Re: Need a book to learn C# in a practicle approach

2019-09-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : arbuz via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Need a book to learn C# in a practicle approach

@10, you're absolutely right, my thaughts are the same, thanks for confirming that.


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Re: Need a book to learn C# in a practicle approach

2019-09-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Rastislav Kiss via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Need a book to learn C# in a practicle approach

Hi,@7 possibilities of the graphical designer are very limited, especially in WPF case. WPF is fully relative positioning based, so instead of placing elements to certain positions, you usually split the screen to containers where you fit them, what is not impossible, but can be done much easier from the xaml than graphically.Plus there are lot of functional things which you can do in xaml, like bindings, which you will most likely use whenever possible, so having a nice and readable xaml is again very handy.Thus many professionals prefer writing WPF guis manually over designing them with mouse. I recommend it as well, it isn't complicated at all, as in most cases default values will be suitable for you, so there is minimal amount of writing if you need just basic things.That's not the case of Android for example, if you want to see a messy form code, just check out its xml system for creating activities. And even if it was hard for you for any reason, there is still intelly sense, which can help you quite a bit if you forget something, so I don't see the reason myself why to mess around with the designer.Some people might prefer it because they were used to Windows Forms, however WPF is on a completely different level.Best regardsRastislav


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Re: Need a book to learn C# in a practicle approach

2019-09-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : arbuz via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Need a book to learn C# in a practicle approach

I found the way to code by using XAML designer. The point is that designer starts to hand up / lag when I add more controls to the main window, so I decided to write all the code in XAML editor. When I try to add an event on the control by using Designer, it hangs up as well so I just open another instance of VS and create a new control by choosing all the properties I want for that particular control, then open the XAML editor to get the code of that new element I added and copy it to my current instance of Visual studio to create the control with the properties I want.As a matter of fact, that way it even let me to get a suggestions from IntelliSence as well as add handlers to the controls and when I add new handler, for instance click event, it creates a code in particular class to react to that event in the method.I hope that in the future by practicing I'll be able to write all the attributes like in HTMl by memory by having no problems of making forms either way.


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Re: Need a book to learn C# in a practicle approach

2019-09-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Ethin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Need a book to learn C# in a practicle approach

@7, I just use the designer, NVDA seems to work well with it for me. It doesn't with WPF; there's a nice GUI library out there (its called XWT) that I use to make those (though I don't use WPF that often). As for theoretics, I unfortunately can't direct you to any books on theoretical knowledge involving C#; your more likely going to find books on general theoretical knowledge involving programming languages.


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Re: Need a book to learn C# in a practicle approach

2019-09-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : arbuz via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Need a book to learn C# in a practicle approach

Yeah, perhaps you're right about the book to be informatinve and another guy about the things looking on the internet, however I usually use books because of the good theoretical background and I just love to create what they say to do by following chapters. I guess it's the differences between the styles we use to learn and I already know the way my brain use to handle data / info efficiently.We baught a books Learn C# in 1 day. I usually avoid such books, because from the personal experience - there impossible to do it professionally even after months of decent work, however I thaught it might be as a syntax guide  and I started to read it today. Since syntax is almost as in C++ + Java + PHP Mixture, I don't feel as cut off from the way I go as I thaught I would, but there are no chapters so I took some of them to implement from my other books I have about C++, however since I already solved them it's not so interesting and they don't always follow the current topic. I believe tomorrow I'll end this book, because only new thing in there seems to be linq and in a simple matter (I mean not deeply explained), so I guess I'll pick something else to move forward.Friend of mine has a lacl of tasks in the past as far as I got, so it would be a good help even to help him to learn by giving an exercises that follow the topic, but I guess I have to look them on the net.By the way, how are you creating Windows forms, or even better - WPF? I tried to use that IDE and it works well for coding, but for a Designer, NVDA starts to lag / hang up when there are more elements /  controls in the form. You write controls by hand or have some partial methods like I quickly managed to work out - create these controls by hand and use VS as a refresher?


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Re: Need a book to learn C# in a practicle approach

2019-09-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Ethin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Need a book to learn C# in a practicle approach

Trust me, if you care to look through the C# books I linked in the list post 2 linked you to, all of those books give you invaluable information -- especially Professioanl C#. That book might be out of date, but is, by far, one of the best C# books I've found thus far.


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Re: Need a book to learn C# in a practicle approach

2019-09-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Nightblade via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Need a book to learn C# in a practicle approach

Hi,If you already know how to program one language, I don't know if you'll gain that much from a book. I recommend just diving into C# and building a super tiny project (maybe a simple game) to start. As you are already proficient in looking things up on the internet, you already have the main skill you need to learn what you need to know. I learned C# this way too.


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Re: Need a book to learn C# in a practicle approach

2019-09-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Rastislav Kiss via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Need a book to learn C# in a practicle approach

Hi,I think this could be what you're looking for: don't know how far they got in translating from Czech, but it seems there is quite enough material, so you can have fun with it. Exercises are paid however, so this won't be free.Best regardsRastislav


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Need a book to learn C# in a practicle approach

2019-09-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : arbuz via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Need a book to learn C# in a practicle approach

As I mentioned, i checked this list already.


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Re: Need a book to learn C# in a practicle approach

2019-09-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : pauliyobo via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Need a book to learn C# in a practicle approach

HelloPerhapps you could find what you're after in this listhere


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