Re: Sad to read this

2020-09-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Nuno via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sad to read this

This is why people love you, Americans so much. Sick and arogant society.Yes, this is a generalization but it is what it is.


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Re: Sad to read this

2020-09-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sad to read this

And why I'm glad I live in a country where most police officers don't run around with guns, and armed response teams are only sent, well if the criminal is confirmed to also be armed. what is it with the police in the United states, especially the amount of escalation there's been recently.And why the hell would you call the police to a child having a panic attack anyway? Over here that would be a job for the paramedics.At this point, honestly my lady has said she's glad to be out of America. If Corona hadn't happened, we were planning to head back to see her family, but the country just seems so insane at the moment we prefer to stay out of it.


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Re: Sad to read this

2020-09-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : simba via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sad to read this

At 2 umm no, noone loves America due to police officers shooting at people, I don't know where you got that idea from.Well, given that in some US states you can become a policeofficer in about 3 to 4 months, no wonder why they have their trigger finger always ready.To put it into perspective, in Germany, a police oficer is trained for 3 years including many physical and psychological tests to exactly eliminate the problem of unjustified usage of weapons.But what do you expect from a cuntry with that kind of a president?Greetings Moritz.


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Re: Sad to read this

2020-09-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Munawar via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sad to read this

This didn't even make top headlines here in the US it's so normal nowadays.I wish the generalizations would stop though. Keep in mind the majority of America didn't vote for the current sitting President...But that's the type of stuff you guys don't hear about overseas.


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Re: Sad to read this

2020-09-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ManFromTheDark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sad to read this

Sorry, but: bloody hell! Shit. Non to say.


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Re: Sad to read this

2020-09-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sad to read this

Agreed with @Munawar.  Just because we live here doesn't mean we support the system, and it is rather horrid to say we're all a hateful bunch because of a police force we have no control over.


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Re: Sad to read this

2020-09-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Gaki_shonen via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sad to read this

that's just, sick. who ever did that needs to be removed from the force asap!!


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Re: Sad to read this

2020-09-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : superb via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sad to read this

I live in the United States, and I am not in support at all of our president or the current system of policing. While I may respect individual officers for their services to the community (such as one story where a police officer of the Minnesota Police Department was seen kneeling with a protester in solidarity) or the officer who caught a falling infant as they were near the ground when falling out of a window, but I am in full agreement that paramedics should have been sent in this particular case. Dark, I respect where you are coming from, and I would not blame you at all for avoiding the U.S. for the moment because of the current leadership of our country. I also respect where the rest of you have come from, but I, and others who have posted on here, would appreciate it if generalizing was kept to a minimum. Thank you.


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Re: Sad to read this

2020-09-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sad to read this

I mean, people are all like "But Seattle is a warzone" and stuff and, well, this is why.  People, primarily young people, have finally got fed up.No one quite believes me when I try to explain that the U.S. is effectively a monarchy and is well on the way to being a police state, but here we are.It's a shame the Seattle protests stopped being peaceful and are now just a bunch of troublemakers running around smashing windows and such.  They almost had what they wanted, but now Seattle's going back on it and the people still "protesting" have given everyone on the other side of this all the ammunition they need to disregard all of it.


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Re: Sad to read this

2020-09-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Juliantheaudiogamer via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sad to read this

Hi,@Munawar: I agree, but it is already bad enough that almost half of american voters voted for the current president.@Simba: 4 months? That's totally insane. Where did you hear that from?


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Re: Sad to read this

2020-09-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Nuno via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sad to read this

@Simba, US's governments were also striving to have the most blasting power available. They wanted to have the most blasting power, the most well-trained people, the best technology and this leads to situations like that, even much worse.


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Re: Sad to read this

2020-09-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : simba via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sad to read this

Hi.At Julian well, own research on the internet mostly, I found some articles from news agencys and other sources, i can hunt them down if you want.4 months is just in some states, i think that almost every state has their own procedure for training police officers.Greetings Moritz.


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Re: Sad to read this

2020-09-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : angarag via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sad to read this

In a country where owning a firearm is legal probably requires trigger happy officers in a sense. But like this one  and the other instances that was highlighted not so long ago shows that some of the officers tend to go overboard. Way, way overboard where the situation was not demanded it. Was this the result of the individual's stressed officers'  instinctual  response? or it was the result of training that they had  undertook in order to become an officer and respond to situation where suspected personelle is showing so much agression. Which i do not for sure. In any case, America is the country where some things are not possible to hide under the wraps due to the freedom of speech and all that. For all we know this kind of stuff could be daily occurance in china for example. But still it doesn't look good for you guys who are staying in America nowadays. So much stress, too much fear.


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Re: Sad to read this

2020-09-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sad to read this

@11It's bad that people voted for Trump.  But it's not malice, it's naivety in most cases.  When someone goes calling people he doesn't like rapists, he's being metaphorical or something.  Obviously Trump wasn't, but every single political figure in the past that has come close to that was, so I at least understand why someone might get there.  Combine that with the typical "I vote for my party" mentality (which isn't unique to the U.S., even if you want it to be) and someone offering simple ideas making them sound like they're more likely to be successful (also not unique to the U.S., see also Brexit) and you end at Trump or a Trump equivalent sooner or later, and it doesn't require saying "everyone on that side is evil".  What everyone likes to forget and/or gloss over about democracies is that at the end of the day, especially in modern times, there's not enough time to go decide who to vote for properly and the issues are so complicated that understanding even one of them fully takes hours to days.  You can understand the election or put food on the table by working your 12-hour-a-day job.That said, at this point: I have no sympathy or patience for anyone supporting him, he's had 4 years to show us his colors, instead he mismanaged a major pandemic because the stock market and has been almost blatant about that and also maybe people should try bleach as a cure, none of which is even debatable, it's on his official twitter and he's said it on TV.  So even if you disregard all the other stuff that requires critical thinking skills, "maybe I shouldn't vote for the guy suggesting we swallow bleach" should be a hands-down easy choice.But, I guess what I'm trying to say: even Trump supporters would find this news article bad.  It can be hard to remember that sometimes; that side of the political spectrum is doing a blatant power grab and not actually working to solve anything.  But "Trump voters think police should shoot kids" or thoughts along those lines are being very uncharitable, even if they are often very easy for me to think these days.The problem is that the democrats decided to run Biden who isn't actually a strong candidate, he's just better than Trump, and almost no one treats voting like a least-worst-outcome situation, you're either satisfied or you don't bother.@14We can't leave.  Especially if you're disabled.  Even Canada has unfriendly "I'm disable and I want to immigrate" policies, and the process takes 10 years or so if you actually want to become a citizen.You don't get a choice of countries unless you have shit tons of money, lots of friends/family somewhere else who are willing to help, or a skillset that's worth an employer bothering to spend a bunch of time and money helping you immigrate.


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Re: Sad to read this

2020-09-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : KenshiraTheTrinity via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sad to read this

We are not all gun toating maniacs here, so please don't lump us in with the rest of them.Does anyone remember the officers who beat up the girl in a storm trooper in Canada a few months ago, even though she did her best to comply with their demands? Heck, you cant even protest in some places like Vietnam else the police will be all over you like bees on honey, so the people live in submission to authority. Suffice it to say that stupid stuff like this happens everywhere. Cops, both good and bad are of course under intense scrutiny right now, so for sure a story like this is going to garner some attention, but its been going on for a while, and not just here either.


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Re: Sad to read this

2020-09-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : KenshiraTheTrinity via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sad to read this

We are not all gun toating maniacs here, so please don't lump us in with the rest of them.Does anyone remember the officers who beat up the girl in a storm trooper in Canada a few months ago, even though she did her best to comply with their demands? Heck, you cant even protest in some places  else the police will be all over you like bees on honey, so the people live in submission to authority. And you had better not talk trash about some countries, lest their governments come after you like hounds,, but we don't have that fear here.. Suffice it to say that stupid stuff like this happens everywhere. Cops, both good and bad are of course under intense scrutiny right now, so for sure a story like this is going to garner some attention, but its been going on for a while, and not just here either.


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Re: Sad to read this

2020-09-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : KenshiraTheTrinity via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sad to read this

We are not all gun toating maniacs here, so please don't lump us in with the rest of them.Does anyone remember the officers who beat up the girl in a storm trooper costume in Canada a few months ago, even though she did her best to comply with their demands? Heck, you cant even protest in some places  else the police will be all over you like bees on honey, so the people live in submission to authority. And you had better not talk trash about some countries, lest their governments come after you like hounds,, but we don't have that fear here.. Suffice it to say that stupid stuff like this happens everywhere. Cops, both good and bad are of course under intense scrutiny right now, so for sure a story like this is going to garner some attention, but its been going on for a while, and not just here either.


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Re: Sad to read this

2020-09-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Ethin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sad to read this

Agree with 16 and friends. Don't generalize, please. I'm sure as hell not in favor of the actions of some police officers, and I'm not in favor of the riots and blatant distruction of property that's happening in Seattle (even though, as Camlorn said, they nearly had what they wanted).


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Re: Sad to read this

2020-09-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : KenshiraTheTrinity via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sad to read this

We are not all gun toating maniacs here, so please don't lump us in with the rest of them.Does anyone remember the officers who beat up the girl in a storm trooper costume in Canada a few months ago, even though she did her best to comply with their demands? Heck, you cant even protest in some places  else the police will be all over you like bees on honey, so the people live in submission to authority. And you had better not talk trash about some countries and/or their deities, lest their governments come after you like hounds, and you get your necks struck, but we don't have that fear here.. Suffice it to say that stupid stuff like this happens everywhere. Cops, both good and bad are of course under intense scrutiny right now, so for sure a story like this is going to garner some attention, but its been going on for a while, and not just here either.


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Re: Sad to read this

2020-09-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Simter via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sad to read this

This is, i don't even know a word which would match here. But unfortunately, no generalicing, but for me it seams like since blm started this happens a lot more often then before. I am also kind of happy that scivis didn't go this year, i hope it is better next year.@simba of topic, but pls check your pms.


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Re: Sad to read this

2020-09-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sad to read this

To be clear: I don't support it now.  But there was a time not that long ago when is was literally poetry readings downstairs vs. cops with tear gas. And they won, because you know, poetry readings vs. cops with tear gas.  Even the local businesses were supporting them.  I honestly thought it was a historic moment.  And it was, in the sense that it was a big mostly peaceful protest vs. a city government who couldn't even say sorry for the tear gas in people's apartments *after* banning them and violating their own bans.  But as usual with protests, the people who just enjoy feeling angry keep going after they needed to stop and enjoy the wins and be ready to come back later if needed, and now it's letting the government go back on their promises.I don't think generalizing to all police officers is unreasonable.  If you know nothing else but that someone is a police officer, then you have to weigh whether getting them involved in something ends at someone being shot because they escalated.  The best case interpretation on most of what happened is that something like 90% of police officers decided to just stand by rather than say "maybe these protests have a point", and in places like Seattle you get people like best who ragequit because her salary was getting cut from $250k or something to $200k or something--that is, from "I make more than most programmers at Google" to "I make slightly less but more than most programmers at Google".Assume that 50% of police officers are bad apples--I haven't seen anything to make me think it's less, especially if we go with "is willing to stand by and do nothing", which is pretty bad if you're helping enforce the law.  Assume that whatever situation you need to involve the police in can be solved by moving, or by putting up with the loud neighbor, or tackling your son to the ground yourself rather than calling an officer to do it, or whatever.  Assume that maybe 10% of calls to police don't end how you'd want them to, with a deescalation, etc.  That 10% of calls either ends with someone shot, or fed into the beginnings of what might as well be a food processor for all the justice it provides, and the best case is a permanent criminal record which is basically a you can't get a job or house sentence even if it's for something stupidly minor.Even the most rational interpretations of this end at "This person is a police officer, therefore they aren't my friend and shouldn't be assumed to be on my side".  For better or worse that's where we are.Until this supposed majority of police who aren't bad apples actually does something, I will generalize, and I actually suggest others do too.  At the moment, officers exactly like the one in that story get to keep their jobs without consequence, and afterwords none of their coworkers walk away and say "You know, I'm not okay with this" or anything like that.  if all the good apples exist, they're willing to stand there in solidarity with their fellow police officer most of the time rather than helping do something about it, and how good of an apple can you be if you don't do anything?  Police have the right to protest too, and unlike most of us they make more than enough money that they could walk away at any time because someone on their team murdered someone instead of deescalating.  But this never happens, instead the lawsuits usually find them innocent or qualified immunity gets engaged, a bunch of politicians make some vague promises about how we'll do better but it will take a long time, a long time passes, and nothing actually changes.  We've been doing this cycle for something like 20 years.  Either generalizing and not respecting the police is justified, or it gives a lot of people who don't care in the slightest a reason to deal with all the bad ones, but in either case generalizing and actively showing our distrust of the police is actually a win if the world is going to change for the better.


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Re: Sad to read this

2020-09-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sad to read this

BLM should be declared a terrorist organization, and there should be a task force appointed to track their movements. We need to take them down hard, crippling the organization by taking out its highest representatives. They're criminals with no purpose.


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Re: Sad to read this

2020-09-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : MyDearWatson via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sad to read this

How good it is to have a protector who doesn't protect, the leader who leads towards misery, the people who support these 1st 2 things. I don't blame those who support them, but wish that they don't look at silly things such as colour, cast, religion, nationality, age, sex, disability, and focus more on things that matter, the happyness, the environment of inclusion, the environment of opportunities, the environment of prosperity. Keep in mind that we all share blood which is red, we all have more or less same DNA, more or less same bodies and more or less same hopes and aspirations. Noone actually wants to harm anyone if such a world is strived for.Things like this happen all around the world, but US is a country that one may expect to do better.


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Re: Sad to read this

2020-09-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : JayJay via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sad to read this

To all the people who are saying keep the generalising to a minimum. Sorry to say, but your leaders and or the people that get the most coverage will define your country to the international audience. Plain and simple.


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Re: Sad to read this

2020-09-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Simter via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sad to read this

@20 ahem, wha?


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Re: Sad to read this

2020-09-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : an idiot via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sad to read this

I know what I stand for. But I don’t need to put myself under the banner of an Organization to say it. But when police are teargas in and shooting people, many innocent, some not, you must ask yourself. Who are the real terrorists?


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Re: Sad to read this

2020-09-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : an idiot via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sad to read this

I know what I stand for. But I don’t need to put myself under the banner of an Organization to say it. But when police are teargassing and shooting people, many innocent, some not, you must ask yourself. Who are the real terrorists? why does an officer badge give them immunity from punishment?


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Re: Sad to read this

2020-09-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : an idiot via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sad to read this

I know what I stand for. And I don’t need to put myself under the banner of an Organization to say it. But when police are teargassing and shooting people, many innocent, some not, you must ask yourself. Who are the real terrorists? Why does an officer badge give them immunity from punishment?


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Re: Sad to read this

2020-09-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : an idiot via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sad to read this

I know what I stand for. And I don’t need to put myself under the banner of an Organization to say it. But when police are teargassing and shooting people, many innocent, some not, you must ask yourself. Who are the real terrorists? And why does an officer badge give them immunity from punishment?


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Re: Sad to read this

2020-09-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : KenshiraTheTrinity via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sad to read this

Problem is, if you uproot authority completely, the people aren't goinh to police themselves, either because they lack the discipline, or willingness to do so, yet that is exactly what some cities are doing. To ride off whatever remnant of good is left in the force is to invite chaos.As for the generalizing thing, everyone is free to form their opinions regardless of what others say and do. However, we're saying don't generalize because we are not all like that, not because some cops thought it was a good idea to make an ass of themselves for the world to see. All Americans are not those cops.


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Re: Sad to read this

2020-09-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : simba via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sad to read this

At 20 oh yes, all BLM members are just out there to rampage through citys, destroy everything and just do that for their own entertainment.Oh, the generalisations by MR Ironcross, I didn't expect better from you.Greetings Moritz.


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Re: Sad to read this

2020-09-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sad to read this

@20In the event that this isn't trolling: this hasn't been about BLM in a long, long time, at least here.  In fact, funnily enough BLM is kind of mad about that locally--how dare you protest cops for other reasons than black lives matter is actually kind of a thing now.@25I can't speak for other cities but Seattle was going to just move things like mental health crisis out of the police's control and try to actually make police only responsible for things like actual criminals.  Saying that all these cities are giving up authority and that people aren't going to police themselves, etc, is kind of a straw man conservative argument.  As someone actually on the ground here, that's not what anyone is aiming for.Defund police by 50% etc was a stupid demand, but a lot of what they do is things like erase homeless people because the rich white people can't deal with it, and also turns out that you can't send a paramedic anywhere without the police coming along to "secure" the environment.  Only amazingly fringe elements are all "no more jails ever": you can construct arguments as to why we can't ever live in that world trivially.  But it's not unreasonable for us to be saying "you know, maybe we don't need police to come along because you burned yourself with boiling water" or "maybe police shouldn't be the first thing we use to deal with homeless people who literally have nowhere else to go" or "maybe these parking tickets don't need to happen as much" or etc, and tons and tons of police money does actually get put into those things, plus we send the same people out who don't know how to deescalate and who have been trained to view the entire world as an evil place out to kill them without cause.


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Re: Sad to read this

2020-09-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sad to read this

Few points here:BLM in and of itself is not nearly as bad as that. Some proponents are, sure, but that's like saying all cops are bad cops, or all republicans are assholes. It's simply not true. Saying shit like "blm is a terrorist organization" is the sort of thing that gets your seat at the proverbial table revoked.To my understanding, this child's mother called 911, and police arrived instead of mental health professionals. Sometimes this works; often it puts police in a situation they aren't well-equipped to handle. Regardless of how well-equipped they are, however, there is absolutely no excuse for shooting an unarmed thirteen-year-old autistic boy with live ammunition. Tackle him? Sure, maybe. Pin him to the ground, even restrain him with handcuffs if he's flailing around and maybe a threat to others? Yeah, okay. Taser him if somehow two or three physically fit, fully-grown men can't physically subdue him? Maybe...I'm not in favour, but maybe. But guns? Fucking seriously? No excuse.I can't and won't make generalizations about Americans just because of Donald Trump. Many Americans can't stand the man, and many who voted for him once because he was a republican are finally coming to understand and accept that they made an enormous mistake. But what I will say is that any possible plausible deniability any American might once have had about their currently sitting commander-in-chief is long, long gone. If you vote for Trump now, you are part of the problem. No excuses, no qualifications. And if that statement bothers you, I straight-up don't care. Somebody compiled a list of all the lies (the ones that are provable) that Trump has told, and it ranks in the tens of thousands. I don't just get my news from leftist media; instead, I try to digest sources of all kinds. But it's really, really hard to ignore the things being said and done when they're being recorded. Disastrous interviews full of lies, slander and immaturity? Check. Tweet-storms full of lies, slander and immaturity? Check. Attacks on virtually anyone that isn't allied with him? Check. Attempts to manipulate anything and everything to suit him? Check. Breaking the law and making a mockery of democracy? Check mate. There is no excuse, guys.I am glad to see that most Americans in this thread, however, are upset by what has happen, and by what continues to happen. That gives me a little hope. But the fact that Trump still has as many potential supporters as he does...that tells me that there are still enough Americans willing to ignore him or look the other way. That tells me that while generalizations are bad, pretending that there's no problem is far, far worse.Also? No one is talking about completely destroying the police. They clearly need better training and vetting processes, however.Also also? If you do some digging, you will find that most (not all) violence in protests actually comes from right-wing agitators, people planted to make the protests fail. Let's also remember, however, that people who are relatively happy with the status quo aren't just comfy with the idea of grabbing the nearest handy excuse in order to ignore the points of the people they oppose. No, they'll happily manufacture it if it suits their purposes.


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Re: Sad to read this

2020-09-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : KenshiraTheTrinity via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sad to read this

I dont buy it completely, particularly because I've heard reports of some areas going to hell because police was barred from entry and protests in said areas got wildly out of hand, but I will conceed that you dont need police to respond to everything.


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Re: Sad to read this

2020-09-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sad to read this

Few points here:BLM in and of itself is not nearly as bad as that. Some proponents are, sure, but that's like saying all cops are bad cops, or all republicans are assholes. It's simply not true. Saying shit like "blm is a terrorist organization" is the sort of thing that gets your seat at the proverbial table revoked.To my understanding, this child's mother called 911, and police arrived instead of mental health professionals. Sometimes this works; often it puts police in a situation they aren't well-equipped to handle. Regardless of how well-equipped they are, however, there is absolutely no excuse for shooting an unarmed thirteen-year-old autistic boy with live ammunition. Tackle him? Sure, maybe. Pin him to the ground, even restrain him with handcuffs if he's flailing around and maybe a threat to others? Yeah, okay. Taser him if somehow two or three physically fit, fully-grown men can't physically subdue him? Maybe...I'm not in favour, but maybe. But guns? Fucking seriously? No excuse.I can't and won't make generalizations about Americans just because of Donald Trump. Many Americans can't stand the man, and many who voted for him once because he was a republican are finally coming to understand and accept that they made an enormous mistake. But what I will say is that any possible plausible deniability any American might once have had about their currently sitting commander-in-chief is long, long gone. If you vote for Trump now, you are part of the problem. No excuses, no qualifications. And if that statement bothers you, I straight-up don't care. Somebody compiled a list of all the lies (the ones that are provable) that Trump has told, and it ranks in the tens of thousands. I don't just get my news from leftist media; instead, I try to digest sources of all kinds. But it's really, really hard to ignore the things being said and done when they're being recorded. Disastrous interviews full of lies, slander and immaturity? Check. Tweet-storms full of lies, slander and immaturity? Check. Attacks on virtually anyone that isn't allied with him? Check. Attempts to manipulate anything and everything to suit him? Check. Breaking the law and making a mockery of democracy? Check mate. There is no excuse, guys.I am glad to see that most Americans in this thread, however, are upset by what has happen, and by what continues to happen. That gives me a little hope. But the fact that Trump still has as many potential supporters as he does...that tells me that there are still enough Americans willing to ignore him or look the other way. That tells me that while generalizations are bad, pretending that there's no problem is far, far worse.Also? No one is talking about completely destroying the police. They clearly need better training and vetting processes, however.Also also? If you do some digging, you will find that most (not all) violence in protests actually comes from right-wing agitators, people planted to make the protests fail. Let's also remember, however, that people who are relatively happy with the status quo aren't just comfy with the idea of grabbing the nearest handy excuse in order to ignore the points of the people they oppose. No, they'll happily manufacture it if it suits their purposes.A quick edit: if anyone's interested in sources that actually deal with facts, check out the David Pakman show on YouTube. Short, easily digestible episodes, nearly all of which contain actual text or sound bytes. Yes, Pakman is a leftist, so you'll have to endure that slant. But he's not just spewing accusations based on nothing. He'll front-load something, then basically say "here, listen for yourself". And you know, when you actually hear Trump saying these things (contradicting himself, making excuses, lying, attacking people, lapsing into straight-up nonsense, encouraging his followers to break the law and worse)'s kind of difficult to ignore. If Trump talks about this particular tragedy, he will probably focus on how brave police officers are and how it must have been a complicated situation. That, or he'll try and blame it on Biden somehow, the way he's blaming current anarchy on Biden instead of actually doing something about it with the power he holds. Anyway...yeah, check out Pakman if you're on the fence.


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Re: Sad to read this

2020-09-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ignatriay via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sad to read this

What the fuck? He is a a child for God's sake. Oh course he was unarmed... This is sad, and outrageous that they shot a kid. Its just wrong, in every sense. You do not, and I repeat, do not; shoot a unarmed person; at all. At least your not supposed to... Wow.


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Re: Sad to read this

2020-09-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sad to read this

I believe that the first excuse attempted was that they thought there might be a weapon involved, even though there is no evidence of this. This kid was having a complete melt-down over separation anxiety because his mom was going back to work. I find it insane that two or more fully-grown men couldn't control a thirteen-year-old long enough to hopefully get him to calm down.


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Re: Sad to read this

2020-09-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : an idiot via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sad to read this

article wrote“I said, ‘He’s unarmed, he doesn’t have anything, he just gets mad and he starts yelling and screaming,’” she said. “He’s a kid, he’s trying to get attention, he doesn’t know how to regulate.”So they should have known he wouldn't be.


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Re: Sad to read this

2020-09-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ignatriay via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sad to read this

@jayde, I did read that in the article, but still. Those aren't grounds for what they did. I feel like, as others have said, the medics should've been contacted in this case, not the cops.


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Re: Sad to read this

2020-09-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : KenshiraTheTrinity via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sad to read this

My dad sure didn't need a gun to do the job.


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Re: Sad to read this

2020-09-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sad to read this

@28I was inside CHOP.  As in, my apartment building was behind the barricades and in the news, and Cal Anderson is 20 feet from my front door.  How much firsthand experience means to you, I don't know.  The one major incident that was the fault of CHOP was because the paramedics wouldn't enter without the police because it turns out that it's policy that police have to go in first which is why everyone now knows that this is the policy.I can't speak for other cities obviously.  But if you look at things like the Seattle Times, Capitol Hill Seattle, etc. you will notice that the coverage is entirely different.  Indeed, even the local conservative news sources are way toned down as compared to what Fox and CNN turned it into.  It wasn't hellscape postapocalypse 5, biker gangs vs. cops, etc etc etc.  It really, really wasn't.  I was afraid to go outside because I'm blind and trying to navigate through what is effectively an entirely rearranged and blocked sidewalk isn't fun and because the cops kept coming through and warzonifying my neighborhood and getting caught up in that would be a fun and enlightening experience of happiness, not because of the protesters.I flat out didn't care either way about these issues until all of this; and it should say something that despite the major inconveniences it caused me, I still ended up with the opinions I ended up with afterword.  Nothing like the people in charge not even being able to say sorry for tear gas in people's apartments and stuff.  Like, they could have at least given the appropriate lies even if they didn't mean it, but they couldn't even go that skeptical of the postapocalypse coverage though.  I had to convince multiple friends that my life wasn't in danger.  hell, I even had reliable grocery delivery through all of it.


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Re: Sad to read this

2020-09-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sad to read this

I don't troll regarding this type of thing. It sucks, it's inexcusable that this happened. Police need more training, and more stringent psychological evaluation before they get put out there. They also need partnering for longer.But there's no way in hell I would ever vote democrat. I'd rather spend my last moments being fed through a wood chipper or soaked in kerosene and lit on fire, so I guess you know who I'm voting for.


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Re: Sad to read this

2020-09-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sad to read this

It's very hard for me to take that as not trolling. You just flat out said that this is all very bad, but you don't like the democrats so you're going to vote for the people who are doing nothing whatsoever about it at best and want it to continue as it is at worst and also they just got done mismanaging a major pandemic that killed hundreds of thousands of people.If you were disputing the facts or saying that you don't think this is as bad as all that I could at least take you seriously.


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Re: Sad to read this

2020-09-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sad to read this

Gonna have to agree with Canlorn here. Even some of my more right-leaning friends can't ignore what Trump is doing. They want to vote republican, but can't justify it anymore because of everything that's happened. They aren't characterizing the left as a great choice, but they're characterizing the only alternative as a far, far worse one.If you can't do that, then what you just said, Ironcross, amounts to "sorry not sorry", which is about the worst sort of trolling there is.


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Re: Sad to read this

2020-09-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sad to read this

I mean. There is a third option.  You could also just not vote.  If something has put you off the democrats so much that you're not willing to give them your vote, not voting means you at least didn't help to make the world worse.  You probably didn't make it do better, but first do no harm is at least reasonable as an ethical stance.


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Re: Sad to read this

2020-09-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sad to read this

@Superb, I personally wouldn't generalise about Amerca or the people there, I'm married to an American who has friends and family over there who are people I have come to care about as well. Likewise, I spent a very happy few months in the states in 15, and actually found (as I've said in other places), that general extravertion levels and attitude among the population and aceptance of blindness was rather better in the states than in Britain, or at least it was in Pennsylvania and the few transit places I had getting there.That being said, it is precisely because! I am now rather more personally tied to what happens in the states That I am concerned about this sort of thing, quite apart from the fact that while undoubtedly there are horrible things and violent nasty people in many parts of the world, America (rightly or wrongly), does have a massive affect upon English speaking culture, and therefore what happens in America itself naturally draws more attention.Sadly, one thing I found myself in America has been very accurately portrayed by someone in this topic:Ironcross wrote:But there's no way in hell I would ever vote democrat. I'd rather spend my last moments being fed through a wood chipper or soaked in kerosene and lit on fire, so I guess you know who I'm voting for.I don't speak directly here about Ironcross's political affiliation, but the way he expressed it. He is a republican, so naturally he is voting republican and endorses the republican party, irrespective of what they say or what the other side does. this sort of extreme us/them, black/white, good evil sort of factional duelism was highly extreme in the states, indeed my lady told me a chief reason she left was simply that it became literally impossible to actually debate any opinions. this is what I found as well, not that people were biggotted or rude or unpleasant, as I said, I was made extremely welcome, but simply that there was one, and only one perspective. I find Camlorn's remarks about warzones sort of ironic, given that when I was in the stattess people asked me whether Britain was the same way, and whether it was true there were parts of Britain where the police feared to go due to extreme Muslim terrorists. I told the truth, Britain, like everywhere has it's dodgy iner citties and places where leaving your car unlocked is a bad idea, however these have nothing to do with extremes of one sort or another beyond extreme drunkenness and general loutish behaviour, and that in fact all the muslims I knew (including my parents long standing next door neighbors), were perfectly decent people. My father in law then said, "Well, I still think America is safer!" so, I had directly refuted his premise, that England was a hive of extreme islam and violence, and yet he refused to accept the conclusion simply because he did not support his world view. Neither what I have seen is this sort of radical entrenched extremeism unique to the republican party either. this isn't to say there aren't! reasonable people in the states, however, unfortunately it always seems to be the extreme viewpoints that take up the attention, and thus matters grow ever more polarised, heads grow ever hotter, and the hole situation seems to get worse over all, so that when problems do occur (and there seems to be a dam serious problem with the American police), everyone is too busy protesting, mudslinging and name calling on behalf of their chosen faction to actually try and derive reasonable answers, much less any kind of dialogue. This isn't to say Britain is free from factionalism either, it probably exists everywhere opinions are held to a lesser or greater extent, but at least here energy, emotion and over all hatred of the other side is still on a spectrum, not on a singly defined boundry.


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Re: Sad to read this

2020-09-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : KenshiraTheTrinity via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sad to read this

@39 that one way is the only way approach definitely exists, and only seems to have gotten worse with the rise of the internet. I mean there are definitely things I would rather have one way above anything else, but that doesn't mean it's the right way for everyone else. The states is definitely safer and more clean than some places I've been, but I'm not arigant enough to say that it is the best alternative.


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Re: Sad to read this

2020-09-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Munawar via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sad to read this

@Juliantheaudiogamer:Sourced from: … l_election...the election hinged not on Clinton's large 2.8 million overall vote margin over Trump, but rather on about 78,000 votes from only three counties in Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and Michigan.


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Re: Sad to read this

2020-09-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : kjsisco via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sad to read this

We have some bad apples in our police departments.  This is true of all professions.  Oh and nobody stops to check sources.  The news article could be fake news or a story with half truth.


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Re: Sad to read this

2020-09-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : an idiot via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sad to read this

@kjsisco the guardian has bias, in this case center left from what I’ve read. As with any news source, you should look at more then one report. The guardian is reasonably well-established however,and I can't see this being fake.


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Re: Sad to read this

2020-09-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : an idiot via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sad to read this

@kjsisco the guardian has bias, in this case center left from what I’ve read. As with any news source, you should look at more then one report. The guardian is reasonably well-established however,and I can't see this being fake. There are also links in the article. And I'm sorry, but how is shooting an unarmed kid, and one who was not in the best state at the time, a half truth? It's pretty clear cut to me. If you change one part of that story the entire thing falls apart.


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Re: Sad to read this

2020-09-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : an idiot via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sad to read this

@kjsisco the guardian has bias, in this case center left from what I’ve read. As with any news source, you should look at more then one report. The guardian is reasonably well-established however,and I can't see this being fake. There are also links in the article. And I'm sorry, but how could shooting an unarmed kid, and one who was not in the best state of mind at the time, be a half truth? It's pretty clear cut to me. It either went down as such or it didn't.


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Re: Sad to read this

2020-09-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sad to read this

Just to be clear here: I'm not in favour of factionalism. If Trump actually did something laudable, I'd be willing to accept it. Likewise, I'm willing to admit, without reservation, when people I support fuck things up.When I come out in serious opposition to something, the way I do to Trump, it's because there is actual evidence. It's not just opinions anymore. It's stuff that has been said and done that you really can't un-see.Dark, I agree with you about 90% of the way. That blind devotion to one's cause is definitely a problem, both in America and elsewhere. You see it all the time. The only part where I come into conflict with you is this idea that all devotion is blind. In a couple of your posts, this is the impression I've gotten, that you seem to think that any very strong support of or opposition to someone comes down to being unwilling or unable to alter your worldview. Again, this absolutely does happen, but I'm not sure it's accurate to characterize it as the norm. Doing so means that you're essentially lumping people into groups far more than is merited by circumstance.I have family in America, and I live less than an hour and a half from the American border. I don't fear for my life when I go there, and I know that unless I go neck-deep into a rally or something, I'm in virtually no danger because of my ideology. I'm also white, male, cisgender and heterosexual; I only stand out due to my blindness, and even that isn't such of a much. As such, I could be complacent and say that I have nothing to worry about, and by and large it's true; this may also hold true for many of us in this thread. However, I can't say the same of different minorities.If I say that I'd never vote conservative, it's because conservatives have never given me any confidence. If I were an American, I would vote democrat purely to get rid of Trump, not because I especially love their democratic candidate, because I don't. To me, anyone supporting Trump at this point (not just -not supporting democrats, but actually supporting Trump) has lost touch with reality in the worst way, and I have trouble taking such political opinions seriously.That bit from a few posts back about the votes and how it ended up going? It's a very good point. Hillary actually won the popular vote, but due to an antiquated system which really shouldn't even exist in its current state, Trump was awarded the presidency. I'm not a huge Clinton fan, and never have been, but I can tell you that if Hillary had been president, we wouldn't be having half the issues today that we do now. She would not have been perfect, and she's got her issues. Nobody's blameless. But there is no way in hell she would have lied tens of thousands of times while in office, and there's no way she would have done virtually any of the bullshit Mr. Trump has done.And why do I keep picking on this? Yes, there's a reason.Trump is sort of the figurehead of all the awful things that people are doing in America right now. They hurt, maim, belittle, insult, objectify, profile, exploit and kill whoever they wish, and because of entrenched power structures designed to protect those at the top, they get away with it. Trump exemplifies all of it. So everything I see in police mismanaging situations and killing or wounding civilians, everything I see in the poor struggling to eat while the rich continue to dodge taxes, everything I see in the continued subjugation of people of colour, women, LGBTQ...all of it I see in Trump, and it makes me want to spit fire in his face. I obviously have no intention of meeting him, and would not dream of harming him even if I were face to face with him, but at this point, I truly feel that America would be a better place if Trump contracted Covid-19 and subsequently died from it. When your laundry list of offenses is so long and so egregious, and when it's clear nothing else is going to stop you - not even an election, because Trump's even trying to monkey with that and to engage in voter suppression to suit his agenda - maybe an ironic blast of the coronavirus will give the United States the wake-up call it needs.


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Re: Sad to read this

2020-09-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Socheat via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sad to read this

God, that's awful.


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Re: Sad to read this

2020-09-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Accman via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sad to read this

25: I agree with your post entirely. There are plenty of bad cops out there, but the majority of the police officers wouldn't do anything like this. We cannot uproot what is left of honest to goodness authority just to make an organization like BLM, an organization that isn't even headed or funded by black people I might add, fee good or well treated. The interesting thing too is that the majority of folks protesting, or rather looting and rioting, are not even black to begin with. Also interesting is the fact that you could go out on a job platform like Craig's List and you'll find opportunities to get paid to do just what these looters and rioters are doing. Was what that cop did to that child wrong? Yes, it most certainly was. I am not sure whether or not the mother actually explained on the phone the nature of what was actually happening. If she mentioned that her child was autistic then she did everything right. However, if all she said was that she was dealing with an out of control child, then how could that officer have known that the child might not have pulled out a knife or something? Again, the whole situation is horrible, and I hope we don't see anything like that again. However, if we allow politicians to do away with law enforcement just to push a political agenda, then, as bad as it is right now, it will get a whole hell of a lot worse.


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Re: Sad to read this

2020-09-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sad to read this

No politician in their right mind is considering doing away entirely with law enforcement. This is a busted strawman meant to make people talking about defunding law enforcement look silly. To defund does not mean to remove all funding and to eliminate it entirely. It means, in essence, to lower funding because your average police department probably doesn't need tanks. More important than defunding law enforcement, however, is retraining them. It's very, very clear that there are large systemic problems with law enforcement in America right now, and one of the ways you fix that is by improving and tightening the training they receive. Another way you fix it is to remove the toxic insular mindset held by many cops, the so-called thin blue line that separates them from everyone else. It's the thing that will get an otherwise decent cop to put their head down, or even flat-out lie, to protect another officer. Removing or severely limiting qualified immunity would also be an excellent idea. Sometimes, police will be put in positions where they have to do odd or even dangerous things, but this doesn't mean they should get to use qualified immunity as a shield for trashing someone's house or shooting someone, just because some clever lawyer can make it look as if a police officer, by right of never experiencing exactly this situation before, could not reasonably have known better. Seriously? If you want to be a cop, that's awesome. I respect those people who truly want to help citizens and enforce the law fairly, with no bias, no racial profiling and no automatic desire to protect those who have done wrong alongside them on the force. But if you want that responsibility, then surely it ought to come with the accountability of having a fucking brain. Qualified immunity needs to be scaled way, way back.And while we're talking about cops...Accman, seriously dude, this whole apologism crap has to stop. Like, years ago. Has to stop. Even if all this boy's mother said when the dispatcher picked up the phone is "my son's having a panic attack", that does not in any way justify his being shot. No weapons were found or even suspected based on evidence. From the multiple articles I've read, dispatch and the police knew what they were getting into. Why they didn't come with mental health professionals is beyond my understanding, but maybe they were short-funded or something. If you'd just stopped after saying that the cops made a mistake, then great. We're in agreement. But you didn't. Instead, you decided to explain that maybe there was some sort of reason that kind of explained why--no, no, and no. This is half the problem. I wonder if you did the same when you heard about Kyle Written house. I'll get into this in a sec.This excuse-making serves only those in power, or those in the dominant class, and it's fucking disgusting. Accman, I am not specifically targeting you anymore, you were just a handy jumping-off point. When Kyle Writtenhouse shot a couple of people, I saw a lot of posts showing him cleaning up graffiti and stuff, as if to highlight that he's only seventeen and is very likely unhinged. The rhetoric goes something like this: "Well he can't be all bad. I mean, he did an awful thing, but just look at him!". And nobody does this with black folks. Or disabled folks. Or women, at least not usually. Women routinely are asked by police what they were wearing after they reported a rape, as if their choice of clothing has anything to do with someone raping them. Black people are assumed guilty if they're male, wearing a hoodie or happen to be walking in the rain at the wrong time of day on the wrong street. What I'm saying is that there's an unspoken assumption that white men are innocent till proven guilty, while everyone else is probably guilty till proven innocent. It pervades most of the right wing to one degree or other, but it's not the sole purview of the right. Either way, it is absolutely disgusting.To anyone reading this, here's my advice. When you hear about something horrific that has happened, really stop and think about what you're about to say or type. Be ready to challenge your assumptions. If the automatic assumption about Kyle Writtenhouse is that he's mentally ill, while the automatic assumption about Jacob Blake is that he shouldn't have been ignoring police orders, you have a serious problem, and are in a way contributing to systemic racism. I am simply done letting this slide.There was no reason for this thirteen-year-old to be shot. None at all. No competent police officer should ever have wanted to discharge his weapon, much less been able to do so, under these conditions. Unless we want to put forth the idea that having an autistic meltdown should give police officers a convenient excuse to shoot first and pick 

Re: Sad to read this

2020-09-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : NevEd via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sad to read this

Jesus fucking christ!I'm not reading that. The title is enough for me. I don't understand how people can still continuously deny deny deny that there is a real issue with the police force across this damn country. Bootlicking conservatives.


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Re: Sad to read this

2020-09-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : MyDearWatson via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sad to read this

Umm,My motive or intent of posting this on this forum was not to start a political war, but to bring in light the harsh realities that people even in developed countries face. If these problems still prevail in those countries, as a social science student, I am forced to ponder whether the path of development that billions of humans are forging is really worth it. What is the point of that immense diffence budget if the problem is more severe on the inside. What is the point when masses suffer, few trample on the resources, and the only development path is to exploit resources with increasing scarcity and increasing value of those resources which only increases the inaccessibility of those resources for masses.


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Re: Sad to read this

2020-09-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : MyDearWatson via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sad to read this

Umm,My motive or intent of posting this on this forum was not to start a political war, but to bring in light the harsh realities that people even in developed countries face. If these problems still prevail in those countries, as a social science student, I am forced to ponder whether the path of development that billions of humans are forging is really worth it. What is the point of that immense diffence budget if the problem is more severe on the inside. What is the point when masses suffer, few trample on the resources, and the only development path is to exploit resources with increasing scarcity and increasing value of those resources which only increases the inaccessibility of those resources for masses.Surely, even countries which are exploring alternative development planns, which are not solely based on increasing output or prices, they too suffer from various problems. A search on Bhutan's crime rate brings out that even they have these problems, police brutality does exists, though in lesser extent.Perhaps the source of this problem is not in Economics, but in administration. Can we develop an alternate system to the current police system, can we improove the current system, if so, what are the ways of doing it. But before all that, it is of immense importance that we acknowledge that the problem exists and a solution is needed. But, today, even though we have information highway at our hands, people refuse to see the truth and blindly follow what they think is the reality. And therefore, I posted this on this forum, so that people can see the reality and work accordingly.


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Re: Sad to read this

2020-09-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : MyDearWatson via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sad to read this

Umm,My motive or intent of posting this on this forum was not to start a political war, but to bring in light the harsh realities that people even in developed countries face. If these problems still prevail in those countries, as a social science student, I am forced to ponder whether the path of development that billions of humans are forging is really worth it. What is the point of that immense diffence budget if the problem is more severe on the inside. What is the point when masses suffer, few trample on the resources, and the only development path is to exploit resources with increasing scarcity and increasing value of those resources which only increases the inaccessibility of those resources for masses.Surely, even countries which are exploring alternative development planns, which are not solely based on increasing output or prices, they too suffer from various problems. A search on Bhutan's crime rate brings out that even they have these problems, police brutality does exists, though in lesser extent.Perhaps the source of this problem is not in Economics, but in administration. Can we develop an alternate system to the current police system, can we improve the current system, if so, what are the ways of doing it. But before all that, it is of immense importance that we acknowledge that the problem exists and a solution is needed. But, today, even though we have information highway at our hands, people refuse to see the truth and blindly follow what they think is the reality. And therefore, I posted this on this forum, so that this small portion of people can see the reality and work accordingly. Democracy is a very cumbersome way of getting things done, but it's supposed to project everyone's voices. However, that is not the only way, democracy also means independent judiciary, freedom to organize ourselves, to fight for our cause in a fruitful manner, to voice our opinions. So, if government is failing to see the reality, people must show the reality and bring change through other fruitful ways. And mind you, violence is not a fruitful way.


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Re: Sad to read this

2020-09-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sad to read this

Violence has historically been how people have shown the government - which can't be changed by force, after all - that it's not doing a good job. Just look at the civil war, the French revolution, and dozens of other examples from history.No, I don't generally condone violence, but the fact of the matter is actually pretty stark. When logic doesn't work, and pleading doesn't work, and raising your voice doesn't work, eventually you have to start doing more than rattling your sword. All other methods appear to have failed.Two words will go a long, long way toward solving many of the world's problems (not all, because humans have a near limitless capacity for fuckery).Democratic socialism. Look it up. Read about it. Don't talk to me about Castro, Venezuela, Russia, Stalin or any other dictators. Actually absorb what I'm talking about. Take apart your preconceptions about the need for capitalism. It's killing people. It's going to ultimately kill the world itself in a few hundred years, since big oil cares more about profits than about the earth it's raping daily. I agree with the "it's time to face the facts" sentiment. One of those facts, as you rightly pointed out, is deep-running corruption through western society. Another is capitalism. Another is racism. Another is environmental catastrophe on the horizon. All of them are problems, and most of them really don't care about your god or your political affiliation.


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Re: Sad to read this

2020-09-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : mario navarro via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sad to read this

long live President Donald Trump.long live republicans!thank you president trump for everything you do for america and the world ...God bless you, and continue to give you the courage to fight against evil and free us all from the slavery of communism ...the world needs you, and your great america.long life USA united states of america.cheers.


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Re: Sad to read this

2020-09-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : an idiot via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sad to read this

I mean he’s 70 something, he’s probably not gonna be living for too much longer. I like how his campaign makes fun of Biden being old, and yet Trump is only a few years younger himself.


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Re: Sad to read this

2020-09-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Munawar via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sad to read this

Jayde wrote:...and it makes me want to spit fire in his this point, I truly feel that America would be a better place if Trump contracted Covid-19 and subsequently died from it.To your point about minorities and the like, I'm speechless that you can actually come on a forum and write this and not be picked up. America has gotten so bad that when I first read this post from you the thought that crossed my mind was "oh shit, I should delete my browser history."Not to mention being a minority of a minority. Sadly though a lot of people here in the US still insist that white privilege is a sham, but the fact that you can write something like this so openly, when someone like me wouldn't dare, proves your point.


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Re: Sad to read this

2020-09-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sad to read this

@51A couple hundred years? Look at California now.  In fact, then read about the great flood of 1862 which may now be more likely/worse because the atmospheric rivers are getting stronger.  If we have a year of both wildfires and a great flood in California, the U.S. starves, literally.  That's where most of our food production is at (which also doesn't make sense because California also has major drought issues, but eh).@471 kid with a knife vs. several police officers?  That's your "maybe this was justified" excuse?  What is one kid with a knife going to do against a taser or bear spray or anything else that's not a gun?  Parry it like from one of those science fiction movies using the mystical power of the universe?  Come on.  If you want to take an armed kid out instead of deescalating I can think of at least 3 ways of doing it that don't require a gun without trying.Also: if BLM is a terrorist organization, then we also need to say that a lot of elements of the right that have the same sorts of bad apples are terrorist organizations, so if you want to take that stance at least be equal opportunity about it.And finally, something like 90% of what Seattle was going to defund before they started walking back wasn't related to crime fighting.  And the parts that were were going to be shifted to other models that other cities have used effectively, such as Eugene's approach which they've been using for a long time without issue, where 911 has the ability and is encouraged to dispatch people who aren't cops to non-crime issues like this one.So, I mean, I've said this before.  If you want to make arguments, learn how to make good ones.  You seem to have missed learning how to think critically.  "The kid might have had a knife and also you can find ads on craigslist trying to hire troublemakers to crash protests therefore all of this is unjustified?"  At least learn what various cities are actually trying to do, and call out specific problems in specific cities with sources, or something like that.  To be honest I feel kind of sorry for you, because it's hard to see you doing anything but trying to deny things because you're not prepared to face them.  I get that urge, but it leads to a hell of a lot of bullshit.I would have liked to think that denying Covid only to have millions of people die from it, and going near on 200k Americans, would have taught you something about denying problems because they're hard to face.  If we'd been working to solve Covid instead of denying it 6 months ago, we wouldn't be where we were.  If we had been working on police violence, brutality, and the legal shields that let them get away with basically anything they want in the 90s around the time these sorts of protests last happened, they wouldn't have happened again.  If we had been working on climate change when we should have, California wouldn't be on fire.  The sorts of arguments you like to make in the fashion you like to make them, where the world is this simple place where all the problems are overblown and maybe the kid had a knife and we don't know therefore it's fine, that's what leads to exactly the world we have now.  SO by all means keep making them, but until you and people like yourself start saying "maybe we should actually do something about it" we're going to keep going through the wildfire/protest/etc cycle, and god help us all if there's a pandemic worse than Covid with people like you in charge of it.


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Re: Sad to read this

2020-09-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Juliantheaudiogamer via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sad to read this

@52: If that wasn't trolling, I feel sorry for you.


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Re: Sad to read this

2020-09-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sad to read this

@52 Hell yeah brother!


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Re: Sad to read this

2020-09-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : swigjr23 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sad to read this

I am with 52. president Trump is not a perfect president, but he is who America needs right now. Someone needs to stand up for the republic.


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Re: Sad to read this

2020-09-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Juliantheaudiogamer via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sad to read this

Hi,I don't mean to Sound harsh, but I don't understand how People can still vote for Trump with a good conscience.


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Re: Sad to read this

2020-09-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Munawar via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sad to read this

Yup, what awesome standing up he's doing by making sure we're the world's leader in number of cases and number of deaths from Coronavirus.What amazing standing up he's doing for us by ensuring Americans don't get free healthcare.What amazing standing up he's doing by making sure multi-billion dollar industries get a lot of money and then turning around and telling us that the $5 billion left over from the fund will go to us (translation: he's throwing us the scraps of the feast.)What amazing standing up he's doing for us by making it so difficult to receive a mere $1,200 stimulus payment (this burns especially those of us who pay thousands of dollars in taxes every year.)What amazing standing up he's doing by lying about the effects of the virus (and he's even on tape doing it.)Yup, what a great president, fighting for the Republic and welfare of the nation's people. Amazing. Great work Mr. President. After all, it's my right as an American to not have healthcare.


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Re: Sad to read this

2020-09-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Munawar via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sad to read this

Yup, what awesome standing up he's doing by making sure we're the world's leader in number of cases and number of deaths from Coronavirus.What amazing standing up he's doing for us by ensuring Americans don't get free healthcare (I often tell my friends it was better when I was on welfare; at least I got healthcare.)What amazing standing up he's doing by making sure multi-billion dollar industries get a lot of money and then turning around and telling us that the $5 billion left over from the fund will go to us (translation: he's throwing us the scraps of the feast.)What amazing standing up he's doing for us by making it so difficult to receive a mere $1,200 stimulus payment (this burns especially those of us who pay thousands of dollars in taxes every year.)What amazing standing up he's doing by lying about the effects of the virus (and he's even on tape doing it.)Yup, what a great president, fighting for the Republic and welfare of the nation's people. Amazing. Great work Mr. President. After all, it's my right as an American to not have healthcare.


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Re: Sad to read this

2020-09-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : kjsisco via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sad to read this

I really don't like Trump but it's him or socialism.  Free health care?  Seriously?  Hmmm!  Learn to realize that nothing is for free.  Who will pay for this healthcare?  It's funny how people want things just given to them.  We have this saying, "if it's free, it's for me."  People don't seem to understand that money doesn't fall out of the sky.  Things need to be funded.  Who will pay for such things?  The hard working American, that's who!  So, no I don't like Trump but as a liberal democrat, not a leftist, I hate socialism.  I have no choice other than to side with Donald Trump.  I do hate feeling as if the republicans are holding us hostage but this is the world right now.


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Re: Sad to read this

2020-09-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sad to read this

kjsisco wrote:Free health care?  Seriously?  Hmmm!  Learn to realize that nothing is for free.Funny how Americans are quite happy to pay tax to support the military, and not to, mmm, help the sick? then again, I'm English, from a medical family myself, and yes, I'm also a "A socialist", , so I admit I probably am being very narrow minded and insensitive in believing the medical profession is actually there to help people rather than make a lot of very wealthy insurance companies richer.


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Re: Sad to read this

2020-09-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sad to read this

kjsisco wrote:Free health care?  Seriously?  Hmmm!  Learn to realize that nothing is for free.Funny how many people in America are quite happy to pay tax to support the military, and not to, mmm, help the sick? then again, I'm English, from a medical family myself, and yes, I'm also a "A socialist", , so I admit I probably am being very narrow minded and insensitive in believing the medical profession is actually there to help people rather than make a lot of very wealthy insurance companies richer.


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Re: Sad to read this

2020-09-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : an idiot via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sad to read this

Many developed countries already offer free healthcare. One site said 32 out of 33 developed countries offered it, the 33rd of course being good old Amurrica.


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Re: Sad to read this

2020-09-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : an idiot via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sad to read this

Many developed countries already offer free healthcare. One site said 32 out of 33 developed countries offered it, with the Single 33rd of course being good old Amurrica.


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Re: Sad to read this

2020-09-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sad to read this

If you think Biden is a socialist, get your head out of the clouds and come back down to reality, where Joe Biden is actually closer to the center than the left.You have a choice between democracy and dictatorship. Vote Biden.You have a choice between alt-right lunacy and center-left stability. Vote Biden.You have a choice between a president who cares about people, and a president who cares only about himself. Vote Biden.There really is no excuse anymore.Also also? Just FYI, Canada has free health care - or damn near - and we haven't imploded yet. I wonder how that could possibly work. Pro-tip: look it up, ask a Canadian like myself, then determine whether or not you think Canada is full of alt-left socialist types who want to burn down the system. It's...not. So yeah. Research, bro. You're lacking it.Dark, your point about blind bias is looking really, really good in this thread.


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Re: Sad to read this

2020-09-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : kjsisco via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sad to read this

I would ask how those countries are doing.  Perhaps if you don't like it in this country you can move.  This is your right.


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Re: Sad to read this

2020-09-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : simba via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sad to read this

You know, Germany runs pritty solid with the free healthcare for every citisen living here and I wouldn't say that our status in the world isn't particularly bad finance wise.But yeah, everything that's social gets the "It's comunist" stamp in good old Murica, not realising that there are different styles of comunism. Well, but what would I else guess from a cuntry that thinks Capetown is in Florida.Greetings Moritz.


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Re: Sad to read this

2020-09-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Accman via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sad to read this

MyDearWatson,I totally understand why you posted this, and do appreciate having had the chance to read about it. Unfortunately, in today's climate, there is almost nothing you can mention any longer that won't soon turn into a political war. I know that starting one was certainly not what you had intended, but unfortunately there it is. I used to love talking about politics back in the days when disagreeing with someone wasn't considered racism, bigotry, or a hate crime. Now, if you disagree with a certain view you might find yourself banned from certain social media platforms or forums, you could be branded as a racist or something else along those lines, or you could, quite literally, lose friends and family over it. Almost everything nowadays is politicized and that's got to stop, now. Again, thanks for your original post with the article.


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Re: Sad to read this

2020-09-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Ethin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sad to read this

@61, um... correct me if I'm wrong, but Biden isn't advocating for pure socialism, but democratic socialism. Where would the money for free healthcare come from? Why, the ridiculously wealthy people, of course. People who have like billions of dollars (who can't possibly use all that money) are instead required to put some of that money into healthcare, college, etc., instead of hording it all to themselves. Watch this video.


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Re: Sad to read this

2020-09-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sad to read this

@Simba, my lady had lots of good things to say about the German medical system, and that after growing up in the states.Okay, as to the "how life is in other countries" comment. When I was in America, I stayed with my sister in law and her husband. My brother in law is a contractor, though nominally a builder and carpinter he does pretty much everything involved in the building trade from laying concrete, to brick laying, to roofing and putting down water pipes for new houses. He also does carpentry as an artistic interest. If you want an example of one of those "hard working Americans", mentioned earlier in this thread, you couldn't get a better one than my brother in law.Unfortunately, he is not a young man. When I was there he was experiencing severe and extreme joint pain and fatigue. So, here is a man who works with his hands, whose livelihood, and a good part of whose identity and interest revolve around working with his hands. yet I was absolutely appauled when my brother in law refused to even get his hands checked, since their medical insurance would not cover a basic checkup, and even to get a medical professional to look at his hands would cost $130. Furthermore, even if some sort of joint medication or pain relief were prescribed, whether the insurance would actually pay for that specific prescription was questionable. Here is a man who works with his hands, whose livelihood, whose very identity depends upon those hands, and yet when those very hands are under threat of injury or illness, the paramount question is not "what can be done to help," but "what can our medical insurance and our very limited budget allow to be done", which has unfortunately left it down to my poor brother in law pretty much having to just suffer and hope the pain doesn't grow any worse.Contrast this to myself. I am not like my brother in law, I do not work with my hands, I do not make art with my hands (unless one counts the typing necessary to write poetry and stories). Two weeks ago, I fell over and injured my left hand. My left hand is still aching (it's still aching as I type this), and simply by virtue of the fact that it is still causing pain two weeks after the injury, my lady suggested I call NHS direct.Just before beginning this post, I finished talking to a very nice clinition, who spent a fair while chatting to me, asking about symptoms, and trying to suggest pain relief, indeed but for Covid 19, she was strongly in favour of me going to hospital for an X ray, though as it is, the decision is that I will phone my local GP on Monday if things don't improve and try a phone consultation with them (NHS direct are just a short port of call for none critical injuries). I will spare everyone the long account of my wife's cancer treatment over the past year, or how this differs from the rather appalling stories of my father in law's treatment in the states (who may or may not have cancer, since he's been shuttled around so many different doctors with no consultation between them and no over all coherence in treatment, that nobody seems sure). of course, I am English, actually am! a socialist (albeit a libertarian one), and child of a health service family, since both of my parents are medical, so I admit I am pretty biased here myself. I will also freely admit that yes, i do have the rather strange notion that the duty of the medical profession is the treatment of the sick, not the enrichment of insurance companies. Interestingly enough, my lady and I are reading a book at the moment entitled dear NHS< is a set of testamonials produced during lockdown, in support of the Nhs. contrinbutors include actors, comedians, poets, musicians and news readers, and many of the stories in it are harrowing, such as poor Amilia Clark's battle with really appauling childhood illness and the care she recieved, or David Tenant's account of how seemingly irritating runs of standard post natal checkups for his wife and infant son saved that infant son's life.In particular, I rather enjoyed Stephen Fry's question (which he made to a right wing American radio host), of why certain people in America are so against the idea of a state funded health system, and so in favour of the idea of a state funded military. There was also Sally Hues gorgious retelling of her own son's treatment, which also included a the numbers of Americans who regularly die due to lack of ability to pay for health care. Indeed, to anyone who actually is interested in how the dreaded "socialised medicine" actually works in Britain, I'd suggest taking a look at it.


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Re: Sad to read this

2020-09-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sad to read this

@Simba, my lady had lots of good things to say about the German medical system, and that after growing up in the states.Okay, as to the "how life is in other countries" comment. When I was in America, I stayed with my sister in law and her husband. My brother in law is a contractor, though nominally a builder and carpinter he does pretty much everything involved in the building trade from laying concrete, to brick laying, to roofing and putting down water pipes for new houses. He also does carpentry as an artistic interest. If you want an example of one of those "hard working Americans", mentioned earlier in this thread, you couldn't get a better one than my brother in law.Unfortunately, he is not a young man. When I was there he was experiencing severe and extreme joint pain and fatigue. So, here is a man who works with his hands, whose livelihood, and a good part of whose identity and interest revolve around working with his hands. yet I was absolutely appauled when my brother in law refused to even get his hands checked, since their medical insurance would not cover a basic checkup, and even to get a medical professional to look at his hands would cost $130. Furthermore, even if some sort of joint medication or pain relief were prescribed, whether the insurance would actually pay for that specific prescription was questionable. Here is a man who works with his hands, whose livelihood, whose very identity depends upon those hands, and yet when those very hands are under threat of injury or illness, the paramount question is not "what can be done to help," but "what can our medical insurance and our very limited budget allow to be done", which has unfortunately left it down to my poor brother in law pretty much having to just suffer and hope the pain doesn't grow any worse.Contrast this to myself. I am not like my brother in law, I do not work with my hands, I do not make art with my hands (unless one counts the typing necessary to write poetry and stories). Two weeks ago, I fell over and injured my left hand. My left hand is still aching (it's still aching as I type this), and simply by virtue of the fact that it is still causing pain two weeks after the injury, my lady suggested I call NHS direct.Just before beginning this post, I finished talking to a very nice clinition, who spent a fair while chatting to me, asking about symptoms, and trying to suggest pain relief, indeed but for Covid 19, she was strongly in favour of me going to hospital for an X ray, though as it is, the decision is that I will phone my local GP on Monday if things don't improve and try a phone consultation with them (NHS direct are just a short port of call for none critical injuries). I will spare everyone the long and tortuous account of my wife's cancer treatment over the past  eighteen months, or how this differs from the rather appalling stories of my father in law's treatment in the states (who may or may not have cancer, since he's been shuttled around so many different doctors with no consultation between them and no over all coherence in treatment, that nobody seems sure), and let's not even get on to the standard of palliative care he's currently not receiving.of course, I am English, actually am! a socialist (albeit a highly libertarian one), and child of a health service family, since both of my parents are medical, so I admit I am pretty biased here myself. I will also freely admit that yes, i do have the rather strange notion that the duty of the medical profession is the treatment of the sick, not the enrichment of already insanely wealthy insurance companies.Interestingly enough, my lady and I are reading a book at the moment entitled dear NHS< is a set of testamonials produced during lockdown, in support of the Nhs. contrinbutors include actors, comedians, poets, musicians and news readers, and many of the stories in it are harrowing, such as poor Amilia Clark's battle with really appauling childhood illness and the care she recieved, or David Tenant's account of how seemingly irritating runs of standard post natal checkups for his wife and infant son saved that infant son's life.In particular, I rather enjoyed Stephen Fry's question (which he made to a right wing American radio host), of why certain people in America are so against the idea of a state funded health system, and so in favour of the idea of a state funded military. There was also Sally Hues gorgious retelling of her own son's treatment, which also included a the numbers of Americans who regularly die due to lack of ability to pay for health care, and the observation that the average Britain pays three times less in tax generally, for health care than the average American spends on medical insurance each year. Indeed, to anyone who actually is interested in how the dreaded "socialised medicin

Re: Sad to read this

2020-09-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Munawar via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sad to read this

And this, people, is the very problem with America. Ask any sane person "would you like healthcare?" No one in their right mind will say "nah, I'm good."But what people do instead is point out how the rich will have to pay for it and all that, instead of realizing that in other countries, people do this already...and everyone's fine with it.Hell, I wouldn't mind if a portion of my taxes went to healthcare instead of killing Muslims overseas. I also am quite aware that as a taxpayer, I'm already paying for some peoples' healthcare--those people on welfare like I mentioned in a previous post.So come on guys, it's not like it's not happening already. The only thing is, those of us who don't qualify for welfare aren't getting the benefit.I get the feeling a lot of us here don't understand just how frustrating it is to be without healthcare: being stuck in the middle where you make too much to qualify for benefits, but not enough to reasonably afford your own healthcare. I can't just go to the hospital and flash my Medicare card like so much of you can. And guess who's paying for that? I am.Yet I'm the one left without any sort of benefit at all.And there are millions more Americans in my position.And when did any of us really start caring about the ultra-rich? If it makes you feel better, as is always the case, the middle class will end up paying for the healthcare since they always end up carrying the tax burden. Amazon won't pay for it (just check their numbers from this past tax season.) So if you love the rich so much, take comfort in that thought. It'll be the single families paying for it. Feel better now?This is exactly why we haven't progressed as a country; why whether or not gays and lesbians can wed is still a debate issue in our politics (while other countries have long since moved on from it); etc.And this is why we get Trump.


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Re: Sad to read this

2020-09-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Munawar via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sad to read this

And this, people, is the very problem with America. Ask any sane person "would you like healthcare?" No one in their right mind will say "nah, I'm good."But what people do instead is point out how the rich will have to pay for it and all that, instead of realizing that in other countries, people do this already...and everyone's fine with it.Hell, I wouldn't mind if a portion of my taxes went to healthcare instead of killing Muslims overseas. I also am quite aware that as a taxpayer, I'm already paying for some peoples' healthcare--those people on welfare like I mentioned in a previous post.So come on guys, it's not like it's not happening already. The only thing is, those of us who don't qualify for welfare aren't getting the benefit.I get the feeling a lot of us here don't understand just how frustrating it is to be without healthcare: being stuck in the middle where you make too much to qualify for benefits, but not enough to reasonably afford your own healthcare. I can't just go to the hospital and flash my Medicare card like so much of you can. And guess who's paying for that? I am.Yet I'm the one left without any sort of benefit at all.And there are millions more Americans in my position.And when did any of us really start caring about the ultra-rich? If it makes you feel better, as is always the case, the middle class will end up paying for the healthcare since they always end up carrying the tax burden. Amazon won't pay for it (just check their numbers from this past tax season.) So if you love the rich so much, take comfort in that thought. It'll be the single families paying for it. Feel better now?This is exactly why we haven't progressed as a country; why whether or not gays and lesbians can wed is still a debate issue in our politics (while other countries have long since moved on from it); etc.This is another thing that happens in our politics: out of all the things I wrote, the one thing that gets picks out and focused on is "free healthcare" and why that's bad and Socialist and all that. Why, is that because the rest of the stuff hit too close to home for some of you and you can't argue it?And this is why we get Trump.


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Re: Sad to read this

2020-09-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Munawar via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sad to read this

And this, people, is the very problem with America. Ask any sane person "would you like healthcare?" No one in their right mind will say "nah, I'm good."But what people do instead is point out how the rich will have to pay for it and all that, instead of realizing that in other countries, people do this already...and everyone's fine with it.Hell, I wouldn't mind if a portion of my taxes went to healthcare instead of killing Muslims overseas. I also am quite aware that as a taxpayer, I'm already paying for some peoples' healthcare--those people on welfare like I mentioned in a previous post.So come on guys, it's not like it's not happening already. The only thing is, those of us who don't qualify for welfare aren't getting the benefit.I get the feeling a lot of us here don't understand just how frustrating it is to be without healthcare: being stuck in the middle where you make too much to qualify for benefits, but not enough to reasonably afford your own healthcare. I can't just go to the hospital and flash my Medicare card like so much of you can. And guess who's paying for that? I am.Yet I'm the one left without any sort of benefit at all.And there are millions more Americans in my position.And when did any of us really start caring about the ultra-rich? If it makes you feel better, as is always the case, the middle class will end up paying for the healthcare since they always end up carrying the tax burden. Amazon won't pay for it (just check their numbers from this past tax season.) So if you love the rich so much, take comfort in that thought. It'll be the average families paying for it. Feel better now?This is exactly why we haven't progressed as a country; why whether or not gays and lesbians can wed is still a debate issue in our politics (while other countries have long since moved on from it); etc.This is another thing that happens in our politics: out of all the things I wrote, the one thing that gets picks out and focused on is "free healthcare" and why that's bad and Socialist and all that. Why, is that because the rest of the stuff hit too close to home for some of you and you can't argue it?And this is why we get Trump.


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Re: Sad to read this

2020-09-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : an idiot via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sad to read this

People talk about socialism or communism or whatever the hell without actually knowing what it is. I remember a while back that someone said that the left was trying to impose a communist model similar to what was going on in China in the United States. Thing is China really isn’t communist, or even leftist.


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Re: Sad to read this

2020-09-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : an idiot via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sad to read this

People talk about socialism or communism or whatever the hell without actually knowing what it is, and these things are considered dirty words by many. I remember a while back that someone said that the left was trying to impose a communist model similar to what was going on in China in the United States. Thing is China really isn’t communist, or even leftist.


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Re: Sad to read this

2020-09-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : an idiot via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sad to read this

People talk about socialism or communism or whatever the hell without actually knowing what it is, and these things are considered dirty words by many. I remember a while back that someone said that the left was trying to impose a communist model similar to what was going on in China in the United States. Thing is, China isn't really communist, or even that far left.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Sad to read this

2020-09-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sad to read this

Munawar, thank you. I'm glad somebody else gets it.Someone else suggested that Biden wants democratic socialism., he doesn't. He just wants to maintain the old status quo, for the most part. Biden is really not very far left of center, and I don't expect sweeping changes under his leadership. What I hope for is slow progress toward days when Americans are no longer allergic to democratic socialist ideas, because hoping for fast progress is just nonsensical at this point.I also want to point out that folks don't lose friends or closeness with family over politics. They lose them over morality. Let me spell this out really, really clearly.If you vote for Donald Trump, or encourage others to vote for Trump, you are either directly or indirectly in support of the following:1. tax breaks for the rich2. systemic racism3. further subjugation of the poor4. dictatorship5. the removal of LGBTQ rights6. the removal of women's rights7. lies and deliberate misrepresentation8. anti-vax and anti-science9. religious persecution against non-Christians10. unwanted and unsought military intervention into other countries11. further abuse from law enforcement12. ignorance of the environment in favour of "jobs"13. xenophobiaI could go on, but that's pretty illustrative on its own.Trump is on record saying, doing or supporting every single one of those points. Every. Single. Fucking. One. So if you support Trump, then you are saying that you are in favour of all of these things, to one degree or another. There is incontrovertible evidence that Donald Trump is in favour of all of these things, based on what he has done while in office; if you decide to cast your vote to support him, then you are hoping and planning for more of the same.And if you are one of these people who wants to continue this legacy for America, then I don't reject you based on your politics. I reject you based on your morals. You don't like it? Cry me a fucking river, because I don't care. If the mask fits, bloody well wear it. You don't get to pick and choose here. You know that Trump considers himself beyond the law and above reproach. You know that if re-elected, he will continue doing what he's already done. Don't kid yourself into thinking that maybe some of the worst aspects of his presidency - if indeed you can even bear to criticize it in the first place - are now behind him, and that he'll clean up his act. He won't. No one can make him do so except by removing him from his position of power. You gave him four years, and he has nearly destroyed your country. If after all of this you still support him, then your morality has taken a vacation somewhere, and I have no respect for you whatsoever until such time that you once again find yourself capable of thinking past the man in orange.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Sad to read this

2020-09-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sad to read this

Munawar, thank you. I'm glad somebody else gets it.Someone else suggested that Biden wants democratic socialism., he doesn't. He just wants to maintain the old status quo, for the most part. Biden is really not very far left of center, and I don't expect sweeping changes under his leadership. What I hope for is slow progress toward days when Americans are no longer allergic to democratic socialist ideas, because hoping for fast progress is just nonsensical at this point.I also want to point out that folks don't lose friends or closeness with family over politics. They lose them over morality. Let me spell this out really, really clearly.If you vote for Donald Trump, or encourage others to vote for Trump, you are either directly or indirectly in support of the following:1. tax breaks for the rich2. systemic racism3. further subjugation of the poor4. dictatorship5. the removal of LGBTQ rights6. the removal of women's rights7. lies and deliberate misrepresentation8. anti-vax and anti-science9. religious persecution against non-Christians10. unwanted and unsought military intervention into other countries11. further abuse from law enforcement12. ignorance of the environment in favour of "jobs"13. xenophobiaI could go on, but that's pretty illustrative on its own.Trump is on record saying, doing or supporting every single one of those points. Every. Single. Fucking. One. So if you support Trump, then you are saying that you are in favour of all of these things, to one degree or another. There is incontrovertible evidence that Donald Trump is in favour of all of these things, based on what he has done while in office; if you decide to cast your vote to support him, then you are hoping and planning for more of the same.And if you are one of these people who wants to continue this legacy for America, then I don't reject you based on your politics. I reject you based on your morals. You don't like it? Cry me a fucking river, because I don't care. If the mask fits, bloody well wear it. You don't get to pick and choose here. You know that Trump considers himself beyond the law and above reproach. You know that if re-elected, he will continue doing what he's already done. Don't kid yourself into thinking that maybe some of the worst aspects of his presidency - if indeed you can even bear to criticize it in the first place - are now behind him, and that he'll clean up his act. He won't. No one can make him do so except by removing him from his position of power. He's already proven this in spades. You gave him four years, and he has nearly destroyed your country. If after all of this you still support him, then your morality has taken a vacation somewhere, and I have no respect for you on these points. You've lost that proverbial seat at the table by deciding that those thirteen qualities, and more, matter more to you, to your friends and family, and to your country than does the welfare, safety and livelihood of hundreds of millions of people. You want to characterize it as folks flipping out over politics? Cram it. It's folks flipping out because it turns out that a whole pile of Americans actually think those thirteen qualities are admirable, and just what the doctor ordered.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Sad to read this

2020-09-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : an idiot via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sad to read this

People talk about socialism or communism or whatever the hell without actually knowing what it is, and these things are considered dirty words by many. I remember a while back that someone said that the left was trying to impose a communist model similar to what was going on in China in the United States. Thing is, China isn't really communist, or even that far left. Not now a days.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Sad to read this

2020-09-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sad to read this

Munawar, thank you. I'm glad somebody else gets it.Someone else suggested that Biden wants democratic socialism., he doesn't. He just wants to maintain the old status quo, for the most part. Biden is really not very far left of center, and I don't expect sweeping changes under his leadership. What I hope for is slow progress toward days when Americans are no longer allergic to democratic socialist ideas, because hoping for fast progress is just nonsensical at this point.I also want to point out that folks don't lose friends or closeness with family over politics. They lose them over morality. Let me spell this out really, really clearly.If you vote for Donald Trump, or encourage others to vote for Trump, you are either directly or indirectly in support of the following:1. tax breaks for the rich2. systemic racism3. further subjugation of the poor and disabled4. dictatorship5. the removal of LGBTQ rights6. the removal of women's rights7. lies and deliberate misrepresentation8. anti-vax and anti-science9. religious persecution against non-Christians10. unwanted and unsought military intervention into other countries11. further abuse from law enforcement12. ignorance of the environment in favour of "jobs"13. xenophobia14. gross human rights violations15. convenient amendments to legislation meant to support individuals with disabilitiesI could go on, but that's pretty illustrative on its own.Trump is on record saying, doing or supporting every single one of those points. Every. Single. Fucking. One. So if you support Trump, then you are saying that you are in favour of all of these things, to one degree or another. There is incontrovertible evidence that Donald Trump is in favour of all of these things, based on what he has done while in office; if you decide to cast your vote to support him, then you are hoping and planning for more of the same.And if you are one of these people who wants to continue this legacy for America, then I don't reject you based on your politics. I reject you based on your morals. You don't like it? Cry me a fucking river, because I don't care. If the mask fits, bloody well wear it. You don't get to pick and choose here. You know that Trump considers himself beyond the law and above reproach. You know that if re-elected, he will continue doing what he's already done. Don't kid yourself into thinking that maybe some of the worst aspects of his presidency - if indeed you can even bear to criticize it in the first place - are now behind him, and that he'll clean up his act. He won't. No one can make him do so except by removing him from his position of power. He's already proven this in spades. You gave him four years, and he has nearly destroyed your country. If after all of this you still support him, then your morality has taken a vacation somewhere, and I have no respect for you on these points. You've lost that proverbial seat at the table by deciding that those fifteen things, and more, matter more to you, to your friends and family, and to your country than does the welfare, safety and livelihood of hundreds of millions of people. You want to characterize it as folks flipping out over politics? Cram it. It's folks flipping out because it turns out that a whole pile of Americans actually think those fifteen broad standards are admirable, and just what the doctor ordered. If that's the way you feel, then as far as I'm concerned, I'm no longer obligated to treat you as if your opinion on these subjects actually matters anymore, because it doesn't. Come back to reality; then we'll talk.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Sad to read this

2020-09-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : JayJay via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sad to read this

64.Excellent Comprehension skills.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Sad to read this

2020-09-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : electro via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sad to read this

I'm not american, but the only person who I will vote is Biden. I was going with Bernie Sanders but since he got out of the democratic race, Have no choice but to go with Biden. Yeah, he's older I see, but I was in need of a younger president anyway.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Sad to read this

2020-09-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Ethin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sad to read this

@69 and 71, thanks for that information. I'm not supporting trump, mind; post 68 was my (clearly failed attempt) at trying to describe democratic socialism, as I understand it. Clearly, my understanding is lacking.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Sad to read this

2020-09-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sad to read this

Yeah, the terms are fiddly, Ethin. There's a difference between democratic socialism and social democracy. Basically, the short version is that social democracy is the much milder version, it's the status quo with a few more social programs. Capitalism still holds sway. Democratic socialism is not pure socialism, and is definitely not dictatorial by its nature, but it would engender a pretty strong shift leftward.Biden's definitely not far left of center. He's not going to turn America into a socialist dystopia where everyone is starving and paralyzed and ultimately hamstrung at every turn by an all-powerful, greedy, corrupt government. If that's the picture that's been painted for you, look elsewhere, because that's not fact. Interestingly, a lot of the social ills running rampant in America right now, under Trump, are being blamed on Biden (i.e., Trump will fix them if re-elected, Biden won't). Funny; as sitting president, isn't he kind of supposed to be fixing them already instead of playing these silly games?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Sad to read this

2020-09-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Ethin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sad to read this

@75, you raise a very valid point. My family (when describing it to me) claims that Trump is the 'lesser of two evils' because he's a 'known quantity' of sorts, whereas Biden is an 'unknown factor'. Under that logic, even though flawed, Trump is, indeed, a better option, if only because he is more predictable. However, as I said, that logic is seriously flawed and disregards the evil (for lack of a better word) that Trump has committed in his tenure. I'm honestly not sure if I'll vote, as I don't care for either candidate. It might also have something to do with the fact that I hold very little faith in the election process that we have here, as it seems like all we get are idiots who have absolutely no idea what they're doing, or power-hungry, corrupt people. If we had intelligent, incorruptible people, or people who clearly showed that they can handle the political arena and actually cared for this country, I might be more inclined to vote; but as it stands currently, I don't see that happening, if it ever does. Perhaps my view is cynical, if not dangerous, but I haven't seen much of anything in the way of it being an invalid viewpoint. I have seen very people in any position of governmental authority at the federal level who actually give a damn about the future of the US, which is just... really, really sad.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Sad to read this

2020-09-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Ethin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sad to read this

@75, you raise a very valid point. My family (when describing it to me) claims that Trump is the 'lesser of two evils' because he's a 'known quantity' of sorts, whereas Biden is an 'unknown factor'. Under that logic, even though flawed, Trump is, indeed, a better option, if only because he is more predictable. However, as I said, that logic is seriously flawed and disregards the evil (for lack of a better word) that Trump has committed in his tenure. I'm honestly not sure if I'll vote, as I don't care for either candidate. It might also have something to do with the fact that I hold very little faith in the election process that we have here, as it seems like all we get are idiots who have absolutely no idea what they're doing, or power-hungry, corrupt people. If we had intelligent, incorruptible people, or people who clearly showed that they can handle the political arena and actually cared for this country, I might be more inclined to vote; but as it stands currently, I don't see that happening, if it ever does. Perhaps my view is cynical, if not dangerous, but I haven't seen much of anything in the way of it being an invalid viewpoint. I have seen very few people in any position of governmental authority at the federal level who actually give a damn about the future of the US, which is just... really, really sad.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Sad to read this

2020-09-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Ethin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sad to read this

@75, you raise a very valid point. My family (when describing it to me) claims that Trump is the 'lesser of two evils' because he's a 'known quantity' of sorts, whereas Biden is an 'unknown factor'. Under that logic, even though flawed, Trump is, indeed, a better option, if only because he is more predictable. However, as I said, that logic is seriously flawed and disregards the evil (for lack of a better word) that Trump has committed in his tenure. I'm honestly not sure if I'll vote, as I don't care for either candidate. It might also have something to do with the fact that I hold very little faith in the election process that we have here, as it seems like all we get are idiots who have absolutely no idea what they're doing, or power-hungry, corrupt people. If we had intelligent, incorruptible people, or people who clearly showed that they can handle the political arena and actually cared for this country, I might be more inclined to vote; but as it stands currently, I don't see that happening, if it ever does. Perhaps my view is cynical, if not dangerous, but I haven't seen much of anything in the way of it being an invalid viewpoint. I have seen very few people in any position of governmental authority at the federal level who actually give a damn about the future of the US, which is just... really, really sad. Perhaps there are more people and I'm just unaware of it, but if there are indeed more people than I know about, they're either paralyzed and unable to do anything (because whenever Trump really wants something done he abuses executive privilege) or something else is really, really wrong.


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