Re: An Interesting discussion on Aemon

2014-06-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : blindncool via Audiogames-reflector

Re: An Interesting discussion on Aemon

Most likely, the game would be downloadable as a zipfile, with either (or both) the .py or .pyc files. Thus, if you were running a python installation, you could run it with a single doubleclick or press of the ENTER key. Some editional libs might be required for, say, File I/O (for storing characters and such). After looking at some code, I could probably learn to write a Python Aemon Adventure with in a few hours.URL:

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Re: An Interesting discussion on Aemon

2014-06-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : aaron via Audiogames-reflector

Re: An Interesting discussion on Aemon

Hi,I would absolutely love to see a modern remake of Eamon. I can't really code right now though otherwise I'd try to help.From what I played of Eamon Deluxe, I really enjoyed it, and I'd love to see something that works on windows 7/8/mac/linux. Would this work as a portable game, or would it be online? I hope it'll be the former, as people can then take it with them too, much like their NVDA installations, so they've always got a game on hand while, say,a way on holiday and they've got access to a computer and want to kill some time.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: An Interesting discussion on Aemon

2014-06-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector

Re: An Interesting discussion on Aemon

I certainly think there is milage in trying to create a similar system to Eamon. Eamon had a lot of major advantages over  other text adventure systems like Zcode. It had a limited parza, and thus no guess the verb situations,  set categories for objects, npcs, chests etc, an adaptable combat system and the ability to play and progress the same character throughout multiple adventures. The setting also let  adventure creators write adventures in all sorts of settings and send the same character on them, thus you could have very serious save the  world from evil sorcerer type adventures, to slugging through wonderland taking on the queen of hearts or even finding yourself on the death star, all with the same character, and if you like the same sorts of weaponry. Eamon also had the ability to add extra coding for special events and occurrences within the game, sinse though the engine and categories recognized a lot of stuff and you could create a fairly pa
 ssable dungeon with the standard designer, lots of other stuff could be done, extra combat moves, talking npcs, (though really that should've been added in the game from the start), puzzles, even I'm told full on ship management simulation and trading in some adventures. All of this would be quite doable in python,  provided you could A, write a good enough main hall style module and setting to explain characters going on multiple adventures in random settings, and B, get enough people to create a corpus of adventures for it. Converting the classic eamon stuff is a more dicy proposition however, sinse what your effectively dealing with there are adventures written in apple basic, often with significant modifications and adaptations. Also,  unless you had the character editer and main hall sorted out, as well as the ability to embark on different adventures from the same one, you really wouldn't get the full experience. The beginner's cave 
 for example is pretty dull when considdered alone, however the point is that it serves as a starting dungeon for your player, with the ability to get some better weapons and the money you get can advance your character in the main hall. Many other adventures got considderably  more complex, altering the major scripting language sometimes in quite dramatic ways. This is one problem with converting them to modern systems, and why Eamon deluxe was being developed as a platform for running the adventures, rather than trying to actually convert a lot of very complex code. the issue with Eamon deluxe is more because microsoft are too lazy to support 16 bit applications on post xp windows, than an actual problem with the system, sinse unfortunately other than by entirely rewriting the hole codebase which would likely be a far harder task than trying to create a modern Eamon and write original adventures in it, there isn't really a way around other than emulation.I actually do think some sort of Vi version of  dosbox would be a really good idea, sinse it is not just Eamon deluxe that has this problems. Games like Fallthru, Drone, World of legends, Nebula and a lot of other dos text games run into issues on 64 bit systems.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: An Interesting discussion on Aemon

2014-06-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : tward via Audiogames-reflector

Re: An Interesting discussion on Aemon

Blindncool, I am in complete agreement that Python would be the ideal choice for a new Aemon adventure system. It is very easy to learn and use, it is cross-platform, and in my recent experience Python seems ideally suited for classic text adventure games. Exactly what we would want for a modern remake of Aemon.Moreover, I have actually considered doing such a project but just don't have the time right now to work on something like that. However, I've definitely been thinking about ways of recreating Aemon Deluxe and Python seems to strike the right balance between power of the language and simplicity that anyone can learn it and update the game's source code if necessary. Add to that Python is completely cross-platform, can be compiled for 32-bit and 64-bit systems, and would have none of the problems of the older 16-bit versions of Aemon right now.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

An Interesting discussion on Aemon

2014-06-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : blindncool via Audiogames-reflector

An Interesting discussion on Aemon

Hello everyone. I read some interesting discussion on Aemon at the following link: ,  which got me thinking about Aemon and possibilities of making a "new" aemon, for lack of a better word. Although, I think that Python would be the ideal platform for this thing. There is inform  source and an Adrift 5 game file for the beginner's cave, although I couldn't get the Inform source to compile. Also, there is a pearl script out there somewhere that will convert Aemon adventures to Inform 6 sources and Adrift 5 gamefiles. What are your thoughts?URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

An Interesting discussion on Aemon

2014-06-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : blindncool via Audiogames-reflector

An Interesting discussion on Aemon

Hello everyone. I read some interesting discussion on Aemon at the following link: ,  which got me thinking about Aemon and possibilities of making a "new" aemon, for lack of a better word. Although, I think that Python would be the ideal platform for this thing.URL:

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