Re: One-Button Victory!

2015-11-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : GeneWarner via Audiogames-reflector


Re: One-Button Victory!

Zoran, I stand corrected. Before I lost my vision I played the Batman video games, Arkham Asylum, and Arkham City. Batman doesn't use weapons as you see in most video games, instead he uses martial arts and other fighting techniques to subdue his enemies. The Batman games are mostly exploration and puzzle solving with a fighting game built in for when he has to fight one of his enemies. The combat would have been mind numbingly boring if all it was was repeatedly pressing the space bar. And there are probably other similar games I've played that I'm forgetting.I agree with Sneak, Assassin's Creed was very frustrating to play because there were so many combos and the keystrokes needed made no logical sense. I eventually gave up and never bought or played another Assassin's Creed game.On the other hand if complex combos are carefully thought out, they can work wonders. Another game I played and completed was Prototype. In this game your charact
 er is infected with an alien virus that allows him to change his skin. Each skin has advantages and drawbacks unique to that skin. Each skin also has combos unique to it. What made the combos easy to remember was that all the combos used the same keys except for the first key which was different for each skin. It's kind of hard to explain, but it worked because the key combinations made sense.


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Re: One-Button Victory!

2015-11-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: One-Button Victory!

True, but it's pretty safe to say that audio games are nowhere near the too complicated mark, at this point. The first X-men game for Genesis isn't winning any awards, but the only Audio Game that might outdo it is Bokurano Daibouken 3. Compare BK3's use of at least 5 menus to X-men's reliance on a D-pad, 3 buttons, and one menu (which you are specifically prevented from relying on too often). X-men lets you aim Cyclops's beams, direct Nightcrawler's teleportation, do a few distinct maneuvers and attacks with each character, all without relying on weapons or items, and you aren't allowed to switch characters more than a few times. The second X-men game blows its predecessor out of the water, and doesn't let you switch characters mid level without cheats. Both of these only have 3 buttons: jump, melee attack, and mutant power, and still have deeper mechanics than any audio game out there.(Are there any audio games with crouch attacks, b
 esides the terrible Jeqocon games that no one plays?)


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Re: One-Button Victory!

2015-11-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : sneak via Audiogames-reflector


Re: One-Button Victory!

I don't know how I feel about this. Complex controls sound like a good idea, but if they're too complex it can cause players to feel frustrated. Over complicating a game can be very easily done, and as a coder, once you have the basic engine down, it's easy to go insane with adding in new mechanics. So you have to stop and ask yourself, is it going to add to the fun of the game, or is it going to cause unnessasary frustration.


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Re: One-Button Victory!

2015-11-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: One-Button Victory!

The only audio games I ever showed sighted people were Aprone's (because they can at least tell what's going on), BK2 (Because it's BK2), and Top Speed 3 (because it seemed easy enough to explain).And mine, because of course I did. . Although that was back when they were in Java and I could add simple graphics. Well, and Sengoku Jidai, but I gave up on that one pretty quickly.I'm in the process of writing a quick and dirty guide to getting started with the JFIMA engine. I was looking through one of the code files, partly for reference and partly to see what I need to remove before publishing, and my shameless advertising side demanded I post these comments from a (complete!) section:PS3D2014 wrote:// Dive-kick (air+b|m, j|b|m). This is problamitc in that he needs something to push off 
 to make it work.// Actually, make the hit area such that it's completely useless if he doesn't have something to push off? I'm not sure I can do that. The point would be to make him move backward as far as he moves forward, or more, so if he isn't up againt a wall, it'll fail. But that means it takes two states.(IIRC, this kinda worked, but might need some tweaking because everyone jumps too high at this point. I was more focused on building maps and events than fine-tuning the techniques when this one stalled.)


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Re: One-Button Victory!

2015-11-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: One-Button Victory!

I agree with all of this, in fact, I think the state of audio games in general is a sad state of affairs. the one percenters are innovating, the rest, sorry, but no.


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Re: One-Button Victory!

2015-11-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: One-Button Victory!

I think those of us who have some knowledge of how mainstream gaming works will always bee saddened to some extent by audio games.  Incidentally, I still believe part of the issue is how closed and close knit the community is, and by the nature of what audio gaming is right now, I find it hard to sympathize with those who say that sighted people should take time to try them.


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Re: One-Button Victory!

2015-11-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : SLJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: One-Button Victory!

Hi.I totally agree that audiogames lags regarding to multiple attacks, combos etc.


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Re: One-Button Victory!

2015-11-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Xoren via Audiogames-reflector


Re: One-Button Victory!

Lets clear up this misconception. Combos and unique jumps and other forms of movement for environment interaction are not just the purview of fighting games. God of War and its successors, for example, are very rich story-driven, puzzle-driven games that heavily employ a combo system, whereby you chain together various attacks. As an extreme example, here's a 1000-hit combo performed, presumably while fighting a game boss. Brave Fencer Musashi, an old game for the PlayStation, was likewise a puzzle-based adventure game with a combo system. Furthermore, in Musashi, you had to double jump in a lot of situations to move from place to place, or jump and then grab and climb. It also had a lot of attacks executed only from a jump/double jump state. Onimusha, yet another adventure game involving ninjas and samur
 ai relied heavily on combo attacks... and the list goes on.Kai


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Re: One-Button Victory!

2015-11-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Leon Stewart via Audiogames-reflector


Re: One-Button Victory!

My thing is they should take the game tournament and add sounds for  attacks.


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Re: One-Button Victory!

2015-11-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : GeneWarner via Audiogames-reflector


Re: One-Button Victory!

What you guys are describing sounds like fighting games.Most, if not all, of the main stream games I played only had one or two buttons for attack. What gave the games variety was the weapon you chose to use for the attack.I'm not a fan of fighting games, in fact I've never played one. But I agree, having only one way to attack your enemy would get pretty boaring. Just put something on the space bar and go do something else. What's the point?A while back I bought what I thought would be an adventure/puzzle game from 7-128 software. What I got was a game that read to you for a while, then waited for you to respond, but the only thing you could respond with was a space. Then the game continued reading. Sheesh! I can get all the talking books I could ever want for free from the National Library Service's Talking Books for the Blind program. As I recall, there were a bunch of games in the series. I didn't buy any more games from that serie
 s or from 7-128 software either.


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Re: One-Button Victory!

2015-11-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : jack via Audiogames-reflector


Re: One-Button Victory!

Ghorthalon started on a fighting engine, but it was in early alpha. Still, it introduced things that you see in some fighting games like streetfighter. For example, the opponent getting temporarily paralyzed for a few seconds, while they can't move, simulated by the heavy breathing in the fighting engine. In the fighting engine it was a bit sketchy and didn't exactly resemble the mainstream standard, although it was moving in the right direction. For example, if an opponent is stunned in Streetfighter and you hear the birds, the ticking clock or whatever, no one can attack until that moment is over, although the person who isn't stunned, for example if the cpu iss stunned buy you're not, you will for sure get the next attack. Very useful for combos, by the way! But the fighting engine by Ghorthalon let the opponent who wasn't paralyzed keeping attacking the breathing and motionless opponent. That was actually a nice stall mechanism, but the disadvantage is
  that the stun time was shorter. The analog jumping system you see in some mainstream games could also use some implementation. I do remember that being attempted in betas of mota but again that was sketchy at best.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: One-Button Victory!

2015-11-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : GeneWarner via Audiogames-reflector


Re: One-Button Victory!

What you guys are describing sounds like fighting games.Most, if not all, of the main stream games I played only had one or two buttons for attack. What gave the games variety was the weapon you chose to use for the attack.But I agree, having only one way to attack your enemy would get pretty boaring.A while back I bought what I thought would be an adventure/puzzle game from 7-128 software. What I got was a game that read to you for a while, then waited for you to respond, but the only thing you could respond with was a space. Then the game continued reading. Sheesh! I can get all the talking books I could ever want from the National Library Service's Talking Books for the Blind program. As I recall, there were a bunch of games in the series. I didn't buy any more games from that series or from 7-128 software either.


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Re: One-Button Victory!

2015-11-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: One-Button Victory!

I agree! Think maybe I should open source my numerous failed attempts?


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Re: One-Button Victory!

2015-11-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : aaron via Audiogames-reflector


Re: One-Button Victory!

Hello,Agreed, I'd love a game with a combo system but at the moment don't have any programming experience to even think about creating such a game.


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One-Button Victory!

2015-11-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Xoren via Audiogames-reflector


One-Button Victory!

Almost every audio game available which involves any degree of combat is done using one button. Hear an opponent, press spacebar, or press the control key. I think we're sufficiently far along enough now that this one-button style of gaming really needs to be done away with.In typical mainstream games, you have multiple types of attacks, each with their own advantages and disadvantages. A vicious sword strike that deals high damage but has a longer cooldown, or inflicts balance issues. A light, quick attack which is low on damage, but also low on cooldown. What's more, these attacks can usually be chained together, so that the last attack is either replaced with or followed by a special attack. As an example: fierce strike, light strike, light strike, medium strike might be a combo which releases energy from your sword, or causes you to go into perform a whirlwind spin to deal damage to all opponents in your immediate vicinity. These combos would themselves have t
 heir own cooldowns or resource management considerations, so you couldn't just keep spamming them. Perhaps a combo with a whirlwind strike drains your stamina meter, making you move more slowly for a period afterwards, or the energy beam attack costs mystical energy, which might either weaken or bar you from using other mystical abilities for a time.Furthermore, even navigation could make use of the combo system. Jump by pressing up, then press down and up while in the air to tap your resources and perform a second aerial vault to reach higher altitudes, or remain in the air longer, or to travel further in your jump, or indeed to unlock new attacks, such as a diving strike. The possibilities are so endless, and it really saddens me that more audio game developers haven't tapped this potential.We need to end the age of the single-button space invaders audio game. There needs to be complexity, and there needs to be management. players shouldn't be ok with 
 just tapping one button to finish an enemy, nor should the player be required to do nothing but hammer their spacebar. I won't name any games in particular, but even some of the latest audio games just present a new story, wrapped around the same staid core mechanic... press spacebar to success! Lets end this tedium and introduce more unique and complex game mechanics!Kai


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Re: One-Button Victory!

2015-11-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Sightless Kombat via Audiogames-reflector


Re: One-Button Victory!

I agree,  audiogames have for too long thrived on the prospect of pressing space to do everything.  Having been a player of mainstream games for a long time, I believe audio games can definitly do with an overhaul from developers who are, for want of a better _expression_, willing to try.A lot of people have said "why doesn't anyone develop an audio fighting game" the answer is that developers don't seem to know where to start.  Where to start is to make an engine where you can chain buttons together to make combos etc.., I'd guess.Enough said I think, let's get innovating.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

One-Button Victory!

2015-11-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Xoren via Audiogames-reflector


One-Button Victory!

Almost every audio game available which involves any degree of combat is done using one button. Hear an opponent, press spacebar, or press the control key. I think we're sufficiently far along enough now that this one-button style of gaming really needs to be done away with.In typical mainstream games, you have multiple types of attacks, each with their own advantages and disadvantages. A vicious sword strike that deals high damage but has a longer cooldown, or inflicts balance issues. A light, quick attack which is low on damage, but also low on cooldown. What's more, these attacks can usually be chained together, so that the last attack is either replaced with or followed by a special attack. As an example: fierce strike, light strike, light strike, medium strike might be a combo which releases energy from your sword, or causes you to go into perform a whirlwind spin to deal damage to all opponents in your immediate vicinity. These combos would themselves have t
 heir own cooldowns or resource management considerations, so you couldn't just keep spamming them. Perhaps a combo with a whirlwind strike drains your stamina meter, making you move more slowly for a period afterwards, or the energy beam attack costs mystical energy, which might either weaken or bar you from using other mystical abilities for a time.Furthermore, even navigation could make use of the combo system. Jump by pressing up, then press down and up while in the air to tap your resources and perform a second aerial vault to reach higher altitudes, or remain in the air longer, or to travel further in your jump, or indeed to unlock new attacks, such as a diving strike. The possibilities are so endless, and it really saddens me that more audio game developers haven't tapped this potential.We need to end the age of the single-button space invaders audio game. There needs to be complexity, and there needs to be management. players shouldn't be ok with 
 just tapping one button to finish an enemy, nor should the be required to do nothing but hammer their spacebar. I won't name any games in particular, but even some of the latest audio games just present a new story, wrapped around the same staid core mechanic... press spacebar to success! Lets end this tedium and introduce more unique and complex game mechanics!Kai


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