Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Just Some Random Tech Questions

2014-04-19 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: Sebby

Re: Just Some Random Tech Questions

Put your questions in General Game Discussion using the Post New Topic link.HTH.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Just Some Random Tech Questions

2014-04-17 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: Rory

Re: Just Some Random Tech Questions

Hi. I have lots of these tech questions lol. The first one, is i have rtr, but i dont know how to get any speech. I have never played because of that, and never will unless i get help. The next one, is i played swamp, that zombie game by aprone if you dont know, and i couldnt here any sounds but the radar and background music. Sorry for just being game questions, but i figured they had something to do with tech.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Just Some Random Tech Questions

2014-04-17 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: Rory

Re: Just Some Random Tech Questions

Hi. I have lots of these tech questions lol. The first one, is i have rtr, but i dont know how to get any speech. I have never played because of that, and never will unless i get help. The next one, is i played swamp, that zombie game by aprone if you dont know, and i couldnt here any sounds but the radar and background music. Sorry for just being game questions, but i figured they had something to do with tech. Also, how do you start topics on here?URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Just Some Random Tech Questions

2014-04-12 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: Sebby

Re: Just Some Random Tech Questions

@Guitarman: Any HDMI-to-HDMI cable (the shortest that will work for you, preferably) will do. Dont spend too much money on it though; too expensive and its overpriced, and there are lots of those about. I wouldnt spend more than £30 here.URL:
Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Just Some Random Tech Questions

2014-04-11 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: Chandu

Re: Just Some Random Tech Questions

for your first questian you could try Moonreader.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Just Some Random Tech Questions

2014-04-10 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: guilevi

Re: Just Some Random Tech Questions

Hello,For your first question, there are a few OCR apps for Android for what I know, Equaleyes being one of them, but then again thats a whole alternative interface and it costs about 54 dollars a year. Ive heard of others, I just cant remember what theyre called.And for your third question, there arent any NVDA addons for iTunes, at least not in the official repo or in the nvda dropbox folder or BTSync. Honestly iTunes works quite nicely with me using NVDA, although lastly Ive been using my Mac for that kind of stuff.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Just Some Random Tech Questions

2014-04-10 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: Guitarman

Re: Just Some Random Tech Questions

Hi.@Sebby I do know about the hdmi cable but I cant find one that says it works spacifically with the iPod.@Guilevi thanks for telling me about this ocr app. Since android tablets are so cheap I was thinking of doing this on android since its much easier then doing it from the computer or at least I hope so.Nvda does work with iTunes but there are sometimes where nvda doesnt read the window correctly and it just makes things harder for me.Btw, this is way off topic but you mentioned you have a mac. Will you be porting town of parrel to the mac? Because that would be awesome.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Just Some Random Tech Questions

2014-04-09 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: Sebby

Re: Just Some Random Tech Questions

For your second question, it depends on the type of TV you have. Most of the time its HDMI, so you need the HDMI adaptor plus any HDMI cable.URL:

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