Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Some questions about computer and sounds

2014-05-03 Thread ForumOff-topic room: visualstudio

Re: Some questions about computer and sounds

hi again,i thing on that page that youve got that add-on, it has a help file containing how to use that!URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Some questions about computer and sounds

2014-05-02 Thread ForumOff-topic room: visualstudio

Re: Some questions about computer and sounds

hi,rename it from .zip to nvda-addon and install it with NVDAitll be fixed thenURL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Some questions about computer and sounds

2014-05-02 Thread ForumOff-topic room: visualstudio

Re: Some questions about computer and sounds

for example, you have a file named and you want to install itrename it to nvda-systraylist.nvda-addon and install it!URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

[Audiogames-reflector] some questions about reaper

2014-05-02 Thread ForumOff-topic room: visualstudio

some questions about reaper

hi all,previously, ive used Sonar 8.5 X2 producer edition for my music creationnow, i want to use reaperthe first thing that i have to say is, what can i use to make it accessible better than sonar? and how can i use kontakt inside it?because i need to use kontakts samples!thanks in advanceURL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Some questions about computer and sounds

2014-05-02 Thread ForumOff-topic room: visualstudio

Re: Some questions about computer and sounds

now, if you go to the addon manager, you can see that add-on!but, i dont know how to use that add-on, because i didnt try itURL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] what is VPN?

2014-02-23 Thread ForumOff-topic room: visualstudio

Re: what is VPN?

same as you have connected to internet without VPNthe difference between the time that you are connected to internet with VPN and without it is, VPN sends your data with an encrypted key that maybe is your username + your password, and make it very very difficult for another persen to read your dataURL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Wordpress Problem

2014-02-07 Thread ForumOff-topic room: visualstudio

Re: Wordpress Problem

Ive saw! edit your post, and then use wordpresss editor and edit the linkURL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Wordpress Problem

2014-02-06 Thread ForumOff-topic room: visualstudio

Re: Wordpress Problem

why you dont install skype plugin?it can creat it for you!URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Wordpress Problem

2014-02-05 Thread ForumOff-topic room: visualstudio

Re: Wordpress Problem

for domain, you must buyand about proudly powered by wordpress, you must edit your theam, and write your copyright notice at the endURL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

[Audiogames-reflector] how can i use QWS with sonar?

2014-02-05 Thread ForumOff-topic room: visualstudio

how can i use QWS with sonar?

hey guys!I have Sonar 8.5 with QWS, now I can use QWS, but when Im using it, and save my midi file, I cant get it working with VST on Sonar!for example, Ive give music_guitar.mid to my guitars VST, but it doesnt work!how can I give a midi file to VST and play with that?thanks in advanceURL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] tell me your ideas and segestions about my new Game Engine

2014-02-03 Thread ForumOff-topic room: visualstudio

Re: tell me your ideas and segestions about my new Game Engine

@camlorn,I want my engine to be open sourcedbut about encryption, ill not implement that in bytecode compiler!all the users can pack there executables with a packer like NSPack, etcit seams this JIT compiler is very fast!ill implement that in AGK!@Aminiel,AngelScript is a scripting language similar to C++!but without memory leeksURL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] tell me your ideas and segestions about my new Game Engine

2014-02-03 Thread ForumOff-topic room: visualstudio

Re: tell me your ideas and segestions about my new Game Engine

so, what should I add?what features other engines dont have?I want to add that!I want to implement a combination class!and a random word function that can generate random word with the given characters that you give!URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Wordpress Problem

2014-02-03 Thread ForumOff-topic room: visualstudio

Re: Wordpress Problem

and about calling on Skype, you have to install Skype client on your iPodURL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] tell me your ideas and segestions about my new Game Engine

2014-02-02 Thread ForumOff-topic room: visualstudio

Re: tell me your ideas and segestions about my new Game Engine

not, I want to encrypt the executable, if it runned, it runs and decrypt itself and runthis helps people to keep there games very well!ill look at your code!URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] tell me your ideas and segestions about my new Game Engine

2014-02-02 Thread ForumOff-topic room: visualstudio

Re: tell me your ideas and segestions about my new Game Engine

Ive got that!, but, I want to enable the user to specify the encryption key!with this, people can write commertial games with open source engine!URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] ISO files?

2014-02-01 Thread ForumOff-topic room: visualstudio

Re: ISO files?

Im using imdisk that mounts iso in a drive!not iso! it can mount floppy images with just a write clickURL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] tell me your ideas and segestions about my new Game Engine

2014-01-31 Thread ForumOff-topic room: visualstudio

Re: tell me your ideas and segestions about my new Game Engine

no, Im not using wxWidgets for input and speech!just, Im using it for my applications Command-line parsingif youve get my source code, youll see what Ive done!URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] tell me your ideas and segestions about my new Game Engine

2014-01-31 Thread ForumOff-topic room: visualstudio

Re: tell me your ideas and segestions about my new Game Engine

XML is not a scripting language, just a markup language like HTMLit depends on application that what elements are you using, what values must specified, etcnow a question:who needs an XML parser?my game engine has a config reader, do I have implement a XML parser?URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] tell me your ideas and segestions about my new Game Engine

2014-01-30 Thread ForumOff-topic room: visualstudio

Re: tell me your ideas and segestions about my new Game Engine

hi all again,in these days, I havent access to internet!firstly, BGT uses AngelScript bytecode compilersecondly, I havent say, Im making a compiler!Im using AngelScript bytecode compiler with JIT compiler that blindmind studios has developed for AngelScript!thirdly, Im using MinGW with GCC 4.8.1 on MinGW! not 2.9.5go to the and download latest installer and youll see what Im saying!now!:HTTP class have been added!about cross-platform:some of my engines features are depend on just windows!such as calling JAWS, calling Window Eyes, and some others!this is its source code:get it from hereill work on cross-platform!now, give your ideas!URL: http://forum.a

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] tell me your ideas and segestions about my new Game Engine

2014-01-30 Thread ForumOff-topic room: visualstudio

Re: tell me your ideas and segestions about my new Game Engine

@camlorn,I want to implement this, but, firstly, I want to test it on windows! in the version 1.1, ill try to do that!URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] tell me your ideas and segestions about my new Game Engine

2014-01-30 Thread ForumOff-topic room: visualstudio

Re: tell me your ideas and segestions about my new Game Engine

@ethin, what compiler BGT uses?it is just a bytecode compiler!in my idea, cross-platform is not bad and very good, but what about the screen readers that are on windows, or sapiI know Linux have its own speech API, but wxWidgets hasnt anything to support that!and at last, I want my codes to run very fast!tell what to do for compiler?URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] tell me your ideas and segestions about my new Game Engine

2014-01-30 Thread ForumOff-topic room: visualstudio

Re: tell me your ideas and segestions about my new Game Engine

hey guys, this is the angelscripts JIT compiler!here is its github page!its for MSVC, but Ive ported to MinGW 4.8.1and about universalSpeech, Im using it inside ScreenReaderAPI!thanks for these libraries!you can dis-assemble BGTs scripts using ollyDBGabout decompilation, I have to say that if you can decompile LUAs scripts, you can decompile AngelScripts scriptsand, tell me, how can I implement a packer to pack the executables?I want to add that inside the JIT compilerand port the JIT compiler inside AGKURL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] The C and C++ Programming Languages

2014-01-27 Thread ForumOff-topic room: visualstudio

Re: The C and C++ Programming Languages

C# is taken from C++ and java, but instead of using java libraries, it uses .net frameworkURL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] tell me your ideas and segestions about my new Game Engine

2014-01-27 Thread ForumOff-topic room: visualstudio

Re: tell me your ideas and segestions about my new Game Engine

the difference of this engine with BGT is, this is free and open source!Im making a wiki and a forum and many algorithm like a-* and some other genetic algorithms with it!this is its website!this its forum!this is its incomplete wikigive all of your ideas!URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] The C and C++ Programming Languages

2014-01-27 Thread ForumOff-topic room: visualstudio

Re: The C and C++ Programming Languages

C and C++ are not just for windows and Microsofts Compiler has its own port for .net frameworkbut, for Linux and mac and MinGW on windows, we havent any .net frameworkURL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] tell me your ideas and segestions about my new Game Engine

2014-01-27 Thread ForumOff-topic room: visualstudio

Re: tell me your ideas and segestions about my new Game Engine

well, Im telling you what just have been created and witch of the libraries Im using!classes that have made completely:configthis class reads from ini files and return a given value!consolethis class has many things to display, getting keys, getting values, etc from user in consoleespeakthis class calls, uses and has ability to use eSpeakjawsthis class calls jaws and has some functions to work with itjoystickyou can use your joystick inside your game with just some calls to some functionskeyboardthis class has a function called pushed that checks a key was pushed or notmousethis class calls mouse and you can control it!nvdacalls NVDAscreen_readervery well screen reader class that calls any screen reader, has many functions!soundyou can use it to play a sound!it has ability to set attenuation, set volume, etc!system_
 accessthe system access screen readertimera timer class with pause, stop and many things!windowyou can create a window with just 2 callswindow_eyesthis class uses window eyes screen readerfunctions:install_keyhookthis class installs the keyhookuninstall_keyhookuninstalls the keyhook!and a menu class that is incomplete, but will created soon!these are something that Ive made in some of my days!now, after that, I want to implement HTTP class and many many things!libraries that Im using:SFML, ScreenReaderAPI, UniversalSpeech, AngelScript, wxWidgets, conio for GCC, windows API, boost, crypto++, hashlib++, zlib and many more!and at last, but not leest, I want to add an archiver class, an encryption class, a decryption class, and some other things!now, if you have any ideas and suggestions, you can say here!URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] The C and C++ Programming Languages

2014-01-26 Thread ForumOff-topic room: visualstudio

Re: The C and C++ Programming Languages

@ethin,instead of using ebx, you can use rbxeax and ecx are like that!edi, eci,ebi, esp and all the registers are like that!and while you are compiling C sources, you can use -m64 to generate 64 bit object codeand then, read the tutorial setting up long mode in osdev.orgbecause 64 OSes are run on long mode not real mode or protected modeand C++ is taken from C, but in C++11, C++ is going to be more different!I read from Wikipedia that C++14 standard wants to publish on april 2014but I dont know that when it wants to publish!URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] The C and C++ Programming Languages

2014-01-26 Thread ForumOff-topic room: visualstudio

Re: The C and C++ Programming Languages

another feature that C++ has is templates!it allows you to make a function with 2 types of paramiters or classes with paramiters!it helps you to make many things with templates!many of the AI libraries use templates and it is in my idea very good in some cases!URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] The C and C++ Programming Languages

2014-01-26 Thread ForumOff-topic room: visualstudio

Re: The C and C++ Programming Languages

another feature that C++ has is templates!it allows you to make a function with 2 types of parameters or classes with parameters!it helps you to make many things with templates!many of the AI libraries use templates and it is in my idea very good in some cases!URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] tell me your ideas and segestions about my new Game Engine

2014-01-25 Thread ForumOff-topic room: visualstudio

Re: tell me your ideas and segestions about my new Game Engine

of course yes! it has support for TTS and joystick in version 1.0, and I want to implement a compiler for executables!if I cant create the compiler in version 1.0, ill add that in the next version!URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] The C and C++ Programming Languages

2014-01-25 Thread ForumOff-topic room: visualstudio

Re: The C and C++ Programming Languages

@ethin,instead of using eax, you can use rbxand while you are compiling C sources, you can use -m64 to generate 64 bit object codeand then, read the tutorial setting up long mode in osdev.orgbecause 64 OSes are run on long mode not real mode or protected modeand C++ is taken from C, but in C++11, C++ is going to be more different!I read from Wikipedia that C++14 standard wants to publish on april 2014but I dont know that when it wants to publish!URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] tell me your ideas and segestions about my new Game Engine

2014-01-24 Thread ForumOff-topic room: visualstudio

Re: tell me your ideas and segestions about my new Game Engine

open world means firstly, the game is 3Dit means sounds are going to be far and near, the sound gos up and down, with headphone you think you are the player that wdoes that think and in the open world games, you have control of everything!if anybody played GTA, he or she knows what Im saying!now, this is my idea to make the game engine very advanced and easy to use!because of that, I need your suggestions!URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] tell me your ideas and segestions about my new Game Engine

2014-01-24 Thread ForumOff-topic room: visualstudio

Re: tell me your ideas and segestions about my new Game Engine

open world means firstly, the game is 3Dit means sounds are going to be far and near, the sound gos up and down, with headphone you think you are the player and you are doing everything that player does, and in the open world games, you have control of everything!if anybody played GTA, he or she knows what Im saying!now, this is my idea to make the game engine very advanced and easy to use!because of that, I need your suggestions!URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] tell me your ideas and segestions about my new Game Engine

2014-01-24 Thread ForumOff-topic room: visualstudio

Re: tell me your ideas and segestions about my new Game Engine

open world means firstly, the game is 3Dit means sounds are going to be far and near, the sound gos up and down, with headphone you think you are the player and you are doing everything that player does, and in the open world games, you have control of everything!if anybody played GTA, he or she knows what Im saying!now, this is my idea to make the game engine very advanced and easy to use!because of that, I need your suggestions!URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] tell me your ideas and segestions about my new Game Engine

2014-01-24 Thread ForumOff-topic room: visualstudio

Re: tell me your ideas and segestions about my new Game Engine

open world means firstly, the game is 3Dit means sounds are going to be far and near, the sound gos up and down, with headphone you think you are the player and you are doing everything that player does, and in the open world games, you have control of everything!if anybody played GTA, he or she knows what Im saying!now, this is my idea to make the game engine very advanced and easy to use!because of that, I need your suggestions!URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] tell me your ideas and segestions about my new Game Engine

2014-01-24 Thread ForumOff-topic room: visualstudio

Re: tell me your ideas and segestions about my new Game Engine

open world means firstly, the game is 3Dit means sounds are going to be far and near, the sound gos up and down, with headphone you think you are the player and you are doing everything that player does, and in the open world games, you have control of everything!if anybody played GTA, he or she knows what Im saying!now, this is my idea to make the game engine very advanced and easy to use!because of that, I need your suggestions!URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] tell me your ideas and segestions about my new Game Engine

2014-01-24 Thread ForumOff-topic room: visualstudio

Re: tell me your ideas and segestions about my new Game Engine

open world means firstly, the game is 3Dit means sounds are going to be far and near, the sound gos up and down, with headphone you think you are the player and you are doing everything that player does, and in the open world games, you have control of everything!if anybody played GTA, he or she knows what Im saying!now, this is my idea to make the game engine very advanced and easy to use!because of that, I need your suggestions!URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] tell me your ideas and segestions about my new Game Engine

2014-01-24 Thread ForumOff-topic room: visualstudio

Re: tell me your ideas and segestions about my new Game Engine

open world means firstly, the game is 3Dit means sounds are going to be far and near, the sound gos up and down, with headphone you think you are the player and you are doing everything that player does, and in the open world games, you have control of everything!if anybody played GTA, he or she knows what Im saying!now, this is my idea to make the game engine very advanced and easy to use!because of that, I need your suggestions!URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] tell me your ideas and segestions about my new Game Engine

2014-01-24 Thread ForumOff-topic room: visualstudio

Re: tell me your ideas and segestions about my new Game Engine

open world means firstly, the game is 3Dit means sounds are going to be far and near, the sound gos up and down, with headphone you think you are the player and you are doing everything that player does, and in the open world games, you have control of everything!if anybody played GTA, he or she knows what Im saying!now, this is my idea to make the game engine very advanced and easy to use!because of that, I need your suggestions!URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] tell me your ideas and segestions about my new Game Engine

2014-01-24 Thread ForumOff-topic room: visualstudio

Re: tell me your ideas and segestions about my new Game Engine

open world means firstly, the game is 3Dit means sounds are going to be far and near, the sound gos up and down, with headphone you think you are the player and you are doing everything that player does, and in the open world games, you have control of everything!if anybody played GTA, he or she knows what Im saying!now, this is my idea to make the game engine very advanced and easy to use!because of that, I need your suggestions!URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] tell me your ideas and segestions about my new Game Engine

2014-01-24 Thread ForumOff-topic room: visualstudio

Re: tell me your ideas and segestions about my new Game Engine

@ethin,I want to make my game engine just for windowsbecause, I want to support jaws and window eyessecondly, I want to use SFML with GCC, it compiles and links successfullythirdly, some of the my game engines features depends on some libraries that is just for windowslike screen reader and other things!the reason is Im using SFML is, I can compile it without problem, in the audio engine, it supports vectors witch you can make the sounds played in a given positionfor example, you can say, play the sound to the player, when your friend is far,the sound may become more quieter@kyle12,I want to add logos to be in the games!but not in the first version I think it is a good thing!but if others want, no problem! just 2 lines will added!URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Does anyone know the D programming language?

2014-01-24 Thread ForumOff-topic room: visualstudio

Re: Does anyone know the D programming language?

@ethin, Im not explaining C, Im comparing C and Dand, I havent copyed and pasted the code, Ive wrote everything myself from james ems tutorialit doesnt depends on the variable names, it depends on where the bootloader section can be on, and the linker script that Ive wrote from another linker script!the assembler that Im using is nasm, witch you can get ithereand it uses intel syntax, not attI havent sed that, with D, you cant write an operating system!but as your code says, D is the child of CIve mentioned before and mention here again, everything depends on what you need and what you want to do!of course D is a language like C and I know that, with this reason, I cant kill myselfnow a question: how you can link a library with .a suffix?for example, I want to link AngelScriptwhat shoul
 d I do?now, the extern keyword is just for link time, not for compile time!another question: how can I generate an object file from my D source code?URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Teamtalk Server Hosting?

2014-01-23 Thread ForumOff-topic room: visualstudio

Re: Teamtalk Server Hosting?

host1freegives free VPS with unlimited bandwidthURL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] I've created a team talk server you guys can join

2014-01-23 Thread ForumOff-topic room: visualstudio

Re: I've created a team talk server you guys can join

where youve got your server?did you set your server up or another persen set it up for you!URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Does anyone know the D programming language?

2014-01-23 Thread ForumOff-topic room: visualstudio

Re: Does anyone know the D programming language?

hey guys, everything is depend on your needs!dont think C or C++ or D or C# or python is better!everything has its own features, has its own bugs and may have many incompatibility with eatch other or with itself maybeI know, for example, C++ virtual inheritances are very hard for many of the programmersbut for example in C++11, the keywords override and final have addednow, many of the programmers have problem in lambdas because its newthis is the same in all of the programming languagesnot just programming languages, scripting languages two@ethin, C++ is better for developing Operating systems!you can fined many many resources for C/C++, but I havent found anything for DURL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] I've created a team talk server you guys can join

2014-01-23 Thread ForumOff-topic room: visualstudio

Re: I've created a team talk server you guys can join

how can I setup one?firstly, I have to download team talk for my server, and install it!and after that?setting up ports are very easy!does it requires you to setup ports?or it sets up automaticly!URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Does anyone know the D programming language?

2014-01-23 Thread ForumOff-topic room: visualstudio

Re: Does anyone know the D programming language?

now, youve sed D is betterdo you know, you dont have to use preprocessor?and, instead of using preprocessors, you can use many other thing that C hasand, youve copyed and pasted all of the codes from www.osdev.orgnot?Im writing my OS from its referencefor example, see its forum!everyone that wanted to make an OS is using Cand another thing that I have to say is, when you are developing an OS, you cant use any run-time libraries such as stdio.h in C, or in D for example, std.fileyou must develop everything yourselfanother feature that C and C++ have is, you can write your code in seprat source filebut I dont know that about Dand @ethin, if you see, youll see all the references are for Cthat is a first tutorial for who wanted to make an OSwhen you want to make an OS, youll get many many problems!<
 br />windows and Linux are written in C, they are very fastbut this is requires a very good programming knowledge to produce a very good code that can run fasterin my idea, function inside function is not required, because you cant use it inside another function I thinkand /+ and +/ isnt required, because that /* and */ are available!in C++, you can write extern C {and after that your C code and } and everything otherin C, you can link other object file that another language produced it and use it!with for example, extern int I;but, it depends on linker!but as Ive mentioned, everything depends on what you want to do, what are you required or what you want to make!URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] tell me your ideas and segestions about my new Game Engine

2014-01-23 Thread ForumOff-topic room: visualstudio

Re: tell me your ideas and segestions about my new Game Engine

hey all, I want to use SFML as the audio and network and keyboard inputand Im using MinGW 4.8.1Im using C++11dont see my username, this is for 2 years agonow, Im using MinGW with code::blocksURL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Accessible DAWs

2014-01-22 Thread ForumOff-topic room: visualstudio

Re: Accessible DAWs

in my idea, cakewalks sonar is the most accessible DAW on windowsit is just for windows, not macURL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Does anyone know the D programming language?

2014-01-22 Thread ForumOff-topic room: visualstudio

Re: Does anyone know the D programming language?

C++ is betterbecause,it has all of the features of Din C++11, you can define many things like enum class, lambda functions, for-range based loops, define a variable as type auto and use it as another types, cast many pointers, use your code inside assembly (Im using this feature in my OS), string manipulation, easy to learn, templates, arrays, 2D and more than 2D arrays, file handling, math procisions, object orianted programming, debug or release build, allow to develop Operating systems very well (windows and Linux are written in C), memory management, inline assembly and many many thing!again?URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Does anyone know the D programming language?

2014-01-22 Thread ForumOff-topic room: visualstudio

Re: Does anyone know the D programming language?

@Ethin, all of your codes are buggyin C++ instead of using alias, you can use typedefusing preprocessors are not problematic in C++instead of define the variables, you can define them in enum, or in C++11, you can define them in enum class witch have all the features of enums, but has some features of classessyntax of D is cleaner, I knowbut, the code that is compiled in C is more faster, more cleanerand another thing that I have to say:C++ has many librariesif you search on the internet, you can fined hundreds of milians of librariesI have more than 2 GB of libraries on my lib directoryand then, instead of using #pragma pack directive, you can use __attribute__((packed)); in GCCand for precompilation, you can precompile a header fileagain?C++ and D has there features, you must know select witch of themURL: http://forum.audioga

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Accessible DAWs

2014-01-22 Thread ForumOff-topic room: visualstudio

Re: Accessible DAWs

I have crack of sonar 8.5 X2 on windows!URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

[Audiogames-reflector] tell me your ideas and segestions about my new Game Engine

2014-01-21 Thread ForumOff-topic room: visualstudio

tell me your ideas and segestions about my new Game Engine

hi all,as you see on my signature, Im developing a new game engine for developing audio gamesnow, tell me your ideas, what do you want me to add, and if you any algorithms, tell me, if I can, Ive implement thatim using C++, if you know, you can help me!and for scripting, im using AngelScript, that scripting language that BGT uses it!at last, my game engine is open source and released under the Boost software license (BSL)URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

[Audiogames-reflector] tell me your ideas and segestions about my new Game Engine

2014-01-21 Thread ForumOff-topic room: visualstudio

tell me your ideas and segestions about my new Game Engine

hi all,as you see on my signature, Im developing a new game engine for developing audio gamesnow, tell me your ideas, what do you want me to add, and if you any algorithms, tell me, if I can, Ive implement thatim using C++, if you know, you can help me!and for scripting, im using AngelScript, that scripting language that BGT uses it!at last, my game engine is open source and released under the Boost software license (BSL)URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] tell me your ideas and segestions about my new Game Engine

2014-01-21 Thread ForumOff-topic room: visualstudio

Re: tell me your ideas and segestions about my new Game Engine

thanks for your replys, everyone!@kyle12,Ive implemented console, and I want to implement network (http, ftp, TCP and UDP sockets)!thanks for you reply!if you have any idea, share them with me!@the terminatorIve added you on Skype, we can talk!and you can give me your segestions!thanks, please continue because my game engine needs to grow!URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] problem with BGT

2014-01-09 Thread ForumOff-topic room: visualstudio

Re: problem with BGT

the code that john explained waits until you press the space buttonif you want to wait for a minute or some seconds, you have to setup a timerURL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] caketalking or jsonar?

2014-01-01 Thread ForumOff-topic room: visualstudio

Re: caketalking or jsonar?

jSonar is very goodbut, I cant work with Piano rollURL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] caketalking or jsonar?

2013-12-31 Thread ForumOff-topic room: visualstudio

Re: caketalking or jsonar?

jSonar is free and in my idea is goodIm using it and love itURL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] an accessible virtual midi device

2013-12-31 Thread ForumOff-topic room: visualstudio

Re: an accessible virtual midi device

if you want to use sonar, you have to produce midi with itif you want to use plugins or sonar itself, you have to use a midi deviceyou cant use your own keyboard to make musicnow, I want a virtual device that produces midiURL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Accessible mixing-recording software to make music?

2013-12-31 Thread ForumOff-topic room: visualstudio

Re: Accessible mixing-recording software to make music?

with audacity or audition or gold wave, you cant make musicyoull have to use sonar, FLStudio(not accessible), Cubase, qws and something like thatfor mixing, I recommend auditionits the best software for mixingfor studio, I recommend sonar as theyre accessible and very goodand of course sonar is the best DAW softwareURL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Accessible mixing-recording software to make music?

2013-12-31 Thread ForumOff-topic room: visualstudio

Re: Accessible mixing-recording software to make music?

Im using sonar with NVDA or jSonarURL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] an accessible virtual midi device

2013-12-31 Thread ForumOff-topic room: visualstudio

Re: an accessible virtual midi device

how can I use QWS to produce midi with sonar?it requires midi controllerURL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

[Audiogames-reflector] a accessible virtual midi device

2013-12-30 Thread ForumOff-topic room: visualstudio

a accessible virtual midi device

hi all,Im using sonar 8.5x2 with jSonar 8.5.3now:what is a accessible program to produce midi output with sonar?I want to use it with many VST pluginsIve tried bomes mouse keyboard, but didnt workedany sejestions?URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

[Audiogames-reflector] an accessible virtual midi device

2013-12-30 Thread ForumOff-topic room: visualstudio

an accessible virtual midi device

hi all,Im using sonar 8.5x2 with jSonar 8.5.3now:what is an accessible program to produce midi output with sonar?I want to use it with many VST pluginsIve tried bomes mouse keyboard, but didnt workedany sejestions?URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] an accessible virtual midi device

2013-12-30 Thread ForumOff-topic room: visualstudio

Re: an accessible virtual midi device

I want a software to produce midi with it!QWS also requires a midi controllerI dont have money now to pay for thatif you have any software or something that can produce midi, tell meI dont want to use previous versions of sonarthe new version have some plugins that I need themI tried some softwares but those are not accessibleIm not totally blind, I want a software that is good for producing midi outputURL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list