2 questions about tactical battle

2021-03-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : ficho via Audiogames-reflector


2 questions about tactical battle

hi. there are 2 questions about tactical battle.1.is it possible to play online?2.sometimes when I am playing some map packs like the demon wars one I get errors.do you know how to fix them?

URL: https://forum.audiogames.net/post/620461/#p620461

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: 2 questions about tactical battle

2021-03-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Juliantheaudiogamer via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 2 questions about tactical battle

Hi,1. I don't think there is one. But I might be wrong there.2. Which kind of error do you get?

URL: https://forum.audiogames.net/post/620656/#p620656

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: 2 questions about tactical battle

2021-03-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : ficho via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 2 questions about tactical battle

I think there are 2 errors.this one sometimes happens when I am opening a new map but I am not shure if it can appear when I am playing.--An error has occurred.  Please notify the game creator of this error.  You can copy the entire error to your clipboard by pressing control + C.  Then you can paste it into an email by pressing control + V and send the email to supp...@blindaudiogames.com.System.AccessViolationException: Attempted to read or write protected memory. This is often an indication that other memory is corrupt.   at v8.Locker.Initialize(Locker* , Isolate* )   at Noesis._javascript_._javascript_Context..ctor()   at Ian.NoesisWrapper..ctor() in C:\Data\Recent\Games\JSScriptHost\NoesisWrapper.cs:line 11   at Ian.JSInit.CreateJSEngine() in C:\Data\Recent\Games\GameEngine\JS.cs:line 71   at Ian.TBJS.ReplaceSecondJS(Boolean disposeCodeHistory) in C:\Data\Recent\Games\TacticalBattle\TBJS.cs:line 114   at Ian.TBHM.LoadMap(String mapPath, String basePath, MapPackInfo mpi, Boolean& success) in C:\Data\Recent\Games\TacticalBattle\TBHelperMethods.cs:line 129   at Ian.TBHM.LoadMapFromKey(String packName, String mapName) in C:\Data\Recent\Games\TacticalBattle\TBHelperMethods.cs:line 94   at Ian.MapMenu.Process(TBClientWorld ent) in C:\Data\Recent\Games\TacticalBattle\TBStates\MapMenu.cs:line 66   at Ian.SceneMachine`1.Process(T ent) in C:\Data\Recent\Games\GameEngine\SceneMachine.cs:line 66   at Ian.TBGameLoop.InnerSingleLoop(TBClientWorld ent, QueuedGameInput formInput) in C:\Data\Recent\Games\TacticalBattle\TBGameLoop.cs:line 57   at Ian.GameLoopLogic.RunLoops[TWorld](TWorld ent, QueuedGameInput formInput, Action`2 runSingleLoop, Double totalElapsedSeconds, Double fixedTimeStep) in C:\Data\Recent\Games\GameEngine\GameLoopLogic.cs:line 31   at Ian.TBGameLoop.RunLoops(TBClientWorld ent, QueuedGameInput formInput) in C:\Data\Recent\Games\TacticalBattle\TBGameLoop.cs:line 23   at Ian.GameWindow`1.RunGameLoop() in C:\Data\Recent\Games\GameEngine\GameWindow.cs:line 135   at Ian.GameWindow`1.GameLoopTimer_Tick(Object sender, EventArgs e) in C:\Data\Recent\Games\GameEngine\GameWindow.cs:line 182   at System.Windows.Forms.Timer.OnTick(EventArgs e)   at System.Windows.Forms.Timer.TimerNativeWindow.WndProc(Message& m)   at System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.Callback(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam)---OK   ---from what I can remember the next one sed something about out of memory.

URL: https://forum.audiogames.net/post/620678/#p620678

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: 2 questions about tactical battle

2021-03-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : ficho via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 2 questions about tactical battle

edit. I found the out of memory error.hear it is.--An error has occurred.  Please notify the game creator of this error.  You can copy the entire error to your clipboard by pressing control + C.  Then you can paste it into an email by pressing control + V and send the email to supp...@blindaudiogames.com.Error in the application.-2147024882 (E_OUTOFMEMORY)   at Microsoft.DirectX.AudioVideoPlayback.Audio.Play()   at Ian.DSAudio.Play() in C:\Data\Recent\Games\TacticalBattle\DSAudio.cs:line 53   at Ian.TBSound.Play(IHaveGameLoopState ent, String name, DSAudio& a, DSAudioInfo& ai, Boolean synchronous, Boolean repeat, Boolean restart, Int32 volume, Double start, Double end, Boolean playWhenBuildingBattleLog) in C:\Data\Recent\Games\TacticalBattle\TBSound.cs:line 187   at Ian.TBSound.Play(String sound, Boolean synchronous, Boolean repeat, Boolean restart, Int32 volume, Double start, Double end, Boolean playWhenBuildingBattleLog) in C:\Data\Recent\Games\TacticalBattle\TBSound.cs:line 148   at Ian.TBSound.PlayRandom(String sound, String& randSound, Boolean synchronous, Boolean repeat, Boolean restart, Int32 volume, Double start, Double end, Boolean playWhenBuildingBattleLog) in C:\Data\Recent\Games\TacticalBattle\TBSound.cs:line 96   at Ian.TBSound.PlayRandom(String sound, Boolean synchronous, Boolean repeat, Boolean restart, Int32 volume, Double start, Double end, Boolean playWhenBuildingBattleLog) in C:\Data\Recent\Games\TacticalBattle\TBSound.cs:line 74   at Ian.TBSoundContext.PlayRandom(String name) in C:\Data\Recent\Games\TacticalBattle\TBSoundContext.cs:line 29   at Ian.MapBase.PlayAtPosition(String sound, Int32 x, Int32 y, Int32 end) in C:\Data\Recent\Games\TacticalBattle\MapBase.cs:line 183   at Ian.MapBase.AnnounceTile(Int32 x, Int32 y, Boolean playSound, String prefix, Boolean speakCoords, Boolean soundOverSpeech, Int32 end) in C:\Data\Recent\Games\TacticalBattle\MapBase.cs:line 124   at Ian.MapBase.MoveReview(Int32 x, Int32 y) in C:\Data\Recent\Games\TacticalBattle\MapBase.cs:line 98   at Ian.MapBase.HandleMoveReview(IHaveGameInput ent) in C:\Data\Recent\Games\TacticalBattle\MapBase.cs:line 63   at Ian.TBHM.HandleMoveReview(IHaveGameInput ent) in C:\Data\Recent\Games\TacticalBattle\TBHelperMethods.cs:line 1207   at Ian.Battle.Process(TBClientWorld ent) in C:\Data\Recent\Games\TacticalBattle\TBStates\Battle.cs:line 156   at Ian.SceneMachine`1.Process(T ent) in C:\Data\Recent\Games\GameEngine\SceneMachine.cs:line 66   at Ian.TBGameLoop.InnerSingleLoop(TBClientWorld ent, QueuedGameInput formInput) in C:\Data\Recent\Games\TacticalBattle\TBGameLoop.cs:line 57   at Ian.GameLoopLogic.RunLoops[TWorld](TWorld ent, QueuedGameInput formInput, Action`2 runSingleLoop, Double totalElapsedSeconds, Double fixedTimeStep) in C:\Data\Recent\Games\GameEngine\GameLoopLogic.cs:line 31   at Ian.TBGameLoop.RunLoops(TBClientWorld ent, QueuedGameInput formInput) in C:\Data\Recent\Games\TacticalBattle\TBGameLoop.cs:line 23   at Ian.GameWindow`1.RunGameLoop() in C:\Data\Recent\Games\GameEngine\GameWindow.cs:line 135   at Ian.GameWindow`1.GameLoopTimer_Tick(Object sender, EventArgs e) in C:\Data\Recent\Games\GameEngine\GameWindow.cs:line 182   at System.Windows.Forms.Timer.OnTick(EventArgs e)   at System.Windows.Forms.Timer.TimerNativeWindow.WndProc(Message& m)   at System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.Callback(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam)---OK   ---I think there are 2 errors.this one sometimes happens when I am opening a new map but I am not shure if it can appear when I am playing.--An error has occurred.  Please notify the game creator of this error.  You can copy the entire error to your clipboard by pressing control + C.  Then you can paste it into an email by pressing control + V and send the email to supp...@blindaudiogames.com.System.AccessViolationException: Attempted to read or write protected memory. This is often an indication that other memory is corrupt.   at v8.Locker.Initialize(Locker* , Isolate* )   at Noesis._javascript_._javascript_Context..ctor()   at Ian.NoesisWrapper..ctor() in C:\Data\Recent\Games\JSScriptHost\NoesisWrapper.cs:line 11   at Ian.JSInit.CreateJSEngine() in C:\Data\Recent\Games\GameEngine\JS.cs:line 71   at Ian.TBJS.ReplaceSecondJS(Boolean disposeCodeHistory) in C:\Data\Recent\Games\TacticalBattle\TBJS.cs:line 114   at Ian.TBHM.LoadMap(String mapPath, String basePath, MapPackInfo mpi, Boolean& success) in C:\Data\Recent\Games\TacticalBattle\TBHelperMethods.cs:line 129   at Ian.TBHM.LoadMapFromKey(String packName, String mapName) in C:\Data\Recent\Games\TacticalBattle\TBHelperMethods.cs:line 94   at Ian.MapMenu.Process(TBClientWorld ent) in C:\Data\Recent\Games\TacticalBattle\TBStates\MapMenu.cs:line 66   at Ian.SceneMachine`1.Process(T ent) in C:\Data\Rec

Re: 2 questions about tactical battle

2021-03-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Juliantheaudiogamer via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 2 questions about tactical battle

I am sorry, but I can't help you with that. Just send the error to the given E-Mail address.

URL: https://forum.audiogames.net/post/620698/#p620698

Audiogames-reflector mailing list