Re: Pitch Black: Audio Pong!

2020-08-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Talpaiute via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Pitch Black: Audio Pong!

Also where can I find audio simulations and will there be a text version for the audio books? I know it would ruin the idea of the story, but I really want to know the game's prologue.


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Re: Pitch Black: Audio Pong!

2020-08-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Talpaiute via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Pitch Black: Audio Pong!

Hey. I read all your posts and I can say that it is wonderful what you do. Now, in connection with Audioponk, will you enter the NVDA accessible text option for each Replica of the actors? This text can also be very good in English. An addon will automatically translate it into the desired language. I really want you to introduce this system in this game, and not only, because Audio ponk is, as far as I know, the first audio arcade game with binaural sound ever made. So far I haven't played anything like this because the language barrier is a terrible nightmare.Of course, it would be nice to add the possibility for the community to translate the game into their own languages (very good for all non-Windows operating systems, where there is no such add-on).


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Re: Pitch Black: Audio Pong!

2020-05-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Pitch Black: Audio Pong!

@Robla, I actually like that this game does something different with both the ball sounds and with the tactics needed (the need to hit the ball slightly off centre to change it's direction is an interesting element to play with). After all, we've already got four or five straight up pong games of the ball get's quieter, bounce bounce variety, so why not have something different.Also, don't forget that this game is being played in some sort of futuristic city, so isn't likely standard table tennis either, hence the beeping sounds and so on.The ridiculously overthetop menu speech would be an issue for me if you couldn't skip through the menu more quickly, or if the menu had many items, but when there are just four items in the menu and you can go between them quite smoothly I don't see the problem myself.


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Re: Pitch Black: Audio Pong!

2020-05-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : rowangarel98 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Pitch Black: Audio Pong!

great game. I'm still trying to get the hang of moving the paddle, but I am not used to using a touch screen. haha. Look forward to figuring it out. Great sounds and Hilarious voice acting. Glad to put my money into this one.


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Re: Pitch Black: Audio Pong!

2020-05-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : KenshiraTheTrinity via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Pitch Black: Audio Pong!

Honestly it's fine. The faster beeping just means the ball is headed your way. The reason beeps are used is for the retro pong aesthetic. We did not have ball sound on the atari 2600. The reason there are no instructions on how to hit the ball is because all you need to do is center it. It's not hard to understand. And the style of the menu announcements is just another one of the game's quarks. Perhaps it's just not your type of game, but really it's fine, and they have already made improvements to the original.  If you want something different go play dragon pong or something. That one actually has ball sounds, but less personality in my opinion.


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Re: Pitch Black: Audio Pong!

2020-05-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : KenshiraTheTrinity via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Pitch Black: Audio Pong!

Honestly it's fine. The faster beeping just means the ball is headed your way. The reason beeps are used is for the retro pong aesthetic. We did not have ball sound on the atari 2600. The reason there are no instructions on how to hit the ball is because all you need to do is center it. It's not hard to understand. And the style of the menu announcements is just another one of the game's quarks. Perhaps it's just not your type of game, but really it's fine, and they have already made improvements to the original.  If you want something different go play dragon pong or something.


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Re: Pitch Black: Audio Pong!

2020-05-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : robla via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Pitch Black: Audio Pong!

don't get me wrong, I wouldn't be saying any of this if this game were in beta or alpha. but if you're going to release it for sale, it should at least be mentioned.


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Re: Pitch Black: Audio Pong!

2020-05-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : robla via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Pitch Black: Audio Pong!

the long, overprocessed speech for menu items make them difficult to understand/slow down the game. the pause message continues playing even when the game has unpaused. should I go on?


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Re: Pitch Black: Audio Pong!

2020-05-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : robla via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Pitch Black: Audio Pong!

sorry, this game is really, really bad IMHO. I've got no idea when i'm hitting the ball, when my oponent is hitting the ball. what the score is or anything. the beeping is annoying, I can only assume this is something from the origiaal  arcade game? Personally a ball sound would be better. why not a standard, showdown/dragonpong type system where you can hear the ball bouncing getting quietter as it goes towards your oponent, and louder as it gets back. there was no info on how to hit the ball in the tutorial, just how to centre it.


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Re: Pitch Black: Audio Pong!

2020-05-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Pitch Black: Audio Pong!

@Juliantheaudiogamer, I've only played on pc, but if the initials work the same way I'd assume you need to swipe up and down to change letter, and swipe left and right to change from inputting your first, second and third initial, then double tap to enter. It won't work until you have three letters entered, which is why I'm  on the board myself as D.A.K. Hth.


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Re: Pitch Black: Audio Pong!

2020-05-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Juliantheaudiogamer via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Pitch Black: Audio Pong!

Hi,I'm sorry I didn't mention it but I use the IOS Version of Audio Pell me what to do for the Initials Thing?


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Re: Pitch Black: Audio Pong!

2020-05-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Nefilimul via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Pitch Black: Audio Pong!

I would be extremely happy if you added subtitles to the PC game. As person who does not know English I use NVDA with a supplement that translates the text spoken by this screen reader from any game into the desired language. Unfortunately, this is useless when it comes to dialogues between characters and any such action. I would be very happy to be able to play.I'm sure I'm not the only one with this problem.An English text subtitle would be enough to help us.Thank you for all you do for the community and please excuse my spelling mistakes (I translated with Google).Good luck.


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Re: Pitch Black: Audio Pong!

2020-05-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Nefilimul via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Pitch Black: Audio Pong!

I would be extremely happy if you added subtitles to the PC game. As person who does not know English I use NVDA with a supplement that translates the text spoken by this screen reader from any game into the desired language. Unfortunately, this is useless when it comes to dialogues between characters and any such action. I would be very happy to be able to play.I'm sure I'm not the only one with this problem.An English text subtitle would be enough to help us.Thank you for all you do for the community and please excuse my spelling mistakes (I translated with Google).Good luck.


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Re: Pitch Black: Audio Pong!

2020-05-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Pitch Black: Audio Pong!

Hi. I'm very much liking the new version, congrats on getting things done. The game seems far more stable and less chaotic now, and the new tutorial was a lot more helpful. I particularly like how tactical the game is, it's probably the most tactical audio pong we've seen, if not literally the hardest. There were only a couple of things I found a bit odd. First, in tournament mode, I initially lost on level 4, then when I restarted tournament mode again, I was back on level four. Is this intentional? or is the idea that people finish tournament mode and endless mode is the real challenge.I also notice that whilst the points system for gaining points works now, whenever you lose a point, the sounds of the ball and paddles fade out for a second, and then fade back in. I'm not sure if this is intentional or not, since on the one hand it's rather creepy, on the other it seems a bit strange to not have your opponent's score announced.The initial entry with arrows threw me a bit at first too, indeed first time it happened I thought the game crashed since I was pressing letters and nothing happened . I also wonder if new lines of dialogue were added, I was amused at the tough lady on level 2 threatening to pull off her headphones and rip my bleeding ears off (what a sore loozer!). The one thing i was a little sorry the game didn't have, is names for the characters, especially if these are people  are part of the dusklight game and universe, and who we'll obviously meet later, since it'd be nice to know who is who, indeed I was a bit surprised when levels were announced that there wasn't a beatemup style vs screen. Other than that, great job with the update, the game feels a good deal more polished and less chaotic now, and is a lot of fun to play, I especially like how you need to bounce the ball at angles to win, and the backgrounds and characters are as fantastic as they ever were.


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Re: Pitch Black: Audio Pong!

2020-05-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Pitch Black: Audio Pong!

Hi. I'm very much liking the new version, congrats on getting things done. The game seems far more stable and less chaotic now, and the new tutorial was a lot more helpful. I particularly like how tactical the game is, it's probably the most tactical audio pong we've seen, if not literally the hardest. There were only a couple of things I found a bit odd. First, in tournament mode, I initially lost on level 4, then when I restarted tournament mode again, I was back on level four. Is this intentional? or is the idea that people finish tournament mode and endless mode is the real challenge.The initial entry with arrows threw me a bit at first too, indeed first time it happened I thought the game crashed since I was pressing letters and nothing happened . I also wonder if new lines of dialogue were added, I was amused at the tough lady on level 2 threatening to pull off her headphones and rip my bleeding ears off (what a sore loozer!). The one thing i was a little sorry the game didn't have, is names for the characters, especially if these are people  are part of the dusklight game and universe, and who we'll obviously meet later, since it'd be nice to know who is who, indeed I was a bit surprised when levels were announced that there wasn't a beatemup style vs screen. Other than that, great job with the update, the game feels a good deal more polished and less chaotic now, and is a lot of fun to play, I especially like how you need to bounce the ball at angles to win, and the backgrounds and characters are as fantastic as they ever were.


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Re: Pitch Black: Audio Pong!

2020-05-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Juliantheaudiogamer via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Pitch Black: Audio Pong!

Hi,I tried the pointers for the initials Thing, but it doesn't work for me.Can somebody help?


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Re: Pitch Black: Audio Pong!

2020-05-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Maulwurf83 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Pitch Black: Audio Pong!

Hi! Yea i would like a new download link via pm.


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Re: Pitch Black: Audio Pong!

2020-05-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : PitchBlack via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Pitch Black: Audio Pong!

Hi everybody! For those that have purchased and want the new version I'll send you PM's with a new download link. Because we don't have an account system yet, the website can't tell if you've already purchased it.


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Re: Pitch Black: Audio Pong!

2020-05-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : mastodont via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Pitch Black: Audio Pong!

the download link should be on the page immediately after you purchased the game..


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Re: Pitch Black: Audio Pong!

2020-05-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : ashleygrobler04 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Pitch Black: Audio Pong!

I got the game for windows, but there is no download link... why? i looked in my email but there is nothing... if this is the case, can i please get a refund?


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Re: Pitch Black: Audio Pong!

2020-05-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Juliantheaudiogamer via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Pitch Black: Audio Pong!

@62: I was just about to ask about the initials Thing, thanks anyway.


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Re: Pitch Black: Audio Pong!

2020-05-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Juliantheaudiogamer via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Pitch Black: Audio Pong!

@62: I was just about to ask about the initials Thing, thanks anyway.


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Re: Pitch Black: Audio Pong!

2020-05-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : KenshiraTheTrinity via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Pitch Black: Audio Pong!

Congrats on the update. It feels great on android! Finally got the initials working but it took a bit of figuring out that I had to swipe up to change letters and left to change to the next letter. Since the initials are a simple thing, this system of entry is fine. Game definitely feels complete with a tournament and endless mode. Well done. 


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Re: Pitch Black: Audio Pong!

2020-05-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Juliantheaudiogamer via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Pitch Black: Audio Pong!

Hi,There were no Problems with the IOS update, it works well. I haven't tried out the endless mode yet.


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Re: Pitch Black: Audio Pong!

2020-05-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Pitch Black: Audio Pong!

I am in a similar position with the windows release, options to buy the game, but no options to update if you already bought the game, and I rather fancy those improved modes.


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Re: Pitch Black: Audio Pong!

2020-05-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Appleman via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Pitch Black: Audio Pong!

I already have version 1 of the Mac release. When I attempt to download version 2, I can't find a download button. The "add to cart" button is visible, but I've already paid for the game. Am I missing something?


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Re: Pitch Black: Audio Pong!

2020-05-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : PitchBlack via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Pitch Black: Audio Pong!

Audio Pong V2 has (finally) launched! It fixes some bugs and makes a few general improvements to game play, as well as adding new features..ENDLESS MODE: This allows you to play until you lose, then submit your high score to the all new cross-platform leaderboard!TOURNAMENT MODE: This is where you play ever more difficult opponents, all characters from Pitch Black: A Dusklight Story, until you beat the Emperor (the 5th opponent).We've also improved the tutorial, making in interactive and changing the trainer voice over.Hope you enjoy this new update everybody! Would love to read your thoughts.All the bestHarryiOS: … 1502114873Android: … kAudioPongWindows (64bit): … ows-64-bitMac OS X: … mac-os-x-1


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Re: Pitch Black: Audio Pong!

2020-04-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : PitchBlack via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Pitch Black: Audio Pong!

Hey everybody! Just wanted to say apologies for the delay on the update. I (Harry) have started work at the corona virus support line here in the UK, it's nights and full time, and so I'm still getting used to sleeping through the day, and feel like a zombie most of the time right now. It has meant productivity has dropped a little for the past couple of weeks.The other reason for the delay is that we're wanting to add a cross-platform leader board, and to get the functionality we want to use a custom server back-end, rather than the built in services available on the App store/Google Play. This is a new area for our team and so we're doing a lot of learning at the moment.Once we've become more familiar with back end server integration, it'll allow us to apply a multi-player aspect to all our upcoming releases, and as such think it's worth taking a little longer on the update for this one. Thanks for your continued support, and we hope you're staying safe during this difficult time.All the bestHarry


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Re: Pitch Black: Audio Pong!

2020-03-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : PitchBlack via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Pitch Black: Audio Pong!

Hi Kenshira, thanks for trying out the game. The update is almost ready (we're hoping it'll be up by the weekend). There is a sound when you hit the ball, try centering it, when the beeps are fastest, the additional sound that is made is you hitting the ball. The sounds don't miss-align as the game progresses, but the update removes the 'double ball' sound that can be confusing, it also tightens up the placement of the sound relative to the ball, and we've reduced difficulty on the first couple of opponents to allow for some easier victories initially.Thanks so much for the feedback! If anyone has any other feedback, we're implementing as many improvements as possible in this update, so now is the time to shout up.CheersHarry


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Re: Pitch Black: Audio Pong!

2020-03-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : KenshiraTheTrinity via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Pitch Black: Audio Pong!

A part of me wishes we could swipe instead so that we could move the paddle at different speeds, like how you would when playing on a 2600 using the nob to control the paddle.


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Re: Pitch Black: Audio Pong!

2020-03-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Garr via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Pitch Black: Audio Pong!

Center the sound of the bouncing ball tapping left and right.


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Re: Pitch Black: Audio Pong!

2020-03-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Juliantheaudiogamer via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Pitch Black: Audio Pong!

Then how do you hit the ball on IOS?


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Re: Pitch Black: Audio Pong!

2020-03-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Garr via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Pitch Black: Audio Pong!

It does make a sound when you and opponent hit.Not sure if as long as the match keeps going that sounds misalign.


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Re: Pitch Black: Audio Pong!

2020-03-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Juliantheaudiogamer via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Pitch Black: Audio Pong!

Hi,I have another Suggestion for the next update: make it Play a Sound when you hit the ball, now it is a bit confusing.


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Re: Pitch Black: Audio Pong!

2020-03-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Garr via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Pitch Black: Audio Pong!

Okay, got it, iOS version.I'll put it up on applevis.found 2 things.1. I was double tapping to continue but it said press space in tutorial, guessing from PC.2. the background noice went up think it was match 5 making it hard to hear and even after losing a few times the noise didn't go back down. Feels like if I moved around on the field but can't figure out how to lower it.3. I hear a hit before time, is that the wall bounce?Not really my type of game but effort deserves reward and praise.Sometimes it feels like if I lose and advance and win and digress.Also I feel like I'm aligned and miss and not in position and hit.applevis entry: … audio-pong


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Re: Pitch Black: Audio Pong!

2020-03-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Garr via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Pitch Black: Audio Pong!

Okay, got it, iOS version.I'll put it up on applevis.found 2 things.1. I was double tapping to continue but it said press space in tutorial, guessing from PC.2. the background noice went on think it was match 5 making it hard to hear and even after losing a few times the noise didn't go back down. Feels like if I moved around on the field but can't figure out how to lower it.Not really my type of game but effort deserves reward and praise.Sometimes it feels like if I lose and advance and win and digress.Also I feel like I'm aligned and miss and not in position and hit.applevis entry: … audio-pong


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Re: Pitch Black: Audio Pong!

2020-03-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Garr via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Pitch Black: Audio Pong!

Okay, got it, iOS version.I'll put it up on applevis.found 2 things.1. I was double tapping to continue but it said press space in tutorial, guessing from PC.2. the background noice went on think it was match 5 making it hard to hear and even after losing a few times the noise didn't go back down.Not really my type of game but effort deserves reward and praise.


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Re: Pitch Black: Audio Pong!

2020-03-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : SLJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Pitch Black: Audio Pong!

Hi.I wouldn't mind to pay more if multiplayer is going to be released.


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Re: Pitch Black: Audio Pong!

2020-03-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Pitch Black: Audio Pong!

@Garr, I'd do one myself,accept that I decided to get the game on Pc so am unsure of the Ios controls.


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Re: Pitch Black: Audio Pong!

2020-03-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : germanico via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Pitch Black: Audio Pong!

i want this game to be on steam


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Re: Pitch Black: Audio Pong!

2020-03-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Garr via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Pitch Black: Audio Pong!

Someone should post it in applevis


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Re: Pitch Black: Audio Pong!

2020-03-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : PitchBlack via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Pitch Black: Audio Pong!

Thanks Dark! Love the write up.All the bestHarry


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Re: Pitch Black: Audio Pong!

2020-03-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Pitch Black: Audio Pong!

I'll be interested to see where this one goes, ditto with your other titles. In the mean while Here is the database entry for the game , if Multiplayer or other changes are made in the future, I'll be glad to update it.


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Re: Pitch Black: Audio Pong!

2020-03-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : PitchBlack via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Pitch Black: Audio Pong!

Great to get your thoughts. We're continuing to support the game. This isn't an official announcement yet, so keep it between friends, but we're looking at the possibility of multiplayer, and so being able to play against one another. Potentially with customisable paddle sounds.. but, I need to see if it's viable within a reasonable amount of time. If that is added, we might increase the price for new buyers, as there'll be server costs etc. associated with multiplayer, and the additional development time. Nevertheless, I think it'd be a great addition.


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Re: Pitch Black: Audio Pong!

2020-03-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : KenshiraTheTrinity via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Pitch Black: Audio Pong!

Yeah I'm happy with the price as well.


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Re: Pitch Black: Audio Pong!

2020-03-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Pitch Black: Audio Pong!

@musicalman, at the moment I couldn't be sure  who was hitting the ball when, so I just tried to keep it centred at all times which seems to work. @Pitchblack, fair enough on the tutorial, but perhaps if not actually an interactive scene, some longer clips of gameplay might help, of course if the double effect and the issue with the ball randomly going off get fixed, this might not be necessary. As regards price, I was quite happy myself with £1.99 for the game given the quality of the audio, and the number of lines for each character etc, after all, one track bought on Amazon would fetch that much and there is already that amount of audio in the game, I also gathered that this is very much a work in progress and an attempt to support future game development.I will say, if the game had cost a fiver, I'd have been far more hesitant, since if I'm paying five quid for a game, something in terms of score and stat tracking which gives at least some idea of replay value might have been nice, but as it is, the small price tag was okay with me.


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Re: Pitch Black: Audio Pong!

2020-03-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : PitchBlack via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Pitch Black: Audio Pong!

Hi SLJThanks for the great feedback! We'll be taking those notes and a lot of others into account when we release an updated version in a week or so. The cut-scene approach to the tutorial was a managing resources thing, we were conscious of sticking to our release schedule and thought due to the game being mechanically simple, whilst not ideal, the cut-scene approach was good enough, and so we decided to make it as entertaining as possible (with the silly VO). The game's replayability stems from the simple but enjoyable mechanic. Many many games have one mechanic done well, especially on mobile, that's what we were going for here, with the added benefit of luscious sound design and fun characters. As regards charging £1.99 for this, the game play took over three months of on/off development to get right, and then every character has their own arena, and their own set of entrances, win, and loss lines- so a lot of sound design and creative work. Providing all of this for £1.99 seems like a very fair deal to us. When thinking about how much small companies might charge for a product, consider the above, most games take a huge amount of work to get to the point where they can be shipped, even if they aren't perfect at release .Anyway! Back to the gameplay! I'm making a list currently of little, time-efficient improvements we can make to the game that have been suggested by the community, if ya'll have any further ideas, please do shout up, it's great to get good feedback and if they're viable they'll go straight on to my to-do list.Muchos love!Harry


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Re: Pitch Black: Audio Pong!

2020-03-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : musicalman via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Pitch Black: Audio Pong!

@Dark, I trhink when the beeping is faster, the ball is coming closer to you, so that's when you should be trying to hit it.I'm not super familiar with Pong, so I assumed that you're supposed to move the paddle so the ball is in the center. I'm having the same problem as a few others here though; the ball sounds doubled, and even when I center it, sometimes I still miss it. Ironically if I let it start out centered then sort of drift left or right, I hit it more often. So I'm not sure if your goal is to actually center the ball in your stereo field or if you're meant to put it somewhere else. Would really like to get it though since this does sound like it could be a lot of fun.


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Re: Pitch Black: Audio Pong!

2020-03-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : queenslight via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Pitch Black: Audio Pong!

@36The kick starter thing was for the main Pitch Black Game itself, audio pong the the other projects they are doing is for on the side, and to tie us all over before "the big one!"


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Re: Pitch Black: Audio Pong!

2020-03-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Pitch Black: Audio Pong!

@Harry, that makes sense, though in that case then oddly enough it seems I hit the ball, and then it goes off to another direction and I lose, which is very odd. Be that as it may, with what you've mentioned about the difficulty systen I have in that case managed to reach the emperor,  oh and I do agree with Slj that notes when you progress in difficulty, or maybe even a Vs screen with the opponent's name mentioned would be nice, especially since I gather these are characters in a larger story and universe, so knowing who they are might be helpful down the line. @Slj, the only background I noticed as too loud on the pc version was the one I believe for the director, a sort of humming like a spaceship. I agree scoring and a tutorial where you could actually practice might be nice, though as it is the games' price is so low I don't mind as much, particularly since this is manifestly a first version and the game is going to be expanded or polished up, indeed I sort of got the impression the tutorial was sort of planned to be interactive anyway but perhaps due to time or resources constraints was released as an audio cut scene instead, something which might alter later.


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Re: Pitch Black: Audio Pong!

2020-03-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : SLJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Pitch Black: Audio Pong!

Hi.I've just spend like 40 minutes on playing the IOS version on my iPhone 7 running the latest version of IOS.The good:Very responsive, great sounds and easy controls.The bad things in my opinion:1. I've also noticed the double ball sound quite a few times.2. The tutorial is just weird in my opinion. It's like the game is playing itself, so it continues no matter if you get it or not. You can't actually practice in the tutorial.3. The game has no scoring system, no achievements, no way of winning the game, and even no way of failing and get a game over. All the things explained in post 31 is not even explained in the game unless I have missed it. Sorry to ask, but how should people even figure out the goal of the game?4. The game have no replayability at all because of the things mentioned above. I mean, even free arcade games do have some kind of replayability, and this game is even payed, after we have backed the Kickstarter campaign.5. It would be great if the game mentions when you move to the next difficulty level.6. The background sounds are too loud in some situations in my opinion. I'm not sure if they are ment to make things harder or if it's a bug.7. When pausing the game, it would be great if the player got reminded that swiping to the right is exit, and swiping down is continue. Just because, exiting does exit the game without any confirmation.I'm glad I bought the game to support the development, and I'm glad I backed the Kickstarter campaign as well. But as the game is now, I can't recommend it because I don't feel I have got anything but great sounds out of the money I've spend on the game. It would have been another thing if the game was free.I'm sorry if any of this sounds harsh, but when you pay for a product, you at leased hope for a great product out from your expectations. Then I heard it is an arcade game, I at leased hoped it had a scoring system, and any kind of replayability.I look very much forward to follow the development of the game to see where it goes.


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Re: Pitch Black: Audio Pong!

2020-03-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : KenshiraTheTrinity via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Pitch Black: Audio Pong!

I just bought the android version of the game. Sound quality is top notch, and responsiveness is also pretty good. I am curious though as to how wide the paddle is. I appreciate the hit range of the paddle being a little forgiving, though I kinda wish you could control the rate at which it moves sometimes. I also think that the game aught to have a proper ending, and an extra endless mode for those that want to keep playing. Perhaps some achievements as well, but for a first effort this is great, and I'm happy to have bought it in support of you all. Great job! 


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Re: Pitch Black: Audio Pong!

2020-03-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : PitchBlack via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Pitch Black: Audio Pong!

Yep! That's my bad. It's a left over from the PC build. It's meant to say 'Double Tap'. We'll be fixing it in the update.All the bestHarry


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Re: Pitch Black: Audio Pong!

2020-03-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : PitchBlack via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Pitch Black: Audio Pong!

P.S. Kyle, you should have an e-mail from me now.Harry


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Re: Pitch Black: Audio Pong!

2020-03-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Jeffb via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Pitch Black: Audio Pong!

I noticed in the Android tutorial it says space bar at the end. Not sure why.


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Re: Pitch Black: Audio Pong!

2020-03-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : PitchBlack via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Pitch Black: Audio Pong!

Hi Dark! That's great feedback, thanks so much for taking the time to give feedback with such detail. Once we've collated all of the feedback from players, we'll be updating the game (most likely a couple of weeks).As regards difficulty levels- there are five opponents at difficulty level one, which you cycle through if you lose, if you win, you go up the difficulty level, at which point you're on a linear progression of opponents- Archie (woman in the bar), Finn (Irish guy), The Director (posh sounding crazy guy), The Emperor (German sound evil guy). If you lose, you go back to the start, the goal is to beat The Emperor. When you do, it'll play against him until you lose. The clack sound is you hitting the ball. Hi KyleOdd, that's happened to a few people but not when we test here. What's your e-mail? I'll send you a direct download link for Mac .Thanks for the kind words everyone!If this release goes really well, we're considering Audio Pong 2 for a few months down the line.. featuring multiplayer. But it's gotta seem viable, as we've got 'THE' release set for October and it'd mean putting off some other planned smaller games.Cheers guys and gals! So lovely to be involved in the community.Harry


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Re: Pitch Black: Audio Pong!

2020-03-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Pitch Black: Audio Pong!

Okay, one odd thing I'm noticing.The ball gets hit, and is centred, then all of a sudden I hear a clack sound, and it will go off to one side or another. I would guess this corresponds to the net in the original pong (well the line .). Sometimes however, it will then just run off completely and I'll lose a point, even though up to that stage the ball was centred, I don't know if it falls off the table or similar, particularly since as I said I'm never sure who has hit the ball when. This effect has stopped me getting more than three or four opponents in, I think my furthest is the opponent just after the  mad scientist type with the swirling background,  who says something about "defeat is not an option."


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Re: Pitch Black: Audio Pong!

2020-03-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Pitch Black: Audio Pong!

Okay, one odd thing I'm noticing.The ball gets hit, and is centred, then all of a sudden I hear a clack sound, and it will go off to one side or another. I would guess this corresponds to the net in the original pong (well the line .). sometimes Sometimes however, it will then just run off completely and I'll lose a point, I don't know if it falls off the table or similar, particularly since as I said I'm never sure who has hit the ball when. This effect has stopped me getting more than three or four opponents in, I think my furthest is the opponent just after the  mad scientist type with the swirling background,  who says something about "defeat is not an option."


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Re: Pitch Black: Audio Pong!

2020-03-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Pitch Black: Audio Pong!

Okay, one odd thing I'm noticing.The ball gets hit, and is centred, then all of a sudden it will go off to one side or another, sometimes it will then just vanish, I don't know if it falls off the table or similar, particularly since as I said I'm never sure who has hit the ball when. This effect has stopped me getting more than three or four opponents in, I think my furthest is the opponent just after the  mad scientist type with the swirling background,  who says something about "defeat is not an option."


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Re: Pitch Black: Audio Pong!

2020-03-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : brad via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Pitch Black: Audio Pong!

Hi.@PitchBlack, I tried the game and have found it's not my kind of thing but I'm glad I payed for it to help you guys out.


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Re: Pitch Black: Audio Pong!

2020-03-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : juan reina via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Pitch Black: Audio Pong!

Such a cool game! haven't scene one like it, so glad you're taking this on!


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Re: Pitch Black: Audio Pong!

2020-03-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Kyleman123 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Pitch Black: Audio Pong!

Just bought for MacOS and the download I received was for Windows.


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Re: Pitch Black: Audio Pong!

2020-03-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : johanntrm7 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Pitch Black: Audio Pong!

Ok, I'll try Edge then, because like many people here, I still have the sameproblem with Chrome.


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Re: Pitch Black: Audio Pong!

2020-03-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Pitch Black: Audio Pong!

@Queenslight yep, that was what I was doing in chrome, but for some odd reason after the paypal checkout it wouldn't let me hit the order button. Oh well, now I've had a new experience, finding microsoft edge actually useful for something . @Pitchblack, glad to get the game working. I'm really liking the nutty characters you play and strange environment (who'd have thought all these people take pong so seriously!). The dopler effect on the ball movement seems a bit weird to me, in most audiogames you'd generally center a sound, rather than here it twice in different earphones, but it does give the game a nice space age feel and take a bit of getting used to. The one miner problem I'm having, is I'm never sure who is hitting the ball when, since the sounds for your hit and your opponents' hit seem very similar and I've not quite cleared whether the higher tones mean the ball is coming or going, so the best method I've found is just to always centre the ball no matter what, indeed I don't know if I'm running into the same bug Conor mentioned, or if it's just my centering. I did notice one rather odd thing, the background doesn't always change,when the opponent changes, which makes it a bit odd, facing the sort of terminatoresque guy in the farmer's field, but it's not a major deal. I also notice that only with the first opponent are the 1, 2, 3, numbers spoken when you win or lose points, though the tones still play so it's possible to find out what's happened. Other than this though, it's looking like fun, certainly the best audio landscape for a pong adaptation I think we've had, and a game that will take a little time to master, which is always a good thing.One question I do have, is whether there is a set sequence of opponentts you can defeat to finish the game, or whether it is endless. I have noticed your opponents get harder, but there doesn't seem to be a level progression, indeed when you lose you seem to be able to just carry on. Some stat tracking might be nice if possible, EG telling you how many matches you've won and how many to go, or, if it's intended that the game is endless, perhaps some tracking of wins/losses so you can keep a reccord. Either way, thanks for the game. I'll be giving it a page on our database as soon as I've played a bit more.


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Re: Pitch Black: Audio Pong!

2020-03-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : queenslight via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Pitch Black: Audio Pong!

@DarkAs I mentioned to the Pitch Black team among their Discord when I bought the PC version, I had to switch to NVDA's Focus Mode, then tab through the buttons. I was using the Brave browser I think.Glad to know Edge worked for ya.


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Re: Pitch Black: Audio Pong!

2020-03-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : PitchBlack via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Pitch Black: Audio Pong!

No worries! Glad it's sorted . Computers get a weird sometimes. I hope you enjoy the game, let me know your thoughts!


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Re: Pitch Black: Audio Pong!

2020-03-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Pitch Black: Audio Pong!

Hi. Okay this is odd. I tried with Edge and the payment went through fine. Hmmm, first time I've had chrome mess up on me, unless it's a conflict with duck duck go or another chrome addon I have running.I will double check my chrome settings, but in the mean time, I'll go and try the game out. Sorry for the miner confusion.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Pitch Black: Audio Pong!

2020-03-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Pitch Black: Audio Pong!

Hi. Okay this is odd. I tried with Edge and the payment went through fine. Hmmm, first time I've had chrome mess up on me. I will double check my chrome settings, but in the mean time, I'll go and try the game out. Sorry for the miner confusion.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Pitch Black: Audio Pong!

2020-03-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : PitchBlack via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Pitch Black: Audio Pong!

Hi Dark, I've tried it by tabbing through and pressing enter, and using mouse over to select. I've just purchased via PayPal checkout without issue and tested on an alternate computer. I think perhaps the easiest attempt to fix for now is to try a different browser if that's possible, but no problem if not. Alternatively, we could take a direct payment through PayPal with our Tip Jar, and e-mail you a download link directly.


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Re: Pitch Black: Audio Pong!

2020-03-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Pitch Black: Audio Pong!

I'm using NVDA and chrome, and on most websites I've bought stuff on there hasn't been an issue, so no idea. It's almost behaving as if the html isn't working correctly or being read as a webpage, so I am just tabbing between controls.Unfortunately, I don't have another machine to test this on. I could try edge or microsoft internet explorer, though the one is old and obsolete, and the other is a browser I rarely if ever use owing to it's clunky tabs and sprawling layout.


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Re: Pitch Black: Audio Pong!

2020-03-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : PitchBlack via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Pitch Black: Audio Pong!

Hi DarkOki doke, I'm sure we'll get to the bottom of this. What browser are you using? I've tested with Chrome and Microsoft Edge.Hi Connor We've tested on iOS and didn't find any issues but only with one version of the iPhone. What model iPhone are you using? Perhaps it's an issue specific to that that we can pin down.


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Re: Pitch Black: Audio Pong!

2020-03-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Pitch Black: Audio Pong!

I'm afraid I still cannot buy the windows version. I'm having exactly the same problem as before, the checkout links and form do not show up as propper form controls on the page, I can hit tab to go through the buttons, and concluded the paypal checkout, however after confirming the payment with paypal, I'm just bumped back to the main site, and the place order button still doesn't work. This I confess is a bit confusing given that I have bought a lot of games online and use amazon regularly, especially the way that so much of the shop just isn't showing up. Am I missing something? Is something on the site broken?When you say you tried using NVDA and going through the mac purchice, could you actually read the buttons or were you just hitting tab? and if you could read the buttons, is there a checkbox or similar not working?Sorry for the confusion.


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Re: Pitch Black: Audio Pong!

2020-03-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : connor142 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Pitch Black: Audio Pong!

@15 I am playing on the ios version.


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Re: Pitch Black: Audio Pong!

2020-03-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : PitchBlack via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Pitch Black: Audio Pong!

Hi everybody, I've made a couple changes to the site and tried it with NVDA on my end. I successfully checked out with the Mac OS X version via PayPal. Here's a link directly to the Mac OS X product page. If you've any other issues just shout and I'll get them resolved today. Mac OS X Shop Page: … mac-os-x-1Thanks again for your support everybody, any feedback on the game is greatly appreciated and I hope you enjoy. It is challenging, but most definitely win-able. We're streaming some game play later today (around 3pm UK time).All the bestHarry


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Re: Pitch Black: Audio Pong!

2020-03-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : PitchBlack via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Pitch Black: Audio Pong!

Hi Connor, what platform are you playing on? We'll try and troubleshoot the issue.Harry


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Re: Pitch Black: Audio Pong!

2020-03-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : connor142 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Pitch Black: Audio Pong!

Hi, am I just being an idiot while playing or is this not just me? For some reason, the position of the ball and the position of the sound source don't agree with each other. This happens mostly on the second opponent. The ball will be on the opponent's side, and they'll return it and it will move to the left as it comes to me. But when I follow it, and keep the ball's sound precisely in the center, it'll quite suddenly land in my goal even though it was right in front of me, and the goal sound will play a bit off to the right. Also, sometimes there are two ball sounds playing at the same time, but I can follow only one.


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Re: Pitch Black: Audio Pong!

2020-03-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : haily_merry via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Pitch Black: Audio Pong!

Sounds awesome. Congrats on the game release, and I look forward to trying it on android and windows!


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Re: Pitch Black: Audio Pong!

2020-03-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : PitchBlack via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Pitch Black: Audio Pong!

Hi everyone, so sorry to hear of these issues with the site. I'll get them sorted today. If you've been sent the windows version when wanting the Mac OS X, please do let us know and as I have for Appleman, I'll send an e-mail with a download link. Thanks again for your support, and I'll post as soon as I've addressed the issues above.Purple Jam e-mail:


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Re: Pitch Black: Audio Pong!

2020-03-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : marro via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Pitch Black: Audio Pong!

hi,Would it be possible to get the game on steam since the store page for windows isn't ery doable with a screenreader. You could just order through the steam site as that is very much doable


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Re: Pitch Black: Audio Pong!

2020-03-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : SLJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Pitch Black: Audio Pong!

Hi.Wow. I look forward to check this out. I've just bought it for IOS, and I'll buy it for Mac as well as soon as the mentioned issues has been solved.


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Re: Pitch Black: Audio Pong!

2020-03-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Appleman via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Pitch Black: Audio Pong!

I eventually worked out how to purchase the game. However, when I click on the link contained in the email I received, the Windows version is downloaded instead. I have emaiiled for assistance, quoting my order number.


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Re: Pitch Black: Audio Pong!

2020-03-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : johanntrm7 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Pitch Black: Audio Pong!

It's the same for me.


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Re: Pitch Black: Audio Pong!

2020-03-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Appleman via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Pitch Black: Audio Pong!

I'm experiencing the same issues as Dark when attempting to purchase the Mac version.


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Re: Pitch Black: Audio Pong!

2020-03-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Pitch Black: Audio Pong!

Hi. Congrats for getting a game finished, I look forward to trying it.I'm afraid I don't seem to be able to get your store to work on windows.I added the game to the cart and tabbed to the shop page, however the checkout didn't display properly on the main page, I could tab between buttons and options, but I couldn't actually see the messages displayed on the main page (I think the site has some random tabs which my screen reader isn't getting to). Nevertheless I selected paypal and attempted to add my address information etc, however once I clicked place order I don't know what happened, I was back on the page with two buttons labeled "place order" and "edit payment" but no way of reading messages or knowing what if anything was wrong with the information I added (though why I need to add my address and phone number for a paypal purchase I'm not sure). now when I go to the site I can't even find the checkout button to see if there is a problem with the order, just the "close cart wigit" link, and then the main site advertising the game. I'm using chrome and NVDA. Any advice much appreciated, and I look forward to trying the game.


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Re: Pitch Black: Audio Pong!

2020-03-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Pitch Black: Audio Pong!

Hi. Congrats for getting a game finished, I look forward to trying it.I'm afraid I don't seem to be able to get your store to work on windows.I added the game to the cart and went to the checkout page, however the checkout didn't display properly on the main page, I could tab between buttons and options, but I couldn't actually see the messages displayed. Nevertheless I selected paypal and attempted to add my address information etc, however once I clicked place order I don't know what happened, I was back on the page with two buttons labeled "place order" and "edit payment" but no way of reading messages or knowing what if anything was wrong with the information I added (though why I need to add my address and phone number for a paypal purchase I'm not sure). now when I go to the site I can't even find the checkout button to see if there is a problem with the order, just the "close cart wigit" link, and then the main site advertising the game. I'm using chrome and NVDA. Any advice appreciated.


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Re: Pitch Black: Audio Pong!

2020-03-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : manamon_player via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Pitch Black: Audio Pong!

wow sounds cool!


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Re: Pitch Black: Audio Pong!

2020-03-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : PitchBlack via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Pitch Black: Audio Pong!

So pleased you're enjoying it Erick! We definitely went on the silly side with some of the VA on this one.


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Re: Pitch Black: Audio Pong!

2020-03-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Erick via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Pitch Black: Audio Pong!

Thank you thank you thank you thank you! I normally don’t like sports games, but this, is! Fabulous! You did great on the sound is on! You did great on the music! You did great on the binaural sound! No, the voice acting. It could be worked on, but other than that, one of the best Audiogames in my opinion I’ve played.


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Re: Pitch Black: Audio Pong!

2020-03-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : queenslight via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Pitch Black: Audio Pong!

I am spreading the joy of this game, everywhere!Thanks for creating this!


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Pitch Black: Audio Pong!

2020-03-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : PitchBlack via Audiogames-reflector


Pitch Black: Audio Pong!

From the developers of Pitch Black: A Dusklight Story, we present Audio Pong!Take on eccentric opponents in nine different arenas and battle your way to the top of the Pitch Black: Audio Pong championships. Use your ears to win the title and rip through our exotic stages and arenas. Audio Pong uses binaural audio to accurately spatialise and recreate your favorite classic arcade game.  Pitch Black: Audio Pong has been built to be entirely accessible for visually impaired gamers. This audio game features fully voice acted characters, created soundscapes, fully interactive game areas, incredibly diverse sound design, an innovative audio only menu system and a featured playlist of our own classic arcade soundtracks. Brought to you by Purple Jam Ltd, Audio Pong is the first in a series of Audio Games that focus on innovative audio mechanics. Through using binaural audio, Purple Jam Ltd intend to create a diverse list of Audio Game milestones, ranging from arcade games inspired by the classics to completely original audio innovations. Purple Jam Ltd aims to deliver new and exciting audio only games to expand on recent binaural application within the gaming industry, so keep up to date with our latest releases to see what cool and exciting games were developing next!Trailer - on all platforms!iOS: … 1502114873Android: … kAudioPongWindows (64bit): … ows-64-bitMac OS X: … g-mac-os-xWe hope you enjoy.. AUDIO PONG!!


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Pitch Black: Audio Pong!

2020-03-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : PitchBlack via Audiogames-reflector


Pitch Black: Audio Pong!

From the developers of Pitch Black: A Dusklight Story, we present Audio Pong!Take on eccentric opponents in nine different arenas and battle your way to the top of the Pitch Black: Audio Pong championships. Use your ears to win the title and rip through our exotic stages and arenas. Audio Pong uses binaural audio to accurately spatialise and recreate your favorite classic arcade game.  Pitch Black: Audio Pong has been built to be entirely accessible for visually impaired gamers. This audio game features fully voice acted characters, created soundscapes, fully interactive game areas, incredibly diverse sound design, an innovative audio only menu system and a featured playlist of our own classic arcade soundtracks. Brought to you by Purple Jam Ltd, Audio Pong is the first in a series of Audio Games that focus on innovative audio mechanics. Through using binaural audio, Purple Jam Ltd intend to create a diverse list of Audio Game milestones, ranging from arcade games inspired by the classics to completely original audio innovations. Purple Jam Ltd aims to deliver new and exciting audio only games to expand on recent binaural application within the gaming industry, so keep up to date with our latest releases to see what cool and exciting games were developing next!Trailer - on all platforms!iOS: … 1502114873Android: … kAudioPongWindows (64bit): … ows-64-bitMac OS X: … g-mac-os-xWe hope enjoy.. AUDIO PONG!!


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Pitch Black: Audio Pong!

2020-03-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : PitchBlack via Audiogames-reflector


Pitch Black: Audio Pong!

From the developers of Pitch Black: A Dusklight Story, we present Audio Pong!Take on eccentric opponents in nine different arenas and battle your way to the top of the Pitch Black: Audio Pong championships. Use your ears to win the title and rip through our exotic stages and arenas. Audio Pong uses binaural audio to accurately spatialise and recreate your favorite classic arcade game.  Pitch Black: Audio Pong has been built to be entirely accessible for visually impaired gamers. This audio game features fully voice acted characters, created soundscapes, fully interactive game areas, incredibly diverse sound design, an innovative audio only menu system and a featured playlist of our own classic arcade soundtracks. Brought to you by Purple Jam Ltd, Audio Pong is the first in a series of Audio Games that focus on innovative audio mechanics. Through using binaural audio, Purple Jam Ltd intend to create a diverse list of Audio Game milestones, ranging from arcade games inspired by the classics to completely original audio innovations. Purple Jam Ltd aims to deliver new and exciting audio only games to expand on recent binaural application within the gaming industry, so keep up to date with our latest releases to see what cool and exciting games were developing next!Available on all platforms!iOS: … 1502114873Android: … kAudioPongWindows (64bit): … ows-64-bitMac OS X: … g-mac-os-xWe hope enjoy.. AUDIO PONG!!


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