Re: audio game market and audio game status around the world

2018-01-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : UltraLeetJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: audio game market and audio game status around the world

@7: well, then Aprone's subscription model would be what is precisely needed, because you pay for something and you use it as your time permits. But for example most people pay netflix and use it when their time permits, too. Its pretty much with every sort of unlimitted thing you pay for... even if you are not going to use it 24/7 you still pay for the unused time of it anyway. you also said: Our market is designed for those that have little or no cash we can't afford that flash honda or even drive it.And so, what about the IPhones most blind people seem to have? or laptops.. technology is pretty much just as expensive. Notetakers and especially most of the braille displays are also expensive pieces of gear. Having them financed to you because of an institution or a school or a district or whatever is another story but truly a blessing because U.s., Canada and Spain and probably a couple more countries make the goverment money be spent on you, almost all of the others would never do that, including mine. That being said however, I think our marketis just like every other regular market out there, but its become fragmented because of ostly, a lack of internationalization and support.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: audio game market and audio game status around the world

2018-01-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : crashmaster via Audiogames-reflector


Re: audio game market and audio game status around the world

Well for myself subscriptions require cash.Not all of us have steady employment so that doesn't work.I always try to get things for free, or low cost, if I buy something that costs I need to save, a subscription, depending what it was no, its not for me.Especially for those outside the country the subscription was was meant for.And then if I subscribed, I'd have to commit to playing and using that sub.And while there are those adicted to games and such games are not my life.Its like if I had to pay for office, to get the most out of it I'd have to use it, I'd even have to use outlook to make it worth while.Our market is designed for those that have little or no cash we can't afford that flash honda or even drive it.Maybe that will change, maybe it will not.Maybe the price of antiblind devices will drop to a point where we can afford them and stop being blind.With conditions to being blind slowly being phased out, I can see a day maybe in the next 100 or so years or so where we will reach the state where there will not be anyone or at least any child born or going blind.For the rest, who knows.We all go to second life soon enough.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: audio game market and audio game status around the world

2018-01-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : UltraLeetJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: audio game market and audio game status around the world

I find that an interesting point and that is how probably this one differs from the mainstream the most. Audio games have no graphical components, except for very few exceptions (which is not that cool because I wanted to play with everyone lol). With the optimization of everything, even code and ways of running things less processing power is needed to make all of those function. I must say that even with everything that has been going on (including the extensive piracy of some of those games) there have been many many contributions to what audio games are in general. Including a programming language especially done for that purpose. I had never seen such things before either. lamentably though you can see that much of what the mainstream games use is nonexistent on the audio gaming world. A platform of some sort or making into a service or a subscription model would earn a lot of respect from me. Just like what microsoft or anyone else is doing with their software. I think its a viable alternative to just sellin one piece of software and could make the environment more sustainable for users and developers and those users that would support those things would be the real quote, true gamers unquote that the community would need. Unlockables would be nice too, paid unlockables for smaller prices. Now, speaking of those amazing games that are free and very good like crazy party. How is that going to eventually keep up? how does it currently sustain itself? are we sure that say, in 5 years from now we will still have an online gamePlay facility?


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Re: audio game market and audio game status around the world

2018-01-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : aaron via Audiogames-reflector


Re: audio game market and audio game status around the world

This is an interesting topic.I'm from the UK. So my first machine had windows 98. I remember we used to grab all the noisy screen savers we could find and just spend my time with those at home, and sometimes transfer them to school as well. One of the funniest things was when I'd accidentally set up a dinosaur screen saver with an actual time to activate, and the thing came on during a lesson this dinsaur was roaring outside the corridor, luckily it was very easy to stop so no harm done.Well eventually I got windows xp but we still had dial-up. We learned about audiogames, I forgot exactly how though. My first audiogame was the esp pinball demo, this was back before you had pinball classic or extreme, and esp softworks was alive and well.I remember spending four hours grabbing the monkey business and alien outback demos.Then we got broadband, and boom. Troopanum, Hunter, all the bsc stuff, Super Liam from l-works the very earl concept demo.Then I found out about and I've never looked back since.I feel like audiogames are coming back again. What seems to happen these days is we get two or three very good games a year, sometimes only one, but we also get years where it kind of explodes a bit, and I think 2018 is going to be one of those, we've got A Hero's Call already, Liam from l-works is creating Brain Station, there's that hting called Echos of Levier coming as well, so that's already two upcoming games, plus one released one. Where as in 2017 and 2016 there was literally no idea of what was coming, and stuff just hit.One of the Japanese devs seems to do one new project or an update each ear, so I wonder what we'll get this year, if last year was audiostrike, from a dev that we don't hear from too often.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: audio game market and audio game status around the world

2018-01-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : crashmaster via Audiogames-reflector


Re: audio game market and audio game status around the world

Well, most audiogames come from the us.I am also blind, from birth.In 1989 I was introduced to my first computer of sorts.A language master se, it had some word games on that and it was fine for a while.In 1993 I was introduced to my first computer a keynote gold 1850, this was a voice card in a now non existant toshiba t 1850 series with ms dos 5.00.This lasted me till 2008 when it finally died.During its life I worked on it with mastertouch 1.33 and keysoft 1.33f and did word had duxbury on it but I never ever managed to work with that.It had wordperfect on it and while I was told how to use 5.1 I never really used it.In 1995 while on the way home I dropped the computer on my foot.The box was never the same afterward.Still I got it updated to dos 6.22 and so on and so on.Round this time though dos while a real good os, was fast outgrowing my needs.No one had told me to try windows 3.1 though and I had never asked to use it.The new box I got was a toshiba sattelite 310cds.It was an real upgrade from the old 386sx with monocrome display, 4mb of ram and a 256kbp card.It was now a 8mb shared chips and tech card, able to do 256kb colour and 16 bit and 32 bit true colours.It also had sound, I never had sound till then, with a gemini sound synth from dolphin computers and hal 2.0 I started to get into the win95 ecosystem.This also ended with me having a xircom cm56g a 56kbps pcmcia credit card modem which enabled me to get on the net.Up till now I had achieved a few things.On the keynote I had been through trial and error to modify my cmos to tell it that I was using a colour display, this meant I could take ownership of the monocrome memmory on my video card and make it part of the memmory I had.I was also able  to along with dos 6.22, obtain norton utilities 7 and then 8, and quarterdeck expander emmory qemm 7 eventually upgrading to 8 when I found out how to get access to it.With all this stuff in my posession I started to game.Up to then, I had fiddled with disks my dad had, wolf3d, agent, dave, cat, morce code tutor and a few others just fiddled about.Later on while at school I got friendly with an autistic geek wno had a lot of old style mojo game disks and prism game disks.Out of all these a game we enjoyed playing was intergalactic battle, a menu driven graphical game.Igb was not playable, but the turns were so you could make your choices, it would go to graphics mode and your actions would run.Round this time I got into the net, my first site owned by paul henrichson had a few games on it.Also the audyssey magazine, 17 issues of it.I spent ages reading, learning about the games.I never had a chance to access a bbs or compuserve at all.My geek friend got the net before I did, it was interesting you looked up info and mucked about.Spam back then didn't exist as such.If a site said we want to subscribe you  to something or install our software and get you to look at adds you just did it, if they said they would give you something they usually did.I never took advantages for those things, xdrive was the first cloud drive but it never lasted to long.One thing I did take advantage of was what was then mp3.comGot there, and got asked to put my name in to view a file I did and got subscribed to a news letter and got adds on my system I had no interest.I ignored it, 6 months later a message popped up, thanking me for viewing the adds and asking me to enter my interests saying I would get a cd.After that the software was uninstalled.6 weeks later I got a cd of interesting but weird stuff.Sadly that just like free internet is no more.I was happy I was round back then though.Windows 95 didn't even have much in the way of security updates.I was able to update to 1998 se a little later on and a swan smart 56kb modem to boot.In 1998 I also obtained a software upgrade to hal 4.0 then 5.0.Amongst the improvements was a synth called orphius1.That was good in a way because my gemini through over use had gotten dry several times and had to get serviced/ replaced at least twice.In fact when I took the system to get repaired the second time, I was recomended to upgrade and was given the upgrade  in exchange for my synth and postage.Well that was all ok but things get old.I had by this time played some of the bsc titles and also an early prototype of shades of doom.There were the pcs games, cops, lonewolf, shooting range math panzas in north africa and others.But I had no idea how to buy them and I don't know if I would have anyway I never really played that much zcode, tads and adventure game toolkit were my babies cosmoserve was my favourite title in the games.In the year of 2001, came the truth, even with all my hacks and modifications, the old dos box was falling apart and the old 310 wasn't doing much better.I still have the first box, but after reformatting the cds, I traded it into my gym instructer for 2 dvds of mp3s

Re: audio game market and audio game status around the world

2018-01-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : UltraLeetJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: audio game market and audio game status around the world

right. the smaller community makes those problems perhaps stand out a bit more, but the mainstream industry and this one are pretty much the same. With a few exceptions, the dominating majority of these games are english based ones. However, you would be surprised at the reactions of amacement my sighted colleagues show (and that is about 98% of my friends) when I tell them there can be such a thing as an audio game and the ones who have tried them find them to be really clever and fun, even if the concept is as simple as say, audio disk. I think another reason why those things happen, besides the more social and emotional one is that the adio game world is widely known only in very few countries. Maybe if the concept could have been expanded and communicated some more (and there are some interesting youtube videos which really can do the trick) there would be more awareness and more potential clients. For example, now many people know that blind people can use smartphones because there is an accessibility tab and a magnifier and a screen reader which are usually part of whichever system you are using and they will find that even if by accident.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: audio game market and audio game status around the world

2018-01-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: audio game market and audio game status around the world

You're comparing apples and oranges.  The fact is that even in the mainstream market you have people who are ungreatful and disrespectful.  The reason it seems to matter here a little more is because the community of audiogamers is a rather small one.  My quick and simplistic answer is that people will come and people wil go, but games and true gamers will last forever.


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