Captain John Tyson's "Eurofly for Dummies" V1.0

2017-01-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Articles Room : Orin via Audiogames-reflector


Captain John Tyson's "Eurofly for Dummies" V1.0

Captain John Tyson here. It is my understanding that new pilots looking to be hired by EuroFly are not able to take off, land or even get to their destination. This guide I’ve written to help even the dumbest of you who’ve managed to graduate from Flight School but act like you’ve never been there, actually have a chance at this life. EuroFly requested I write this guide detailing their ten-flight test for initiation. If you don’t pass the test even after following my experienced instructions, please choose another career path for your own safety and the safety of millions of people.Preparing any FlightEssential Keyboard commands:Control+Enter - Gain essential information about the current aircraft.Control+F8 - Sort airports relative to your location.Space - Set a destination target within that airport list or any other list containing places of interest.F - get the frequency to communicate with the current Control Tower.Alt+F - Enter the frequency to tune to.Alt+T - Enter tower verification code.Control+B - buckles your seatbelt and vice versa.Control+Shift+E - Request a full tank of fuel.Page Up - Toggles the state of engine 1 on or off.Page Down - Toggles the state of Engine 2 on or off.Control+F - Extends/retracts the flaps of the aircraft.Control+G - Toggles the state of the landing gear.Up arrow - Decrease nose angle of Aircraft.Down Arrow - Increase nose angle of aircraft.R - Check current air speed.Z - Check current altitude.Home - Increase speed of Aircraft or throttling up.End - Decrease speed of aircraft or throttling down.Control+Left Arrow - Instructs the aircraft to make a full 90 degree turn to the left based on air speed.Control+Right arrow - Instructs the aircraft to make a full 90 degree turn to the right based on air speed.Left Arrow - Instructs the aircraft to make a  one degree turn to the left.Right arrow - Instructs the aircraft to make a one degree turn to the right.Shift+left arrow - Instructs the aircraft to turn 10 degrees to the left.Shift+Right arrow - Instructs the aircraft to turn 10 degrees to the right.N - Check destination information relative to current location and air speed.F1 - Request takeoff/landing clearance, check for nearby airports and check airport distance.K - Check current position on runway when grounded.When you board your aircraft, I’d advise setting the frequency and verifying yourself with the control tower first. after this, buckle up, give her a full tank of fuel, and turn her engines on.The Aircraft’s nose angle and actually lifting offIt’s important to note what the nose angle is. When you take off, it needs to be pointed, well, up. Duh. The nose is the front of the aircraft, which means that it is being supported on the ground at the back.That said, increase your nose angle to around 15 degrees. Generally, 17 degrees is the maximum I’d advise taking off at, because any higher and you’ll risk too much of a climb. Be sure to note the “Current Takeoff Speed” information supplied with your aircraft. This is the speed required for the aircraft to get off the runway and start climbing up. Once the aircraft climbs to an altitude of 6 or above, retract your flaps and bring down the landing gear. If you followed these instructions to the letter, congratulations! Maybe you’ll pass this and make an awesome life for yourself after all. Be sure to follow Air Traffic Control instructions and you’ll be alright. Change your heading to the destination that you set by turning 90 degrees and adjusting accordingly.Of course, I told you how to get off the ground, it would suck if I didn’t advise the way back down, right?LandingOnce air Traffic Control tells you that you’ve reached your destination airport, look at the aircraft information for “current landing air speed.” Start slowing down to that now, especially if you’re flying a big ass jet. You’ll definitely want to slow down now if you’ve opened the throttle all the way up to the maximum air speed. Then, follow the instruction that Air Traffic Control asks of you. Descend to 100 feet. Turn the aircraft’s nose to a descending angle. I’d advise -15 for landing itself, and -25 for steep descents if you’re very high up into the thousands. Once done, level out and check how far away from the airport you are. As ATC says, check for landing clearance less than 2 KM from the airport. Once landing clearance is given, retract the flaps, bring up the landing gear and angle to -15 for a nice, comfortable landing.Once landed, you can’t just park anywhere on the runway, that’s an accident waiting to happen.ParkingAs soon as you land, immediately start slowing down. Check the runway position of the aircraft while doing so. If it’s a negative number, such as, say, -140, keep going. The trick here is to stop between positive numbers 1 and 100. I’d advise having your speed below 30 when you get to negative numbers below 100.If, on the off-chance that you miss the sp

Captain John Tyson's "Eurofly for Dummies" V1.0

2017-01-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Articles Room : Orin via Audiogames-reflector


Captain John Tyson's "Eurofly for Dummies" V1.0

Captain John Tyson here. It is my understanding that new pilots looking to be hired by EuroFly are not able to take off, land or even get to their destination. This guide I’ve written to help even the dumbest of you who’ve managed to graduate from Flight School but act like you’ve never been there, actually have a chance at this life. EuroFly requested I write this guide detailing their ten-flight test for initiation. If you don’t pass the test even after following my experienced instructions, please choose another career path for your own safety and the safety of millions of people.Preparing any FlightEssential Keyboard commands:Control+Enter - Gain essential information about the current aircraft.Control+F8 - Sort airports relative to your location.Space - Set a destination target within that airport list or any other list containing places of interest.F - get the frequency to communicate with the current Control Tower.Alt+F - Enter the frequency to tune to.Alt+T - Enter tower verification code.Control+B - buckles your seatbelt and vice versa.Control+Shift+E - Request a full tank of fuel.Page Up - Toggles the state of engine 1 on or off.Page Down - Toggles the state of Engine 2 on or off.Control+F - Extends/retracts the flaps of the aircraft.Control+G - Toggles the state of the landing gear.Up arrow - Decrease nose angle of Aircraft.Down Arrow - Increase nose angle of aircraft.R - Check current air speed.Z - Check current altitude.Home - Increase speed of Aircraft or throttling up.End - Decrease speed of aircraft or throttling down.Control+Left Arrow - Instructs the aircraft to make a full 90 degree turn to the left based on air speed.Control+Right arrow - Instructs the aircraft to make a full 90 degree turn to the right based on air speed.Left Arrow - Instructs the aircraft to make a  one degree turn to the left.Right arrow - Instructs the aircraft to make a one degree turn to the right.Shift+left arrow - Instructs the aircraft to turn 10 degrees to the left.Shift+Right arrow - Instructs the aircraft to turn 10 degrees to the right.N - Check destination information relative to current location and air speed.F1 - Request takeoff/landing clearance, check for nearby airports and check airport distance.K - Check current position on runway when grounded.When you board your aircraft, I’d advise setting the frequency and verifying yourself with the control tower first. after this, buckle up, give her a full tank of fuel, and turn her engines on.The Aircraft’s nose angle and actually lifting offIt’s important to note what the nose angle is. When you take off, it needs to be pointed, well, up. Duh. The nose is the front of the aircraft, which means that it is being supported on the ground at the back.That said, increase your nose angle to around 15 degrees. Generally, 17 degrees is the maximum I’d advise taking off at, because any higher and you’ll risk too much of a climb. Be sure to note the “Current Takeoff Speed” information supplied with your aircraft. This is the speed required for the aircraft to get off the runway and start climbing up. Once the aircraft climbs to an altitude of 6 or above, retract your flaps and bring down the landing gear. If you followed these instructions to the letter, congratulations! Maybe you’ll pass this and make an awesome life for yourself after all. Be sure to follow Air Traffic Control instructions and you’ll be alright. Change your heading to the destination that you set by turning 90 degrees and adjusting accordingly.Of course, I told you how to get off the ground, it would suck if I didn’t advise the way back down, right?LandingOnce air Traffic Control tells you that you’ve reached your destination airport, look at the aircraft information for “current landing air speed.” Start slowing down to that now, especially if you’re flying a big ass jet. You’ll definitely want to slow down now if you’ve opened the throttle all the way up to the maximum air speed. Then, follow the instruction that Air Traffic Control asks of you. Descend to 100 feet. Turn the aircraft’s nose to a descending angle. I’d advise -15 for landing itself, and -25 for steep descents if you’re very high up into the thousands. Once done, level out and check how far away from the airport you are. As ATC says, check for landing clearance less than 2 KM from the airport. Once landing clearance is given, retract the flaps, bring up the landing gear and angle to -15 for a nice, comfortable landing.Once landed, you can’t just park anywhere on the runway, that’s an accident waiting to happen.ParkingAs soon as you land, immediately start slowing down. Check the runway position of the aircraft while doing so. If it’s a negative number, such as, say, -140, keep going. The trick here is to stop between positive numbers 1 and 100. I’d advise having your speed below 30 when you get to negative numbers below 100.If, on the off-chance that you miss the sp

Captain John Tyson's "Eurofly for Dummies" V1.0

2016-11-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Articles Room : Orin via Audiogames-reflector


Captain John Tyson's "Eurofly for Dummies" V1.0

Captain John Tyson here. It is my understanding that new pilots looking to be hired by EuroFly are not able to take off, land or even get to their destination. This guide I’ve written to help even the dumbest of you who’ve managed to graduate from Flight School but act like you’ve never been there, actually have a chance at this life. EuroFly requested I write this guide detailing their ten-flight test for initiation. If you don’t pass the test even after following my experienced instructions, please choose another career path for your own safety and the safety of millions of people.Preparing any FlightEssential Keyboard commands:Control+Enter - Gain essential information about the current aircraft.Control+F8 - Sort airports relative to your location.Space - Set a destination target within that airport list or any other list containing places of interest.F - get the frequency to communicate with the current Control Tower.Alt+F - Enter the frequency to tune to.Alt+T - Enter tower verification code.Control+B - buckles your seatbelt and vice versa.Control+Shift+E - Request a full tank of fuel.Page Up - Toggles the state of engine 1 on or off.Page Down - Toggles the state of Engine 2 on or off.Control+F - Extends/retracts the flaps of the aircraft.Control+G - Toggles the state of the landing gear.Up arrow - Decrease nose angle of Aircraft.Down Arrow - Increase nose angle of aircraft.R - Check current air speed.Z - Check current altitude.Home - Increase speed of Aircraft or throttling up.End - Decrease speed of aircraft or throttling down.Control+Left Arrow - Instructs the aircraft to make a full 90 degree turn to the left based on air speed.Control+Right arrow - Instructs the aircraft to make a full 90 degree turn to the right based on air speed.Left Arrow - Instructs the aircraft to make a  one degree turn to the left.Right arrow - Instructs the aircraft to make a one degree turn to the right.Shift+left arrow - Instructs the aircraft to turn 10 degrees to the left.Shift+Right arrow - Instructs the aircraft to turn 10 degrees to the right.N - Check destination information relative to current location and air speed.F1 - Request takeoff/landing clearance, check for nearby airports and check airport distance.K - Check current position on runway when grounded.When you board your aircraft, I’d advise setting the frequency and verifying yourself with the control tower first. after this, buckle up, give her a full tank of fuel, and turn her engines on.The Aircraft’s nose angleIt’s important to note what the nose angle is. When you take off, it needs to be pointed, well, up. Duh. The nose is the front of the aircraft, which means that it is being supported on the ground at the back.That said, increase your nose angle to around 15 degrees. Generally, 17 degrees is the maximum I’d advise taking off at, because any higher and you’ll risk too much of a climb. Be sure to note the “Current Takeoff Speed” information supplied with your aircraft. This is the speed required for the aircraft to get off the runway and start climbing up. Once the aircraft climbs to an altitude of 6 or above, retract your flaps and bring down the landing gear. If you followed these instructions to the letter, congratulations! Maybe you’ll pass this and make an awesome life for yourself after all. Be sure to follow Air Traffic Control instructions and you’ll be alright. Change your heading to the destination that you set by turning 90 degrees and adjusting accordingly.Of course, I told you how to get off the ground, it would suck if I didn’t advise the way back down, right?LandingOnce air Traffic Control tells you that you’ve reached your destination airport, look at the aircraft information for “current landing air speed.” Start slowing down to that now, especially if you’re flying a big ass jet. You’ll definitely want to slow down now if you’ve opened the throttle all the way up to the maximum air speed. Then, follow the instruction that Air Traffic Control asks of you. Descend to 100 feet. Turn the aircraft’s nose to a descending angle. I’d advise -15 for landing itself, and -25 for steep descents if you’re very high up into the thousands. Once done, level out and check how far away from the airport you are. As ATC says, check for landing clearance less than 2 KM from the airport. Once landing clearance is given, retract the flaps, bring up the landing gear and angle to -15 for a nice, comfortable landing.Once landed, you can’t just park anywhere on the runway, that’s an accident waiting to happen.ParkingAs soon as you land, immediately start slowing down. Check the runway position of the aircraft while doing so. If it’s a negative number, such as, say, -140, keep going. The trick here is to stop between positive numbers 1 and 100. I’d advise having your speed below 30 when you get to negative numbers below 100.If, on the off-chance that you miss the spot to park at and it w

Captain John Tyson's "Eurofly for Dummies" V1.0

2016-11-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Articles Room : Orin via Audiogames-reflector


Captain John Tyson's "Eurofly for Dummies" V1.0

Captain John Tyson here. It is my understanding that new pilots looking to be hired by EuroFly are not able to take off, land or even get to their destination. This guide I’ve written to help even the dumbest of you who’ve managed to graduate from Flight School but act like you’ve never been there, actually have a chance at this life. EuroFly requested I write this guide detailing their ten-flight test for initiation. If you don’t pass the test even after following my experienced instructions, please choose another career path for your own safety and the safety of millions of people.Preparing any FlightEssential Keyboard commands:[list*][*]Control+Enter - Gain essential information about the current aircraft.[/*][*]Control+F8 - Sort airports relative to your location.[/*][*]Space - Set a destination target within that airport list or any other list containing places of interest.[/*][*]F - get the frequency to communicate with the current Control Tower.[/*][*]Alt+F - Enter the frequency to tune to.[/*][*]Alt+T - Enter tower verification code.[/*][*]Control+B - buckles your seatbelt and vice versa.[/*][*]Control+Shift+E - Request a full tank of fuel.[/*][*]Page Up - Toggles the state of engine 1 on or off.[/*][*]Page Down - Toggles the state of Engine 2 on or off.[/*][*]Control+F - Extends/retracts the flaps of the aircraft.[/*][*]Control+G - Toggles the state of the landing gear.[/*][*]Up arrow - Decrease nose angle of Aircraft.[/*][*]Down Arrow - Increase nose angle of aircraft.[/*][*]R - Check current air speed.[/*][*]Z - Check current altitude.[/*][*]Home - Increase speed of Aircraft or throttling up.[/*][*]End - Decrease speed of aircraft or throttling down.[/*][*]Control+Left Arrow - Instructs the aircraft to make a full 90 degree turn to the left based on air speed.[/*][*]Control+Right arrow - Instructs the aircraft to make a full 90 degree turn to the right based on air speed.[/*][*]Left Arrow - Instructs the aircraft to make a  one degree turn to the left.[/*][*]Right arrow - Instructs the aircraft to make a one degree turn to the right.[/*][*]Shift+left arrow - Instructs the aircraft to turn 10 degrees to the left.[/*][*]Shift+Right arrow - Instructs the aircraft to turn 10 degrees to the right.[/*][*]N - Check destination information relative to current location and air speed.[/*][*]F1 - Request takeoff/landing clearance, check for nearby airports and check airport distance.[/*][*]K - Check current position on runway when grounded.[/*][/list*]When you board your aircraft, I’d advise setting the frequency and verifying yourself with the control tower first. after this, buckle up, give her a full tank of fuel, and turn her engines on.The Aircraft’s nose angleIt’s important to note what the nose angle is. When you take off, it needs to be pointed, well, up. Duh. The nose is the front of the aircraft, which means that it is being supported on the ground at the back.That said, increase your nose angle to around 15 degrees. Generally, 17 degrees is the maximum I’d advise taking off at, because any higher and you’ll risk too much of a climb. Be sure to note the “Current Takeoff Speed” information supplied with your aircraft. This is the speed required for the aircraft to get off the runway and start climbing up. Once the aircraft climbs to an altitude of 6 or above, retract your flaps and bring down the landing gear. If you followed these instructions to the letter, congratulations! Maybe you’ll pass this and make an awesome life for yourself after all. Be sure to follow Air Traffic Control instructions and you’ll be alright. Change your heading to the destination that you set by turning 90 degrees and adjusting accordingly.Of course, I told you how to get off the ground, it would suck if I didn’t advise the way back down, right?LandingOnce air Traffic Control tells you that you’ve reached your destination airport, look at the aircraft information for “current landing air speed.” Start slowing down to that now, especially if you’re flying a big ass jet. You’ll definitely want to slow down now if you’ve opened the throttle all the way up to the maximum air speed. Then, follow the instruction that Air Traffic Control asks of you. Descend to 100 feet. Turn the aircraft’s nose to a descending angle. I’d advise -15 for landing itself, and -25 for steep descents if you’re very high up into the thousands. Once done, level out and check how far away from the airport you are. As ATC says, check for landing clearance less than 2 KM from the airport. Once landing clearance is given, retract the flaps, bring up the landing gear and angle to -15 for a nice, comfortable landing.Once landed, you can’t just park anywhere on the runway, that’s an accident waiting to happen.ParkingAs soon as you land, immediately start slowing down. Check the runway position of the aircraft while doing so. If it’s a negative number, such as, say, -140, keep going. The 

Captain John Tyson's "Eurofly for Dummies" V1.0

2016-11-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Articles Room : Orin via Audiogames-reflector


Captain John Tyson's "Eurofly for Dummies" V1.0

Captain John Tyson here. It is my understanding that new pilots looking to be hired by EuroFly are not able to take off, land or even get to their destination. This guide I’ve written to help even the dumbest of you who’ve managed to graduate from Flight School but act like you’ve never been there, actually have a chance at this life. EuroFly requested I write this guide detailing their ten-flight test for initiation. If you don’t pass the test even after following my experienced instructions, please choose another career path for your own safety and the safety of millions of people.Preparing any FlightEssential Keyboard commands:Control+Enter - Gain essential information about the current aircraft.Control+F8 - Sort airports relative to your location.Space - Set a destination target within that airport list or any other list containing places of interest.F - get the frequency to communicate with the current Control Tower.Alt+F - Enter the frequency to tune to.Alt+T - Enter tower verification code.Control+B - buckles your seatbelt and vice versa.Control+Shift+E - Request a full tank of fuel.Page Up - Toggles the state of engine 1 on or off.Page Down - Toggles the state of Engine 2 on or off.Control+F - Extends/retracts the flaps of the aircraft.Control+G - Toggles the state of the landing gear.Up arrow - Decrease nose angle of Aircraft.Down Arrow - Increase nose angle of aircraft.R - Check current air speed.Z - Check current altitude.Home - Increase speed of Aircraft or throttling up.End - Decrease speed of aircraft or throttling down.Control+Left Arrow - Instructs the aircraft to make a full 90 degree turn to the left based on air speed.Control+Right arrow - Instructs the aircraft to make a full 90 degree turn to the right based on air speed.Left Arrow - Instructs the aircraft to make a  one degree turn to the left.Right arrow - Instructs the aircraft to make a one degree turn to the right.Shift+left arrow - Instructs the aircraft to turn 10 degrees to the left.Shift+Right arrow - Instructs the aircraft to turn 10 degrees to the right.N - Check destination information relative to current location and air speed.F1 - Request takeoff/landing clearance, check for nearby airports and check airport distance.K - Check current position on runway when grounded.When you board your aircraft, I’d advise setting the frequency and verifying yourself with the control tower first. after this, buckle up, give her a full tank of fuel, and turn her engines on.The Aircraft’s nose angleIt’s important to note what the nose angle is. When you take off, it needs to be pointed, well, up. Duh. The nose is the front of the aircraft, which means that it is being supported on the ground at the back.That said, increase your nose angle to around 15 degrees. Generally, 17 degrees is the maximum I’d advise taking off at, because any higher and you’ll risk too much of a climb. Be sure to note the “Current Takeoff Speed” information supplied with your aircraft. This is the speed required for the aircraft to get off the runway and start climbing up. Once the aircraft climbs to an altitude of 6 or above, retract your flaps and bring down the landing gear. If you followed these instructions to the letter, congratulations! Maybe you’ll pass this and make an awesome life for yourself after all. Be sure to follow Air Traffic Control instructions and you’ll be alright. Change your heading to the destination that you set by turning 90 degrees and adjusting accordingly.Of course, I told you how to get off the ground, it would suck if I didn’t advise the way back down, right?LandingOnce air Traffic Control tells you that you’ve reached your destination airport, look at the aircraft information for “current landing air speed.” Start slowing down to that now, especially if you’re flying a big ass jet. You’ll definitely want to slow down now if you’ve opened the throttle all the way up to the maximum air speed. Then, follow the instruction that Air Traffic Control asks of you. Descend to 100 feet. Turn the aircraft’s nose to a descending angle. I’d advise -15 for landing itself, and -25 for steep descents if you’re very high up into the thousands. Once done, level out and check how far away from the airport you are. As ATC says, check for landing clearance less than 2 KM from the airport. Once landing clearance is given, retract the flaps, bring up the landing gear and angle to -15 for a nice, comfortable landing.Once landed, you can’t just park anywhere on the runway, that’s an accident waiting to happen.ParkingAs soon as you land, immediately start slowing down. Check the runway position of the aircraft while doing so. If it’s a negative number, such as, say, -140, keep going. The trick here is to stop between positive numbers 1 and 100. I’d advise having your speed below 30 when you get to negative numbers below 100.If, on the off-chance that you miss the spot to park at and it w

Captain John Tyson's "Eurofly for Dummies" V1.0

2016-11-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Articles Room : Orin via Audiogames-reflector


Captain John Tyson's "Eurofly for Dummies" V1.0

Captain John Tyson here. It is my understanding that new pilots looking to be hired by EuroFly are not able to take off, land or even get to their destination. This guide I’ve written to help even the dumbest of you who’ve managed to graduate from Flight School but act like you’ve never been there, actually have a chance at this life. EuroFly requested I write this guide detailing their ten-flight test for initiation. If you don’t pass the test even after following my experienced instructions, please choose another career path for your own safety and the safety of millions of people.Preparing any FlightEssential Keyboard commands:[*]Control+Enter - Gain essential information about the current aircraft.[/*][*]Control+F8 - Sort airports relative to your location.[/*][*]Space - Set a destination target within that airport list or any other list containing places of interest.[/*][*]F - get the frequency to communicate with the current Control Tower.[/*][*]Alt+F - Enter the frequency to tune to.[/*][*]Alt+T - Enter tower verification code.[/*][*]Control+B - buckles your seatbelt and vice versa.[/*][*]Control+Shift+E - Request a full tank of fuel.[/*][*]Page Up - Toggles the state of engine 1 on or off.[/*][*]Page Down - Toggles the state of Engine 2 on or off.[/*][*]Control+F - Extends/retracts the flaps of the aircraft.[/*][*]Control+G - Toggles the state of the landing gear.[/*][*]Up arrow - Decrease nose angle of Aircraft.[/*][*]Down Arrow - Increase nose angle of aircraft.[/*][*]R - Check current air speed.[/*][*]Z - Check current altitude.[/*][*]Home - Increase speed of Aircraft or throttling up.[/*][*]End - Decrease speed of aircraft or throttling down.[/*][*]Control+Left Arrow - Instructs the aircraft to make a full 90 degree turn to the left based on air speed.[/*][*]Control+Right arrow - Instructs the aircraft to make a full 90 degree turn to the right based on air speed.[/*][*]Left Arrow - Instructs the aircraft to make a  one degree turn to the left.[/*][*]Right arrow - Instructs the aircraft to make a one degree turn to the right.[/*][*]Shift+left arrow - Instructs the aircraft to turn 10 degrees to the left.[/*][*]Shift+Right arrow - Instructs the aircraft to turn 10 degrees to the right.[/*][*]N - Check destination information relative to current location and air speed.[/*][*]F1 - Request takeoff/landing clearance, check for nearby airports and check airport distance.[/*][*]K - Check current position on runway when grounded.[/*]When you board your aircraft, I’d advise setting the frequency and verifying yourself with the control tower first. after this, buckle up, give her a full tank of fuel, and turn her engines on.The Aircraft’s nose angleIt’s important to note what the nose angle is. When you take off, it needs to be pointed, well, up. Duh. The nose is the front of the aircraft, which means that it is being supported on the ground at the back.That said, increase your nose angle to around 15 degrees. Generally, 17 degrees is the maximum I’d advise taking off at, because any higher and you’ll risk too much of a climb. Be sure to note the “Current Takeoff Speed” information supplied with your aircraft. This is the speed required for the aircraft to get off the runway and start climbing up. Once the aircraft climbs to an altitude of 6 or above, retract your flaps and bring down the landing gear. If you followed these instructions to the letter, congratulations! Maybe you’ll pass this and make an awesome life for yourself after all. Be sure to follow Air Traffic Control instructions and you’ll be alright. Change your heading to the destination that you set by turning 90 degrees and adjusting accordingly.Of course, I told you how to get off the ground, it would suck if I didn’t advise the way back down, right?LandingOnce air Traffic Control tells you that you’ve reached your destination airport, look at the aircraft information for “current landing air speed.” Start slowing down to that now, especially if you’re flying a big ass jet. You’ll definitely want to slow down now if you’ve opened the throttle all the way up to the maximum air speed. Then, follow the instruction that Air Traffic Control asks of you. Descend to 100 feet. Turn the aircraft’s nose to a descending angle. I’d advise -15 for landing itself, and -25 for steep descents if you’re very high up into the thousands. Once done, level out and check how far away from the airport you are. As ATC says, check for landing clearance less than 2 KM from the airport. Once landing clearance is given, retract the flaps, bring up the landing gear and angle to -15 for a nice, comfortable landing.Once landed, you can’t just park anywhere on the runway, that’s an accident waiting to happen.ParkingAs soon as you land, immediately start slowing down. Check the runway position of the aircraft while doing so. If it’s a negative number, such as, say, -140, keep going. The trick here is to st