Re: Old versions of super nova

2015-08-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : brad via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Old versions of super nova

hi.I wrote to dolphin explainning the problem. I didnt get a message back, but hopefully theyre fixing the issues I had.


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Re: Old versions of super nova

2015-08-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Old versions of super nova

Well I can definitely understand your not wanting to try again after that and i cant really give advice sinse Ive not tried either that version, windows 10 or starting with nvda running. I would suggest that you at least let dolphin know about the issue just because Sn is extremely stable most of the time and if the beta has such a glaring problem they should fix it.


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Re: Old versions of super nova

2015-08-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : brad via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Old versions of super nova

Hi.Worning! Do not download the windows ten beta of supernover. It not only crashed my computer but kept it restarting over and over again. I got it fixed thanks to my dad and safe mode, but Id very very strongly advise against downloading the beta version. Im using windows ten with a macbook 20013


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Re: Old versions of super nova

2015-08-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Old versions of super nova

Strange, Ive always found supernova one of the most stable and unintrusive programs ever, even if it has errors it just tends to shut itself down. I once did see it conflict badly with a version of Macaffy because Macaffy kept trying to detect a virus at the same time sn was starting and causing a major crash but that was quite some time and many versions ago. I wonder if it was using windows on a macbook? Or did you have another screen reader set to run at startup?then again Ive certainly not used that beta version or indeed windows 10 so god knows. Id recommend trying a stable demo, also if you dont want it to come up at startup go to control panel greaterthan startup options, though if it did a restart after install and that was what caused the crash I have no idea.Try e-mailing dolphin and letting them know, it is a beata afterall.


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Re: Old versions of super nova

2015-08-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : brad via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Old versions of super nova

Hi dark.I wont be trying super nover again, not after what happen to my laptop. It restarted, made strange sounds and as for other versions, they dont work with windows ten.I do have NVDA to start up when I log on, so perhaps thats part of it.


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Re: Old versions of super nova

2015-08-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Old versions of super nova

I actually think older versions are kicking around on dolphins website sinse Ive downloaded them before. @Brad, I cant speak for nvda, which Ive never tried, but I did briefly (for about a day), have a go with Jaws and Ill explain a few of the things I liked in Supernovawhich jaws didnt seem to do and which people who Ive later talked to about Jaws dont mention it doing, though of course bare in mind I didnt use Jaws for that long. Oh and plase! lets not turn this into yet another my screen reader can beat up your screen readers grandma with one hand tied behind its back! type of stupid debates. Much as there is a lot I like about supernova Ill freely admit the fact that Ive used the dam thing for close to 20 years probably plays a major part in it too, and likely other people could say as much about Jaws. the days when for example Supernova worked less well on the internet (betwee
 n versions 5 and 6), or Jaws couldnt handle unnscripted windows are largely gone.firstly, Supernova is very very customizable in what it speaks.You can alter amount of punctuation spoken on different areas of the screen, in different focus modes etc. For example at the moment I have capitals spoken as I Type so when a word is spoken (sinse I have typing echo set to words), I hear when its capitalized, but not when I use continuous document read or streight up web navigation, unless I go by character. Also, I have numbers spoken as words when I am reading in various modes, but spoken as didgits when Im typing. I do believe some of this sort of customization is possible in Jaws at least, but where in supernova the settings to do this are very obvious, I couldnt find the jaws settings at all. Another thing, supernova doesnt reformat the screen at all. What you read with supernova when you read a webpage is exactl
 y the same layout that a sighted person gets. There are lots of keys to skip around of course, headings (and different levels of headings), visited or not visited links, buttons, check boxes, combo boxes, edit areas, bullet items, paragraphs, table elements, graphics, the same as most screen readers do and you can change the reading order of columns etc. But the actual on screen text will be the same, this means that when you say are talking about on the right you can physically move that way. Also, though supernova has map files which work similarly to script files, these often are not necessary. Mostly if something has text or has a mouse area to interact with, supernova will be able to interact with it, it also is great at columnizing information and coherently moving between objects even on none standard windows (hence why it works so well with the smugglers games). For example I heard people created scripts for the Kchess games from arc angles software f
 or Jaws and window eyes, Supernova had no problem just reading the screen, going through the bog standard menus and pressing controls.Another major thing is mouse emulation, not just left clicks but the hole lot, wheel movements, drag and drop etc. AGain, Im not sure how Jaws handles with that sort of thing, but its why for example the wastes scroll window is only a mild annoyance, as well as being great for clicking hotspots or random controls on web pages or sometimes on flash panes even when theyre not links and sometimes even when theyre not correctly labeled. Another supernova function I really like is the ability to find on screen or on window text and move the dolphin ccurser streight there, and indeed to retain in sns memory this text. So for example when I played puppet nightmares and there was no clear heading, paragraph or otherstandard object to navigate to where the game text began and all the navigation links stopped, I 
 just typed help into the find box, then all I needed to do was press f 4 to be skipped streight to the gameplay area. Supernova doesnt do the key grabbing thing jaws does, neither do you need to put it to sleep or whatever, indeed you can keep supernova on all the time if you wish and just flick the voice off, or flick the keys off, indeed frequently Ive done things like been playing entombed, paused the game, turned supernovas voice and keys back on, answered some e-mail then just alt tabbed back to the window. This is actually really handy for say if Im watching a dvd and want to tinker with the controls, or if Im listening to music with winamp and want to alter the audio settings or read the title of a track but dont want supernova reading the window. I have heard people say supernova has a rather steeper learning curve than some screen readers, though sinse I learnt it with my first machine I c
 ant say for certain. I do believe sn is less for auto speaking incoming text than for giving someone various tools for reading on screen content, though itll of course do stuff like speak standard popupps, install windows etc. The only mildly irritating thing with supernova is lack of streight

Re: Old versions of super nova

2015-08-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Old versions of super nova

I actually think older versions are kicking around on dolphins website sinse Ive downloaded them before. @Brad, I cant speak for nvda, which Ive never tried, but I did briefly (for about a day), have a go with Jaws and Ill explain a few of the things I liked in Supernovawhich jaws didnt seem to do and which people who Ive later talked to about Jaws dont mention it doing, though of course bare in mind I didnt use Jaws for that long. Oh and plase! lets not turn this into yet another my screen reader can beat up your screen readers grandma with one hand tied behind its back! type of stupid debates. Much as there is a lot I like about supernova Ill freely admit the fact that Ive used the dam thing for close to 20 years probably plays a major part in it too, and likely other people could say as much about Jaws. the days when for example Supernova worked less well on the internet (betwee
 n versions 5 and 6), or Jaws couldnt handle unnscripted windows are largely gone.firstly, Supernova is very very customizable in what it speaks.You can alter amount of punctuation spoken on different areas of the screen, in different focus modes etc. For example at the moment I have capitals spoken as I Type so when a word is spoken (sinse I have typing echo set to words), I hear when its capitalized, but not when I use continuous document read or streight up web navigation, unless I go by character. Also, I have numbers spoken as words when I am reading in various modes, but spoken as didgits when Im typing. I do believe some of this sort of customization is possible in Jaws at least, but where in supernova the settings to do this are very obvious, I couldnt find the jaws settings at all. Another thing, supernova doesnt reformat the screen at all. What you read with supernova when you read a webpage is exactl
 y the same layout that a sighted person gets. There are lots of keys to skip around of course, headings (and different levels of headings), visited or not visited links, buttons, check boxes, combo boxes, edit areas, bullet items, paragraphs, table elements, graphics, the same as most screen readers do and you can change the reading order of columns etc. But the actual on screen text will be the same, this means that when you say are talking about on the right you can physically move that way. Also, though supernova has map files which work similarly to script files, these often are not necessary. Mostly if something has text or has a mouse area to interact with, supernova will be able to interact with it, it also is great at columnizing information and coherently moving between objects even on none standard windows (hence why it works so well with the smugglers games). For example I heard people created scripts for the Kchess games from arc angles software f
 or Jaws and window eyes, Supernova had no problem just reading the screen, going through the bog standard menus and pressing controls.Another major thing is mouse emulation, not just left clicks but the hole lot, wheel movements, drag and drop etc. AGain, Im not sure how Jaws handles with that sort of thing, but its why for example the wastes scroll window is only a mild annoyance, as well as being great for clicking hotspots or random controls on web pages or sometimes on flash panes even when theyre not links and sometimes even when theyre not correctly labeled. Another supernova function I really like is the ability to find on screen or on window text and move the dolphin ccurser streight there, and indeed to retain in sns memory this text. So for example when I played puppet nightmares and there was no clear heading, paragraph or otherstandard object to navigate to where the game text began and all the navigation links stopped, I 
 just typed help into the find box, then all I needed to do was press f 4 to be skipped streight to the gameplay area. Supernova doesnt do the key grabbing thing jaws does, neither do you need to put it to sleep or whatever, indeed you can keep supernova on all the time if you wish and just flick the voice off, or flick the keys off, indeed frequently Ive done things like been playing entombed, paused the game, turned supernovas voice and keys back on, answered some e-mail then just alt tabbed back to the window. This is actually really handy for say if Im watching a dvd and want to tinker with the controls, or if Im listening to music with winamp and want to alter the audio settings or read the title of a track but dont want supernova reading the window. I have heard people say supernova has a rather steeper learning curve than some screen readers, though sinse I learnt it with my first machine I c
 ant say for certain. I do believe sn is less for auto speaking incoming text than for giving someone various tools for reading on screen content, though itll of course do stuff like speak standard popupps, install windows etc. The only mildly irritating thing with supernova is lack of streight

Re: Old versions of super nova

2015-08-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : brad via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Old versions of super nova

Hi dark.Thanks for all that, and i have no intentions of starting a, my screen reader is better than yours one. I was just interested in how supernover was different from NVDA.I think Im going to download it and try it out for myself to see what its like.


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Re: Old versions of super nova

2015-08-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Trenton Goldshark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Old versions of super nova

Interestingly, If you switch NVDA to the laptop layout, it will, sort of mimic Supernovas cursor.Someone may want to contact @yourdolphin on Twitter.


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Re: Old versions of super nova

2015-08-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Old versions of super nova

Fare enough Brad. Note that as I said, sn has a learning curve, so if you get stuck ask. You can select a jfw emulation keyset which has stuff like insert down arrow for document read rather than f11 in the function key set or numberpad plus in the numberpad keyset, though I dont know how this handles other functions such as find, still it might help if your used to jaws, find this in the control panelgeneralkeyboard and hotkeys menu.Also, bare in mind by default sn starts with the vocalizer version of realspeak daniel, At one time this was a tad slower in reactions though has generally improved. If you want to change screen reader you do so in speech menuevoice preferencesselect synthesiser,  oh, and if you want the human orphius voices like Orphius alan that you heard in my Fighting fantasy podcast, you need to download them from dolphin sinse for some weerd reason dolphin doesnt ship sn with them anymore (god knows why, they still sh
 ip with the synth voices but not the human ones). Ive always liked orphius human sounding voices sinse theyre a nice compromise between reaction speed and not sounding like a cyberman .


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Old versions of super nova

2015-08-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Old versions of super nova

I actually think older versions are kicking around on dolphins website sinse Ive downloaded them before. @Brad, I cant speak for nvda, which Ive never tried, but I did briefly (for about a day), have a go with Jaws and Ill explain a few of the things I liked in Supernovawhich jaws didnt seem to do and which people who Ive later talked to about Jaws dont mention it doing, though of course bare in mind I didnt use Jaws for that long. Oh and plase! lets not turn this into yet another my screen reader can beat up your screen readers grandma with one hand tied behind its back! type of stupid debates. Much as there is a lot I like about supernova Ill freely admit the fact that Ive used the dam thing for close to 20 years probably plays a major part in it too, and likely other people could say as much about Jaws. the days when for example Supernova worked less well on the internet (betwee
 n versions 5 and 6), or Jaws couldnt handle unnscripted windows are largely gone.firstly, Supernova is very very customizable in what it speaks.You can alter amount of punctuation spoken on different areas of the screen, in different focus modes etc. For example at the moment I have capitals spoken as I Type so when a word is spoken (sinse I have typing echo set to words), I hear when its capitalized, but not when I use continuous document read or streight up web navigation, unless I go by character. Also, I have numbers spoken as words when I am reading in various modes, but spoken as didgits when Im typing. I do believe some of this sort of customization is possible in Jaws at least, but where in supernova the settings to do this are very obvious, I couldnt find the jaws settings at all. Another thing, supernova doesnt reformat the screen at all. What you read with supernova when you read a webpage is exactl
 y the same layout that a sighted person gets. There are lots of keys to skip around of course, headings (and different levels of headings), visited or not visited links, buttons, check boxes, combo boxes, edit areas, bullet items, paragraphs, table elements, graphics, the same as most screen readers do and you can change the reading order of columns etc. But the actual on screen text will be the same, this means that when you say are talking about on the right you can physically move that way. Also, though supernova has map files which work similarly to script files, these often are not necessary. Mostly if something has text or has a mouse area to interact with, supernova will be able to interact with it, it also is great at columnizing information and coherently moving between objects even on none standard windows (hence why it works so well with the smugglers games). For example I heard people created scripts for the Kchess games from arc angles software f
 or Jaws and window eyes, Supernova had no problem just reading the screen, going through the bog standard menus and pressing controls.Another major thing is mouse emulation, not just left clicks but the hole lot, wheel movements, drag and drop etc. AGain, Im not sure how Jaws handles with that sort of thing, but its why for example the wastes scroll window is only a mild annoyance, as well as being great for clicking hotspots or random controls on web pages or sometimes on flash panes even when theyre not links and sometimes even when theyre not correctly labeled. Another supernova function I really like is the ability to find on screen or on window text and move the dolphin ccurser streight there, and indeed to retain in sns memory this text. So for example when I played puppet nightmares and there was no clear heading, paragraph or otherstandard object to navigate to where the game text began and all the navigation links stopped, I 
 just typed help into the find box, then all I needed to do was press f 4 to be skipped streight to the gameplay area. Supernova doesnt do the key grabbing thing jaws does, neither do you need to put it to sleep or whatever, indeed you can keep supernova on all the time if you wish and just flick the voice off, or flick the keys off, indeed frequently Ive done things like been playing entombed, paused the game, turned supernovas voice and keys back on, answered some e-mail then just alt tabbed back to the window. This is actually really handy for say if Im watching a dvd and want to tinker with the controls, or if Im listening to music with winamp and want to alter the audio settings or read the title of a track but dont want supernova reading the window. I have heard people say supernova has a rather steeper learning curve than some screen readers, though sinse I learnt it with my first machine I c
 ant say for certain. I do believe sn is less for auto speaking incoming text than for giving someone various tools for reading on screen content, though itll of course do stuff like speak standard popupps, install windows etc. The only mildly irritating thing with supernova is lack of streight

Re: Old versions of super nova

2015-08-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : brad via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Old versions of super nova

Hi.Being an NVDA and JAWS user, Ive wondered, whats the advantage of supernover? I mean; What makes supernover stick out?


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Re: Old versions of super nova

2015-08-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Trenton Goldshark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Old versions of super nova

For the best place on finding out how different programs work with Supernova, check out the many Dolphin Tutorials which are found at the link above.As for getting older versions, give Dolphin USA a call:866 797 5921


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Re: Old versions of super nova

2015-08-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : luiscarlosgm via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Old versions of super nova

This was formally super nova when version 12 came out, they made changes to it and rebranded as the super nova editions. Greater idea, but I just love SuperNova Access Suite.


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Re: Old versions of super nova

2015-08-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : luiscarlosgm via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Old versions of super nova

Dark,I agree with you.SuperNova 15 now supports Windows 10!


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Re: Old versions of super nova

2015-08-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Old versions of super nova

Well Lewis, supernovas name changes started far earlier. When I first used it back on an old toshiba laptop running windows 3.1, it was Hal version 3. At that point, Hal was the screen reading program, Luna was the magnifyer, and Supernova was the program that combines both.For some reason best known to themselves, after version 11 Dolphin decided to call all these things Supernova, so Hal became the Supernova screen reader, Luna became the Supernova magnifyer, and Supernova was now the Supernova access sweet. They also started to produced supernova reader/magnifyer which is a slightly cut down version bsically for sale on public computers. I personally preferd the old naming conventions, it made life much easier to distinguish one from another, particularly when I was running Hal, my mum was running Supernova, and my brother was running luna! (yes confusion, though at least back in the days of new version update discs being s
 ent by post we could all know which discs were for whom). Of course, it ultimately doesnt matter if Im using ctrl shift s for supernova or ctrl shift H for Hal, it still does the same thing.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Old versions of super nova

2015-08-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Old versions of super nova

Well Lewis, supernovas name changes started far earlier. When I first used it back on an old toshiba laptop running windows 3.1, it was Hal version 3. At that point, Hal was the screen reading program, Luna was the magnifyer, and Supernova was the program that combines both.For some reason best known to themselves, after version 11 Dolphin decided to call all these things Supernova, so Hal became the Supernova screen reader, Luna became the Supernova magnifyer, and Supernova was now the Supernova access sweet. They also started to produced supernova reader/magnifyer which is a slightly cut down version bsically for sale on public computers. I personally preferd the old naming conventions, it made life much easier to distinguish one from another, but it really doesnt matter if Im using ctrl shift s for supernova or ctrl shift H for Hal, it ultimately does the same thing.


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Re: Old versions of super nova

2015-08-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Old versions of super nova

Dolphin do actually have them all available, however I cant find the page with the main version installs at the second, though any updates can be found here:


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