Re: Lol Youtube commenters need to get a life

2020-06-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Vazbol via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Lol Youtube commenters need to get a life

It's not cherry picking a sentence. The entirety of post 7 literally has the tone of putting down people who do not like being challenged in games by referring those who know how things should be as "proper gamers." Your words originally stated that if people are doing things not to experience the challenges of a game, they should just watch a let's play, rather than having the agency to enjoy the game as they want. And this is the type of thinking that leads to a toxic response which this post is about in regards to those youtube comments.   Reread your first post on this topic, it is only three sentences. No where did you say anything you are claiming now.  And it's quite an important post as it does highlight the mindset of a lot of the people who have taken this thought, and taking it to its very negative and wrong conclusion in the mainstream setting of games. This type of exclusionary stance for things like how difficult stuff should be and imposing standards on others is a very annoying cultural stereotype of gaming still, and people do it unintentionally.   Hell, the stance on cheats is another topic I really should lay off in all honesty. Through the same type of thinking, I get annoyed by people who use cheat engine to remove all challenge from a game and give themselves a heck of a lot of advantage. They're just trying to have fun in their own way, even if I don't really like it. but it is them playing the way they like, and if they don't start takin that online and harassing other players, then they do they.


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Re: Lol Youtube commenters need to get a life

2020-06-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : KenshiraTheTrinity via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Lol Youtube commenters need to get a life

First mortal kombat to have a training mode was mk4.  Indeed, the idle second player is how we all did training back in the day.I rarely use cheats these days, the only modern game I cheat in is guilty gear judgement for the lives and health refill. You can bet your arse I used cheat codes as a kid, they were the hottest things in games until unlockables became popular, and it was a great way to extend a game's playtime. Using the 30 lives cheat, I was able to reach the second stage boss in life force. Using the same code I was able to get to stage 3 in contra. Using the konami code, I was able to pick up where i died in tmnt 3. Using the maximum fatality time in mk 2 I was able to learn everyone's fatality, and I think most if not all of it is still programmed into my muscle memory.My opinion on game cheats is that if you're playing alone and it's already built into the game, then it's fair game for use. All of the games I listed above had that in common. But we're talking about a sighted player who is using accessibility tools to cheat his way through a game. He can play however he likes, honestly, and it won't have any affect on anyone around him. No one is using cheats to mess up the experiences of any other player, and it's all built in to the game, so by all means, use them. Some people like to use cheating devices like game genie, game shark, action replay or cheat engine. I am against it personally, but if people find enjoyment out of a game that way, and it's not being used in a multi player environment, then by all means, use them! I will confess to using action replay to obtain pokemon that I would otherwise not be able to get, but with the introduction of online trading, that is no longer an issue. I do agree that using a cheat code to unlock everything at once takes away from the experience and playtime of a game, and in a sence, that is what this guy is doing, but that is a limitation that I put on myself, based on my own experiences with such cheats and their effects on me in the past, but people are free to do what they want, and play as they like, and caring about whether or not they cheat, at least to me, is a waste of mental energy.


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Re: Lol Youtube commenters need to get a life

2020-06-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : KenshiraTheTrinity via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Lol Youtube commenters need to get a life

First mortal kombat to have a training mode was mk4.  Indeed, the idle second player is how we all did training back in the day.I rarely use cheats these days, the only modern game I cheat in is guilty gear judgement for the lives and health refill. You can bet your arse I used cheat codes as a kid, they were the hottest things in games until unlockables became popular, and it was a great way to extend a game's playtime. Using the 30 lives cheat, I was able to reach the second stage boss in life force. Using the same code I was able to get to stage 3 in contra. Using the konami code, I was able to pick up where i died in tmnt 3. Using the maximum fatality time in mk 2 I was able to learn everyone's fatality, and I think most if not all of it is still programmed into my muscle memory.My opinion on game cheats is that if you're playing alone and it's already built into the game, then it's fair game for use. All of the games I listed above had that in common. But we're talking about a sighted player who is using accessibility tools to cheat his way through a game. He can play however he likes, honestly, and it won't have any affect on anyone around him. No one is using cheats to mess up the experiences of any other player, and it's all built in to the game, so by all means, use them. Some people like to use cheating devices like game genie, game shark, action replay or cheat engine. I am against it personally, but if people find enjoyment out of a game that way, and it's not being used in a multi player environment, then by all means, use them! I will confess to using action replay to obtain pokemon that I would otherwise not be able to get, but with the introduction of online trading, that is no longer an issue. I do agree that using a cheat code to unlock everything at once takes away from the experience and playtime of a game, and in a sence, that is what this guy is doing, but that is a limitation that I put on myself, based on my own experiences with such cheats and their effects on me in the past, but people are free to do what they want, and play as they like, and caring about whether or not they cheat, and passing judgements on their status as a gamer because of it, at least to me, is a waste of mental energy.


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Re: Lol Youtube commenters need to get a life

2020-06-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Lol Youtube commenters need to get a life

@connor142, fact of life you must face when you decide to post; you're opening yourself up to scrutiny.  It's all in the way you present yourself, and when you say things like if you want to watch a story you shouldn't be playing games but should instead be at the movies,  you don't endear yourself to people who feel they should be able to play as they see fit.  the last thing I'll say on this particular subject is that if the feature is there, the feature is there; why complain about it?


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Re: Lol Youtube commenters need to get a life

2020-06-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : connor142 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Lol Youtube commenters need to get a life

@14 please stop cherry-picking individual sentences out of one of my posts. I play games just to have fun, like you do. That's exactly what I said in 13. I just like completing stuff thurrowly. It does, in fact, give me a sense of accomplishment, and it's my way of having fun while gaming. I specifically stated that I don't give a rat's ass what you do while playing single player games. AS long as you don't cheat on competitive online games.


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Re: Lol Youtube commenters need to get a life

2020-06-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Lol Youtube commenters need to get a life

I've more or less the same experience as Dark in many regards; even in recent times it still applies.  I've been messing around with Bloodstorm over the past couple of days, as anyone who plays it will know.  For those of you who haven't played, it's a sidescroller where you go and er, smash other players to bits.  Literally it's you against the person or persons, on the other end of the connection.  I'm not sure who had the idea that, even inside the safe zone, as it were, there should be stuff to do that could help you sort of get a feel for the game's mechanics, but there is.  It's sort of a map all on its own where you can go kill wild animals.  ON this map, you cannot hurt other players, and other players cannot hurt you.Anyway, after more or less two days of learning I decided to leave the safe zone and put what I'd learned to the test, along with some strategy of my own.  I honestly thought that my hearing would seriously handicap me against other players on the map, but as it turned out?  I actually did surprisingly well, to the point that I had an admin on the main map trying to beat me and dying at my hands in the process, for at least 5 minutes of me dodging everything from punches to cannons.  I honestly hadn't had so much fun where gaming was concerned in a super, super long time.All of that to say this; there may be a load of people who disagree with how a game is played by others.  When I first refused to leave the safe zone because I was trying to feel out the game's mechanics I thought I was going to receive a ton of negative criticism for my choice.  Regardless, nothing is worse than being thrown off the deep end of a pool and being expected to swim if you don't know how.  When I first started playing Mortal Kombat there was no training mode encorporated into the games; I'm not sure when MK developers decided to make that a thing but noticed it for the first time in deception.  Up until then, I'd secretly try to get in some time before I actually played against other people, by setting up two player matches and leaving the second controler mostly unatended.I look at cheats in much the same way.  The games I cheated in most were the games I was least able to play; Goldeneye for n64, for example.  It gave me a chance to experience the game's mechanics.


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Re: Lol Youtube commenters need to get a life

2020-06-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dragons via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Lol Youtube commenters need to get a life

I don't think he care much about accessibility.


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Re: Lol Youtube commenters need to get a life

2020-06-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dragons via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Lol Youtube commenters need to get a life

I don't think he care much about accessibility. Probably he did that so he can making fun of disability.


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Re: Lol Youtube commenters need to get a life

2020-06-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Lol Youtube commenters need to get a life

I remember back in the early nineties (god I'm old), when I was just eight years old, my brother and I got a commodore Amiga 500 computer. Most of the games we had were cracked, that is they came with cheat menus that could give you infinite lives invincibility etc. I played all of the games with cheats, since I just wanted to run from the start to the end, didn't want the hassle, and of course, I was visually impaired and couldn't' see everything on the screen, so I obviously needed to cheat to get through. This of course didn't count games like mortal Kombat that came with infinite credits by default, though even there I'd always play on the lowest difficulty setting.This annoyed one of my friends, who challenged me to play a game without cheats. I was very nervous, convinced I'd die in seconds, so of course chose my favourite game of the time, Turrican 2. I was convinced I'd be dead in seconds, and thought my friend quite unfair for talking me into this, but of course, as happens when your nine years old, you don't really question things when someone tells you to do things,  just complain and do them anyway. what I hadn't taken into account, was the fact  whilst I had been playing with cheats, I'd also learned the layout of the levels and game mechanics very well, learning where all the secret lives were, and how to pass through the mazes meeting the smallest amount of enemies.So, not only did I not die in seconds, but I also got to world three, that is a solid 5 levels of platforming  action, without even trying. I went back to cheats after that when they were there, but I'd learned something. Later, when we got a Snes in 1992, my brother and I would play street fighter 2 turbo. As he'd played the arcade game, was three years older than me and had read strategy guides and the like, he was far better than I was, so when we played vs games we always played with the handicap at maximum. On the occasions I won, my brother had a nasty habbit of saying "hit stars", or "remember the handicap" (my brother was not an especially nice natured teenager, albeit he improved later).When playing against the computer, I started on the lowest difficulty, zero stars. I completed the game playing as E honda, taking a lot of credits (bison was extremely difficult). I then played on difficulty of 1 star, and finished the game again, then on 2; bare in mind,5 stars was normal, whilst 8 stars was super hard. Of course, finishing on 1 and 2 stars,  got no ending or music just the "try on a harder difficulty" message.I couldn't set the difficulty myself, so had to ask my brother to set it. When I asked him to set the difficulty for three stars, he rushed in said "it's done" and rushed out again. I then played through the game, and had not too bad a time, indeed Bison went down in two straight rounds to the power of my hundred hand slap. To my astonishment, the music changed and bang! I was suddenly seeing E honda's ending, when he rejoices with his sumo friends and promises not to quit his training. My brother then apologised to me, sheepishly mentioning that he'd been in so much of a hurryy he'd not set the difficulty at all. I told him, not to worry, and from then on, I concentrated playing on normal difficulty, finishing sf2 on each and every character. I'd learned something, not just about street fighter 2, but also about underestimating myself.this isn't to say I never cheated again, however from that point on, I'd use cheats as an aide, EG using a skip level or level select cheat instead of a password to restart on the stage I died on and thus save the amount of time I needed to stare at a screen, and whilst I still played games on easy difficulty, I didn't' assume that normal would automatically be too hard. Ironically, my point here is not that "cheating is wrong!" or that there is a correct or incorrect way to play games. It's just that both sides in the  argument have a point. Had I started as an eight year old without cheats, I'd have lost, assumed it was my sight, and never played games again, indeed I was lucky in that my gaming career started at a time when graphics and my level of sight were more compatible than they would become later. Similarly, even later on, cheats had their uses. However, I did learn valuable lessons from playing games, lessons about myself, about persistence, and aboutt comparing my performance to others, heck, working out all those mazes in turrican 2 likely taught me a lot about mobility .Had my friend not pushed me to play Turrican 2 without the infinite lives cheat, and had there been say an infinite health cheat for street fighter 2 which let me just murder all opponents, I probably would not have learned those lessons either. As I said, earlier, the access features/ argument is (as Douglas Adams would say), a load of dingo's kidneys. However, whilst I wouldn't say there is expres

Re: Lol Youtube commenters need to get a life

2020-06-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : KenshiraTheTrinity via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Lol Youtube commenters need to get a life

A lot of you guys are young, so I'm gonna say this for your benefits. When you get older, and more responsibilities creep into your life to take away from your time in gaming, you will want to take advantage of whatever tools the game offers you to complete it in the minimum amount of time, at the very least, to some extent if you are bound to some kind of honor code that prevents you from "cheating", and you will do this because you just dont have the time you used to have to get lost in a game that you had when you were a kid with lots of free time on your hands. The difference between watching a let's play, and playing the actual game is the sence of involvement that you, the player have with the game. You will never have that feeling of making your own choices, or reaping the consequences of your actions, or feeling the freedom that comes from discovering what a game has to offer simply by watching a pre-recorded and scripted let's play video of someone else playing through a game. If you insist otherwise, the next best thing is to have someone play the game beside you in real time, where you can make interjections, comment, give input, ask questions, and make suggestions to the other person who is playing. In that way, you still have a sence of involvement in the game that cannot simply be obtained from watching a prerecorded let's play. I still stand behind my previous post 100 percent, and playing a single player game with all of the tools a game has to offer does not make you any less of a gamer than anyone else.When I play some fighting game, I sometimes crank up the difficulty all the way up if I feel like I have a handle on a specific character. Does that make anyone here any less of a gamer if they'd rather tone the difficulty way down? I think not! If they're getting something out of the experience, that is enough. To say anything else would be invoking the wrath of a good chunk of audiogamers who do just that. I've been playing fighting and mainstream games all my life, so maybe I prefer a medium difficulty at least for most games, but I dont look down on someone who just wants a punching bag to whale on for whatever reason.


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Re: Lol Youtube commenters need to get a life

2020-06-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : KenshiraTheTrinity via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Lol Youtube commenters need to get a life

A lot of you guys are young, so I'm gonna say this for your benefits. When you get older, and more responsibilities creep into your life to take away from your time in gaming, you will want to take advantage of whatever tools the game offers you to complete it, at the very least, to some extent if you are bound to some kind of honor code that prevents you from "cheating", and you will do this because you just dont have the time you used to have to get lost in a game that you had when you were a kid with lots of free time on your hands. The difference between watching a let's play, and playing the actual game is the sence of involvement that you, the player have with the game. You will never have that feeling of making your own choices, or reaping the consequences of your actions, or feeling the freedom that comes from discovering what a game has to offer simply by watching a pre-recorded and scripted let's play video of someone else playing through a game. If you insist otherwise, the next best thing is to have someone play the game beside you in real time, where you can make interjections, comment, give input, ask questions, and make suggestions to the other person who is playing. In that way, you still have a sence of involvement in the game that cannot simply be obtained from watching a prerecorded let's play. I still stand behind my previous post 100 percent, and playing a single player game with all of the tools a game has to offer does not make you any less of a gamer than anyone else.When I play some fighting game, I sometimes crank up the difficulty all the way up if I feel like I have a handle on a specific character. Does that make anyone here any less of a gamer if they'd rather tone the difficulty way down? I think not! If they're getting something out of the experience, that is enough. To say anything else would be invoking the wrath of a good chunk of audiogamers who do just that. I've been playing fighting and mainstream games all my life, so maybe I prefer a medium difficulty at least for most games, but I dont look down on someone who just wants a punching bag to whale on for whatever reason.


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Re: Lol Youtube commenters need to get a life

2020-06-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : KenshiraTheTrinity via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Lol Youtube commenters need to get a life

A lot of you guys are young, so I'm gonna say this for your benefits. When you get older, and more responsibilities creep into your life to take away from your time in gaming, you will want to take advantage of whatever tools the game offers you to complete it, at the very least, to some extent if you are bound to some kind of honor code that prevents you from "cheating", and you will do this because you just dont have the time you used to have to get lost in a game that you had when you were a kid with lots of free time on your hands. The difference between watching a let's play, and playing the actual game is the sence of involvement that you, the player have with the game. You will never have that feeling of making your own choices, or reaping the consequences of your actions, or feeling the freedom that comes from discovering what a game has to offer simply by watching a pre-recorded and scripted let's play video of someone else playing through a game. If you insist otherwise, the next best thing is to have someone play rthe game beside you in real time, where you can make interjections, comment, give input, ask questions, and make suggestions to the other person who is playing. In that way, you still have a sence of involvement in the game that cannot simply be obtained from watching a prerecorded let's play. I still stand behind my previous post 100 percent, and playing a single player game with all of the tools a game has to offer does not make you any less of a gamer than anyone else.When I play some fighting game, I sometimes crank up the difficulty all the way up if I feel like I have a handle on a specific character. Does that make anyone here any less of a gamer if they'd rather tone the difficulty way down? I think not! If they're getting something out of the experience, that is enough. To say anything else would be invoking the wrath of a good chunk of audiogamers who do just that. I've been playing fighting and mainstream games all my life, so maybe I prefer a medium difficulty at least for most games, but I dont look down on someone who just wants a punching bag to whale on for whatever reason.


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Re: Lol Youtube commenters need to get a life

2020-06-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Vazbol via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Lol Youtube commenters need to get a life

A sense of achievement for playing a video game? You do realize that's marketing garbage right? When I play a game, i do it to have some "fun." Fun comes in various forms for various people. Some like just a mindless beatem up in the game, and want to be invincible while doing things. Others, like I, like a challenge and puzzles to work through. Unfortunately, it seems gamers think that "fun" has to be annoying and hard for everyone to do it right, and that's just marketing bullshit from companies to stay invested in a game longer.  Reaching an objective or some such thing is a way to advance a story, in Last of Us 2 case. Honestly, the enemies and other such things are just environmental features of a game. Someone might enjoy not being stressed out while playing through it, and having fun in their own way with the settings the game provides. Why should I find it bad in any way, or think less of a person who plays LU 2 on an easier difficulty than I do and with access settings on? Why should I tell someone they aren't gaming right because they're enjoying themselves the way they want?  The main problem I have with your argument is that a proper gamer has to be dictated by your standards. It's my damned game, I will play my purchase how I want, especially in a single player title. And are we really judging people for playing a video game on an easier setting? That is a very poor indication of that person's qualities and capabilities. Games are usually played on one's downtime from work or family. They want to have fun doing that, not stress. And fun is the main point of a game.   You really should watch said video I linked before. Literally, it's the same type of arguments and attitudes that tend to create more toxic environments while making no sense. gamers are people who play video games. Not hard/easy video games, but just in general.


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Re: Lol Youtube commenters need to get a life

2020-06-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : connor142 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Lol Youtube commenters need to get a life

@12 I was not being sarcastic, I think you simply misinterpreted what I had to say. When you're playing a game, what exactly is it you're doing? Most of the time you try to achieve an objective or uncover a plot, except for arcade games where you just try to get your score as high as you can. In most games, there will be obstacles or tasks you must complete that prevent you  from doing either of those things. The point is to have fun trying to overcome those challenges so you can accomplish what you or the game wants you to accomplish. Ideally you'd use the difficulty/accessibility settings you need to give yourself a nice challenge. If you don't want to do that, that's on you. But a sense of achievement, in my opinion, is only gained by having at least some risk. If you're playing a single player game, I honestly couldn't care less how you do it. If you want to set everything to its lowest possible setting and be done with the game in a few hours, go ahead. I just hope you actually have fun doing so. If discovering the story matters to you more than challenging yourself, you could in the case of tlou2 turn on every single a11y assistant and set the difficulty to the easiest possible setting. If you're doing that purely to minimise the obstacles in your way to uncovering the plot, I feel you might be gaining more from watching a letsplay since that lets you experience the story in almost the same way. While I was playing sequence storm, I didn't worry about gaining gold medals and bonus objectives anywhere, I just wanted to finish all the missions. After I'd done that, I started focussing on level perfection. Sequence storm is such a great example because if all you care about is beating the story mode and playing all the missions you can do that, but perfecting all the levels on all the difficulties is an entire challenge in of itself.


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Re: Lol Youtube commenters need to get a life

2020-06-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Vazbol via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Lol Youtube commenters need to get a life  post 7 should really watch this video, and I'm really hoping they were being sarcastic. You literally just sounded like the elite gamer and hard core stereotype. Hell, you sound like what happens at 7:17 of this video.   Literally, if a product allows me to tailor a game to my preference, some people might use it for making the game more personally enjoy. Whether that be setting a difficulty to cry at a brutally hard fight, or one that lets you enjoy the story. A point of a game should be to have fun. Developers measure the potential crowd and decide to either make the game a bit exclusive with higher difficulty, or have a curve to let more people play. but this is done by their decision.  Granted, I sort of draw a line when there's online components that can be abused this way that are cheated in, and knowing the standard securities of audiogames (and the crowd of people who will not think twice of cheating and ruining the fun of other people online), but we really should look into easy difficulties for longer term games as a started default. Or start a mod scene/option for more fun options.


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Re: Lol Youtube commenters need to get a life

2020-06-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : brad via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Lol Youtube commenters need to get a life

Like I said, you can't just  breeze your way through this game so no mattter how many accessibility options you turn on; you're still going to die if you're not careful.


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Re: Lol Youtube commenters need to get a life

2020-06-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Lol Youtube commenters need to get a life

A proper gamer?  What kind of elitist nonsense is this!  is there only one way to play chess?  One way to play uno?  One way to play war?  Yahtzee?  I think the limitations people place on themselves and not the game or gamers are to blame!  It's up to you how much you want to challenge yourself, not to impose those limitations on others!


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Re: Lol Youtube commenters need to get a life

2020-06-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : devinprater via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Lol Youtube commenters need to get a life

I mean, yeah, these Youtube kids, thinking they're right about everything and they can't possibly be wrong about anything, especially not games, and especially not accessibility settings. But that's a myth that will stick around for a while, especially with oversocialized, under informed people.


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Re: Lol Youtube commenters need to get a life

2020-06-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : KenshiraTheTrinity via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Lol Youtube commenters need to get a life

You bought the game, you're playing alone, you're not bothering anyone else and the options are built into the game, you do what you want. Doesn't make you less of a gamer than anyone else for it. People like to categorize themselves and others into 2 groups, the casual gamers and the hardcore gamers, but at the end of the day, we're all gamers, enjoying some interactive entertainment that, ya know, can't be enjoyed from just watching a movie, and actually requires you to do a minimum of brain work that you would otherwise not be doing when watching a movie. People can say that you use more of your brain when you sleep than you do when watch tv, and that is true because you are actively participating in your dreams, but passively watching a movie or sho, but no one has yet to place that challenge against gaming, because both require you to participate in order to make things happen.Anyway I went way off topic, but it was to demonstrate my point that it doesnt make this person less of a gamer if he decides to use accessibility features in a story driven single player game, that were placed there for people to actually use, in a game where the devs actually said, hey, play how you want..


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Re: Lol Youtube commenters need to get a life

2020-06-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : connor142 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Lol Youtube commenters need to get a life

Those who know how gaming is supposed to work will make sure they challenge themselves. if you just want to watch the story, then you shouldn't be playing games. You should be watching a moovy or reading a book instead. A proper gamer won't turn on more accessibility features than they need.


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Re: Lol Youtube commenters need to get a life

2020-06-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Vazbol via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Lol Youtube commenters need to get a life

At this point, the person has purchased a game and used the ingame ettings provided by the publisher/devs to adjust the game to their own liking. I don't see a problem with that, and especially if it's a playthrough for fun being streamed for the story folk.


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Re: Lol Youtube commenters need to get a life

2020-06-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Lol Youtube commenters need to get a life

Back in 2010-12, a developer of independent games released two titles, first Archaeist, and second to hell with johnny. Neither was accessible to blind gamers, however they were! accessible to pretty much everyone else. You could customise literally every element of gameplay, from visuals, to controls, to even individual enemies.In Archaeist for example, a scrolling shooter with strategic elements you could set the game's scrolling speed, how many lives you had, decide which enemies damaged you, how fast your bullets fired, whether the controls were three button, two button or one button, to what extent certain parts of the game with radiation damaged you etc. The game even had all in game text spoken. You could literally use the accessibility settings to make yourself completely invincible, with a super rapid firing gun Both games also had ranks, achievements, and even a set of scoreboards which freely admitted that yes, they counted accessibility settings, although there were both general scoreboards, and specific scoreboards that mirrored what accessibility settings you had (this meant, depending upon how you customised the game, you could literally have your own scoreboard to yourself, but the developers didn't care, and neither apparently did the players). I don't think anyone whatsoever actually complained at the fact that both games were pretty much built with cheat settings built in, most people on retroremakes were just dam impressed that the games were accessible to so many people, albeit that yes, it was sad that there wren't complete sound cues for all the in game objects. So, basically, last I checked, games were meant to be fun, the more people have fun with a game, the better, and it's not as if accessibility settings are being used to break some sort of local scoreboard convention.


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Re: Lol Youtube commenters need to get a life

2020-06-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Lol Youtube commenters need to get a life

Back in 2010-12, a developer of independent games released two titles, first Archaeist, and second to hell with johnny. Neither was accessible to blind gamers, however they were! accessible to pretty much everyone else. You could customise literally every element of gameplay, from visuals, to controls, to even individual enemies.In Archaeist for example, a scrolling shooter with strategic elements you could set the game's scrolling speed, how many lives you had, decide which enemies damaged you, how fast your bullets fired, whether the controls were three button, two button or one button, to what extent certain parts of the game with radiation damaged you etc. The game even had all in game text spoken. You could literally use the accessibility settings to make yourself completely invincible, with a super rapid firing gun Both games also had ranks, achievements, and even a set of scoreboards which freely admitted that yes, they counted accessibility settings, although there were both general scoreboards, and specific scoreboards that mirrored what accessibility settings you had (this meant, depending upon how you customised the game, you could literally have your own scoreboard to yourself, but the developers didn't care, and neither apparently did the players). I don't think anyone whatsoever actually complained at the fact that both games were pretty much built with cheat settings built in, most people on retroremakes were just dam impressed that the games were accessible to so many people, albeit that yes, it was sad that there wren't complete sound cues for all the in game objects.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Lol Youtube commenters need to get a life

2020-06-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : brad via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Lol Youtube commenters need to get a life

yep, it always will; that's how life works.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Lol Youtube commenters need to get a life

2020-06-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Lol Youtube commenters need to get a life

Every system has its detractors.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Lol Youtube commenters need to get a life

2020-06-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : brad via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Lol Youtube commenters need to get a life

Plus, you can't just beat the game using accessibility settings, if you could; I'd have beaten it by now.


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