Re: Tips and tricks on using the command line.

2018-01-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Ethin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Tips and tricks on using the command line.

No. TeamTalk is written in various languages -- C++ for QTTeamTalk, Java for TeamTalkAndroid, Objective-C for iTeamTalk, C# for TeamTalk.NET, C for the TeamTalk DLL, C++ for TeamTalkClassic, and C for TeamTalkJNI. (And PHP for TT5PHPAdmin.) The server is in C, though. I don't know where you heard that Python made it easiest to interface with TeamTalk -- it's definitely untrue.


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Re: Tips and tricks on using the command line.

2018-01-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Green Gables Fan via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Tips and tricks on using the command line.

Is TeamTalk written in Python, then? Is that why it is easy for someone to write a Python command-line interface that can communicate with TeamTalk? Is the programme compiled already, or what is the reason you would need Python? Is it to avoid dependency hell?


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Re: Tips and tricks on using the command line.

2018-01-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Tips and tricks on using the command line.

That's a different program altogether, made by Doug Lee, and having nothing to do with Bearware whatsoever.


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Re: Tips and tricks on using the command line.

2018-01-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Green Gables Fan via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Tips and tricks on using the command line.

If that is the case, Ethin, then why do people say you need Python to use some kind of TeamTalk commander?


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Re: Tips and tricks on using the command line.

2018-01-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Ethin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Tips and tricks on using the command line.

@Green Gables Fan, the requirement of Python to communicate with team talk is entirely unfounded falsehoods. Any network implementation will do the trick. TeamTalk has, as you know, two ports -- the TCP and UDP ports. The TCP port is used to communicate with the server, and commands/instructions and replies are sent on this port. The UDP port is used for voice communications. According to the latest revision of the TT5 github repository (at the time of this writing, revision c302a575d24f20a05fcbbe9e15524b055146414d), the list of available TCP commands are as follows: login, joinchannel, leavechannel, listbans, listaccounts, subscribe, unsubscribe, join, kick, moveuser, op, ban, unban, message, makechannel, updatechannel, removechannel, leave, newaccount, delaccount, updateserver, saveconfig, querystats, and ping. (I may be wrong, and certain commands in this list may not be commands, or they may be. There also are most likely more.) An example telnet session follows:$... # initiate telnet and log in (> is example prompt, not actual prompt given by TT)> querystats id=123begin id=123stats totaltx=0 totalrx=0 voicetx=0 voicerx=0 videocaptx=0 videocaprx=0 mediafiletx=0 mediafilerx=0 desktoptx=0 desktoprx=0 usersserved=2 userspeak=1 filestx=0 filesrx=0 uptime=120176okend id=123You will notice that I added "id=123" at the end of the command. This is to ensure that I can separate command outputs from server replies. As the teamtalk 5 PHP administration script says, "Interacting with a TeamTalk server is similar to a command line interface. Basically issue a command by typing its name and press Enter. The server will then process the command and issue a reply. The TeamTalk protocol is, however, not a request/reply protocol, i.e. the server can send commands which are not replies issued by the client (you). E.g. once you have logged in you can get a command from the server saying that a user has joined a channel which is not related to any command you have issued. To know if a command is a reply to a command you have issued you need to put in the parameter "id=123" where 123 is the command ID of the command you want to trace. The server will then encapsulate its reply to your command in 'begin' - 'end' replies." As you saw, the server responded with, "begin id=123", then it's output, then "end id=123". If we were writing an application, we could use this to determine what is output that we requested and what is not.Output that is not surrounded by begin and end is autotransmitted server replies/commands; output that is surrounded by begin/end is output we requested. I hope this gives you guys a bit of acumen into how TT works!


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Re: Tips and tricks on using the command line.

2018-01-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Green Gables Fan via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Tips and tricks on using the command line.

I remember reading a while back about somebody using Frontier. So I went to this web site after applying some Google DNS IP addresses into the wireless network settings. and instead of the frontier search engine, I got a page not found message.I'll be sure to check out that article on using Speed Test. I heard that you also need to utilise a form of Python to communicate with TeamTalk directly via the command-line as well.


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Re: Tips and tricks on using the command line.

2018-01-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : turtlepower17 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Tips and tricks on using the command line.

For the person asking about ipconfig, there are a few useful switches.ipconfig /all gives you a detailed map of your connected devices. Useful if you need an IP address of a device and don't want to use other means to obtain it. This will generate a lot of content, so you might want to pipe it into a text file if you want to review the output.Release and renew are also good to know if you want to assign your device a new IP address, and for some reason don't want to power cycle your router to accomplish that.flushdns is also good, especially if you're changing the DNS server your computer is using. This will ensure that all your internet traffic is going through the new server. I'm a fan of open DNS myself, although Google's DNS is also a popular choice. In general, I'd recommend against using your ISP's DNS servers, because they tend to redirect you to their own landing pages if a website doesn't load. And who knows what they're trying to inject into that traffic, although, to be fair, using a trustworthy VPN will take care of that problem pretty fast too.Finally, I want to highlight a cool trick I read about recently. I'll let the linked article do the explaining, since it does require installing Python, but if you've ever wanted to do a speed test of your internet directly from the command line, you can do so pretty easily. No more inaccessible speed testing websites, which can only be a good thing. … mand-line/Enjoy, and I hope something I said here was helpful.


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Re: Tips and tricks on using the command line.

2017-12-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Ethin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Tips and tricks on using the command line.

@22, because it makes locating the PID unnecessary. If NVDA stops responding, I don't need to restart it to do it -- I just enter the image name into taskkill and hope to got it works. I do that on linux too - kill -9 `pgrep `.


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Re: Tips and tricks on using the command line.

2017-12-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Theo via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Tips and tricks on using the command line.

Ethin, why do you prefer killing by the image name?


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Re: Tips and tricks on using the command line.

2017-12-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Theo via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Tips and tricks on using the command line.

SirBadger wrote:there are a lot of useful things that are built in to windows but can only be run from the command line. a very handy one is the sfc command. if you open a command prompt and type sfc /scannow and hit enter windows will do a system file check and make sure no escential files are damaged or missing and fix or replace them where required. you'd be amazed how often I've used this on people's machines and found all kinds of broken dll files etc and the computer has run like a dream afterwoods.then of course there's our old friend chkdsk /f that looks for drive errors.I'm pretty sure both of these can be run by right clicking the drive name in windows explorer, no?  At least the first one can be.Either way, they are useful things to know.


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Re: Tips and tricks on using the command line.

2017-12-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Ethin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Tips and tricks on using the command line.

I prefer taskill /t /f /im . e.g.: taskkill /t /f /im firefox.exe. /t terminates, /f forces, /im is for image name.


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Re: Tips and tricks on using the command line.

2017-12-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : stewie via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Tips and tricks on using the command line.

On windows one of the most useful commands I've seen is the taskkill command. It needs a few switches: /f (force), /pid  the process. For example to kill the firefox process you would use taskkill /f /pid firefox.exe. i've used this quite a lot when a program crashes so badly that NVDA stopped responding.


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Re: Tips and tricks on using the command line.

2017-12-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : SirBadger via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Tips and tricks on using the command line.

there are a lot of useful things that are built in to windows but can only be run from the command line. a very handy one is the sfc command. if you open a command prompt and type sfc /scannow and hit enter windows will do a system file check and make sure no escential files are damaged or missing and fix or replace them where required. you'd be amazed how often I've used this on people's machines and found all kinds of broken dll files etc and the computer has run like a dream afterwoods.then of course there's our old friend chkdsk /f that looks for drive errors.and then there's tracert then an ip address or domain name which will trace where it is based. I've used this in the past when I've had doubts about people using my tt server and stuff like that to see if they lived where they claimed. bunch of times, turned out they didn't.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Tips and tricks on using the command line.

2017-12-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : SirBadger via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Tips and tricks on using the command line.

there are a lot of useful things that are built in to windows but can only be run from the command line. a very handy one is the sfc command. if you open a command prompt and type sfc /scannow and hit enter windows will do a system file check and make sure no escential files are damaged or missing and fix or replace them where required. you'd be amazed how often I've used this on people's machines and found all kinds of broken dll files etc and the computer has run like a dream afterwoods.then of course there's our old friend chkdsk /f that looks for drive errors.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Tips and tricks on using the command line.

2017-12-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : G-Rad via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Tips and tricks on using the command line.

I really only know Windows, but there are a few that I do.This command allows you to make a bootable USB from an image on your hard drive.EG: WIndows PE or Installer media.Xcopy x:\source /s /e /f Y:\X and Y being your source and destination drives.  Just be sure your destination drive is the root directory of the USB stick or it will not work.  No need for third party tools.  I've used this method plenty of times.


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Re: Tips and tricks on using the command line.

2017-12-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Theo via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Tips and tricks on using the command line.

I think every post should make it clear if they are giving commands for windows or for Linux.  The OP clearly seems to be referring to windows commands, but many posts are about Linux.


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Re: Tips and tricks on using the command line.

2017-12-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Socheat via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Tips and tricks on using the command line.

For Mac users, if you downloaded the applications from outside the App Store, when you try to open it, you may get an error message stating that the file is damaged and can't be open. And then it gives you the option to move the file to the trash. That because of the Gate keeper. to fix this, open Terminal, and type the following:sudo xattr -rd /Applications/ example, if I had an application called "", and if Gate keeper blocked this app, I would type this command into Terminal: sudo xattr -rd /Applications/, and hit enter.Note: You will need to enter your password to make changes to the system.Hope this helps for new Mac users who having trouble run certain apps on their system.


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Re: Tips and tricks on using the command line.

2017-12-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Ethin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Tips and tricks on using the command line.

@13, while it is true that Mac OS is Unix, Linux and Unix are two totally different and totally independent operating systems. They both have entirely different programs for doing things, and even the file systems are different. If you learn Linux, then go check out FreeBSD, though, most of your knowledge is transferable between the two OSes.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Tips and tricks on using the command line.

2017-12-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Green Gables Fan via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Tips and tricks on using the command line.

How are Mac and Linux different if they use Unix structure? Windows does not use Unix, so it uses a dos command-line structure I think.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Tips and tricks on using the command line.

2017-12-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Green Gables Fan via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Tips and tricks on using the command line.

How are Mac and Linux different if they use Unix structure?


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Re: Tips and tricks on using the command line.

2017-12-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Ethin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Tips and tricks on using the command line.

@Green Gables Fan:Yes, some people do learn from others. One of the best ways to learn Linux is to explore on your own and to mess with things (preferably in a virtual machine!). And, no, I wouldn't recommend you use a mac before learning Linux. Mac and Linux are highly majorly different operating systems. They have the most basic utilities but other than that they are radically different. Learn Linux first if you want to learn Linux.


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Re: Tips and tricks on using the command line.

2017-12-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : flyby chow via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Tips and tricks on using the command line.

hey turtlepower17, by all means, we do wanna hear about ip config, because i often use it, and forget half the stuff I can do with it in a crunch, this is a valuable topic and I can always use this to help me quickly look up some commandsI need. so go right ahead and post em for us. .


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Tips and tricks on using the command line.

2017-12-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Green Gables Fan via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Tips and tricks on using the command line.

New potential resource for beginners. It's recommended you start with a Mac before using Linux. … ash-courseAlso, to post nine, most extroverted people learn best from others. That's why there are college classes that teach PHP, and I imagine that there would be on command line and web hosting. You could pay for them, or you could try to use financial aid, which means that you would have to take some other class.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Tips and tricks on using the command line.

2017-12-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Green Gables Fan via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Tips and tricks on using the command line.

New potential resource for beginners. It's recommended you start with a Mac before using Linux. … ash-course


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Tips and tricks on using the command line.

2017-09-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Ethin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Tips and tricks on using the command line.

I'll give a description of what command does; I'll leave you to find out how they work on your own, because that's how everyone best learns.Find Files by Name: find -nameFind Files by Ownership: find -userFind Files by File Size: find -sizeFind Files by File Type: find -typeFind Files by Time: find {-amin|-cmin|-mmin|-atime|-ctime|-mtime|-anewer|-cnewer|-newer|-newerXY} (|=or and {/} means required)Show Results If the Expressions Are True (AND): find -aShow Results If Either _expression_ Is True (OR): find -oShow Results If the _expression_ Is Not True (NOT): find -nExecute a Command on Found Files: find -execExecute a Command on Found Files More Efficiently: find + (or) find | xargsExecute a Command on Found Files Containing Spaces: find -print0 | xargs -0View Your Command-Li
 ne History: historyRun the Last Command Again: !!Run a Previous Command Using Numbers: ![##]Run a Previous Command Using a String: ![string]Search for a Previous Command and Run It: ^-r (Ctrl-r) (or) ^-s (Ctrl-s) (or) ^-g (Ctrl-g)Display All Command Aliases: aliasDiscover How Long Your Computer Has Been Running: uptimeI'll add more as I go along. That's certainly not all I know!


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Re: Tips and tricks on using the command line.

2017-09-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : DracoSelene89 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Tips and tricks on using the command line.

For the reboot, is there a similar command in a terminal?say I do sudo grub-reboot 2, can I then do a command to reboot the system from terminal without having to power it off/back on again?Curious, as it'll help my laptopop with dual booting here


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Re: Tips and tricks on using the command line.

2017-09-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : coltonhill01 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Tips and tricks on using the command line.

have both cmd and bash tricks for you people.Windows trick:the cd command is limited to the current drive. Type the drive letter and a colon to switch to another drive, note that your current directory is drive specific! Which is sweet btw...In windows 10, you can now press control v to paste into cmd, although putty doesn't like this. Control c still sends it's char because it kinda has to!pushd and popd are useful, especially for working with UNC paths.Unix style paths work on windows, for example "cd /" changes to the root of your current drive, I always find myself using / instead of backslash, which makes some programs have a fit...if you use the dir command to list a directory and you don't like all the extra output, add a /b switch and it'll list it like ls, just the filenames and foldernames in it.if you wish to remove a directory, use rmdir, or rd. If the directory is not empty it will yell at you, 
 uot;rd /s" fixes that. Also del has a /s switch, which does recursive deletion, here's a practical %userprofile%\documents\sfxdel /s *.sfkdel /s *.sfldel /s *.reapeaksyou will get spammed with output, you could try using > nul, maybe? But it will delete all those stupid files audio editors generate.bash:A particular command I use if I wish to run a game server compiled for windows on linux, that doesn't terminate when I kill the ssh session, looks like this. Note that you need no additional packages except of course wine.nohup wine server.exe &the nohup makes it not receive a hang up signal, which will make it less likely to die when you close your ssh, and won't make it run in your console. The '&' on the end there is something strange that makes it run completely background, meaning you can log off and it'll keep going! To make it die, use pkill wine, or I believe pkill s
 erver.exe also works.if you're making windows batch files, @echo off is a very common line to use, to make the command shell not log your commands but only the output.Another command used in batch files is "setlocal enableextensions" which makes all environment variable changes local so you can store temp stuff that stays temp, and enableextensions does something that I don't really know much about.A nice command in batch files if you wish to prompt the user for some input instead of making them specify it as an argument to the batch file, so they can press enter on it, is the following.set /p inp="enter some text here"rem just throw it back at themecho %inp%That could be used for a youtube-dl batch file... Hehe!Windows has three different copy commands for different things. Copy, xcopy and robocopy. Use their corresponding /? switches, and make sure you redirect to a file because the output of those comma
 nds is several pages long and your cmd will flat wrap.If you wanna shut down your computer, and be cool and/or quick about it, use"shutdown.exe /s /t 00 /f"you could also use /r instead of /s to make it reboot.If you want to add a filetype, such as .py, .pl etc to your execution path so you can click on them from explorer and they will just run, once you've configured to open them with their interpreter obviously, open an admin command prompt and use this one.set pathext="%pathext%;.stuff"You'll have to log out and back in for that to work.I'm still struggling with the exact syntax for the ftype and assoc commands, but they're fun to use, because they're a quick and painless way to register a file extension to be opened by a program without the windows explorer dialog crap. I actually used it once to associate all the dependency files for rhythm rage levels with notepad, because you can have more 
 than one extension associated with the same type! You have to use multiple assoc commands though.Again for batch file people, who  don't use it and you want to run a program that does it's own thing from a batch file, use the start command so it doesn't hang up your batch file.the title command is useful btw, changes the title of your prompt so it can cram it's path up it's binary ass.if you are doing batch files and you want the user to press a key before something happens, pause. It freezes your batch file until they hit a key, prompting them with "press any key to continue..."And for people who are programming and want cmd to do something, cmd itself has two switches. /c and /k. /c executes a command and closes, /k executes a command and leaves it open, useful for examining output but unfortunately also reprompting the user with the do stuff prompt... Maybe try either using > to output stuff to a temp file or if i
 t's possible grab it's stdout/stderr directly.Sorry for the spam, just thought of all that shit on the fly in bursts. Enjoy!


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Re: Tips and tricks on using the command line.

2017-09-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : jacob100 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Tips and tricks on using the command line.

@Green Gables Correct me if I am wrong, but SecureCRT isn't free but trial software.Putty on the other hand is free.


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Re: Tips and tricks on using the command line.

2017-09-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Green Gables Fan via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Tips and tricks on using the command line.

So I've been looking for mention of PBX and Asterisk when this question came up.Should we start making a list here of SSH and SFTP commands so people who want to start using Linux like Ubuntu on a VPS can have some sort of idea on where to begin?When I first logged in, I was told to type 'apt-get update', where it would refresh the list of repositories and look for pacakges in the the search is complete, type 'apt-get upgrade',, which will install all of the packages that need updating.If you want to search for a specific package using the advanced package tool, which is what apt stands for, type 'apt-cache search packagename Example: 'apt-cache search samba'. If the package exists, I believe you type 'apt-get install packagename'. Some packages have extra things. For example, if you're installing Apache, My SQL, and PHP, you'd
  specify the type of PHP package you want with a dash. Like this. 'apt-get install php-nameofsubpackage'Note, I used the single quotation mark so you can see where the commands start and end. For this I am using Secure CRT, which is portable, and supports multiple protocols.


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Re: Tips and tricks on using the command line.

2016-08-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : cartertemm via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Tips and tricks on using the command line.

Here are a couple you may find interesting.To copy the last commands output to a text file, type that command followed by ">somefilename.txt". For example, you can do the followingipconfig >information.txtAlso, | clip will copy the output of something to the clipboard. This is only on windows that I know of, although you can do a similar thing on linux and os X, but you'll need to install additional packages to get that working.


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Re: Tips and tricks on using the command line.

2016-08-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : cartertemm via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Tips and tricks on using the command line.

Here are a couple you may find interesting.To copy the last commands output to a text file, type that command followed by ">somefilename.txt". For example, you can do the followingifconfig >information.txtAlso, | clip will copy the output of something to the clipboard. This is only on windows that I know of, although you can do a similar thing on linux and os X, but you'll need to install additional packages to get that working.


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Re: Tips and tricks on using the command line on either windows or mac.

2016-08-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Ethin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Tips and tricks on using the command line on either windows or mac.

I wish to introduce four new topics to this topic. They are piping, redirection, jobs, and multi-command stacking.Piping is the process of taking the output of one program and passing it as the arguments to another program. An example would be passing a large amount of output from, say, cat to more, a command-line and easy-to-use pager:cat /etc/passwd | moreThe vertical bar (or pipe) (|) character is used to indicate that you wish to pipe the output from one program to another.The syntax is as follows:program | programPiping can also be used to create what is known as a pipe chain. Pipe chains are multiple programs piped to one after another in order. The syntax is as follows:program | program | program | program | program | program | program | <...>The chain can be an indefinite amount of piped programs, although you are usually limited by your shells maximum input length (which is usually 8,192 characters).Redirection i
 s the process of either directing the data from one file (input redirection) to a program as input or directing the output of a program (output redirection) to a file. Input redirection comes in only one form, while output redirection comes in four forms. The left angle bracket (<) and the right angle bracket (>) are used to control this redirection. The syntax for input redirection is:program < filewhere "program" is a program to execute and "file" is the redirected file. The syntax for output redirection is a bit more complicated, but is below:Redirect STDOUT to a file, recreating the file and writing the new data into the recreated file:program > fileRedirect STDERR to a file, recreating the file and writing the new data into the recreated file:program 2> fileRedirect STDOUT to a file, appending the contents of STDOUT to that file without erasing the previously existing content of the file:program 
 >> fileRedirect STDERR to a file, appending the contents of STDERR to that file without erasing the previously existing content of the file:program 2>> fileNote: Whitespace does matter when using this type of redirection. For instance, > > is considered two separate things than >> is. Similarly, 2 >>, 2> >, and 2 > > are all separate entities, while 2>> is not (and is used as a normal STDERR redirection operator).Jobs are a very interesting topic, and are widely used on Linux shells such as BASH. They are not available on Windows. To create a job, run the following command, replacing program and [arguments] with the actual program name and arguments:program [arguments] &For instance, to compile a massive program that uses a makefile in the foreground (but allowing you to do other things while the compilation goes):make -s &The ampersand (&) character is used to signify that yo
 u wish for this task to be a job. After pressing enter, you will see something like:[1] 21238The [1] is the Job ID. This is used when terminating jobs, although PIDs are much better than job specifications. The 21238 is the process ID. Always keep this in memory; this job may need to be terminated at some point, and pressing control+C will not terminate this job like a normal programs execution would.You can manage the jobs foregroundness and backgroundness by using the bg and fg commands. The syntax is:Return the currently active job to the foreground:fgReturn the currently active job to the background:control+Z and then bgThe control+Z key combination is used to turn a currently foreground application into a job task. You see something like:[1] +stopped make -sThe [1] is the Job ID. The + character is used to indicate that a new job has been added to the job queue. The stopped message indicates the process state, and the 
 make -s is the command. When a process is stopped like this, it is not truly terminated; rather, it is simply suspended -- it's memory space is still registered and in-use by the suspended task. To resume the task, use either the fg (foreground) or bg (background) commands. Passing fg or bg an argument signifies that you wish that job ID to go into the foreground (come to front) or the background (send to back). This must be a valid Job ID. Job IDs are also known as 'jobspecs'.Multi-command stacking is the process of using conditional operators to signify what the operating system should do if a particular exit code is returned when a program exits. The exit code is an integral value that signifies the process's status when it exited. Traditionally, the exit code zero (0) indicated (and still does indicate) success, while a positive or negative exit code signified (and still does signify) an error of some kind. For you C/C++ programmers out there, the exit 
 code is usually stored in the ERRNO constant in the parent process's memory space. In BASH, the $? variable signifies the last executed command's exit code. The operators usable in multi-command stacking are as follows:&& (and): Execute the next command on the 

Re: Tips and tricks on using the command line on either windows or mac.

2016-08-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : turtlepower17 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Tips and tricks on using the command line on either windows or mac.

Ipconfig with its various switches is quite useful. But I'm sure nobody wants to hear about that.However, while this is probably old news to pretty much everyone as well, I do rather enjoy the switches that can do useful things with Skype.For example, cd into the directory where Skype is contained, and then, after typing skype.exe, make sure to type a space, then /secondary. This will open another instance of Skype, where you can log into another account, if you have multiple accounts. You can also do /minimized to start your current Skype session minimized, also /username:your username, and then /password:your password to log in with the account. Sure, it's a lot more typing than just launching the desktop app, but it's still neat that you can do these things. You can also do /shutdown in order to end a running Skype instance.So an example would look like this:cd C:\Program Files (x86)\Skype\Phone\Skype.exe /minimizedNice topic, I
  expect to learn a lot of stuff I had no clue about before.


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