Re: Drive Encryption

2017-01-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : crashmaster via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Drive Encryption

Hmmm.Though I never went this way myself.My uncle had a business server.Fully incripted, with a criptolocker type thing.The stuff was raided, you needed a password and security key, and it was all hard wired to a serial on a special board.The system had been having issues starting of late and we began the process of replacing it.As it and the backup workstation for the board were both on the blink.We got so far as to transfer the workstation with the keys to the main drive, remove the key and put it into password only mode for restoring, but I guess we should have output the data to a drive or brought a drive to do the transfer, because when it came time to do the transfer, the boxes were all setup and configured, cloud logins, encription keys, etc etc, it never happened.The system started but the system never booted not even a beep.The truth dawned on us later on when we took it back to the tech contracted for the business, th
 e main board or at least its power supply had been on the blink, and it was now literally on fire.The board, was a piece of melted plastic, and no it couldn't be salvaged.The data well it was required to restore it with the board or something like it but the system was so old that particular bit of hardware didn't exist.The guy to his credit pritty much tried every tool to get the data back.But the system was designed  spaciffically that if you tried you couldn't get in that way.It ended up with him taking it to someone who had some police connections.And at an unknown sum of cash they were able to broot force the drive.Ofcause even if we can get the data off its unlikely to not be dammaged and even if its not, there is no garantee whats left round.As of the current posting the data is ready to be picked up and we will see.I have had a couple hard drives go out on me and almost lost things.The only savin
 g grace for my uncle is that he uses ms, dropbox and google for his business backups including outlook and google for mail.While not much was lost, the main server database containing email, and address info for the main server is now lost.In it self it will not effect the main business but it is a pain for the accounts people and while it can be gotten round its still a nucence.If you do make encription I'd have some reset disk or something that can either remove it or something if you need to.If I ever did this I'd have something that could if I needed to remove things, stored in a safe along with a backup drive of things.The server hadn't had backups of everything, and there wasn't a reset disk ever created which would have been good when the main board broke, but we never saw it coming.In fact if it had been a couple weeks earlier we may have been able to transfer with nothing wrong at all.


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Re: Drive Encryption

2017-01-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Sebby via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Drive Encryption

I wonder how BitLocker stacks up. That's the OS subsystem for this job.It seems ... strange ... that anything should be required of you but the entry of your password. If you or anyone else ever do figure out WTF is going on, it'd be nice to hear it.BTW, the Mac's FileVault is fully accessible: it actually has special support for accessibility, either using a series of beeps or spoken prompts. But, honestly, I'd prefer no speech at all for the common case of a single password being entered.


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Re: Drive Encryption

2017-01-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Sebby via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Drive Encryption

I wonder how BitLocker stacks up. That's the OS subsystem for this job.It seems ... strange ... that anything should be required of you but the entry of your password. If you or anyone else ever do figure out WTF is going on, it'd be nice to hear it.BTW the Mac's FileVault is fully accessible; it actually has special support for accessibility, either using a series of beeps or spoken prompts. But, honestly, I'd prefer no speech at all for the common case of a single password being entered.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Drive Encryption

2017-01-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Sebby via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Drive Encryption

I wonder how BitLocker stacks up. That's the OS subsystem for this job.It seems ... strange ... that anything should be required of you but the entry of your password.


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Re: Drive Encryption

2017-01-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : turtlepower17 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Drive Encryption

I'm resurrecting this topic in hopes that it might help someone else who wants to encrypt their entire hard the end, I found a workable solution. whether it's actually what you're supposed to do is another matter, but it does seem to be stable enough for now.So what I do is I wait for the computer to begin booting. Since I have very limited vision, I wait until I can see white text on a black background. The text is positioned at the top left corner of the screen. This usually takes no more than 10 or 15 seconds to appear. I then type in my password. I press enter, then press enter a second time, then reenter the password. I have no idea why it's necessary to press enter twice, but if you try to enter the password the first time you press enter, you'll get beeps from your PC speaker, signalling that it's not accepting input. So, just enter the password a second time, press enter, and wait a bit for your computer to boot. As I sa
 id, maybe that's not how you're supposed to do it, since I have no idea just what those screens are saying, but, in case anyone wants to take that extra security measure, and like me, at first you're a bit worried about just what would happen if you got locked out of your PC and lost your data, I can say that this process of trial and error had a happy ending. of course, you really should perform backups of all your important and sensitive data before undertaking this, since if it breaks, you keep both pieces. I haven't tried any other encryption solutions, but Vera Crypt does usually garner high praise, it's open source for folks who care about that, and the initial setup, both for encrypting entire drives and specific files or folders, is 100% accessible.


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Re: Drive Encryption

2016-12-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : turtlepower17 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Drive Encryption

Ah, ok. Maybe I should check the documentation to see if there are any hints, but I doubt it. If all else fails, I might see if I can post a topic on their forums if they exist. This issue is really bothering me, and I'd hate to give up this extra level of security just because of sketchy accessibility.


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Re: Drive encryption

2016-06-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Figment via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Drive encryption

@ArqmeisterLOL! Haven't had your morning jo yet? No worries, despite that what you said was perfectly understandable. Probably because I haven't had my morning jo either!


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Re: Drive encryption

2016-06-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : arqmeister via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Drive encryption

At figment, just a little thing i noticed once. If you use jaws OCR feature on the window where you have a virtual machine open, you don't have to have a screen reader running on the virtual machine. While the text might be a little scrambled, it's nice to get through login screens, on linux distress for example. You might try it to monitor the behavior of the failed password screen for your program of choice. Hope this makes sense, just woke up lol.


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Re: Drive encryption

2016-06-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Figment via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Drive encryption

@LivroboWell, that's good news that that is accessible now. Color changing progress bars look fancy, but aren't very hard to create. VeraCript's randomness indicator probably only goes from red to green which is easy because only two of the three primary colors is used. A few years ago I created one that used the entire spectrum of colors from brown to violet, the hardest part of that was finding the formula to convert from percent to RGB, and that wasn't very difficult either.I figured out a way to make sure the mouse pointer is inside the Wizard window before I start moving it around. In the control panel, under mouse options, there is an option to have the pointer automatically moved to a dialog's default button, just turn it on.@TurtlePower17It's possible that What you want is more obvious with a picture of a computer screen than it is with a picture of a thermostat or a remote in my hand displaying a number.As I
  recall, the company behind TapTapSee said that profits from other products or projects allowed them to make it free to benefit the visually impaired. Even so, for what it did, it was worth the price they were asking. I used the 100 picture pack at $7.99 so each picture only cost me $0.08.Now I just need to find out how the pre boot log on screen behaves, a question I'll ask the VeraCrypt people, and I should be able to get it working.Thanks to all for your input, it is very much appreciated!


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Re: Drive encryption

2016-06-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : turtlepower17 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Drive encryption

At Figment, I've actually had quite a bit of success using TapTapSee to read computer screens. i was trying to figure out why a laptop wouldn't boot, and I was able to get it to tell me when Windows was loading files when I was booting into a talking PE, as well as getting it to tell me why it originally wouldn't start to begin with. Apparently the OS had gotten corrupted somehow, because it asked for the insertion of a recovery disk. I'm glad you don't need to pay to use it anymore, because it's been a really useful app in a few other circumstances as well.


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Re: Drive encryption

2016-06-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : livrobo via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Drive encryption

Yep, it's just a progress bar. It actually changed in the latest version of VeraCrypt. It wasn't usable before.


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Re: Drive encryption

2016-06-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Figment via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Drive encryption

@livroboOh! So the randomness indicator is just a color changing progress bar? JAWS will read that! The VeraCrypt manual gives the impression that it was just a graphic that turned green.The closest thing JAWS has to NVDA's mouse simulator is their touch cursor which is just a way to navigate through all the objects on the screen regardless of whether they are controls for the user or if they are in the tab order sequence. But if the randomness indicator is just a progress bar, I could just keep moving the mouse around the screen until JAWS announces 100%. That will work. Thanks!@WandererThanks! That answers the question. So virtual machines have to have their own screen reader, the screen reader on the host won't read the virtual machine's screen. If I was creating a virtual machine I'd be using for a while, I'd install JAWS, but for a quick try of VeraCrypt, Navigator will do.There's no description of how the prebo
 ot log on screen behaves in the manual, but if it's like the program my last employer used to secure their laptops, a wrong log on attempt just takes you back to the log on screen. After Windows loads, if there were any unsuccessful log on attempts, you'll get a windows showing a log of the failed attempts.


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Re: Drive encryption

2016-06-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : livrobo via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Drive encryption

NVDA will indicate how much you've moved the mouse using the progress sounds, so I'd assume Jaws would do it as well. I just use the command to put the mouse in the window, then move it until I get the 100 percent sound from NVDA. Also, moving the mouse isn't a requirement and it'll let you create the volume without doing so, but doing it strengthens the encryption keys.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Drive encryption

2016-06-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : livrobo via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Drive encryption

NVDA does indicate how much you've moved the mouse using the progress sounds, so I'd assume Jaws would do it as well. I just use the command to put the mouse in the window, then move it until I get the 100 percent sound from NVDA. Also, moving the mouse isn't a requirement and it'll let you create the volume without doing so, but doing it strengthens the encryption keys.


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Re: Drive encryption

2016-06-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : wanderer via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Drive encryption

Narrator in the virtual machine would probably be adequate if you don't feel like doing nothing else. I guess the only way to determine whether or not it's accessible is to go ahead and try it.


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Re: Drive encryption

2016-06-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : livrobo via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Drive encryption

I know you don't use NVDA but it does indicate how much you've moved the mouse using the progress sounds, so I'd assume Jaws would do it as well. I just use the command to put the mouse in the window, then move it until I get the 100 percent sound from NVDA. Also, moving the mouse isn't a requirement and it'll let you create the volume without doing so, but doing it strengthens the encryption keys.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Drive encryption

2016-06-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : livrobo via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Drive encryption

I know you don't use NVDA, but it does indicate how much you've moved the mouse using the progress sounds, so I'd assume Jaws would do it as well. I just use the command to put the mouse in the window, then move it until I get the 100 percent sound from NVDA.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Drive encryption

2016-06-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Figment via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Drive encryption

I would think an OCR app would be better than TapTapSee for reading computer screens. I have tried using TapTapSee to read displays on things like a thermostat and my sleep number bed's remote. Sometimes you get what the display says, sometimes you don't. Frustrating when each attempt cost money, not so bad now that it's free.I am currently reading through the VeraCrypt user's guide, this sounds like a very nice program, but I have run across one item that may not be very blind user friendly in the volume creation steps.VeraCrypt user's guide wrote:STEP 11: Move your mouse as randomly as possible within the Volume Creation Wizard window at least until the randomness indicator becomes green. The longer you move the mouse, the better (moving the mouse for at least 30 seconds is recommended). This significantly increases the cryptographic strength of the encryption keys (which increases security).I can hook up a mouse to my laptop or enable the touchpad to provide a mouse, but how am I supposed to know when the pointer is within the Creation Wizard window, and how am I supposed to know when the randomness indicator turns green? Consider that I am using JAWS so any NVDA specific techniques won't work.For audio cues, I can write a short program to generate speaker beeps to see if my laptop has a speaker, then since VeraCrypt allows you to customize the log on screen text, imbed some control 'G's in the text to beep the speaker.I could install VMWare Player and create a virtual machine with Windows 7, but would the virtual machine be accessible as is, or would I need to install a screen reader in the virtual machine too?


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Re: Drive encryption

2016-06-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : turtlepower17 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Drive encryption

Ah, I didn't even consider trying it out in a virtual machine first. If I feel like setting one up, I'll let you guys know how that goes. I'm thinking that, initially, I'll use TapTapSee to read the screen during the boot process so that I know when the password prompt appears.


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Re: Drive encryption

2016-06-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : livrobo via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Drive encryption

TrueCrypt and VeraCrypt only require a password, so you wouldn't have to worry about entering a username. As for the behavior of what happens when you enter the wrong password, I'm not sure. I was going to try it out in a virtual machine but unfortunately I don't have any on this laptop. That might be a good way to try it out though if you can.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Drive encryption

2016-06-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : livrobo via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Drive encryption

TrueCrypt and VeraCrypt only require a password, so you wouldn't have to worry about entering a username. As for the behavior of what happens when you enter the wrong password, I'm not sure. I was going to try it out in a virtual machine but unfortunately I don't have any on this laptop. That might be the best way to try it out though if you can.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Drive encryption

2016-06-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : livrobo via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Drive encryption

TrueCrypt and VeraCrypt only require a password, so you wouldn't have to worry about entering a username. As for the behavior of what happens when you enter the wrong password, I'm not sure. I was going to try it out in a virtual machine but unfortunately I don't have any of them on this laptop. That might be the best way to try it out though if you can.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Drive encryption

2016-06-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Figment via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Drive encryption

I realize that speech on the log in screen would gbe imposible, but audio cues with the PC speaker would be. The problem with PC speaker beeps is that most computers these days don't come with one.So knowing exactly how the log in screen behaves would help. For example, if you mistype your user name or password, does it display an invalid log on dialog with an OK button, or does it simply clear the input fields and leave the cursor in the user name field?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Drive encryption

2016-06-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : livrobo via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Drive encryption

If you're going to use full drive encryption, it would be impossible to have speech at the login screen. Question: is your drive an HDD? If so, you could probably enter the password, then listen for activity. If there doesn't appear to be anything going on, you could assume that you entered it incorrectly and try again. If your drive is an ssd, it shouldn't take long at all to get you from TrueCrypt's bootloader to the logon screen if you've entered the password correctly. I don't think it would present much of a challenge to get through that screen without speech or audio prompts. Also, I agree with @Turtlepower17. I use VeraCrypt every day to encrypt my USB drives and some folders in Dropbox.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Drive encryption

2016-06-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : livrobo via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Drive encryption

If you're going to use full drive encryption, it would be impossible to have speech at the login screen. Question: is your drive an HDD? If so, you could probably enter the password, then listen for activity. If there doesn't appear to be anything going on, you could assume that you entered it incorrectly and try again. If your drive is an ssd, it shouldn't take long at all to get you from TrueCrypt's bootloader to the logon screen if you've entered the password correctly. I don't think it would present much of a challenge to get through that screen without speech or audio prompts. Also, I agree with @Turtlepower17. I use VeraCrypt every day to encrypt files I store in Dropbox and to completely encrypt bmy USB drives.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Drive encryption

2016-06-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : livrobo via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Drive encryption

If you're going to use full drive encryption, it would be impossible to have speech at the login screen. Question: is your drive mechanical? If so, you could probably enter the password, then listen for activity. If there doesn't appear to be anything going on, you could assume that you entered it incorrectly and try again. If your drive is an ssd, it shouldn't take long at all to get you from TrueCrypt's bootloader to the logon screen if you've entered the password correctly. I don't think it would present much of a challenge to get through that screen without speech or audio prompts. Also, I agree with @Turtlepower17. I use VeraCrypt every day to encrypt files I store in Dropbox and to completely encrypt bmy USB drives.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Drive encryption

2016-06-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : livrobo via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Drive encryption

If you're going to use full drive encryption, it would be impossible to have speech at the login screen. Question: is your drive mechanical? If so, you could probably enter the password, then listen for activity. If there doesn't appear to be anything going on, you could assume that you entered it incorrectly and try again. If your drive is an ssd, it shouldn't take long at all to get you from TrueCrypt's bootloader to the logon screen if you've entered the password correctly. I don't think it would present much of a challenge to get through that screen without speech or audio prompts.


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Re: Drive encryption

2016-06-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Figment via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Drive encryption

As I understand it, in whole drive encryption like TrueCrypt, encryption is done during writes to the drive and decryption is done during reads, making the encryption and decryption invisible to the user.My concern is that the log in screen that is presented before Windows loads won't have a screen reader, so it would have to have some kind of audio cues.As far as I know, NTFS encryption, BitLocker, is available only in the Pro and Ultimate versions of Windows 7 and I have Home Premium.If I can do it, I'd rather encrypt the whole drive, that way I know that everything on the laptop is secure.@LivroboThe last time I looked at TrueCrypt, the log on screen was totally silent. Not a problem if the log on goes smoothly, but without audio cues of some kind, that could be a problem if I mistype something during the log in.From what others have said, it sounds like the log on screen could still be a problem.@CWMy intention 
 is to protect the contents of the laptop from someone using the laptop without my consent and from thieves that might steal the laptop. I will of course have off line encrypted backups of everything.@TurtlePower17Thanks, I'll take a look at VeraCrypt.


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Re: Drive encryption

2016-06-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : cw via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Drive encryption

I don't really know, but I would think that it would be a very short time after you boot. Just remember, if you do decide on a full drive encryption, to shut your system completely down when it is not in use to get the full use out of the encryption. I think it could be a good idea seeing that you may not even want anyone to access the temp files. I know that when I unzip something, the zip program I use sometimes use the temp folder on my system for storage until the whole file is unzip. Just something that might should be taken in to account. I wonder if encryption programs would do the same if you are just doing a group of files instead of the whole drive.


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Re: Drive encryption

2016-06-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : turtlepower17 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Drive encryption

The spinoff of TrueCrypt is called VeraCrypt. I've heard that it's fully accessible, but haven't tried encrypting an entire hard drive with it.Does anyone know when, exactly, the password would need to be entered if you do this? I asked this question on an email list once before but got no answer. If that can actually be done accessibly, i.e. you can memorize when the prompt appears, and it's a standard enter the password into the box and press enter affair, I wouldn't mind encrypting my whole drive either. Although I've heard that you could potentially sacrifice some system performance this way, but it might be worth it if you want your data to be kept safe.


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Re: Drive encryption

2016-06-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : cw via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Drive encryption

NTFS is the files system that windows uses. You can compare that to the table of contents of a book. NTFS is one table, and HFS is another table per say. Now that is out of the way, I would say that zip or seven zip might work, but it comes down to how bad you do not want any one to have access to the file or files. If you wan true encryption, you do want to be able to have someone of whom you trust to be able to verify that the program you are using works in this regard. That is why you might use a open source program like what Truecript was. As for just encrypting just a few files or the whole drive, that depend on how you wish to protect your data. If you cover the whole drive, you could possible claim that you don't have the password to the system, but you could run the risk of someone just wiping the drive. Then again, I could see someone doing full disk encryption on thumb drives just incase you misplaced it, and only encrypting the stuff you carried about on the comput
 er. Anyway, no matter what you do for encryption, you do have some worry when it comes to your key being in ram. if you don't have the system powered up, your encryption key will not be in ram because of your ram require power to hold stuff. In short, I think that full disk encryption is good when you want to make sure that you got everything, and not uses full disk encryption when you know that there is a few things you wish to protect. HTH.


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Re: Drive encryption

2016-06-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : wanderer via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Drive encryption

Can you use something like NTFS encryption or put them in encrypted 7-Zip files? Encrypting the whole OS just seems like too much hassle.


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Re: Drive encryption

2016-06-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : cw via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Drive encryption

You are going to run into at least one major problem. I think it is one you can see. If the drive is fully encrypted, you will need to decrypt before accessing the data. This means that you have to punch in your password before the OS loads. Of course the OS needs to load before your screen reader load. I need to see about going to find a program that is just as good as TrueCrypt is seeing that TrueCrypt is left out in the cold per say. There is one that branched off from the TrueCrypt source code, but I forgotten the name… I heard about it on security now.


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Re: Drive encryption

2016-06-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : livrobo via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Drive encryption

As far as I know, TrueCrypt is completely accessible. Is there something you're having a problem with?


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Re: Drive encryption

2016-06-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : livrobo via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Drive encryption

As far as I know, Truecrypt is completely accessible. Is there something you're having a problem with?


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Re: Drive encryption

2016-06-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : livrobo via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Drive encryption

As far as I know, Truecrypt is completely accessible.


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Drive encryption

2016-06-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Figment via Audiogames-reflector


Drive encryption

I will be traveling over the next couple of months, so my computer won't always be in a secure location as it is when I'm at home.My Windows account is password protected, but as most of us know, Windows isn't all that secure.Before I lost my vision and was still working, my last employer issued most of their employees a laptop which was their work computer. As long as you had your laptop with you you could work if needed, such as helping with an emergency while on vacation.To protect customer and company proprietary data, the laptop hard drive were all encrypted. I can't recall the name of the program they used, but it was like TrueCrypt except that it could be managed over the company network.When you boot a computer protected this way you have to enter a password before the system can be booted because the entire hard drive is encrypted.I was thinking that this would be a good way to protect my data and source code. Does an
 yone know if something like an accessible TrueCrypt exists? So far my searches are only returning links to problem reports from people using drive encryption and having trouble accessing their hard drive.


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