Re: I am having a problem with manamon

2016-10-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Jason SW via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I am having a problem with manamon

I looked up common ways that programs prevent multiple instances from running. After some experimentation, I found that one of the listed ways is how the instance object works in BGT. It checks to see if a named mutex with a specific name already exists, and if so, the program is already running. Otherwise, it creates the mutex, so that new instances will refuse to run.With testing, though, I found that these mutexes only affect instances on the same user account, so I was able to get around it by running two instances on separate user accounts. Since I also found the name Manamon uses for its instance object, I was able to force it to close with Process Explorer.


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Re: I am having a problem with manamon

2016-10-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : derekedit via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I am having a problem with manamon

I'm curious how you figured that out? Like how did you know what thread to kill? Or how would you have thought to even explore that as an option?


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Re: I am having a problem with manamon

2016-10-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : arqmeister via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I am having a problem with manamon

Thanks, that's all i need.


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Re: I am having a problem with manamon

2016-10-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Jason SW via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I am having a problem with manamon

The easy setup way is simply to run two copies of Manamon under two different user accounts. Of course this means that you will have to switch back and forth between user accounts to trade, which could get annoying fast.For the more involved way, you will need a program called Process Explorer by SysInternals, now a part of Microsoft.You will need to run the program as admin for this to work. Unfortunately,  the process list doesn't seem to read in NVDA, but I'm pretty sure that keyboard navigation will work. Make sure that Manamon is running, then in the process list, find rpg.exe, or type the letters rpg, then press alt+enter to make sure you've selected the right process.Once the right process is selected, press ctrl+h to show handles in the lower pane of the window, and tab down to that pane. Oddly enough, this list does read correctly with NVDA. Look for an entry listed as a "mutant", and with the word "bgtManamon" in 
 the name. It should be somewhere around entry 140-180 in the list. Once that handle is selected, press the delete key to force it to close. The program will ask you to confirm, so choose "yes". After that, you will be able to start a second copy of Manamon.


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Re: I am having a problem with manamon

2016-10-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Jason SW via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I am having a problem with manamon

The easy setup way is simply to run two copies of Manamon under two different user accounts. Of course this means that you will have to switch back and forth between user accounts to trade, which could get annoying fast.For the more involved way, you will need a program called Process Explorer by SysInternals, now a part of Microsoft.You will need to run the program as admin for this to work. Unfortunately,  the process list doesn't seem to read in NVDA, but I'm pretty sure that keyboard navigation will work. Make sure that Manamon is running, then in the process list, find rpg.exe in the list, or type the letters rpg, then press alt+enter to make sure you've selected the right process.Once the right process is selected, press ctrl+h to show handles in the lower pane of the window, and tab down to that pane. Oddly enough, this list does read correctly with NVDA. Look for an entry listed as a "mutant", and with the word "bgtManam
 on" in the name. It should be somewhere around entry 140-180 in the list. Once that handle is selected, press the delete key to force it to close. The program will ask you to confirm, so choose "yes". After that, you will be able to start a second copy of Manamon.


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Re: I am having a problem with manamon

2016-10-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Jason SW via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I am having a problem with manamon

After you start the second copy of Manamon, you'll have to do some shuffling of save files. Just FYI, once you're in the file menu, the game data is already loaded, so when you choose "load game", the game is only loading the environment and stuff. If you want to reload the saved game from disk, use the shift+f12 hotkey.Make sure that after you've traded, you save each game, and rename the data file you're not going to be using. For example, let's say the data to be loaded is in "data.dat", and you have two saved files called "data1.dat" and "data2.dat". You want to use the new data1, so save data2 first, and rename "data.dat" to "data2.dat". Then save data1, and make a copy of "data.dat" called "data1.dat".


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Re: I am having a problem with manamon

2016-10-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Jason SW via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I am having a problem with manamon

The easy setup way is simply to run two copies of Manamon under two different user accounts. Of course this means that you will have to switch back and forth between user accounts to trade, which could get annoying fast.For the more involved way, you will need a program called Process Explorer by SysInternals, now a part of Microsoft.You will need to run the program as admin for this to work. Unfortunately,  the process list doesn't seem to read in NVDA, but I'm pretty sure that keyboard navigation will work. Make sure that Manamon is running, then in the process list, find rpg.exe in the list, or type the letters rpg, then press alt+enter to make sure you've selected the right process.Once the right process is selected, press ctrl+h to show handles in the lower pane of the window, and tab down to that pane. Oddly enough, this list does read correctly with NVDA. Look for an entry listed as a "mutant", and with the word "bgtManam
 on" in the name. It should be somewhere around entry 140-180 in the list. Once that handle is selected, press the delete key to force that handle to close. The program will ask you to confirm, so choose "yes". After that, you will be able to start a second copy of Manamon.


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Re: I am having a problem with manamon

2016-10-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : arqmeister via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I am having a problem with manamon

You know, i want to know this as well, i'm willing to do command line tricks if needed.


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Re: I am having a problem with manamon

2016-10-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : keithwipf1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I am having a problem with manamon

I don't mean hacking: I just mean giving my save file to someone who can trade the manamon into itHow can you trade with your celf, I'd abselutely love to do that and get it over with


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Re: I am having a problem with manamon

2016-10-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Jason SW via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I am having a problem with manamon

There are also ways to get around the one instance restriction, if you know how. You could trade with yourself, on the same machine. One way is easier to set up, but the trading is more tedious, and there's another way where the setup is a bit more involved, but the actual trading process is easier.


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Re: I am having a problem with manamon

2016-10-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Jason SW via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I am having a problem with manamon

There are also ways to get around the one instance restriction, if you know how. You could trade with yourself, on the same machine. There's an easy way, but it's more tedious, and a slightly more difficult way to make this work.


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Re: I am having a problem with manamon

2016-10-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I am having a problem with manamon

In order to do that, you'd have to get someone to essentially hack the game. If you want manamon legitimately in your new game which aren't available naturally, the only way to get them is to trade for them.But there's a silver lining to this cloud. You don't need to mess with port forwarding if you aren't the host. All you need is the IP address of the person who is willing to host the trade. I know because I've done this several times now. As long as you have their IP address and can hop on when they are, you should be able to trade with them. You can't host, but it won't matter.There was a user not too long ago named Ethin who essentially used tools to edit his manamon's levels and stats and all that. That was basically cheating. And to inject manamon into your save file which weren't there to begin with would need a lot more of the same. Needless to say, I'm like 99.9% sure this forum is not going to sanction
  that in any way, shape or form.


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Re: I am having a problem with manamon

2016-10-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : lukas via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I am having a problem with manamon

Now, I can't resist and have to ask: How would they do that?Lukas


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Re: I am having a problem with manamon

2016-10-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : keithwipf1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I am having a problem with manamon

Does that matter? I never said they had to be good, I just said maybe I could give someone my save file and they might put the manamon I would otherwise need to trade to get in the save file and give it back.


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Re: I am having a problem with manamon

2016-10-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I am having a problem with manamon

oh OK that sucks then you'll have to find someone to trade with that's completed the game, I would but mine are not good since I kind of stpopped halfway through.


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Re: I am having a problem with manamon

2016-10-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : keithwipf1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I am having a problem with manamon

Well, I wasn't the one hosting and I don't have access to the router on this network


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Re: I am having a problem with manamon

2016-10-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I am having a problem with manamon

you have to open port on your router which can be tricky depending on what router you have. I stopped midway through the game because of that dungeon with the shadow hideout that I was having trouble with and didn't feel like grinding endlessly to level up my other manamon to get through that. The port is in the manual, but depending on the firmware on your router, it can be tricky. The only few tips I can give you are use ipconfig to get your default gateway, it will be at the end of the IPv4 section. Paste that into your browser, then you will need to authenticate, so you will have to look on the booklst or somewhere on the router to find the user and pass, probably gonna have to get this from a sightie. Then you will be greeted with your firmware login page, a good deal of them have it under a tab or a heading or a section callled advanced which you would click on and would revewl it. You want port forwarding, not port triggering. You then will be given the option to see w
 hat all ports you ahve open, probably none, there will be a button called add service or something to that effect. The router should have filled in your computers internal address, the last number in that being the important one because it has to point to your computer, then get the ports you need from the manamon manual and paste that into the area for the ports. Start and end can be the same, you will probably have 4 boxes for entering ports, or one and it will tell you to enter a range, never mind the range thing, jsut paste in the port to the starting and ending for both TCP and UDP. If you see a dropdown box taht says TCP, or UDP o or something like that, open that and make sure it either says both, or TCP/UDP.sorry for the misspellings, I don't feel like correcting it.


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I am having a problem with manamon

2016-10-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : keithwipf1 via Audiogames-reflector


I am having a problem with manamon

Hello, I can't trade for the last eight or so manamon I need to complete my manapedia because I can't connect with anyone.So wood it be possible for someone to take my save file and put the manamon in it?


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