Re: Chromevox Today, (Formally Cromibility), AG Community

2015-05-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Trenton Goldshark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Chromevox Today, (Formally Cromibility), AG Community

 Name Change, And Official Community Suggestions! Greettings!First off, even though I havent started the podcast itself yet, Ive decided to change its name to not be so blind specific. Thus, I have a question for yall.Which community, would you people prefer, for Chromevox discussion?There is the Official Chromevox/Chrome OS discussion group, however its low traffic, and I want to give folks a place to discuss it all.My idea is using IRC for the place, but do you people have a more prefered home of location?The most popular place folks pick, will be the home of Chromevox Todays community.It will also be a place for Android discussion as well.Have a great day folks~!


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Re: Cromibility (AG Community)

2015-02-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Trenton Goldshark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Cromibility (AG Community)

At this time, the best mud clients are:[li] PHudBase Web Mud Client:[li] ChroMUD: … bcfo?hl=enKeep in mind, you will have to Chromevox-up/down acordingly, to read info, as with both, it is not automatic.Unless there is a web based telnet client that supports ARIA, those are the current mud clients for Chrome that I know of that work well.


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Re: Cromibility (AG Community)

2015-02-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : devinprater via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Cromibility (AG Community)

Ah, I see.


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Re: Cromibility (AG Community)

2015-02-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Trenton Goldshark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Cromibility (AG Community)

For FB, best to use the mobile site, however the main site is doable, though it can be a bit over talkative at times, especially if using the Facebook Messaging section.As a side note, Facebook calls via the main site, works on Chromebooks, as FB has moved away from the Skype plugin, and is now using Web RTC. At this time, Web Real Time Communication calls, can not link up with FB Mobile app ones. Unless they have a new update which I do not know about...As for pianos, here is a Chrome Web Store search result list of them: havent tried any of them yet with my Chromebook.


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Re: Cromibility (AG Community)

2015-02-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Trenton Goldshark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Cromibility (AG Community)

At this time, the best mud clients are:PHudBase Web Mud Client: … bcfo?hl=enKeep in mind, you will have to Chromevox-up/down acordingly, to read info, as with both, it is not automatic.Unless there is a web based telnet client that supports ARIA, those are the current mud clients for Chrome that I know of that work well.


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Re: Cromibility (AG Community)

2015-02-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : devinprater via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Cromibility (AG Community)

[[wow]], okay. Hmm, any apps for making music, either by inputting some kind of notation or by playing a keyboard? And anything on using facebook with CV?


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Re: Cromibility (AG Community)

2015-02-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : devinprater via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Cromibility (AG Community)

Has anyone found a good MUD client? And how about tips on using facebook with it?


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Re: Cromibility (AG Community)

2015-01-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Trenton Goldshark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Cromibility (AG Community)

Sorry if this is a very late reply...To turn the screen off, you can either press the brightness keys, keyes 7 and 8 on the top row.  Ah, awesome ya got the Chromebook 11 too!I never tried Crueton before though... Not sure how accessibility that is.Yep, the main media player for Chromebooks is a bit of a let down, As for a music player, check out Achshar Player: … idnaejnkh/Another one to take a look at, is called Enjoy Music Player: … bekl?hl=enHope that helps!


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Re: Cromibility (AG Community)

2015-01-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : devinprater via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Cromibility (AG Community)

Hi. What apps are really accessible though on chrome? Is reddit accessible with it? And how do you use facebook with it? Every time I use it, Im on the regular no beta version of chrome, and chromevox says like button every time I press j or k, and thats all it does.


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Re: Cromibility (AG Community)

2015-01-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : wanderer via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Cromibility (AG Community)

Just popping in to say Ive also jumped on the Chromebook bandwagon, though my intent from the start was to install Linux; I just wanted an inexpensive laptop with better battery life than the one Im currently using, and built-in bluetooth. I wanted to install Archlinux on it, but unfortunately and unknown to me at the time I bought it, Chromebooks with BayTrail processors dont support legacy boot mode, so I guess Im stuck on Chrome OS or Crouton. I have the Acer Chromebook 11 and got it about two weeks ago, and am still trying to figure out how Im going to set it up. Chrome OS looks nice enough from what Ive seen except for the audio player, which has all unlabeled controls, and the terminal, which ChromeVox is horrible with. Also I dont like the default voice at all and its very difficult to understand at high speeds; I wish there was an Espeak extension, but so far Ive been unable to find one. I guess this is a minor issue, b
 ut Id like to be able to turn off the screen to save power and for privacy, which doesnt seem to be possible in Chrome OS. So for those reasons Im probably going to be trying Crouton and see if I have any luck with getting Orca running. All that being said though its a pretty nice little notebook; very light and easy to carry around, and the battery life is awesome, probably because this model has no moving parts.


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Re: Cromibility (AG Community)

2014-12-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : aaron via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Cromibility (AG Community)

Hello,Im looking forward to finding out whats going to be behind the post in post 1.


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Re: Cromibility (AG Community)

2014-12-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Trenton Goldshark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Cromibility (AG Community)

Name Update!I may go back to the original name, but just experimenting for now. Especially once I start making official communities, particularly a Google Plus one.


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Re: Cromibility

2014-12-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Trenton Goldshark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Cromibility

Apps Launcher ExtensionBack in Post 49, I mentioned that it wasnt easy to remove apps on a Chroebook if using Chromevox.Im hapy to have found within the Chrome Web Store, an extension called Apps Launcher , which is extremely! accessible with Chromevox, and probably will work with other screen readers too. Once youve installed the extension from the store, you press alt-shift-t to focus on the toolbar, then arrow left or shift-tab to the Apps button. Once ya hit Space or enter, arror to the app you would like to launch, then press enter to open it. If youd like to remove the installed app, do your favorite way to bring up the context menu for something, and youll be presented with the Remove App dialog. Confirm ya wish to remove the by hitting the Remove button, or hit cancel
 /Escape to undo the removal.Enjoy!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Cromibility

2014-12-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Trenton Goldshark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Cromibility

Apps Launcher ExtensionBack in Post 49 , I mentioned that it wasnt easy to remove apps on a Chroebook if using Chromevox.Im hapy to have found within the Chrome Web Store, an extension called Apps Launcher , which is extremely! accessible with Chromevox, and probably will work with other screen readers too. Once youve installed the extension from the store, you press alt-shift-t to focus on the toolbar, then arrow left or shift-tab to the Apps button. Once ya hit Space or enter, arror to the app you would like to launch, then press enter to open it. If youd like to remove the installed app, do your favorite way to bring up the context menu for something, and youll be presented with the Remove App dialog. Confirm ya wish
  to remove the by hitting the Remove button, or hit cancel/Escape to undo the removal.Enjoy!


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Re: Cromibility

2014-12-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Trenton Goldshark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Cromibility

Available For AndroidFor anyone thinking about getting a Chrome OS device, you can find a list of compatible Android Apps that work on Chrome OS, by heading on over to the Available For Android section of the Chrome Web Store.I am happy to report by the way, Chromevox works with Android apps quite nicely! I am looking at the Sunrise Calendar app, and everything indeed does speak!If you would like to suggest an Android app for inclusion inside the the Chrome Web Store, please Submit A Google Play Link via the Google Form linked above.You can submit more than one gPlay link by the way... See its link on the Thank You page, after sharing your fi
 rst link.


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Re: Cromibility

2014-12-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Sebby via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Cromibility

@Mario: there is really not much documentation at all in the box, just a bit of paper with safety instructions and a diagram, with instructions for how to turn on your ChromeBook and begin to use it. Really, thats all you need.The power key is on the top right. Have fun. 


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Re: Cromibility

2014-12-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : mario navarro via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Cromibility

Hi Seppi.  thanks for the info friend.  yeah, this system is very simple, but I thought that I could meet better the system through the manual.  but I understand that there is no need to.  cheers.


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Re: Cromibility

2014-12-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Sebby via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Cromibility

I just tried it with ChromeVox options panel. Thats affected. Just realised too--Im on Canary, because I thought itd be a harmless excursion. Im very glad I tried it! In CV options its especially irritating, because of course thats where you choose your voices etc.


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Re: Cromibility

2014-12-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Trenton Goldshark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Cromibility

Ah, in that case, press cv-comma. Itll bring up the combo box like a context menu. Quite clever if ya ask me.The strange part with using Chromevox on Chrome OS, is removing apps that isnt an extension. You do it via the Launcher, with alt-shift-l, then hit space or enter on the Apps button. Easy right? Though trying to right click on the icon once youve navigated to it, is hit and miss. On a Chromebook, you right click by holding two fingers down on to the trackpad, then tap once.Somceimtes it bring up the right menu, other times it brings up the menu for the sehlf itself. So Ive been experimenting with that. Of course, aq lot of the apps out there are still just shortcuts to web sites, so Im not missing too many apps themselves. Plenty of default Google apps are already preinstalled too. Note by the way, the Hangouts app, unlike the extention or on Google Plus
 , or even GMail, does not say anything! Im talking about the Hangouts app for Chrome OS/Windows only. Well, officially for Chrome OS/Windows anyway...


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Re: Cromibility

2014-12-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : mario navarro via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Cromibility

Hi Seppi. I want ask you a favor.  you have the user manual of your CB Dell?  I will buy a CB Dell like yours.  if you have please send to me.  cheers.


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Re: Cromibility

2014-12-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Trenton Goldshark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Cromibility

How to Get Windows Like Function Keys on Your ChromebookFor you Windows users wanting to have a more happier time with using chrome devices, have a look at this here article. You may want to open the Chrome OS Keyboard Explorer feature, by pressing Chromevox-O-k. Press ctrl-w to close it. Enjoy!


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Re: Cromibility

2014-12-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Sebby via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Cromibility

I havent seen a single message since the last time I wrote. It is either very, very quiet, or the moderators are filtering mail, or something. Hopefully, we can answer your questions. If not, Ill let you know what happens when I post there.Now, as to ChromeVox generally, one truly annoying aspect of this is that you sync between desktop and ChromeBook, and they behave differently. I dont see how to reach EG the address bar using desktop Chrome, whereas it works fine on the ChromeBook.And does anyone know how the f*** you select items from pop-up menus? For some reason, I hear the value, but when I do CV+Space, I cant hear the values Im selecting. How do I select an item without closing the box, checking the value, opening it again, etc? Frustrating; help appreciated.


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Re: Cromibility

2014-12-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : mario navarro via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Cromibility

ok Seppi.I think the problem pop -up menus, it is a bug.I heard that in the group online.cheers.


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Re: Cromibility

2014-12-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Trenton Goldshark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Cromibility

Ah yes, pop menus are a bit of a challenge. I just upgraded my chrome OS to the beta channel.Which site were ya trying to work the pop menu with?


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Re: Cromibility

2014-12-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Trenton Goldshark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Cromibility

The Chromebook Journey Begins!I am now typing to you all, on my brand-new Acer Chromebook 11, where Im about to set a timer for a pizza via the omni bar!BTW, to answer a quesgtion dealing with the Google TTS voices, I can confirm that the Portuguese language voice is an option among the select language screen, once ya turn on your chromebook/box/base. And unlike with the Chromevox extension, the voice actually works!Ill do an audio demo of the Acer CB 11 soon... Tried doing an unboxing recording, didnt work out sadly thanks to a certain tabby Grey cat.


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Re: Cromibility

2014-12-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : mario navarro via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Cromibility

hi Seppi.thank you friend.I will try again.maybe this time Ill have better luck ...cheers.


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Re: Cromibility

2014-12-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : mario navarro via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Cromibility

i Trenton, good news you give was very good to hear ...I wish you a good journey with your chrome have to be careful because I think your cat wants to steal the chrome book from you ...ok, nice demo.thanks for everything.cheers.


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Re: Cromibility

2014-12-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : mario navarro via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Cromibility

hi Trenton and seppi.I did the subscricion again,  but I got this message back:We have received a request to join the axs - chrome -discuss group.You are already subscribed to this group.I do not understand why not get the messages of the group in my mail thunder bird.some tips?...cheers.


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Re: Cromibility

2014-12-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Sebby via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Cromibility

This is going as well as you would expect from the Interwebs, really.@Mario, Im afraid I dont see your posts at all. You may wish to double-check you are subscribed; do it by email; send a note to to get started.@Trenton: absolutely, this thing really is just a client for apps, which provided theyre written in _javascript_, run on or off line. And Google will make damn sure you cant tell whether youre running an app powered by _javascript_. It really is impressive. 


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Cromibility

2014-12-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Sebby via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Cromibility

This is going as well as you would expect from the Interwebs, really.@Mario, Im afraid I dont see your posts at all. You may wish to double-check you are subscribed; do it by email; send a note to to get started.@Trenton: absolutely, this thing really is just a client for apps, which provided theyre written in _javascript_, run on or off line. And Google will make damn sure you cant tell whether youre running an app powered by _javascript_. It really is impressive. 


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Re: Cromibility

2014-12-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Trenton Goldshark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Cromibility

Chromebook mythbusting: What a Chromebook can do when the internet goes down!The heading above, is the exact words which title This fine article from the Newmind Group Blog. It amazes me how many people do not take a trip on over to the Offline Enabled section of the Chrome Web Store.


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Re: Cromibility

2014-12-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : mario navarro via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Cromibility

please someone help me with these questions.I send this message to group chrome OS accessibility but no one answers me. Hi folks. I would like to ask you a few questions:  1. someone can explain to me if Google added to the chrome vox new Sint engine of voices Google, or are still limited to the Sint engine peco. for example:  in talkback for Android, Google allows us to download the Sint native voice Google.  soon will buy a CB and use the CV and how Im from  Portugal would have to use a Sint voice language Brazil native of Google.  becauseThere is no language to Portuguese to native Sint of Google,  is urgent for me to know about this question because dependdo her to buy the CB.   2. The system allows installing other types of Sint voice? 3. The system has Sint voices included?  for example:  on windows, the system has Sint of voices sapi5.5 4.  if I buy a CB in Portugal. The chrome vox is already translated to Portuguis? Or the chrome vox is only translated into a single language for all countries?  thank you all.  cheers.


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Re: Cromibility

2014-12-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Trenton Goldshark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Cromibility

Sadly, your messages to the AxS chrome list have not gone through it seems to the list.


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Re: Cromibility

2014-12-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Trenton Goldshark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Cromibility

Other Chrome CommunitiesBesides the AXS-Chrome-Diss Google Group, and the Accessible Google Group, here two Google Plus communities worth checking out. They are Chromebooks , and Chromebook EDU (Education.)As a Bonus, there is also the ChromeOS subreddit, part of ReddIt


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Cromibility

2014-12-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Trenton Goldshark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Cromibility

Other Chrome CommunitiesBesides the AXS-Chrome-Discuss Google Group, the Accessible Google Group, and Ours, here two Google Plus communities worth checking out. They are Chromebooks , and Chromebook EDU (Education.)As a Bonus, there is also the ChromeOS subreddit, part of ReddIt


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Cromibility

2014-12-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Trenton Goldshark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Cromibility

Other Chrome CommunitiesBesides the AXS-Chrome-Discuss Google Group, the Accessible Google Group, and Ours , here two Google Plus communities worth checking out. They are Chromebooks , and Chromebook EDU (Education.)As a Bonus, there is also the ChromeOS subreddit, part of ReddIt


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Re: Cromibility

2014-12-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : mario navarro via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Cromibility

Hi seppi, welcome to the world Chrome OS.  nice chrome Book Dell.  congratulations.   hi Trenton.  thanks for sharing.  I liked very much,this: HTTPS: / / / webstore / detail / jstorrent / anhdpjpojoipgpmfanmedjghaligalgb? HL = en  and this,  HTTPS: / / / webstore / detail / jstorrent / anhdpjpojoipgpmfanmedjghaligalgb? HL = en  thanks.  cheers.


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Re: Cromibility

2014-12-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Sebby via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Cromibility

Dell has listed the keyboard shortcuts, which really arent all that specific to Dell. FYI you can press a combination to look up the shortcuts for your machine; I think its Ctrl-Alt-Slash.


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Re: Cromibility

2014-12-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Sebby via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Cromibility

Now, Im looking at the Remote Desktop app. I dunno if I like giving access to my boxes to the big G in the sky, but, apparently it sends audio over the link. Anyone know if the story is good for us, or not?As for network file access, well thats much more of a bitch than I had hoped. But as long as you can configure a web server to serve up the goodies, it can work.There is a _javascript_ implementation of BitTorrent for ChromeOS. OMG!


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Re: Cromibility

2014-12-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Sebby via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Cromibility

I have my Dell ChromeBook 11.6 (4 GB). Apparently, I just couldnt wait any longer. Now, Im looking at the Chrome Remote Desktop app. I dunno if I like giving access to my boxes to the big G in the sky, but, apparently it does send audio over the link (but only for Windows, not for OS X). Anyone know if the story is good for us, or not?As for network file access, well thats much more of a bitch than I had hoped. But as long as you can configure a web server to serve up the goodies, it can work. I dont want to put data into Drive/Box/whatever, and I dont want to root my device, either. Details here.There is a _javascript_ implementation of BitTorrent, called JSTorrent, for ChromeOS. OMG!


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Re: Cromibility

2014-12-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Trenton Goldshark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Cromibility

100 Chrome Tips (Times 2!)Thanks to the folks over at Chrome Story , I bring yall two fine resources to share, if you wish to be a Book/Box/Base Chrome OS user.First up, we have 100 Awesome Google Chrome Tips and Tricks! , to get the most from the browser side of Chrome OS, in this case.Following the success of that original list, comes100 Best Chromebook Tips, Tricks and Time Savers , which applies to any Chrome device, though not all tips work on each one of them.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Cromibility

2014-12-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Trenton Goldshark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Cromibility

100 Chrome Tips (Times 2!)Thanks to the folks over at Chrome Story , I bring yall two fine resources to share, if you wish to be a Book/Box/Base Chrome OS user.First up, we have 100 Awesome Google Chrome Tips and Tricks! , to get the most from the browser side of Chrome OS, in this case.Following the success of that original list, comes100 Best Chromebook Tips, Tricks and Time Savers , which applies to any Chrome device, though not all tips work on each one of them.Got any extra Chrome tips that Chrome Story may have missed? Please, do share, as we roll along!


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Re: Cromibility

2014-12-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : mario navarro via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Cromibility

trenton, thanks friend.cheers.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Cromibility

2014-12-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Trenton Goldshark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Cromibility

Youre very welcome, all of ya!


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Re: Cromibility

2014-12-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : mario navarro via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Cromibility

Hi friend Trenton.  I already made the subscriptions of the two ways, but still have not received nothing of the groups.  1. I did online.  2. I did with the address of the group. I am looking forward to join the group, I need to ask a few questions but I couldnt get in... thanks friend Trenton  cheers.


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Re: Cromibility

2014-12-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : mario navarro via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Cromibility

Hi  Trenton. This is the model that I want to buy.  what do you think of this model?  take advice.  can you tell me if the chrome books is only 2GB ram and 16GB SSD?  everyone I saw only has these descriptions. I wanted to buy a more powerful...  4GB ram, and 64GB SSD.   Toshiba sb  • 13.3 screen (maximum resolution 1366×768)  • CPU: Intel Celeron 2955u [ a-t ] 1.4GHz  if graphics card: Intel HD  • ram: 2 GB SSD drive  • 16 GB  • 2 x USB 3.0  • card reader SD  • HDMI out  Toshiba _ 07 and, according to Toshiba, the battery has a battery for 9 hours. thanks.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Cromibility

2014-12-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Trenton Goldshark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Cromibility

Hmmm. Looks like, This may be the one youre wanting. The below info, is from Amazon USA:Toshiba CB35-B3340 13.3-Inch Chromebook 2 (Full-HD Screen)by ToshibaPrice:   $386.99  FREE ShippingIn Stock.Ships from and sold by BUY TAX FREE.Arrives before Christmas  Intel Celeron Processor Screen Size  13.3 inchesMax Screen Resolution  1920x1080 pixelsProcessor  2.16 GHz Intel CeleronRAM  4 GB DDR3L SDRAMGraphics Coprocessor  Intel HD graphicsWireless Type  802.11 A/CNumber of USB 2.0 Ports   1Number of USB 3.0 Ports   1Average Battery Life (in hours)   9 hoursOther Technical DetailsBrand Name  ToshibaSeries 
 ; Toshiba Chromebook 2 CB35-B3340Item model number  PLM02U-009008Operating System  ChromeItem Weight  3 poundsItem Dimensions L x W x H  12.60 x 8.40 x 0.76 inchesColor   silverProcessor Brand  IntelProcessor Count  1Flash Memory Size  16.0Batteries:  1 Lithium ion batteries required. (included)


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Cromibility

2014-12-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Trenton Goldshark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Cromibility

Hmmm. Looks like, This may be the one youre wanting. The below info, is from Amazon USA:Toshiba CB35-B3340 13.3-Inch Chromebook 2 (Full-HD Screen)by ToshibaPrice:   $386.99  FREE ShippingIn Stock.Ships from and sold by BUY TAX FREE.Arrives before Christmas  Intel Celeron Processor Screen Size  13.3 inchesMax Screen Resolution  1920x1080 pixelsProcessor  2.16 GHz Intel CeleronRAM  4 GB DDR3L SDRAMGraphics Coprocessor  Intel HD graphicsWireless Type  802.11 A/CNumber of USB 2.0 Ports   1Number of USB 3.0 Ports   1Average Battery Life (in hours)   9 hoursOther Technical DetailsBrand Name  ToshibaSeries 
 ; Toshiba Chromebook 2 CB35-B3340Item model number  PLM02U-009008Operating System  ChromeItem Weight  3 poundsItem Dimensions L x W x H  12.60 x 8.40 x 0.76 inchesColor   silverProcessor Brand  IntelProcessor Count  1Flash Memory Size  16.0Batteries:  1 Lithium ion batteries required. (included)As a bonus, here is a quite nice Review I found on this exact model.BTW, it does include a Full SD, not Micro SD card reader.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Cromibility

2014-12-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Trenton Goldshark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Cromibility

Hmmm. Looks like, This may be the one youre wanting. The below info, is from Amazon USA:Toshiba CB35-B3340 13.3-Inch Chromebook 2 (Full-HD Screen)by ToshibaPrice:   $386.99  FREE ShippingIn Stock.Ships from and sold by BUY TAX FREE.Arrives before Christmas  Intel Celeron Processor Screen Size  13.3 inchesMax Screen Resolution  1920x1080 pixelsProcessor  2.16 GHz Intel CeleronRAM  4 GB DDR3L SDRAMGraphics Coprocessor  Intel HD graphicsWireless Type  802.11 A/CNumber of USB 2.0 Ports   1Number of USB 3.0 Ports   1Average Battery Life (in hours)   9 hoursOther Technical DetailsBrand Name  ToshibaSeries 
 ; Toshiba Chromebook 2 CB35-B3340Item model number  PLM02U-009008Operating System  ChromeItem Weight  3 poundsItem Dimensions L x W x H  12.60 x 8.40 x 0.76 inchesColor   silverProcessor Brand  IntelProcessor Count  1Flash Memory Size  16.0Batteries:  1 Lithium ion batteries required. (included)As a bonus, here is a quite nice Review I found on this exact model.BTW, it does include a Full SD, not Micro SD card reader to expand memory.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Cromibility

2014-12-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : mario navarro via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Cromibility

Hi, Trenton, man thanks, this is what I want...  I hope that accessibility in the native applications does not depend on the mark...  if I buy on Amazon can only be possible in inglish / USA language?  this model does not yet exist in Portugal. IIL try to inform me about where I can buy this model in Portuguese...  once more, thanks my friend.  cheers.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Cromibility

2014-12-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Trenton Goldshark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Cromibility

Chromevox happily works with all Google supported Apps, Microsoft Office apps, and many! third party ones, even if they are offline style ones. Some apps are simply shortcuts to sites, such as the Facebook one, which Im happy to say, FB and Twitter both on the web for example, work amazingly well!As for buying this particular Chromebook, you can try buying it via the below link: … rod=393175, which does ship to your country. I sadly do not know for Amazon specific sites.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Cromibility

2014-12-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Cromibility

rofl I cant wait until someone makes a vm that works with chrome so you could run xp tiny and play smaller audio games.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Cromibility

2014-12-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Trenton Goldshark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Cromibility

Hmm. It is certainly possible...Not sure about the XP thing, but there was an HTML5 version of Descent In To Madness, awhile back, which only! worked with Chrome family products.The links around here somewhere, though I doubt it stil works now...


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Cromibility

2014-12-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Cromibility

ewhwhwh! you got the 2gb? awh. dde, no, you didnt! You cant have...Everything Ive ever read anywhere said that with chromebooks and chromeboxs, if its not 3gb or more, your going to have a shit time of it, and, Acer? lord all mighty! King of laptops put together like a preschool project, with lots of glue, staples, and styrophoam, and Ive heard horrifying, blood kirtling stories from the few survivers of Acer customer service, cursed be its fowl name apon my lips! And they were never the same man, never the same again.I guess it does depend on what your using it for, but Ive heard that even daily operation is a bitch with 2gb, but things change with chromebooks all the time because they are now so popular, still... I pray for your sole.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Cromibility

2014-12-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Cromibility

ewhwhwh! you got the 2gb? awh. dde, no, you didnt! You cant have...Everything Ive ever read anywhere said that with chromebooks and chromeboxs, if its not 3gb or more, your going to have a shit time of it, and, Acer? lord all mighty! King of laptops put together like a preschool project, with lots of glue, staples, and styrophoam, and Ive heard horrifying, blood kirtling stories from the few survivers of Acer customer service, cursed be its fowl name apon my lips! And they were never the same man, never the same again.I guess it does depend on what your using it for, but Ive heard that even daily operation is a bitch with 2gb, but things change with chromebooks all the time because they are now so popular, and I do understand there being no real point in paying as much for a chromebook as
  you could for a real laptop for the higher end ones. But still... I pray for your sole.I am interested to hear how it goes though.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Cromibility

2014-12-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : brad via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Cromibility

Hi.I dont know much about these kind of laptops, apart from as far as I know, theyre tiny, oh wait no, thats netbooks... Note to all who wish not to cramp there hands, do not buy a netbook.Ive tried cromevox on pc and honestly dont like it that much but if you can use it and like it, thats cool.I have a question, why buy a crome book when you could buy a high end or normal specked laptop?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Cromibility

2014-12-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Trenton Goldshark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Cromibility

Ah, lets answer ya boys in one go, shall we?The Acer Chrome 11, is part of the 3rd generation of Chromebooks. It depends on how many tabs ya have open, and I normally only have 2 or 3 tabs opened at any given time. A lot of The best reviews ya gonna find, are on Amazon, and do read the comments if there are any! Quite a helpful community there.By the way, for a fanless laptop thats $149 on Cyber Monday, when the Acer CB 11 is normally $200, thats a deal not worth passing up! And its certainly a good deal, if you are replacing an almost 8 year old D630 Del laptop. (Even though its got GNU/Linux on it now...)For you geeks out there, no that book will not be having Crouton on it, nor Windows 8 , not even Windows 7!  Im using it, as how it was originally intended.If ya dont like,/or never used Emacs before, Chromevox wil not feel right to ya. Though truly, once ya learn it, its quite easy to stick with it!Some Trivia For YaThough that Shark of a screen reader claims to be the first to have Built-in Math ML support on the web, (or everything else for that matter,) Google implemented Math ML support over a year ago! Care to hear a Demonstration from Google themselves?And although I havent decided if Ill do an unboxing yet, heres a You Tuber doing one himself, which currently is the only real unboxing for this particular Chromebook.Hope all the above infos helpful!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Cromibility

2014-12-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Cromibility

Id love if you would do an unboxing, I forget if your blind but either way, it would be really nice to have it from the point of view of someone that understands at least what blind people may want to know about it, I mean, regular unboxing videos are okay but they dont explain how it looks in a way thats very easy to understand, not most of the time, plus, unboxing videos are incredibly useful for showing to other interested people, even a recording with out video would be fine, and it doesnt have to be on anything more special than a phone, for instance.Its okay if you dont for what ever reason, Ill still obviously be interested in the stuff you post but itd be nice to have first impressions in audio and a longer write up in text, you know? Lots of article writers do that kind of thing and it works well, at least I think...Also yeah I sorta thought that may be why you got the Acer, because of the cyb
 er Monday sail, and Brad, I dont much like netbooks either, at least the keyboards, and sometimes lack of periferals and often ethernet as well, though apple has standard sized keyboards even on the 11 inch, and some models from other brands manage it really well so it doesnt feel weird, but I like most other things about them which is why its so sad that they died completely so fast, then came back with the mac book air and of course then everyone had to compete with them, then the mildly silly ultrabooks took over and you barely get any netbooks any more, least of all good ones with an SSD, or at least a bit more ram and a processor thats made for running pong.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Cromibility

2014-12-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Cromibility

Id love if you would do an unboxing, I forget if your blind but either way, it would be really nice to have it from the point of view of someone that understands at least what blind people may want to know about it, I mean, regular unboxing videos are okay but they dont explain how it looks in a way thats very easy to understand, not most of the time, plus, unboxing videos are incredibly useful for showing to other interested people, even a recording with out video would be fine, and it doesnt have to be on anything more special than a phone, for instance.Its okay if you dont for what ever reason, Ill still obviously be interested in the stuff you post but itd be nice to have first impressions in audio and a longer write up in text, you know? Lots of article writers do that kind of thing and it works well, at least I think...Also yeah I sorta thought that may be why you got the Acer, because of the cyb
 er Monday sail, and Brad, I dont much like netbooks either, at least the keyboards, and sometimes lack of periferals and often ethernet as well, though apple has standard sized keyboards even on the 11 inch, and some models from other brands manage it really well so it doesnt feel weird, but I like most other things about them which is why its so sad that they died completely so fast, then came back with the mac book air and of course then everyone had to compete with them, then the mildly silly ultrabooks took over and you barely get any netbooks any more, least of all good ones with an SSD, or at least a bit more ram and a processor thats made for running anything but pong.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Cromibility

2014-12-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Cromibility

Id love if you would do an unboxing, I forget if your blind but either way, it would be really nice to have it from the point of view of someone that understands at least what blind people may want to know about it, I mean, regular unboxing videos are okay but they dont explain how it looks in a way thats very easy to understand, not most of the time, plus, unboxing videos are incredibly useful for showing to other interested people, even a recording with out video would be fine, and it doesnt have to be on anything more special than a phone, for instance.Its okay if you dont for what ever reason, Ill still obviously be interested in the stuff you post but itd be nice to have first impressions in audio and a longer write up in text, you know? Lots of article writers do that kind of thing and it works well, at least I think...Also yeah I sorta thought that may be why you got the Acer, because of the cyb
 er Monday sail, and Brad, I dont much like netbooks either, at least the keyboards, and sometimes lack of periferals and often ethernet as well, though apple has standard sized keyboards even on the 11 inch, and some models from other brands manage it really well so it doesnt feel weird, but I like most other things about them which is why its so sad that they died completely so fast, then came back with the mac book air and of course then everyone had to compete with them, then the mildly silly ultrabooks took over and you barely get any netbooks any more, least of all good ones with an SSD, or at least a bit more ram and a processor thats made for running anything but pong.Also, I watched that unboxing and, Im pleasantly surprised about the 802.11AC, though I doubt its dual band, and the USB 3.0 port, but Ive got to say, I doubt that SSD is any faster than just good enough to be instantly snapy for almost all small tasks, so t
 ransfer speeds wont be quite so excellent as you may think with USB 3, though still probably quite fast, then again, the bigger stuff would be on the cloud, too... So that means downloading, then transfering, also this thing doesnt come with ethernet I think, kind of disappointing, like I get it, its a big old port in the way and it doenst lok that fancy, but they already ahve room for an extra USB 2.0, and Im tired of manufacturers presuming that there will always be a working wireless signal with the right strength that you have secure access too at any location that you may use your computer at any given time. No disk drive sure, but not no ethernet, its not just for stable connections on servers... Also the SD ting, well I guess thats just 2 different ways of thinking, Acer thinks, why make more room inside, put the thing in, transfer, pop it back out but others are saying, put the sd in, leave it in, save things to it 
 and only take it out sometimes, so have it flush, like my camera, also google probably considered the large copacity SDs and said, hell no! to people using that for deticated storage aposed to google drive...Either way thats a hole lot for 150 or even 200 dollars, especially considering all the applications google has to offer, accessible or no, the HDMI 1.4 port and faster WiFi and transfering, long battery life, portability, snappy response, also I hate Celeron, first because it sounds like celifain, second because everyone knows its simply the most obvious version of, slap the bare minimum newer components onto a shitty old processor that sucked even in its own day to half ass update it, give it a new model number thats got a high letter and number combination compared to other products in the line to impress people, and call it new, but at least ti does have a higher clock rate than I would have expected especially for the price, then a
 gain, that could be overcompinsation, and pentium and celeron do heat up fast, especially with no fan and that heat conducting plastic, unless, thats something else they did, rap it in some 3 cent thermal paste?Hey what ever works I guess, I just hope its not junk in a year, but what ever they did with these, it was a smart way to get rid of useless old CPUs.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Cromibility

2014-12-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Cromibility

Id love if you would do an unboxing, I forget if your blind but either way, it would be really nice to have it from the point of view of someone that understands at least what blind people may want to know about it, I mean, regular unboxing videos are okay but they dont explain how it looks in a way thats very easy to understand, not most of the time, plus, unboxing videos are incredibly useful for showing to other interested people, even a recording with out video would be fine, and it doesnt have to be on anything more special than a phone, for instance.Its okay if you dont for what ever reason, Ill still obviously be interested in the stuff you post but itd be nice to have first impressions in audio and a longer write up in text, you know? Lots of article writers do that kind of thing and it works well, at least I think...Also yeah I sorta thought that may be why you got the Acer, because of the cyb
 er Monday sail, and Brad, I dont much like netbooks either, at least the keyboards, and sometimes lack of periferals and often ethernet as well, though apple has standard sized keyboards even on the 11 inch, and some models from other brands manage it really well so it doesnt feel weird, but I like most other things about them which is why its so sad that they died completely so fast, then came back with the mac book air and of course then everyone had to compete with them, then the mildly silly ultrabooks took over and you barely get any netbooks any more, least of all good ones with an SSD, or at least a bit more ram and a processor thats made for running anything but pong.Also, I watched that unboxing and, Im pleasantly surprised about the 802.11AC, though I doubt its dual band, and the USB 3.0 port, but Ive got to say, I doubt that SSD is any faster than just good enough to be instantly snappy for almost all small tasks, so 
 transfer speeds wont be quite so excellent as you may think with USB 3, though still probably quite fast, then again, the bigger stuff would be on the cloud, too... So that means downloading, then transfering, also this thing doesnt come with ethernet I think, kind of disappointing, like I get it, its a big old port in the way and it doesnt look that fancy, but they already have room for an extra USB 2.0, and Im tired of manufacturers presuming that there will always be a working wireless signal with the right strength that you have secure access too at any location that you may use your computer at any given time. No disk drive sure that makes perfect sense for this kind of computer, but not no ethernet, its not just for stable connections on servers... Also the SD thing? well I guess thats just 2 different ways of thinking, Acer thinks, why make more room inside, put the thing in, transfer, pop it back out but others are 
 saying, put the sd in, leave it in, save things to it and only take it out sometimes, so have it flush, like my camera, also google probably considered the large copacity SDs and said, hell no! to people using that for deticated storage aposed to google drive...Either way thats a hole lot for 150 or even 200 dollars, especially considering all the applications google has to offer, accessible or no, the HDMI 1.4 port and faster WiFi and transfering, long battery life, portability, snappy response, also I hate Celeron, first because it sounds like celifain, second because everyone knows its simply the most obvious version of, slap the bare minimum newer components onto a shitty old processor that sucked even in its own day to half ass update it, give it a new model designation thats got a high letter and number combination compared to other products in the line to impress people, and call it new, but at least it does have a higher clock rate 
 than I would have expected especially for the price, then again, that could be overcompinsation, and pentium and celeron do heat up fast, especially with no fan and that heat conducting plastic, unless, thats something else they did, rap it in some 3 cent thermal paste?Hey what ever works I guess, I just hope its not junk in a year, but what ever they did with these, it was a smart way to get rid of useless old CPUs.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Cromibility

2014-12-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Cromibility

Id love if you would do an unboxing, I forget if your blind but either way, it would be really nice to have it from the point of view of someone that understands at least what blind people may want to know about it, I mean, regular unboxing videos are okay but they dont explain how it looks in a way thats very easy to understand, not most of the time, plus, unboxing videos are incredibly useful for showing to other interested people, even a recording with out video would be fine, and it doesnt have to be on anything more special than a phone, for instance.Its okay if you dont for what ever reason, Ill still obviously be interested in the stuff you post but itd be nice to have first impressions in audio and a longer write up in text, you know? Lots of article writers do that kind of thing and it works well, at least I think...Also yeah I sorta thought that may be why you got the Acer, because of the cyb
 er Monday sail, and Brad, I dont much like netbooks either, at least the keyboards, and sometimes lack of periferals and often ethernet as well, though apple has standard sized keyboards even on the 11 inch, and some models from other brands manage it really well so it doesnt feel weird, but I like most other things about them which is why its so sad that they died completely so fast, then came back with the mac book air and of course then everyone had to compete with them, then the mildly silly ultrabooks took over and you barely get any netbooks any more, least of all good ones with an SSD, or at least a bit more ram and a processor thats made for running anything but pong.Also, I watched that unboxing and, Im pleasantly surprised about the 802.11AC, though I doubt its dual band, and the USB 3.0 port, but Ive got to say, I doubt that SSD is any faster than just good enough to be instantly snappy for almost all small tasks, so 
 transfer speeds wont be quite so excellent as you may think with USB 3, though still probably quite fast, then again, the bigger stuff would be on the cloud, too... So that means downloading, then transfering, also this thing doesnt come with ethernet I think, kind of disappointing, like I get it, its a big old port in the way and it doesnt look that fancy, but they already have room for an extra USB 2.0, and Im tired of manufacturers presuming that there will always be a working wireless signal with the right strength that you have secure access too at any location that you may use your computer at any given time. No disk drive sure that makes perfect sense for this kind of computer, but not no ethernet, its not just for stable connections on servers... Also the SD thing? well I guess thats just 2 different ways of thinking, Acer thinks, why make more room inside, put the thing in, transfer, pop it back out but others are 
 saying, put the sd in, leave it in, save things to it and only take it out sometimes, so have it flush, like my camera, also google probably considered the large copacity SDs and said, hell no! to people using that for deticated storage aposed to google drive...I hate Celeron, first because it sounds like celifain, second because everyone knows its simply the most obvious version of, slap the bare minimum newer components onto a shitty old processor that sucked even in its own day to half ass update it, give it a new model designation thats got a high letter and number combination compared to other products in the line to impress people, and call it new, but at least it does have a higher clock rate than I would have expected especially for the price, then again, that could be overcompinsation, and pentium and celeron do heat up fast, especially with no fan and that heat conducting plastic, unless, thats something else they did, rap it in some 3 c
 ent thermal paste?Hey what ever works I guess, I just hope its not junk in a year, but what ever they did with these, it was a smart way to get rid of useless old CPUs.Either way thats a hole lot for 150 or even 200 dollars, especially considering all the applications google has to offer, accessible or no, the HDMI 1.4 port and faster WiFi and transfering, long battery life, portability, snappy response.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Cromibility

2014-12-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Cromibility

Id love if you would do an unboxing, I forget if your blind but either way, it would be really nice to have it from the point of view of someone that understands at least what blind people may want to know about it, I mean, regular unboxing videos are okay but they dont explain how it looks in a way thats very easy to understand, not most of the time, plus, unboxing videos are incredibly useful for showing to other interested people, even a recording with out video would be fine, and it doesnt have to be on anything more special than a phone, for instance.Its okay if you dont for what ever reason, Ill still obviously be interested in the stuff you post but itd be nice to have first impressions in audio and a longer write up in text, you know? Lots of article writers do that kind of thing and it works well, at least I think...Also yeah I sorta thought that may be why you got the Acer, because of the cyb
 er Monday sail, and Brad, I dont much like netbooks either, at least the keyboards, and sometimes lack of periferals and often ethernet as well, though apple has standard sized keyboards even on the 11 inch, and some models from other brands manage it really well so it doesnt feel weird, but I like most other things about them which is why its so sad that they died completely so fast, then came back with the mac book air and of course then everyone had to compete with them, then the mildly silly ultrabooks took over and you barely get any netbooks any more, least of all good ones with an SSD, or at least a bit more ram and a processor thats made for running anything but pong.Also, I watched that unboxing and, Im pleasantly surprised about the 802.11AC, though I doubt its dual band, and the USB 3.0 port, but Ive got to say, I doubt that SSD is any faster than just good enough to be instantly snappy for almost all small tasks, so 
 transfer speeds wont be quite so excellent as you may think with USB 3, though still probably quite fast, then again, the bigger stuff would be on the cloud, too... So that means downloading, then transfering, also this thing doesnt come with ethernet I think, kind of disappointing, like I get it, its a big old port in the way and it doesnt look that fancy, but they already have room for an extra USB 2.0, and Im tired of manufacturers presuming that there will always be a working wireless signal with the right strength that you have secure access too at any location that you may use your computer at any given time. No disk drive sure that makes perfect sense for this kind of computer, but not no ethernet, its not just for stable connections on servers... Also the SD thing? well I guess thats just 2 different ways of thinking, Acer thinks, why make more room inside, put the thing in, transfer, pop it back out but others are 
 saying, put the sd in, leave it in, save things to it and only take it out sometimes, so have it flush, like my camera, also google probably considered the large copacity SDs and said, hell no! to people using that for deticated storage aposed to google drive...I hate Celeron, first because it sounds like celifain, second because everyone knows its simply the most obvious version of, slap the bare minimum newer components onto a shitty old processor that sucked even in its own day to half assedly update it, give it a new model designation thats got a high letter and number combination compared to other products in the line to impress people, and call it new, but at least it does have a higher clock rate than I would have expected especially for the price, then again, that could be overcompinsation, and pentium and celeron do heat up fast, especially with no fan and that heat conducting plastic, unless, thats something else they did, rap it in some
  3 cent thermal paste?Hey what ever works I guess, I just hope its not junk in a year, but what ever they did with these, it was a smart way to get rid of useless old CPUs.Either way thats a hole lot for 150 or even 200 dollars, especially considering all the applications google has to offer, accessible or no, the HDMI 1.4 port and faster WiFi and transfering, long battery life, portability, and snappy response.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Cromibility

2014-12-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Trenton Goldshark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Cromibility

Alrighty then, will certainly try and do one.It wont be the first blind Chrome device user who has done a podcast on it, though David W. in This podcast, did this podcast with a Samsung Chromebook, back in May of 2013. Prior to that during the week of July 7th, 2011, Sero Talk had Mike K. on, doing a Podcast on an earlier Samsung Chromebook, with actual demonstration. While the Podcast 2 weeks earlier, Mike K. only talks about it, no demonstrating.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Cromibility

2014-12-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Sebby via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Cromibility

Im thinking of a ChromeBox, actually. No point in over-investing.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Cromibility

2014-12-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Trenton Goldshark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Cromibility

For those who never heard of a Chromebox, think of them like a Mac Mini, though much cheaper, smaller, and of course running Chrome OS, instead of Mac OS. Info about one of the newer Chrome Boxes can be found here , this particular box being made by Asus, for $179. In addition to the Chromebook laptops and the Chromebox desktops, a big brother has come along from Living Good, called the Chromebase , which comes along with a keyboard, 22 inch monitor, keyboard and mouse, all in one package.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Cromibility

2014-12-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Trenton Goldshark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Cromibility

Chrome Security TipsFor those of ya on Windows, and wish to have a more sicure Chrome experience out of the box, ya may wish to look at Comodo Dragon. Warning: Do to how Dragon protects you within the browser, Chromevox aint gonna work well... You can navigate through Dragons menus, and interact with the Omnibox/location bar, but thats about it. Any specific browser interaction is intercepted. Dragon works fine with NVDA however. The above was teested of course, while I ws living in the Windows world.For Chromies on any Chrome supported platform, who are extremely paranoid with their browsing, or who want a nice pack of extensions to check out, have a look at the [url="" />Lifehacker Pack for Chrome: Our List of the Essential Extensions.[/url] In that l
 ist, theres a section on Security, where the famous Adblock Plus is among that list. However, most Chromies are now instead using the Adblock extension from , as Adblock Plus wishes to keep some ads unblocked by default do to sponsorship.As a bonus, dont wish to deal with Flash content anymore, have a look at the FlashControl extension.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Cromibility

2014-12-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : mario navarro via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Cromibility

hi Trenton goldshark.first let me tell you I admire you very much and I consider you a super intelligent person ...your posts are always super interesting and very well informed with links to take us the sources of information ...I like the way you do things ...this time in relation to the topic on the chrome OS book, I was super interested in the chrome OS.pleases me a lot to know that the system offers us accessibility created native on system this case for us blind the screen reader chrome vox.I would like to ask you some questions if you can answer ...1. you know if the accessibility in chrome OS and chrome voxhas been updated. since the year 2011 until the year 2014?2. the system only has the voice native in English, or brings several voices for each language depending on the country?for example:Im from Portugal and if I buy a chrome book in Portugal will have a native voice to Portuguese or 
 do not have that chance?the chrome OS system only has a standard voice to English?3. google took this commitment seriously to continue to innovate and upgrade accessibility insystem, or just to disappoint as it has done apple in the last times...4. there are some serious problems at this point in chrome vox on navigation system?5. the stability of the screen reader in the system is good or there are problems of instability?for now those are my questions to convince me to buy a chrome book and use the vox chrome in the system ...I liked the system and all I heard ...Im waiting to hear a super demo made by you.I know and Im sure you will do it with great competence.Im waiting to hear news from you!a big hug for you trenton goldshark.cheers.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Cromibility

2014-12-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Trenton Goldshark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Cromibility

Greetings,Shall answer your questions in ascending order:1. You can read the latest release notes on Chromevox here , though new features may have been added since those notes were last updated. Ill be able to give ya a more detailed answer once I begin my Chromebook journey sometime this week. 2. As of this writing, US and UK Google TTS voices are the only ones I know which actually speak. Again, will test to be sure once I begin my journey. 3. The Chrome team is more receptive to feedback and helpful than the Android team, thus more actually gets done. At least, thats my experience when comparing discussions from there respective Google Groups.4. There are 3 keyboards you can choose from at this time:A. ClassicB. FlatC. ExperimentalThough you can switch to the Flat layout, (which somewhat emulates how most
  screen readers work with navigating), the Chromevox Tutorial uses the Classic layout, and has the least amount of keystroke conflicts.5. Stability with Chromevox on Chrome OS, again Il test once I begin my journey. At least when I used Windows with it back in the day via its Chrome Extension, if you didnt have enough ram, or if ya had CV plus another screen reader running, it most likely would have either frozen for a moment then pick back up after 10 seconds or so, or your PC would have became slow enough, that youd have to shut down the browser, then reopen it. Having too many tabs opened, and how much ram you have, (especially for non Chrome OS devices,) is a major factor in how responsive CV is, as a whole.Hopefully the answers helped, will get back to ya in here once I can answer those questions I could not at this time.I thank you for your interest in Chrome OS!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Cromibility

2014-12-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Trenton Goldshark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Cromibility

Chrome TipFor any Chrome questions I or another Chromi cant answer here directly, do please post your question within the AxS Chrome Discuss Google Group. You can alternatively post your questions withins/feedback the Accessible Google Group. The Google Access team hangs out on both, though AxS Chrome deals strictly with the Google Chrome family.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Cromibility

2014-12-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Trenton Goldshark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Cromibility

Greetings,Youre very welcome. Shall answer your questions in ascending order:1. You can read the latest release notes on Chromevox here , though new features may have been added since those notes were last updated. Ill be able to give ya a more detailed answer once I begin my Chromebook journey sometime this week. 2. As of this writing, US and UK Google TTS voices are the only ones I know which actually speak. Again, will test to be sure once I begin my journey. 3. The Chrome team is more receptive to feedback and helpful than the Android team, thus more actually gets done. At least, thats my experience when comparing discussions from there respective Google Groups.4. There are 3 keyboards you can choose from at this time:A. ClassicB. FlatC. ExperimentalThough you can switch to the Flat layout, (which somewhat
 t; emulates how most screen readers work with navigating), the Chromevox Tutorial uses the Classic layout, and has the least amount of keystroke conflicts.5. Stability with Chromevox on Chrome OS, again Il test once I begin my journey. At least when I used Windows with it back in the day via its Chrome Extension, if you didnt have enough ram, or if ya had CV plus another screen reader running, it most likely would have either frozen for a moment then pick back up after 10 seconds or so, or your PC would have became slow enough, that youd have to shut down the browser, then reopen it. Having too many tabs opened, and how much ram you have, (especially for non Chrome OS devices,) is a major factor in how responsive CV is, as a whole.Hopefully the answers helped, will get back to ya in here once I can answer those questions I could not at this time.I thank you for your interest in Chrome OS!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Cromibility

2014-12-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : mario navarro via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Cromibility

hi Im fascinated with the chrome OS system.just now I finish seeing all the podcasts from the sources of topic and I loved it!man the accessibility team of the chrome vox working very seriously and very competent at what they do ...4 things that I not know:1. VOX chrome supports touch screen?2. chrome book has touch screen monitor?3. if there is no voice engine into my language, can I install other voices in the system?4. There is some more another chrome book hardware model with greater capacity?for example:4GB of RAM and 128gb SSD time to go read the chrome vox guide and understand what has changed in four years. Trenton thanks for having given me to know this system and its native accessibility in the system out of the box.thanks.cheers.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Cromibility

2014-12-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : mario navarro via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Cromibility

waw, good news.thanks for answering.ok I will sign in this groups. now time to read the latest release notes on ChromeVoxthanks Trenton.cheers.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Cromibility

2014-12-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Trenton Goldshark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Cromibility

Hi,For Question 3 dealing with voices, unless your language is apart of the Google TTS family, or there is a voice for your specific language within the Chrome Web Store that can be installed on to a CHrome OS device, Im afraid you can not do so. For Question 2, I wont even assume that you can use Chromevox on a touch screen Chrome device, as my Acer Chromebook 11, is not a touch screen model. Though I will test Chromevox with the Touch Pad and wil get back with ya unless someone else chimes in first.For questions 1 and 4, best place to go to find your answer, is via the Chromebook - Devices on Google Play site. Link above may take ya to the USA Google Play Store, unless it redirects you to the correct version for your country. If n
 ot, please let me know, and Ill try to find your countrys Play Store.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Cromibility

2014-12-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Trenton Goldshark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Cromibility

Chrome TipFor any Chrome questions I or another Chromi cant answer here directly, do please post your question within the AxS Chrome Discuss Google Group. You can alternatively post your questions/feedback the Accessible Google Group. The Google Access team hangs out on both, though AxS Chrome deals strictly with the Google Chrome family.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Cromibility

2014-12-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Trenton Goldshark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Cromibility

Hi,For Question 3 dealing with voices, unless your language is apart of the Google TTS family, or there is a voice for your specific language within the Chrome Web Store that can be installed on to a Chrome OS device, Im afraid you can not do so. For Question 2, I wont even assume that you can use Chromevox on a touch screen Chrome device, as my Acer Chromebook 11, is not a touch screen model. Though I will test Chromevox with the Touch Pad and wil get back with ya unless someone else chimes in first.For questions 1 and 4, best place to go to find your answer, is via the Chromebook - Devices on Google Play site. Link above may take ya to the USA Google Play Store, unless it redirects you to the correct version for your country. If n
 ot, please let me know, and Ill try to find your countrys Play Store.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Cromibility

2014-12-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : mario navarro via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Cromibility

hi Trenton.I dont have no chrome book.but I will buy one very soon, Im expected to come to Portugal the toshiba model.I thought all chrome book models, had touch monitor.but if they do not touch monitor no problem ...I do not know if the marks of the models benefit or hinder accessibility.such as in android devices.yes my country is Portugal.Trenton please do me a favor friend.I did my registration at affordable chrome group with the link you send me, filled the data and then complete ...but have received no confirmation ...please can you give me the address group to me subscribe?thanks for helping me on this journey ...cheers.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Cromibility

2014-12-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Trenton Goldshark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Cromibility

Hi there,The direct email address for the group, is:axs-chrome-disc...@googlegroups.comYoure very welcome.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Cromibility

2014-12-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : mario navarro via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Cromibility

Trenton, thanks, but I wanted to for subscribe.this group does not have the address for subscribe? if the two groups have address to subscribe, please send to me friend.thanks.cheers.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Cromibility

2014-12-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Trenton Goldshark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Cromibility

The address I shared above, can also be used for subscribing. That, is when you should recieve a Welcome mesage, if one was made. I do not use Google Groups via email, but via its web interface. Your message should automagically go through, if successful. If not, your first message may have to be approved by a moderator, which happens to all people.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list


2014-12-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Trenton Goldshark via Audiogames-reflector



Portal Post Notice! The post you are reading right now, will be replaced in future with something very unique, informational, and different. With that being said, the first official thread post, starts with Post 2. Sorry to confuse everyone!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Cromibility

2014-12-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Trenton Goldshark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Cromibility

Chromimia! The Book Has Arrived! (Early!) Yes everyone, my all-new Chromebook, has come home, ahead of schedule!It was suppose to come on the 10th/11th of December of 2014, but arrived on the 5th instead, at around 4:30 PM Mountain time. Im not opening the box til next week, as I do not wish to ruin the suspence so soon!Ah now, ya wondering which Chromebook we talking about here? Thatd be, This One! In other words, the:Acer - 11.6 Chromebook - Intel Celeron - 2GB Memory - 16GB eMMC Flash Memory - Moonstone White  Model: CB3-111-C8UBSKU: 8610161For now, until I reveal what that Portal Post up there has behind its mirror, if you have any Chrome Brows
 er/Chrome OS/Chromevox questions, comments, or complaints about me even  recieving a Chrome device for my birthday/Christmas, sound off here!AttentionPlease keep your Chrome talk within this thread, so I dont have to run around tracking similar topics on here, especially once I reveal what is behind that mirror!And with that, Chrome away everyone!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Cromibility

2014-12-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Trenton Goldshark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Cromibility

Chromi-mia! The Book Has Arrived! (Early!) Yes everyone, my all-new Chromebook, has come home, ahead of schedule!It was suppose to come on the 10th/11th of December of 2014, but arrived on the 5th instead, at around 4:30 PM Mountain time. Im not opening the box til next week, as I do not wish to ruin the suspense so soon!Ah now, ya wondering which Chromebook we talking about here? Thatd be, This One! In other words, the:Acer - 11.6 Chromebook - Intel Celeron - 2GB Memory - 16GB eMMC Flash Memory - Moonstone White  Model: CB3-111-C8UBSKU: 8610161For now, until I reveal what that Portal Post up there has behind its mirror, if you have any Chrome Brow
 ser/Chrome OS/Chromevox questions, comments, or complaints about me even  recieving a Chrome device for my birthday/Christmas, sound off here!AttentionPlease keep your Chrome talk within this thread, so I dont have to run around tracking similar topics on here, especially once I reveal what is behind that mirror!And with that, Chrome away everyone!


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