Re: Half-Life 3... Confirmed?

2017-08-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : SLJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Half-Life 3... Confirmed?

Okay. That's good for those who can play the game. 


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Re: Half-Life 3... Confirmed?

2017-08-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Orko via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Half-Life 3... Confirmed?

LOL!When Valve released episode 1 they said that by breaking the story up into episodes they could release games more often, yet it has been almost ten years since episode 2 was released. Far longer than it took for them to release Half Life 2.Personally I think Valve should quit the video game industry and focus all their energies on Steam, it's making them way more money than all their games put together ever did, or will.


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Half-Life 3... Confirmed?

2017-08-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : magurp244 via Audiogames-reflector


Half-Life 3... Confirmed?

As covered by [Arstechnica], for those who know of the series the idea of half-life 3 being developed has turned into a running meme, seemingly fated never to be. However, the now retired lead writer for the Half-Life series Marc Laidlaw published what seems to be a summary of the plot for Half-life 2: episode 3 titled "Epistle 3". It takes the form of a fictional letter directed to "Dearest Playa", and when various names are swapped out for the original Half-Life names and places, makes it as close to a resolution we may ever get. An edited version of the synopsis posted on Pastebin (Laidlaws blog where it was originally posted buckled under the load) has already replaced the names for your reading pleasure, which you can find [here], the beginning reads:I hope this letter finds you well. I can hear your complaint already, “Gordon Freeman, we have not heard from you in ages!” Well, if you care to hear excuses, I have plenty, the greatest of them being I’ve been in other dimensions and whatnot, unable to reach you by the usual means. This was the case until eighteen months ago, when I experienced a critical change in my circumstances, and was redeposited on these shores.    In the time since, I have been able to think occasionally about how best to describe the intervening years, my years of silence. I do first apologize for the wait, and that done, hasten to finally explain (albeit briefly, quickly, and in very little detail) events following those described in my previous game (referred to herewith as Episode 2).


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