making an audio game is not an easy task.  Since you don't know anything about coding, you should start there.  BGT, from Blastbay Studios, is a great starting point.  It's not cross-platform, and for me that's an immediate turn-off, but it's a C-style language and, once you learn it, you're pretty well set to learn C, Java, C++, and many other C-style languages.  As far as sounds go, you don't need to know how to edit to make something good.  Many sound libraries exist from which you can pick sounds and put them into your project.  Some are paid, some are not, but the point is that you don't need to be some audio engineering guru to make something quality.Again, I'll stress that creating an audio game is a pretty massive undertaking.  You will not download BGT, read a manual, and code a kickass game in a week.  It takes a lon
 g time, a lot of practice, and perseverance.Best of luck.URL:

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[Audiogames-reflector] The Eventual Famine

2014-04-14 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: scotf2012

The Eventual Famine

As we all probably know, Windows XP's support has ended .  As most people also probably know, many audio games were written in a programming language called Visual Basic.  Visual Basic applications are increasingly more difficult to run on modern versions of Windows.  Microsoft is dropping more components of Visual Basic in each new iteration of Windows, so it seems, which is pretty bad news for audio games.  If I have my information correct, all of GMAGames, PCSGames, BSCGames, some of L-Works, Jim Kitchen, and a whole host of others all wrote their stuff in Visual Basic.  (I know Draconis Entertainment originally used Visual Basic, but it appears as though it is actively trying to modernize its titles.)When Windows 9 is released, I shutter to think what will happen.  Will audio game classics like GMA Tank Commander, Pacman Talks, Troopanum, etc. be completely unpla
 yable?  That would be a real shame, because a lot of the Visual Basic-based games are incredible to play.  But the reality is, if none of these games are updated, the community will be losing I'd estimate at least 60 to 70% of games.What prompted my thinking about this was the recent USA Games topic, and Thomas's painstaking search to future-proof his titles.  Maybe I'm jumping completely off the deep end here, but I'm really worried about what the eventual outcome will be, once Visual Basic dies, once and for all.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] The Eventual Famine

2014-04-14 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: scotf2012

Re: The Eventual Famine

Haramir,You're quite right; however, I'm talking more generally.  What of these titles, for instance, when Windows 9 hits the streets?URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] The Eventual Famine

2014-04-18 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: scotf2012

Re: The Eventual Famine

Well, Windows 7 is actually quite an operating system.  Considering XP, Vista, 7, and I think 8 all run on the NT codebase, dropping XP support seems pretty nonsensical to me.  It's not like they need to maintain a separate codebase for XP, so the work involved in updating it in terms of security would be pretty minimal, had they kept support for it.Running XP in a VM, Dark, is what I do right now.  My primary OS is OS X, and I have an XP VM for audio games.  I also have a Windows 7 VM for Office and so forth, and just to play around with 7.  I have the hard drive space, so it's not really hurting anything.  Running XP is not a problem, as long as you're not doing anything too crazy off the beaten path, so to speak.  People who run strange files and frequent spam and so forth should probably get off of XP, but for the rest of us, it'll serve us fine.  That's Microsoft's biggest problem, they made too perf
 ect an operating system.  And they were late to the mobile scene, so they're not making any money there.  They're pretty much screwed.Myself, I'm not running Windows 8 (VM or otherwise) unless there is absolutely no alternative.  I know people who still run really old operating systems and they're doing fine, so I'd say that Windows 8 is completely unnecessary.  I'm not moving just to move.  Performance benefits, real security benefits, blah blah blah, that's one thing, but "just because it's new" is not sufficient reason, if you ask me.Cheers.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] game mods

2014-04-18 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: scotf2012

Re: game mods

Is there anything specific you want to record?URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Bop it Beats

2014-04-18 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: scotf2012

Re: Bop it Beats

[[wow]], this sounds awesome.  I have quite a few Bopits: the Bopit original, Extreme 2, Blast, and a few keychains.For anyone interested, here's an exhaustive article from Wikipedia that details every version ever made.  There are a lot that I've never heard of.URL:

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[Audiogames-reflector] Text Adventures and Macintosh

2013-10-21 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: scotf2012

Text Adventures and Macintosh

Greetings.I have just obtained a MacBook.  I'm learning the OS pretty quickly, and so far I have very few complaints.  It's stable, and with 8 GB of Ram and an I7, it's definitely pretty powerful.  I'm trying to find a way to turn the Mac into a Z-Machine.  Does anybody know of anything compatible with VoiceOver?Thanks.URL:

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[Audiogames-reflector] MUDs on the Macintosh

2013-11-12 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: scotf2012

MUDs on the Macintosh

Hello.Does anyone have any suggestions on MUDding with a Macintosh?  Telnet is really...Not the best choice and I was looking for something better, preferably with the ability to respond to triggers, scripts and the like for sound pack development.Thank you for your help!ScottURL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] the space game

2013-11-12 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: scotf2012

Re: the space game

Hello.You will need to ask Dan for the source code, but I do believe he has it. Honestly, though, any flavor of BASIC, especially the one on Blazie's notetakers, would be a nightmare to port over to a modern language. You would achieve better results literally starting from scratch. I found some old BASIC programs written for the notetakers, and I struggle to understand it, simply because its constructs (goto, line numbers, etc) are so old and antiquated that I went half crazy trying to comprehend it. Goto was used extensively in Blazie BASIC, simply because it was a really convenient way of looping and handling invalid input, but man. It's annoying.I have wondered, though, about other languages for Blazie other than BASIC. How, for example, did Run.bns get created? There must have been some other way of developing for that platform and I am dying to know what it is. I still have a Blazie product and love it.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Playing games like Palace Punch-up and Top Speed over the internet

2013-11-12 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: scotf2012

Re: Playing games like Palace Punch-up and Top Speed over the internet

The interesting thing about Hamachi, in my opinion, is the really fun thing it does with IPs. I'm not sure if it still does this, but it used to employ the 5.*.*.* IP range, simply because nothing else was using it. With the IPV4 space running out, though, I think they've begun distributing the 5.*.*.* IP space out to people. How this affects Hamachi, if at all, I have no clue. Glad this thing still works though.Real quick, Chris, you might want to compare your Virtual Machine's IP address with the IP address of your Mac. See if they differ. If they do, try giving people the Mac IP, or the VM IP, and see what happens.I'm not sure if this matters, but in your router settings you should also turn on UPNP. And while you're in there, ensure port forwarding is enabled for every single port to your computer. That's probably way overkill, but maybe what's messing things up is the games are connecting through different ports and confusing t
 he crap out of your router.Cheers.ScottURL:

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[Audiogames-reflector] Question About Mudder for Macintosh

2014-05-08 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: scotf2012

Question About Mudder for Macintosh

I've been quite busy as of late, so haven't really been able to try Mudder for Mac until now, but I noticed that MUD input is read twice: once when it's typed, a few seconds later, and finally the output of your command.  This is, obviously, very tedious.  I tried contacting the developer but have not heard back yet.  Has anyone else experienced this, and is there a way to disable this somewhere?Thanks.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Problem using vip mud

2014-05-08 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: scotf2012

Re: Problem using vip mud

The only thing I can think of is maybe the case.  Your filename and your trigger should have their cases matched.  Another thing to investigate, volume.  I'll confess I haven't used VIP in awhile, but I seem to remember needing to specify a volume.Sorry I can't be of more help.URL:

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[Audiogames-reflector] Question About Mudder for Macintosh

2014-05-11 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: scotf2012

Question About Mudder for Macintosh

I've been quite busy as of late, so haven't really been able to try Mudder for Mac until now, but I noticed that MUD input is read twice: once when it's typed, a few seconds later, and finally the output of your command.  This is, obviously, very tedious.  I tried contacting the developer but have not heard back yet.  Has anyone else experienced this, and is there a way to disable this somewhere?Thanks.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Problem using vip mud

2014-05-11 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: scotf2012

Re: Problem using vip mud

The only thing I can think of is maybe the case.  Your filename and your trigger should have their cases matched.  Another thing to investigate, volume.  I'll confess I haven't used VIP in awhile, but I seem to remember needing to specify a volume.Sorry I can't be of more help.URL:

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[Audiogames-reflector] My Experience With Macintosh and Audio Game Virtualization

2013-12-22 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: scotf2012

My Experience With Macintosh and Audio Game Virtualization

I started this topic to try and get perspectives, tips, tricks, and any other information people know of regarding virtualizing Windows on a Macintosh, and using that to play audio games.  My experience:Most of the time, games actually run pretty well.  The serious issues are when multiple arrow keys are involved in an action.  For example, jumping in a side scroller typically involves pressing up arrow, then rapidly moving either left or right.  Perhaps the responsiveness of a virtualized keyboard is simply not good enough, but my experience is always that jumping never, ever works, regardless of how quickly I press the right or left arrows.  Sometimes I move one square; sometimes I just stay in my current location.  Ducking with the down arrow produces another odd result.  In order to stop ducking, I need to press the down arrow key again to "release" it.  Does anyone else have this sort of problem?  Does anyone know o
 f a good solution, short of Bootcamp?Thanks.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Trying to learn BGT again

2014-01-02 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: scotf2012

Re: Trying to learn BGT again

The sound positioning class is probably something best left as a "black box" – that is, something that "just works."  It's a BGT helper class that helps with, well, sound positioning.URL:
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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] New article in the articles room: tips on how to play games on a Mac

2014-01-05 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: scotf2012

Re: New article in the articles room: tips on how to play games on a Mac

You should explain how right-clicking on a Mac works with a trackpad and a mouse, if you know, because I certainly don't.  Other than that, great article.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] free accesible games for iOS?

2014-01-06 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: scotf2012

Re: free accesible games for iOS?

Thanks for this.  I didn't know about many of these and will check them out.URL:

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[Audiogames-reflector] iOS Audiogaming

2014-01-09 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: scotf2012

iOS Audiogaming

With the number of apps in the App Store, it can be pretty difficult to find accessible audio games.  Which ones do people find the most enjoyable?URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Perilous hearts help

2014-01-14 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: scotf2012

Re: Perilous hearts help

I'm interested to know what's going on with Blastbay, too, but keep in mind that Philip is probably a very busy person with a lot going on.  It would not surprise me to learn that he had a "real" programming job somewhere, and develop games on the side.  With someone of his talent, this is most assuredly the case.URL:

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