Re: [Audiogames-reflector] A demonstration of my keyboard

2014-03-06 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: lauren.downie96

Re: A demonstration of my keyboard

Hi.[[wow]], this is really quite interesting as I used to have a keyboard similar to this one. It had similar sound and was quite old, therefore its now broken. I used to love playing it! URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

[Audiogames-reflector] A demonstration of my keyboard

2014-03-01 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: zseli

A demonstration of my keyboard

Hi all. I wanted to do this for a long time, but i finally mannaged to do it. I will give a link to a file witch contains a demonstration of my really old, for todays standards, but good, yamaha psr 275 keyboard. Sorry for my playing skills. They are not the best, but that is all i could do, and sometimes i do things with one hand. So hope you enjoy it. Here comes the link! … review.m4aThanks for listening. Please post comments, if you want. All of them are appreciated. And also, if you want, you can give explanations to your keyboards. Hope that you will have fun listening to this.URL:
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