A serious situation

2017-06-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : blink_wizard via Audiogames-reflector


A serious situation

Hi everyone. So...it looks as though i have been hacked by one of our respected developers. It all started with me waking up yesterday and seeing a BGT runtime error in my list of windows. I then checked and it was something about a function called screw. I normally write functions like that, so it couldn't have been something I coded and forgot about. Also, when checking, a directory called "code" was open, and the TK folder was also open. After a few minutes,I checked to see what happened with the computer, when I was about to place a FaceTime call. I was sitting a few feet away from the computer, however my headphones were still connected. Of course, I turned off my computer for a good while. I soon forgot all about it, untile earlier. I went into my projects folder of my external hard drive to realize that my entire code was turned to hex. I have no second guess in this person is Sam Tupy. He likes to hide viruses that he codes or he collects and runs them after
  windows process such as SVCHost or DLLHost. I soon checked my computer to discover that everything in my hd was encrypted. I might also want to ad that I have not ran any file from Sam besides his publicly released games, which is why I'm posting here. There is no way he could have gotten in to my computer unless he used something in one of his games to do soemthing. I am no way starting to start a flame war, just letting users what's this developer up to and to be careful when running any of his games.

URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=314734#p314734

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A serious situation

2017-06-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : blink_wizard via Audiogames-reflector


A serious situation

Hi everyone. So...it looks as though i have been hacked by one of our respected developers. It all started with me waking up yesterday and seeing a BGT runtime error in my list of windows. I then checked and it was something about a function called screw. I don't normally write functions like that, so it couldn't have been something I coded and forgot about. Also, when checking, a directory called "code" was open, and the TK folder was also open. After a few minutes,I checked to see what happened with the computer, when I was about to place a FaceTime call. I was sitting a few feet away from the computer, however my headphones were still connected. Of course, I turned off my computer for a good while. I soon forgot all about it, untile earlier. I went into my projects folder of my external hard drive to realize that my entire code was turned to hex. I have no second guess in this person is Sam Tupy. He likes to hide viruses that he codes or he collects and runs
  them after windows process such as SVCHost or DLLHost. I soon checked my computer to discover that everything in my hd was encrypted. I might also want to ad that I have not ran any file from Sam besides his publicly released games, which is why I'm posting here. There is no way he could have gotten in to my computer unless he used something in one of his games to do soemthing. I am no way starting to start a flame war, just letting users what's this developer up to and to be careful when running any of his games.

URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=314734#p314734

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Re: A serious situation

2017-06-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : coltonhill01 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A serious situation

the DLLHost process in question resides in %appdata%\microsoft, and was 5.3MB on ivan's computer, something that a windows process would never reach. As I can figure out, sam has a system on redspot to download it. It's not packed with the game. It is obvious by the executable size and the sounds unpack that it isn't coming with it. But ivan has apparently been on redspot at the same time as sam tupy and mason armstrong. I can only assume they used some hidden command in the server to initiate a background download of said process. What I can personally say for people like you who may be reading this thread, is just don't be online when sam is on the game, especially if he doesn't exactly like you. He's going crazy with this thing, ivan has various tt recordings where he physically got excited hacking somebody. For those who actually have morals, brains etc, the mature and good people of this community, I can say this. Sam tupy is no mature developer.
  No mature developer would encode in his game a hidden secret to own somebody's computer at the click of a command. And there is a slight possibility that he was helped out by a middle man, which ivan remembers running nothing from. So, even if it isn't in redspot, this shows you who sam truely is. A child who jumps around and laughs when he nabs somebody's computer. Look out for 32 bit dll hosts on a 64 bit system, and get a startup manager if you believe you're in danger of receiving this. I haven't managed to convince ivan to actually just try a simple hex to string, or base64 decode, so if it returns dead text on both, the encryption is definitely full fledged encryption and cannot be reversed. It appears his primary targets were ivan's projects/code folders.

URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=314735#p314735

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Re: A serious situation

2017-06-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : blink_wizard via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A serious situation

Hi. I did a little more digging around, and it looks as though me and Colton's old shared folder was also targeted. Also, they did not just do that, the projects folder was about 850 mb and now it is only about 24 kb.

URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=314736#p314736

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Re: A serious situation

2017-06-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : kyle12 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A serious situation

Nice, guys. Very nice. Lets blame developers for viruses when they may have come from anywhere. Real classy. This is precisely why nobody wants to develop here any more.

URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=314737#p314737

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Re: A serious situation

2017-06-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : fatih via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A serious situation

hi,It could be that you are hacked by a ransomware that is similar to wannacry. Use Microsoft security essentials and update your pc  with the latest updates

URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=314750#p314750

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Re: A serious situation

2017-06-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : cartertemm via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A serious situation

What an entertaining thing to wake up to this morning.   Your proof is? Oh yeah, you happened to login to a game. 1. I'm pretty sure the rest of the community has seen you do the exact same thing.  Do we even want to go there?2.  Are we all supposed to freak out because of your, guess?@coltonhill01 Again, you're assuming he has something to download the file.  Are we supposed to give up playing a game just because of two friends assumptions?

URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=314752#p314752

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Re: A serious situation

2017-06-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : cartertemm via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A serious situation

What an entertaining thing to wake up to this morning.   Your proof is? Oh yeah, you happened to login to a game. 1. I'm pretty sure the rest of the community has seen you do the exact same thing.  Do we even want to go there?2.  Are we all supposed to freak out because of your, guess?@coltonhill01 Again, you're assuming he has something to download the file.  Are we supposed to give up playing a game just because of two friends,  fellow FPS game developers, assumptions?  This seems more like it's meant to   Accuse  the developer in question rather than speculate about the possibility  of something being in his game. Something to look into,  not throw the blame to the first person you could think of

URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=314752#p314752

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Re: A serious situation

2017-06-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : hamada via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A serious situation

lol I guess, my guesses, i think, I am asuming, and many other phrases like those, are bullshit. so I woke up guys, it's morning, and the problem is the window in my room is stuck, and can not be opened. I've been thinking of the issue seriusly since I sau it, and finally when I couldn't figure out what happened, I started to guess and blaim. I thought of a random person to stick this thing in to him.  I am guessing this developer SamTupy was behind this, even though he's miles far from my location I don't cair, it was him, means it was him.Ivan, posting here with just thoughts and guesses, as well as  accusing a person with something that you're not sure if they did it or nah, is showing really what kind of people you're.due to the fact that  no proof is with you, just guesses., it does seem  that you're posting here just to brake the picture of the dev in the ais of the others. you said you never run an 
 exe. though I am pritty sure you did, but let me take with your words. dude you're connected by internet, and if you don't know that yet, people can hack you with out giving you exe files to run. you're using windows, and let me guess windows 7, thus the chance of beeing hacked by someone else is high. why do you think microsoft is doing security updates itch time.this was just a kid move nothing else. blaming someone with out a real proof can cause you problems in real life. specially with those kind of things. they can lead you strait to jail. You know that Sam won't cause you those issues, this's why you're posting here freely, but I dair you to accuse someone let us say who's not blind, and over 18. you'll be fully destroyed if this person wants you to be.greetings

URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=314757#p314757

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Re: A serious situation

2017-06-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : hamada via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A serious situation

lol I guess, my guesses, i think, I am assuming, and many other phrases like those, are bullshit. so I woke up guys, it's morning, and the problem is the window in my room is stuck, and can not be opened. I've been thinking of the issue seriuslly since I saw it, and finally when I couldn't figure out what happened, I started to guess and blaim. I thought of a random person to stick this thing in to him.  I am guessing this developer SamTupy was behind this, even though he's miles far from my location I don't care, it was him, means it was him.Ivan, posting here with just thoughts and guesses, as well as  accusing a person with something that you're not sure if they did it or nah, is showing really what kind of people you're.due to the fact that  no proof is with you, just guesses., it does seem  that you're posting here just to brake the picture of the dev in the ais of the others. you said you never run a
 n exe. though I am pritty sure you did, but let me take with your words. dude you're connected by internet, and if you don't know that yet, people can hack you with out giving you exe files to run. you're using windows, and let me guess windows 7, thus the chance of beeing hacked by someone else is high. why do you think Microsoft is doing security updates itch time.this was just a kid move nothing else. blaming someone with out a real proof can cause you problems in real life. specially with those kind of things. they can lead you strait to jail. You know that Sam won't cause you those issues, this's why you're posting here freely, but I dair you to accuse someone let us say who's not blind, and over 18. you'll be fully destroyed if this person wants you to be.oh and the second person who's thinking that red spot is having a downloader. lol it doesn't even have an updater. just let me guess here, since you all are guessi
 ng, hmm I am assuming  your smartness just rote the whole source code in your mind, allowing you to see the code, and guess, yes, guess. blehgreetings

URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=314757#p314757

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Re: A serious situation

2017-06-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : speeder via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A serious situation

[[wow]]!What an interesting topic to see on this forum.Well, I woke up this morning and my refrigerator stopped working.Hmmm. let me seriously consider the issue for... oh yeah, 2 seconds.Yeah, pretty much has to be Sam Tupy, Everything's basically Sam's fault these days.Sam tupy hacked my fridge, which isn't even an IOT (Internet of things) device/smart appliance, and injected code into the icemaker's DNA to render it useless.As far as proof is concerned? um... uh... um... uh... Well I just had to blame someone, OK? O frogging K? and the best possible and most underused and overqualified scapegoat? well that would just so happen to be Sam. Because... Because... Because my horoscope predicted it!And that's the end of my ridiculous rant for today.But in all seriousness, Where's your cotton frogging proof of this alleged serious viral assault in the first place, Secondly, Where's your proof it was Sam
 ? And Please note that giving the past incidences of full scale drama between the Op and Sam will not be considered valid, because I have no proof either was telling the truth as to the maturity level of the other individual, neither is that relevant to the discussion at hand. If You can provide sufficient proof of your claims, (proof being strictly conformed to the 2, (two) guidelines I set) Then I retract my comments unreservedly. If you fail to provide the aforementioned proof in a valid or timely manner/at all, then I shall consider your allegations to hold no water and you not to be trusted.The End.

URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=314758#p314758

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Re: A serious situation

2017-06-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Orko via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A serious situation

All I can say is, LOL!

URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=314759#p314759

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Re: A serious situation

2017-06-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Amine via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A serious situation

My neck hurts. SamTupy must of stepped on me when I  was sleeping. And I am saying just because i think it's him. But I have no proof. So, Ivan, you are clearly showing how childish you are by posting random assumptions to things that happened because of you not being careful with your system, and what programs to open so on. Red spot? To think, that after a year of playing, nobody complained of it and now once your computer got fucked by some random shit, you think it's red spot? Well, prove it!

URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=314764#p314764

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Re: A serious situation

2017-06-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : braille0109 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A serious situation

hi there,LOL this thread is entertaining. I don't know Sam Ivan or Colton. and they don't particularly like me, either, if you ask me. but, while logged into the killer earlier, I saw sam tupy came online. I even asked 3 times, in case I heard it wrong. when I looked in the notification, it was there. but when I looked at who was online, sam didn't show, and sam didn't show as going  off line, either. then, an hour later this post appears. and one question, before anyone flames me. why would I defend one over the other, when I'm an active STW player, as well as an active killer player? keep that in mind before you yell at me. now, the possibility of ivan self distructing his game under a fake name is possible, but if he didn't, then sam has to do with it indeed. not to mention that STW was down, and I heard Ivan knew why, who says that this isn't sam's way of revenge? my point is, don't blame one person more than the other, g
 ive everyone a fair chance.

URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=314769#p314769

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Re: A serious situation

2017-06-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : braille0109 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A serious situation

hi there,LOL this thread is entertaining. I don't know Sam Ivan or Colton. and they don't particularly like me, either, if you ask me. but, while logged into the killer earlier, I saw sam tupy came online. I even asked 3 times, in case I heard it wrong. when I looked in the notification, it was there. but when I looked at who was online, sam didn't show, and sam didn't show as going  off line, either. then, an hour later this post appears. and one question, before anyone flames me. why would I defend one over the other, when I'm an active STW player, as well as an active killer player? keep that in mind before you yell at me. now, the possibility of ivan self distructing his game under a fake name is possible, but if he didn't, then sam, or someone pretending to be him, has to do with it indeed. not to mention that STW was down, and I heard Ivan knew why, who says that this isn't sam's way of revenge? my point is, without evidence
 , this is useless. that goes to both sides. if they can check the sam tupy player's location, that may get us somewhere. but too many play sam's games, for viruses to have go unnoticed.

URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=314769#p314769

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Re: A serious situation

2017-06-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : sito via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A serious situation

guys, my balls hurts so bad. i just woke up this morning and they're hurting so bad, it must be sam's fault everything. noone else was in my room so everything is sams fault. even though he was miles away. ok, colton, ivan, where are your proofs? if there are recordings of when sam tells people that he's gonna hack someone, upload them. otherwise stop throwing out acusations cuz you're gellous. also, says the person who has hacked people in the passed. it makes this storry even more unbelieveble

URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=314770#p314770

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Re: A serious situation

2017-06-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : speeder via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A serious situation

ivan's so called hacking amounts to little more than blatant script kittism (using pre-made xcripts or exploits) fear mongering, and bgt files. there's no need to fear him, just don't run shit from him if you feel like he has a vendetta against you.

URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=314772#p314772

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Re: A serious situation

2017-06-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : braille0109 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A serious situation

although I'd be interested how he got hacked. NVDA remote? teamViewer? if yes, it wasn't hard to guess a key/pass code for, will say Sam for now. and if I recall rightly: 1) Sam had a similar post to this last year, how Ivan stole his stuff. 2) I recall them trying to take down servers together. so either ways, this is nothing more than a thing between Sam and Ivan, each time, affecting each other's  games, unless we hear otherwise.`

URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=314774#p314774

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Re: A serious situation

2017-06-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A serious situation

Sam Tupi ate my oreos!  They're gone!  Gone, I tell you!Seriously peeps, lets sit back and relax and stop all the fingerpointing on this level; it's neither productive nor in any way constructive to blame anyone for anything without hard evidence.  It's honestly dangerous and hurtful and gives us all a headache, trying to sort out what is and is not true.  The moral of all of these stories is simple; use a bit of common sense when you run anything that is anything you heard of off the internet or were handed by a friend.If Sam or anyone else on this forum is actually using audiogames to remotely excecute malicious code on anyone's PC, they're doing themselves a disservice by doing so.  The overall community of audiogamers is a small one and word gets around fast.  Nowadays computers running windows are more or less dirt cheap, so getting your hands on one if someone crashes another is a lot like waiting for the nex
 t big audiogame to come out of beta testing.

URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=314780#p314780

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