Skin Care product

Nature to feature the fitter upon which a lot has created human beings cosmetic surgery is not allowed and many other things are not permissible in Islam reason being is because we are tampering which is called illegal hull killer is in the Koran wish it on said for you lay it on the whole cola so this crew changing the nature upon which a law has created a human doing something tampering with our bodies and changing our bodies that is unlawful and her own Rejuva Lash sinfulness lot we can I do even if we start thinking that this is something like an improvement because if you was an improvement in allotted created us like that yes there are exceptional cases when there is eighty defect likely CIA you know a somebody's create born at six fingers for example because now this is abnormal in an abnormal k situation shittier allows that you do something to your body and you cut off the extra finger two-bit bring back your body to normality to a normal state but in all cases you k now live in a time when people want to change their noses women want to change also parts of their bodies people want to extend their head the one who it is throne with that it's just not being content and happy with the whole has created this and that's actually complaining to a lot a lot has created is given as beautiful bodies hit this better than this just in this body is a is a trust.


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